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New insights may be gleaned by taking an ontogenetic approach to investigations of adult dimorphism. Previous work in this area relied on traditional, caliper-based, morphometric methods, and produced conflicting results. This study uses a three-dimensional (3-D) approach for both local and global form comparisons of sex-specific growth and growth patterns. 3-D coordinate data were collected for 20 landmarks on 94 orangutan crania divided into five developmental stages. Data were analyzed using Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA). Results indicate that differences in growth patterns between male and female orangutans exist in the youngest age intervals. Dimorphic patterns are strongest in the face and basicranium at the youngest age intervals, and in the face and neurocranium during adult stages. Females grow substantially more in the cranial base and face during the youngest age groups, while males grow more than females in all anatomical regions later in development. Growth in the palate was similar between sexes. Sexual dimorphism may be produced through the continued growth of one sex relative to the other, representing differences in timing, or growth duration. Dimophism may also result from different growth rates between sexes, where one sex develops faster than the other sex in the same time interval. Orangutan males and females differ in both the rate and duration of their craniofacial development. The data analysis technique used here, EDMA, was integral in identifying dynamic growth processes rather than just the static end results of each developmental stage.  相似文献   

Schultz ([1949] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 7:401-424) presented a conundrum: among primates, sexual dimorphism of the pelvis is a developmental adjunct to dimorphism in other aspects of the body, albeit in the converse direction. Among species in which males are larger than females in body size, females are larger than males in some pelvic dimensions; species with little sexual dimorphism in nonpelvic size show little pelvic dimorphism. Obstetrical difficulty does not explain this relationship. The present study addresses this issue, evaluating the relationship between pelvic and femoral sexual dimorphism in 12 anthropoid species. The hypothesis is that species in which males are significantly larger than females in femoral size will have a higher incidence, magnitude, and variability of pelvic sexual dimorphism, with females having relatively larger pelves than males, compared with species monomorphic in femoral size. The results are consistent with the hypothesis. The proposed explanation is that the default pelvic anatomy in adulthood is that of the female; testosterone redirects growth from the default type to that of the male by differentially enhancing and repressing growth among the pelvic dimensions. Testosterone also influences sexual dimorphism of the femur. The magnitude of the pelvic response to testosterone is greater in species that are sexually dimorphic in the femur than in those that are monomorphic.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism can evolve when males and females differ in phenotypic optima. Genetic constraints can, however, limit the evolution of sexual dimorphism. One possible constraint is derived from alleles expressed in both sexes. Because males and females share most of their genome, shared alleles with different fitness effects between sexes are faced with intralocus sexual conflict. Another potential constraint is derived from genetic correlations between developmental stages. Sexually dimorphic traits are often favoured at adult stages, but selected against as juvenile, so developmental decoupling of traits between ontogenetic stages may be necessary for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in adults. Resolving intralocus conflicts between sexes and ages is therefore a key to the evolution of age‐specific expression of sexual dimorphism. We investigated the genetic architecture of divergence in the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism between two populations of the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) that differ in the magnitude of dimorphism in anal and dorsal fin length. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping revealed that few QTL had consistent effects throughout ontogenetic stages and the majority of QTL change the sizes and directions of effects on fin growth rates during ontogeny. We also found that most QTL were sex‐specific, suggesting that intralocus sexual conflict is almost resolved. Our results indicate that sex‐ and age‐specific QTL enable the populations to achieve optimal developmental trajectories of sexually dimorphic traits in response to complex natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Differences among taxa in sexual size dimorphism of adults can be produced by changes in distinct developmental processes and thus may reflect different evolutionary histories. Here we examine whether divergence in sexual dimorphism of adults between recently established Montana and Alabama populations of the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) can be attributed to population differences in growth of males and females. In both populations, males and females were similar at hatching, but as a result of sex-specific growth attained sexual size dimorphism by the time of independence. Timing and extent of growth varied between the sexes: Females maintained maximum rates of growth for a longer time than males, whereas males had higher initial growth rates and achieved maximum growth earlier and at smaller sizes than females. Ontogeny of sexual dimorphism differed between populations, but in each population, sexual dimorphism in growth parameters and sexual dimorphism at the time of nest leaving were similar to sexual dimorphism of adults. Variation in growth of females contributed more to population divergence than did growth of males. In each population, we found close correspondence between patterns of sexual dimorphism in growth and population divergence in morphology of adults: Traits that were the most sexually dimorphic in growth in each population contributed the most to population divergence in both sexes. We suggest that sex-specific expression of phenotypic and genetic variation throughout the ontogeny of house finches can result in different responses to selection between males and females of the same age, and thus produce fast population divergence in the sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

