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The colonisation of a newly sown field of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) by stem-boring dipterans was studied. Overall there were significantly more stem-borer larvae close to the edge of the field (within 15 m) than in the middle. Oscinella vastator Curtis and to a lesser extent O. frit L. (aberrant form) mainly colonised the edge of the field while O. frit and Geomyza tripunctata Fallén colonised the whole field more evenly. The results have implications for control strategies of the stem-borer complex.
Résumé L'étude porte sur la colonisation d'une prairie nouvellement semée en ray-gras anglais (L. perenne) par des diptères Chloropidae et Opomyzidae. La proportion de talles contenant des larves atteignait 10% en octobre, mais avait diminué à la fin de novembre. Il y avait significativement plus de larves près de la périphérie du champ (jusqu'à 15 m de la bordure) qu'au centre. La densité des larves semble être influencée par la nature des cultures avoisinantes. Oscinella vastator et, dans une moindre mesure, O. frit (forme aberrante) colonisant principalement les bordures du champ, ce qui indique une migration principalement locale. O. frit et Geomyza tripunctata sont répartis d'une façon plus uniforme dans le champ, peut-être parce que ces espèces sont plus migratices. Ces résultats ont une influence dans la mise au point d'un système de protection contre ces espèces.

Cereal crops were examined weekly for aphids during 1969. Plants in twenty samples of row 0.3 m long were examined in a sheltered perimeter of a crop and along a transect 36.6 m into the crop. Aphids were usually first found within 1–4 weeks of the first alatae caught in a suction trap operating 12.2 m above ground. When first alatae caught in a suction trap operating 12.2 m above ground. When the first found from 10 to 27% of the 0.3 m lengths sampled contained aphids. Rhopalosiphum padi, first found late in May, were scarce (< 0.53/0.3 m) throughout June and July. Sitobium spp. and Metapolophium dirhodum, which appeared in mid-June, were more numerous than R. padi; most occurred during the second half of July, and populations decreased just before harvest in early August. Sitobium avenae was more abundant (max. 19.3/sample) than either S. fragariae (0.91) or M. dirhodum (2.51). More aphids occurred in oats (max. 52/0.3 m) during July than in wheat (45), and barley had fewer (6.8). S. avanae was more abundant than M. dirhodum in sheltered areas of barley and wheat, and in exposed areas of the same crop M. dirhodum was commonest. Along sheltered perimeters, the ratio of S. avenae to M. dirhodum was largest in barley (11:1), intermediate in oats (6:1) and smallest in wheat (3.7:1). Sitobium spp. were most numerous on the ears, when most M. dirhodum were on the leaves. Regression analyses of log. S2 on log. m suggested that S. avenae was more evenly distributed within (36.6 m) the field (b = 1.056 + 0.109) than along the sheltered perimeter (b = 1.432 + 0.132), though it seemed similarly distributed along perimeters of barley, oats and wheat. The distributions of M. dirhodum and Sitobium spp. along sheltered perimeters of all crops were apparently similar.  相似文献   

The flight activity and local distribution of adult D. coarctata were studied on Rothamsted Farm during 1970-5 using several trapping methods. Changes in the activity and distribution of the flies were followed as the population aged, and in females these changes were associated with maturation of their eggs. Most females appeared to stay at their emergence sites in winter wheat until egg-laying started about 1 month later. They then dispersed and both sexes were found in previously uninfested cereals and grass as well as on fallow land where the eggs are laid. Flight occurred chiefly in the late afternoon and evening. The concentration of flies at their emergence sites for several weeks before egg laying could facilitate chemical control, provided the practical difficulties of application can be overcome.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of weevils of the genus Sitona was assessed at 16 sites in England. The sites were chosen to cover a wide range of geographical and agricultural regions. Adult weevils were sampled on four occasions, from May to August 1993. Numbers of adults, larvae and pupae were determined for each site on four occasions from June to September 1994. Numbers of larvae declined throughout the year in which they were sampled and pupae were most numerous in July. The population density of adults increased through the sampling period in both years. Sites close to pulse crops had the largest population levels of weevils, with Sitona lineatus L. the dominant species. No differences in the population levels of Sitona hispidulus (F.) or S. flauescens (Marsh.) were detected. Evidently populations of the latter two species are fairly constant in grassland and most of the variation in the population densities of these three species found in English grassland can be attributed to the migratory behaviour of S. lineatus and the proximity of pulse crops.  相似文献   

