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There is tremendous diversity in ageing rates and lifespan not only among taxa but within species, and particularly between the sexes. Women often live longer than men, and considerable research on this topic has revealed some of the potential biological, psychological and cultural causes of sex differences in human ageing and lifespan. However, sex differences in lifespan are widespread in nonhuman animals suggesting biology plays a prominent role in variation in ageing and lifespan. Recently, evolutionary biologists have borrowed techniques from biomedicine to identify whether similar mechanisms causing or contributing to variation in ageing and lifespan in humans and laboratory animals also operate in wild animals. Telomeres are repetitive noncoding DNA sequences capping the ends of chromosomes that are important for chromosomal stability but that can shorten during normal cell division and exposure to stress. Telomere shortening is hypothesized to directly contribute to the ageing process as once telomeres shorten to some length, the cells stop dividing and die. Men tend to have shorter telomeres and faster rates of telomere attrition with age than women, suggesting one possible biological cause of sex differences in lifespan. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Watson et al. ( 2017 ) show that telomere lengths in wild Soay sheep are similar between females and males near the beginning of life but quickly diverge with age because males but not females showed reduced telomere lengths at older ages. The authors further show that some of the observed sex difference in telomere lengths in old age may be due to male investment in horn growth earlier in life, suggesting that sexually dimorphic allocation to traits involved in sexual selection might underlie sex differences in telomere attrition. This study provides a rare example of how biological mechanisms potentially contributing to sex differences in lifespan in humans may also operate in free‐living animals. However, future studies using a longitudinal approach are necessary to confirm these observations and identify the ultimate and proximate causes of any sex differences in telomere lengths. Collaborations between evolutionary biologists and gerontologists are especially needed to identify whether telomere lengths have a causal role in ageing, particularly in natural conditions, and whether this directly contributes to sex differences in lifespan.  相似文献   

Telomere length regulation is an important aspect of cell maintenance in eukaryotes, since shortened telomeres can lead to a number of defects, including impaired cell division. Although telomere length is correlated with lifespan in some bird species, its possible role in aging and lifespan determination is still poorly understood. Here we investigate telomere dynamics (changes in telomere length and attrition rate) and telomerase activity in the ant Lasius niger, a species in which different groups of individuals have evolved extraordinarily different lifespans. We found that somatic tissues of the short-lived males had dramatically shorter telomeres than those of the much longer-lived queens and workers. These differences were established early during larval development, most likely through faster telomere shortening in males compared with females. Workers did not, however, have shorter telomeres than the longer-lived queens. We discuss various molecular mechanisms that are likely to cause the observed sex-specific telomere dynamics in ants, including cell division, oxidative stress and telomerase activity. In addition, we discuss the evolutionary causes of such patterns in ants and in other species.  相似文献   

Telomere shortening occurs concomitant with organismal aging, and it is accelerated in the context of human diseases associated with mutations in telomerase, such as some cases of dyskeratosis congenita, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and aplastic anemia. People with these diseases, as well as Terc-deficient mice, show decreased lifespan coincidental with a premature loss of tissue renewal, which suggests that telomerase is rate-limiting for tissue homeostasis and organismal survival. These findings have gained special relevance as they suggest that telomerase activity and telomere length can directly affect the ability of stem cells to regenerate tissues. If this is true, stem cell dysfunction provoked by telomere shortening may be one of the mechanisms responsible for organismal aging in both humans and mice. Here, we will review the current evidence linking telomere shortening to aging and stem cell dysfunction.  相似文献   

Sex differences in lifespan are ubiquitous across the tree of life and exhibit broad taxonomic patterns that remain a puzzle, such as males living longer than females in birds and vice versa in mammals. The prevailing unguarded X hypothesis explains sex differences in lifespan by differential expression of recessive mutations on the X or Z chromosome of the heterogametic sex, but has only received indirect support to date. An alternative hypothesis is that the accumulation of deleterious mutations and repetitive elements on the Y or W chromosome might lower the survival of the heterogametic sex (‘toxic Y’ hypothesis). Here, we use a new database to report lower survival of the heterogametic relative to the homogametic sex across 136 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, as expected if sex chromosomes shape sex-specific lifespans, and consistent with previous findings. We also found that the relative sizes of both the X and the Y chromosomes in mammals (but not the Z or the W chromosomes in birds) are associated with sex differences in lifespan, as predicted by the unguarded X and the ‘toxic Y’. Furthermore, we report that the relative size of the Y is negatively associated with male lifespan in mammals, so that small Y size correlates with increased male lifespan. In theory, toxic Y effects are expected to be particularly strong in mammals, and we did not find similar effects in birds. Our results confirm the role of sex chromosomes in explaining sex differences in lifespan across tetrapods and further suggest that, at least in mammals, ‘toxic Y’ effects may play an important part in this role.  相似文献   

