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? Premise of the study: One potential threat to rare species is genetic swamping caused by hybridization, but few studies have quantified this threat. Rhododendron cyanocarpum is a narrow endemic species that occurs sympatrically with potentially interfertile congeners throughout its range within Yunnan, China. We searched the entire distribution of R. cyanocarpum for hybrids and examined the patterns of hybridization to assess potential threat from hybridization. ? Methods: In a comprehensive field survey, we detected only one instance of hybridization involving R. cyanocarpum, with R. delavayi, at Huadianba near Dali. Material of both species and putative hybrids was examined using morphology, chloroplast DNA, nuclear ribosomal DNA, and Bayesian analysis of AFLP profiles. ? Key results: Of 10 putative hybrids, two were F(1)(')s and at least seven were F(2)(')s. Four backcrosses to R. delavayi were detected among material with R. delavayi-like morphology within the hybrid zone. Backcrosses to R. cyanocarpum were not detected. Therefore F(2)(')s outnumbered all other classes within the hybrid zone, a situation not previously confirmed for plants and extremely rare generally. Hybridization was asymmetrical, with R. delavayi as the maternal parent in all but one of the hybrids detected. ? Conclusions: Although natural hybridization is common in Rhododendron, it is rare in R. cyanocarpum and is apparently not accompanied by backcrossing toward R. cyanocarpum. Hence, there is no immediate risk of genetic swamping, unless habitat disturbance increases and changes the patterns of hybridization. Our study is the first to report a plant hybrid zone dominated by F(2) hybrids. This pattern might contribute to species barrier maintenance.  相似文献   

Many alpine plants are predominantly outcrossing, thus plant reproductive success is highly dependent on effectiveness of pollinators. How pollinators transfer pollen from one flower to another is of great interest in understanding the genetic structure in plant populations. We studied (1) the role and effectiveness of insect visitors for pollination, and (2) their contribution as pollen vectors for gene dispersal in a Rhododendron ferrugineum population. Various insect visitors were recorded, including Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. The most frequent and effective insects were honey bees and bumblebees. Muscid flies were considered as important pollinators, particularly due to their relatively high visitation rate. Syrphid flies, Formicidae, and Coleoptera were ineffective in transporting pollen, while the effectiveness of Lepidoptera and Empididae was negligible. A fluorescence labelling experiment revealed that pollen dispersal was restricted (0 - 2 m) in a dense R. ferrugineum stand and decreased in a leptokurtic fashion. This might lead to geitonogamous self-pollination that could explain the close relationship between individuals found in genetic studies of R. ferrugineum. However, some pollen grains may travel 40 - 45 m, which implies the occurrence of cross-pollination through the foraging activities of bumblebees and honey bees.  相似文献   

To further understand natural variation and local adaptation in the evolution of plant defense, we analyzed polymorphism data of nucleotide-binding site (NBS) sequences of Rhododendron at both the species and population levels. Multiple duplication events were found in NBS sequence evolution in Rhododendron genomes, which resulted in six clades: A–F. Our results of several NBS clade pair comparisons showed significant evolutionary rate changes based on differences in substitution rates between NBS-encoding protein clades (type I functional divergence). Pairwise comparisons of NBS clades further revealed that many amino acids displayed radical biochemical property changes causing a shift in amino acid preferences between NBS-encoding protein clades (type II functional divergence). Such divergent evolution of NBSs is likely a consequence of positive selection related to differentiation of recognition signals in response to different pathogens. Primers specific to clades B and C, which differed in the number of radical amino acid changes causing type II functional divergence and levels of nucleotide diversities, were further used to amplify population clades B and C NBS sequences of Rhododendron formosanum populations. Higher levels of net nucleotide divergences (measured by D a) between R. formosanum populations were found based on NBS sequences of population clade B compared to population clade C, suggesting local adaptation of population clade B NBS sequences. Local adaptation can be further inferred for R. formosanum population clade B NBS sequences because of significant Φ ST based on variation in nonsynonymous substitutions. Furthermore, local adaptation was also suggested by no significant correlation of population pairwise F ST between population clades B and C in R. formosanum.  相似文献   

