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Benton CB  King J  Clark PL 《Biochemistry》2002,41(16):5093-5103
P22 tailspike is a homotrimeric, thermostable adhesin that recognizes the O-antigen lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella typhimurium. The 70 kDa subunits include long beta-helix domains. After residue 540, the polypeptide chains change their path and wrap around one another, with extensive interchain contacts. Formation of this interdigitated domain intimately couples the chain folding and assembly mechanisms. The earliest detectable trimeric intermediate in the tailspike folding and assembly pathway is the protrimer, suspected to be a precursor of the native trimer structure. We have directly analyzed the kinetics of in vitro protrimer formation and disappearance for wild type and mutant tailspike proteins. The results confirm that the protrimer intermediate is an on-pathway intermediate for tailspike folding. Protrimer was originally resolved during tailspike folding because its migration through nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels was significantly retarded with respect to the migration of the native tailspike trimer. By comparing protein mobility versus acrylamide concentration, we find that the retarded mobility of the protrimer is due exclusively to a larger overall size than the native trimer, rather than an altered net surface charge. Experiments with mutant tailspike proteins indicate that the conformation difference between protrimer and native tailspike trimer is localized toward the C-termini of the tailspike polypeptide chains. These results suggest that the transformation of the protrimer to the native tailspike trimer represents the C-terminal interdigitation of the three polypeptide chains. This late step may confer the detergent-resistance, protease-resistance, and thermostability of the native trimer.  相似文献   

Crandall YM  Bruch MD 《Biopolymers》2008,89(3):197-209
Mastoparan-X, a 14-residue peptide found in wasp venom, does not adopt a well-defined structure in water, but it folds into an alpha-helix upon addition of trifluoroethanol (TFE). At low levels of TFE, the peptide is partially folded, passing through intermediate stages of folding as the amount of TFE is increased. These partially folded states have been characterized by CD and NMR spectroscopy, and methods to estimate the helical content from CD, chemical shift, and nuclear overhauser effect (NOE) data are compared. Variation in the sign and intensity of NOE cross-peaks is observed in different regions of the peptide, indicative of greater mobility of the sidechains compared to the backbone of the peptide. Furthermore, variation in the sidechain mobility is observed, both between sidechains of different amino acids and within the sidechain of a given amino acid. By monitoring chemical shifts and NOE intensities as the TFE concentration is increased, the initiation site for helix formation could be identified. Furthermore, details of the peptide structure and dynamics during the folding process were elucidated.  相似文献   

Folding intermediates have been detected and characterized for many proteins. However, their structures at atomic resolution have only been determined for two small single domain proteins: Rd-apocytochrome b(562) and engrailed homeo domain. T4 lysozyme has two easily distinguishable but energetically coupled domains: the N and C-terminal domains. An early native-state hydrogen exchange experiment identified an intermediate with the C-terminal domain folded and the N-terminal domain unfolded. We have used a native-state hydrogen exchange-directed protein engineering approach to populate this intermediate and demonstrated that it is on the folding pathway and exists after the rate-limiting step. Here, we determined its high-resolution structure and the backbone dynamics by multi-dimensional NMR methods. We also characterized the folding behavior of the intermediate using stopped-flow fluorescence, protein engineering, and native-state hydrogen exchange. Unlike the folding intermediates of the two single-domain proteins, which have many non-native side-chain interactions, the structure of the hidden folding intermediate of T4 lysozyme is largely native-like. It folds like many small single domain proteins. These results have implications for understanding the folding mechanism and evolution of multi-domain proteins.  相似文献   

