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In many neuronal systems, information appears to be represented in the activity of populations of neurons. Such neuronal population codes must also be read out, or interpreted, by downstream networks. Recent studies in both vertebrate and invertebrate systems have begun to elucidate some of the general mechanisms underlying these processes. Directed behaviors, that involve a directional response to a directional sensory input, have been a particularly useful context for these studies because, among other things, their input-output relationship is easily defined and experimentally controlled. We have recently shown that the neuronal network underlying a directed behavior in the medicinal leech utilizes a specific population coding scheme based on a neuronal population vector. A population vector of mechanosensory neuron activity correlates well with behavioral output and the connectivity of the downstream network is well suited for accurately reading out this population code. Accepted: 17 April 1999  相似文献   

Recent work on the insect olfactory system has shown that its mushroom bodies (one of its major components) are involved in the fine discrimination of odours and that the temporal organisation of spike discharges plays a fundamental role. We propose here a model of a network that is able to decode the temporal patterns which characterise an odour. This model has three fundamental properties that seem to exist in all mushroom bodies of insects studied so far: a) long lasting inhibitions with rebounds, able to facilitate delayed spike generation; b) synaptic plasticity, which allows the network to learn to recognise temporal patterns; c) above all a large interconnection, which allows this network to recognise intervals of various duration. This model thus appears suited to identify combinations of temporal patterns in the dendrites of Kenyon cells (the principal cells in the calyces of the mushroom bodies). Moreover, the mushroom bodies integrate multimodal inputs, suggesting that the detection of temporal patterns may be extended to the detection of a complex environment, combining in particular olfactive and visual inputs.  相似文献   

We present the results of investigation of visual perception (VP) and oculomotor activity during reading texts of various difficulties from the monitor screen in children 7–8 years of age. It has been shown that, at the initial stage of the development of the reading skill, morphological and psycholinguistic parameters of the text have no significant effect on the oculomotor activity. The degree of formation of VPand its structural components more clearly manifested in the first-graders in reading plain text and is not sufficient for a successful reading of the increased complexity of the text.  相似文献   

The problem of visual and esthetic training has many facets, among which the psychological are obviously not the least important. The results of long years of studying the psychology of the child (2) lead to the conclusion that:

Human consciousness and the mechanisms of conscious control of human actions represe it a hierarchical system, like a building constructed of many superimposed psychophysiological levels, of many floors rising above one another. Somewhere in the basement are the prepsychological instinctive processes of receiving and using unconditioned reflex signals; the lower floors form the elementary sensations and implement the elementary types of individually discovered sensorimotor coordinations; the next floor is where the synthetic perceptions of space and time are formed along with the mechanisms for controlling locomotion and object manipulation; above them is the floor housing visual thinking and the processes for regulating play and productive activities; and, finally, above all these is the floor of symbolic, abstract, logical operations and the most complex instances of control exerted by the most complex information- seeking and labor activities. It should be emphasized that in its developed form this hierarchical system operates as a single entity, and the control of complex operations requires agreement between the operations of the psychophysiological mechanisms located at all these levels or floors. Each age level in the child's development erects the next floor of the overall psychophysiological building, and our task is mainly to build it in the best possible way, without senseless haste and taking heed not to erect the next floor before the one below is finished. (4)  相似文献   

The parameters of oculomotor activity were investigated using the video recording method when texts of different complexity were read by pupils with various reading skill levels. The parameters of eye movements and their determination have been described. It has been shown that the total reading time, the average duration of fixations, and the total number of regressions decrease, and the amplitude of progressive and regressive saccades increases as the reading skill is formed, which testifies to the perfection of the mechanisms of implementing the cognitive processes that form the basis of reading.  相似文献   


Microbial volatilization of selenium (Se) may be an effective bioremediation technique to remove Se from dewatered sediments. In this laboratory study, soil management parameters (wetting and drying cycles, aeration, mixing, aggregate size, and water quality) were assessed for their influence upon Se volatilization. Selenium volatilization rates were higher under continuously moist conditions (—33 kPa) compared with wetting and drying cycles. After 6 months of incubation, a continuously moist seleniferous soil had lost approximately 21% of the Se inventory, whereas the same soil incubated under wetting and drying cycles had dissipated 7% of the total Se. Incubation under anoxia (N2 atmosphere) increased evolution of dimethyl selenide (DMSe) 1.4‐fold compared with aerated conditions. When soil samples were incubated under static versus continuously mixed conditions, the latter treatment enhanced volatilization 1.8‐fold. This was attributed to increased availability of the Se to the methylating soil microbiota. The optimum aggregate size to promote volatilization of Se was 0.53 mm when compared to 0.15, 1, and 2 mm. The application of saline well water (7.5 dS m‐1) over 6 months, compared with deionized water, had little effect on volatilization rates of Se from a highly saline (22 dS mr‐1) seleniferous dewatered sediment. Each of these parameters should be considered in promoting volatilization of Se as a bioremediation approach in the cleanup of seleniferous sediments.  相似文献   


