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Invasion of the Anopheles mosquito midgut by the Plasmodium ookinete is a critical step in the malaria transmission cycle. We have generated a fluorescent P. berghei transgenic line that expresses GFP in the ookinete and oocyst stages, and used it to perform the first real-time analysis of midgut invasion in the living mosquito as well as in explanted intact midguts whose basolateral plasma membranes were vitally stained. These studies permitted detailed analysis of parasite motile behaviour in the midgut and cell biological analysis of the invasion process. Throughout its journey, the ookinete displays distinct modes of motility: stationary rotation, translocational spiralling and straight-segment motility. Spiralling is based on rotational motility combined with translocation steps and changes in direction, which are achieved by transient attachments of the ookinete's trailing end. As it moves from the apical to the basal side of the midgut epithelium, the ookinete uses a predominant intracellular route and appears to glide on the membrane in foldings of the basolateral domain. However, it traverses serially the cytoplasm of several midgut cells before entering and migrating through the basolateral intercellular space to access the basal lamina. The invaded cells commit apoptosis, and their expulsion from the epithelium invokes wound repair mechanisms including extensive lamellipodia crawling. A 'hood' of lamellipodial origin, provided by the invaded cell, covers the ookinete during its egress from the epithelium. The flexible ookinete undergoes shape changes and temporary constrictions associated with passage through the plasma membranes. Similar observations were made in both A. gambiae and A. stephensi, demonstrating the conservation of P. berghei interactions with these vectors.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan parasites critically depend on a unique form of gliding motility to colonize their hosts and to invade cells. Gliding requires different stage and species-specific transmembrane adhesins, which interact with an intracellular motor complex shared across parasite stages and species. How gliding is regulated by extracellular factors and intracellular signalling mechanisms is largely unknown, but current evidence suggests an important role for cytosolic calcium as a second messenger. Studying a Plasmodium berghei gene deletion mutant, we here provide evidence that a calcium-dependent protein kinase, CDPK3, has an important function in regulating motility of the ookinete in the mosquito midgut. We show that a cdpk3- parasite clone produces morphologically normal ookinetes, which fail to engage the midgut epithelium, due to a marked reduction in their ability to glide productively, resulting in marked reduction in malaria transmission to the mosquito. The mutant was successfully complemented with an episomally maintained cdpk3 gene, restoring mosquito transmission to wild-type level. cdpk3- ookinetes maintain their full genetic differentiation potential when microinjected into the mosquito haemocoel and cdpk3- sporozoites produced in this way are motile and infectious, suggesting an ookinete-limited essential function for CDPK3.  相似文献   

An essential requisite for transmission of Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, is the successful completion of a complex developmental cycle in its mosquito vector. Of hundreds of ookinetes that form in the mosquito midgut, only few transform into oocysts, a loss attributed to the action of the mosquito immune system. However, once oocysts form, they appear to be resistant to mosquito defences. During oocyst development, a thick capsule forms around the parasite and appears to function as a protective cover. Little information is available about the composition of this capsule. Here we report on the identification and partial characterization of the first Plasmodium oocyst capsule protein (PbCap380). Genetic analysis indicates that the gene is essential and that PbCap380(-) mutant parasites form oocysts in normal numbers but are gradually eliminated. As a result, mosquitoes infected with PbCap380(-) parasites do not transmit malaria. Targeting of the oocyst capsule may provide a new strategy for malaria control.  相似文献   

The mosquito midgut stages of malaria parasites are crucial for establishing an infection in the insect vector and to thus ensure further spread of the pathogen. Parasite development in the midgut starts with the activation of the intraerythrocytic gametocytes immediately after take‐up and ends with traversal of the midgut epithelium by the invasive ookinetes less than 24 h later. During this time period, the plasmodia undergo two processes of stage conversion, from gametocytes to gametes and from zygotes to ookinetes, both accompanied by dramatic morphological changes. Further, gamete formation requires parasite egress from the enveloping erythrocytes, rendering them vulnerable to the aggressive factors of the insect gut, like components of the human blood meal. The mosquito midgut stages of malaria parasites are unprecedented objects to study a variety of cell biological aspects, including signal perception, cell conversion, parasite/host co‐adaptation and immune evasion. This review highlights recent insights into the molecules involved in gametocyte activation and gamete formation as well as in zygote‐to‐ookinete conversion and ookinete midgut exit; it further discusses factors that can harm the extracellular midgut stages as well as the measures of the parasites to protect themselves from any damage.  相似文献   

Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, has to undergo sexual differentiation and development in anopheline mosquitoes for transmission to occur. To isolate genes specifically induced in both organisms during the early stages of Plasmodium differentiation in the mosquito, two cDNA libraries were constructed, one enriched for sequences expressed in differentiating Plasmodium berghei ookinetes and another enriched for sequences expressed in Anopheles stephensi guts containing invading ookinetes and early oocysts. Sequencing of 457 ookinete library clones and 652 early oocyst clones represented 175 and 346 unique expressed sequence tags, respectively. Nine of 13 Plasmodium and four of the five Anopheles novel expressed sequence tags analyzed on Northern blots were induced during ookinete differentiation and mosquito gut invasion. Ancaspase-7, an Anopheles effector caspase, is proteolytically activated during Plasmodium invasion of the midgut. WARP, a gene encoding a Plasmodium surface protein with a von Willebrand factor A-like adhesive domain, is expressed only in ookinetes and early oocysts. An anti-WARP polyclonal antibody strongly inhibits (70-92%) Plasmodium development in the mosquito, making it a candidate antigen for transmission blocking vaccines. The present results and those of an accompanying report (Srinivasan, P., Abraham, E. G., Ghosh, A. K., Valenzuela, J., Ribeiro, J. M. C., Dimopoulos G., Kafatos, F. C., Adams, J. H., and Jacobs-Lorena, M. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 5581-5587) provide the foundation for further analysis of Plasmodium differentiation in the mosquito and of mosquito responses to the parasite.  相似文献   

There are multiple stages in the life cycle of Plasmodium that invade host cells. Molecular machinery involved is such host–pathogen interactions constitute excellent drug targets and/or vaccine candidates. A screen using a phage display library has previously demonstrated presence of enolase on the surface of the Plasmodium ookinete. Phage-displayed peptides that bound to the ookinete contained a conserved motif (PWWP) in their sequence. Here, direct binding of these peptides with recombinant Plasmodium falciparum enolase (rPfeno) was investigated. These peptides showed specific binding to rPfeno, but failed to bind to other enolases. Plasmodium spp enolases are distinct in having an insert of five amino acids (104EWGWS108) that is not found in host enolases. The possibility of this insert being the recognition motif for the PWWP containing peptides was examined, (i) by comparing the binding of the peptides with rPfeno and a deletion variant Δ-rPfeno lacking 104EWGWS108, (ii) by measuring the changes in proton chemical shifts of PWWP peptides on binding to different enolases and (iii) by inter-molecular docking experiment to locate the peptide binding site. Results from these studies showed that the pentapeptide insert of Pfeno indeed constitutes the binding site for the PWWP domain containing peptide ligands. Search for sequences homologous to phage displayed peptides among peritrophic matrix proteins resulted in identification of perlecan, laminin, peritrophin and spacran. The possibility of these PWWP domain-containing proteins in the peritrophic matrix of insect gut to interact with ookinete cell surface enolase and facilitate the invasion of mosquito midgut epithelium is discussed.  相似文献   

Malaria ookinetes invade midgut epithelial cells of the mosquito vector from the bloodmeal in the lumen of the mosquito midgut, but the cellular interactions of ookinetes with the mosquito vector remain poorly described. We describe here a novel morphology of Plasmodium gallinaceum ookinetes in which the central portion of the ookinete is an elongated narrow tube or stalk joining the anterior and posterior portions of the parasite. We propose that the previously undescribed stalkform ookinete may be an adaptation to facilitate parasite locomotion through the cytoplasm of mosquito midgut epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Incessant transmission of the parasite by mosquitoes makes most attempts to control malaria fail. Blocking of parasite transmission by mosquitoes therefore is a rational strategy to combat the disease. Upon ingestion of blood meal mosquitoes secrete chitinase into the midgut. This mosquito chitinase is a zymogen which is activated by the removal of a propeptide from the N-terminal. Since the midgut peritrophic matrix acts as a physical barrier, the activated chitinase is likely to contribute to the further development of the malaria parasite in the mosquito. Earlier it has been shown that inhibiting chitinase activity in the mosquito midgut blocked sporogonic development of the malaria parasite. Since synthetic propeptides of several zymogens have been found to be potent inhibitors of their respective enzymes, we tested propeptide of mosquito midgut chitinase as an inhibitor and found that the propeptide almost completely inhibited the recombinant or purified native Anopheles gambiae chitinase. We also examined the effect of the inhibitory peptide on malaria parasite development. The result showed that the synthetic propeptide blocked the development of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in the African malaria vector An. gambiae and avian malaria parasite Plasmodium gallinaceum in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. This study implies that the expression of inhibitory mosquito midgut chitinase propeptide in response to blood meal may alter the mosquito's vectorial capacity. This may lead to developing novel strategies for controlling the spread of malaria.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium ookinete produces chitinolytic activity that allows the parasite to penetrate the chitin-containing peritrophic matrix surrounding the blood meal in the mosquito midgut. Since the peritrophic matrix is a physical barrier that the parasite must cross to invade the mosquito, and the presence of allosamidin, a chitinase inhibitor, in a blood meal prevents the parasite from invading the midgut epithelium, chitinases ( are potential targets of malaria parasite transmission-blocking interventions. We have purified a chitinase of the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium gallinaceum and cloned the gene, PgCHT1, encoding it. PgCHT1 encodes catalytic and substrate-binding sites characteristic of family 18 glycohydrolases. Expressed in Escherichia coli strain AD494 (DE3), recombinant PgCHT1 was found to hydrolyze polymeric chitin, native chitin oligosaccharides, and 4-methylumbelliferone derivatives of chitin oligosaccharides. Allosamidin inhibited recombinant PgCHT1 with an IC(50) of 7 microM and differentially inhibited two chromatographically separable P. gallinaceum ookinete-produced chitinase activities with IC(50) values of 7 and 12 microM, respectively. These two chitinase activities also had different pH activity profiles. These data suggest that the P. gallinaceum ookinete uses products of more than one chitinase gene to initiate mosquito midgut invasion.  相似文献   

