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We compared the heat-denaturation profiles of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and Rubisco activase and further examined the ability of Rubisco activase to restore the activity of heat-denatured Rubisco originally reported (E. Sanchez de Jimenez, L. Medrano, and E. Martinez-Barajas [1995] Biochemistry 34: 2826-2831). Rubisco was heat-treated in both the carbamylated and uncarbamylated forms and in the presence and absence of 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT). Both forms were highly resistant to heat denaturation and further protection was gained in the presence of DTT. A 50% loss in total activity occurred after 1 h at 57.5 and 55.2[deg]C for uncarbamylated Rubisco and at 60.2 and 59.6[deg]C for carbamylated Rubisco, in each case with and without DTT, respectively. In contrast, Rubisco activase lost 50% activity after only 5 min at 33[deg]C and the loss in activity was not affected by the presence of Rubisco. When Rubisco, heat-denatured to various extents, was incubated at room temperature with Rubisco activase or bovine serum albumin as a control, Rubisco activase did not have a significant specific ability to restore Rubisco activity. We conclude that Rubisco activase alone does not have the ability to restore the activity of heat-denatured Rubisco and is unlikely to protect or restore Rubisco activity from heat denaturation in vivo because it is more heat-labile than Rubisco.  相似文献   

Lan Y  Mott KA 《Plant physiology》1991,95(2):604-609
The spectrophotometric assay for ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) was used to determine the rate of increase in Rubisco activity over time in the presence or absence of Rubisco activase. Polynomial approximations to the raw data were used to smooth out minor fluctuations in the spectrophotometer readings, and Rubisco activase activity was expressed as nanomoles of activated Rubisco per minute. This assay was used to examine the effects of CO2 and the inactive-Rubisco:ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate complex (ER) on the activase-catalyzed activation reaction. Double-reciprocal plots of activase activity and ER at several concentrations of CO2 were consistent with two-substrate Michaelis-Menton kinetics, and the apparent Km (CO2) and Km(ER) were determined to be 53 and 2.7 micromolar, respectively. These data do not prove that ER and CO2 are substrates for the reaction catalyzed by activase, but they may be important to our understanding of the activation process in vivo. The implications of these data and their relation to previously published data on the effects of ER and CO2 on activase are discussed.  相似文献   

The activation state of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) in a lysed chloroplast system is increased by light in the presence of a saturating concentration of ATP and a physiological concentration of CO2 (10 micromolar). Electron transport inhibitors and artificial electron donors and acceptors were used to determine in which region of the photosynthetic electron transport chain this light-dependent reaction occurred. In the presence of DCMU and methyl viologen, the artificial donors durohydroquinone and 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) plus ascorbate both supported light activation of rubisco at saturating ATP concentrations. No light activation occurred when DCPIP was used as an acceptor with water as electron donor in the presence of ATP and dibromothymoquinone, even though photosynthetic electron transport was observed. Nigericin completely inhibited the light-dependent activation of rubisco. Based on these results, we conclude that stimulation of light activation of rubisco by rubisco activase requires electron transport through PSI but not PSII, and that this light requirement is not to supply the ATP needed by the rubisco activase reaction. Furthermore, a pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane appears necessary for maximum light activation of rubisco even when ATP is provided exogenously.  相似文献   

The enzyme-catalyzed activation of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) was investigated in an illuminated reconstituted system containing thylakoid membranes, rubisco, ribulosebisphosphate (RuBP), MgCl2, carbonic anhydrase, catalase, the artificial electron acceptor pyocyanine, and partially purified rubisco activase. Optimal conditions for light-induced rubisco activation were found to include 100 micrograms per milliliter rubisco, 300 micrograms per milliliter rubisco activase, 3 millimolar RuBP, and 6 millimolar free Mg2+ at pH 8.2. The half-time for rubisco activation was 2 minutes, and was 4 minutes for rubisco deactivation. The rate of rubisco deactivation was identical in the presence and absence of activase. The Kact(CO2) of rubisco activation in the reconstituted system was 4 micromolar CO2, compared to a Kact(CO2) of 25 to 30 micromolar CO2 for the previously reported spontaneous CO2/Mg2+ activation mechanism. The activation process characterized here explains the high degree of rubisco activation at the physiological concentrations of 10 micromolar CO2 and 2 to 4 millimolar RuBP found in intact leaves, conditions which lead to almost complete deactivation of rubisco in vitro.  相似文献   

