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Recent imaging studies have reported directional motion biases in human visual cortex when perceiving moving random dot patterns. It has been hypothesized that these biases occur as a result of the integration of motion detector activation along the path of motion in visual cortex. In this study we investigate the nature of such motion integration with functional MRI (fMRI) using different motion stimuli. Three types of moving random dot stimuli were presented, showing either coherent motion, motion with spatial decorrelations or motion with temporal decorrelations. The results from the coherent motion stimulus reproduced the centripetal and centrifugal directional motion biases in V1, V2 and V3 as previously reported. The temporally decorrelated motion stimulus resulted in both centripetal and centrifugal biases similar to coherent motion. In contrast, the spatially decorrelated motion stimulus resulted in small directional motion biases that were only present in parts of visual cortex coding for higher eccentricities of the visual field. In combination with previous results, these findings indicate that biased motion responses in early visual cortical areas most likely depend on the spatial integration of a simultaneously activated motion detector chain.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERP) in response to complex target stimuli, which consisted of a central recognizable picture and a lateral masked image (analyzed at the unconscious level) were recorded in adult subjects and seven-year-old children. ERP components N200, N300, and P400/N400 had different topography and were differently pronounced in adults and children. In adult subjects, the N200 component that reflects the processing of a sensory stimulus was recorded in the temporo-parieto-occipital and occipital areas. In children, N200 was recorded in the caudal regions and the frontal areas of the cortex. Analysis of different waveforms obtained by subtraction of the ERP to the central stimulus from the ERP to the complex stimulus showed that unconscious stimulus processing in adult subjects is not reflected in the ERP structure. In children, an unconsciously processed image incorporated into a complex stimulus evokes processing negativity in the occipital and frontal cortical areas. Comparison of ERP in groups of children divided by their reflectivity/impulsivity showed that, predominantly, the left frontal area is involved in image analysis at the unconscious level in reflective children and, predominantly, the right frontal area participates in unconscious image analysis in impulsive children. It is suggested that the perfection of the visual recognition of a target stimulus, which contains additional unconsciously processed information, consists in growth of the involvement of the left-hemispheric mechanisms (with respective growth of significance of the left-hemispheric mechanisms) and in a decrease in the role of the frontal areas in analysis of sensory information.  相似文献   

Recent studies in humans and monkeys have reported that acoustic stimulation influences visual responses in the primary visual cortex (V1). Such influences can be generated in V1, either by direct auditory projections or by feedback projections from extrastriate cortices. To test these hypotheses, cortical activities were recorded using optical imaging at a high spatiotemporal resolution from multiple areas of the guinea pig visual cortex, to visual and/or acoustic stimulations. Visuo-auditory interactions were evaluated according to differences between responses evoked by combined auditory and visual stimulation, and the sum of responses evoked by separate visual and auditory stimulations. Simultaneous presentation of visual and acoustic stimulations resulted in significant interactions in V1, which occurred earlier than in other visual areas. When acoustic stimulation preceded visual stimulation, significant visuo-auditory interactions were detected only in V1. These results suggest that V1 is a cortical origin of visuo-auditory interaction.  相似文献   

Visual stimuli produce waves of activity that propagate across the visual cortex of fresh water turtles. This study used a large-scale model of the cortex to examine the roles of specific types of cortical neurons in controlling the formation, speed and duration of these waves. The waves were divided into three components: initial depolarizations, primary propagating waves and secondary waves. The maximal conductances of each receptor type postsynaptic to each population of neurons in the model was systematically varied and the speed of primary waves, durations of primary waves and total wave durations were measured. The analyses indicate that wave formation and speed are controlled principally by feedforward excitation and inhibition, while wave duration is controlled principally by recurrent excitation and feedback inhibition.  相似文献   

Various types of neural-based signals, such as EEG, local field potentials and intracellular synaptic potentials, integrate multiple sources of activity distributed across large assemblies. They have in common a power-law frequency-scaling structure at high frequencies, but it is still unclear whether this scaling property is dominated by intrinsic neuronal properties or by network activity. The latter case is particularly interesting because if frequency-scaling reflects the network state it could be used to characterize the functional impact of the connectivity. In intracellularly recorded neurons of cat primary visual cortex in vivo, the power spectral density of Vm activity displays a power-law structure at high frequencies with a fractional scaling exponent. We show that this exponent is not constant, but depends on the visual statistics used to drive the network. To investigate the determinants of this frequency-scaling, we considered a generic recurrent model of cortex receiving a retinotopically organized external input. Similarly to the in vivo case, our in computo simulations show that the scaling exponent reflects the correlation level imposed in the input. This systematic dependence was also replicated at the single cell level, by controlling independently, in a parametric way, the strength and the temporal decay of the pairwise correlation between presynaptic inputs. This last model was implemented in vitro by imposing the correlation control in artificial presynaptic spike trains through dynamic-clamp techniques. These in vitro manipulations induced a modulation of the scaling exponent, similar to that observed in vivo and predicted in computo. We conclude that the frequency-scaling exponent of the Vm reflects stimulus-driven correlations in the cortical network activity. Therefore, we propose that the scaling exponent could be used to read-out the “effective” connectivity responsible for the dynamical signature of the population signals measured at different integration levels, from Vm to LFP, EEG and fMRI.  相似文献   



