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Among the isolates from soil of corn and sugar cane plantations in São Paulo State, Brazil, two new species ofNeosartorya, N. botucatensis andN. paulistensis, are described and illustrated.Neosartorya botucatensis differs from the other known species of the genus in having ascospores with long spines on the convex walls.Neosartorya paulistensis is characterized by its ascospore walls with spinose and verruculose ornamentation. The former is compared with the closely related speciesN. spinosa, and the latter is closely related toN. glabra, N. pseudofischeri and N. stramenia.  相似文献   

A new species ofRoumegueriella (Ascomycetes; Hypocreales),R. pulchella, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its rapid growth on Czapek-yeast extract and YpSs agars at 37°C, bright yellow non-ostiolate ascomata, translucent membranaceous peridium, broadly clavate asci, and hyaline one-celled subglobose-ovoid ascospores ornamented with prominent spines. The holotype was isolated from soil in a sugarcane field in Okinawa, Japan.  相似文献   

Two new species ofConiochaeta, isolated from Japanese soils, are described and illustrated:C. cephalothecoides, which is characterized by dark brown ascomata clothed with short setae, cylindrical asci and ovoid to almond-shaped or pyriform ascospores with a longitudinal germ slit; andC. dumosa, which is characterized by dark brown ascomata clothed with short setae and dense hyphal hairs, cylindrical asci and ellipsoid-fusoid ascospores with a longitudinal germ slit. These species are distinguished from most species of the genus by the unique cephalothecoid peridium of their ascomata. The associated anamorphs of both species are assignable to the form-genusLecythophora.  相似文献   

Two new species ofTalaromyces, isolated from soils in Taiwan and Japan, are described and illustrated.Talaromyces eburneus, associated with aGeosmithia anamorph, is characterized by off-white colony on oatmeal agar, small pale yellow ascomata, and subglobose to ovoid ascospores with a smooth wall.Talaromyces muroii is characterized by restricted growth on Czapek agar, luteous ascomata, which are initiated by paired gametangia like those seen in members of the seriesFlavi, ellipsoidal and nearly smooth ascospores, and the absence of an anamorph.  相似文献   

柳林  任强 《广西植物》2021,41(5):808-812
该文综合运用形态学、解剖学和化学等方法对山东大型地衣进行分类研究,发现了两个中国新记录种,即德氏蜂窝衣(Heppia despreauxii)和多孢小极衣(Lichinella myriospora).德氏蜂窝衣隶属于蜂窝衣属(Heppia),生于光线充足且裸露的土壤上,主要识别特征为下皮层缺失、子实层IKI+蓝色;多...  相似文献   

From recent isolates of microfungi on soil materials collected at several localities in the world, five new taxa of the Onygenales are described and illustrated. A new monotypic genus,Kraurogymnocarpa lenticulospora, is proposed. New species are described inAmauroascus, Aphanoascus, andArachnomyces. A new variety ofPseudogymnoascus roseus is also proposed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pyrenomycetes from forest soil in New Caledonia,Anthostomella pacifica andChaetomium novaecaledonicum, are described and illustrated.Anthostomella pacifica is characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata, cylindrical asci with an amyloid apical apparatus, and two-celled ascospores (dark apical cylindrical and hyaline basal dwarfed cells) with longitudinal germ slits.Chaetomium novae-caledonicum is characterized by ostiolate ascomata, straight terminal hairs, arcuate lateral hairs with a recurved tip, and very small, ovoid-flattened ascospores.This research was supported in part by Monbusho International Scientific Research Program: Field Research, No. 05041093.  相似文献   

Seven isolates ofTorulomyces from Asian and Australian soil samples were studied in comparison with known taxa of the genus and withMonocillium indicum, the type species ofMonocillium. Three new species,Torulomyces parviverrucosus, T. laevis, andT. ovatus, are described, andT. brunneus is described as a new combination. Conidial characteristics, especially their shape and surface structure, are useful taxonomic criteria for distinguishing species ofTorulomyces. Monocillium is considered to be a distinct genus.  相似文献   

