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A recent laboratory study demonstrated that the ingestion of a cold/menthol beverage improved exercise performance in a hot and humid environment during 20 km of all-out cycling. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether the ingestion of cold water/ice-slurry with menthol would improve performance in hot and humid outdoor conditions.


Ten trained males completed three trials of five blocks consisting of 4-km cycling and 1.5-km running. During warm-up, every block and recovery, the athletes drank 190 ml of aromatized (i.e., with 0.05 mL of menthol) beverage at three temperatures: Neutral (ambient temperature) (28.7°C±0. 5°C), Cold (3.1°C±0.6°C) or Ice-slurry (0.17°C±0.07°C). Trial time, core temperature (Tco), heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal sensation (TS) and thermal comfort (TC) were assessed.


Ice-slurry/menthol increased performance by 6.2% and 3.3% compared with neutral water/menthol and cold water/menthol, respectively. No between-trial differences were noted for Tco, HR, RPE, TC and TS was lower with ice-slurry/menthol and cold water/menthol compared with neutral water/menthol.


A low drink temperature combined with menthol lessens the performance decline in hot/humid outdoor conditions (i.e., compared with cold water alone). Performances were better with no difference in psycho-physiological stress (Tco, HR and RPE) between trials. The changes in perceptual parameters caused by absorbing a cold/menthol beverage reflect the psychological impact. The mechanism leading to these results seems to involve brain integration of signals from physiological and psychological sources.  相似文献   



To investigate injury pattern during intense exercises in hot and humid environment particularly on liver in a rat exertional heat stroke model.


We randomly divided 30 rats into a control group (CG), a normal temperature (25±2°C, 60%±5% humidity) exercise group (NTEG) and a high temperature and high humidity (35±2°C, 80%±10% humidity) exercising group (HTEG), each comprising 10 animals. The NTEG and HTEG rats were forced to run in a treadmill for 1 hour maximum at 20 rpm. We analyzed liver cells of all three groups with JC-1 dye and flow cytometry for apoptosis rates in addition to liver tissue 8 - hydroxy deoxyguanosine (8 - OhdG) and blood serum IL–6, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), alanine aminotransferase ALT, aspartate amino transferase (AST), serum creatinine (CREA), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine phosphate kinase (CK) concentrations.


Compared with NTEG rats, beside reduced exercise tolerance (60±5 vs. 15±3 minutes) (p = 0.002) the 8-OhdG liver tissue concentrations were significantly higher (p = 0.040) in the HTEG rats. The HTEG developed more organ tissue damage and cellular fragmentations of liver cells. In both exercise groups TNF-α and IL-6 serum concentrations were enhanced significantly (p<0.001) being highest in the HTEG animals. Serum ALT, AST, LDH, CREA, BUN and CK concentrations were significantly enhance in both exercise groups.


In our exertional heat stroke rat model, we found tissue damage particularly in livers during exercises in hot and humid environment that was related to inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Strenuous exercise causes systemic endotoxemia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Eighteen triathletes were studied before and immediately after competing in an ultradistance triathlon. Their mean plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) concentrations increased from 0.081 to 0.294 ng/ml (P less than 0.001), and their mean plasma anti-LPS immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations decreased from 67.63 to 38.99 micrograms/ml (P less than 0.001). Both pretriathlon plasma LPS and anti-LPS IgG levels were directly related to the intensity of training (P less than 0.02 and P less than 0.01, respectively). It is possible that training-induced stress led to some leakage of LPS into the circulation, which, in turn, resulted in self-immunization against LPS. The effects on athletic performance in relation to exercise-induced changes in plasma LPS and anti-LPS IgG levels require further investigation.  相似文献   

