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Biological sulfate reduction is increasingly replacing chemical unit processes in mining biotechnology. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) can be used for treating ground‐ and surface waters contaminated with acid mine drainage (AMD), and for recovering metals from wastewater and process streams. Biologically produced H2S precipitates metals as metal sulfides, while biogenic bicarbonate alkalinity neutralizes acidic waters. This paper reviews various passive and active SRB‐based alternatives as well as some process design aspects, such as reactor types, process configurations, and choices of substrates for sulfate reduction. The latest developments of using various low‐cost substrates together with new bioprocess designs are increasing the uses and applications of SRB‐based bioreactors in AMD control and selective metal recovery.  相似文献   

Tabak HH  Govind R 《Biodegradation》2003,14(6):437-452
Several biotreatmemt techniques for sulfate conversion by the sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) have been proposed in the past, however few of them have been practically applied to treat sulfate containing acid mine drainage (AMD). This research deals with development of an innovative polypropylene hollow fiber membrane bioreactor system for the treatment of acid mine water from the Berkeley Pit, Butte, MT, using hydrogen consuming SRB biofilms. The advantages of using the membrane bioreactor over the conventional tall liquid phase sparged gas bioreactor systems are: large microporous membrane surface to the liquid phase; formation of hydrogen sulfide outside the membrane, preventing the mixing with the pressurized hydrogen gas inside the membrane; no requirement of gas recycle compressor; membrane surface is suitable for immobilization of active SRB, resulting in the formation of biofilms, thus preventing washout problems associated with suspended culture reactors; and lower operating costs in membrane bioreactors, eliminating gas recompression and gas recycle costs. Information is provided on sulfate reduction rate studies and on biokinetic tests with suspended SRB in anaerobic digester sludge and sediment master culture reactors and with SRB biofilms in bench-scale SRB membrane bioreactors. Biokinetic parameters have been determined using biokinetic models for the master culture and membrane bioreactor systems. Data are presented on the effect of acid mine water sulfate loading at 25, 50, 75 and 100 ml/min in scale-up SRB membrane units, under varied temperatures (25, 35 and 40 °C) to determine and optimize sulfate conversions for an effective AMD biotreatment. Pilot-scale studies have generated data on the effect of flow rates of acid mine water (MGD) and varied inlet sulfate concentrations in the influents on the resultant outlet sulfate concentration in the effluents and on the number of SRB membrane modules needed for the desired sulfate conversion in those systems. The pilot-scale data indicate that the SRB membrane bioreactors systems can be applied toward field-scale biotreatment of AMD and for recovery of high purity metals and an agriculturally usable water.  相似文献   

The production of acid mine drainage (AMD) containing high amounts of sulfate, heavy metals and low pH is of increasing concern. AMD is highly corrosive and results in economic and environmental problems. Organic electron donors for sulfate reduction were chemically characterised for potential use in AMD treatment. This was done in a process to develop a correlation between chemical composition and the capacity to drive sulfate reduction. Potential organic electron donors for sulfate reduction were chemically characterised in terms of dry matter content, ash content, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, lignin content, cellulose content, crude fat, crude fibre, in vitro digestibility, water-soluble carbohydrates, total non-structural carbohydrates and starch content. The chemical composition of the organic electron donors was then compared to results obtained from pilot plant studies where the organic electron donors for sulfate reduction were evaluated in terms of sulfate reduction. The chemical composition of the carbon source severely impacted its capacity to drive sulfate reduction and may be used to assist in predicting the sulfate reduction capacity of a carbon source. Organic electron donors for sulfate reduction high in protein content and low in lignin content or high in carbohydrate and crude fat content increased the capacity of a carbon source to drive sulfate reduction. The higher the fibre content of a carbon source, the lower the capacity to drive sulfate reduction. No correlation could be drawn between % dry matter, % ash content and sulfate reduction for the organic electron donors tested. Chemical characterisation can be used to assist in predicting sulfate reduction capacity of organic electron donors.  相似文献   

Passive (wetland) treatment of waters drainingabandoned and derelict mine sites has a numberof detractions. Detailed knowledge of many ofthe fundamental processes that dictate theperformance and longevity of constructedsystems is currently very limited and thereforemore research effort is needed before passivetreatment becomes an off-the-shelf technology.  相似文献   

