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The conservation of many fragmented and small populations of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) relies on understanding the natural processes affecting genetic diversity, demographics, and future viability. We used extensive behavioural, life-history, and genetic data from reintroduced African wild dogs in South Africa to (1) test for inbreeding avoidance via mate selection and (2) model the potential consequences of avoidance on population persistence. Results suggested that wild dogs avoided mating with kin. Inbreeding was rare in natal packs, after reproductive vacancies, and between sibling cohorts (observed on 0.8%, 12.5%, and 3.8% of occasions, respectively). Only one of the six (16.7%) breeding pairs confirmed as third-order (or closer) kin consisted of animals that were familiar with each other, while no other paired individuals had any prior association. Computer-simulated populations allowed to experience inbreeding had only a 1.6% probability of extinction within 100 years, whereas all populations avoiding incestuous matings became extinct due to the absence of unrelated mates. Populations that avoided mating with first-order relatives became extinct after 63 years compared with persistence of 37 and 19 years for those also prevented from second-order and third-order matings, respectively. Although stronger inbreeding avoidance maintains significantly more genetic variation, our results demonstrate the potentially severe demographic impacts of reduced numbers of suitable mates on the future viability of small, isolated wild dog populations. The rapid rate of population decline suggests that extinction may occur before inbreeding depression is observed.  相似文献   

Plastic reproductive allocation may allow individuals to maximize their fitness when conditions vary. Mate availability is one condition that may determine the fitness of an individual's allocation strategy. Using a variety of methods, I detected evidence of plastic allocation to asexual (clonal) reproduction in response to mate availability in the brittle star Ophiactis savignyi. There were more mature individuals in populations in which both sexes were present, and clones from these populations had fewer clone-mates than clones from single-sex populations. Animals placed with mates in a field experiment divided less frequently than animals without a mate. These findings demonstrate that animals reduce their allocation to asexual reproduction when mates are present and when a loss of fecundity associated with cloning would decrease offspring production. This plasticity is probably adaptive because it maximizes sexual-reproductive potential when fertilization is more likely, but maximizes survival of the clone when mates are absent and gametes are unlikely to be converted to offspring.  相似文献   

We determined whether short-term, posthatch oral exposure to estradiol benzoate (EB) or the industrial surfactant octylphenol (OP) could impair the reproductive performance of zebra finches. If so, naturally occurring phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens might influence reproduction in wild populations. Chicks were given oral administration of 10 or 100 nmol EB per gram of body mass (earlier work showed the latter to be the minimum oral dose required to maximally masculinize female song nuclei) or an equimolar amount of OP daily from 5 through 11 days of age. Canola oil was used as a vehicle and control. Reproductive testing was done either in individual pair cages or in communal cages that permitted self-selection of mates, N = 10 pairs per group. Pairs consisted of EB-treated males and females, EB-treated males paired with canola-treated females, vice versa, and canola-treated males and females. Posthatch EB treatment produced sex-specific impairments in reproduction that, in some instances, were additive when both sexes were treated. Egg production was reduced and egg breakage was increased in 100 nmol/g EB-treated male and female pairs. The incidence of missing eggs was increased in 10 nmol/g EB-treated male and female pairs. Candled fertility was reduced in both groups containing 100 nmol/g EB-treated males. The number of hatched chicks was severely reduced in all EB-treated groups. No adverse effects of OP treatment were detected. These significant treatment effects (all P < 0.05) show that posthatch EB treatment profoundly disrupts the reproductive performance of zebra finches, suggesting that exposure to estrogens in the wild could impair the reproductive performance of wild populations.  相似文献   

Disruption of the pair bond between socially monogamous animals leads to changes in behavior, which may have reproductive consequences. There are two alternative hypotheses to explain the effect of the length of time since pair bond disruption on subsequent reproduction. One hypothesis predicts that voles housed immediately with a new opposite-sex conspecific will be as likely to produce litters and will produce them as quickly as voles separated from their initial mate for longer. Alternatively, if attachment between mates is enduring, we expect that more voles separated longer from their previous mates will produce litters and produce them sooner than voles re-paired immediately after separation from their initial mates. Woodland voles, paired with opposite-sex conspecifics, remained together until parturition. Mates were then separated for 0, 7, or 14 days until re-pairing with an opposite-sex conspecific. Pair bond disruption did not prevent males and females from mating subsequently, which was consistent with data from our breeding colony. In addition, the length of time an individual remained alone after pair bond disruption did not affect the latency to produce a litter. Our results show that having been paired previously does not affect subsequent reproduction in this socially monogamous vole.  相似文献   

