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A chemiluminescence method for determining acetylcholinesterase activity is described. It is an adaptation of the chemiluminescence assay of acetylcholine described by Israël & Lesbats [(1981) Neurochem. Int. 3, 81-90; (1981) J. Neurochem. 37, 1475-1483]. The acetylcholinesterase activity is measured by monitoring the increase in light emission produced by the accumulation of choline or by determining the amount of choline generated after a short interval. The assay is rapid and sensitive, and uses the natural substrate of the enzyme. Kinetic data obtained with this procedure for acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo and Electrophorus electric organs were comparable with those obtained by using the method of Ellman, Courtney, Andres & Featherstone [(1961) Biochem. Pharmacol. 7, 88-95]. In addition, it was shown that sodium deoxycholate totally inactivated Torpedo acetylcholinesterase but not the Electrophorus enzyme. Competitive inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase protected the enzyme from inactivation.  相似文献   

A novel penicillin-binding protein (PBP 5*) with D,D-carboxypeptidase activity is synthesized by Bacillus subtilis, beginning at about stage III of sporulation. The complete gene (dacB) for this protein was cloned by immunoscreening of an expression vector library and then sequenced. The identity of dacB was verified not only by the size and cross-reactivity of its product but also by the presence of the nucleotide sequence that coded for the independently determined NH2 terminus of PBP 5*. Analysis of its complete amino acid sequence confirmed the hypothesis that this PBP is related to other active-site serine D,D-peptidases involved in bacterial cell wall metabolism. PBP 5* had the active-site domains common to all PBPs, as well as a cleavable amino-terminal signal peptide and a carboxy-terminal membrane anchor that are typical features of low-molecular-weight PBPs. Mature PBP 5* was 355 amino acids long, and its mass was calculated to be 40,057 daltons. What is unique about this PBP is that it is developmentally regulated. Analysis of the sequence provided support for the hypothesis that the sporulation specificity and mother cell-specific expression of dacB can be attributed to recognition of the gene by a sporulation-specific sigma factor. There was a good match of the putative promoter of dacB with the sequence recognized by sigma factor E (sigma E), the subunit of RNA polymerase that is responsible for early mother cell-specific gene expression during sporulation. Analysis of PBP 5* production by various spo mutants also suggested that dacB expression is on a sigma E-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

The gene for the Bacillus megaterium spore C protein, a sporulation-specific gene, has been transferred into Bacillus subtilis. The B. megaterium gene was expressed little, if at all, during log-phase and early-stationary-phase growth, but was expressed during sporulation with the same kinetics as and at a level similar to that of the analogous B. subtilis genes. This finding is most consistent with the regulation of this class of genes by a mechanism of positive control.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Bacillus subtilis cells lacking penicillin-binding protein 1 (PBP1), encoded by ponA, have a reduced growth rate in a variety of growth media and are longer, thinner, and more bent than wild-type cells. It was also recently shown that cells lacking PBP1 require increased levels of divalent cations for growth and are either unable to grow or grow as filaments in media low in Mg2+, suggesting a possible involvement of PBP1 in septum formation under these conditions. Using epitope-tagging and immunofluorescence microscopy, we have now shown that PBP1 is localized at division sites in vegetative cells of B. subtilis. In addition, we have used fluorescence and electron microscopy to show that growing ponA mutant cells display a significant septation defect, and finally by immunofluorescence microscopy we have found that while FtsZ localizes normally in most ponA mutant cells, a significant proportion of ponA mutant cells display FtsZ rings with aberrant structure or improper localization, suggesting that lack of PBP1 affects FtsZ ring stability or assembly. These results provide strong evidence that PBP1 is localized to and has an important function in the division septum in B. subtilis. This is the first example of a high-molecular-weight class A PBP that is localized to the bacterial division septum.  相似文献   

Characterization and mapping of the Bacillus subtilis prtR gene.   总被引:15,自引:14,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A gene from Bacillus natto encoding a 60-amino-acid peptide has been previously described that, when cloned on a high-copy plasmid in B. subtilis, enhances production of alkaline protease, neutral protease, and levansucrase. An identical gene was isolated from B. subtilis and caused a similar phenotype when placed on a high-copy plasmid. Genetic mapping localized this gene near metB, distant from other pleiotropic genes causing similar effects. Deletion of this gene from the B. subtilis chromosome had no obvious phenotypic effect.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding protein 5 is the most abundant penicillin-binding protein in the vegetative membranes of Bacillus subtilis and accounts for 95% of the D,D-carboxypeptidase activity of the cell. The structural gene for penicillin-binding protein 5 was mapped to a genetically conserved region near guaB at 0 degrees on the B. subtilis chromosome, and immunoassays revealed that there is conservation of this major penicillin-binding protein among related species.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis DivIVA protein controls the positioning of the division site and the relocation of the chromosome during sporulation. By performing coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we demonstrated that a myc-DivIVA protein is in proximity to FtsZ and MinD during vegetative growth and Spo0J during the first 120 min of sporulation.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that spollAC561, a mutation that diminishes the incidence of sporulation by more than six orders of magnitude, alters the residue at position 13 of the helix-turn-helix region of the sporulation-specific sigma factor encoded by spollAC from valine to methionine (Yudkin, 1987b). We have now found that four spontaneous revertants, which sporulate at an incidence of 30-60%, all contain transitions within the codon that was altered by spo-561. The mutant methionine is replaced by isoleucine in two revertants, and by threonine in the other two.  相似文献   