1 The spatial and temporal variations in aphidophagous syrphid abundance were recorded over two seasons in wildflower resource patches sown in a winter barley crop and associated field margins. Standard census techniques and sticky board trapping were used to assess numbers of syrphids, whilst weekly flower head counts were used to quantify the floral resources available in each of the patches. 2 The field margin supported a greater diversity and density of syrphids than the within‐crop wildflower patches, despite having a relatively lower flower head density. Presumably this was in response to other resources that field margins offer, namely additional aphid resources, shelter from predation, lekking sites and suitable flight‐paths. 3 The commonest species of syrphid, Episyrphus balteatus, demonstrated a very positive habitat association with the field margin and was rarely reported in the field patches. Therefore, it may be an unsuitable candidate for the biological control of aphids via augmentation of numbers using non‐host resources. 4 Patch size and shape had little effect on the spatial distributions of syrphids, probably because of the adult syrphids' high mobility. 5 Of greater influence was the number of flowers contained in each habitat patch. Typically, patches with higher numbers of flowers had significantly greater aggregations of hoverflies. Habitat manipulation by the provision of flowers in patches seems to increase the local density of hoverflies. Further work is necessary to establish the importance of flower density in enhancing the control of pest populations.  相似文献   

Aim Sheetweb spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae, subfamily Linyphiinae) exemplify a highly mobile group of farmland arthropods with very variable abundances in crops within and between years. Despite their dominance in crops during summer, they overwinter predominantly in perennial non‐crop habitats, and their densities in crops during spring should therefore depend on the amount of favourable overwintering habitat in the surrounding landscape. We tested the effect of landscape composition on sheetweb spider abundance with special attention to the range of their aerial dispersal and weather dependence. Location The study was carried out in 18 non‐overlapping landscape sectors of 3 km radius around the city of Göttingen (Germany), forming a gradient from structurally simple, with up to 85% arable land, to structurally complex, with high percentages of grassland and other non‐crop habitats. Methods Sheetweb spider abundances in winter wheat fields were sampled during May and June 2001–2003 with a distance method. They were related to landscape composition at 11 spatial scales between 95 and 3000 m radius around the study sites. Results In 2001 and 2003, spider abundances were enhanced by high percentages of non‐crop habitats in 1–3 km circumference (e.g. from 18 to 130 m?2 in late May 2001), and multiplied during consecutive sampling periods (e.g. from on average 36 to 131 m?2 between mid‐May and late June 2001). Spider abundances were constantly low and unrelated to the landscape context in 2002. In that year, immigration appeared to be inhibited by factors connected to exceptionally high amounts of rain during May. Main conclusions Sheetweb spiders responded to landscape composition up to several kilometres away and the effects varied between years, demonstrating the need to consider large space and time‐scales to understand their population dynamics. Semi‐natural habitats should be preserved to enhance these important natural enemies of crop pests in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Transgenic Research - Genome-editing technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for crop improvement with superior precision and speed. This review presents an analysis of the current state of...  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of Ophiomyia camarae was determined in three ecological regions, i.e., highveld, middleveld, and lowveld of Swaziland. Within each region, sites were selected based on Lantana camara L. density, with 10 plants randomly chosen per sampling site. Ten leaves from each shrub were collected and assessed for any damage caused by the herringbone leaf-miner. Relative abundance, based on the number of shrubs damaged by the herringbone leaf-miner, was scored per site. Three lantana varieties were observed during the sampling period. There were significant differences in mean leaf damage due to leaf-miner activity between varieties (P=0.0162), with 46±4.89% leaves of the pale pink variety damaged compared to 23±5.56 and 21±3.53% leaves of the orange and pink varieties, respectively. While there were no restrictions in terms of distribution, the highest levels of O. camarae populations were observed in the middleveld (P=0.0012), suggesting that this region had the most suitable environmental conditions for this natural enemy. Overall, the abundance was significantly different between regions (P=0.006) and months (P=0.000), with April scoring the highest population levels. Based on our observations, the variation in environmental conditions has an influence on the activity of O. camarae, with the middleveld having the most suitable conditions  相似文献   