The B-domain of protein A has one of the simplest protein topologies, a three-helix bundle. Its folding has been studied as a model for elementary steps in the folding of larger proteins. Earlier studies suggested that folding might occur by way of a helical hairpin intermediate. Equilibrium hydrogen exchange measurements indicate that the C-terminal helical hairpin could be a potential folding intermediate. Kinetic refolding experiments were performed using stopped-flow circular dichroism and NMR hydrogen-deuterium exchange pulse labeling. Folding of the entire molecule is essentially complete within the 6 ms dead time of the quench-flow apparatus, indicating that the intermediate, if formed, progresses rapidly to the final folded state. Site-directed mutagenesis of the isoleucine residue at position 16 was used to generate a variant protein containing tryptophan (the 116 W mutant). The formation of the putative folding intermediate was expected to be favored in this mutant at the expense of the native folded form, due to predicted unfavorable steric interactions of the bulky tryptophan side chain in the folded state. The 116 W mutant refolds completely within the dead time of a stopped-flow fluorescence experiment. No partly folded intermediate could be detected by either kinetic or equilibrium measurements. Studies of peptide fragments suggest that the protein A sequence has an intrinsic propensity to form a helix II/helix III hairpin. However, its stability appears to be marginal (of the order of 1/2 kT) and it could not be an obligatory intermediate on a defined folding pathway. These results explicitly demonstrate that the protein A B domain folds extremely rapidly by an apparent two-state mechanism without formation of stable partly folded intermediates. Similar mechanisms may also be involved in the rapid folding of subdomains of larger proteins to form the compact molten globule intermediates that often accumulate during the folding process.  相似文献   

Rea AM  Simpson ER  Crespo MD  Searle MS 《Biochemistry》2008,47(31):8225-8236
We have investigated the relative placement of rate-limiting energy barriers and the role of productive or obstructive intermediates on the folding pathway of yeast wild-type ubiquitin ( wt-Ub) containing the F45W mutation. To manipulate the folding barriers, we have designed a family of mutants in which stabilizing substitutions have been introduced incrementally on the solvent-exposed surface of the main alpha-helix (residues 23-34), which has a low intrinsic helical propensity in the native sequence. Although the U --> I and I --> N transitions are not clearly delineated in the kinetics of wt-Ub, we show that an intermediate becomes highly populated and more clearly resolved as the predicted stability of the helix increases. The observed acceleration in the rate of folding correlates with helix stability and is consistent with the I-state representing a productive rather than misfolded state. A Leffler analysis of the effects on kinetics of changes in stability within the family of helix mutants results in a biphasic correlation in both the refolding and unfolding rates that suggest a shift from a nucleation-condensation mechanism (weakly stabilized helix) toward a diffusion-collision model (highly stabilized helix). Through the introduction of helix-stabilizing mutations, we are able to engineer a well-resolved I-state on the folding pathway of ubiquitin which is likely to be structurally distinct from that which is only weakly populated on the folding pathway of wild-type ubiquitin.  相似文献   

Antibody folding is a complex process comprising folding and association reactions. Although it is usually difficult to characterize kinetic folding intermediates, in the case of the antibody Fab fragment, domain-domain interactions lead to a rate-limiting step of folding, thus accumulating folding intermediates at a late step of folding. Here, we analyzed a late folding intermediate of the Fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody MAK 33 from mouse (kappa/IgG1). As a strategy for accumulation of this intermediate we used partial denaturation of the native Fab by guanidinium chloride. This denaturation intermediate, which can be populated to about 90%, is indistinguishable from a late-folding intermediate with respect to denaturation and renaturation kinetics. The spectroscopic analysis reveals a native-like secondary structure of this intermediate with aromatic side chains only slightly more solvent exposed than in the native state. The respective partner domains are weekly associated. From these data we conclude that the intramolecular association of the two chains during folding, with all domains in a native-like structure, follows a two-step mechanism. In this mechanism, presumably hydrophobic interactions are followed by rearrangements leading to the exact complementarity of the contact sites of the respective domains.  相似文献   

The elusive intermediate on the folding pathway of the prion protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A key molecular event in prion diseases is the conversion of the cellular conformation of the prion protein (PrP(C)) to an altered disease-associated form, generally denoted as scrapie isoform (PrP(Sc)). The molecular details of this conformational transition are not fully understood, but it has been suggested that an intermediate on the folding pathway of PrP(C) may be recruited to form PrP(Sc). In order to investigate the folding pathway of PrP we designed and expressed two mutants, each possessing a single strategically located tryptophan residue. The secondary structure and folding properties of the mutants were examined. Using conventional analyses of folding transition data determined by fluorescence and CD, and novel phase-diagram analyses, we present compelling evidence for the presence of an intermediate species on the folding pathway of PrP. The potential role of this intermediate in prion conversion is discussed.  相似文献   

