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Background and Aims

Monoecious plants have the capacity to allocate resources separately to male and female functions more easily than hermaphrodites. This can be advantageous against environmental stresses such as leaf herbivory. However, studies showing effects of herbivory on male and female functions and on the interaction with the plant''s pollinators are limited, particularly in tropical plants. Here, the effects of experimental defoliation were examined in the monoecious shrub Croton suberosus (Euphorbiaceae), a wasp-pollinated species from a Mexican tropical dry forest.


Three defoliation treatments were applied: 0 % (control), 25 % (low) or 75 % (high) of plant leaf area removed. Vegetative (production of new leaves) and reproductive (pistillate and staminate flower production, pollen viability, nectar production, fruit set, and seed set) performance variables, and the abundance and activity of floral visitors were examined.

Key Results

Defoliated plants overcompensated for tissue loss by producing more new leaves than control plants. Production of staminate flowers gradually decreased with increasing defoliation and the floral sex ratio (staminate : pistillate flowers) was drastically reduced in high-defoliation plants. In contrast, female reproductive performance (pistillate flower production, fruit set and seed set) and pollinator visitation and abundance were not impacted by defoliation.


The asymmetrical effects of defoliation on male and female traits of C. suberosus may be due to the temporal and spatial flexibility in the allocation of resources deployed by monoecious plants. We posit that this helps to maintain the plant''s pollination success in the face of leaf herbivory stress.  相似文献   

Crane flies and microlepidoptera have been recorded as pollinators in unrelated orchid groups, but these insects have never been recorded in Epidendroideae, the most species‐rich orchid subfamily, which includes one of the most diverse genera among Orchidaceae, Epidendrum. Based on data on phenology, floral morpho‐anatomy, pollinators, pollination mechanisms and breeding system, the reproductive biology of E. avicula was studied in south‐eastern Brazil. Epidendrum avicula possess osmophores that produce a citric fragrance at night. The flowers attract Tipulidae flies and several families of microlepidoptera that drink the nectar produced in a tube formed by the adnation of the labellum and column. As is common in Epidendrum, after removing the pollinarium, both crane flies and micro‐moths get trapped by the proboscis, which frightens the insects and inhibits any possible intent to immediately visit another flower. The behavior of the pollinators on flowers, plus the retention of the anther cap by the pollinarium, results in a reduction in the occurrence of geitonogamy. Because E. avicula is self‐incompatible, the consequence of pollinator behavior and the floral mechanisms tend to reduce the pollen loss. As far as we know, this is the first study to report the reproductive biology of a species of Epidendroideae pollinated by crane flies and microlepidoptera. Based on more recent concepts of plant–pollinator interactions, although E. avicula is pollinated by several species belonging to two distinct orders, suggesting an unspecialized pollination system is involved, nectar‐seeking microlepidoptera and Tipulidae flies can be recognized as a single functional group.  相似文献   

During the past several decades, the pollination biology of Old World plant species pollinated by flying foxes and of New World plants pollinated by highly specialized nectar-feeding glossophagine bats has been studied in detail. However, little is known about Neotropical plants that are pollinated by less specialized phyllostomid bats. Therefore, we studied the pollination biology of Parkia pendula , a tree pollinated by Phyllostomus . Flowers of P. pendula are arranged in capitula, and a capitulum is composed of approximately 800 hermaphrodite flowers and 260 sterile flowers. The sterile flowers produced a total of 7.4 ml nectar per night, with a sugar concentration of 14.95%, and proline as the dominant amino acid. Nectar production is highest at dusk and ends at 03:00 h. The floral scent is dominated by monoterpenoids (97.9%), with ( E )-β-ocimene being the dominant (84.0%) compound. No sulfur compounds were detected. The capitula are heavily visited by four species of phyllostomid bats, of which Phyllostomus discolor is the most abundant (98.9%). Nectar production per capitulum is within the reported range of nectar produced by this pantropical genus (5.0–8.0 ml). This genus-wide range seems to be optimal for attracting non-specialized nectar-feeding bats and forces them to visit capitula of several trees to satisfy their dietary needs, thus increasing the probability of cross-pollination for this plant.  相似文献   