1. Changes in species distributions along rivers have rarely been observed independently of changes in environmental conditions and meaningful comparison between different catchments is made difficult by the limited geographical distribution of species. This study presents a new approach to quantify the effect of the spatial structure of lowland river networks on aquatic plant distribution and to explore the potential underlying processes using species life‐history characteristics. 2. Twenty‐five species of aquatic vascular plants recorded in 62 sites across five calcareous river basins were used to investigate (i) the temporal turnover of plant species, (ii) the habitat utilisation of species, (iii) the trade‐offs between different plant life‐history characteristics and (iv) the relationship between species life‐history characteristics and habitat utilisation. 3. The annual plant turnover within a 3‐year period was, although significant, extremely low. It suggests that results from spatial surveys conducted over 3 years should not be undermined by temporal changes. 4. Spatial connectivity along and between rivers was more important than in‐channel physical characteristics in shaping species assemblages. Neither chemical factors (ammonium, phosphate) nor extrinsic biotic competitors (filamentous green algae) significantly influenced plant distribution. 5. The most common combinations of life‐history characteristics were neither related to environmental conditions nor to spatial isolation. Instead, they could reflect natural selection processes associated with larger scales than those considered in this study. 6. Plant distribution was most strongly related to the dispersal and regeneration abilities of the plants, supporting the hypotheses relating to longitudinal connectivity. The hypothesis that different growth forms would be associated with different in‐channel physical features was not verified. As expected, there were no substantial differences in plant life‐history characteristics between river basins.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of six rhododendrons with contrasting local distribution patterns in Hong Kong was assessed by starch gel electrophoresis. Rhododendron championiae, R. hongkongense and R. simiarum are locally rare with disjunct distributions, R. moulmainense is restricted and R. farrerae and R. simsii are common. For each species, 13-18 allozyme loci representing 12-16 enzyme systems were scored. The six species showed similar levels of genetic variations (HT ranged from 0.209 to 0.386 and AT ranged from 2.4 to 4.1) which are high compared to plants with similar life history traits. Genetic structure, in contrast, varied greatly between species, with FST ranging from 0.056 to 0.393. The three rarest species had high genetic differentiation (FST and FPT) and distinct geographical patterns, while the other three had low differentiation and little or no geographical structure. These differences are attributed to both present distributions and historical changes following deforestation within the last 1000 years. The conservation implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Ng  Sai-Chit  Corlett  Richard T. 《Plant Ecology》2003,164(2):225-233
Six native Rhododendron species grow in thedegraded, fire-prone landscape of Hong Kong: R. simsii andR. farrerae are common and widespread, R.moulmainense is relatively restricted, and R.championiae, R. hongkongense, and R.simiarum are rare. For all species except the rare R.simiarum, there was direct or indirect evidence of regrowth afterfire, but only the two smallest and commonest species grow in sites which arefrequently burned. Both flowered within 18 months of a fire. Most populationsofall species, except R. simiarum, had a deficiency ofindividuals in the smaller basal circumference classes. Seedlings were foundonly in three out of four plots of R. simiarum, and one ofR. farrerae. A few seedlings of the other rare specieswereseen in open, litter-free microsites outside the study plots, but no seedlingsof the most common species, R. simsii, were seen anywhere.In logistic regression models, one or more measures of plant size weresignificant positive predictors of flowering at least once in the three yearstudy period for all species, while percentage cover by surrounding vegetationhad a significant negative impact on all except R. simsiiand R. farrerae, for which no populations arestrongly-shaded. Although the absence of current recruitment is not necessarilya cause for concern in long-lived species that can resprout after fire, werecommend that active vegetation management should be tried to enhance thesurvival and reproduction of R. moulmainense, R.championiae and R. hongkongense, and that newpopulations of these species and R. simiarum should becreated.  相似文献   