The RNase H domain from HIV-1 (HIV RNase H) encodes an essential retroviral activity. Refolding of the isolated HIV RNase H domain shows a kinetic intermediate detectable by stopped-flow far UV circular dichroism and pulse-labeling H/D exchange. In this intermediate, strands 1, 4, and 5 as well as helices A and D appear to be structured. Compared to its homolog from Escherichia coli, the rate limiting step in refolding of HIV RNase H appears closer to the native state. We have modeled this kinetic intermediate using a C-terminal deletion fragment lacking helix E. Like the kinetic intermediate, this variant folds rapidly and shows a decrease in stability. We propose that inhibition of the docking of helix E to this folding intermediate may present a novel strategy for anti HIV-1 therapy.  相似文献   

T4 lysozyme has two easily distinguishable but energetically coupled domains: the N and C-terminal domains. In earlier studies, an amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange pulse-labeling experiment detected a stable submillisecond intermediate that accumulates before the rate-limiting transition state. It involves the formation of structures in both the N and C-terminal regions. However, a native-state hydrogen exchange experiment subsequently detected an equilibrium intermediate that only involves the formation of the C-terminal domain. Here, using stopped-flow circular dichroism and fluorescence, amide hydrogen exchange-folding competition, and protein engineering methods, we re-examined the folding pathway of T4-lysozyme. We found no evidence for the existence of a stable folding intermediate before the rate-limiting transition state at neutral pH. In addition, using native-state hydrogen exchange-directed protein engineering, we created a mimic of the equilibrium intermediate. We found that the intermediate mimic folds with the same rate as the wild-type protein, suggesting that the equilibrium intermediate is an on-pathway intermediate that exists after the rate-limiting transition state.  相似文献   

The transition between the native and denatured states of the tetrameric succinyl-CoA synthetase from Escherichia coli has been investigated by circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, cross-linking by glutaraldehyde and activity measurements. At pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C, both denaturation of succinyl-CoA synthetase by guanidine hydrochloride and refolding of the denatured enzyme have been characterized as reversible reactions. In the presence of its substrate ATP, the denatured enzyme could be successfully reconstituted into the active enzyme with a yield of 71-100%. Kinetically, reacquisition of secondary structure by the denatured enzyme was rapid and occurred within 1 min after refolding was initiated. On the other hand, its reactivation was a slow process which continued up to 25 min before 90% of the native activity could be restored. Both secondary and quaternary structures of the enzyme, reconstituted in the absence of ATP, were indistinguishable from those of the native enzyme but the renatured protein was catalytically inactive. This observation indicates the presence of catalytically inactive tetramer as an intermediate in the reconstitution process. The reconstituted protein could be reactivated by ATP even 10 min after the reacquisition of the native secondary structure by the refolding protein. However, reactivation of the protein by ATP 60 min after the regain of secondary structure was significantly less, suggesting that rapid refolding and reassociation of the monomers into a native-like tetramer and reactivation of the tetramer are sequential events; the latter involving slow and small conformational rearrangements in the refolded enzyme that are likely to be associated with phosphorylation.  相似文献   

M Nozaka  K Kuwajima  K Nitta  S Sugai 《Biochemistry》1978,17(18):3753-3758
To discuss the relation between the folding mechanism and the chemical structure of proteins, the reversible unfolding reactions of human alpha-lactalbumin by acidification and by guanidine hydrochloride at 25 degrees C are studied by means of circular dichroism, difference spectra and pH-jump measurements and are compared with those for bovine alpha-lactalbumin. As shown previously for bovine alpha-lactalbumin, the folding process at neutral pH is not explained by a simple two-state mechanism but involves an intermediate form that has the same amount of helical structures as the native form. The transition between the intermediate and the fully denatured states is too rapid to be measured and corresponds to the helix-coil transition of the backbone. One of the differences of human alpha-lactalbumin from the bovine protein is the remarkable stability of the intermediate at neutral pH, which can be explained by differences in the primary chemical structure. Another difference is the existence at acid pH of an additional helical form, which is more helical than the native form. The transition from this to the intermediate or to the fully denatured one also is shown to resemble the helix-coil transition. The following folding scheme of human alpha-lactalbumin is proposed: formula: (see text). Here N is the native form, and the intermediate is a macroscopic state distributed around the state A3 at neutral pH, while the distribution in the acid and fully denautured states shifts toward Am and A-n, respectively.  相似文献   