THOMAS, V. & DAVE, Y., 1992. Structure and biology of nectaries in Tabebuia serratifolia Nichols (Bignoniaceae) . Tabebuia has both floral and extrafloral nectaries, situated on the petiole, bract, calyx, around the ovary and on the pericarp. The floral nectary present around the ovary base is differentiated into epidermis, secretory zone and sub-secretory zone. It is supplied by phloem strands up to the secretory zone. A mature extrafloral nectary consists of a single large basal cell and a head comprising a layer of vertically arranged elongated cells. Starch, protein and lipid are present in the floral nectary. The major insect visitors to both types of nectaries are honey bees, houseflies and ants.  相似文献   

Floral nectary structure and nectar sugar composition were investigated in relation to other floral traits and flower visitors in contrasting species of Nyctaginaceae from southern South America, representing four tribes (Bougainvilleeae, Colignonieae, Nyctagineae, Pisoneae). Our comparative data will aid in the understanding of plant–pollinator interactions and in the development of hypotheses on the origin of floral and reproductive characters in this family. The nectaries are located on the inner side of the staminal tube. The nectariferous tissue is composed of an epidermis and three to ten layers of secretory parenchymal cells, supplied indirectly by the filament vascular bundles. Stomata appear to be associated with nectar secretion. For the first time in Nyctaginaceae, nectary ultrastructure is described in Boerhavia diffusa var. leiocarpa. Nectary parenchyma cells are densely cytoplasmic and contain numerous starch grains. Plasmodesmata connect the nectariferous cells. Flowers of Nyctaginaceae secrete a small volume of nectar of variable concentration (10–47%). Nectar is dominated by hexoses, but Mirabilis jalapa showed a balanced proportion of sucrose and hexoses. Hymenoptera are the most common visitors for most species; nocturnal Lepidoptera are the most common visitors for M. jalapa and Bougainvillea stipitata. We found relatively low variation in the nectary characteristics of Nyctaginaceae compared with broad variation in flower structure, shape, colour and nectar traits. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Spatial variation in pollinator composition and abundance is a well-recognized phenomenon. However, a weakness of many studies claiming specificity of plant–pollinator interactions is that they are often restricted to a single locality. The aim of the present study was to investigate pollinator effectiveness of the different flower visitors to the terrestrial orchid Eulophia alta at three different localities and to analyse whether differences in pollinator abundance and composition effect this plant''s reproductive success.


Natural pollination was observed in vivo, and manipulative experiments were used to study the pollination biology and breeding system of E. alta at three sites near Manaus, Brazil. To gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of pollinator attraction, nectar composition and secretion patterns were also studied, floral scent composition was analysed and a bioassay was conducted.

Key Results

Flower visitors, pollinator composition, pollinia transfer efficiency of particular pollinator species and natural fruit set differed among the investigated populations of E. alta. Flowers were self-compatible, partially autogamous and effectively pollinated by five bee species (four Centris species and Xylocopa muscaria). Visiting insects appeared to imbibe small amounts of hexose-rich nectar. Nectar sugar content was highest on the third day after flower opening. Floral fragrance analyses revealed 42 compounds, of which monoterpenes and benzenoids predominated. A bioassay using floral parts revealed that only floral tissue from the labellum chamber and labellum tip was attractive to flower visitors.