C. Michael  Bull  Yvonne  Pamula 《Journal of Zoology》1996,240(3):511-521
In 1993, 458 males and 346 females of the largve Australian skink, Tiliqua rugosa , were captured in a study area near Mt. Mary, South Australia. Females were significantly longer than males, although there was broad overlap in snout-vent length measures. Males had significantly longer and broader heads than females of equivalent snout-vent length. In the spring some, but not all, lizards formed monogamous pairs. Pairing was used as an indirect indicator of reproductive success. When all adult males were considered there was no significant difference in head size between those found paired or unpaired. However, among small adults, paired males had signficantly broader heads than unpaired males. This supports the hypothesis that head size is under sexual selection. Individuals with wider heads could be more successful in male-male combat where jaws are the major offensive weapon. Younger, smaller males with a wise head could gain mates at an earlier age. Females showed a different pattern. In all females, and most strongly amongst larger size classes, paired females had significantly larger heads than unpaired females. An explanation is that larger heads somehow reduce the chance that a female will skip a year of reproduction, although the mechanism is not clear.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine whether consumption of endophyte-infected fescue seed affected male reproduction differently in a mouse line previously selected for susceptibility (S) to fescue toxicosis than in a line previously selected for fescue toxicosis resistance (R). For 8 weeks following weaning, 48 males per line were provided diets containing 50% of either endophyte-infected (E+) or endophyte-free (E-) fescue seed. Each male was then paired with a female for 1 week, with litter size and weight recorded from subsequent births. Males were then killed, testes and seminal vesicles were weighed, cauda epididymal sperm were collected and testis cross-sections were fixed. The E+ diet reduced litter size by 0.5 in mates of S males but increased it by 1.0 in mates of R males (line by diet interaction P=0.05). Testis traits were not affected by diet or the line by diet interaction. Sperm integrity was adversely affected by the E+ diet (P<0.01) but did not differ significantly between lines, nor were line by diet interactions important. In earlier work, the E+ diet reduced long-term reproduction by a larger amount in S- than in R-line mated pairs. Because the E+ diet had similar effects on reproductive traits in R and S males in the current experiment, we infer that the differential impact previously reported acted primarily through traits expressed in females.  相似文献   

姚宝辉  安康  苏军虎 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7761-7770
生殖抑制指原本具有生育能力的动物个体因特定外界环境或生理条件而减少或丧失生殖能力的现象,有时是受环境变化的主动调控,更多的是出现在其他个体影响下的被动抑制,极端情况发生在社会性动物的永久性抑制,即永久无法生殖或无法生殖成熟。研究发现非社会性动物也有生殖的推迟及可恢复性的生殖抑制,生殖抑制影响着动物种群数量动态、维持和进化。随着多学科的发展,生殖抑制机理研究取得了诸多进展。从阐述生殖抑制的概念出发,解析生殖抑制的形态、激素和分子生理特征,总结了生殖抑制的原因、作用,终述现有的理论模型以及不同物种方面的最新进展,并就生殖抑制在生物资源管理方面的应用价值进行了展望,旨在丰富生殖抑制的理论,扩展应用实践,为后续的生物资源管理提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The emphasis of this presentation is that social behavior isbasically involved in the curtailment of growth of laboratorypopulations of prairie deermice through inhibiting influenceson the reproductive development and function of population animals.Reproductive inhibition is not directly related to the numbersof animals present per se since physiological characteristicsare similar between animals from populations differing widelyin density under identical conditions of the physical environment.Thus, density should be interpreted relative to social or otherbehavioral factors and we should think of animals in a populationin a qualitative as well as a quantitative sense. Populationgrowth is controlled either by cessation of reproduction orby mortality of young and while 95% of the young remain reproductivelyimmature and fail to reproduce, the weights and characteristicsof their reproductive organs differ dependent upon the mechanismby which population growth is curtailed. Mechanisms of growthcurtailment thus develop intrinsically to each population andinvolve communication through one or more of the senses of touch,smell, sight, hearing or taste. My data suggest that tactilecues from population animals (not necessarily overt aggression)may be of major importance in producing the reproductive retardationobserved although chemosignals or other stimuli such as visualor auditory cues may act to slow reproductive recovery of inhibitedanimals. Data presented support the contention of a behavioral-physiologicalrelationship distinct for each population.  相似文献   