Most RNA molecules collapse rapidly and reach the native state through a pathway that contains numerous traps and unproductive intermediates. The D135 group II intron ribozyme is unusual in that it can fold slowly and directly to the native state, despite its large size and structural complexity. Here we use hydroxyl radical footprinting and native gel analysis to monitor the timescale of tertiary structure collapse and to detect the presence of obligate intermediates along the folding pathway of D135. We find that structural collapse and native folding of Domain 1 precede assembly of the entire ribozyme, indicating that D1 contains an on-pathway intermediate to folding of the D135 ribozyme. Subsequent docking of Domains 3 and 5, for which D1 provides a preorganized scaffold, appears to be very fast and independent of one another. In contrast to other RNAs, the D135 ribozyme undergoes slow tertiary collapse to a compacted state, with a rate constant that is also limited by the formation D1. These findings provide a new paradigm for RNA folding and they underscore the diversity of RNA biophysical behaviors.  相似文献   

Osmolytes stabilize proteins against denaturation, but little is known about how their stabilizing effect might affect a protein folding pathway. Here, we report the effects of the osmolytes, trimethylamine-N-oxide, and sarcosine on the stability of the native state of barstar as well as on the structural heterogeneity of an early intermediate ensemble, IE, on its folding pathway. Both osmolytes increase the stability of the native protein to a similar extent, with stability increasing linearly with osmolyte concentration. Both osmolytes also increase the stability of IE but to different extents. Such stabilization leads to an acceleration in the folding rate. Both osmolytes also alter the structure of IE but do so differentially; the fluorescence and circular dichroism properties of IE differ in the presence of the different osmolytes. Because these properties also differ from those of the unfolded form in refolding conditions, different burst phase changes in the optical signals are seen for folding in the presence of the different osmolytes. An analysis of the urea dependence of the burst phase changes in fluorescence and circular dichroism demonstrates that the formation of IE is itself a multistep process during folding and that the two osmolytes act by stabilizing, differentially, different structural components present in the IE ensemble. Thus, osmolytes can alter the basic nature of a protein folding pathway by discriminating, through differential stabilization, between different members of an early intermediate ensemble, and in doing so, they thereby appear to channel folding along one route when many routes are available.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic and calorimetric investigations of the folding of denatured cytochrome c in the presence of phosphate ion and sugar were carried out to understand subtle differences in the nature of induced conformation and folding energy landscape. Altered conformations of cyt c induced by sucrose and phosphate, with same absorbance wavelength maxima, exhibit lack of tertiary interactions in segment 70-85 and similar α-helical content. However, compactness, the exposure of the heme to solvent and the secondary structure content in the two conformations are different. Although downhill folding was observed for both conformations, extent of cooperativity is higher in case of phosphate-induced conformation.  相似文献   

Expansion and compression of a protein folding intermediate by GroEL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lin Z  Rye HS 《Molecular cell》2004,16(1):23-34
The GroEL-GroES chaperonin system is required for the assisted folding of many essential proteins. The precise nature of this assistance remains unclear, however. Here we show that denatured RuBisCO from Rhodospirillum rubrum populates a stable, nonaggregating, and kinetically trapped monomeric state at low temperature. Productive folding of this nonnative intermediate is fully dependent on GroEL, GroES, and ATP. Reactivation of the trapped RuBisCO monomer proceeds through a series of GroEL-induced structural rearrangements, as judged by resonance energy transfer measurements between the amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of RuBisCO. A general mechanism used by GroEL to push large, recalcitrant proteins like RuBisCO toward their native states thus appears to involve two steps: partial unfolding or rearrangement of a nonnative protein upon capture by a GroEL ring, followed by spatial constriction within the GroEL-GroES cavity that favors or enforces compact, folding-competent intermediate states.  相似文献   

Griffithsin (GRFT) is an antiviral lectin, originally derived from a red alga, which is currently being investigated as a topical microbicide to prevent transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Targeting GRFT to the apoplast for production in Nicotiana benthamiana resulted in necrotic symptoms associated with a hypersensitive response (HR)‐like cell death, accompanied by H2O2 generation and increased PR1 expression. Mannose‐binding lectins surfactant protein D (SP‐D), cyanovirin‐N (CV‐N) and human mannose‐binding lectin (hMBL) also induce salicylic acid (SA)‐dependent HR‐like cell death in N. benthamiana, and this effect is mediated by the lectin's glycan binding activity. We found that secreted GRFT interacts with an endogenous glycoprotein, α‐xylosidase (XYL1), which is involved in cell wall organization. The necrotic effect could be mitigated by overexpression of Arabidopsis XYL1, and by co‐expression of SA‐degrading enzyme NahG, providing strategies for enhancing expression of oligomannose‐binding lectins in plants.  相似文献   

