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简单重复序列广泛存在于多种生物基因组中,其生物学意义越来越受到人们的重视.许多简单重复序列易于扩增变长,某些重复序列的异常延伸是造成一些遗传疾病的直接原因.本研究以20 nt的60种四重复和6种二重复序列单链为模板,系统研究了它们在嗜热DNA聚合酶作用下等温扩增的特点.电泳结果显示,多数单链模板能扩增变长,即使链内没有互补碱基的序列也可被扩增,如(AGGA)5.定量分析结果显示:回文序列扩增最快;二重复序列比相同碱基组成的四重复序列有更宽的适于扩增的温度范围;G和C含量多的DNA较G和C含量少的序列更易扩增,而且G和C含量越多越适于在较高的温度下扩增;重复单位含两相同嘧啶的链多数比其互补链更易扩增;产物浓度与时间基本呈线性关系.限制性酶切产物结果显示,扩增产物与模板具有相同的重复单位,是重复序列的简单延伸.最后,根据实验结果和相关文献,提出了包括链内滑动扩增和发卡DNA介导扩增两阶段的重复序列单链扩增模型,以对重复序列非特异扩增和相关疾病发生机制的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

三核苷酸重复与神经系统遗传病的关系引起了许多科研工作者的关注,介绍了近年来与三核苷酸重复相关的神经系统遗传病致病基因克隆的研究进展,并对其可能的致病机理作了综述.  相似文献   

吕柯孬  潘学峰 《遗传》2021,(9):835-848
三核苷酸重复DNA序列扩增或缺失不稳定性与50多种人类神经退行性疾病有关.与疾病相关的三核苷酸重复拷贝数的增加或减少,影响了特定基因的表达,或因之产生具有细胞毒性的RNA和蛋白质已成为相关疾病的共有病理机制.现有的研究表明,疾病相关的三核苷酸重复拷贝数的改变有可能起因于相关三核苷酸重复DNA序列的异常DNA复制、修复、...  相似文献   

潘学峰 《遗传学报》2006,33(1):1-11
与三核苷酸重复序列CAG.CTG、CGG·CCG和GAA·TTC扩增和缺失有关的分子机制尚不能得到清楚的阐释.体外研究表明,上述疾病相关的重复序列可以在体外形成non-B二级结构,并介导重复序列扩增.然而,迄今为止,类似的观察尚未在体内研究过程中得以实现.利用模型生物大肠杆菌和酵母等进行的有关研究并不能模拟三核苷酸重复序列的扩增,这暗示三核苷酸重复序列的体内扩增可能与重复序列形成non-B二级结构关联性并不大.尽管理论上较长的三核苷酸重复序列可以在复制和后复制过程中较易形成non-B DNA二级结构,但这样的二级结构倾向于导致重复序列出现"脆性",而不是扩增.事实上,患者所具有的三核苷酸重复序列扩增并非一定需要通过non-B二级结构的介导,这些重复序列的扩增是可以通过一种RNA转录诱导的局部DNA重复序列的复制和其后的DNA重排得以发生.  相似文献   

DNA序列进化过程中核苷酸替代的非独立性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
杨子恒 《遗传学报》1990,17(5):354-359
本文评述了DNA序列间核苷酸替代数的估计方法,并通过对七个物种中组蛋白基因的比较对DNA进化的模型进行了考察。发现H2A基因第三位点上的碱基组成在物种间变异很大,并且跟H2A基因第一位点、H4基因第一、三位点及H2A上游,下游序列中的碱基组成有强正相关,提示DNA序列进化过程中存在着物种特异的区域性约束力。可能的原因是高等真核生物中GC含量升高,或者是染色体重组使这些同源序列位于不同的等质区段,从而受到不同的选择突变压。密码内各位点上核苷酸替代的相关性分析表明不同位点的替代是非独立的,其原因可能是一次替代事件引起多个位点的变化。文中讨论了这些结果对进化树推断的意义。  相似文献   

作为DNA序列的重要组成特征,基因组寡核苷酸使用模式及其偏倚的研究已被广泛应用于原核生物基因组的分析。然而,关于寡核苷酸使用模式的偏倚是否具有种群特异性并反映种群的功能这一问题,尚未阐明。我们基于一阶马尔可夫链模型,提出了一个度量寡核苷酸使用模式偏倚的新指标——基因组三核苷酸(trinucleotide,tri-)转移概率偏倚(transition probability bias,TPB)特征向量,或称之为三核苷酸转移概率最大偏倚分布,并分析比较了727条有代表性的原核生物基因组序列tri-TPB特征向量。结果表明,基因组tri-TPB特征向量具有物种特异性,亲缘关系越近的物种,它们的tri-TPB特征向量越相似;同种内的不同菌株具有几乎完全相同的tri-TPB特征向量,并且不依赖于基因组的GC含量;此外,基因组tri-TPB特征向量的相似性与菌株的致病性特征相关。本研究结果为基于全基因组寡核苷酸组成和分布信息的物种及其致病性进化分析提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