Populations of Sinojackia rehderiana are highly threatened and have small and scattered distribution due to habitat fragmentation and human activities. Understanding changes in genetic diversity, the fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) at different life stages and gene flow of S. rehderiana is critical for developing successful conservation strategies for fragmented populations of this endangered species. In this study, 208 adults, 114 juveniles and 136 seedlings in a 50 × 100-m transect within an old-growth forest were mapped and genotyped using eight microsatellite makers to investigate the genetic diversity and SGS of this species. No significant differences in genetic diversity among different life-history stages were found. However, a significant heterozygote deficiency in adults and seedlings may result from substantial biparental inbreeding. Significant fine-scale spatial structure was found in different life-history stages within 19 m, suggesting that seed dispersal mainly occurred near a mother tree. Both historical and contemporary estimates of gene flow (13.06 and 16.77 m) indicated short-distance gene dispersal in isolated populations of S. rehderiana. The consistent spatial structure revealed in different life stages is most likely the result of limited gene flow. Our results have important implications for conservation of extant populations of S. rehderiana. Measures for promoting pollen flow should be taken for in situ conservation. The presence of a SGS in fragmented populations implies that seeds for ex situ conservation should be collected from trees at least 19-m apart to reduce genetic similarity between neighbouring individuals.  相似文献   

Aim This study tests the hypothesis that linear, woody habitat patches surrounding small, sunken rural roads not only function as an unstable sink but also as a true, sustainable habitat for forest plants. Furthermore, factors affecting the presence of forest plant species in sunken roads are determined. Finally, the implications of these findings for the overall metapopulation dynamics of forest plant species in fragmented agricultural landscapes are assessed. Location The study area, c. 155 km2 in size, is situated in a fragmented agricultural landscape within the loamy region of central Belgium. Methods Forest species presence–absence data were collected for 389 sunken roads. The effect of area, depth, age and isolation on sunken road species richness was assessed using linear regression and analysis of variance (anova ). Analysis of covariance was employed to study the interaction between age and isolation. Differences in plant community dispersal spectra in relation to sunken road age and isolation were analysed by means of linear regression and anova . Results Sunken roads proved to function as an important habitat for forest plants. The sink‐hypothesis was falsified by a clear species accumulation in time: sunken road species richness significantly increased with the age of the elements. Sunken road age mainly affected species richness through effects on both area and depth, affecting habitat quality and diversity. Furthermore, sunken road isolation had a significant impact on species richness as well, with the number of forest species decreasing with increasing isolation of the elements, indicating dispersal limitation in sunken road habitats. Moreover, a significant age × isolation interaction effect was demonstrated. Differences in regression slopes for isolation between age classes revealed that the effect of isolation intensified with increasing age of the elements. Differential colonization in relation to forest species dispersal capacities probably account for this, as confirmed by the analysis of sunken road plant community dispersal spectra, with the fraction of species with low dispersal capacities increasing with increasing age and decreasing isolation of the elements. Main conclusions During sunken road development, area and depth increase and, gradually, suitable habitat conditions for forest plant species arise. Depending on their ecological requirements and dispersal capacities, forest species progressively colonize these habitats as a function of the element's isolation. The functioning of sunken roads as a sustainable habitat for forest species enhances the metapopulation viability of forest plants in agricultural landscapes and has important consequences for forest restoration practices. Moreover, the results of this work call for integrating the presence of forest species in small‐scaled linear habitat patches in forest fragmentation studies.  相似文献   