The first x-ray crystal structure has been solved for an activated transition-state analog-bound form II ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). This enzyme, from Rhodopseudomonas palustris, assembles as a unique hexamer with three pairs of catalytic large subunit homodimers around a central 3-fold symmetry axis. This oligomer arrangement is unique among all known Rubisco structures, including the form II homolog from Rhodospirillum rubrum. The presence of a transition-state analog in the active site locked the activated enzyme in a “closed” conformation and revealed the positions of critical active site residues during catalysis. Functional roles of two form II-specific residues (Ile165 and Met331) near the active site were examined via site-directed mutagenesis. Substitutions at these residues affect function but not the ability of the enzyme to assemble. Random mutagenesis and suppressor selection in a Rubisco deletion strain of Rhodobacter capsulatus identified a residue in the amino terminus of one subunit (Ala47) that compensated for a negative change near the active site of a neighboring subunit. In addition, substitution of the native carboxyl-terminal sequence with the last few dissimilar residues from the related R. rubrum homolog increased the enzyme''s kcat for carboxylation. However, replacement of a longer carboxyl-terminal sequence with termini from either a form III or a form I enzyme, which varied both in length and sequence, resulted in complete loss of function. From these studies, it is evident that a number of subtle interactions near the active site and the carboxyl terminus account for functional differences between the different forms of Rubiscos found in nature.  相似文献   

Human IgG4 antibody shows therapeutically useful properties compared with the IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 subclasses. Thus IgG4 does not activate complement and shows conformational variability. These properties are attributable to its hinge region, which is the shortest of the four IgG subclasses. Using high throughput scattering methods, we studied the solution structure of wild-type IgG4(Ser222) and a hinge mutant IgG4(Pro222) in different buffers and temperatures where the proline substitution suppresses the formation of half-antibody. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that both IgG4 forms were principally monomeric with sedimentation coefficients s20,w0 of 6.6–6.8 S. A monomer-dimer equilibrium was observed in heavy water buffer at low temperature. Scattering showed that the x-ray radius of gyration Rg was unchanged with concentration in 50–250 mm NaCl buffers, whereas the neutron Rg values showed a concentration-dependent increase as the temperature decreased in heavy water buffers. The distance distribution curves (P(r)) revealed two peaks, M1 and M2, that shifted below 2 mg/ml to indicate concentration-dependent IgG4 structures in addition to IgG4 dimer formation at high concentration in heavy water. Constrained x-ray and neutron scattering modeling revealed asymmetric solution structures for IgG4(Ser222) with extended hinge structures. The IgG4(Pro222) structure was similar. Both IgG4 structures showed that their Fab regions were positioned close enough to the Fc region to restrict C1q binding. Our new molecular models for IgG4 explain its inability to activate complement and clarify aspects of its stability and function for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Male Anopheles mosquitoes coagulate their seminal fluids via cross-linking of a substrate, called Plugin, by the seminal transglutaminase AgTG3. Formation of the “mating plug” by cross-linking Plugin is necessary for efficient sperm storage by females. AgTG3 has a similar degree of sequence identity (∼30%) to both human Factor XIII (FXIII) and tissue transglutaminase 2 (hTG2). Here we report the solution structure and in vitro activity for the cross-linking reaction of AgTG3 and Plugin. AgTG3 is a dimer in solution and exhibits Ca2+-dependent nonproteolytic activation analogous to cytoplasmic FXIII. The C-terminal domain of Plugin is predominantly α-helical with extended tertiary structure and oligomerizes in solution. The specific activity of AgTG3 was measured as 4.25 × 10−2 units mg−1. AgTG3 is less active than hTG2 assayed using the general substrate TVQQEL but has 8–10× higher relative activity when Plugin is the substrate. Mass spectrometric analysis of cross-linked Plugin detects specific peptides including a predicted consensus motif for cross-linking by AgTG3. These results support the development of AgTG3 inhibitors as specific and effective chemosterilants for A. gambiae.  相似文献   