Various treatments have been proposed to attenuate and eventually inhibit the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) or acid-rock drainage (ARD). The addition of Natural Phosphate Rocks (NPR) to mining wastes has been shown to reduce acid generation. The biogeochemical reactions underlying the phosphate precipitation reactions are however poorly understood, even though the chemical reactions are well defined. The present study was designed to study the role of solution chemistry and bacterial activity on phosphate precipitation on waste rock surfaces. Waste rock samples (rich in sulphides) previously weathered for 989 days in the presence of NPR were submersed in 2 different phosphate-rich growth media in order to enhance the growth of acidophilic and neutrophilic bacteria. DAPI and FISH analyses revealed that most cells belonged to the bacteria domain, and that alpha- and beta-proteobacteria were the dominant neutrophiles. ESEM, SEM and TEM observations of the samples revealed the presence of a biofilm on the surface of the rocks at both pH conditions. Bacteria and fine-grained precipitates were trapped in an exopolymer matrix. At low pH, the formation of fine precipitates rich in Fe and P within the biofilm corresponded to a decline of phosphate concentrations in the growth medium. This was in agreement with the solubility calculations which indicated that the medium became over-saturated with respect to some Fe-phosphate minerals. In the pH neutral system, solubility calculations indicated that Ca- and Mg-phosphate minerals were stable, but they were not detected in the biofilm. Solubility calculations also indicated that vivianite became unstable over time, which could explain the release of soluble phosphate over time in the pH neutral system. Our results showed that precipitation reactions played an important role in the solubility of phosphate in both systems, but a series of complex nucleation reactions involving bacterial exopolymers and the presence of microenvironments within the biofilms were likely important factors as well. Our findings also imply that the reduction of acid generation in NPR-treated waste rocks could be due in part to the formation of biofilms on the rock surfaces because the biofilms would act as a physical and chemcial barrier to limit the extent of pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   


Sediment historically impacted by acid mine drainage was exposed to different initial pH and electron donors to investigate the effect that both conditions had on the performance and fingerprint of the community from naturally acidic sediments. Batch experiments were fed with either acetate, lactate, or glycerol at initial pH of 5, 4, or 3, under sulfate-reducing conditions. The performance results indicated that sulfide production efficiency was above 85% in the treatments fed with lactate and glycerol at pH 5 and 4. However, acetate consumption efficiency was greater than 85% only in the treatments with acetate at pH 5 and lactate at pH 5 and 4. Glycerol fed treatments successfully produced sulfide even at initial pH?=?3. Sulfide production rates were related to the initial pH in treatments fed with lactate and acetate and independent of the pH in the glycerol fed treatments. 16S rRNA gene T-RFLP analysis of the enriched communities indicated that the initial pH could explain the differences of the microbial community fingerprint obtained after 90?days. This study points out the fact that acidic stress is a heavy burden for the development of sulfate-reducing microorganisms, especially for those that use acetate as substrate.  相似文献   

We isolated an acid-tolerant sulfate-reducing bacterium, GBSRB4.2, from coal mine-derived acidic mine drainage (AMD)-derived sediments. Sequence analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene of GBSRB4.2 revealed that it was affiliated with the genus Desulfosporosinus. GBSRB4.2 reduced sulfate, Fe(III) (hydr)oxide, Mn(IV) oxide, and U(VI) in acidic solutions (pH 4.2). Sulfate, Fe(III), and Mn(IV) but not U(VI) bioreduction led to an increase in the pH of acidic solutions and concurrent hydrolysis and precipitation of dissolved Al3+. Reduction of Fe(III), Mn(IV), and U(VI) in sulfate-free solutions revealed that these metals are enzymatically reduced by GBSRB4.2. GBSRB4.2 reduced U(VI) in groundwater from a radionuclide-contaminated aquifer more rapidly at pH 4.4 than at pH 7.1, possibly due to the formation of poorly bioreducible Ca-U(VI)-CO3 complexes in the pH 7.1 groundwater.  相似文献   

This paper provides the details of the Coupled Biological and Chemical (CBC) model for representing in situ bioremediation of BTEX. The CBC model contains novel features that allow it to comprehensively track the footprints of BTEX bioremediation, even when the fate of those footprints is confounded by abiotic reactions and complex interactions among different kinds of microorganisms. To achieve this comprehensive tracking of all the footprints, the CBC model contains important new biological features and key abiotic reactions. The biological module of the CBC-model includes these important new aspects: (1) it separates BTEX fermentation from methanogenesis, (2) it explicitly includes biomass as a sink for electrons and carbon, (3) it has different growth rates for each biomass type, and (4) it includes inhibition of the different reactions by other electron acceptors and by sulfide toxicants. The chemical module of the CBC-model includes abiotic reactions that affect the footprints of the biological reactions. In particular, the chemical module describes the precipitation/dissolution of CaCO3, Fe2O3, FeS, FeS2, and S degrees. The kinetics for the precipitation/dissolution reactions follow the critical review in Maurer & Rittmann (2004).  相似文献   

