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Cyclic nucleotide-sensitive ion channels are molecular pores that open in response to cAMP or cGMP, which are universal second messengers. Binding of a cyclic nucleotide to the carboxyterminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) of these channels is thought to cause a conformational change that promotes channel opening. The C-linker domain, which connects the channel pore to this CNBD, plays an important role in coupling ligand binding to channel opening. Current structural insight into this mechanism mainly derives from X-ray crystal structures of the C-linker/CNBD from hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-modulated (HCN) channels. However, these structures reveal little to no conformational changes upon comparison of the ligand-bound and unbound form. In this study, we take advantage of a recently identified prokaryote ion channel, SthK, which has functional properties that strongly resemble cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels and is activated by cAMP, but not by cGMP. We determined X-ray crystal structures of the C-linker/CNBD of SthK in the presence of cAMP or cGMP. We observe that the structure in complex with cGMP, which is an antagonist, is similar to previously determined HCN channel structures. In contrast, the structure in complex with cAMP, which is an agonist, is in a more open conformation. We observe that the CNBD makes an outward swinging movement, which is accompanied by an opening of the C-linker. This conformation mirrors the open gate structures of the Kv1.2 channel or MthK channel, which suggests that the cAMP-bound C-linker/CNBD from SthK represents an activated conformation. These results provide a structural framework for better understanding cyclic nucleotide modulation of ion channels, including HCN and CNG channels.  相似文献   

The dependence of currents through the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels of mammalian olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on the concentration of NaCl was studied in excised inside-out patches from their dendritic knobs using the patch-clamp technique. With a saturating concentration (100 μm) of adenosine 3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), the changes in the reversal potential of macroscopic currents were studied at NaCl concentrations from 25 to 300 mm. In symmetrical NaCl solutions without the addition of divalent cations, the current-voltage relations were almost linear, reversing close to 0 mV. When the external NaCl concentration was maintained at 150 mm and the internal concentrations were varied, the reversal potentials of the cAMP-activated currents closely followed the Na+ equilibrium potential indicating that P Cl/P Na≈ 0. However, at low external NaCl concentrations (≤100 mm) there was some significant chloride permeability. Our results further indicated that Na+ currents through these channels: (i) did not obey the independence principle; (ii) showed saturation kinetics with K ms in the range of 100–150 mm and (iii) displayed a lack of voltage dependence of conductance in asymmetric solutions that suggested that ion-binding sites were situated midway along the channel. Together, these characteristics indicate that the permeation properties of the olfactory CNG channels are significantly different from those of photoreceptor CNG channels. Received: 7 November 1996/Revised: 24 March 1997  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii is an intracellular pathogen that replicates in a lysosome-derived vacuole. The molecular mechanisms used by this bacterium to create a pathogen-occupied vacuole remain largely unknown. Here, we conducted a visual screen on an arrayed library of C. burnetii NMII transposon insertion mutants to identify genes required for biogenesis of a mature Coxiella-containing vacuole (CCV). Mutants defective in Dot/Icm secretion system function or the PmrAB regulatory system were incapable of intracellular replication. Several mutants with intracellular growth defects were found to have insertions in genes encoding effector proteins translocated into host cells by the Dot/Icm system. These included mutants deficient in the effector proteins Cig57, CoxCC8 and Cbu1754. Mutants that had transposon insertions in genes important in central metabolism or encoding tRNA modification enzymes were identified based on the appearance filamentous bacteria intracellularly. Lastly, mutants that displayed a multi-vacuolar phenotype were identified. All of these mutants had a transposon insertion in the gene encoding the effector protein Cig2. Whereas vacuoles containing wild type C. burnetii displayed robust accumulation of the autophagosome protein LC3, the vacuoles formed by the cig2 mutant did not contain detectible amounts of LC3. Furthermore, interfering with host autophagy during infection by wild type C. burnetii resulted in a multi-vacuolar phenotype similar to that displayed by the cig2 mutant. Thus, a functional Cig2 protein is important for interactions between the CCV and host autophagosomes and this drives a process that enhances the fusogenic properties of this pathogen-occupied organelle.  相似文献   