The present study examines sexual dimorphism in the cranium of the immature orangutan. A series of 37 craniometric dimensions were measured on 56 immature crania. The total sample was divided into two subsamples: infants and juveniles. Univariate statistics and an analysis of variance were prepared for each subsample. Results indicate that the males and females in both subsamples are significantly different (p less than or equal to 0.05) for two measures of skull length. Eight additional dimensions from the infant category also appear to differ significantly (p less than or equal to 0.05) between the sexes.  相似文献   

Monitor lizards belong to the largest and the most sexually dimorphic lizards in terms of size, making this group an ideal model for studies analyzing ontogenetic causes of sexual dimorphism. Understanding of these ontogenetic factors is essential to the current discussion concerning patterns of sexual dimorphism in animals. We examined the ontogenetic trajectories of body weight and snout-vent length to analyze the emergence of sexual size dimorphism. Experimental animals were 22 males and 13 females of mangrove-dwelling monitors (Varanus indicus) hatched at the Prague Zoo. They were regularly weighed and measured up to the age of 33-40 months, and subsequently sexed by ultrasonographic imaging. The logistic growth equation was used to describe and analyze the observed growth patterns. Our results confirm considerable sexual size dimorphism in the mangrove monitor. The mean asymptotic body weight of males was nearly three times higher than that of females. As the body size of male and female hatchlings is almost equal, and the growth rate parameter (K) of the logistic growth equation as well as the absolute growth rate up to the age of 12 months do not differ between the sexes, size differences between fully grown males and females should be attributed to timing of the postnatal growth. Males continue to grow several months after they reach the age when the growth of females is already reduced. Therefore, the sexual size dimorphism emerges and sharply increases at this period.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism patterns provide an opportunity to increase our understanding of trait evolution. Because selective forces may vary throughout the reproductive period, measuring dimorphism seasonally may be an interesting approach. An increased male head size may be important in intersexual and intrasexual interactions. In Tupinambis lizards, a big head is attributed in part to a large adductor muscle mass. Competition for mating can differ in species with different sex ratio and different degrees of sexual size dimorphism. We examined sexual differences in mass of the pterygoideus muscle, its temporal variation throughout the reproductive period and the relationship between muscle and reproductive condition in Tupinambis merianae and T. rufescens. We characterized sexual size dimorphism and sex ratio in both species. Mature males had larger jaw muscles than mature females in both species, mainly during the reproductive season. The dimorphism in jaw muscle was due to an increase in muscle mass in sexually active males. Seasonal increases in muscle mass and variation between immature and mature individuals suggest that the jaw muscle might be a secondary sexual character. We propose that the pterygoideus muscle may act as a signal of reproductive condition of males because it is associated with testis size and sperm presence. The patterns of sexual dimorphism in jaw muscle in both species were similar; however, the comparison shows how sexual characters remain dimorphic in different competition contexts and in species with different degrees of body size dimorphism. Our results suggest that jaw muscle as sexual character could be influenced by inter- and intrasexual selective pressures.  相似文献   

The present study investigates whether the human mandible is sexually dimorphic during early postnatal development and whether early dimorphic features persist during subsequent ontogeny. We also examine whether mandibular dimorphism is linked to dimorphism of dental development. Dense CT-derived mandibular meshes of 84 females and 75 males, ranging from birth to adulthood, were analyzed using geometric morphometric methods. On the basis of the specimen's chronological ages and mineralization stages of the deciduous and permanent teeth, we compute dental age as proxy for dental development by the additive conjoint measurement method. By birth, males have, on average, more advanced age-specific shapes than females. However, sex differences decrease quickly as females catch up via a different association between shape and size. This leads to an almost complete reduction of sexual dimorphism between the ages of 4 and 14. From puberty to adulthood, males are characterized by allometric shape changes while the shape of the female mandible continues to change even after size has ceased to increase. Dimorphism of dental maturation becomes visible only at puberty. Sexual dimorphism, concentrated at the ramus and the mental region during the earliest ontogenetic stages and again at adulthood, is not associated with the development of the teeth. At puberty there is a simultaneous peak in size increase, shape development, and dental maturation likely controlled by the surge of sex hormones with a dimorphic onset age. We argue that the infant and adult dimorphism of the mental region may be associated with the development of supralaryngeal structures.  相似文献   

