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Zusammenfassung Mittels der Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie wurden Lebern, Nieren und Federn von Graureihern und von diesjährigen Kormoranen auf Cadmium und Blei untersucht.Cadmium war in Geweben der Kormorane höher konzentriert als in gleichaltrigen Graureihern (Leber 0,063 bzw. 0,039, Niere 0,113 bzw. 0.104 mg/kg Frischmasse; Federn 0,077 bzw. 0,025 mg/kg Trockenmasse). Dies könnte auf unterschiedliche Nahrung oder unterschiedliche physiologische Situation der Vögel zurückzuführen sein. Als Maximum wurden in der Niere eines Kormorans 0,375 mg/kg gemessen. Bei den Graureihern konnte in Lebern und Nieren eine Altersakkumulation erkannt werden. Blei war in den Geweben beider Arten unterschiedlich hoch konzentriert. Kormorane enthielten in Lebern 0,124 und in Nieren 0,147 mg/kg Frischmasse sowie in Federn 0,442 mg/kg Trockenmasse, Graureiher 0,110, 0,157 bzw. 0,739 mg/kg. Die höchsten Konzentrationen wurden in Federn gemessen und betrugen bei einem Graureiher 4,525 mg/kg. Eine Altersakkumulation konnte bei Graureihern in Lebern nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenhänge zwischen Feder- und Organbelastungen wurden nur bei diesjährigen Graureiher- erkannt: Federcadmium und Lebercadmium korrelierten positiv miteinander.
Heavy metals in tissue and feathers of Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea) and Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis)
Summary The livers, kidneys and feathers of 40 Grey Herons and 20 Cormorants were investigated by AAS to determine the extent of contamination with cadmium and lead. The birds had been shot in autumn 1979–1986 in Schleswig-Holstein. All results are given in mg/kg (ppm) wet mass (liver, kidney) or dry weight (feather). On the average, the contamination by cadmium in the livers (0.063), kidneys (0.113) and feathers (0.077) was higher in Cormorants than in Grey Herons (0.039, 0.104 and 0.025). These differences may be the result of different food or physiology. The livers and kidneys of young Grey Herons contained less cadmium than the tissue of older birds. The feathers of male Grey Herons contained more cadmium than feathers of females do. This was also the case in kidneys of male Cormorants as compared to the females. Cadmium values in livers and kidneys were positive correlated. No general tendency was detectable in regards to lead contamination. The results concerning Cormorants were 0.124 (liver), 0.147 (kidney), 0.442 (feather) and concerning Grey Herons 0.110, 0.157 and 0.739. The livers of old Grey Herons were more highly contaminated by lead than livers of young ones. The feathers of male Herons contained two times more lead than the feathers of females do.In general, a concentration of heavy metals in feathers does not indicate a contamination of livers or kidneys. A correlation between the values in feathers and tissue was evident only in one case, where a positive correlation was found between feather- and liver cadmium in young male Grey Herons.

Cormorants (median numbers of 54.5 ind.) excreted ca. 102.7 kg yr−1 of nitrogen and ca. 80.5 kg yr−1 of phosphorus in the area of the Dobczyce Reservoir (ca. 980 ha). Concentrations of N-tot and P-tot were 3 times higher in soil from the roosting area of the cormorants than outside this area. Nutrient concentrations in the littoral sediment of the reservoir were also higher in the area frequented by these birds. Differences in concentrations of pH, NO3, NO2, NH4+, PO4, and P-tot in water between the area associated with the cormorants and the reference site were not found. Differences in the planktonic algal communities from around the roost and the reference site were not found, with the exception of the chlorophytes which were more abundant in the area occupied by the cormorants. Water movement and mixing in the reservoir can influence the effect of the nutrient load on the water chemistry and planktonic algae.  相似文献   

Summary Mousebirds are usually regarded to consume vegetables and fruits only. Therefore it is of interest, that at least 4 free-living Speckled Mousebirds (Colius striatus) could be observed at Mountain-Lodge/Mt. Kenya feeding greater amounts of cooked and raw meat, which was deposed to attract carnivore animals.  相似文献   