The data suggest that observed differences in reproductive success in the three populations cannot be explained by absolute abundance of pollinators alone. Due to behavioural patterns such as disturbance of effective pollinators on flowers by male Centris varia bees defending territory, pollinia transfer efficiencies of particular pollinator species also vary between study sites and result in differing reproductive success.  相似文献   

The majority of flowering plants, including many rare and threatened species, are pollinated by animals, but little is known of pollination and breeding systems of many endangered species. Polemonium caeruleum (Polemoniaceae) is a red‐listed species and is regarded as dichogamous, self‐compatible and bee pollinated. However, some studies show that it is visited by a vast assemblage of anthophilous insects from many taxonomic orders and that breeding systems vary greatly between closely related taxa of this genus. Over a period of 3 years we investigated breeding system, dichogamy, nectar secretion and composition, insect visitations and pollen loads in flowers of P. caeruleum in north‐eastern Poland to determine whether the reproductive biology of the plant explains its rarity. Contrary to published data, our study plants were self‐incompatible and showed a high degree of outcrossing. Our experimental work confirmed the occurrence of protandry in this species, revealed that nectar is sucrose‐dominant and proline‐rich and, for the first time for Polemoniaceae, that nectar secretion and nectar sugar concentration in flowers of P. caeruleum is female‐biased. Although flowers were visited by at least 39 species of insects from five taxonomic orders, overall the plant exhibited many characters associated with bee pollination, and analysis of insect performance showed that bumblebees and honeybees are the key pollinators; occasionally hoverflies and butterflies may also be involved. We conclude that, in terms of pollination system, P. caeruleum demonstrates high apparent generalization, but low realized generalization, and is a functional specialist, as most pollinators belong to a single functional group (guild). Its conservation status, at least in our study population, cannot be explained in terms of the biological properties of its breeding or pollination systems; rather, the present decline of the species is caused by habitat loss. However, if this process and bumblebee decline in Europe continue, P. caeruleum populations may diminish in numbers and density and, owing to the self‐incompatibility of the species, quickly become severely pollen‐limited, thereby accelerating further local extinctions. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 92–107.  相似文献   

Prompted by the sparse knowledge of the reproductive biology of carnivorous plants, compared with studies of their trapping habits, we investigated the flowering phenology and pollination biology of Drosera anglica Huds. in two fens in mid-western Canada. Seed set and germination were used to compare the effectiveness of a series of pollination treatments, including single insect visits to virgin flowers. Flowers opened during mid-morning but closed by early afternoon, and exhibited pseudo-cleistogamic behaviour in cool, overcast weather. D. anglica was found to be self-compatible, and able to self-pollinate and self-fertilize. Geitonogamy was an uncommon mode of self-reproduction because plants typically possessed a lone inflorescence upon which a single, short-lived flower opened, a few days before the next bud reached anthesis. Insect visits to the fragrance-lacking, nectarless flowers, chiefly by flies (Diptera: Syrphidae), were infrequent (one visit per 1 h 40 min of observation), and the low frequency of seed set and low numbers of seeds per fruit in pollination treatments involving insects, suggest the species does not rely on insects to effect pollination. Self-pollination, with or without the aid of a vector (insects, wind) was as effective as natural pollination; ultimately, autogamy is chiefly responsible for natural seed set. Thus, the species exhibits characteristics of facultative autogamy.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 417–426.  相似文献   

Some species of the paleotropical tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) live in close association with ants. The genus comprises the full range of species from those not regularly inhabited by ants to obligate myrmecophytes. In Malaysia (Peninsular and Borneo) 23 of the 52 species are known to be ant-associated (44%). The simplest structural adaptation of plants to attract ants are extrafloral nectaries. We studied the distribution of extrafloral nectaries in the genus Macaranga to assess the significance of this character as a possible predisposition for the evolution of obligate myrmecophytism. All species have marginal glands on the leaves. However, only the glands of non- myrmecophytic species function as nectaries, whereas liquids secreted by these glands in myrmecophytic species did not contain sugar. Some non-myrmecophytic Macaranga and transitional Macaranga species in addition have extrafloral nectaries on the leaf blade near the petiole insertion. All obligatorily myrmecophytic Macaranga species, however, lack additional glands on the lamina. The non-myrmecophytic species are visited by a variety of different ant species, whereas myrmecophytic Macaranga are associated only with one specific ant-partner. Since these ants keep scale insects in the hollow stems, reduction of nectary production in ant-inhabited Macaranga seems to be biologically significant. We interpret this as a means of (a) saving the assimilates and (b) stabilization of maintenance of the association's specificity. Competition with other ant species for food rewards is avoided and thereby danger of weakening the protective function of the obligate ant- partner for the plant is reduced. A comparison with other euphorb species living in the same habitats as Macaranga showed that in genera in which extrafloral nectaries are widespread, no myrmecophytes have evolved. Possession of extrafloral nectaries does not appear to be essential for the development of symbiotic ant-plant interactions. Other predispositions such as nesting space might have played a more important role.  相似文献   

