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脂肪酸合酶(Fatty acid synthase,FAS)催化乙酰辅酶A和丙二酸单酰辅酶A反应生成脂肪酸,是油脂合成代谢途径中最重要的酶之一。在高产油脂的圆红冬孢酵母Rhodosporidium toruloides中发现了一种新颖的FAS,它含两个亚基,与其他物种的FAS相比,具有独特的结构域组成,尤其是含两个酰基载体蛋白(ACP)结构域。由于ACP在脂肪酸合成反应中起辅因子作用,推测多个ACP有利于提高FAS的催化活性,为研究该FAS的生物化学和结构特征,构建了表达FAS两个亚基的载体,并转化大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21(DE3),含pET22b-FAS1和pET24-FAS2质粒的重组菌株ZWE06可同时高表达两个亚基,经硫酸铵沉淀、蔗糖密度梯度离心和阴离子交换层析纯化,得到的重组FAS比活力达到548 mU/mg。纯化的FAS复合物可用于后续酶动力学和蛋白结构研究,且表达与纯化方法的建立对研究其他ACP的功能具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The discovery of reduced flavin mononucleotide and fatty aldehydes as essential factors of light emission facilitated study of bacterial luminescence. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial luminescence have been studied for more than 60 years, the structure of the bacterial fatty acid reductase complex remains unclear. Here, we report the cryo-EM structure of the Photobacterium phosphoreum fatty acid reductase complex LuxC–LuxE to a resolution of 2.79 Å. We show that the active site Lys238/Arg355 pair of LuxE is >30 Å from the active site Cys296 of LuxC, implying that catalysis relies on a large conformational change. Furthermore, mutagenesis and biochemical experiments support that the L-shaped cleft inside LuxC plays an important role in substrate binding and reaction. We obtained a series of mutants with significantly improved activity as measured by in vitro bioluminescence assays and demonstrated that the double mutant W111A/F483K displayed the highest activity (370% of the WT). Our results indicated that the activity of LuxC significantly affects the bacterial bioluminescence reaction. Finally, we expressed this mutated lux operon in Escherichia coli but observed that the in vivo concentrations of ATP and NADPH limited the enzyme activity; thus, we conclude that the luminous intensity mainly depends on the level of metabolic energy.  相似文献   

Development of fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitors has increasingly attracted much attention in recent years due to their potential therapeutic use in obesity and cancers. In this investigation, pharmacophore modeling based on the first crystal structure of human KS domain of FAS was carried out. The established pharmacophore model was taken as a 3D query for retrieving potent FAS inhibitors from the chemical database Specs. Docking study was further carried out to refine the obtained hit compounds. Finally, a total of 28 compounds were selected based on the ranking order and visual examination, which were first evaluated by a cell line-based assay. Seven compounds that have good inhibition activity against two FAS overexpressing cancer cell lines were further evaluated by an enzyme-based assay. One compound with a new chemical scaffold was found to have low micromolar inhibition potency against FAS, which has been subjected to further chemical structural modification.  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA) metabolism is a series of processes that provide structural substances, signalling molecules and energy. Ample evidence has shown that FA uptake is mediated by plasma membrane transporters including FA transport proteins (FATPs), caveolin-1, fatty-acid translocase (FAT)/CD36, and fatty-acid binding proteins. Unlike other FA transporters, the functions of FATPs have been controversial because they contain both motifs of FA transport and fatty acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS). The widely distributed FATP4 is not a direct FA transporter but plays a predominant function as an ACS. FATP4 deficiency causes ichthyosis premature syndrome in mice and humans associated with suppression of polar lipids but an increase in neutral lipids including triglycerides (TGs). Such a shift has been extensively characterized in enterocyte-, hepatocyte-, and adipocyte-specific Fatp4-deficient mice. The mutants under obese and non-obese fatty livers induced by different diets persistently show an increase in blood non-esterified free fatty acids and glycerol indicating the lipolysis of TGs. This review also focuses on FATP4 role on regulatory networks and factors that modulate FATP4 expression in metabolic tissues including intestine, liver, muscle, and adipose tissues. Metabolic disorders especially regarding blood lipids by FATP4 deficiency in different cell types are herein discussed. Our results may be applicable to not only patients with FATP4 mutations but also represent a model of dysregulated lipid homeostasis, thus providing mechanistic insights into obesity and development of fatty liver disease.  相似文献   