Polytene chromosomes in pupal and adult blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D. G. Bedo 《Chromosoma》1976,57(4):387-396
A number of pupal and adult tissues of eight Australian blackfly species representing three genera, Austrosimulium, Cnephia and Simulium, were examined for the presence of polytene chromosomes. Banded polytene chromosomes were found in malpighian tubules, hind gut, fat body, and ovary, but only those from the malpighian tubules of female adults and pupae were of good quality. A detailed comparison of polytene chromosomes from larval salivary glands and adult malpighian tubules was made in S. ornatipes and, to a limited extent, in S. melatum. The banding patterns of chromosomes from both tissues were found to be identical with minor differences in puffing patterns in S. ornatipes and chromocenter characteristics in S. melatum. A survey of the remaining six species shows five of them to have malpighian chromosomes suitable for detailed cytological analysis. Simultaneous studies of larval, pupal and adult polytene chromosome systems offer a novel approach to the analysis of population problems in blackflies. The ability to recognise sibling species in adults also has potential practical significance in efforts to control vectors of onchocerciasis.  相似文献   

Feeding and sexual dimorphism in adult midges (Diptera: Chironomidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult chironomids feed readily on materials containing sucrose and glucose, and the addition of dyes is an easy way of demonstrating that food passes through the gut. Male and female flies are shown to make very different use of the food they take in. Males show no change in longevity but extend their flight time for an average of 160% over unfed males. Females, by contrast, show no detectable increase in flight time, but increase longevity by about 40%. Sexual dimorphism in the use of food seems appropriate to the roles of the sexes. We infer that males improve their swarming performance while females may benefit from increased longevity both in gaining time to find suitable mates and in the distance dispersed after mating. Males, and to a less extent females, are found on aphid infested trees near fresh water, and the suggested biological value of feeding is in sustaining the swarming flight especially for the males. Trichoptera adults are found feeding on aphid infested trees and the earlier findings that adult Trichoptera feed are confirmed.  相似文献   

The spectrum of entomophthoroid fungal species parasitising aphids on cereal crops and a study of the phenology and prevalence of these pathogens were investigated in Argentina. The studies were conducted at six different sites cultivated with crops of Triticum aestivum (wheat), Avena sativa (oats) and Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) during two consecutive years. Entomopathogenic fungi from the new phylum Entomophthoromycota were recorded from six aphid species on cereals in Argentina: Rhopalosiphum maidis, Rhopalosiphum padi, Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis, Schizaphis graminum, Sitobion avenae and Sipha maydis. Three species of entomophthoroid fungi were found infecting these aphid species: Pandora neoaphidis, Zoophthora radicans (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) and Neozygites fresenii (Neozygitales: Neozygitaceae). Entomophthoroid fungal infections occurred mostly in autumn–winter seasons (March–August), and coincided with periods of high relative humidity and comparatively low temperatures. This study represents the first base‐line characterisation of entomophthoroid fungi infecting aphids on cereal crops in Argentina.  相似文献   