Gene flow has the potential to both constrain and facilitate adaptation to local environmental conditions. The early stages of population divergence can be unstable because of fluctuating levels of gene flow. Investigating temporal variation in gene flow during the initial stages of population divergence can therefore provide insights to the role of gene flow in adaptive evolution. Since the recent colonization of Lake Lesjaskogsvatnet in Norway by European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), local populations have been established in over 20 tributaries. Multiple founder events appear to have resulted in reduced neutral variation. Nevertheless, there is evidence for local adaptation in early life-history traits to different temperature regimes. In this study, microsatellite data from almost a decade of sampling were assessed to infer population structuring and its temporal stability. Several alternative analyses indicated that spatial variation explained 2-3 times more of the divergence in the system than temporal variation. Over all samples and years, there was a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance. However, decomposed pairwise regression analysis revealed differing patterns of genetic structure among local populations and indicated that migration outweighs genetic drift in the majority of populations. In addition, isolation by distance was observable in only three of the six years, and signals of population bottlenecks were observed in the majority of samples. Combined, the results suggest that habitat-specific adaptation in this system has preceded the development of consistent population substructuring in the face of high levels of gene flow from divergent environments.  相似文献   

Kerth G  Petit E 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(13):3943-3950
Metapopulation genetic models consider that colonization and dispersal are distinct behaviours. However, whether colonization and dispersal indeed reflect different biological processes in nature is unclear. One possibility to test this assumption is to assess patterns of autosomal and mitochondrial genetic structure in species with strict female philopatry, such as the communally breeding Bechstein's bat. In this species, mitochondrial DNA can spread only when females establish new colonies, and autosomal DNA is transmitted among colonies only when females mate with solitary males born in foreign colonies. Investigating the genetic structure among 37 colonies, we found that autosomal genes followed an island model on a regional scale and a model of isolation by distance on a larger geographical scale. In contrast, mitochondrial genetic structure revealed no pattern of isolation by distance at a large scale but exhibited an effect of ecological barriers on a regional scale. Our results provide strong empirical evidence that colonization and dispersal do not follow the same behavioural rules in this bat, supporting the assumption of metapopulation genetic models.  相似文献   

The first chromosomal data in Hoplosternum littorale from an isolated South American drainage in north-eastern Brazil are presented. All specimens were characterized by a diploid number (2n) of 60 chromosomes divided into three metacentric, one submetacentric and 26 acrocentric pairs; single nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) on the sixth pair; centromeric and interstitial heterochromatin; GC-rich sites on four large acrocentric chromosomes, including the NOR-bearing pair, and 5S ribosomal genes at terminal region on short arms of two acrocentric pairs. These data are invariably similar to previous reports in H. littorale from distant localities throughout South America, which contrasts with the chromosomal diversity of Callichthyidae and reinforces the role of human activities on the dispersal and colonization of this fish.  相似文献   

Seed germination is the most important transitional event between early stages in the life cycle of spermatophytes and understanding it is crucial to understand plant adaptation and evolution. However, so far seed germination of phylogenetically closely related species has been poorly investigated. To test the hypothises that phylogenetically related plant species have similar seed ecophysiological traits thereby reflecting certain habitat conditions as a result of local adaptation , we studied seed dormancy and germination in seven Mediterranean species in the genus Romulea (Iridaceae). Both the across‐species model and the model accounting for shared evolutionary history showed that cool temperatures (≤ 15°C) were the main factor that promoted seed germination. The absence of embryo growth before radicle emergence is consistent with a prompt germination response at cool temperatures. The range of temperature conditions for germination became wider after a period of warm stratification, denoting a weak primary dormancy. Altogether these results indicate that the studied species exhibit a Mediterranean germination syndrome, but with species‐specific germination requirements clustered in a way that follows the phylogenetic relatedness among those species. In addition, species with heavier seeds from humid habitats showed a wider range of conditions for germination at dispersal time than species from dry habitats possessing lighter seeds. We conclude that while phylogenetically related species showed very similar germination requirements, there are subtle ecologically meaningful differences, confirming the onset of adaptation to local ecological factors mediated by species relatedness.  相似文献   