This article presents an approach for estimating the sexual dimorphism of adult crania using three-dimensional geometric morphometric methods. The study sample consisted of 139 crania of known sex (73 males and 66 females) belonging to persons who lived during the first half of the 20th century in Bohemia. The three-dimensional co-ordinates of 82 ecto-cranial landmarks and 39 semi-landmarks covering the midsagittal curve of the cranial vault were digitised using a MicroScribe G2X contact digitiser. The purposes of the investigation were to define the regions of the cranium where sexual dimorphism is most pronounced and to investigate the effectiveness of this method for determining sex from the shape of the cranium. The results demonstrate that it is better to analyse apportionable parts of the cranium rather than the cranium as a whole. Significant sexual differences (significance was determined using multivariate analysis of variance) were noted in the shape of the midsagittal curve of the vault, upper face, the region of the nose, orbits, and palate. No differences were recorded either in the shape of the cranium as a whole or in the regions of the base and the neurocranium. The greatest accuracy in determining sex was found in the region of the upper face (100% of study subjects correctly classified) and the midsagittal curve of the vault (99% of study subjects correctly classified).  相似文献   

In this study, we applied geometric morphometrics to explore variations in the level and pattern of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and sexual shape dimorphism (SShD) of the ventral cranium in three different Modern Eurasian newt taxa (Ichthyosaura alpestris, Triturus species group and Lissotriton vulgaris). The ventral cranium is the part of the skull that is more directly related to foraging and feeding. Our results indicate that the level and pattern of sexual dimorphism in the ventral cranium differ among Modern Eurasian newt taxa. Regarding sexual dimorphism in skull size, Ichthyosaura alpestris and Triturus species show female-biased patterns (females are larger than males), whereas Lissotriton vulgaris appears to be non-dimorphic in skull size. In I. alpestris and Triturus species, SShD is mostly absent, whereas in L. vulgaris, SShD is more pronounced. A high level of variation between populations in both SSD and SShD indicates that local conditions may have a profound effect on the magnitude and direction of sexual dimorphism. The significant sexual differences in ventral cranium size and shape indicate possible subtle intersexual differences in ecological demands due to diet specialisation, in spite of similar general ecological settings.  相似文献   

In many sexually size-dimorphic species of birds and mammals, the larger sex, often the males, show increased environmental sensitivity during ontogeny. This is generally assumed to be due to higher energy requirements, reflected in higher absolute growth rates of the larger sex. Poor early conditions often increase the sex differences in vulnerability. However, it is not clear whether these patterns are equally pervasive in species where females are larger, as males face an additional early disadvantage due to high levels of testosterone. We investigated sex-specific growth patterns of mass, tarsus and wing of the great skua Stercorarius skua , a seabird with reversed size dimorphism. We were particularly interested in sex-specific effects of early conditions on growth. Beside data from unmanipulated nests, we present results from an egg removal experiment, which caused chicks to hatch from smaller eggs and in poorer body condition. Half of the experimental chicks were raised by pairs in which mothers were in poor body condition. At the end of the nesting period, great skua chicks exhibited a comparable degree of size dimorphism as is found in adults, although neither sex had reached final adult size. Despite females reaching larger asymptotic values of mass and tarsus, timing of growth was not different between the sexes. Absolute growth was higher for females around the time of maximum growth, which suggests that daughters face higher energetic demands. We found sex-specific effects of poor early conditions on growth patterns, although not to the extent which we had predicted. Hatching in poor body condition was related to slowed growth in females but not males. However, our experimental manipulations had no additional negative effect on growth. Our results indicate that daughters in the great skua face higher demands during growth than sons, and that early conditions are more important for the development of the larger sex in this reversed dimorphic species.  相似文献   

The South American weakly-electric knifefish (Apteronotidae) produce highly diverse and readily quantifiable electrocommunication signals. The electric organ discharge frequency (EODf), and EOD modulations (chirps and gradual frequency rises (GFRs)), vary dramatically across sexes and species, presenting an ideal opportunity to examine the proximate and ultimate bases of sexually dimorphic behavior. We complemented previous studies on the sexual dimorphism of apteronotid communication signals by investigating electric signal features and their hormonal correlates in Apteronotus bonapartii, a species which exhibits strong sexual dimorphism in snout morphology. Electrocommunication signals were evoked and recorded using a playback paradigm, and were analyzed for signal features including EOD frequency and the structure of EOD modulations. To investigate the androgenic correlates of sexually dimorphic EOD signals, we measured plasma concentrations of testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone. A. bonapartii responded robustly to stimulus playbacks. EODf was sexually monomorphic, and males and females produced chirps with similar durations and amounts of frequency modulation. However, males were more likely than females to produce chirps with multiple frequency peaks. Sexual dimorphism in apteronotid electrocommunication signals appears to be highly evolutionarily labile. Extensive interspecific variation in the magnitude and direction of sex differences in EODf and in different aspects of chirp structure suggest that chirp signals may be an important locus of evolutionary change within the clade. The weakly-electric fish represent a rich source of data for understanding the selective pressures that shape, and the neuroendocrine mechanisms that underlie, diversity in the sexual dimorphism of behavior.  相似文献   