Neocortical lesions (NLs) are an important pathological component of multiple sclerosis (MS), but their visualization by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) remains challenging.


We aimed at assessing the sensitivity of multi echo gradient echo (ME-GRE) T2 *-weighted MRI at 7.0 Tesla in depicting NLs compared to myelin and iron staining.


Samples from two MS patients were imaged post mortem using a whole body 7T MRI scanner with a 24-channel receive-only array. Isotropic 200 micron resolution images with varying T2 * weighting were reconstructed from the ME-GRE data and converted into R2 * maps. Immunohistochemical staining for myelin (proteolipid protein, PLP) and diaminobenzidine-enhanced Turnbull blue staining for iron were performed.


Prospective and retrospective sensitivities of MRI for the detection of NLs were 48% and 67% respectively. We observed MRI maps detecting only a small portion of 20 subpial NLs extending over large cortical areas on PLP stainings. No MRI signal changes suggestive of iron accumulation in NLs were observed. Conversely, R2 * maps indicated iron loss in NLs, which was confirmed by histological quantification.


High-resolution post mortem imaging using R2 * and magnitude maps permits detection of focal NLs. However, disclosing extensive subpial demyelination with MRI remains challenging.  相似文献   

Microtubules anchored to the two-dimensional cortex of plant cells collide through plus-end polymerization. Collisions can result in rapid depolymerization, directional plus-end entrainment, or crossover. These interactions are believed to give rise to cellwide self-organization of plant cortical microtubules arrays, which is required for proper cell wall growth. Although the cell-wide self-organization has been well studied, less emphasis has been placed on explaining the interactions mechanistically from the molecular scale. Here we present a model for microtubule-cortex anchoring and collision-based interactions between microtubules, based on a competition between cross-linker bonding, microtubule bending, and microtubule polymerization. Our model predicts a higher probability of entrainment at smaller collision angles and at longer unanchored lengths of plus-ends. This model addresses observed differences between collision resolutions in various cell types, including Arabidopsis cells and Tobacco cells.  相似文献   

Species-specific vocalizations in mice have frequency-modulated (FM) components slower than the lower limit of FM direction selectivity in the core region of the mouse auditory cortex. To identify cortical areas selective to slow frequency modulation, we investigated tonal responses in the mouse auditory cortex using transcranial flavoprotein fluorescence imaging. For differentiating responses to frequency modulation from those to stimuli at constant frequencies, we focused on transient fluorescence changes after direction reversal of temporally repeated and superimposed FM sweeps. We found that the ultrasonic field (UF) in the belt cortical region selectively responded to the direction reversal. The dorsoposterior field (DP) also responded weakly to the reversal. Regarding the responses in UF, no apparent tonotopic map was found, and the right UF responses were significantly larger in amplitude than the left UF responses. The half-max latency in responses to FM sweeps was shorter in UF compared with that in the primary auditory cortex (A1) or anterior auditory field (AAF). Tracer injection experiments in the functionally identified UF and DP confirmed that these two areas receive afferent inputs from the dorsal part of the medial geniculate nucleus (MG). Calcium imaging of UF neurons stained with fura-2 were performed using a two-photon microscope, and the presence of UF neurons that were selective to both direction and direction reversal of slow frequency modulation was demonstrated. These results strongly suggest a role for UF, and possibly DP, as cortical areas specialized for processing slow frequency modulation in mice.  相似文献   