This review examines what is presently known of the molecular interactions between Plasmodium and Anopheles that take place in the latter's midgut upon ingestion of the parasites with an infectious blood meal. In order to become 'established' in the gut and to transform into a sporozoite-producing oocyst, the malaria parasite needs to undergo different developmental steps that are often characterized by the use of selected resources provided by the mosquito vector. Moreover, some of these resources may be used by the parasite in order to overcome the insect host's defence mechanisms. The molecular partners of this interplay are now in the process of being defined and analyzed for both Plasmodium and mosquito and, thus, understood; these will be presented here in some detail.  相似文献   

During its life cycle the malarial parasite Plasmodium forms three invasive stages which have to invade different and specific cells for replication to ensue. Invasion is vital to parasite survival and consequently proteins responsible for invasion are considered to be candidate vaccine/drug targets. Plasmodium perforin-like proteins (PPLPs) have been implicated in invasion because they contain a predicted pore-forming domain. Ookinetes express three PPLPs, and one of them (PPLP3) has previously been shown to be essential for mosquito midgut invasion. In this study we show through phenotypic analysis of loss-of-function mutants that PPLP5 is equally essential for mosquito infection. Deltapplp5 ookinetes cannot invade midgut epithelial cells, but subsequent parasite development is rescued if the midgut is bypassed by injection of ookinetes into the hemocoel. The indistinguishable phenotypes of Deltapplp5 and Deltapplp3 ookinetes strongly suggest that these two proteins contribute to a common process.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized three times with extracts of Anopheles stephensi midgut. Immunized rabbits showed a high titer of antibodies when characterized by ELISA. We investigated the effect of anti-mosquito midgut antibodies on mosquito fecundity, longevity, mortality, engorgement, and the development of the malaria parasite in mosquitoes. Fecundity was reduced significantly (38%) and similarly hatchability by about 43.5%. There was no statistically significant effect on mortality, longevity, and engorgement. When the mosquito blood meal contained anti-midgut antibodies, fewer oocysts of Plasmodium vivax developed in the mosquito midgut and the proportion of mosquitoes becoming infected was significantly reduced. We also found that the midgut antibodies inhibit the development and/or translocation of the sporozoites. Antisera raised against midgut of A. stephensi recognized eight polypeptides (110, 92, 70, 45, 38, 29, 15, 13 kDa) by Western blotting. Cross-reactive antigens/epitopes present in other tissues of A. stephensi were also examined both by Western blotting and in vivo ELISA. Together, these observations open an avenue for research toward the development of a vector-based malaria parasite transmission blocking vaccine and/or anti-mosquito vaccine.  相似文献   