Gorillas are the largest and among the most sexually dimorphic of all extant primates. While gorillas have been incorporated in broad-level comparisons among large-bodied hominoids or in studies of the African apes, comparisons between gorilla subspecies have been rare. During the past decade, however, behavioral, morphological, and molecular data from a number of studies have indicated that the western lowland (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and eastern mountain (Gorilla gorilla beringei) subspecies differ to a greater extent than has been previously believed. In this study I compare patterns of relative growth of the postcranial skeleton to evaluate whether differences between subspecies result from the differential extension of common patterns of relative growth. In addition, patterns of ontogeny and sexual dimorphism are also examined. Linear skeletal dimensions and skeletal weight were obtained for ontogenetic series of male and female G.g. gorilla (n = 315) and G.g. beringei (n = 38). Bivariate and multivariate methods of analysis were used to test for differences in patterns of relative growth, ontogeny, and sexual dimorphism between sexes of each subspecies and in same-sex comparisons between subspecies. Results indicate males and females of both subspecies are ontogenetically scaled for postcranial proportions and that females undergo an earlier skeletal growth spurt compared to males. However, results also indicate that the onset of the female growth spurt occurs at different dental stages in lowland and mountain gorillas and that mountain gorillas may be characterized by higher rates of growth. Finally, data demonstrate lowland and mountain gorilla females do not differ significantly in adult body size, but mountain gorilla males are significantly larger than lowland gorilla males, suggesting mountain gorillas are characterized by a higher degree of sexual dimorphism in body size. Thus, although lowland and mountain gorillas do not appear to have evolved novel adaptations of the postcranium which correlate with differences in locomotor behavior, the present investigation establishes subspecies differences in ontogeny and sexual dimorphism which may be linked with ecological variation. Specifically, these findings are evaluated in the context of risk aversion models which predict higher growth rates and increased levels of sexual dimorphism in extreme folivores. Am. J. Primatol. 43:1–31, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism of adults proximately results from a combination of sexually dimorphic growth patterns and selection on growing individuals. Yet, most studies of the evolution of dimorphism have focused on correlates of only adult morphologies. Here we examined the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism in an isolated population of the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Sexes differed in growth rates and growth duration; in most traits, females grew faster than males, but males grew for a longer period. Sexual dimorphism in bill traits (bill length, width, depth) and in body traits (wing, tarsus, and tail length; mass) developed during different periods of ontogeny. Growth of bill traits was most different between sexes during the juvenile period (after leaving the nest), whereas growth of body traits was most sexually dimorphic during the first few days after hatching. Postgrowth selection on juveniles strongly influenced sexual dimorphism in all traits; in some traits, this selection canceled or reversed dimorphism patterns produced by growth differences between sexes. The net result was that adult sexual dimorphism, to a large degree, was an outcome of selection for survival during juvenile stages. We suggest that previously documented fast and extensive divergence of house finch populations in sexual size dimorphism may be partially produced by distinct environmental conditions during growth in these populations.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism (SD) is a common feature of animals, and selection for sexually dimorphic traits may affect both functional morphological traits and organismal performance. Trait evolution through natural selection can also vary across environments. However, whether the evolution of organismal performance is distinct between the sexes is rarely tested in a phylogenetic comparative context. Anurans commonly exhibit sexual size dimorphism, which may affect jumping performance given the effects of body size on locomotion. They also live in a wide variety of microhabitats. Yet the relationships among dimorphism, performance, and ecology remain underexamined in anurans. Here, we explore relationships between microhabitat use, body size, and jumping performance in males and females to determine the drivers of dimorphic patterns in jumping performance. Using methods for predicting jumping performance through anatomical measurements, we describe how fecundity selection and natural selection associated with body size and microhabitat have likely shaped female jumping performance. We found that the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism (where females are about 14% larger than males) was much lower than dimorphism in muscle volume, where females had 42% more muscle than males (after accounting for body size). Despite these sometimes-large averages, phylogenetic t-tests failed to show the statistical significance of SD for any variable, indicating sexually dimorphic species tend to be closely related. While SD of jumping performance did not vary among microhabitats, we found female jumping velocity and energy differed across microhabitats. Overall, our findings indicate that differences in sex-specific reproductive roles, size, jumping-related morphology, and performance are all important determinants in how selection has led to the incredible ecophenotypic diversity of anurans.  相似文献   