  • Triplaris gardneriana (Polygonaceae) is a dioecious pioneer tree reported as insect‐pollinated, despite possessing traits related to anemophily. Here, we analyse the possible roles of insects and wind on the pollination of this species to establish whether the species is ambophilous.
  • We carried out observations of floral biology, as well as on the frequency and behaviour of pollinators visiting flowers in a population of T. gardneriana in the Chaco vegetation of Brazil. We conducted experimental pollinations to determine the maternal fertility of female plants and whether they were pollen‐limited, and we also conducted aerobiological experiments to provide evidence of how environmental factors influence atmospheric pollen dispersal.
  • The population comprised an area of approximately 152.000 m2 and was composed of 603 female and 426 male plants (sex ratio = 0.59:0.41). We observed 48 species of insects visiting flowers of Tgardneriana, of which the bees Scaptotrigona depilis and Apis mellifera scutellata were the most effective pollinators. We recorded pollen grains dispersed by wind on 74% of the glass slides placed on females, located at different distances (1–10 m) from male plants.
  • Airborne pollen concentration was negatively correlated with relative humidity and positively correlated with temperature. Our observations and experimental results provide the first evidence that T. gardneriana is an ambophilous species, with pollen dispersal resulting from both animal and wind pollination. This mixed pollination strategy may be adaptive in T. gardneriana providing reproductive assurance during colonisation of sites with different biotic and abiotic conditions.

Pollination in the genus Pedilanthus is commonly effected by hummingbirds. Pollination by vespid wasps in Pedilanthus is documented for the first time based on observations of Pachodynerus nasidens and Eumenes americanus pollinating Pedilanthus diazlunanus. An hypothesis concerning the mechanism by which hummingbird pollination was replaced by insect pollination in Pedilanthus is advanced based on observations of insects on P. bracteatus.  相似文献   

The richness and seasonal variation of ant-plant interactions were compared in four habitats in México: lowland tropical dry forest (La Mancha, Veracruz), coastal sand dune matorral (San Benito, Yucatán), semiarid highland vegetation (Zapotitlán, Puebla), and lower montane humid forest (Xalapa, Veracruz). The effects of temperature and precipitation on the seasonal distribution of the number of ant-plant interactions differed among habitats. The general linear models fitted to the ant-plant interaction curves explained 78.8 percent of the variation for La Mancha, 80.1 percent for Zapotitlán, 18 percent for San Benito, and 29.5 percent for Xalapa. Even though rainfall is low in Zapotitlán and San Benito, minimum temperature was the most important factor accounting for the seasonal distribution and low number of interactions. At La Mancha, with milder minimum temperatures and higher water availability, temperature alone did not account for the seasonal distribution and number of interactions, whereas the effect of the precipitation × temperature interaction was highly significant. Xalapa exhibits the lowest temperatures and the highest precipitation, but the role of these factors was only marginal. We suggest that the vegetation at Xalapa, a mixture of tropical and temperate floristic elements, constrains ant-plant interactions due to a limited presence of nectaries. Also, ants are less abundant in cool and relatively aseasonal habitats. The other habitats have tropical floristic elements that are abundant and frequently have nectar-producing structures. We report considerable variation among habitats in the number and seasonal distribution of ant-plant interactions, and suggest that it is due to the effect of variation in environmental parameters, the richness of plants with nectaries in the vegetation, and habitat heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary. In central Mexico, the ant Brachymyrmex obscurior Forel feeds on nectar produced by extrafloral nectaries of Acacia pennatula (Schlecht. & Cham.) Benth. However, no studies have determined whether the ants visitation is related to plant nectar availability and whether ants protect A. pennatula from herbivory. The objectives of this 2-yr study (2000–2001) were to assess whether seasonal changes in ant visitation coincide with extrafloral nectar productivity in A. pennatula and to determine whether ants protect the plant. At the end of the dry season (April–June) B. obscurior was the only ant species on A. pennatula and extrafloral nectar production is limited to this period. Exclusion experiments, performed at the end of the dry season showed that A. pennatula did not receive a protective benefit when visited by ants. Branches with ants and branches where ants are excluded had similar numbers of the nonmyrmecophile leafhopper Sibovia sp. which was the only herbivore observed under natural conditions.Received 24 March 2004; revised 4 September 2004; accepted 8 September 2004.  相似文献   