Four plant species were found naturally growing at an acid mine drainage (AMD)-impacted site contaminated with 9430 mg kg?1Al, 76,000 Fe mg kg?1, ~150 mg kg?1Mn, and 420 mg kg?1 Mg: soybeans (Glycine max), cattails (Typha latifolia), goldenrods (Solidago sp.), and reed grass (Phragmites australis). The metal uptake selectivity was Fe?Mg~Mn>Al for cattails, Mg>Mn>Fe>Al for goldenrods, and Fe?Al>Mg>Mn for reeds. When metal translocation factors, shoot concentrations, and toxicity of the contaminants were correlated, cattails and reeds were more effective at the site than the soybeans or goldenrods. Cattails had a translocation factor of 3.71 for Al, 3.3 for Mg, 1.98 for Mn, and only 0.2 for Fe. The translocation factors for reeds were much higher for Fe (8.64) and Al (7.3). Cattails (1.11 mg Al g?1 shoot) and reeds (3.4 mg g?1 g shoot) were both able to hyperaccumulate Al. Additional research is warranted to ascertain if the uptake efficiencies can be enhanced by the use of chelators.  相似文献   

A field-scale experiment was conducted to evaluate organic carbon amendment of mine tailings as a technique for pore water and drainage treatment. Six test cells were constructed by amending sulfide- and carbonate- rich tailings with varied mixtures of peat, spent-brewing grain and municipal biosolids. Samples were collected for microbial, geochemical and mineralogical analysis approximately three years after commencing this experiment. Test cells amended with spent-brewing grain promoted sulfate reduction and effective removal of sulfate and metal(loid)s. The addition of municipal biosolids did not sustain enhanced sulfidogenesis after three years, and peat was an ineffective source of organic carbon. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism revealed that test cells which supported sulfidogenesis exhibited the greatest microbial diversity. Indigenous bacteria identified using molecular and cultivation analyses were found to be related to Cellulomonas, Thiobacillus, Bacteroides, Paludibacter and Desulfovibrio, which was the only sulfate-reducing bacterial (SRB) isolated. The results demonstrate that mixtures of solid organic materials which supported complex anaerobic microbial communities, including sulfate- reducing bacteria, were most effective in promoting pore-water treatment.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to characterize the distribution and activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in tailings and sediments impacted by effluents from mining and smelting operations in the Norilsk area in northern Siberia. The Norilsk mining complex involves three smelter operations, a hydrometallurgical plant, and extensive tailings areas located in the permafrost zone. Sulfate reduction rates measured with a 35SO4 2? tracer technique under various in-situ conditions ranged from 0.05 to 30 nmol S cm?3 day?1. Acetate and glucose addition greatly stimulated sulfate reduction, whereas lactate had less effect. The most pronounced stimulation of sulfate reduction (6.5-fold) was observed with phosphate amendment. Most-probable-number (MPN) counts of sulfate-reducing bacteria in media with glucose, ethanol, lactate, and acetate as electron donors were generally highest at around 107 cells ml?1. The actual MPN counts varied with the sample, electron donor, and incubation conditions (pH 7.2 vs. pH 3.5; 28°C vs. 4°C). Enrichment cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria were established from a sample that showed the highest rate of sulfate reduction. After multiple serial transfers, the dominant sulfate-reducers were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization using genus and group-specific 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. Desulfobulbus spp. prevailed in ethanol and lactate enrichments and the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus group dominated in acetate and benzoate enrichments. Psychrophilic Desulfotalea-Desulfofustis and moderately psychrophilic Desulforhopalus spp. were identified in enrichments incubated at 4°C, but they were also found in mesophilic enrichments.  相似文献   

Based on electron acceptor abundance, Fe3+ and SO42- reduction by bacteria may play a dominant role in intrinsic bioremediation of some organic contaminants in the subsurface. Both Fe3+ and SO42- reduction processes involve mineral phases and may not be properly understood by evaluating only groundwater concentrations. Fe and S mineral analyses should be incorporated in natural attenuation studies; however, inherent problems with sample collection and analysis have discouraged such efforts. Methods are presented here for (1) sediment collection and anoxic preservation, (2) evaluation of biologically available Fe3+ and biogenically produced Fe2+ minerals, and (3) a simplified extended mineral sulfide analysis for ∼FeS and S°+FeS2. These techniques are demonstrated to evaluate Fe3+ and SO42- reduction at three sites where the soil or aquifer matrix had been contaminated with gasoline fuel, methane gas, or landfill leachate. It is expected that these techniques will permit Fe and S mineral analyses to become a routine part of natural attenuation assessments.  相似文献   