Part of the gene encoding penicillin-binding protein 5 from Bacillus subtilis 168 was cloned in Escherichia coli with a synthetic oligonucleotide as a hybridization probe. The gene was designated dacA by analogy with E. coli. The nucleotide sequence was determined, and the predicted molecular mass was 45,594 daltons (412 amino acids). A comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with that of the E. coli penicillin-binding protein 5 indicated that these enzymes showed about 25% identity. The B. subtilis dacA gene was mutated by integration of a plasmid into the structural gene by homologous recombination. A comparison of the mutant and control strains revealed that (i) the mutant lacked detectable penicillin-binding protein 5, (ii) the D-alanine carboxypeptidase activity of membranes isolated from the mutant was only 5% of that measured in membranes from the control strain, (iii) the mutant cells showed apparently normal morphology only during exponential growth, and after the end of exponential phase the cells became progressively shorter, (iv) the mutant sporulated normally except that the forespore occupied about two-thirds of the mother cell cytoplasm and, during its development, migrated towards the center of the mother cell, and (v) purified mutant spores were 10-fold less heat resistant but possessed normal refractility and morphology. Preliminary chemical analysis indicated that the structure of the cortex of the mutant was different.  相似文献   

The phenotype of a Bacillus subtilis 168 strain with no detectable penicillin-binding protein 4 was examined. Despite the fact that penicillin-binding protein 4 is one of the most penicillin-sensitive proteins in the species, its apparent loss had no obvious effect on the organism or its susceptibility to various beta-lactam antibiotics.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding protein 4a (PBP4a) from Bacillus subtilis was overproduced and purified to homogeneity. It clearly exhibits DD-carboxypeptidase and thiolesterase activities in vitro. Although highly isologous to the Actinomadura sp. strain R39 DD-peptidase (B. Granier, C. Duez, S. Lepage, S. Englebert, J. Dusart, O. Dideberg, J. van Beeumen, J. M. Frère, and J. M. Ghuysen, Biochem. J. 282:781-788, 1992), which is rapidly inactivated by many beta-lactams, PBP4a is only moderately sensitive to these compounds. The second-order rate constant (k(2)/K) for the acylation of the essential serine by benzylpenicillin is 300,000 M(-1) s(-1) for the Actinomadura sp. strain R39 peptidase, 1,400 M(-1) s(-1) for B. subtilis PBP4a, and 7,000 M(-1) s(-1) for Escherichia coli PBP4, the third member of this class of PBPs. Cephaloridine, however, efficiently inactivates PBP4a (k(2)/K = 46,000 M(-1) s(-1)). PBP4a is also much more thermostable than the R39 enzyme.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell shape is determined by a rigid external cell wall. In most non-coccoid bacteria, this shape is also determined by an internal cytoskeleton formed by the actin homologues MreB and/or Mbl. To gain further insights into the topological control of cell wall synthesis in bacteria, we have constructed green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions to all 11 penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) expressed during vegetative growth of Bacillus subtilis. The localization of these fusions was studied in a wild-type background as well as in strains deficient in FtsZ, MreB or Mbl. PBP3 and PBP4a localized specifically to the lateral wall, in distinct foci, whereas PBP1 and PBP2b localized specifically to the septum. All other PBPs localized to both the septum and the lateral cell wall, sometimes with irregular distribution along the lateral wall or a preference for the septum. This suggests that cell wall synthesis is not dispersed but occurs at specific places along the lateral cell wall. The results implicate PBP3, PBP5 and PBP4a, and possibly PBP4, in lateral wall growth. Localization of PBPs to the septum was found to be dependent on FtsZ, but the GFP-PBP fluorescence patterns were not detectably altered in the absence of MreB or Mbl.  相似文献   

The distribution of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) within different membranes of sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis was examined in an effort to correlate the location of individual PBPs with their proposed involvement in either cortical or vegetative peptidoglycan synthesis. The PBP composition of forespores was determined by two methods: examination of isolated forespore membranes and assay of the in vivo accessibility of the PBPs to penicillin. In both cases, it was apparent that PBP 5*, the major PBP synthesized during sporulation, was present primarily, but not exclusively, in the forespore. The membranes from mature dormant spores were prepared by either chemically stripping the integument layers of the spores, followed by lysozyme digestion, or lysozyme digestion alone of coat-defective gerE spores. PBP 5* was detected in membranes from unstripped spores but was never found in stripped ones, which suggests that the primary location of this PBP is the outer forespore membrane. This is consistent with a role for PBP 5* exclusively in cortex synthesis. In contrast, vegetative PBPs 1 and 2A were only observed in stripped spore preparations that were greatly enriched for the inner forespore membrane, which supports the proposed requirement for these PBPs early in germination. The apparent presence of PBP 3 in both membranes of the spore reinforces the suggestion that it catalyzes a step common to both cortical and vegetative peptidoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   

T T Myoda  S V Lowther  V L Funanage  F E Young 《Gene》1984,29(1-2):135-143
The structural gene for dihydrofolate reductase (dfrA) from the Bacillus subtilis 168 chromosome has been cloned, along with the thyB gene, on a 4.5-kb insert contained on chimeric plasmid pER1. The presence of the dfrA gene on pER1 was demonstrated by showing that: (i) transformation of Escherichia coli strains RUE10(Thy-) and RUE11(Thy+) with pER1 resulted in a 60 to 130-fold increase in dihydrofolate reductase (DFRase) activity with a turnover number characteristic of that of B. subtilis and (ii) pER1-mediated transformation of trimethoprim-resistant E. coli strain D05, which overproduced a DFRase with a decreased affinity for trimethoprim, resulted in a 41-fold increase in DFRase activity with an affinity for trimethoprim similar to that of the B. subtilis enzyme. The dfrA gene was mapped to the 200 degrees region of the B. subtilis chromosome, and the gene order was established as thyB dfrA ilvA. Furthermore, the dfrA gene was shown to be linked closely (95-99% cotransformation) to the thyB gene.  相似文献   

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