Extrafloral (EF) nectaries recruit carnivorous arthropods that protect plants from herbivory, but they can also be exploited by nectar thieves. We studied the opportunistic, targeted predation (and destruction) of EF nectaries by insects, and the localized chemical defences that plants presumably use to minimize this effect. In field and laboratory experiments, we identified insects that were possibly responsible for EF nectary predation in Vicia faba (fava bean) and determined the extent and accuracy of the feeding damage done to the EF nectaries by these insects. We also performed biochemical analyses of plant tissue samples in order to detect microscale distribution patterns of chemical defences in the area of the EF nectary. We observed selective, targeted feeding on EF nectaries by several insect species, including some that are otherwise not primarily herbivorous. Biochemical analyses revealed high concentrations of l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, a non-protein amino acid that is toxic to insects, near and within the EF nectaries. These results suggest that plants allocate defences to the protection of EF nectaries from predation, consistent with expectations of optimal defence theory, and that this may not be entirely effective, as insects limit their exposure to these defences by consuming only the secreting tissue of the nectary.  相似文献   

Abstract: The structure, organization and development of the axillary complex and extrafloral nectary in Capparis retusa Griseb. was analysed for the first time. The axillary complex presents three uniserial descending buds. Subordinated shoots originate from the distal and middle bud, while the proximal bud is usually quiescent. Close to the top of the axillary complex there is a subglobulous and umbilicated extrafloral nectary, normally visited by nectivore ants; a chronological coincidence between secretion, production and ant patrolling activities has been observed. The nectary structure differentiates at the second caulinar node, from an axillar meristem separated from the surrounding cells by a shell zone. On the fourth node a remarkably developed nectary primordium can be observed, inside which procambial strands develop acropetally. In the central region of the nectary primordium homogenous parenchyma differentiates progressively, later acquiring characteristics of nectariferous tissue. The mature nectary is vascularized by xylem and phloem, and the procambial differentiation is completed in a basipetal way. The first serial bud differentiates at the third node, from meristem cells near the base of its supporting leaf. The complex nodal structure with three buds completes its development at the eighth caulinar node. Ramular traces are observed as vascular semicylinders penetrating into the base of the buds to constitute a vascular system similar to that of the shoot. The scheme is repeated in the extrafloral nectary, giving rise to prolific branching in the periphery of the nectariferous tissue.  相似文献   