从茶树基因组鉴定得到牻牛儿基牻牛儿基焦磷酸合成酶基因CsGGDPS7,以铁观音茶树为材料克隆获得全长cDNA(GenBank登录号MH891780)。CsGGDPS7序列全长1 185bp,包含1 098bp开放阅读框(ORF),编码365个氨基酸。预测结果显示在N端包含叶绿体转运肽,亚细胞定位于叶绿体中。氨基酸序列分析结果显示,具有类异戊二烯合成酶家族的5个保守域和2个特征功能域(DDXXXXD和DDXXD)。进化树结果表明与油橄榄(Olea europaea)OeGGDPS7亲缘关系最近。荧光定量检测显示,CsGGDPS7在叶片中的表达量显著高于其他组织,但花发育阶段CsGGDPS7表达量差异不显著。在乌龙茶做青过程中,CsGGDPS7在晒青阶段就快速上调表达并在三摇达到峰值。CsGGDPS1和CsGGDPS2表达也受做青调控,但CsGGDPS4不受做青调控。研究推测,CsGGDPS7可能与乌龙茶萜类香气物质合成密切相关。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In zwei Kerngebieten des Uhuvorkommens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat der Uhu in neuester Zeit scheinbar sehr stark zugenommen. In der Frankenalb (10 000 km2) schätzte man von 1955 bis 1964 etwa 30–40, Anfang der 70er Jahre etwa 50 und 1975–1980 75–83 Paare. In einem Ausschnitt der mittleren bayerischen Alpen (ca. 840 km2) waren um 1937 nur 3 Brutpaare bekannt, um 1975 mindestens 4; 1983/84 konnten jedoch mindestens 14 Brutpaare ermittelt werden. Die Zunahme ist zumindest größtenteils auf intensivere und systematische Kontrollen zurückzuführen. Der für die 30er Jahre vermutete Tiefstand des Bestandes in der Bundesrepublik dürfte weit höher gelegen haben als bisher vermutet, da zeitgenössische Quellen wahrscheinlich nur Teile des Bestandes erfaßten. Sicher lag der Bestand im 20. Jahrhundert wohl nie unter 50 Brutpaaren (bisherige Annahme 35), selbst zur Zeit des Minimums in der Bundesrepublik wahrscheinlich deutlich höher. Eine Obergrenze des bayerischen Brutbestandes von 200 Brutpaaren um 1980 ist durchaus realistisch. In den Alpen ist auch heute noch der Brutbestand völlig unzureichend bekannt. Das Aussetzen von Uhus hat in Bayern sicher keine Bedeutung für die Bestandsentwicklung gehabt. Der Median liegt für Todfunde ausgesetzter Uhus bei 0,43, für als Nestling beringte Wilduhus bei 1,9 Jahren. An Leitungen starben hochsignifikant mehr Wildvögel, an Straßen und Eisenbahnen dagegen hochsignifikant mehr ausgesetzte Vögel. Unterschiedliche Wanderneigung zwischen Wilduhus und ausgesetzten Vögeln ließ sich nicht sichern. Aussetzung und Wiedereinbürgerung sollten in Süddeutschland unbedingt unterbleiben und dürften auch im mittleren und nördlichen Deutschland mittlerweile überflüssig geworden sein. Eine Bestandsüberwachung und Kontrolle in ausgewählten Gebieten ist dagegen vordringlich.
Some remarks on long term trends in the breeding population of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) in Bavaria
Summary In two centres of its distribution in the Federal Republic of Germany the Eagle Owl has increased remarkably in recent years. Between 1955 and 1965 the population of the Frankonian Jura (ca. 10 000 km2) was estimated between 30 and 40 pairs, at the beginning of the seventies about 50, and in 1975/80 about 75–83 pairs. In an area of the Bavarian Alps (ca. 840 km2) only 3 pairs were known in 1937, at least 4 in 1975. In 1983/84, however, a thorough examination revealed at least 14 pairs in this area. The increase in both areas is most likely due to intensive and systematic checks in recent years. The lowest population level in the FRG, supposed for the thirties, was probably higher than estimated so far as contemporary sources apparently did not cover the whole population. During the 20th century the population total of the FRG most likely has never been below 50 pairs and was probably higher even in times with minimum level. For 1980 an upper limit of 200 pairs in Bavaria seems to be realistic. In the Alps, however, the population size remains unsufficiently known even today. Release of captive bred birds didn't seem to have any increasing and stabilizing effect on the Bavarian population. The median for released birds found dead was 0,43, for wild chicks 1,9 years. Significantly more released birds died by traffic, whereas significantly more wild birds were victims of overhead lines. Differences in dispersal between wild and released birds seem likely, but could not be proved statistically. Releasing resp. reintroduction should be stopped in southern Germany; even in middle and northern Germany this conservation strategy seems to be unnecessary today. Survey and protection of breeding sites, however, should be continued or reorganized.