Feeding and burrowing behavior of the monogamous gobiid fish,Valenciennea longipinnis, were studied on the coral reef at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. These fish usually live in pairs, the male and female feeding in close proximity to one another upon benthic animals and constructing several burrows cooperatively for purposes of shelter or spawning. Paired females fed more and burrowed less frequently than their mates. Because burrow maintenance was mostly conducted by the latter, the paired females performed work much less frequently than solitary females. Thus, the paired females may be able to allocate more energy toward egg production. The division of labor related to burrowing behavior in this species may be an effective way to increase reproductive success for both sexes. Moreover, the fameles burrowed even less frequently when paired with larger males, probably because burrowing ability may be correlated with mouth size in males. This is a likely reason for the preference of females to mate with larger males.  相似文献   

Sexual selection in relation to male or female polymorphism has been investigated across the taxa. However, how polymorphism influences sexual selection has been investigated less in most organisms including ladybirds, with most studies in the latter on mating incidences in the field. Laboratory studies on morph-dependent sexual selection in ladybirds have assessed resultant reproductive performance but not consequences on offspring attributes, as well as maintenance of polymorphism. In the current study, we assessed mate choice in a dimorphic ladybird, Propylea dissecta, and its effects on fitness in terms of reproductive performance and offspring development. Females mate significantly more readily with typical darker morphs than with pale ones. Whether this is female choice or male–male competition requires more investigation. Better reproductive performance and increased offspring development and survival in monomorphic typical pairs indicated fitness benefits for individuals obtaining typical mates. Typical females had higher fecundity and their offspring developed faster and survived better than those of pale females. Females paired with typical males had higher egg hatchability than those paired with pale ones. Significantly more offspring of dimorphic pairs were of typical phenotypes whereas offspring of monomorphic pairs expressed the same phenotype as their parents. Female preference for typical males and the dominance of the typical trait likely explain the preponderance of typical morphs in the field.  相似文献   

Allee effect, sexual selection and demographic stochasticity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The negative frequency-dependent effect of reproductive success in animals on population growth refers to a category of phenomena termed the Allee effect. The mechanistic basis for this effect and hence an understanding of its consequences has been obscure. We suggest that sexual selection, in particular female mate preferences, is a previously neglected component giving rise to the Allee effect. Lack of breeding and reduced reproductive success of females at low population densities are commonly described in situations where females have little or no opportunity to choose a mate, consistent with this suggestion. We developed a demographic model that incorporated the effects of lack of female choice on rates of reproduction. Using either a mating system with incompatibility or a system with a directional mate preference, we show that commonly encountered levels of reproductive suppression in the absence of suitable mates in a population, where sexual selection still operates, may increase the effects of demographic stochasticity considerably.  相似文献   

Reproductive investment affects both offspring and parental fitness and influences the evolution of life histories. Females may vary their overall primary reproductive effort in relation to the phenotypic characteristics of their mate. However, the effects of male quality on differential resource allocation within clutches have been largely neglected despite the potential implications for mate choice and population dynamics, especially in species exhibiting biparental care and brood reduction. Female southern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome paired with heavy mates reduced intra-clutch variation in egg and albumen masses. Females paired with new mates also reduced intra-clutch variation in yolk androgen levels. Since both an increased mass and increased androgen concentrations positively influence chick survival under sibling competition, the chances of fledging the whole clutch are likely to be higher for newly formed pairs with heavy males than for previously formed pairs with light males. Interestingly, total clutch provisioning did not vary with male quality. We show for the first time that females vary intra-clutch variation in resource allocation according to male quality. In species with brood reduction, it may be more adaptive for females to modulate the distribution of resources within the clutch according to breeding conditions, than to change their total clutch provisioning.  相似文献   