Although the effects of edges on the biotas of habitat patches have been widely discussed, there have been few empirical studies of the mechanistic basis of population and community differences between patch edges and interiors. This is particularly true of differential effects of edges on species' mortalities, and on interactions in insect populations and communities. Here we examine edge-associated differences in the prevalence and mortality factors of the holly leaf-miner Phytomyza ilicis , in a suburban woodland in Sheffield, U.K. Leaf miner prevalence was higher and survivorship to adulthood lower at the woodland edge. Natural enemies and other mortality factors contributed differently to total mortality at the edge and interior. Mechanisms underlying edge effects on P. ilicis arose from the interaction between microclimate, adult movement and host-plant quality. The differential induction of species mortality found, confirms the complexity of species' responses to habitat edges and the importance of understanding the effects of edges on species interactions.  相似文献   

Multiple processes − including dispersal, morphological innovation, and habitat change − are frequently cited as catalysts for increased diversification. We investigate these processes and the causal linkages among them in the genus Cyphostemma (Vitaceae), a clade comprising ∼200 species that is unique in the Vitaceae for its diversity of growth habits. We reconstruct time‐calibrated evolutionary relationships among 64 species in the genus using five nuclear and chloroplast markers and infer the group's morphological and biogeographic history. We test for changes in speciation rate and evaluate the temporal association and sequencing of events with respect to dispersal, habitat change, and morphological evolution using a Monte Carlo simulation approach. In Cyphostemma, neither dispersal nor morphological evolution is associated with shifts in speciation rate, but dispersal is associated with evolutionary shifts in growth form. Evolution of stem succulence, in particular, is associated with adaptation to local, pre‐existing conditions following long‐distance dispersal, not habitat change in situ. We suggest that the pattern of association between dispersal, morphological innovation, and diversification may depend on the particular characters under study. Lineages with evolutionarily labile characters, such as stem succulence, do not necessarily conform to the notion of niche conservatism and instead demonstrate remarkable morphological adaptation to local climate and edaphic conditions following dispersal.  相似文献   

PALSER, B. F., PHILIPSON, W. R. & PHILIPSON, M. N., 1989. Development of ovule, megagametophyte and early endosperm in Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae). Complete development of ovule, megagametophyte and early endosperm is compared for 15 species (almost complete for four additional species) representing all subgenera and most sections of Rhododendron. In all the ovule is anatropous, unitegmic, tenuinucellate with the lateral and micropylar nucellus disintegrating completely. The integument has a tanniniferous epidermis, starch around egg apparatus and micropyle, an endothelium and hypostase. Differences occur in time of closure of the micropyle and its final length, total proportion of ovule occupied by gametophyte and by formation of ovule tails only in section Vireya. Megagametophyte development follows the Polygonum pattern in all species. A single archesporial cell becomes the megaspore mother cell directly, and the chalazal spore of a linear tetrad functions. Between the eight-nucleate stage and maturity the micropylar end of the gametophyte elongates into the micropyle. Starch is characteristically present in the mature central cell. The pollen tube penetrates porogamously and double fertilization is rapid. Endosperm development starts promptly and is cellular, first forming a linear row of four cells. The zygote elongates slightly but does not divide during the stages followed. Differences may occur in time of enlargement, orientation of some mitoses, some cellular characteristics, amount of starch present and final size of megagametophyte. Rare abnormalities occur.  相似文献   