该研究以茶树‘龙井长叶’为材料,克隆获得了茶树胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白基因CsLEA5的cDNA序列,该序列全长515 bp,包含一个375 bp的开放阅读框,编码124个氨基酸,预测蛋白分子量为13.5 kD,理论等电点为5.92。蛋白序列分析结果显示,CsLEA5为高亲水性和稳定性蛋白,且含有一个典型的LEA_3保守结构域,属于LEA蛋白中LEA_3亚家族成员。CsLEA5基因启动子区域包含多种与逆境响应相关的顺式作用元件,如乙烯响应元件(ERE)、胁迫响应元件(STRE)、创伤响应元件(WUN motif)及MYB、MYC转录因子识别位点等。qRT PCR分析显示,CsLEA5基因表达具有明显的组织特异性,在叶片中的表达量最高,其次是嫩茎,而在其他组织器官中的表达量较低,且CsLEA5基因表达受低温和干旱胁迫的诱导。研究表明,CsLEA5基因可能在茶树响应低温和干旱胁迫过程中发挥重要作用。该研究对了解茶树抗逆分子机制,筛选抗性候选基因资源提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

该实验以茶树品种‘紫娟’为试验材料,利用RT-PCR方法,从茶树cDNA中克隆得到一个R2R3-MYB型基因(CsMYB123)。生物信息学分析显示,CsMYB123基因的开放阅读框为915bp,编码304个氨基酸,蛋白分子量约34.07kD,理论等电点为8.69,含有2个保守的MYB结构域,编码1个R2R3-MYB蛋白;CsMYB123蛋白与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)MYB转录因子家族第五亚组的AtMYB123亲缘关系最近;CsMYB123属于亲水性蛋白,无N端信号肽,可能定位于细胞核上。荧光定量PCR分析表明,CsMYB123基因在茶树各组织的表达量大小依次为:一芽一叶第二叶第三叶第四叶老茎嫩茎,且在一芽一叶中的表达量是嫩茎的15.68倍;但CsMYB123的表达受IAA、ABA、ETH和GA3的抑制。花青素含量检测显示,茶树‘紫娟’各组织中花青素的含量高低依次为:第二叶一芽一叶第三叶第四叶嫩茎老茎,且第二叶和一芽一叶的含量分别为老茎的15倍和11倍。研究发现,CsMYB123基因在茶树‘紫娟’的新稍中高水平表达,且其表达模式与不同组织中的花青素含量呈较好的正相关关系,推测CsMYB123基因与茶树花青素合成的调控相关。  相似文献   