Clustering of pathogens in the environment leads to hot spots of diseases at local, regional, national, and international levels. Scotland contains regional hot spots of Johne's disease (caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis) in rabbits, and there is increasing evidence of a link between paratuberculosis infections in rabbits and cattle. The spatial and temporal dynamics of paratuberculosis in rabbits within a hot spot region were studied with the overall aim of determining environmental patterns of infection and thus the risk of interspecies transmission to livestock. The specific aims were to determine if prevalence of paratuberculosis in rabbits varies temporally between seasons and whether the heterogeneous spatial environmental distribution of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis on a large scale (i.e., regional hot spots) is replicated at finer resolutions within a hot spot. The overall prevalence of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis in rabbits was 39.7%; the temporal distribution of infection in rabbits followed a cyclical pattern, with a peak in spring of 55.4% and a low in summer of 19.4%. Spatially, M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis-infected rabbits and, thus, the risk of interspecies transmission were highly clustered in the environment. However, this is mostly due to the clustered distribution of rabbits. The patterns of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in rabbits are discussed in relation to the host's socioecology and risk to livestock.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of moderate and strenuous exercise on experimental arterial thrombus formation in men. Thrombogenesis was measured in 15 sedentary healthy male volunteers at rest or immediately after two standardized exercise tests performed for 30 min on a bicycle ergometer. The exercises were performed at a constant load corresponding to either 50 or 70% maximal oxygen uptake. Thrombus formation was induced ex vivo by exposing a collagen-coated coverslip in a parallel plate perfusion chamber to native nonanticoagulated blood for 3 min. The shear rate at the collagen surface was 2,600 s(-1). Platelet and fibrin deposition was quantified by immunoenzymatic methods. The results show that moderate exercise did not affect arterial thrombus formation. In contrast, platelet thrombus formation on collagen was increased on the average by 20% after 30 min at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (P = 0.03). Fibrin deposition on collagen remained unchanged with exercise, regardless of its intensity. Thus, with the use of a clinically relevant human experimental model of thrombosis, the present study suggests that exercise of heavy intensity may increase the risk for arterial thrombogenesis in sedentary young healthy male volunteers.  相似文献   

利用比色法、竞争性蛋白结合技术及放射性免疫分析法,分析热环境中负重行军战士血液乳酸含量、cAMP、cGMP及皮质醇含量,以探讨热应激过程中机体的生化变化特点,并观察阿的平对这些变化的影响。结果表明:行军后战士血液乳酸浓度、皮质醇含量(2.08±0.18mmol/L、16.25±1.05μg/100mL)较行军前(1.62±0.16mmol/L、14.98±0.9μg/100mL)明显升高,而行军后血浆cAMP浓度(18.8±3.9pmol/mL)则较行军前(32.9±6.0pmol/mL)显著降低,cGMP在行军前后无明显变化;行军前预服阿的平,具有减弱或逆转上述变化的作用。  相似文献   

Seven subjects exercised to thermal comfort in a cold environment (O degrees C, 2.5 m X s-1) after normal sleep (control) and following a 50-h period of sleep deprivation. Resting core temperature (rectal) taken before the subject entered the cold environment was significantly lower (-0.5 degrees C, P less than 0.05) following the 50-h period of wakefulness. However, rectal temperature was not different after 15 min of exercise during the two exposures, suggesting that the subjects stored heat more rapidly during the first 15 min of exercise after sleep deprivation. No significant differences in self-chosen exercise intensity, significant differences in self-chosen exercise intensity, heart rate, metabolic rate, or exercise time were evident between the control and sleep deprived exposures. Fifty hours of sleep deprivation failed to alter the core temperature response during exercise in severe cold stress, and subjects chose identical work rates to minimize fatigue and cold sensation. The results suggest that the 50-h sleep deprivation period was not a true physiological stress during exercise in a cold environment. (Supported by Contract #DAMD 17-81-C1023.)  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis of whether strenuous physical exercise inhibits neutrophils that can get activated by hypobaric hypoxia, we analyzed the effects of both high altitude and strenuous exercise alone and in combination on potentially cytotoxic functions of granulocytes in healthy volunteers (n = 12 men; average age 27.6 yr; range 24-38 yr). To this end, a field study was prospectively performed with an open-labeled within-subject design comprising three protocols. Protocol I (high altitude) involved a helicopter ascent, overnight stay at 3,196 m, and descent on the following day. Protocol II (physical exercise) involved hiking below an altitude of 2,100 m with repetitive ascents amounting to a total ascent to that of protocol III. Protocol III (combination of physical exercise and high altitude) involved climbing from 1,416 to 3,196 m, stay overnight, and descent on the following day. In protocol I, number of granulocytes did not change, but potentially cytotoxic functions of cells (CD18 expression and superoxide production) were early and significantly upregulated. In protocol II, subjects developed granulocytosis, but functions of cells were inhibited. In protocol III, granulocytosis occurred at higher values than those observed under protocol II. Potentially cytotoxic functions of cells, however, were strongly inhibited again. In conclusion, high altitude alone, even moderate in extent, can activate potentially cytotoxic functions of circulating granulocytes. Strenuous physical exercise strongly inhibits this activation, which may give protection from an otherwise inflammatory injury.  相似文献   