We used isotope dilution MS to measure the stoichiometry of light‐harvesting complex I (LHCI) proteins with the photosystem I (PSI) core complex in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Proteotypic peptides served as quantitative markers for each of the nine gene products (Lhca1–9) and for PSI subunits. The quantitative data revealed that the LHCI antenna of C. reinhardtii contains about 7.5 ± 1.4 subunits. It further demonstrated that the thylakoid LHCI population is heterogeneously composed and that several lhca gene products are not present in 1:1 stoichiometries with PSI. When compared with vascular plants, LHCI of C. reinhardtii possesses a lower proportion of proteins potentially contributing to far‐red fluorescence emission. In general, the strategy presented is universally applicable for exploring subunit stoichiometries within the C. reinhardtii proteome.  相似文献   

Heterobivalent tyrosine recombinases play a prominent role in numerous bacteriophage and transposon recombination systems. Their enzymatic activities are frequently regulated at a structural level by excisionase factors, which alter the ability of the recombinase to assemble into higher-order recombinogenic nucleoprotein structures. The Tn916 conjugative transposon spreads antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria and is mobilized by a heterobivalent recombinase (Tn916Int), whose activity is regulated by an excisionase factor (Tn916Xis). Unlike the well-characterized (lambda)Xis excisionase from bacteriophage lambda, Tn916Xis stimulates excision in vitro and in Escherichia coli only modestly. To gain insights into this functional difference, we have performed in vitro DNA-binding studies of Tn916Xis and Tn916Int, and we have solved the solution structure of Tn916Xis. We show that the heterobivalent Tn916Int protein is capable of bridging the DR2-type and core-type sites on the left arm of the tranpsoson. Consistent with the notion that Tn916Int is regulated only loosely, we find that Tn916Xis binding does not alter the stability of DR2-Tn916Int-core bridges or the ability of Tn916Int to recognize the arms of the transposon in vitro. Despite a high degree of divergence at the primary sequence level, we show that Tn916Xis and (lambda)Xis adopt related prokaryotic winged-helix structures. However, they differ at their C termini, with Tn916Xis replacing the flexible integrase contacting tail found in (lambda)Xis with a positively charged alpha-helix. This difference provides a structural explanation for why Tn916Xis does not interact cooperatively with its cognate integrase in vitro, and reveals how subtle changes in the winged-helix fold can modulate the functional properties of excisionase factors.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is a key enzyme of lipogenesis. In this study, the FAS mRNA expression patterns were examined in three fat related tissues (liver, breast and thigh) at different developmental stages in two chicken breeds (Beijing-You, BJY and Arbor Acres broiler, AA). Results of the Real time-qPCR showed that the expression of FAS mRNA level in liver was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than that in breast and thigh in both two chicken breeds. Significant differences of FAS mRNA expression in liver were found between BJY and AA chickens during different developmental stages. After the contents of intramuscular-fat (IMF) and the liver fat were measured, the correlation analysis was performed. In liver, the FAS mRNA level was highly correlated with hepatic fat content (r = 0.891, P < 0.01 for BJY; r = 0.901, P < 0.01 for AA). On the contrary, the FAS expression level in both breast and thigh tissues were relatively low, stable and there was no correlation between the FAS mRNA level and IMF content in breast and thigh tissues of each breed. The results here can contribute to the knowledge on the developmental expression pattern of FAS mRNA and facilitate the further research on the molecular mechanism underlying IMF deposition in chicken.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is a multifunctional enzyme that plays an important role in the formation of fatty acids. The fatty acids take part in many processes, such as cell signaling and energy metabolism, and in insects they are important in both cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) formation and reproduction. Here we characterized the sequence structure and function of an FAS from the small brown planthopper (SBPH), Laodelphax striatellus. The full-length open reading frame (ORF) sequence of LsFAS1 was 7122 bp, encoding a predicted protein of 2373 amino acid residues. There were 7 functional domains in the LsFAS1 protein sequence. Gene expression screening by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) showed that LsFAS1 was expressed in all developmental stages. Relative expression was highest at the 4th-instar and female adult stages. Among different tissues, the expression level of LsFAS1 in the ovary was the highest. Phylogenetic analysis showed that LsFAS1 clustered in a clade with 2 FASs from Nilaparvata lugens. Furthermore, these 3 FASs are related to cockroach BgFAS and locust LmFAS. After RNA interference-mediated knock-down, most treated insects died at eclosion. In addition, the lifespan of dsFAS1-treated female adults was shorter than that of the dsGFP-injected control, and offspring production decreased. Also, the expression of vitellogenin (Vg) and vitellogenin receptor (VgR) genes decreased. Virgin females dissected at days 2 and 4 post-eclosion showed many matured oocytes in planthoppers treated with dsGFP but not with dsFAS1. These data highlight the importance of LsFAS1 in SBPH, including a role in reproduction.  相似文献   