We used the chimeric Arabidopsis cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel AtCNGC11/12 to conduct a structure-function study of plant cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels (CNGCs). AtCNGC11/12 induces multiple pathogen resistance responses in the Arabidopsis mutant constitutive expresser of PR genes 22 (cpr22). A genetic screen for mutants that suppress cpr22-conferred phenotypes identified an intragenic mutant, #73, which has a glutamate to lysine substitution (E519K) at the beginning of the eighth beta-sheet of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain in AtCNGC11/12. The #73 mutant is morphologically identical to wild-type plants and has lost cpr22-related phenotypes including spontaneous cell death and enhanced pathogen resistance. Heterologous expression analysis using a K(+)-uptake-deficient yeast mutant revealed that this Glu519 is important for AtCNGC11/12 channel function, proving that the occurrence of cpr22 phenotypes requires active channel function of AtCNGC11/12. Additionally, Glu519 was also found to be important for the function of the wild-type channel AtCNGC12. Computational structural modeling and in vitro cAMP-binding assays suggest that Glu519 is a key residue for the structural stability of AtCNGCs and contributes to the interaction of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain and the C-linker domain, rather than the binding of cAMP. Furthermore, a mutation in the alpha-subunit of the human cone receptor CNGA3 that causes total color blindness aligned well to the position of Glu519 in AtCNGC11/12. This suggests that AtCNGC11/12 suppressors could be a useful tool for discovering important residues not only for plant CNGCs but also for CNGCs in general.  相似文献   

Many have worked to create cardiac action potential models that explicitly represent atomic-level details of ion channel structure. Such models have the potential to define new therapeutic directions and to show how nanoscale perturbations to channel function predispose patients to deadly cardiac arrhythmia. However, there have been significant experimental and theoretical barriers that have limited model usefulness. Recently, many of these barriers have come down, suggesting that considerable progress toward creating these long-sought models may be possible in the near term.  相似文献   

Behavioral output of neural networks depends on a delicate balance between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections. However, it is not known whether network formation and stability is constrained by the sign of synaptic connections between neurons within the network. Here we show that switching the sign of a synapse within a neural circuit can reverse the behavioral output. The inhibitory tyramine-gated chloride channel, LGC-55, induces head relaxation and inhibits forward locomotion during the Caenorhabditis elegans escape response. We switched the ion selectivity of an inhibitory LGC-55 anion channel to an excitatory LGC-55 cation channel. The engineered cation channel is properly trafficked in the native neural circuit and results in behavioral responses that are opposite to those produced by activation of the LGC-55 anion channel. Our findings indicate that switches in ion selectivity of ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) do not affect network connectivity or stability and may provide an evolutionary and a synthetic mechanism to change behavior.  相似文献   

Genetic suppressor elements (GSEs) are biomolecules derived from a gene or genome of interest that act as transdominant inhibitors of biological functions presumably by disruption of critical biological interfaces. We exploited a cell death reporter cell line for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, n4mBid, to develop an iterative selection/enrichment strategy for the identification of anti-HCV GSEs. Using this approach, a library of fragments of an HCV genome was screened for sequences that suppress HCV infection. A 244 amino acid gene fragment, B1, was strongly enriched after 5 rounds of selection. B1 derives from a single-base frameshift of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) which was used as a filler during fragment cloning. B1 has a very high net positive charge of 43 at neutral pH and a high charge-to-mass (kDa) ratio of 1.5. We show that B1 expression specifically inhibits HCV replication. In addition, five highly positively charged B1 fragments produced from progressive truncation at the C-terminus all retain the ability to inhibit HCV, suggesting that a high positive charge, rather than a particular motif in B1, likely accounts for B1’s anti-HCV activity. Another supercharged protein, +36GFP, was also found to strongly inhibit HCV replication when added to cells at the time of infection. This study reports a new methodology for HCV inhibitor screening and points to the anti-HCV potential of positively charged proteins/peptides.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dopamine receptors belong to the seven transmembrane helix-containing, G protein-coupled receptor superfamily. Mutagenesis studies suggest that dopamine and its analogues interact with aspartate-114 in helix 3 and two helix 5 serines (194 and 197) of the D2 receptor. In addition to these amino acids, hydrophobic residues within the receptor core may be important not only for binding but also for receptor activation. Described is a site-directed mutagenesis investigation into the roles of these hydrophobic residues in the long isoform of the human D2 receptor. Replacement of helix 6 phenylalanines (389 or 390) with alanines resulted in disrupted binding to several agonists and antagonists and impaired inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity. Replacement of the helix 5 phenylalanine-198 with an alanine selectively disrupted [3H]N-0437 binding, whereas the affinities for other agonists and antagonists remained unchanged. This mutant remained functionally intact when stimulated with dopamine or bromocriptine. Replacement of the helix 7 phenylalanine-411 or the helix 6 leucine-387 with alanines produced receptors that bound agonists well but were unable to inhibit adenylyl cyclase. Based on these data, two conserved helix 6 phenylalanines (389 and 390) appear to be crucial for ligand binding, and phenylalanine-411 in helix 7 and leucine-387 in helix 6 may be important for propagating conformational changes from the agonist binding site(s) to G protein coupling domain(s) of the D2 receptor.  相似文献   