Goldenrods (Solidago sp.) are currently one of the most invasive plant species in Central Europe. They threaten abandoned semi-natural wet grasslands which are extremely vulnerable to plant succession and invasions. We assessed whether Solidago invasion affects ants, keystone organisms essential to proper ecosystem functioning and to the existence of myrmecophilous Phengaris butterflies. Ten meadows containing 60 plots with and without goldenrods were studied. We found a strong, negative dependence between the presence of goldenrod cover and the number of ant nests (more than 50 % reduction compared to control) as well as the number of species, and changes in species composition. Myrmica ants, essential hosts for Phengaris larvae, were among the most affected species by goldenrod invasion. Immediate action should be undertaken for restoration and maintenance of biodiversity hotspots affected by goldenrod invasion.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):281-286
The pea leafminer fly, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), was found infesting and damaging Korean potato crops during a 2012 field survey. Localized outbreaks of L. huidobrensis were observed in Miryang and Goryeong counties in the south of the Korean Peninsula. This paper describes the morphological and genetic characteristics of the Korean population of L. huidobrensis. The dorsal color pattern on the abdomen, and an array of microsetae on the thorax, were the main diagnostic characteristics of this species. On the basis of an analysis of a partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) DNA sequence, we found that intraspecific variation in L. huidobrensis was negligible, and that the distance between L. huidobrensis and a closely related species, L. trifolii, was estimated to be 7.4–7.6 K2P. This is the first report of the infestation of field crops by the invasive leafminer L. huidobrensis in Korea.  相似文献   

Three extraction methods were compared for the recovery of bibionid larvae from grassland soil samples. Only wet-sieving followed by flotation in a saturated salt solution yielded bibionids. No larvae were recovered either with modified Tullgren funnels or by slow immersion of soil cores into a saturated salt solution. The efficiency with which larval bibionid populations can be estimated is poor. Generally, smaller cores yielded more larvae per volume of soil. Most bibionids were found in the top 4 cm of soil. It is concluded that 10 cm diameter and 6–8 cm deep soil cores are an acceptable compromise between efficiency and sampling effort but sample size will largely be determined by the resources available for processing of samples.  相似文献   

Crop production and productivity must be increased to provide a balanced diet for the global population. The entire genome sequences of crop species allow the elucidation of genes that regulate important traits related to the final crop seed yield, which frequently depends mainly on seed size. Seed size is a major factor that controls seed quantity and it is strongly affected by various biotic, abiotic and genetic factors. Epigenetic marks in the genome and phytohormones are also important factors affecting seed growth and development. Several genes are known to be involved in the control of seed size, but their interaction and functional characterization have yet to be resolved. In this review, we discuss the different factors that govern seed size in cereal crops and Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

1. The abundance of blackfly species along the length (140 km) of the multiply impounded Buffalo River, eastern Cape, South Africa, was studied between 1986 and 1988. 2. Twenty-three species of blackflies were recorded, most of which (95%) were usually found 5–10 km from the source. 3. Impoundments favoured five lower-reach (pest) blackfly species at the expense of two upper-reach (non-pest) species. Impoundments have therefore shifted the distribution of blackfly species ‘upstream’, and have increased the distribution of pest blackflies. 4. The smallest impoundment, situated in the Upper Foothill Stony Run Zone, had the greatest effect on blackfly distribution. 5. There was no typical filter-feeding guild below impoundments. Possible reasons for this included the discharge of toxic algae from impoundments, the lack of compensatory releases, the sudden drying of impoundment tailwaters and the paucity of natural lakes in southern Africa which precludes a pre-adapted ‘outlet’ fauna.  相似文献   

Advances in optical phenotyping of cereal crops   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《Trends in plant science》2022,27(2):191-208

Male and female Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquitoes of the laboratory strain ROCK were irradiated with 130 mw of argon 514.5 nm laser microbeams for 0.04, 0.25, 0.4, and 0.5 s, respectively. Egg production, percentage hatch, and productivity (average number of adults surviving after 3 wk) were used to assess mutagenic effects. Mortality was high for males in all laser radiation groups and increased with time of exposure. Except for the group treated for 0.25 s, significant reductions in total F1 progeny also were demonstrated for all other experimentals when male parents were exposed to laser radiation. Females showed a high mortality when subjected to 0.4- and 0.5-s laser radiation. No F1 progeny were produced when parental females were exposed for 0.25, 0.4, and 0.5 s. Numbers of F1 progeny from females exposed to 0.04 s of laser radiation were significantly reduced. A comparison of weekly mean number of progeny showed that the important differences in productivity occurred during the first and second week, respectively, when either male or female adult parents were subjected to laser radiation.  相似文献   

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