The rapid release of tight-binding inhibitors from dead-end ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) complexes requires the activity of Rubisco activase, an AAA+ ATPase that utilizes chemo-mechanical energy to catalyze the reactivation of Rubisco. Activase is thought to play a central role in coordinating the rate of CO2 fixation with the light reactions of photosynthesis. Here, we present a 1.9 Å crystal structure of the C-domain core of creosote activase. The fold consists of a canonical four-helix bundle, from which a paddle-like extension protrudes that entails a nine-turn helix lined by an irregularly structured peptide strand. The residues Lys-313 and Val-316 involved in the species-specific recognition of Rubisco are located near the tip of the paddle. An ionic bond between Lys-313 and Glu-309 appears to stabilize the glycine-rich end of the helix. Structural superpositions onto the distant homolog FtsH imply that the paddles extend away from the hexameric toroid in a fan-like fashion, such that the hydrophobic sides of each blade bearing Trp-302 are facing inward and the polar sides bearing Lys-313 and Val-316 are facing outward. Therefore, we speculate that upon binding, the activase paddles embrace the Rubisco cylinder by placing their hydrophobic patches near the partner protein. This model suggests that conformational adjustments at the remote end of the paddle may relate to selectivity in recognition, rather than specific ionic contacts involving Lys-313. Additionally, the superpositions predict that the catalytically critical Arg-293 does not interact with the bound nucleotide. Hypothetical ring-ring stacking and peptide threading models for Rubisco reactivation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We developed a continuous-addition method for maintaining subsaturating concentrations of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) for several minutes, while simultaneously monitoring its consumption by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). This method enabled us to observe the effects of subsaturating RuBP and CO2 concentrations on the activity of Rubisco during much longer periods than previously studied. At saturating CO2, the activity of the enzyme declined faster when RuBP was maintained at concentrations near its Km value than when RuBP was saturating. At saturating RuBP, activity declined faster at limiting than at saturating CO2, in accordance with previous observations. The most rapid decline in activity occurred when both CO2 and RuBP concentrations were subsaturating. The activity loss was accompanied by decarbamylation of the enzyme, even though the enzyme was maintained at the same CO2 concentration before and after exposure to RuBP. Rubisco activase ameliorated the decline in activity at subsaturating CO2 and RuBP concentrations. The results are consistent with a proposed mechanism for regulating the carbamylation of Rubisco, which postulates that Rubisco activase counteracts Rubisco's unfavorable carbamylation equilibrium in the presence of RuBP by accelerating, in an ATP-dependent manner, the release of RuBP from its complex with uncarbamylated sites.  相似文献   

Co-chaperones help to maintain cellular homeostasis by modulating the activities of molecular chaperones involved in protein quality control. The HSP70/HSP90-organizing protein (HOP) is a co-chaperone that cooperates with HSP70 and HSP90 in catalysis of protein folding and maturation in the cytosol. We show here that HOP has ATP-binding activity comparable to that of HSP70/HSP90, and that HOP slowly hydrolyzes ATP. Analysis of deletion mutants revealed that the ATPase domain of HOP is in the N-terminal TPR1-DP1-TPR2A segment. In addition, HOP changes its conformation in the presence of ATP. These results indicate that HOP is a unique co-chaperone that undergoes an ATP-dependent conformational change.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum produces the prototypical cellulosome, a large multienzyme complex that efficiently hydrolyzes plant cell wall polysaccharides into fermentable sugars. This ability has garnered great interest in its potential application in biofuel production. The core non-catalytic scaffoldin subunit, CipA, bears nine type I cohesin modules that interact with the type I dockerin modules of secreted hydrolytic enzymes and promotes catalytic synergy. Because the large size and flexibility of the cellulosome preclude structural determination by traditional means, the structural basis of this synergy remains unclear. Small angle x-ray scattering has been successfully applied to the study of flexible proteins. Here, we used small angle x-ray scattering to determine the solution structure and to analyze the conformational flexibility of two overlapping N-terminal cellulosomal scaffoldin fragments comprising two type I cohesin modules and the cellulose-specific carbohydrate-binding module from CipA in complex with Cel8A cellulases. The pair distribution functions, ab initio envelopes, and rigid body models generated for these two complexes reveal extended structures. These two N-terminal cellulosomal fragments are highly dynamic and display no preference for extended or compact conformations. Overall, our work reveals structural and dynamic features of the N terminus of the CipA scaffoldin that may aid in cellulosome substrate recognition and binding.  相似文献   