All bacteria use the conserved Sec pathway to transport proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane, with the SecA ATPase playing a central role in the process. Mycobacteria are part of a small group of bacteria that have two SecA proteins: the canonical SecA (SecA1) and a second, specialized SecA (SecA2). The SecA2-dependent pathway exports a small subset of proteins and is required for Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence. The mechanism by which SecA2 drives export of proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane remains poorly understood. Here we performed suppressor analysis on a dominant negative secA2 mutant (secA2 K129R) of the model mycobacterium Mycobacterium smegmatis to better understand the pathway used by SecA2 to export proteins. Two extragenic suppressor mutations were identified as mapping to the promoter region of secY, which encodes the central component of the canonical Sec export channel. These suppressor mutations increased secY expression, and this effect was sufficient to alleviate the secA2 K129R phenotype. We also discovered that the level of SecY protein was greatly diminished in the secA2 K129R mutant, but at least partially restored in the suppressors. Furthermore, the level of SecY in a suppressor strongly correlated with the degree of suppression. Our findings reveal a detrimental effect of SecA2 K129R on SecY, arguing for an integrated system in which SecA2 works with SecY and the canonical Sec translocase to export proteins.  相似文献   

DnaK is a molecular chaperone that has important roles in protein folding. The hydrolysis of ATP is essential to this activity, and the effects of nucleotides on the structure and function of DnaK have been extensively studied. However, the key residues that govern the conformational motions that define the apo, ATP-bound, and ADP-bound states are not entirely clear. Here, we used molecular dynamics simulations, mutagenesis, and enzymatic assays to explore the molecular basis of this process. Simulations of DnaK''s nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) in the apo, ATP-bound, and ADP/Pi-bound states suggested that each state has a distinct conformation, consistent with available biochemical and structural information. The simulations further suggested that large shearing motions between subdomains I-A and II-A dominated the conversion between these conformations. We found that several evolutionally conserved residues, especially G228 and G229, appeared to function as a hinge for these motions, because they predominantly populated two distinct states depending on whether ATP or ADP/Pi was bound. Consistent with the importance of these “hinge” residues, alanine point mutations caused DnaK to have reduced chaperone activities in vitro and in vivo. Together, these results clarify how sub-domain motions communicate allostery in DnaK.  相似文献   

cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG)-interacting proteins (GKIPs) mediate cellular targeting of PKG isoforms by interacting with their leucine zipper (LZ) domains. These interactions prevent aberrant signaling cross-talk between different PKG isotypes. To gain detailed insight into isotype-specific GKIP recognition by PKG, we analyzed the type II PKG leucine zipper domain and found that residues 40–83 dimerized and specifically interacted with Rab11b. Next, we determined a crystal structure of the PKG II LZ-Rab11b complex. The PKG II LZ domain presents a mostly nonpolar surface onto which Rab11b docks, through van der Waals interactions. Contact surfaces in Rab11b are found in switch I and II, interswitch, and the β1/N-terminal regions. This binding surface dramatically differs from that seen in the Rab11 family of interacting protein complex structures. Structural comparison with PKG Iα and Iβ LZs combined with mutagenic analysis reveals that GKIP recognition is mediated through surface charge interactions.  相似文献   