给出描述36个四体内三基对平面间相互方位和碱基对间沿长轴方向位移的参数集。考虑到碱基对梯阶间的非紧邻相互作用,提出DNA宏观弯曲的经验预测规则。给出DNA宏观弯曲的定义,使用联系碱基对梯阶间的变换矩阵计算宏观弯曲。对18个与人类遗传病有关的三核苷酸重复及相关序列预测了宏观弯曲。理论结果和相应的实验数据作了比较,对结果的理论含义作了讨论。  相似文献   

许静  王伟  柴宝峰  梁爱华 《遗传》2007,29(1):87-91
人类基因中三核苷酸重复序列拷贝数的异常扩增, 可导致多种神经系统疾病。一种富含GAA三核苷酸的GARP (glutamic acid-rich protein)基因从八肋游仆虫(Euplotes octocarinatus)大核文库中筛选获得。大核中该基因的染色体全长460 bp, 基因两端具有下毛类纤毛虫大核特有的端粒序列(C4A4C4A4C4A4C4), 开放读框内含有一个TGA(88-99)密码子, 在游仆虫中编码为半胱氨酸。经DNA Star 软件分析, 该基因编码的蛋白质由112个氨基酸组成, 预测其分子量为13 kDa, 等电点为3.82, 含有四个 [[alpha]] 螺旋和一个 [[beta]] 折叠。小核中对应的该基因含有两个内部删除序列, IES1 和IES2。IES1和IES2分别长41 bp, IES1以GA二核苷酸直接重复为删除信号, IES2以TA二核苷酸直接重复为删除信号。RT- PCR 证明该基因具有转录活性。  相似文献   

野生型拟南芥中发现大量三联核苷酸重复序列,这为三联核苷酸串联重复导致机体功能紊乱的研究提供了良好的生物模型。  相似文献   

DNA重复序列的宏观分布趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以GCG软件和数学模型为工具,用观察到的某DNA序列的频数(O)与理论计算出的此序列频数(T)的比值(O/T)为参数(即相对频数),将基因资料库(包括GenBank和EMBLDataBase)的DNA序列进行了分析.结果显示DNA重复序列的分布存在着如下趋势:(1)越简单的DNA重复序列,其相对频数越高,离平衡分布越远;(2)顺向重复序列的分布的相对频数高于反向重复序列的分布;(3)较长的保守序列的相对频数较高;(4)含AT碱基对的重复序列的相对频数高于含GC碱基对的重复序列,在较长的DNA重复序列中尤其明显:(5)上述DNA重复序列分布的趋势存在种属特异性.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of spider silks have diverged as spiders have diversely speciated. Because the main components of silks are proteins, it is valuable to investigate their sequences. However, silk sequences have been regarded as difficult information to analyze due to their imbalance and imperfect tandem repeats (ITR). Here, an in silico approach is applied to systemically analyze a group of silk sequences. It is found that every time new spider groups emerge, unique trimer motifs appear. These trimer motifs are used to find additional clues of evolution and to determine relationships with mechanical properties. For the first time, crucial evidence is provided that shows silk sequences coevolved with spider species and the mechanical properties of their fibers to adapt to new living environments. This novel approach can be used as a platform for analyzing other groups of ITR‐harboring proteins and to obtain information for the design of tailor‐made fibrous protein materials.  相似文献   