Carriers of blue cone monochromacy have fewer cone photoreceptors than normal. Here we examine how this disruption at the level of the retina affects visual function and cortical organization in these individuals. Visual resolution and contrast sensitivity was measured at the preferred retinal locus of fixation and visual resolution was tested at two eccentric locations (2.5° and 8°) with spectacle correction only. Adaptive optics corrected resolution acuity and cone spacing were simultaneously measured at several locations within the central fovea with adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO). Fixation stability was assessed by extracting eye motion data from AOSLO videos. Retinotopic mapping using fMRI was carried out to estimate the area of early cortical regions, including that of the foveal confluence. Without adaptive optics correction, BCM carriers appeared to have normal visual function, with normal contrast sensitivity and visual resolution, but with AO-correction, visual resolution was significantly worse than normal. This resolution deficit is not explained by cone loss alone and is suggestive of an associated loss of retinal ganglion cells. However, despite evidence suggesting a reduction in the number of retinal ganglion cells, retinotopic mapping showed no reduction in the cortical area of the foveal confluence. These results suggest that ganglion cell density may not govern the foveal overrepresentation in the cortex. We propose that it is not the number of afferents, but rather the content of the information relayed to the cortex from the retina across the visual field that governs cortical magnification, as under normal viewing conditions this information is similar in both BCM carriers and normal controls.  相似文献   

Single and Multiple Visual Systems in Arthropods   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Extraction of two visual pigments from crayfish eyes prompted an electrophysiological examination of the role of visual pigments in the compound eyes of six arthropods. The intact animals were used; in crayfishes isolated eyestalks also. Thresholds were measured in terms of the absolute or relative numbers of photons per flash at various wavelengths needed to evoke a constant amplitude of electroretinogram, usually 50 µv. Two species of crayfish, as well as the green crab, possess blue- and red-sensitive receptors apparently arranged for color discrimination. In the northern crayfish, Orconectes virilis, the spectral sensitivity of the dark-adapted eye is maximal at about 550 mµ, and on adaptation to bright red or blue lights breaks into two functions with λmax respectively at about 435 and 565 mµ, apparently emanating from different receptors. The swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, displays a maximum sensitivity when dark-adapted at about 570 mµ, that breaks on color adaptation into blue- and red-sensitive functions with λmax about 450 and 575 mµ, again involving different receptors. Similarly the green crab, Carcinides maenas, presents a dark-adapted sensitivity maximal at about 510 mµ that divides on color adaptation into sensitivity curves maximal near 425 and 565 mµ. Each of these organisms thus possesses an apparatus adequate for at least two-color vision, resembling that of human green-blinds (deuteranopes). The visual pigments of the red-sensitive systems have been extracted from the crayfish eyes. The horse-shoe crab, Limulus, and the lobster each possesses a single visual system, with λmax respectively at 520 and 525 mµ. Each of these is invariant with color adaptation. In each case the visual pigment had already been identified in extracts. The spider crab, Libinia emarginata, presents another variation. It possesses two visual systems apparently differentiated, not for color discrimination but for use in dim and bright light, like vertebrate rods and cones. The spectral sensitivity of the dark-adapted eye is maximal at about 490 mµ and on light adaptation, whether to blue, red, or white light, is displaced toward shorter wavelengths in what is essentially a reverse Purkinje shift. In all these animals dark adaptation appears to involve two phases: a rapid, hyperbolic fall of log threshold associated probably with visual pigment regeneration, followed by a slow, almost linear fall of log threshold that may be associated with pigment migration.  相似文献   

Monopolar evoked potentials (EPs) in the parietal and temporal leads were recorded in 23 young, healthy subjects in the process of selection of visual stimuli by shape and localization. Two different central stimuli (selection by shape) and two similar right and left stimuli (selection by localization) were presented in the first series. Two simple right and left stimuli were presented in the second series, and a subject had to respond either to their shape or their localization. During spatial attention and shape recognition in both tasks, characteristics of the prestimulus negativity (contingent negative variation (CNV)) and negative–positive N1–P3 complex pointed to the predominant activation of the parietal areas. The greatest differences were observed in the late P3b component, associated with the late selection, rather than in the early EP components. The dominance of parietal activation as compared to temporal activation was associated with attention demands; i.e., the dominance was highest in the case of target stimuli and was least pronounced during passive perception of stimuli. It is suggested that the parietooccipital visual system leads in tasks demanding spatial and nonspatial attention to stimuli in a simple visual environment (without surrounding elements).  相似文献   

Sensory gating is a process in which the brain’s response to a repetitive stimulus is attenuated; it is thought to contribute to information processing by enabling organisms to filter extraneous sensory inputs from the environment. To date, sensory gating has typically been used to determine whether brain function is impaired, such as in individuals with schizophrenia or addiction. In healthy subjects, sensory gating is sensitive to a subject’s behavioral state, such as acute stress and attention. The cortical response to sensory stimulation significantly decreases during sleep; however, information processing continues throughout sleep, and an auditory evoked potential (AEP) can be elicited by sound. It is not known whether sensory gating changes during sleep. Sleep is a non-uniform process in the whole brain with regional differences in neural activities. Thus, another question arises concerning whether sensory gating changes are uniform in different brain areas from waking to sleep. To address these questions, we used the sound stimuli of a Conditioning-testing paradigm to examine sensory gating during waking, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and Non-REM (NREM) sleep in different cortical areas in rats. We demonstrated the following: 1. Auditory sensory gating was affected by vigilant states in the frontal and parietal areas but not in the occipital areas. 2. Auditory sensory gating decreased in NREM sleep but not REM sleep from waking in the frontal and parietal areas. 3. The decreased sensory gating in the frontal and parietal areas during NREM sleep was the result of a significant increase in the test sound amplitude.  相似文献   