We investigated mating patterns of the least auklet, a smallmonogamous seabird, at St. Paul Island, Alaska, during threebreeding seasons. Least auklets mated assortatively with respectto both plumage color, a trait important in status signaling,and tarsus length, an index of body size. Least auklets mateddisassortatively with respect to the extent of facial plumes,but neither assortatively nor disassortatively for any otherornamental trait (bill color, bill ornament size). Mate fidelitywas lower in least auklets than in some long-lived seabird species;when both members survived to a following year, only about two-thirdsof pairs reunited. Nearly half of the auklets paired in 1 yearobtained a new mate in the following year, either because ofmate disappearance or divorce. Interyear fidelity to mates wasrelated only to male ornamentation; males with larger facialplumes were more likely to reunite with their mates the nextyear than males with smaller plumes. There were no significantdifferences in the ornaments of females in reunited and divorcedpairs. Pairs that reunited also had significantly lighter plumagethan pairs that divorced, and the plumage of males reunitingwith their mates was significantly paler than that of divorcedmales. We conclude that the probability of both divorce andremating in this species is influenced by ornamental traits.Our finding that remating was related to male plumage colorand ornaments is consistent with the idea that remating is influencedby female choice. Pairs that reunited also bred earlier in theseason and had higher reproductive success than pairs with experiencedindividuals breeding together for the first time. We also foundevidence that failure to breed in a given year increased theprobability of subsequent divorce.  相似文献   

Pedigrees, assortative mating and speciation in Darwin's finches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pedigree analysis is a useful tool in the study of speciation. It can reveal trans-generational influences on the choice of mates. We examined mating patterns in a population of Darwin's medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis) on Daphne Major Island to improve our understanding of how a barrier to the exchange of genes between populations arises in evolution. Body sizes of mates were weakly correlated. In one year, the smallest females were paired non-randomly with the males of similar size, and in another year the largest males were paired with the largest females. An influence of parental morphology on the choice of mates, as expected from sexual imprinting theory, was found; the body size of mates was predicted by the body sizes of both parents, and especially strongly by the father's. These associations imply that the seeds of reproductive isolation between species are present within a single variable population. The implication was subject to a natural test: two exceptionally large birds of the study species, apparently immigrants, bred with each other, as did their offspring, and not with the members of the resident population. The intense inbreeding represents incipient speciation. It parallels a similar phenomenon when another species, the large ground finch, immigrated to Daphne and established a new population without interbreeding with the resident medium ground finches.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is an invasive species of Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) and the largest pathogenic threat to their health world-wide. Its successful invasion and expansion is related to its ability to exploit the worker brood for reproduction, which results in an exponential population growth rate in the new host. With invasion of the mite, wild honeybee populations have been nearly eradicated from Europe and North America, and the survival of managed honeybee populations relies on mite population control treatments. However, there are a few documented honeybee populations surviving extended periods without control treatments due to adapted host traits that directly impact Varroa mite fitness. The aim of this study was to investigate if Varroa mite reproductive success was affected by traits of adult bee behaviours or by traits of the worker brood, in three mite-resistant honey bee populations from Sweden, France and Norway. The mite’s reproductive success was measured and compared in broods that were either exposed to, or excluded from, adult bee access. Mite-resistant bee populations were also compared with a local mite-susceptible population, as a control group. Our results show that mite reproductive success rates and mite fecundity in the three mite-resistant populations were significantly different from the control population, with the French and Swedish populations having significantly lower reproductive rates than the Norwegian population. When comparing mite reproduction in exposed or excluded brood treatments, no differences were observed, regardless of population. This result clearly demonstrates that Varroa mite reproductive success can be suppressed by traits of the brood, independent of adult worker bees.  相似文献   

Chimerism is a peculiar, yet widespread, type of group living in which genetically heterogeneous entities are created through fusion between conspecifics. Here we tested whether chimerism provides direct benefits to the kelp Lessonia spicata, by analyzing its consequences on reproductive investment and success, at both the genotype and thallus levels. In addition, we quantified the frequency of chimerism in two natural populations, tested if group members were close kin, and evaluated the effects of relatedness and the number of genotypes per thallus on reproduction. Chimeric thalli were frequent (>60 %) in natural populations of L. spicata. In most cases, average intragroup relatedness was not significantly different from the background population. Reproductive investment was not significantly affected by the type of thallus (chimeric versus non-chimeric), by the number of genotypes per thallus or the average relatedness within thallus. Chimerism did not result in net benefits or costs in terms of genotypic reproductive success or probability of reproducing at the genotypic level. Yet, at the thallus level, chimerism increased reproductive success and the probability of reproducing, since more than one genotype reproduced in chimeric thallus. At the population level, chimerism affects L. spicata reproductive success by allowing the coexistence of a higher density of potential reproducers and mates compared to a scenario with only non-chimeric thallus. Chimerism may then have an important effect on the effective population size and possibly in reducing selfing rates.  相似文献   