Natural selection driving adaptive changes is a powerful and intuitive explanation for the evolution of the living world around us. Evolution at the molecular level, however, is chiefly ruled by random genetic drift. The idea that an advantageous allele may be lost by chance in a natural population is rather difficult to explore in the classroom. Low-cost and hands-on educational resources are needed to make genetic drift more intuitive among students. In this exercise, we use colored beads and the roll of a die to simulate drift and selection jointly affecting the fate of the genetic variants in an evolving population. Our aim is to teach students that natural selection does not determine but simply influences the fate of advantageous alleles because random genetic drift is always present. We have been using this exercise successfully for over a decade for the Biological Sciences students at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

Prolonged strenuous exercise is followed by a temporary functional immune impairment. Low numbers of CD4+ T helper (Th) and CD8+ T cytotoxic (Tc) cells are found in the circulation. These cells can be divided according to their cytokine profile into type 1 (Th1 and Tc1), which produce interferon-gamma and interleukin (IL)-2, and type 2 (Th2 and Tc2) cells, which produce IL-4. The question addressed in the present study was whether exercise affected the relative balance between the circulating levels of these cytokine-producing T cells. Nine male runners performed treadmill running for 2.5 h at 75% of maximal oxygen consumption. The intracellular expression of cytokines was detected following stimulation with ionomycin and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate in blood obtained before, during, and after exercise. The percentage of type 1 T cells in the circulation was suppressed at the end of exercise and 2 h after exercise, whereas no changes were found in the percentage of type 2 T cells. Plasma epinephrine correlated negatively with the percentage of circulating CD8+ T cells producing IL-2, whereas peak IL-6 correlated with the percentage of CD8+ IL-4-producing T cells in the circulation. Peak plasma IL-6 correlated with plasma cortisol postrunning. In conclusion, the postexercise decrease in T lymphocyte number is accompanied by a more pronounced decrease in type 1 T cells, which may be linked to high plasma epinephrine. Furthermore, IL-6 may stimulate type 2 T cells, thereby maintaining a relatively unaltered percentage of these cells in the circulation compared with total circulating lymphocyte number.  相似文献   

We propose a simple model for genetic adaptation to a changing environment, describing a fitness landscape characterized by two maxima. One is associated with “specialist” individuals that are adapted to the environment; this maximum moves over time as the environment changes. The other maximum is static, and represents “generalist” individuals not affected by environmental changes. The rest of the landscape is occupied by “maladapted” individuals. Our analysis considers the evolution of these three subpopulations. Our main result is that, in presence of a sufficiently stable environmental feature, as in the case of an unchanging aspect of a physical habitat, specialists can dominate the population. By contrast, rapidly changing environmental features, such as language or cultural habits, are a moving target for the genes; here, generalists dominate, because the best evolutionary strategy is to adopt neutral alleles not specialized for any specific environment. The model we propose is based on simple assumptions about evolutionary dynamics and describes all possible scenarios in a non-trivial phase diagram. The approach provides a general framework to address such fundamental issues as the Baldwin effect, the biological basis for language, or the ecological consequences of a rapid climate change.  相似文献   