We know very little about physiological constraints on the evolution of life-history traits in general, and, in particular, about physiological and molecular adjustments that accompany the evolution of variation in lifespan. Identifying mechanisms that underlie adaptive variation in lifespan should provide insight into the evolution of trade-offs between lifespan and other life-history traits. Telomeres, the DNA caps at the ends of linear chromosomes, usually shorten as animals age, but whether telomere rate of change is associated with lifespan is unknown. We measured telomere length in erythrocytes from five bird species with markedly different lifespans. Species with shorter lifespans lost more telomeric repeats with age than species with longer lifespans. A similar correlation is seen in mammals. Furthermore, telomeres did not shorten with age in Leach's storm-petrels, an extremely long-lived bird, but actually lengthened. This novel finding suggests that regulation of telomere length is associated not only with cellular replicative lifespan, but also with organismal lifespan, and that very long-lived organisms have escaped entirely any telomeric constraint on cellular replicative lifespan.  相似文献   

It has been a decade since the first surprising discovery that longer telomeres in humans are statistically associated with longer life expectancies. Since then, it has been firmly established that telomere shortening imposes an individual fitness cost in a number of mammalian species, including humans. But telomere shortening is easily avoided by application of telomerase, an enzyme which is coded into nearly every eukaryotic genome, but whose expression is suppressed most of the time. This raises the question how the sequestration of telomerase might have evolved. The predominant assumption is that in higher organisms, shortening telomeres provide a firewall against tumor growth. A more straightforward interpretation is that telomere attrition provides an aging clock, reliably programming lifespans. The latter hypothesis is routinely rejected by most biologists because the benefit of programmed lifespan applies only to the community, and in fact the individual pays a substantial fitness cost. There is a long-standing skepticism that the concept of fitness can be applied on a communal level, and of group selection in general. But the cancer hypothesis is problematic as well. Animal studies indicate that there is a net fitness cost in sequestration of telomerase, even when cancer risk is lowered. The hypothesis of protection against cancer has never been tested in animals that actually limit telomerase expression, but only in mice, whose lifespans are not telomerase-limited. And human medical evidence suggests a net aggravation of cancer risk from the sequestration of telomerase, because cells with short telomeres are at high risk of neoplastic transformation, and they also secrete cytokines that exacerbate inflammation globally. The aging clock hypothesis fits well with what is known about ancestral origins of telomerase sequestration, and the prejudices concerning group selection are without merit. If telomeres are an aging clock, then telomerase makes an attractive target for medical technologies that seek to expand the human life- and health-spans.  相似文献   

Males and females have different routes to successful reproduction, resulting in sex differences in lifespan and age-specific allocation of reproductive effort. The trade-off between current and future reproduction is often resolved differently by males and females, and both sexes can be constrained in their ability to reach their sex-specific optima owing to intralocus sexual conflict. Such genetic antagonism may have profound implications for evolution, but its role in ageing and lifespan remains unresolved. We provide direct experimental evidence that males live longer and females live shorter than necessary to maximize their relative fitness in Callosobruchus maculatus seed beetles. Using artificial selection in a genetically heterogeneous population, we created replicate long-life lines where males lived on average 27 per cent longer than in short-life lines. As predicted by theory, subsequent assays revealed that upward selection on male lifespan decreased relative male fitness but increased relative female fitness compared with downward selection. Thus, we demonstrate that lifespan-extending genes can help one sex while harming the other. Our results show that sexual antagonism constrains adaptive life-history evolution, support a novel way of maintaining genetic variation for lifespan and argue for better integration of sex effects into applied research programmes aimed at lifespan extension.  相似文献   