The assembly‐line architecture of polyketide synthases (PKSs) provides an opportunity to rationally reprogram polyketide biosynthetic pathways to produce novel antibiotics. A fundamental challenge toward this goal is to identify the factors that control the unidirectional channeling of reactive biosynthetic intermediates through these enzymatic assembly lines. Within the catalytic cycle of every PKS module, the acyl carrier protein (ACP) first collaborates with the ketosynthase (KS) domain of the paired subunit in its own homodimeric module so as to elongate the growing polyketide chain and then with the KS domain of the next module to translocate the newly elongated polyketide chain. Using NMR spectroscopy, we investigated the features of a structurally characterized ACP domain of the 6‐deoxyerythronolide B synthase that contribute to its association with its KS translocation partner. Not only were we able to visualize selective protein–protein interactions between the two partners, but also we detected a significant influence of the acyl chain substrate on this interaction. A novel reagent, CF3‐S‐ACP, was developed as a 19F NMR spectroscopic probe of protein–protein interactions. The implications of our findings for understanding intermodular chain translocation are discussed.  相似文献   

Polyketides are a medicinally important class of natural products. The architecture of modular polyketide synthases (PKSs), composed of multiple covalently linked domains grouped into modules, provides an attractive framework for engineering novel polyketide-producing assemblies. However, impaired domain-domain interactions can compromise the efficiency of engineered polyketide biosynthesis. To facilitate the study of these domain-domain interactions, we have used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the first solution structure of an acyl carrier protein (ACP) domain from a modular PKS, 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS). The tertiary fold of this 10-kD domain is a three-helical bundle; an additional short helix in the second loop also contributes to the core helical packing. Superposition of residues 14-94 of the ensemble on the mean structure yields an average atomic RMSD of 0.64 +/- 0.09 Angstrom for the backbone atoms (1.21 +/- 0.13 Angstrom for all non-hydrogen atoms). The three major helices superimpose with a backbone RMSD of 0.48 +/- 0.10 Angstrom (0.99 +/- 0.11 Angstrom for non-hydrogen atoms). Based on this solution structure, homology models were constructed for five other DEBS ACP domains. Comparison of their steric and electrostatic surfaces at the putative interaction interface (centered on helix II) suggests a model for protein-protein recognition of ACP domains, consistent with the previously observed specificity. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicate that two of the identified residues influence the specificity of ACP recognition.  相似文献   

Enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductases are critical for bacterial type II fatty acid biosynthesis and thus are attractive targets for developing novel antibiotics. We determined the crystal structure of enoyl-ACP reductase (FabK) from Streptococcus pneumoniae at 1.7 A resolution. There was one dimer per asymmetric unit. Each subunit formed a triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel structure, and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) was bound as a cofactor in the active site. The overall structure was similar to the enoyl-ACP reductase (ER) of fungal fatty acid synthase and to 2-nitropropane dioxygenase (2-ND) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, although there were some differences among these structures. We determined the crystal structure of FabK in complex with a phenylimidazole derivative inhibitor to envision the binding site interactions. The crystal structure reveals that the inhibitor binds to a hydrophobic pocket in the active site of FabK, and this is accompanied by induced-fit movements of two loop regions. The thiazole ring and part of the ureido moiety of the inhibitor are involved in a face-to-face pi-pi stacking interaction with the isoalloxazine ring of FMN. The side-chain conformation of the proposed catalytic residue, His144, changes upon complex formation. Lineweaver-Burk plots indicate that the inhibitor binds competitively with respect to NADH, and uncompetitively with respect to crotonoyl coenzyme A. We propose that the primary basis of the inhibitory activity is competition with NADH for binding to FabK, which is the first step of the two-step ping-pong catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Two distinct ways of organizing fatty acid biosynthesis exist: the multifunctional type I fatty acid synthase (FAS) of mammals, fungi, and lower eukaryotes with activities residing on one or two polypeptides; and the dissociated type II FAS of prokaryotes, plastids, and mitochondria with individual activities encoded by discrete genes. The beta-ketoacyl [ACP] synthase (KAS) moiety of the mitochondrial FAS (mtKAS) is targeted by the antibiotic cerulenin and possibly by the other antibiotics inhibiting prokaryotic KASes: thiolactomycin, platensimycin, and the alpha-methylene butyrolactone, C75. The high degree of structural similarity between mitochondrial and prokaryotic KASes complicates development of novel antibiotics targeting prokaryotic KAS without affecting KAS domains of cytoplasmic FAS. KASes catalyze the C(2) fatty acid elongation reaction using either a Cys-His-His or Cys-His-Asn catalytic triad. Three KASes with different substrate specificities participate in synthesis of the C(16) and C(18) products of prokaryotic FAS. By comparison, mtKAS carries out all elongation reactions in the mitochondria. We present the X-ray crystal structures of the Cys-His-His-containing human mtKAS and its hexanoyl complex plus the hexanoyl complex of the plant mtKAS from Arabidopsis thaliana. The structures explain (1) the bimodal (C(6) and C(10)-C(12)) substrate preferences leading to the C(8) lipoic acid precursor and long chains for the membranes, respectively, and (2) the low cerulenin sensitivity of the human enzyme; and (3) reveal two different potential acyl-binding-pocket extensions. Rearrangements taking place in the active site, including subtle changes in the water network, indicate a change in cooperativity of the active-site histidines upon primer binding.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP is essential for the ability of rods and cones to respond to the light stimuli. Light triggers hydrolysis of cGMP and stops the influx of sodium and calcium through the cGMP-gated ion channels. The consequence of this event is 2-fold: first, the decrease in the inward sodium current plays the major role in an abrupt hyperpolarization of the cellular membrane; secondly, the decrease in the Ca2+ influx diminishes the free intracellular Ca2+ concentration. While the former constitutes the essence of the phototransduction pathway in rods and cones, the latter gives rise to a potent feedback mechanism that accelerates photoreceptor recovery and adaptation to background light. One of the most important events by which Ca2+ feedback controls recovery and light adaptation is synthesis of cGMP by guanylyl cyclase. Two isozymes of membrane photoreceptor guanylyl cyclase (retGC) have been identified in rods and cones that are regulated by Ca2+-binding proteins, GCAPs. At low intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ typical for light-adapted rods and cones GCAPs activate RetGC, but concentrations above 500 nM typical for dark-adapted photoreceptors turn them into inhibitors of retGC. A variety of mutations found in GCAP and retGC genes have been linked to several forms of human congenital retinal diseases, such as dominant cone degeneration, cone-rod dystrophy and Leber congenital amaurosis.  相似文献   