Pseudophyllidean cestodes as Ligula have a complex life cycle with cyclopoid copepods as first intermediate host, zooplanktivorous fish as second, and piscivorous birds as final host. We studied the effects of diet, season and habitat occupation on the prevalence of plerocercoid larvae of the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis in two closely related small barbs and the effects of the parasites on the barbs life histories in Lake Tana (Ethiopia) during 1 year. In all affected barbs L. intestinalis caused retardation in gonad development, maturation at reduced size and lower absolute fecundity. Infection rate, averaged over all habitats was significantly higher in B. tanapelagius (10%) than in B. humilis (6%). Below a threshold of 48 mm the infection rate was zero for both barbs, this coincided with a very low proportion of copepods in their diets, increasing up to 90 and 55%, respectively, for their largest size class (81–90 mm). The relatively high infection rate in B. tanapelagius is explained by its obligatory zooplanktivorous feeding behaviour, ingesting a relatively high proportion of infected cyclopoid copepods. This is in contrast with B. humilis, which is a polyphagous species, feeding both on zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. Significant seasonal effects in infection rates were observed. In both barb species infection rates were lower during the breeding season. Only for B. tanapelagius a significant negative correlation was observed between rain fall and infection rate, probably caused by an increased turbidity that decreases feeding efficiency on zooplankton. Habitat type had also a significant effect on infection rate. Barbus humilis showed a much higher infection rate in shallow clear water (10%) than in shallow turbid water (3%), whereas B. tanapelagius showed much higher infection rates in the shallow sublittoral (13%) than in the deeper pelagic (7%). Most likely, birds predate more efficiently on barbs in shallow clear waters than in shallow turbid and deep waters.  相似文献   

Summary In the highly eutrophicated, shallow Lake Federsee no submersed macrophytes grew, until 1982 a waste water pipeline around the lake was put in operation. In 1983Potamogeton crispus began to colonize the lake and its abundance increased from year to year. The growth cycle, however, remained very short and the macrophyte always died off between the end of June and the middle of July, after having developed large numbers of resting buds. Simultaneous with the increasing canopies ofPotamogeton a rise of Mute Swans in summer and autumn was observed, and because of the absence ofPotamogeton and other new food plants it was suggested that at this time the bird mainly feeds on the resting buds ofPotamogeton. This was confirmed by investigation of excrements, which sometimes consisted mainly of remnants of resting buds. Therefore it is supposed that Mute Swans essentially affect the recolonization of the lake byPotamogeton crispus and by this way also slow down the reestablishment of a diverse flora and fauna.  相似文献   

The diet composition of the electric eel Electrophorus voltai was studied in specimens collected from the River Jari, state of Amapá, eastern Amazon region, Brazil. Analysis on their stomach contents revealed that fish, especially Megalechis thoracata, were the most frequent prey item, whereas arthropods and plant material were the least frequent intakes. This is the first stomach content analysis on E. voltai, and it corroborates that electric eel species are piscivorous.  相似文献   

Heart rates were recorded from double-crested cormorant chicks during their first ever and subsequent voluntary head submergences and dives, as well as during longer dives made after the chicks were accustomed to diving. Despite variation between chicks, the cardiac response to first ever and subsequent voluntary submergence (head submergences and dives) was similar to the response observed in adult cormorants. Upon submersion the heart rate fell rapidly when pre-submersion heart rate was high (325–350 beats min−1). The heart rate established within the first second of voluntary submergence was between 230 and 285 beats min−1, well above resting heart rate (143 beats min−1). The same initial cardiac response occurred during longer dives performed after the chicks were accustomed to diving. In these dives the heart rate remained at the level established on submersion, unlike the response observed in shallow diving adult cormorants in which the heart rate declined throughout the dive. The heart rate was also monitored in a separate group of chicks in which the first exposure to water was during whole body forced submergence. Again, the observed response was similar to the adult response, although the cardiac response of chicks to forced submergence was more extreme than to voluntary submergence. Our results do not support the hypothesis that learning (by conditioning or habituation) is involved in the cardiac adjustments to voluntary submergence. It is suggested that the initial cardiac adjustments are reflex in nature and this reflex is fully developed by the first submergence event. Although the nature of this reflex pathway is obscure, cessation of breathing before submersion and the close linkage between breathing and heart rate might provide a plausible mechanism.  相似文献   

The rock shag (Phalacrocorax magellanicus) is an endemic species from southern Argentina and Chile. In Argentina, the population is distributed along the Patagonian coast in 143 small colonies (5–377 pairs). We studied colony and nest site fidelity of rock shags at Punta Loma, Patagonia, Argentina. We banded 37 adults from December 2001 to June 2003, during two breeding and two non-breeding seasons. Nest site fidelity was extremely high during consecutive breeding and also non-breeding seasons. The high percentage of banded birds residing in the colony in consecutive seasons suggests that rock shags are highly faithful to breeding sites and supports the idea of low post-breeding dispersion.  相似文献   