The vascular canals of cortical bone are revealed by: (1) removing all organic tissue with ethylenediamine (ed), (2) infiltrating the Haversian and Volkmann canals with a pigment and (3) finally clearing the specimens in styrene. Buccal and lingual cortical plates of mandibles were freed of spongy bone and placed in a Soxhlet extractor. Extraction was carried out with a solution consisting of 4 volumes of ed and 1 volume of distilled water which was maintained at a temperature of 118°C for 24 hr. After extraction, the organic-free specimens were washed in water for 1 hr and dried. The dried bone was immersed in a 25% India ink suspension and placed in a vacuum chamber until bubbling ceased. The bones were then dried and the surface carbon was removed with a CO2-driven stream of dolomite powder from an Airdent unit. Compressed air was used to remove the residual dolomite powder from the specimens. They were then immersed in styrene until clear. The specimens could be studied directly from the styrene, since the inorganic portion of the bone became transparent and carbon retained on the walls of the vascular channels within the calcified tissue was clearly visible. Plastic can be substituted for styrene for infiltrating the spaces within the specimen which were previously occupied by organic material. After infiltration and curing of the plastic, the embedded specimens can be decalcified with concentrated HCl. After decalcification, the voids created by the removal of the inorganic matrix can then be filled with plastic. Substituting plastic for areas previously occupied by both the organic and inorganic elements results in an easily visualized, carbon-black three-dimensional preparation of the vascular pattern of bone.  相似文献   



Saccadic eye movements are used to rapidly align the fovea with the image of objects of interest in peripheral vision. We have recently shown that in children there is a high preponderance of quick latency but poorly planned saccades that consistently fall short of the target goal. The characteristics of these multiple saccades are consistent with a lack of proper inhibitory control of cortical oculomotor areas on the brainstem saccade generation circuitry.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the present paper, we directly tested this assumption by using single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to transiently disrupt neuronal activity in the frontal eye fields (FEF) and supplementary eye fields (SEF) in adults performing a gap saccade task. The results showed that the incidence of multiple saccades was increased for ispiversive but not contraversive directions for the right and left FEF, the left SEF, but not for the right SEF. Moreover, this disruption was most substantial during the ∼50 ms period around the appearance of the peripheral target. A control condition in which the dorsal motor cortex was stimulated demonstrated that this was not due to any non-specific effects of the TMS influencing the spatial distribution of attention.


Taken together, the results are consistent with a direction-dependent role of the FEF and left SEF in delaying the release of saccadic eye movements until they have been fully planned.  相似文献   

We have modeled biologically realistic neural networks that may be involved in contextual modulation of stimulus responses, as reported in the neurophysiological experiments of Motter (1994a, 1994b) (Journal of Neuroscience, 14:2179–2189 and 2190–2199). The networks of our model are structured hierarchically with feedforward, feedback, and lateral connections, totaling several thousand cells and about 300,000 synapses. The contextual modulation, arising from attention cues, is explicitly modeled as a feedback signal coming from the highest-order cortical network. The feedback signal arises from mutually inhibitory neurons with different stimulus preferences. Although our model is probably the simplest one consistent with available anatomical and physiological evidence and ignores the complexities that may exist in high-level cortical networks such as the prefrontal cortex, it reproduces the experimental results quite well and offers some guidance for future experiments. We also report the unexpected observation of 40 Hz oscillations in the model.  相似文献   

The diagnostic value of the pattern-evoked response has been assessed in 73 patients referred because of suspected multiple sclerosis. Altogether 52 had delayed responses. Fifty-one patients in the group satisfied McAlpine''s criteria for diagnosing definite, probable, or possible multiple sclerosis. Of these, all but two had delayed responses in one or both eyes, while only three of the remaining 22 patients had delays. In those patients with multiple sclerosis but without any history of optic neuritis the incidence of delayed responses was only slightly less. Of 51 patients with delayed responses 23 had normal discs. Thus subclinical lesions of the visual pathways can be readily detected with this test. The high incidence of abnormal pattern responses, even in patients with no other ocular signs or symptoms, suggests that the test is of value in establishing the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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