BAG6 is an essential protein that functions in two distinct biological pathways, ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation of defective polypeptides and tail-anchored (TA) transmembrane protein biogenesis in mammals, although its structural and functional properties remain unknown. We solved a crystal structure of the C-terminal heterodimerization domains of BAG6 and Ubl4a and characterized their interaction biochemically. Unexpectedly, the specificity and structure of the C terminus of BAG6, which was previously classified as a BAG domain, were completely distinct from those of the canonical BAG domain. Furthermore, the tight association of BAG6 and Ubl4a resulted in modulation of Ubl4a protein stability in cells. Therefore, we propose to designate the Ubl4a-binding region of BAG6 as the novel BAG-similar (BAGS) domain. The structure of Ubl4a, which interacts with BAG6, is similar to the yeast homologue Get5, which forms a homodimer. These observations indicate that the BAGS domain of BAG6 promotes the TA protein biogenesis pathway in mammals by the interaction with Ubl4a.  相似文献   

All organisms possess fundamental metabolic pathways to ensure that needed carbon and sulfur compounds are provided to the cell in the proper chemical form and oxidation state. For most organisms capable of using CO2 as sole source of carbon, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) catalyzes primary carbon dioxide assimilation. In addition, sulfur salvage pathways are necessary to ensure that key sulfur-containing compounds are both available and, where necessary, detoxified in the cell. Using knock-out mutations and metabolomics in the bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum, we show here that Rubisco concurrently catalyzes key and essential reactions for seemingly unrelated but physiologically essential central carbon and sulfur salvage metabolic pathways of the cell. In this study, complementation and mutagenesis studies indicated that representatives of all known extant functional Rubisco forms found in nature are capable of simultaneously catalyzing reactions required for both CO2-dependent growth as well as growth using 5-methylthioadenosine as sole sulfur source under anaerobic photosynthetic conditions. Moreover, specific inactivation of the CO2 fixation reaction did not affect the ability of Rubisco to support anaerobic 5-methylthioadenosine metabolism, suggesting that the active site of Rubisco has evolved to ensure that this enzyme maintains both key functions. Thus, despite the coevolution of both functions, the active site of this protein may be differentially modified to affect only one of its key functions.  相似文献   

Recepteur d''origine nantais (RON) receptor tyrosine kinase and its ligand, serum macrophage-stimulating protein (MSP), play important roles in inflammation, cell growth, migration, and epithelial to mesenchymal transition during tumor development. The binding of mature MSPαβ (disulfide-linked α- and β-chains) to RON ectodomain modulates receptor dimerization, followed by autophosphorylation of tyrosines in the cytoplasmic receptor kinase domains. Receptor recognition is mediated by binding of MSP β-chain (MSPβ) to the RON Sema. Here we report the structure of RON Sema-PSI-IPT1 (SPI1) domains in complex with MSPβ at 3.0 Å resolution. The MSPβ serine protease-like β-barrel uses the degenerate serine protease active site to recognize blades 2, 3, and 4 of the β-propeller fold of RON Sema. Despite the sequence homology between RON and MET receptor tyrosine kinase and between MSP and hepatocyte growth factor, it is well established that there is no cross-reactivity between the two receptor-ligand systems. Comparison of the structure of RON SPI1 in complex with MSPβ and that of MET receptor tyrosine kinase Sema-PSI in complex with hepatocyte growth factor β-chain reveals the receptor-ligand selectivity determinants. Analytical ultracentrifugation studies of the SPI1-MSPβ interaction confirm the formation of a 1:1 complex. SPI1 and MSPαβ also associate primarily as a 1:1 complex with a binding affinity similar to that of SPI1-MSPβ. In addition, the SPI1-MSPαβ ultracentrifuge studies reveal a low abundance 2:2 complex with ∼10-fold lower binding affinity compared with the 1:1 species. These results support the hypothesis that the α-chain of MSPαβ mediates RON dimerization.  相似文献   