James L. Luteyn 《Brittonia》2001,53(3):437-446
Satyria ventricosa andVaccinium monteverdense from Panama and Costa Rica, respectively, are described and illustrated.Gonocalyx megabracteolatus andVaccinium talamancense are new combinations. Relationships of the new species are discussed. Keys are provided for the entire genusGonocalyx, and forSatyria in Mesoamerica.
Resumen  Se describenSatyria ventricosa yVaccinium monteverdense de Panamá y Costa Rica, respectivamente, con sus ilustraciones. Se hace una nueva combinación deGonocalyx megabracteolatus yVaccinium talamancense. También se discuten las relaciones entre las nuevas especies. Se incluyen claves para el género completoGonocalyx y para el géneroSatyria en Mesoamérica.

Neosartorya nishimurae andN. otanii, two new heterothallic species isolated from African forest soil, are described and illustrated.Neosartorya nishimurae is characterized by its rapid growth on Czapek and malt extract agras, white cleistothecia, lenticular ascospores with two broad equatorial crests and echinulate convex surfaces, and large ellipsoidal conidia with a lobate-reticulate wall.Neosartorya otanii is characterized by its rapid growth on Czapek and malt extract agars, lenticular ascospores with two widely separated equatorial crests and tuberculate or lobate-reticulate convex surfaces, and globose to broadly ellipsoidal conidia with a micro-tuberculate wall.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(12):956-969
Bryophilous ascomycetes are an overlooked and poorly known fungal group. In this study, the extreme and small-sized niche of Polytrichum piliferum hyaline leaf tips was screened for the presence of these fungi in Finland. Three closely related species were found. Bryochiton perpusillus and Bryochiton monascus were identified from several samples, and DNA isolations revealed a third closely related species, Bryochiton sp. In addition, melanised hyphae, typical to the Bryochiton species, were present in all the samples. According to phylogenetic analyses consisting of combined small subunit (SSU), large subunit (LSU), and 5.8S rDNA sequences, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences, the species showed affinity with Teratosphaeriaceae within Capnodiales, and especially with black, meristematic species often inhabiting rock substrate in extreme environments. The connection was supported by meristematic growth of the Bryochiton species in culture. Bryochiton is the second sexual genus associated within the family Teratosphaeriaceae, and B. perpusillus, and B. monascus constitute examples of teleomorphs within a group of meristematic anamorphs. These findings emphasize the multiform diversity underlying poorly researched fungal groups, such as the bryophilous fungi.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hippocrateaceae from Brazil are described and illustrated:Pristimera sclerophylla Lombardi, the one species of the genus that occurs in the xerophytic vegetation of northeastern Brazil, andCheiloclinium puberulum Lombardi, a species with puberulent inflorescences from the rain forests of the Amazon basin.  相似文献   

A new species ofChaetomium, C. umbratile, is described from Japan. The species is based on three specimens isolated from house dust samples in asthmatic patients' dwellings. It is characterized by long, wavy and irregularly branched terminal hairs, which are intermingled with short straight hairs, and nearly globose to broadly ellipsoidal ascospores with a slightly subapical or sometimes lateral germ pore.  相似文献   

报道斑痣盘菌科的2个新分类单元,即生于细梗苔草Carex teinogyna死叶上的苔草皮下盘菌Hypoderma caricis sp.nov.和生于三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei枯枝上的三尖杉散斑壳Lophodermium cephalotaxi sp.nov.。对此二种进行了拉丁文特征简介、汉文描述和讨论,并附有形态结构图。供研究标本保放在安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

Two new species of erysiphaceae from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two new powdery mildew fungi were found onCelosia argentea var.argentea (Amaranthaceae) andLonicera ramosissima (Caprifoliaceae), respectively. They were newly named and described asErysiphe celosia andMicrosphaera loniceraeramosissimae.  相似文献   