Individual variation in survival probability due to differential responses to early‐life environmental conditions is important in the evolution of life histories and senescence. A biomarker allowing quantification of such individual variation, and which links early‐life environmental conditions with survival by providing a measure of conditions experienced, is telomere length. Here, we examined telomere dynamics among 24 cohorts of European badgers (Meles meles). We found a complex cross‐sectional relationship between telomere length and age, with no apparent loss over the first 29 months, but with both decreases and increases in telomere length at older ages. Overall, we found low within‐individual consistency in telomere length across individual lifetimes. Importantly, we also observed increases in telomere length within individuals, which could not be explained by measurement error alone. We found no significant sex differences in telomere length, and provide evidence that early‐life telomere length predicts lifespan. However, while early‐life telomere length predicted survival to adulthood (≥1 year old), early‐life telomere length did not predict adult survival probability. Furthermore, adult telomere length did not predict survival to the subsequent year. These results show that the relationship between early‐life telomere length and lifespan was driven by conditions in early‐life, where early‐life telomere length varied strongly among cohorts. Our data provide evidence for associations between early‐life telomere length and individual life history, and highlight the dynamics of telomere length across individual lifetimes due to individuals experiencing different early‐life environments.  相似文献   

Gestation and longevity scale with body mass across taxa, yet within size dimorphic taxa, males tend to have reduced lifespans compared with females. Testing life history models, and accounting for sex differences in longevity, requires obtaining accurate longitudinal data from wild populations. We provide the first report describing key life history parameters from a long‐term study of giraffes in Africa. We followed a population of Thornicroft's giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti) in Zambia for over 40 years. Maximum longevity among females was approximately 28 years, with lifespan accounting for 81% of the variance in lifetime reproductive success. Average adult female life expectancy was no different than average adult male life expectancy. However, the breeding lifespan of males was about half that of females, while maximum lifespan of males was 75% that of females. Our findings support the suggestion that sex differences in maximum lifespan arise from stronger selection for lengthy lives in females than in males. Among females, longer lives are associated with greater reproductive output.  相似文献   

Telomere dynamics are intensively studied in human ageing research and epidemiology, with many correlations reported between telomere length and age-related diseases, cancer and death. While telomere length is influenced by environmental factors there is also good evidence for a strong heritable component. In human, the mode of telomere length inheritance appears to be paternal and telomere length differs between sexes, with females having longer telomeres than males. Genetic factors, e.g. sex chromosomal inactivation, and non-genetic factors, e.g. antioxidant properties of oestrogen, have been suggested as possible explanations for these sex-specific telomere inheritance and telomere length differences. To test the influence of sex chromosomes on telomere length, we investigated inheritance and sex-specificity of telomere length in a bird species, the kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), in which females are the heterogametic sex (ZW) and males are the homogametic (ZZ) sex. We found that, contrary to findings in humans, telomere length was maternally inherited and also longer in males. These results argue against an effect of sex hormones on telomere length and suggest that factors associated with heterogamy may play a role in telomere inheritance and sex-specific differences in telomere length.  相似文献   

Individuals in free‐living animal populations generally differ substantially in reproductive success, lifespan and other fitness‐related traits, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this variation are poorly understood. Telomere length and dynamics are candidate traits explaining this variation, as long telomeres predict a higher survival probability and telomere loss has been shown to reflect experienced “life stress.” However, telomere dynamics among very long‐lived species are unresolved. Additionally, it is generally not well understood how telomeres relate to reproductive success or sex. We measured telomere length and dynamics in erythrocytes to assess their relationship to age, sex and reproduction in Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris borealis), a long‐lived seabird, in the context of a long‐term study. Adult males had on average 231 bp longer telomeres than females, independent of age. In females, telomere length changed relatively little with age, whereas male telomere length declined significantly. Telomere shortening within males from one year to the next was three times higher than the interannual shortening rate based on cross‐sectional data of males. Past long‐term reproductive success was sex‐specifically reflected in age‐corrected telomere length: males with on average high fledgling production were characterized by shorter telomeres, whereas successful females had longer telomeres, and we discuss hypotheses that may explain this contrast. In conclusion, telomere length and dynamics in relation to age and reproduction are sex‐dependent in Cory's shearwaters and these findings contribute to our understanding of what characterises individual variation in fitness.  相似文献   

Survival records of longevity experiments are a key component in research on aging. However, surprisingly there have been very few cross‐study analyses, besides comparisons of median lifespans or similar summary information. Here, we use a large set of full survival data from various studies to address questions in aging, which are beyond the scope of individual studies. We characterize survival differences between female and male flies of different genetic Drosophila strains, showing significant differences between strains. We further analyse the variation in survival of control cohorts recorded under highly similar conditions within different Drosophila strains. We found that overall transgenic constructs of the UAS/GAL4 expression system which should have no effect (e.g. a GAL4 construct alone) extend lifespan significantly in the w1118 strain. Using a large data set comprised of various studies, we found no evidence for larger lifespan extensions being associated with shorter lifespans of the control in Drosophila. This demonstrates that lifespan extending treatments are not purely rescuing weak backgrounds.  相似文献   