Lysozyme folds through two competing pathways. A fast pathway leads directly from a collapsed state to the native protein, whereas folding on a slow pathway proceeds through a partially folded intermediate (I(1)). At NaCl concentrations above 100 mM, a second transient intermediate (I(2)) is induced as judged by the appearance of an additional apparent rate constant in the refolding kinetics. Monitoring the time course of native molecules and of both intermediates shows that the NaCl-induced state (I(2)) is located on neither of the two folding pathways observed at low-salt concentrations. These results suggest that I(2) is a metastable high-energy intermediate at low-ionic strength and is located on a third folding pathway. The folding landscape of lysozyme seems to be complex with several high-energy intermediates located on parallel folding routes. However, the experiments show no evidence for partially folded states on the fast direct pathway.  相似文献   

Vu ND  Feng H  Bai Y 《Biochemistry》2004,43(12):3346-3356
The nature of the rate-limiting transition state at zero denaturant (TS(1)) and whether there are hidden intermediates are the two major unsolved problems in defining the folding pathway of barnase. In earlier studies, it was shown that TS(1) has small phi values throughout the structure of the protein, suggesting that the transition state has either a defined partially folded secondary structure with all side chains significantly exposed or numerous different partially unfolded structures with similar stability. To distinguish the two possibilities, we studied the effect of Gly mutations on the folding rate of barnase to investigate the secondary structure formation in the transition state. Two mutations in the same region of a beta-strand decreased the folding rate by 20- and 50-fold, respectively, suggesting that the secondary structures in this region are dominantly formed in the rate-limiting transition state. We also performed native-state hydrogen exchange experiments on barnase at pD 5.0 and 25 degrees C and identified a partially unfolded state. The structure of the intermediate was investigated using protein engineering and NMR. The results suggest that the intermediate has an omega loop unfolded. This intermediate is more folded than the rate-limiting transition state previously characterized at high denaturant concentrations (TS(2)). Therefore, it exists after TS(2) in folding. Consistent with this conclusion, the intermediate folds with the same rate and denaturant dependence as the wild-type protein, but unfolds faster with less dependence on the denaturant concentration. These and other results in the literature suggest that barnase folds through partially unfolded intermediates that exist after the rate-limiting step. Such folding behavior is similar to those of cytochrome c and Rd-apocyt b(562). Together, we suggest that other small apparently two-state proteins may also fold through hidden intermediates.  相似文献   

The folding mechanism of many proteins involves the population of partially organized structures en route to the native state. Identification and characterization of these intermediates is particularly difficult, as they are often only transiently populated and may play different mechanistic roles, being either on-pathway productive species or off-pathway kinetic traps. Following different spectroscopic probes, and employing state-of-the-art kinetic analysis, we present evidence that the folding mechanism of the thermostable cytochrome c552 from Hydrogenobacter thermophilus does involve the presence of an elusive, yet compact, on-pathway intermediate. Characterization of the folding mechanism of this cytochrome c is particularly interesting for the purpose of comparative folding studies, because H. thermophilus cytochrome c552 shares high sequence identity and structural homology with its homologue from the mesophilic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome c551, which refolds through a broad energy barrier without the accumulation of intermediates. Analysis of the folding kinetics and correlation with the three-dimensional structure add new evidence for the validity of a consensus folding mechanism in the cytochrome c family.  相似文献   

Pea lectin (PSL) is a secretory sugar-binding protein, readily soluble in aqueous solutions of low osmolarity. However, PSL also appears to be associated with the plasma membrane at the tip of young pea root hairs. By using the Wilhelmy plate method, we found that PSL can insert into a lipid monolayer. This property appeared to be independent of the sugar-binding ability of the protein. This result suggests that PSL may be directly involved in membrane-mediated interactions with saccharide ligands, for example during root hair infection by symbiotic rhizobia.  相似文献   

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