The effect of anti-mosquito-midgut antibodies on the development of the malaria parasite, P. vivax was studied by feeding the vector mosquito, An. culicifacies with infected blood supplemented with serum from immunized rabbits. In order to get antisera, rabbits were immunized with midgut proteins of three siblings species of Anopheles culicifacies, reported to exhibit differential vectorial capacity. The mosquitoes that ingested anti-midgut antibodies along with infectious parasites had significantly fewer oocysts compared to the control group of mosquitoes. The immunized rabbits generated high titer of antibodies. Their cross reactivity amongst various tissues of the same species and with other sibling species was also determined. Immunogenic polypeptides expressed in the midgut of glucose or blood fed An. culicifacies sibling species were identified by Western blotting. One immunogenic polypeptide of 62 kDa was exclusively present in the midgut of species A. Similarly, three polypeptides of 97, 94 and 58 kDa and one polypeptide of 23 kDa were present exclusively in species B and C respectively. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed the localization of these antigens on baso-lateral membrane and microvilli. The effects of anti-mosquito midgut antibodies on fecundity, longevity, mortality and engorgement of mosquitoes were studied. Fecundity was also reduced significantly. These observations open an avenue for research toward the development of a vector-based malaria parasite transmission-blocking vaccine.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites undergo two rounding-up transformations in their life cycle: the ookinete-to-oocyst transformation in the mosquito midgut, and the sporozoite-to-EEF (exo-erythrocytic form) differentiation in the host hepatocyte. Both events are characterized by the loss of polarity, implying that cytoskeletal reorganization is involved. In other eukaryotes, regulation of the actin skeleton is fundamental to subcellular remodeling. Although filamentous actin is well known to be involved in the motility of apicomplexan parasites, its participation in their morphological regulation is still largely unexplored. Here we describe the fundamental role of Actin depolymerization factor 2 (ADF2), a vector-stage-specific ADF isoform, in morphological changes accompanying the parasite life cycle. Among protozoan parasites, Plasmodium is unique in having two actin and two ADF genes. Disruption of the ADF2 gene in the rodent malaria parasite P. berghei had no effect on ookinete development or its subsequent invasion of the midgut. However, both the ookinete-to-oocyst and sporozoite-to-EEF transformations showed significant defects. These results indicated that Plasmodium ADF2 plays a pivotal role in transformation in the malaria parasite life cycle.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of the interactions between Anopheles stephensi midgut epithelial cells and Plasmodium berghei ookinetes during invasion of the mosquito by the parasite. In this mosquito, P. berghei ookinetes invade polarized columnar epithelial cells with microvilli, which do not express high levels of vesicular ATPase. The invaded cells are damaged, protrude towards the midgut lumen and suffer other characteristic changes, including induction of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression, a substantial loss of microvilli and genomic DNA fragmentation. Our results indicate that the parasite inflicts extensive damage leading to subsequent death of the invaded cell. Ookinetes were found to be remarkably plastic, to secrete a subtilisin-like serine protease and the GPI-anchored surface protein Pbs21 into the cytoplasm of invaded cells, and to be capable of extensive lateral movement between cells. The epithelial damage inflicted is repaired efficiently by an actin purse-string-mediated restitution mechanism, which allows the epithelium to 'bud off' the damaged cells without losing its integrity. A new model, the time bomb theory of ookinete invasion, is proposed and its implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Transmission of malaria parasites to mosquitoes is initiated by the obligatory sexual reproduction of the parasite within the mosquito bloodmeal. Differentiation of specialized transmission stages, the gametocytes, into male and female gametes is induced by a small mosquito molecule, xanthurenic acid (XA). Using a Plasmodium berghei strain expressing a bioluminescent calcium sensor, we show that XA triggers a rapid rise in cytosolic calcium specifically in gametocytes that is essential for their differentiation into gametes. A member of a family of plant-like calcium dependent protein kinases, CDPK4, is identified as the molecular switch that translates the XA-induced calcium signal into a cellular response by regulating cell cycle progression in the male gametocyte. CDPK4 is shown to be essential for the sexual reproduction and mosquito transmission of P. berghei. This study reveals an unexpected function for a plant-like signaling pathway in cell cycle regulation and life cycle progression of a malaria parasite.  相似文献   

Different isoforms of a protein complex termed the apoptosis- and splicing-associated protein (ASAP) were isolated from HeLa cell extract. ASAP complexes are composed of the polypeptides SAP18 and RNPS1 and different isoforms of the Acinus protein. While Acinus had previously been implicated in apoptosis and was recently identified as a component of the spliceosome, RNPS1 has been described as a general activator of RNA processing. Addition of ASAP isoforms to in vitro splicing reactions inhibits RNA processing mediated by ASF/SF2, by SC35, or by RNPS1. Additionally, microinjection of ASAP complexes into mammalian cells resulted in acceleration of cell death. Importantly, after induction of apoptosis the ASAP complex disassembles. Taken together, our results suggest an important role for the ASAP complexes in linking RNA processing and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Here, we report on the identification of nucleolar spindle-associated protein (NuSAP), a novel 55-kD vertebrate protein with selective expression in proliferating cells. Its mRNA and protein levels peak at the transition of G2 to mitosis and abruptly decline after cell division. Microscopic analysis of both fixed and live mammalian cells showed that NuSAP is primarily nucleolar in interphase, and localizes prominently to central spindle microtubules during mitosis. Direct interaction of NuSAP with microtubules was demonstrated in vitro. Overexpression of NuSAP caused profound bundling of cytoplasmic microtubules in interphase cells, and this relied on a COOH-terminal microtubule-binding domain. In contrast, depletion of NuSAP by RNA interference resulted in aberrant mitotic spindles, defective chromosome segregation, and cytokinesis. In addition, many NuSAP-depleted interphase cells had deformed nuclei. Both overexpression and knockdown of NuSAP impaired cell proliferation. These results suggest a crucial role for NuSAP in spindle microtubule organization.  相似文献   

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