Evidence accumulates that telomere shortening reflects lifestyle and predicts remaining lifespan, but little is known of telomere dynamics and their relation to survival under natural conditions. We present longitudinal telomere data in free-living jackdaws (Corvus monedula) and test hypotheses on telomere shortening and survival. Telomeres in erythrocytes were measured using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Telomere shortening rates within individuals were twice as high as the population level slope, demonstrating that individuals with short telomeres are less likely to survive. Further analysis showed that shortening rate in particular predicted survival, because telomere shortening was much accelerated during a bird''s last year in the colony. Telomere shortening was also faster early in life, even after growth was completed. It was previously shown that the lengths of the shortest telomeres best predict cellular senescence, suggesting that shorter telomeres should be better protected. We test the latter hypothesis and show that, within individuals, long telomeres shorten faster than short telomeres in adults and nestlings, a result not previously shown in vivo. Moreover, survival selection in adults was most conspicuous on relatively long telomeres. In conclusion, our longitudinal data indicate that the shortening rate of long telomeres may be a measure of ‘life stress’ and hence holds promise as a biomarker of remaining lifespan.  相似文献   

A strong stochastic component has been described for the appearance of senescent cells in cultures that have not completed their in vitro lifespan. The proliferative potential of individual clones show a bimodal distribution. Additionally, two cells arising from a single mitotic event can exhibit large differences in their doubling capacities. In this report we present a model and a computer simulation of the model that explains the observed stochastic phenomena. The model is based on both gradual and abrupt telomere shortening.Gradual telomere shortening (GTS) occurs during each cell division as a consequence of the inability of DNA polymerase to replicate the very ends of chromosomal DNA. It is responsible for the gradual decline in proliferative potential of a cell culture, but does not explain the stochastic aspects of cellular aging. Abrupt telomere shortening (ATS) occurs either through DNA recombination or nuclease digestion at the subtelomeric/telomeric border region of the chromosome. Recombination involves the invasion of a telomere single-strand three-prime protruding end at this border in the telomere of the same chromosome or in another subtelomeric/telomeric region. Shortening of one or more telomeres in the cell causes a sudden onset of cell senescence, referred to as sudden senescence syndrome (SSS). This is manifested as a stochastic and abrupt transition of cells from the larger to the smaller proliferative potential pool and can cause cell cycle arrest within one cell division. The computer simulation matches well with experimental data supporting the prediction that abrupt telomere shortening underlies the stochastic onset of cell senescence. Sudden senescence syndrome appears to be the most important mechanism in the control of the extent of proliferation of a cell culture because it prevents virtually every cell in the culture from reaching its maximum doubling capacity, that would otherwise be allowed by telomere shortening via the end-replication mechanism alone.  相似文献   

Differences in individual quality and survival within species are a major focus in evolutionary ecology, but we know very little about the underlying physiological mechanisms that determine these differences. Telomere shortening associated with cellular senescence and ageing may be one such mechanism. To date, however, there is little evidence linking telomere length and survival. Here, we show that tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) with relatively short telomeres at the age of 1 year have lower survival than tree swallows of the same age with relatively long telomeres. The survival advantage in the long telomere group continues for at least three breeding seasons. It will be important to identify mechanisms that link telomere length with survival early in life.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and telomere attrition are considered the driving factors of aging. As oxidative damage to telomeric DNA favors the erosion of chromosome ends and, in turn, telomere shortening increases the sensitivity to pro‐oxidants, these two factors may trigger a detrimental vicious cycle. To check whether limiting oxidative stress slows down telomere shortening and related progeria, we have investigated the effect of p66SHC deletion, which has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and mitochondrial apoptosis, on late‐generation TERC (telomerase RNA component)‐deficient mice having short telomeres and reduced lifespan. Double mutant (TERC?/? p66SHC?/?) mice were generated, and their telomere length, fertility, and lifespan investigated in different generations. Results revealed that p66SHC deletion partially rescues sterility and weight loss, as well as organ atrophy, of TERC‐deficient mice, but not their short lifespan and telomere erosion. Therefore, our data suggest that p66SHC‐mediated oxidative stress and telomere shortening synergize in some tissues (including testes) to accelerate aging; however, early mortality of late‐generation mice seems to be independent of any link between p66SHC‐mediated oxidative stress and telomere attrition.  相似文献   