The human sacrum is sexually dimorphic, with males being larger than females in most dimensions. Previous studies, though, suggest that females may have a longer costal process of the first sacral vertebra (S1) than males. However, these studies neither quantified nor tested statistically the costal process of S1. This study compares S1 with the five lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5) for a number of metric dimensions, including costal process length. Four issues are addressed, the: 1) hypothesis that females have a longer costal process of S1 than males; 2)hypothesis that homologous structures (i.e., costal processes of L1 to S1) differ in their direction of sexual dimorphism; 3) importance of the costal process of S1 to the obstetrical capacity of the pelvis; and 4) evolution of sexual dimorphism in costal process length of S1. One hundred ninety-seven individuals, including males and females of American blacks and whites, from the Hamann-Todd and Terry Collections were studied. Results show that males are significantly larger than females for most vertebral measurements, except that females have a significantly longer costal process of S1 than males. Costal process length of S1 is positively correlated with the transverse diameter and circumference of the pelvic inlet. The magnitude of sexual dimorphism in costal process length of S1 ranks this measure among the most highly dimorphic of the pelvis. Compared with the humans in this study, australopithecines have a relatively long costal process of S1, but their broad sacrum was not associated with obstetrical imperatives.  相似文献   

Baboons exhibit marked sexual dimorphism in many aspects of their morphology. Dimorphism is especially pronounced in the face. We use finite-element analysis to investigate the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in a cross-sectional sample of baboon (Papio sp.) faces. This method provides detailed quantitative information about size and shape changes at anatomical landmarks in the face during growth. Allometric results suggest that sexual dimorphism in facial size and shape is produced by ontogenetic scaling: males and females share a common ontogenetic trajectory. Analyses of growth in time, which complement allometric analyses, show that female growth slows much earlier than male growth, accounting for the differences between sexes. Local size and local shape follow similar patterns of growth, but changes in these variables are slower in females. Local and global facial size are much more dimorphic than local and global facial shape.  相似文献   

海南变色树蜥个体发育中形态和食性的变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
研究变色树蜥(Calotes versicolor)头,尾大小和食性在个体发育过程中的变化,以及头,尾大小两性异性的个体发生,成体体长(SVL)无显著的两性差异,两性异形主要表现为雄性个体有较大的头部(头长和头宽)和尾部。头,尾大小的两性异形在初生幼体就已存在,并随个体发育的进行变得更加显著。不同年龄组两性个体头长以及雌体头宽随SVL呈同速增长;雄性头宽随SVL呈异速增长,表现为雄性头宽的增长速率在个体发育过程中逐渐增大。头,尾部的相对大小在个体发育过程中有显著的变化,初生幼体头部相对较大,尾部相对较小,这种形态特征是胚胎优先保证生态学意义更为显著的部分(如头部)生长的结果,有利于初生幼体的早期生存和生长,不同性别和年龄组的变色树蜥摄入食物的种类及各种食物在摄入食物中所的比例有一定程度的差别,因而食物生态位宽度和重叠度有一定程度的差别,然而没有直接的证据表明头部大小的两性异形能导致两性食物生态位的明显分离。  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in relation to current selection in the house finch   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.— Sexual dimorphism is thought to have evolved in response to selection pressures that differ between males and females. Our aim in this study was to determine the role of current net selection in shaping and maintaining contemporary sexual dimorphism in a recently established population of the house finch ( Carpodacus mexicanus ) in Montana. We found strong differences between sexes in direction of selection on sexually dimorphic traits, significant heritabilities of these traits, and a close congruence between current selection and observed sexual dimorphism in Montana house finches. Strong directional selection on sexually dimorphic traits and similar intensities of selection in each sex suggested that sexual dimorphism arises from adaptive responses in males and females, with both sexes being far from their local fitness optimum. This pattern is expected when a recently established population experiences continuous immigration from ecologically distinct areas of a species range or as a result of widely fluctuating selection pressures, as found in our study. Strong and sexually dimorphic selection pressures on heritable morphological traits, in combination with low phenotypic and genetic covariation among these traits during growth, may have accounted for close congruence between current selection and observed sexual dimorphism in the house finch. This conclusion is consistent with the profound adaptive population divergence in sexual dimorphism that accompanied very successful colonization of most of the North America by the house finch over the last 50 years.  相似文献   

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