Siyanova  E. Yu.  Mirkin  S. M. 《Molecular Biology》2001,35(2):168-182
This review describes a novel type of genome instability, expansion of trinucleotide repeats. Originally discovered in 1991 upon cloning the gene responsible for the fragile X syndrome, it has proved to be a general phenomenon responsible for a growing number of human neurological disorders. Besides apparent medical importance, the discovery of trinucleotide repeat expansion unraveled a fundamental problem of human genetics: a non-Mendelian type of inheritance called anticipation. Understanding the mechanisms of repeat expansion and the molecular pathways leading from these expansions to human diseases became a formidable task for modern biology and one of its spectacular achievements. Here we discuss the major breakthroughs in this field made during the last decade, with an emphasis on molecular models of repeat expansion.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization banding (GISH-banding), a technique slightly modified from conventional GISH, was used to probe the Chinese native rye (Secale cereale L.) DNA, and enabled us to visualize the Individual rye chromosomes and create a universal reference karyotype of the S. cereale chromosome 1R to 7R. The GISH-banding approach used in the present study was able to discriminate S. cereale chromosomes or segments in the wheat (Triticum aeativum L.) background, including the Triticale, wheat-rye addition and translocation lines. Moreover, the GISH-banding pattern of S.cereale subsp. Afghanicum chromosomes was consistent with that of Chinese native rye cv. Jingzhou rye; whereas the GISH-banding pattem of Secale vavilovli was different from that of S. cereale, indicating that GISH-banding can be used to study evolutionary polymorphism in species or subspecies of Secale. In addition, the production and application of GISH-banding to the study of adenine-thymine-riched heterochromatin is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA trinucleotide repeat (TRs) expansion beyond a threshold often results in human neurodegenerative diseases. The mechanisms causing expansions remain unknown, although the tendency of TR ssDNA to self-associate into hairpins that slip along their length is widely presumed related. Here we apply single molecule FRET (smFRET) experiments and molecular dynamics simulations to determine conformational stabilities and slipping dynamics for CAG, CTG, GAC and GTC hairpins. Tetraloops are favored in CAG (89%), CTG (89%) and GTC (69%) while GAC favors triloops. We also determined that TTG interrupts near the loop in the CTG hairpin stabilize the hairpin against slipping. The different loop stabilities have implications for intermediate structures that may form when TR-containing duplex DNA opens. Opposing hairpins in the (CAG) ∙ (CTG) duplex would have matched stability whereas opposing hairpins in a (GAC) ∙ (GTC) duplex would have unmatched stability, introducing frustration in the (GAC) ∙ (GTC) opposing hairpins that could encourage their resolution to duplex DNA more rapidly than in (CAG) ∙ (CTG) structures. Given that the CAG and CTG TR can undergo large, disease-related expansion whereas the GAC and GTC sequences do not, these stability differences can inform and constrain models of expansion mechanisms of TR regions.  相似文献   

大豆重复序列的克隆,特性分析及在染色体上的定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惠东威  刘凤华 《遗传学报》1995,22(6):455-462
从大豆栽培品种Union(G.max)基因组pUC18质粒文库中,以基因组DNA为探针,筛选出一个重复序列家族。序列分析表明,此重复序列的重复单位为91bp,拷贝数约为10 ̄5,其序列约占基因组DNA的0.9%。基因组DNA不同限制酶片段Southern杂交分析和染色体原位杂交分析表明此重复序列主要以串联方式集中分布在M2和M11号染色体的臂上,而另外一些则散布于整个M12和Sm7号染色体上。以该序列为探针片大豆属不同亚属13个种的18个品系的Southern杂交结果表明,此重复序列为Soja亚属所特有。这一Soia亚属特异重复序列的发现,从另一个角度支持应把Soja亚属的3个种G.soja、G.gracillis、G.max划分为一个种的观点。  相似文献   

A modified version of quantitating repetitive sequences in genomic DNA was developed to allow comparisons for numerous individual genomes and simultaneous analysis of several sequences in each DNA specimen. The relative genomic content of ribosomal repeats (rDNA) was estimated for 75 individuals, including 33 healthy donors (HD) and 42 schizophrenic patients (SP). The rDNA copy number in HD was 427 ± 18 (mean ± SE) per diploid nucleus, ranging 250–600. In SP, the rDNA copy number was 494 ± 15 and ranged 280–670, being significantly higher than in HD. The two samples did not differ in contents of sequences hybridizing with probes directed to a subfraction of human satellite III or to the histone genes. Cytogenetic analysis (silver staining of metaphase chromosomes) showed that the content of active rRNA genes in nucleolus organizer regions is higher in SP compared with HD. The possible causes of the elevated rRNA gene dosage in SP were considered. The method employed was proposed for studying the polymorphism for genomic content of various repeats in higher organisms, including humans.  相似文献   

小麦及其近缘种中基因组特异性DNA重复序列的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
白建荣  贾旭  王道文 《遗传》2002,24(5):595-600
本文对小麦族植物中基因组特异性DNA重复序列的分类、基本特征、分离和鉴定方法、在小麦遗传改良中的应用以及未来研究的发展趋势进行了简述。综合已有的研究结果可以看出基因组特异性DNA重复序列是小麦族植物基因组特异性形成的重要构成部分。对基因组特异性DNA重复序列的研究是认识小麦族植物基因组的有效途径之一,基因组特异性DNA重复序列的应用将进一步促进小麦族植物分子细胞遗传学和普通小麦遗传改良研究的进展。 Advances in Studies of Genome-Specific Repetitive DNA Sequences in Wheat and Related Species BAI Jian-rong1,2,JIA Xu1,WANG Dao-wen1 1.The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering,Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China; 2.Crop Genetics Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Taiyuan 030031,China Abstract:In this paper we review recent advances in studies of several aspects of genome specific repetitive DNA sequences in wheat and related species.The available results demonstrate that genome specific repetitive DNA sequences are important components of genome specificity in wheat and related species.Research on genome specific repetitive DNA sequences is essential to the elucidation of genome function.The application of genome specific repetitive DNA sequences will aid molecular cytogenetic studies in wheat and related species and contributes to genetic improvement of common wheat. Key words:wheat;genome specific repetitive DNA sequence;chromosome  相似文献   

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