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In wheat ( Triticum aestivum L), the leaves particularly flag leaves have been considered to be the key organs contributing to higher yields, whereas awns have been considered subsidiary organs. Compared with extensive investigations on the assimilation contribution of leaves, the photosynthetic characteristics of awns have not been well studied. In this study, we investigated the ultrastructure of chloroplasts, oxygen evolution, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase [phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) EC] activity in both flag leaves and awns during the ontogenesis of wheat. Transmission electron microscope observations showed initial increases in the sizes of grana and the degree of granum stacks from the florescence-emergence stage both in flag leaves and in awns, followed by the breakdown of membrane systems after the milk-development stage. The results of oxygen evolution assays revealed that in both organs, the rate of photosynthesis increased in the first few stages and then decreased, but the decrease occurred much earlier in flag leaves than in awns. A PEPCase activity assay demonstrated that the activity of PEPCase was much higher in awns than in flag leaves throughout ontogeny; the value was particularly high at the late stages of grain filling. Our results suggest that awns play a dominant role in contributing to large grains and a high grain yield in awned wheat cultivars, particularly during the grain-filling stages.  相似文献   

In order to understand the microspore and pollen development, recently, we have isolated a number of anther-specific genes in the model legume, Lotus japonicus. From these anther-specific genes, we identified one novel microspore-specific gene, LjImfb-c82. In order to determine the molecular characterization of LjImfb-c82, full-length cDNA clone was first isolated and sequenced. It encoded a protein of 286 amino acids (LjHIR1), which had sequence similarity to Hypersensitive-Induced Response like protein. LjHIR1 was specifically expressed in microspore on the in situ hybridization experiment. From the sequence similarity to prohibitin-domain protein, the LjHIR1 might be related to ion channel regulation in microspore development.  相似文献   

The first quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of multiple agronomic traits in the model legume Lotus japonicus was performed with a population of recombinant inbred lines derived from Miyakojima MG-20 x Gifu B-129. Thirteen agronomic traits were evaluated in 2004 and 2005: traits of vegetative parts (plant height, stem thickness, leaf length, leaf width, plant regrowth, plant shape, and stem color), flowering traits (flowering time and degree), and pod and seed traits (pod length, pod width, seeds per pod, and seed mass). A total of 40 QTLs were detected that explained 5%-69% of total variation. The QTL that explained the most variation was that for stem color, which was detected in the same region of chromosome 2 in both years. Some QTLs were colocated, especially those for pod and seed traits. Seed mass QTLs were located at 5 locations that mapped to the corresponding genomic positions of equivalent QTLs in soybean, pea, chickpea, and mung bean. This study provides fundamental information for breeding of agronomically important legume crops.  相似文献   

The molecular analysis of plant genes involved in nodulationhas been slowed by the inability to produce high numbers oftransgenic legume lines. The high efficiency gene transfer andplant regeneration systems of the model legume Lotus japonicusis described. A collection of wild-type A. rhizogenes strainswas tested for infectivity and the most virulent strains, 9402and AR10, were selected for further use. Growth conditions forplantlets, induction of hairy roots and nodulation of compositeplants were optimized for large-scale screening in Petri dishes.A cluster of 3–10 nodules was regularly formed on transgenichairy roots 7–12 d after inoculation with the effectiveRhizobium loti strain NZP2235. There were no apparent morphologicaldifferences between nodulation of hairy and wildtype roots.To test the applicability of the hairy root system for the trappingof symbiotic genes, transformation experiments with binary vectorspossessing a ß-glucuronidase (gus, uidA) or a luciferase(luc) reporter driven by a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35Spromoter were performed. The frequency of cotransfer of a binaryT-DNA with a root-inducing (Ri) T-DNA was 70%. Positive expressionsuggests that gus and luc trap vectors can be used for genetagging in L. japonicus. To open the possibility of searchingfor mutant phenotypes, a regeneration system has been developedenabling the regeneration of large numbers of transgenic plantsfrom hairy root cultures in about 5–6 months. At the sametime, the A. tumefaciens hypocotyl transformation regenerationin L. japonicus has been improved. This new version providesfertile transgenic plants in about 4 months. Key words: Agrobacterium, luciferase, nodulation, Rhizobium, symbiosis  相似文献   

Complete structure of the chloroplast genome of a legume, Lotus japonicus.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The nucleotide sequence of the entire chloroplast genome (150,519 bp) of a legume, Lotus japonicus, has been determined. The circular double-stranded DNA contains a pair of inverted repeats of 25,156 bp which are separated by a small and a large single copy region of 18,271 bp and 81,936 bp, respectively. A total of 84 predicted protein-coding genes including 7 genes duplicated in the inverted repeat regions, 4 ribosomal RNA genes and 37 tRNA genes (30 gene species) representing 20 amino acids species were assigned on the genome based on similarity to genes previously identified in other chloroplasts. All the predicted genes were conserved among dicot plants except that rpl22, a gene encoding chloroplast ribosomal protein CL22, was missing in L. japonicus. Inversion of a 51-kb segment spanning rbcL to rpsl6 (positions 5161-56,176) in the large single copy region was observed in the chloroplast genome of L. japonicus. The sequence data and gene information are available on our World Wide Web database at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/en/plant/database.html.  相似文献   