从茶树中克隆了6个水通道蛋白(aquaporin,AQP)基因的cDNA全长序列,根据序列相似性和系统进化分析结果,分别命名为CsNIP1;1、CsNIP5;1、CsPIP2;1、CsPIP2;2、CsTIP1;1和CsTIP2;2。氨基酸序列特征分析表明,6个基因的编码氨基酸序列长度在250~301个氨基酸残基,分子量在25.186~30.728kD之间;均为疏水性蛋白,并都含有6个跨膜螺旋;6个基因均含有MIP蛋白家族的特征序列HF/I/VNPA/SI/L/VTI/FA/G和NPA(Asn-Pro-Ala)基序,以及类似沙漏状的跨膜三级结构。荧光定量PCR分析显示:这6个基因在根、茎、叶和花中均表达,且在根中的表达水平最高,表明它们与茶树根系的物质转运密切相关;CsAQPs基因的表达受ABA、高盐、干旱和低温胁迫的调控,表明它们可能参与茶树抗逆响应。  相似文献   

该研究以茶树基因组数据库为基础,采用RT-PCR技术,从茶树‘龙井43’中克隆得到基因CsCIGR。序列分析显示,CsCIGR基因开放阅读框长度为1 677 bp,编码588个氨基酸。进化分析表明,CsCIGR属于GRAS家族的PAT1亚家族。多序列比对显示,茶树CsCIGR蛋白与其他植物的GRAS蛋白氨基酸序列具有很高的相似性。氨基酸理化性质分析显示,CsCIGR转录因子属于亲水性蛋白。亚细胞定位预测显示,CsCIGR可能位于细胞核中。启动子预测分析发现,CsCIGR启动子区域包含胁迫响应元件(STRE)、干旱应答元件(MYC)、厌氧诱导元件(ARE)等多种与逆境响应相关的顺式作用元件。荧光定量PCR分析结果显示,CsCIGR基因在低温(4℃)、高温(38℃)、干旱(200 g·L~(-1) PEG)、高盐(200 mmol·L~(-1) NaCl)胁迫下均能诱导表达,且对高盐,低温和高温胁迫响应更为明显,推测CsCIGR基因在茶树响应逆境胁迫中发挥重要作用。该研究为茶树抗性育种筛选基因提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

香气是茶叶的重要品质之一,萜类物质不仅香气好,而且沸点普遍较高,是构成茶叶香气的重要物质基础,决定着茶叶的香气品质,也可作为茶叶香型划分的依据。在植物中,倍半萜、多萜醇等通过胞质中的甲瓦龙酸(MVA)途径合成。HMG-Co A还原酶(HMGR)催化HMG-Co A(3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A)生成甲瓦龙酸,是依赖MVA萜类合成途径的关键限速反应。为了有助于理解茶树萜类合成的分子遗传机制,通过RACE-PCR方法从茶树中克隆了一个编码HMG-Co A还原酶的c DNA全长序列(命名为Cs HMGR1),该序列由1 979 bp组成,包含一个1 722 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码573个氨基酸。其推定的编码蛋白与橡胶树、旱莲木、人参、荔枝、西洋参、丹参、罗汉果及龙眼的同源蛋白具有80%~82%的序列一致性。利用Cs HMGR1和其它物种HMGR同源蛋白的催化区域构建系统发育树,表明其属于真核生物I类HMGR家族。结构分析表明,Cs HMGR1含有两个跨膜区,推测其与其它真核生物同源蛋白类似地定位于内质网上;含有两个HMG-Co A结合位点、两个NADPH结合位点、四个保守的催化活性残基及一个磷酸化位点,说明磷酸化/去磷酸化很可能也是其活性调节的重要方式。表达分析表明,Cs HMGR1在"大叶龙"叶芽、母株叶芽及花芽都有较强的表达。其表达调控及生理活性对茶叶品质可能有重要影响,并在其功能解析的基础上,有可能作为茶叶品质鉴定及育种的一个依据。  相似文献   