In the wetland rhizosphere, high densities of lithotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) and a favorable environment (i.e., high Fe(II) availability and microaerobic conditions) suggest that these organisms are actively contributing to the formation of Fe plaque on plant roots. We manipulated the presence/absence of an Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium (Sideroxydans paludicola, strain BrT) in axenic hydroponic microcosms containing the roots of intact Juncus effusus (soft rush) plants to determine if FeOB affected total rates of rhizosphere Fe(II) oxidation and Fe plaque accumulation. Our experimental data highlight the importance of both FeOB and plants in influencing short-term rates of rhizosphere Fe oxidation. Over time scales ca. 1 wk, the FeOB increased Fe(II) oxidation rates by 1.3 to 1.7 times relative to FeOB-free microcosms. Across multiple experimental trials, Fe(II) oxidation rates were significantly correlated with root biomass, reflecting the importance of radial O 2 loss in supporting rhizosphere Fe(II) oxidation. Rates of root Fe(III) plaque accumulation (time scales: 3 to 6 wk) were ~ 70 to 83% lower than expected based on the short-term Fe(II) oxidation rates and were unaffected by the presence/absence of FeOB. Decreasing rates of Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) plaque accumulation with increasing time scales indicate changes in rates of Fe(II) diffusion and radial O 2 loss, shifts in the location of Fe oxide accumulation, or temporal changes in the microbial community within the microcosms. The microcosms used herein replicated many of the environmental characteristics of wetland systems and allowed us to demonstrate that FeOB can stimulate rates of Fe(II) oxidation in the wetland rhizosphere, a finding that has implications for the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, metals, and nutrients in wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Parents of 323 twin pairs with reading disability (RD) reported significantly more problems learning to read (16% of mothers and 33% of fathers) than parents of 309 twin pairs without reading difficulties (6% of mothers and 9% of fathers). These rates of self-reported reading problems in parents of twins are highly similar to those previously obtained in parents of non-twin children with RD and controls, suggesting that the etiology of reading deficits in twin and non-twin children may also be highly similar. Moreover, within both the RD and control samples, twins whose parents self-reported a positive history of reading problems had lower reading performance test scores, on average, than those whose parents reported no reading problems. Therefore, results of the present twin study support those of previous studies with non-twin children in which parental self-reports have been found to provide a valid index of family history status for reading difficulties.  相似文献   

A recommendation system is an imaginative resolution for managing the restrictions in e-commerce services with item details and user details. Also, it is used to determine the user preferences to recommend the items they expected to buy. Several conventional collaborative filtering techniques are devised in the recommender model, but it has some complexities. Hence, an innovative optimization-driven deep residual network is devised in this paper for a product recommendation system. Here, the product of images is used for extracting features where the Convolutional neural network (CNN) features are computed, and then it is given as input to the deep residual network aimed at product recommendation. The deep residual network is trained using developed Elephant Herding Feedback Artificial Optimization (EHFAO), which is obtained by integrating Elephant Herding optimization (EHO) into the Feedback Artificial Tree (FAT). Here, the item grouping is carried out on input data based on K-means clustering. After item grouping, Cosine similarity is used to perform matching of groups, where the best group is acquired among all the available groups. Extraction of list of visitors is done from the best group. Then, the list of items is obtained from the sequence of best visitor. Next, the corresponding binary sequence is obtained for the applicable sequence of visitor. From this sequence of best visitor, the recommended product is acquired. Then, the recommended product is subjected to the sentiment analysis for which the score is determined. Here, the sentiment analysis helps to decide whether the product is recommended or not recommended. If the score is positive, then the same product is recommended; otherwise, the new product is recommended. The proposed EHFAO-based deep residual network attained better performance in comparison to the other techniques with a maximal F-measure at 84.061%, 84.061% precision, 87.845% recall along with minimal Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.216.  相似文献   

Summer reading     

Gregory?A?PetskoEmail author 《Genome biology》2002,3(8):comment1011.1-comment10112

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