A study involving nine healthy males was conducted to determine the developmental rate of inspiratory muscle fatigue during resistive loads under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. The subjects aged 19 to 38 years performed a bicycle exercise test of increasing power during an exhaustive inspiratory–expiratory resistive load of 40 cm water column/l s–1 inhaling air or oxygen. The volumetric and temporal respiratory parameters, the partial CO2 pressure in the alveolar gas, the total force of inspiratory muscle contractions, the electrical activity of parasternal muscles (EMG), and the initial inspiratory activity were recorded. The degree of inspiratory muscle fatigue was assessed by the tension–time index P m/P m max T I/T T as well as by the ratio of the mean amplitudes of the EMG-signal spectrum in the high-frequency (H) range to the mean spectrum amplitudes in the low-frequency (L) range (H/L). It was established that human working capacity during increasing muscular loads against the background of highly resistive breathing was not a function of the oxygen content in the inhalation mixtures within 21 to 100%; i.e., the maximal power of the work done did not significantly differ. It was shown that pulmonary ventilation, the force generated by inspiratory muscles, the breathing effort values, the initial inspiratory activity value, and the tension–time index increased in parallel with the intensity of the exercise when both air and oxygen were inhaled. The P m/P m max T I/T T values in the last minutes of the muscular load significantly exceeded the fatigue zone range, attaining 0.25 to 0.45 in different subjects. By the moment of refusal to continue the work, the H/L ratio had decreased by an average of 36% when air and oxygen were inhaled. The limitation of the physical working capacity of a healthy individual during an exhaustive resistive load is considered to be linked to inspiratory muscle fatigue developing at an equal rate under both normoxic and hyperoxic conditions. An impairment of the arterial blood supply to inspiratory muscles due to occlusion of the intramuscular vessels during intense muscular contractions and a considerable shortening of the time of the relaxation of the respiratory muscles in the expiratory phase is supposed to occur in forced respiration with an additional gas flow obstruction. The fact of the alternation of the electrical activity between the parasternal and other inspiratory muscles within individual inspiratory phases combined with resistive and physical loads is established, which may serve as one of the signs of inspiratory muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

Tarnopolsky M 《Mitochondrion》2004,4(5-6):529-542
Exercise intolerance is one of the most common symptoms in patients with mitochondrial myopathies (MM). At the whole body level, this is characterized by a reduction in maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) with an excessive carbon dioxide production (VCO2), increased rating of perceived exertion and a hyperdynamic circulatory response at a given exercise intensity. Fewer patients with MM display overt muscle atrophy and weakness even in the absence of a peripheral neuropathy. At the level of the skeletal muscle, the abnormal exercise response in MM patients is characterized by an increase in; delivery of oxygen relative to extraction (reduced myoglobin or hemoglobin desaturation), lactate production, phosphocreatine hydrolysis and time of post-exercise PCr and ADP recovery. Classically, the characterization of exercise intolerance is performed using cycle ergometry with measurements of VO2, VCO2, respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VCO2/VO2), heart rate, minute ventilation, rating of perceived exertion, and cardiac output (where available). Exercise protocols to maximum or for a given time period at a set workload can differentiate MM from controls with a sensitivity of 0.63-0.75 and a specificity of 0.70-0.90. Modified hand-grip exercise protocols, especially if coupled with simultaneous measurements of myoglobin/hemoglobin desaturation (near infra-red spectroscopy) or venous oxygenation, can achieve similar or higher levels of sensitivity and specificity. Similarly, exercise coupled with muscle phosphocreatine/Pi ratios, PCr, pH or ADP recovery kinetics, determined using magnetic resonance spectroscopy are useful in differentiating MM, but are limited by availability, experience and cost. In summary, aerobic exercise testing with some measurement of oxygen consumption can be performed in most institutions and can provide valuable information in the both the work-up of patients with suspected MM as well as in the monitoring of therapy in such patients.  相似文献   

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