Two new species of hyphomycetes,Xenocylindrocladium guianense andX. subverticillatum, are described from plant debris collected in French Guiana and Singapore, respectively. The genusXenocylindrocladium has thus far been known from one species,X. serpens, which was described from plant debris collected in Ecuador. The two new taxa are compared with and distinguished fromX. serpens based on morphology, cultural characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data of the 5.8S rDNA with flanking ITS1 and ITS2 regions and the 5′ end of the β-tubulin gene. These species are also compared with other closely related hypocrealean taxa. Present collection data suggest that species ofXenocylindrocladium could be restricted to the tropics.  相似文献   

Data from microscopic morphology, single-spore cultures, and DNA analyses of teleomorphs and anamorphs support the recognition of five species of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs on Acer: P. acerinum sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. acerinum; P. acerophilum comb. nov., formerly known as Dictyoporthe acerophila; P. galeatum comb. nov., originally described as Massaria galeata; P. opalus sp. nov.; and P. pyriforme sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. pyriforme s. str. The morphology of both type specimens and freshly collected material was investigated. The teleomorphs have brown ellipsoidal ascospores with five distosepta and often a longitudinal distoseptum. The anamorphs of all species described here belong to Stegonsporium; their connection to the Prosthecium teleomorphs was demonstrated by morphology and DNA sequences of single spore cultures derived from both ascospores and conidia. The anamorphs and teleomorphs of all five Prosthecium species are described and illustrated by LM images, and a key to these species is provided. As perceived from this work, S. pyriforme is restricted to Europe and does not occur in North America, whereas S. acerinum is restricted to North America, not found in Europe. The host associations given in the literature are revised and evidence is provided that only A. opalus, A. pseudoplatanus, and A. saccharum are confirmed hosts of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of tef1, ITS rDNA, and partial nuLSU rDNA sequences confirm that the species with Stegonsporium anamorphs are closely related to P. ellipsosporum, the generic type species. Stilbospora macrosperma is confirmed as the anamorph of P. ellipsosporum by DNA data of single spore isolates obtained from both ascospores and conidia.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(9):1083-1087
该文描述了紫堇科二新种:(1)自云南省发现的紫堇科紫堇属一新种,宽鳞紫堇。此新种与波密紫堇相近似,与后者的区别在于本新种的根状茎鳞片半透明,具三条脉,茎无叶,外花瓣无鸡冠状突起,雄蕊束具2花药,花丝条形,无脉,子房宽条形。(2)自黑龙江省发现的紫堇科紫堇属一新种,鹤岗延胡索。此种与新疆元胡相似,但本种叶的小叶多在顶端,具1~5牙齿,花序苞片有3~5小裂片,上花瓣及其瓣片和距均较小,蜜腺呈狭卵球形,弯曲,顶端尖锐而与新疆元胡相区别。  相似文献   

Two species ofMenziesia, M. katsumatae andM. yakushimensis, are described as new to science. The former is characterized by having a long axis of the inflorescence with 15–20 bracts while the other species has a short axis with about ten bracts.M. katsumatae is restricted to the Hakusan range extending northward to Mt. Hōdatsuzan in the Noto Peninsula.M. yakushimensis has been considered asM. purpurea Maxim. in Kyūshū, but it is clearly distinguishable from the latter by the color and shape of the corolla and the presence of fasciculate glandular-hairs at the base of the corolla lobes. It is endemic to the higher altitudes of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture.  相似文献   

Isolation of ascomycetous microfungi from 58 house dust samples from detached and apartment dwellings around Kobe City revealed that species ofTalaromyces, Eurotium andNeosartorya were common ascomycetous propagules in the house dust.Neosartorya species accounted for 8.3% of the total identified isolates, of whichN. pseudofischeri was the main constituent, indicating that it may be a common potential fungal pathogen in the dwelling environment. Based on the specimens collected,N. pseudofischeri is described and illustrated as new to Japan.  相似文献   

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