At the eastern margins of the geographical distribution in Europe, populations of Cepaea nemoralis are sparse and limited to urban environments to which they are possibly confined by relatively warmer climates. In 1999 we introduced 1101 C. nemoralis individuals originating from nine urban populations to a rural location in the area. The snails established a viable population, which suggests that confinement to urban settings is dispersal‐ rather than climate‐limited. The snails filled available habitats at a rate of approximately 400–600 m2 year?1. On the whole, morph frequencies remained remarkably stable; changes that occurred are attributable to segregation of alleles or chromosomes. However, snails responded to habitat heterogeneity: consistent and predictable divergence occurred between habitat types, such that light‐shelled snails were repeatedly more frequent in the open than in adjoining shaded habitats. This suggests the operation of climatic and/or visual selection. As the whole area encompassing seven distinct habitat patches was only 0.3 ha, and the maximum duration of population divergence was only 11 years (fewer than four snail generations), these results indicate extremely small temporal and spatial scales of adaptation during initial phases of population establishment and spread. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 462–470.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of hydrochory on the formation of the present range of a species and the spatial distribution of genetic variation, we assessed the rangewide genetic structure of a hydrochorous riparian Japanese species (Rhododendron ripense) using four nuclear microsatellite loci. The patterns of isolation by distance and Bayesian clustering analyses of 33 populations suggested that the present range, characterized by both localized and disjunct distributions across the sea, arose from two contrasting colonization events: (1) primary colonization along two Pleistocene rivers that have been submerged and become partly isolated by marine transgression by 6000 years ago, and (2) additional range expansions from these rivers into unconnected neighboring rivers as a result of river captures. Along the Pleistocene rivers, frequent gene flow by hydrochory resulted in the retention of considerable genetic diversity within each population and genetic homogenization among populations. Within unconnected neighboring rivers, genetic diversity was also retained by the simultaneous redistribution of many individuals as a result of river captures, whereas restricted gene flow within a river resulted in genetic divergence among the river populations. Thus, the evolutionary history of hydrochorous R. ripense appears to have been strongly shaped by both ancient and modern rivers.  相似文献   

Abstract The present study of Brassica cretica had two objectives. First, we compared estimates of population structure (Qst) for seven phenotypic characters with the corresponding measures for allozyme markers (Fst) to evaluate the supposition that genetic drift is a major determinant of the evolutionary history of this species. Secondly, we compared the genetic (co)variance ( G ) matrices of five populations to examine whether a long history of population isolation is associated with large, consistent differences in the genetic (co)variance structure. Differences between estimates of Fst and Qst were too small to be declared significant, indicating that stochastic processes have played a major role in the structuring of quantitative variation in this species. Comparison of populations using the common principal component (CPC) method rejected the hypothesis that the G matrices differed by a simple constant of proportionality: most of the variation involved principal component structure rather than the eigenvalues. However, there was strong evidence for proportionality in comparisons using the method of percentage reduction in mean‐square error (MSE), at least when characters with unusually high (co)variance estimates were included in the analyses. Although the CPC and MSE methods provide different, but complementary, views of G matrix variation, we urge caution in the use of proportionality as an indicator of whether genetic drift is responsible for divergence in the G matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Dispersal capabilities of organisms are critical in determining the landscape population structure of species as well as their likelihood of survival in fragmented landscapes. Using mark–recapture techniques on the monophagous weevil Rhyssomatus lineaticollis Say (Curculionidae), within- and between-patch dispersal capabilities, landscape level population structure, and the role of beetle density and host patch characteristics in setting distances, amounts, and timing of dispersal were studied.
2. The data indicate that R. lineaticollis is sedentary, with 50% of recaptured beetles moving < 1 m and the maximum distance moved < 1 km. Within- and between-patch movement of beetles was unrelated to host plant patch characteristics and beetle densities.
3. Despite limited dispersal, R. lineaticollis probably functions as a patchy population in east-central Iowa, U.S.A. because dispersals between patches are common and because all host patches surveyed contained this herbivore, indicating a lack of suitable vacant patches, a prerequisite for metapopulation structure.
4. Between-patch distances are well within the dispersal capabilities of R. lineaticollis , although this may be the result of an increase in the density of patches of its host, Asclepias syriaca , in the landscape over the last 150 years as a result of human disturbance and this species' weedy habit.
5. Metapopulation structure in monophagous prairie herbivores may be most likely in species whose non-weedy host plants form highly predictable resources in space and time, but which are now widely scattered in habitat fragments.  相似文献   

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