在实验室前期构建cDNA幼根文库获得谷氨酰胺合成酶(glutamine synthetase,GS,EC同源序列(contig48)的基础上设计引物,通过SMART RACE技术克隆了该基因cDNA全长序列(命名为GS1-2,GenBank登录号:JQ925873.1)。结果显示:(1)GS1-2基因全长为1 710bp,开放阅读框长1 071bp,编码356个氨基酸,预测蛋白分子质量为39.3kD,理论等电点为5.65;核酸序列分析表明,GS1-2基因与从安吉白茶中克隆的茶氨酸合成酶基因相似性为99%。(2)将GS1-2基因克隆至原核表达载体pET-32a和pMAL-c5x,转化至大肠杆菌,IPTG诱导表达融合蛋白,SDS-PAGE检测结果表明,pET-32a-CsGS1-2转至Rosetta中诱导表达的蛋白与预测蛋白大小一致,主要以包涵体形式存在;而pMAL-c5x-CsGS1-2转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)诱导表达可产生可溶性蛋白。(3)进一步构建茶树GS1-2酵母表达载体pYES-DEST52-CsGS1-2并转化至酿酒酵母(WAT11)菌液中,添加底物(谷氨酸钠100μmol/L和盐酸乙胺500μmol/L)震荡培养并离心,UPLC-MS测定酶反应产物结果初步表明,目的蛋白不能催化盐酸乙胺和谷氨酸钠合成茶氨酸,但可以合成谷氨酰胺。  相似文献   

该研究以铁观音茶树品种叶片为材料,通过RT-PCR技术,克隆了茶树脱落酸(ABA)合成途径关键限速酶——9-顺式环氧类胡萝卜素裂解双加氧酶(9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase,NCED)基因的全长cDNA序列。该基因cDNA全长1 931bp,包含1 821bp完整开放阅读框,共编码606个氨基酸残基。NCBI同源分析结果表明,与葡萄VvNCED2相似性最高(78%),命名为CsNCED2(NCBI登录号:MF765770)。氨基酸序列分析显示,其具有NCED家族的FLNO2258保守结构域,以及MIAHPKxDP和HDFAITE保守结构域序列;在保守区存在4个Fe2+活性组氨酸结合位点,N-端含有叶绿体转运肽。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,CsNCED2基因在铁观音叶、茎和花中表达量较高;白茶萎凋和乌龙茶做青均可以诱导CsNCED2基因显著上调表达;除干旱胁迫抑制CsNCED2表达外,ABA和低温胁迫均能够诱导CsNCED2基因显著上调表达。表明CsNCED2基因在茶树ABA合成代谢以及胁迫响应中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Water temperature and flow velocity directly affect the fish swimming capacity, and thus, both variables influence the fish passage through river barriers. Nonetheless, their effects are usually disregarded in fishway engineering and management. This study aims to evaluate the volitional swimming capacity of the northern straight-mouth nase (Pseudochondrostoma duriense), considering the possible effects of water temperature, flow velocity and body size. For this, the maximum distance, swim speed and fatigue time (FT) were studied in an outdoor open-channel flume in the Duero River (Burgos, Spain) against three nominal velocities (1.5, 2.5 and 3 m s−1) and temperatures (5.5, 13.5 and 18.5°C), also including the changes between swimming modes (prolonged and sprint). Results showed that a nase of 20.8 cm mean fork length can develop a median swim speed that exceeds 20.7 BL s−1 (4.31 m s−1) during a median time of 3.4 s in sprint mode, or 12.2 BL s−1 (2.55 m s−1) for 23.7 s in prolonged mode under the warmest scenario. During prolonged swimming mode, fish were able to reach further distances in warmer water conditions for all situations, due to a greater swimming speed and FT, whereas during sprint mode, warmer conditions increased the swim speed maintaining the FT. In conclusion, the studied temperature range and flow velocity range influence fish swimming performance, endurance and distance travelled, although with some differences depending on the swimming mode. The provided information goes a step forward in the definition of real fish swimming capacities, and in turn, will contribute to establish clear passage criteria for thermo-velocity barriers, allowing the calculation of the proportion of fish able to pass a barrier under different working scenarios, as well designing of the optimized solutions to improve the fish passage through river barriers.  相似文献   

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