The microbial biosynthesis of free fatty acid, which can be used as precursors for the production of fuels or chemicals from renewable carbon sources, has attracted significant attention in recent years. Free fatty acids can be produced by introducing an acyl-carrier protein (ACP) thioesterase (TE) gene into Escherichia coli. The first committed step of fatty acid biosynthesis is the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA by an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent acetyl-CoA carboxylase followed by the conversion of malonyl-CoA to malonyl-ACP through the enzyme malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase (MCT; FabD). The E. coli fabD gene encoding MCT has been cloned and studied. However, the effect of FabD overexpression in a fatty acid overproducing strain has not been examined. In this study, we examined the effect of FabD overexpression in a fatty acid overproducing strain carrying an acyl-ACP TE. Specifically, the effect of overexpressing a fabD gene from four different organisms on fatty acid production was compared. The strains carrying a fabD gene from E. coli, Streptomyces avermitilis MA-4680, or Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) improved the free fatty acid production; these three strains produced more free fatty acids, about 11% more, than the control strain. The strain carrying a fabD gene from Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824, however, produced similar quantities of free fatty acids as the control strain. In addition, the three FabD overexpressed strains also have higher fatty acid/glucose yields. The results suggested that FabD overexpression can be used to improve free fatty acid production by increasing the malonyl-ACP availability.  相似文献   

Sarcophaga peregrina is considered to be of great ecological, medical and forensic significance, and has unusual biological characteristics such as an ovoviviparous reproductive pattern and adaptation to feed on carrion. The availability of a high‐quality genome will help to further reveal the mechanisms underlying these charcateristics. Here we present a de novo‐assembled genome at chromosome scale for S. peregrina. The final assembled genome was 560.31 Mb with contig N50 of 3.84 Mb. Hi‐C scaffolding reliably anchored six pseudochromosomes, accounting for 97.76% of the assembled genome. Moreover, 45.70% of repeat elements were identified in the genome. A total of 14,476 protein‐coding genes were functionally annotated, accounting for 92.14% of all predicted genes. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that S. peregrina and S. bullata diverged ~ 7.14 million years ago. Comparative genomic analysis revealed expanded and positively selected genes related to biological features that aid in clarifying its ovoviviparous reproduction and carrion‐feeding adaptations, such as lipid metabolism, olfactory receptor activity, antioxidant enzymes, proteolysis and serine‐type endopeptidase activity. Protein‐coding genes associated with ovoviparity, such as yolk proteins, transferrin and acid sphingomyelinase, were identified. This study provides a valuable genomic resource for S. peregrina, and sheds insight into further revealing the underlying molecular mechanisms of adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The level of two thioesterases, acyl-CoA thioesterase and acyl-ACP thioesterase was determined during seed maturation in oil seed rape. Both thioesterase activities rose markedly prior to the onset of lipid accumulation, but the induction kinetics suggest that the activities reside on distinct polypeptides. Acyl-ACP thioesterase (EC was purified 2000-fold using a combination of ion exchange, ACP-affinity chromatogr aphy, chromatofocusing and gel filtration. Using native gel electrophoresis, and assays for enzymic activity, two polypeptides were identified on SDS-PAGE as associated with the activity. Cleveland mapping of these polypeptides, of 38 kDa component and 33 kDa respectively, demonstrated that they are related. An antibody was prepared against the 38 kDa component, and this also recognises the 33 kDa polypeptide in highly purified preparations. Western blotting of a crude extract identifies one band at 38 kDa consistent with the 33 kDa component being a degradation product generated during purification. The native molecule has a Mr of 70 kDa indicating a dimeric structure. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 9.5 and shows strong preference for oleoyl-ACP as substrate. The intact enzyme has an N-terminus blocked to protein sequencing. We also found that two other polypeptides co-purify with acyl-ACP thioesterase under native conditions. The N-terminal amino-acid sequence of these polypeptides is shown and their possible identity is discussed.  相似文献   

The type II fatty acid synthase system of mycobacteria is involved in the biosynthesis of major and essential lipids, mycolic acids, key-factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenicity. One reason of the remarkable survival ability of M. tuberculosis in infected hosts is partly related to the presence of cell wall-associated mycolic acids. Despite their importance, the mechanisms that modulate synthesis of these lipids in response to environmental changes are unknown. We demonstrate here that HadAB and HadBC dehydratases of this system are phosphorylated by Ser/Thr protein kinases, which negatively affects their enzymatic activity. The phosphorylation of HadAB/BC is growth phase-dependent, suggesting that it represents a mechanism by which mycobacteria might tightly control mycolic acid biosynthesis under non-replicating condition.  相似文献   

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