In Caribbean Panama, nonreproductive male and female stomatopods are solitary and defend their own coral-rubble cavities. When breeding pairs form, however, males assume all responsibility for cavity defense. To compare success in cavity defense and defensive tactics among paired and unpaired males, and to examine the tendency for paired stomatopods to exchange their present mates for larger (higher quality) individuals, we introduced same-sized and 15% larger male, and same-sized and 15% larger reproductive female intruders to paired and unpaired male residents in a balanced design. Paired males were more successful at cavity defense than unpaired males, evidently because paired males strike intruders more than unpaired males, and because intruders fight less intensely against paired males than against unpaired males. Paired males occasionally attempted extrapair copulations, but showed little tendency to abandon their mates in favor of larger females. Paired females, however, mated readily with intruder males that evicted resident males. Populationwide female breeding synchrony and prolonged female receptivity before oviposition reduce variance in male mating success and may force males to guard the breeding cavity to assure their paternity. Uncertainty about the reproductive condition of intruder females may prevent males from exchanging mates.  相似文献   

The probability of divorce in birds has been linked with age, breeding experience, reproductive output and synchrony in return. Here, we investigate the consequences of first breeding attempts in common terns for mating in the subsequent season. Nearly 20% of all first‐time breeders disappeared or skipped at least one season after recruitment. In 84 pairs, which consisted of at least one recruit and of which both partners returned to the colony, the divorce rate was 45%. We compared reproductive success, arrival dates, and asynchrony in arrival dates of pairs of the first breeding season against the second season, for both reunited and divorced pairs and males and females separately. First, in pairs of which both members came back to the colony, we found an increase of reproductive success most pronounced in males. In the second season reproductive success of divorced compared with reunited pairs was higher, as only divorced pairs significantly improved the number of fledglings, and again this relation was stronger in males. Secondly, females of reunited pairs arrived significantly earlier from the first to the second season and by far more days than their males. However, in divorced pairs former mates did not differ in the number of days they advance their arrivals. Finally, divorced males arrived on average 4 d earlier than their former mates, whereas divorced females arrived 5 d later compared with their former mates of the recruitment season. Contradictory to nearly all other divorce studies in birds so far, we found a clear fitness gain in divorced males. We suggest that the improvement in reproductive success of young males stems from a side‐effect of the birds’ quality and ability to reach the breeding site in appropriate time and earlier as potential competitors. In long‐lived bird species the heterogeneity among young individuals in the timing of arrival at the colony seems to explain why former recruit‐pairs reunite or split. For young males we suggest as best explanation of divorce that they profit from ‘pushing for an empty chair’, while females seem to profit from their choosiness and may actively decide between former and other mates.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation/alteration has been proposed as a distinct process threatening the viability of populations of many organisms. One expression of its impact may be the disruption of core population processes such as inbreeding avoidance. Using the experimental design outlined in our companion paper, we report on the impact of habitat alteration (deforestation) on inbreeding in the rock-dwelling Australian lizard Egernia cunninghami. Ten microsatellite loci were used to calculate relatedness coefficients of potential and actual breeding pairs, and to examine mate-choice and heterozygosity. Despite significantly less dispersal and higher within-group relatedness between potential mates in deforested than in natural habitats, this did not result in significantly more inbred matings. Average relatedness amongst breeding pairs was low, with no significant difference between natural and fragmented populations in relatedness between breeding pairs, or individual heterozygosity. Active avoidance of close kin as mates was indicated by the substantially and significantly lower relatedness in actual breeding pairs than potential ones. These facts, and heterozygote excesses in all groups of immature lizards from both habitats, show that E. cunninghami maintained outbreeding in the face of increased accumulation of relatives.  相似文献   

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