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Suspensions of rat brain microsomes, synaptosomes, and synaptic vesicles were able to convert adenosine to inosine by means of adenosine deaminase. Isosbestic points of this transformation, at 222, 250 and 281 nm, remained unchanged with time-course. This fact suggests that adenosine deaminase (ADA, E.C. is located on the surface of the vesicles whereas purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP, E.C. is located inside the vesicles. Kinetic parameters of the particulate 5-nucleotidase (5N, E.C. and adenosine deaminase were analogous to those of the cytosolic enzymes. These results suggest that soluble and particulate enzymes represent different pools of the same molecular species.  相似文献   

Adenosine is a versatile signaling molecule recognized to physiologically influence gut motor functions. Both the duration and magnitude of adenosine signaling in enteric neuromuscular function depend on its availability, which is regulated by the ecto-enzymes ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73), alkaline phosphatase (AP), and ecto-adenosine deaminase (ADA) and by dipyridamole-sensitive equilibrative transporters (ENTs). Our purpose was to assess the involvement of CD73, APs, ecto-ADA in the formation of AMP-derived adenosine in primary cultures of ileal myofibroblasts (IMFs). IMFs were isolated from rat ileum longitudinal muscle segments by means of primary explant technique and identified by immunofluorescence staining for vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin. IMFs confluent monolayers were exposed to exogenous 5′-AMP in the presence or absence of CD73, APs, ecto-ADA, or ENTs inhibitors. The formation of adenosine and its metabolites in the IMFs medium was monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography. The distribution of CD73 and ADA in IMFs was detected by confocal immunocytochemistry and qRT-PCR. Exogenous 5′-AMP was rapidly cleared being almost undetectable after 60-min incubation, while adenosine levels significantly increased. Treatment of IMFs with CD73 inhibitors markedly reduced 5′-AMP clearance whereas ADA blockade or inhibition of both ADA and ENTs prevented adenosine catabolism. By contrast, inhibition of APs did not affect 5′-AMP metabolism. Immunofluorescence staining and qRT-PCR analysis confirmed the expression of CD73 and ADA in IMFs. Overall, our data show that in IMFs an extracellular AMP-adenosine pathway is functionally active and among the different enzymatic pathways regulating extracellular adenosine levels, CD73 and ecto-ADA represent the critical catabolic pathway.  相似文献   

The activity of key enzymes of adenosine metabolism was studied in the developing fetal guinea pig brain. The activities of 5-nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase were determined in the brains of fetal guinea pigs at 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 days of gestation. The level of 5-nucleotidase activity was extremely low at 30 and 35 days of gestation but increased rapidly during the 40 to 60 day period. The enzyme activity increased in the presence of Mg2+ with the Mg2+-dependent activation increasing with the age of gestation. This Mg2+-dependent activity was primarily associated with the membrane fraction. Prenatal hypoxia significantly increased the fetal brain M2+-independent 5-nucleotidase activity at 45 days of gestational age and beyond. Prior to this age, no effect was evident. Furthermore, following hypoxia, the Mg2+-dependent activation of 5-nucleotidase activity was lost. The activity of adenosine deaminase was present at 30 days of gestation and, unlike 5-nucleotidase, it remained at the same level until 60 days. The results indicate that the term fetal guinea pig brain has the enzymatic mechanisms of adenosine metabolism and thus the potential for adenosine-mediated regulation of cerebrovasculature during hypoxia.  相似文献   

Because of the potential involvement of adenosine in the winter re-acquisition of nucleotide synthesis capability of strawberry plants (Fragaria × ananassa Duch., Elsanta), the properties and the time-course activity of an adenosine kinase (EC and an adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRTase, EC of the adenosine recycling pathway were characterized. The results showed an increase in APRTase activity during winter re-acquisition of nucleotide synthesis capability and an increase in adenosine kinase activity during spring growth of strawberry plants. Western blot analysis, performed with polyclonal rabbit antibodies raised against peach bud adenosine kinase, showed a concomitant rise in the strawberry enzyme. These results suggest that APRTase activity could be a good marker of the break of strawberry plant dormancy and adenosine kinase a marker of subsequent spring growth.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - The Kirkpatrick–Barton model, well known to invasion biologists, is a pair of reaction–diffusion equations for the joint evolution of population...  相似文献   