Members of the spider families Thomisidae, Salticidae, Miturgidae, Anyphaenidae, and Corinnidae have been observed on floral and extrafloral nectaries of plants, where they are presumably feeding on nectar. Nectar feeding is a phenomenon that has long intrigued biologists. However, few studies have focused on the effect of nectar on biological characteristics of these spiders. The aim of this study was to determine whether crab spiders, Ebrechtella tricuspidata (Fabricius) (Araneae: Thomisidae), show an active preference for honey solution (a simulated nectar source) and to test the effect of honey solution on the survival and development time of spiderlings and the fecundity of adult E. tricuspidata. The results showed that the number of females feeding on the 10, 20, and 30% honey solution was significantly higher than those feeding on water alone, and there was no difference in the number of females feeding on the three concentrations of honey solution. Significantly more E. tricuspidata preferred feeding on the 20% honey solution, and they spent significantly more time feeding on 20% honey solution than on water, regardless of whether they were males or females, adults or spiderlings. Ingestion of honey solution significantly increased the survival and shortened the development time of E. tricuspidata. Female spiders that fed on honey solution had a shorter pre‐oviposition period and laid more eggs than those given only water. Our results suggest that nectar could be a high‐quality supplementary food to maintain normal growth and metabolism in spiderlings and adult female spiders in nature.  相似文献   

Pernetttya rigida is endemic to the Juan Fernández archipelago. Although all flowers are complete, with seemingly fertile stamens and pistils, differences in fruit production and detailed field, anatomical, and morphological studies indicate they are functionally unisexual, and the species is consequently dioecious. A comparison of 15 features demonstrated sigdicant differences between the sexes. The populational sex ratio is 1:1. Nectaries located between the filaments produce small amounts of floral nectar with similar sugar composition in both sexes. There are =33,357 (or = 133,429) pollen tetrads (or pollen grains)/male flower and =109 ovules/female flower. No tetrads in either hand self-pollinated or open pollinated male flowers showed any pollen germination. Tetrads on open- and hand-pollinated female flowers germinate. Female flowers do not show autogamy or apomixis. During more than 80 hours of field observation, we recorded only seven floral visitors (representing three insect species). In spite of this, openpollinated female flowers have abundant fruit and seed-set. Thus, we conclude that pollen is transferred abiotically and the ever-present wind over the exposed ridges of the islands is the likely dispersal agent. A number of anemophilous features, such as dry pollen and exposed habitat, support this conclusion. Thus, dioecy and anemophily have evolved independently, in situ , in this species in this remote locality. Preservation of habitat and elimination of competitive invasives are the primary conservation challenges.  相似文献   

Abstract Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) consume a broad spectrum of liquid food sources including nectar and honeydew, which play a key role in their diet especially in tropical forests. This study compares carbohydrates and amino acids from a representative spectrum of liquid sources used by ants in the canopy and understorey of a tropical rainforest in northern Queensland, Australia. Eighteen floral nectars, 16 extrafloral nectars, two wound sap and four homopteran honeydew sources were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography. Wounds comprised flower abscission scars on Normanbya normanbyi L. H. Bailey and bitemarks on Cardwellia sublimis F. Muell. where ants were actively involved in wounding. Discriminant analysis was performed to model differences between food sources in sugar and amino acid concentration and composition. All characteristics varied significantly among plant species. Honeydew contained a broader spectrum of sugars (including melezitose, raffinose, melibiose, lactose and maltose) than nectar (sucrose, glucose, fructose), but certain extrafloral nectars had similar amino acid profiles and, like honeydew sources, were often monopolized by ants. Most common amino acids across the sources were proline, alanine and threonine among 17 α‐amino acids identified. Interspecific variability concealed characteristic differences in sugar and amino acid parameters between nectar, honeydew and wound sap across all plants, but these types differed significantly when found on the same plant. Among all sources studied, only a few flower nectars were naturally not consumed by ants and they were significantly less attended than sugar controls in feeding trials. These nectars did not differ in sugars and amino acids from ant‐attended flower nectars, suggesting the activity of repellents. Apart from these exceptions, variability in amino acids and carbohydrates is proposed to play a key role in ant preferences and nutrition.  相似文献   

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