Myostatin, a member of the TGF-β family of ligands, is a strong negative regulator of muscle growth. As such, it is a prime therapeutic target for muscle wasting disorders. Similar to other TGF-β family ligands, myostatin is neutralized by binding one of a number of structurally diverse antagonists. Included are the antagonists GASP-1 and GASP-2, which are unique in that they specifically antagonize myostatin. However, little is known from a structural standpoint describing the interactions of GASP antagonists with myostatin. Here, we present the First low resolution solution structure of myostatin-free and myostatin-bound states of GASP-1 and GASP-2. Our studies have revealed GASP-1, which is 100 times more potent than GASP-2, preferentially binds myostatin in an asymmetrical 1:1 complex, whereas GASP-2 binds in a symmetrical 2:1 complex. Additionally, C-terminal truncations of GASP-1 result in less potent myostatin inhibitors that form a 2:1 complex, suggesting that the C-terminal domains of GASP-1 are the primary mediators for asymmetric complex formation. Overall, this study provides a new perspective on TGF-β antagonism, where closely related antagonists can utilize different ligand-binding strategies.  相似文献   

The XRCC4-like factor (XLF)-XRCC4 complex is essential for nonhomologous end joining, the major repair pathway for DNA double strand breaks in human cells. Yet, how XLF binds XRCC4 and impacts nonhomologous end joining functions has been enigmatic. Here, we report the XLF-XRCC4 complex crystal structure in combination with biophysical and mutational analyses to define the XLF-XRCC4 interactions. Crystal and solution structures plus mutations characterize alternating XRCC4 and XLF head domain interfaces forming parallel super-helical filaments. XLF Leu-115 ("Leu-lock") inserts into a hydrophobic pocket formed by XRCC4 Met-59, Met-61, Lys-65, Lys-99, Phe-106, and Leu-108 in synergy with pseudo-symmetric β-zipper hydrogen bonds to drive specificity. XLF C terminus and DNA enhance parallel filament formation. Super-helical XLF-XRCC4 filaments form a positively charged channel to bind DNA and align ends for efficient ligation. Collective results reveal how human XLF and XRCC4 interact to bind DNA, suggest consequences of patient mutations, and support a unified molecular mechanism for XLF-XRCC4 stimulation of DNA ligation.  相似文献   

The co-translational modification of N-terminal acetylation is ubiquitous among eukaryotes and has been reported to have a wide range of biological effects. The human N-terminal acetyltransferase (NAT) Naa50p (NAT5/SAN) acetylates the α-amino group of proteins containing an N-terminal methionine residue and is essential for proper sister chromatid cohesion and chromosome condensation. The elevated activity of NATs has also been correlated with cancer, making these enzymes attractive therapeutic targets. We report the x-ray crystal structure of Naa50p bound to a native substrate peptide fragment and CoA. We found that the peptide backbone of the substrate is anchored to the protein through a series of backbone hydrogen bonds with the first methionine residue specified through multiple van der Waals contacts, together creating an α-amino methionine-specific pocket. We also employed structure-based mutagenesis; the results support the importance of the α-amino methionine-specific pocket of Naa50p and are consistent with the proposal that conserved histidine and tyrosine residues play important catalytic roles. Superposition of the ternary Naa50p complex with the peptide-bound Gcn5 histone acetyltransferase revealed that the two enzymes share a Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferase fold but differ in their respective substrate-binding grooves such that Naa50p can accommodate only an α-amino substrate and not a side chain lysine substrate that is acetylated by lysine acetyltransferase enzymes such as Gcn5. The structure of the ternary Naa50p complex also provides the first molecular scaffold for the design of NAT-specific small molecule inhibitors with possible therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation depends on a linear binding motif found in all MAPK kinases (MKK). In addition, the PB1 (Phox and Bem1) domain of MKK5 is required for extracellular signal regulated kinase 5 (ERK5) activation. We present the crystal structure of ERK5 in complex with an MKK5 construct comprised of the PB1 domain and the linear binding motif. We show that ERK5 has distinct protein-protein interaction surfaces compared with ERK2, which is the closest ERK5 paralog. The two MAPKs have characteristically different physiological functions and their distinct protein-protein interaction surface topography enables them to bind different sets of activators and substrates. Structural and biochemical characterization revealed that the MKK5 PB1 domain cooperates with the MAPK binding linear motif to achieve substrate specific binding, and it also enables co-recruitment of the upstream activating enzyme and the downstream substrate into one signaling competent complex. Studies on present day MAPKs and MKKs hint on the way protein kinase networks may evolve. In particular, they suggest how paralogous enzymes with similar catalytic properties could acquire novel signaling roles by merely changing the way they make physical links to other proteins.  相似文献   

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