The reaction of the 5 -phosphorimidazolide of adenosine (5-ImpA) with diadenosine pyrophosphate (A5ppA) in the presence of Na+-montmorillonite in aqueous, pH 8 solution results in the regiospecific formation of A5ppA3pA and A5ppA3pA3 pA. The formation of oligomers of general structure (pA)n decreases in the presence of A5ppA. A5ppA3pA is the principal reaction product when a 1:1 ratio of ImpA and A5ppA is used. The yield of A5ppA3pA3pA is optimal when 9:1 or 4:1 ratios of ImpA: A5ppA are used. The overall regiospecificity of formation of 3,5-links is about 80%. The reaction between ImpA and A5ppA on montmorillonite differs from the self-condensation of ImpA in that it proceeds in the absence of Mg2+ and there are only small differences in oligomer yields when Na+, Li+ Ca2+, and NH 4 + are the exchangeable cations on the montmorillonite. The reaction is inhibited by 0.4 M imidazole but the inhibition is suppressed with 0.4 M Mg2+. Little or no phosphodiester bond formation was observed with Mg2+- or Al3+-montmorillonite. Montmorillonites other than 22A and Volclay exhibited no catalysis for the formation of adducts between ImpA and A5ppA and no catalysis was exhibited in ferrugenous smectite, nontronite, allophane, or sepiolite.  相似文献   

The abundant deposits of spherical iron-manganese concretions in the Gulf of Finland are colonized by bacteria in vast numbers. Communities on the surface and in the porous interior have formed two separate clusters, in accordance with their genetic differences. The overall bacterial community in the concretions was highly diverse, representing 12 phyla. Half of the bacteria were affiliated with the most common classes of Proteobacteria, while a third of the bacteria were unclassified. Cloned 16S rRNA-gene sequences of the concretion bacteria showed high scores for similarity to the sequences obtained from sea sediments, metal-rich environments, and ocean crust. The clone library of native concretions was not dominated by known Fe- and Mn-oxidizing species. Known Mn-oxidizing bacteria Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, and Bacillus were enriched in experiments with Mn2+-containing liquid media, whereas Prosthecobacter (Verrucomicrobia) and Rheinheimera were enriched in semisolid media possibly better simulating the natural conditions in the concretions. In a corresponding experiment, the Fe2+-oxygen gradient favored the enrichment of Shewanella baltica and Thalassolituus oleivorans, which are known to reduce Fe and to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons, respectively. An individual spherical concretion forms a microcosm for a diverse microbial community having potential to oxidize Fe and Mn as shown in cultivation experiments. Therefore, bacteria may significantly affect the formation of the concretions in the Gulf of Finland.  相似文献   

 We characterized an amphioxus NK-2 homeobox gene (AmphiNk2–1), a homologue of vertebrate Nkx2–1, which is involved in the development of the central nervous system and thyroid gland. At the early neurula stage of amphioxus, AmphiNk2–1 expression is first detected medially in the neural plate. By the mid-neurula stage, expression is localized ventrally in the nerve cord and also begins in the endoderm. During the late neurula stage, the ventral neural expression becomes transiently segmented posteriorly and is then down-regulated except in the cerebral vesicle at the anterior end of the central nervous system. Within the cerebral vesicle AmphiNk2–1 is expressed in a broad ventral domain, probably comprising both the floor plate and basal plate regions; this pattern is comparable to Nkx2–1 expression in the mouse diencephalon. In the anterior part of the gut, expression becomes intense in the endostyle (the right wall of the pharynx), which is the presumed homologue of the vertebrate thyroid gland. More posteriorly, there is transitory expression in the midgut and hindgut. In sum, the present results help to support homologies (1) between the amphioxus endostyle and the vertebrate thyroid gland and (2) between the amphioxus cerebral vesicle and the vertebrate diencephalic forebrain. Received: 4 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 October 1998  相似文献   

Cultivated peanut is an allotetraploid with an AB-genome. In order to learn more of the genomic structure of peanut, we characterized and studied the evolution of a retrotransposon originally isolated from a resistance gene analog (RGA)-containing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone. It is a moderate copy number Ty1-copia retrotransposon from the Bianca lineage and we named it Matita. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments showed that Matita is mainly located on the distal regions of chromosome arms and is of approximately equal frequency on both A- and B-chromosomes. Its chromosome-specific hybridization pattern facilitates the identification of individual chromosomes, a useful cytogenetic tool considering that chromosomes in peanut are mostly metacentric and of similar size. Phylogenetic analysis of Matita elements, molecular dating of transposition events, and an estimation of the evolutionary divergence of the most probable A- and B-donor species suggest that Matita underwent its last major burst of transposition activity at around the same time of the A- and B-genome divergence about 3.5 million years ago. By probing BAC libraries with overgos probes for Matita, resistance gene analogues, and single- or low-copy genes, it was demonstrated that Matita is not randomly distributed in the genome but exhibits a significant tendency of being more abundant near resistance gene homologues than near single-copy genes. The described work is a further step towards broadening the knowledge on genomic and chromosomal structure of peanut and on its evolution.  相似文献   