Root, root hair, and symbiotic mutants of the model legume Lotus japonicus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To gain an overview of plant factors controlling nodule number and organogenesis, an extensive screening using model legume Lotus japonicus was carried out. This screening involved 40,000 M2 seeds, and 32 stable mutant lines were isolated. From these, 16 mutant lines maintaining the phenotypic variation were selected and genetically analyzed. With respect to nodule number, four loci were identified, Ljsym77, Ljsym78, slippery root (slp), and radial organization1 (rdo1). The former two mutants have an increased number of nodules, while the latter two have a decreased number. Ljsym78-1 and Ljsym78-2 are hypernodulating mutants with a branched root system and were found to be allelic to Ljsym16. The phenotype of the Ljsym77 mutant was highly pleiotropic, being deficient in light and gravity responses. The slp mutant was isolated as a low-nodulating mutant lacking root hairs. Concerning nodule organogenesis, nine symbiotic loci were identified, including the two loci alb1 and fen1. Mutants affecting the developmental process of nodule organogenesis were placed in three phenotypic categories: Nod- (Ljsym70 to Ljsym73), Hist- (alb1-1, alb1-2, and Ljsym79), and Fix- (fen1, Ljsym75, and Ljsym81).  相似文献   

For comprehensive analysis of genes expressed in a model legume, Lotus japonicus, a total of 22,983 5' end expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were accumulated from normalized and size-selected cDNA libraries constructed from young (2 weeks old) plants. The EST sequences were clustered into 7137 non-redundant groups. Similarity search against public non-redundant protein database indicated that 3302 groups showed similarity to genes of known function, 1143 groups to hypothetical genes, and 2692 were novel sequences. Homologues of 5 nodule-specific genes which have been reported in other legume species were contained in the collected ESTs, suggesting that the EST source generated in this study will become a useful tool for identification of genes related to legume-specific biological processes. The sequence data of individual ESTs are available at the web site: http://www.kazusa.or.jp/en/plant/lotus/EST/.  相似文献   

Among leguminous plants, the model legume Lotus japonicus (Regel) Larsen has many biological and genetic advantages. We have developed a genetic linkage map of L. japonicus based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), simple sequence repeat polymorphism (SSRP) and derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (dCAPS). The F2 mapping population used was derived from a cross between two L. japonicus accessions Gifu B-129 and Miyakojima MG-20. These parental accessions showed remarkable cytological differences, particularly with respect to size and morphology of chromosomes 1 and 2. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with BAC clones from Gifu B-129 and TAC (Transformation-competent Artificial Chromosome) clones from Miyakojima MG-20, a reciprocal translocation was found to be responsible for the cytological differences between chromosomes 1 and 2. The borders of the translocations were identified by FISH and by alignment toward the L. filicaulis x L. japonicus Gifu B-129 linkage map. The markers from the main translocated region were located on linkage groups 1 and 2 of the two accessions, Gifu B-129 and Miyakojima MG-20, respectively. The framework of the linkage map was constructed based on codominant markers, and then dominant markers were integrated separately in each linkage group of the parents. The resulting linkage groups correspond to the six pairs of chromosomes of L. japonicus and consist of 287 markers with 487.3 cM length in Gifu B-129 and 277 markers with 481.6 cM length in Miyakojima MG-20. The map and marker information is available through the World Wide Web at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/lotus/.  相似文献   

Snapdragon flowers emit two monoterpene olefins, myrcene and (E)-beta-ocimene, derived from geranyl diphosphate, in addition to a major phenylpropanoid floral scent component, methylbenzoate. Emission of these monoterpenes is regulated developmentally and follows diurnal rhythms controlled by a circadian clock. Using a functional genomics approach, we have isolated and characterized three closely related cDNAs from a snapdragon petal-specific library that encode two myrcene synthases (ama1e20 and ama0c15) and an (E)-beta-ocimene synthase (ama0a23). Although the two myrcene synthases are almost identical (98%), except for the N-terminal 13 amino acids, and are catalytically active, yielding a single monoterpene product, myrcene, only ama0c15 is expressed at a high level in flowers and contributes to floral myrcene emission. (E)-beta-Ocimene synthase is highly similar to snapdragon myrcene synthases (92% amino acid identity) and produces predominantly (E)-beta-ocimene (97% of total monoterpene olefin product) with small amounts of (Z)-beta-ocimene and myrcene. These newly isolated snapdragon monoterpene synthases, together with Arabidopsis AtTPS14 (At1g61680), define a new subfamily of the terpene synthase (TPS) family designated the Tps-g group. Members of this new Tps-g group lack the RRx(8)W motif, which is a characteristic feature of the Tps-d and Tps-b monoterpene synthases, suggesting that the reaction mechanism of Tps-g monoterpene synthase product formation does not proceed via an RR-dependent isomerization of geranyl diphosphate to 3S-linalyl diphosphate, as shown previously for limonene cyclase. Analyses of tissue-specific, developmental, and rhythmic expression of these monoterpene synthase genes in snapdragon flowers revealed coordinated regulation of phenylpropanoid and isoprenoid scent production.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of 13 species of spider mites (Tetranychidae) are determined using the aceto-orcein squash technique in order to establish the haplo-diploid sex-determination. 12 species showed the existence of haploid and diploid eggs:Neotetranychus rubi (Trägårdh) with 7 and 14 chromosomes;Eurytetranychus buxi (Garman) with 5 and 10;Bryobia sarothamni (Geijskes),Eotetranychus tiliarium (Joh. Hermann) andE. carpini (Oudemans) with 4 and 8;Panonychus ulmi (Koch),Schizotetranychus schizopus (Zacher),Oligonychus ununguis (Jacobi).Tetranychus hydrangeae Pritch. & Baker, T.pacificus McGregor,T. urticae Koch andT. cinnabarinus (Boisduval) with 3 and 6 chromosomes.The progeny of virgin females in 7 different species consisted of eggs with the haploid complement. One species was shown to be thelytokous, viz.Tetranycopsis horridus (Canestrini & Franzago), having a diploid number of 4 chromosomes. Some eggs of an inbred line ofT. urticae showed a patchwork quilt of odd polyploidy in embryonic tissue.  相似文献   

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