T-cell receptors (TCR) play an important role in the adaptive immune system as they recognize pathogen- or cancer-based epitopes and thus initiate the cell-mediated immune response. Therefore there exists a growing interest in the optimization of TCRs for medical purposes like adoptive T-cell therapy. However, the molecular mechanisms behind T-cell signaling are still predominantly unknown. For small sets of TCRs it was observed that the angle between their Vα- and Vβ-domains, which bind the epitope, can vary and might be important for epitope recognition. Here we present a comprehensive, quantitative study of the variation in the Vα/Vβ interdomain-angle and its influence on epitope recognition, performing a systematic bioinformatics analysis based on a representative set of experimental TCR structures. For this purpose we developed a new, cuboid-based superpositioning method, which allows a unique, quantitative analysis of the Vα/Vβ-angles. Angle-based clustering led to six significantly different clusters. Analysis of these clusters revealed the unexpected result that the angle is predominantly influenced by the TCR-clonotype, whereas the bound epitope has only a minor influence. Furthermore we could identify a previously unknown center of rotation (CoR), which is shared by all TCRs. All TCR geometries can be obtained by rotation around this center, rendering it a new, common TCR feature with the potential of improving the accuracy of TCR structure prediction considerably. The importance of Vα/Vβ rotation for signaling was confirmed as we observed larger variances in the Vα/Vβ-angles in unbound TCRs compared to epitope-bound TCRs. Our results strongly support a two-step mechanism for TCR-epitope: First, preformation of a flexible TCR geometry in the unbound state and second, locking of the Vα/Vβ-angle in a TCR-type specific geometry upon epitope-MHC association, the latter being driven by rotation around the unique center of rotation.  相似文献   

Type A botulinum neurotoxin is one of the most lethal of the seven serotypes and is increasingly used as a therapeutic agent in neuromuscular dysfunctions. Its toxic function is related to zinc-endopeptidase activity of the N-terminal light chain (LC) on synaptosome-associated protein-25 kDa (SNAP-25) of the SNARE complex. To understand the determinants of substrate specificity and assist the development of strategies for effective inhibitors, we used site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the effects of 13 polar residues of the LC on substrate binding and catalysis. Selection of the residues for mutation was based on a computational analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the LC modeled with a 17-residue substrate fragment of SNAP-25. Steady-state kinetic parameters for proteolysis of the substrate fragment were determined for a set of 16 single mutants. Of the mutated residues non-conserved among the serotypes, replacement of Arg-230 and Asp-369 by polar or apolar residues resulted in drastic lowering of the catalytic rate constant (k cat), but had less effect on substrate affinity (K m). Substitution of Arg-230 with Lys decreased the catalytic efficiency (k cat/K m) by 50-fold, whereas replacement by Leu yielded an inactive protein. Removal of the electrostatic charge at Asp-369 by mutation to Asn resulted in 140-fold decrease in k cat/K m. Replacement of other variable residues surrounding the catalytic cleft (Glu-54, Glu-63, Asn-66, Asp-130, Asn-161, Glu-163, Glu-170, Glu-256), had only marginal effect on decreasing the catalytic efficiency, but unexpectedly the substitution of Lys-165 with Leu resulted in fourfold increase in k cat/K m. For comparison purposes, two conserved residues Arg-362 and Tyr-365 were investigated with substitutions of Leu and Phe, respectively, and their catalytic efficiency decreased 140- and 10-fold, respectively, whereas substitution of the tyrosine ring with Asn abolished activity. The altered catalytic efficiencies of the mutants were not due to any significant changes in secondary or tertiary structures, or in zinc content and thermal stability. We suggest that, despite the large minimal substrate size for catalysis, only a few non-conserved residues surrounding the active site are important to render the LC competent for catalysis or provide conformational selection of the substrate.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that inflammatory processes play pivotal role in the development of intracranial aneurysm (IA). Recently, polymorphisms in the interleukin-12 (IL-12) gene were shown to be associated with immune-mediated inflammatory disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the interactions of IL-12A and IL-12B polymorphisms on the risk of IA in a Chinese population. A total of 422 individuals (including 164 patients with IA and 258 controls) were involved in the study. The polymorphisms (i.e., rs2243115 and rs568408 in IL-12A and rs3212227 in IL-12B) were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism assay and DNA sequencing. We found an association of the AC/CC genotypes and C allele of IL-12B rs3212227 with an increased risk of IA, compared with the AA genotype and A allele (AC/CC vs. AA: OR?=?2.09, 95?% CI: 1.29–3.38; C vs. A: OR?=?1.45, 95?% CI: 1.10–1.91). Moreover, a significant gene interaction of IL-12A and IL-12B was evident on the risk of IA, and subjects carrying variant genotypes of IL-12B rs3212227 had an increased risk of IA. In the stratified analysis by gender, the IL-12B rs3212227 AC/CC genotypes had an increased risk of IA compared with the AA genotype in male patients (AC/CC vs. AA: OR?=?4.63, 95?% CI: 1.92–11.16). These findings suggest that the IL-12A and IL-12B independently and jointly be involved in the susceptibility to IA.  相似文献   

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