It is commonly noted that investments in reproduction, both physiological and behavioral, can trade off with other life‐history traits, such as growth and survival. In males, behavioral reproductive activities (e.g., copulations) are associated with weight loss, increased predation risk, reduced future reproductive output, and decreased lifespans. It is uncommon to find species in which increased copulations actually increase survival. Herein, we examine one such species, the androdioecious (males + hermaphrodites) crustacean Eulimnadia texana, in which increased copulations have been associated with increased lifespan. We examined two potential causes of this association: (1) males not copulating actually expend significant energy by searching for mates and (2) males are experiencing shorter lifespan primarily because they are more inbred than hermaphrodites. We found that isolated males did indeed expend more energy than hermaphrodites, consistent with previous studies showing that males swim over twice as much as hermaphrodites when isolated. Additionally, although inbreeding was associated with reduced lifespan, outcrossed males still had shorter lifespans relative to outcrossed hermaphrodites. Thus, isolated males consistently show decreased lifespans relative to isolated hermaphrodites, which is not explainable only on the basis of level of inbreeding. We conclude that the costly searching behavior of these males is the likely underlying cause of this observed difference in lifespan between the sexes, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Abraham Aviv 《Aging cell》2023,22(12):e13997
Approximately 25 trillion erythrocytes (red blood cells) circulate in the bloodstream of an adult human, surpassing the number of circulating leukocytes (white blood cells) by a factor of about 1000. Moreover, the erythrocyte turnover rate accounts for approximately 76% of the turnover rate of all circulating blood cells. This simple math shows that the hematopoietic system principally spends its telomere length-dependent replicative capacity on building and maintaining the erythrocyte blood pool. Erythropoiesis (red blood cell production) is thus the principal cause of telomere shortening with age in hematopoietic cells (HCs), a conclusion that holds significant implications for linking telomere length dynamics in HCs to health and lifespan of modern humans.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that organisms should invest resources into intrinsic components of lifespan only to the degree that it pays off in terms of reproductive success. The benefit of a long life may differ between the sexes and different mating systems may therefore select for different sex-specific mortality rates. In insects with polyandrous mating systems, females mate throughout their lives and male reproductive success is likely to increase monotonously with lifespan. In monandrous systems, where the mating season is less protracted because receptive females are available only at the beginning of the flight season, male mating success should be less dependent on a long lifespan. Here, we show, in a laboratory experiment without predation, that the duration of the mating season is longer in the polyandrous comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album, than in the monandrous peacock butterfly, Inachis io, and that, in line with predictions, male lifespan is shorter than female lifespan in I. io, whereas male and female lifespans are similar in P. c-album.  相似文献   

Progressive telomere shortening from cell division (replicative aging) provides a barrier for human tumor progression. This program is not conserved in laboratory mice, which have longer telomeres and constitutive telomerase. Wild species that do/do not use replicative aging have been reported, but the evolution of different phenotypes and a conceptual framework for understanding their uses of telomeres is lacking. We examined telomeres/telomerase in cultured cells from > 60 mammalian species to place different uses of telomeres in a broad mammalian context. Phylogeny‐based statistical analysis reconstructed ancestral states. Our analysis suggested that the ancestral mammalian phenotype included short telomeres (< 20 kb, as we now see in humans) and repressed telomerase. We argue that the repressed telomerase was a response to a higher mutation load brought on by the evolution of homeothermy. With telomerase repressed, we then see the evolution of replicative aging. Telomere length inversely correlated with lifespan, while telomerase expression co‐evolved with body size. Multiple independent times smaller, shorter‐lived species changed to having longer telomeres and expressing telomerase. Trade‐offs involving reducing the energetic/cellular costs of specific oxidative protection mechanisms (needed to protect < 20 kb telomeres in the absence of telomerase) could explain this abandonment of replicative aging. These observations provide a conceptual framework for understanding different uses of telomeres in mammals, support a role for human‐like telomeres in allowing longer lifespans to evolve, demonstrate the need to include telomere length in the analysis of comparative studies of oxidative protection in the biology of aging, and identify which mammals can be used as appropriate model organisms for the study of the role of telomeres in human cancer and aging.  相似文献   

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