Although cancer-regulatory genes are dichotomized to oncogenes and tumor-suppressor gene s, in reality they can be oncogenic in one situation but tumor-suppressive in another. This dual-function nature, which sometimes hampers our understanding of tumor biology, has several manifestations: (1) Most canonically defined genes have multiple mRNAs, regulatory RNAs, protein isoforms, and posttranslational modifications; (2) Genes may interact at different levels, such as by forming chimeric RNAs or by forming different protein complexes; (3) Increased levels of tumor-suppressive genes in normal cells drive proliferation of cancer progenitor cells in the same organ or tissue by imposing compensatory proliferation pressure, which presents the dual-function nature as a cell–cell interaction. All these manifestations of dual functions can find examples in the genes along the CCND–CDK4/6–RB axis. The dual-function nature also underlies the heterogeneity of cancer cells. Gene-targeting chemotherapies, including that targets CDK4, are effective to some cancer cells but in the meantime may promote growth or progression of some others in the same patient. Redefining “gene” by considering each mRNA, regulatory RNA, protein isoform, and posttranslational modification from the same genomic locus as a “gene” may help in better understanding tumor biology and better selecting targets for different sub-populations of cancer cells in individual patients for personalized therapy.  相似文献   

1. Adenosine was determined in rapidly frozen rat and guinea-pig brain and in guinea-pig cerebral tissues after incubation in vitro. Adenosine concentrations were approx. 2nmol/g wet wt. in frozen tissue, diminished at room temperature, and returned to 2nmol/g on incubation in oxygenated glucose/salines. 2. Superfusion with noradrenaline then increased the tissue's adenosine concentration 2.5-fold, and hypoxia caused an 8-fold increase. 3. Electrical stimulation alone or in the presence of noradrenaline or histamine increased the tissue's adenosine and cyclic AMP, but adenosine concentrations reached their peak later and were maintained for longer than those of cyclic AMP. 4. Superfusion with l-glutamate with and without electrical excitation raised adenosine concentrations to 15-34nmol/g. The increases in cyclic AMP on electrical stimulation, superfusion with glutamate or a combination of these treatments were diminished by addition of adenosine deaminase or theophylline. 5. It is concluded that adenosine can be produced endogenously in cerebral systems, in sufficient concentrations to accelerate an adenosine-activated adenylate cyclase, and by this route can contribute to the cerebral actions of electrical stimulation and of the neurohumoral agents. In certain instances cyclic AMP as substrate contributes to an increase in adenosine.  相似文献   

Chinese and Russian scientific literature is reviewed, research centers studying pathology of fish and of other aquatic organisms are pointed out. Comparative analysis of scientific problems and of objects of the laboratories and institutes of Russian and China is made. Our original data are presented on the rapid method of early diagnosis of fish diseases.  相似文献   


The extent of specialization/generalization continuum in fruit–frugivore interactions at the individual level remains poorly explored. Here, we investigated the interactions between the Neotropical treelet Miconia irwinii (Melastomataceae) and its avian seed dispersers in Brazilian campo rupestre. We built an individual-based network to derive plant degree of interaction specialization regarding disperser species. Then, we explored how intraspecific variation in interaction niche breadth relates to fruit availability on individual plants in varying densities of fruiting conspecific neighbors, and how these factors affect the quantity of viable seeds dispersed. We predicted broader interaction niche breadths for individuals with larger fruit crops in denser fruiting neighborhoods. The downscaled network included nine bird species and 15 plants, which varied nearly five-fold in their degree of interaction specialization. We found positive effects of crop size on visitation and fruit removal rates, but not on degree of interaction specialization. Conversely, we found that an increase in the density of conspecific fruiting neighbors both increased visitation rate and reduced plant degree of interaction specialization. We suggest that tracking fruit-rich patches by avian frugivore species is the main driver of density-dependent intraspecific variation in plants’ interaction niche breadth. Our study shed some light on the overlooked fitness consequences of intraspecific variation in interaction niches by showing that individuals along the specialization/generalization continuum may have their seed dispersed with similar effectiveness. Our study exemplifies how individual-based networks linking plants to frugivore species that differ in their seed dispersal effectiveness can advance our understanding of intraspecific variation in the outcomes of fruit–frugivore interactions.


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