Dissimilatory iron reduction and sulfate reduction are the most important processes for anaerobic mineralization of organic carbon in marine sediments. The thermodynamics and kinetics of microbial Fe(III) reduction depend on the characteristics of the Fe(III) minerals, which influence the potential of Fe(III)-reducers to compete with sulfate-reducers for common organic substrates. In the present study, we tested different methods to quantify and characterize microbially reducible Fe(III) in sediments from a transect in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, using different standard sequential endpoint extractions and time-course extractions with either ascorbate or a Fe(III)-reducing microbial culture. Similar trends of increasing ‘reactive Fe’ content of the sediment along the fjord transect were found using the different extraction methods. However, the total amount of ‘reactive Fe’ extracted differed between the methods, due to different Fe dissolution mechanisms and different targeted Fe fractions. Time-course extractions additionally provided information on the reactivity and heterogeneity of the extracted Fe(III) minerals, which also impact the favorability for microbial reduction. Our results show which fractions of the existing Fe extraction protocols should be considered ‘reactive’ in the sense of being favorable for microbial Fe(III) reduction, which is important in studies on early diagenesis in marine sediments.  相似文献   

Contamination of water resources by mine effluents is a serious environmental problem. In a old coal mine, in the north of Portugal (São Pedro da Cova, Gondomar), forty years after the activity has ended, a neutral mine drainage, rich in iron (FE) it stills being produced and it is continuously released in local streams (Ribeiro de Murta e Rio Ferreira) and in surrounding lands.The species Lemna minor has been shown to be a good model for ecotoxicological studies and it also has the capacity to bioaccumulate metals.The work aimed test the potential of the species L. minor to remediate this mine effluent, through the bioaccumulation of Fe, under greenhouse experiments and, at the same time, evaluate the time required to the maximum removal of Fe. The results have shown that L. minor was able to grow and develop in the Fe-rich effluent and bioaccumulating this element. Throughout the 21 days of testing it was found that there was a meaningful increase in the biomass of L. minor both in the contaminated and in the non-contaminated waters. It was also found that bioaccumulation of Fe (iron) occurred mainly during the first 7 days of testing. It was found that L. minor has potential for the bioremediation of effluents rich in iron.  相似文献   

利用限制性片段长度多态性和16s rRNA PCR扩增及其序列分析来研究中国云南东川黄铜矿酸性浸矿废水(AMD)中微生物群落结构。基于建立16s rRNA克隆文库的分子方法常常被用来研究AMD中微生物生态。一小部分的rRNA被PCR扩增,克隆,然后用限制性片段长度多态性来筛选出其不同种类。在三个样地中,共挑选了357个克隆子,经限制性酶切分析后聚为100个可操作分类单元(OTU)。一个OTU代表各个样地中出现的同一种酶切图谱。有58个OTU被测序分析,结果在基因数据库中比对分析,其系统发育分析表明它们聚类为六大类:γ-proteobacteria,Acidobacteria,Clostridia,Actinobacteria,Nitrospira,α-pro- teobacteria。其中,γ-proteobacteria为最大的群落,在三个样地DCK-Ⅰ,DCN-Ⅰand DC-Ⅱ中分别占36%,57%,62%的比例。但与浸矿相关的微生物如At.ferrooxidans;L ferrooxidans等却发现的很少,仅在两个样地中各发现四个相关的OTUs。在这个AMD环境中浸矿相关的微生物都不是优势种群。  相似文献   

Extensive trichloroethylene (TCE) groundwater contamination has resulted from discharges to a former seepage basin in the A/M Area at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site. The direction of groundwater flow has been determined and a seep line where the contaminated groundwater is estimated to emerge as surface water has been identified in a region of the Southern Sector of the A/M Area. This study was undertaken to estimate the potential of four rhizosphere soils along the seep line to naturally attenuate TCE. Microcosms were setup to evaluate both biotic and abiotic attenuation of TCE. Results demonstrated that sorption to soil was the dominant mechanism during the first week of incubation, with as much as 90% of the TCE removed from the aqueous phase. Linear partitioning coefficients (Kd) ranged from 0.83 to 7.4?mL/g, while organic carbon partition coefficients (Koc) ranged from 72 to 180?mL/gC. Diffu-sional losses from the microcosms appeared to be a dominant fate mechanism during the remainder of the experiment, as indicated by results from the water controls. A limited amount of TCE biodegradation was observed, and attempts to stimulate TCE biodegradation by either methanotrophic or methanogenic activity through amendments with methane, oxygen, and methanol were unsuccessful. The appearance of cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (c-DCE), and trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (t-DCE) confirmed the potential for anaerobic reductive dechlorination. However, these daughter products represented less than 5% of the initial TCE added. The sorption results indicate that natural attenuation may represent a viable remediation option for the TCE plume as it passes through the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Cylindrical polyethylene enclosures 3 m in length and 1 m in diameter reaching from the surface to the bottom were constructed in an acid (pH=3.1) lake on a coal surface mine in southern Illinois. Wheat straw was added to the enclosures to test the effects of dissimilatory sulfate reduction on water chemistry. Added straw increased sulfide concentrations, raised pH to 6.5, reduced O2 and increased acid neutralizing capacity of the enclosed water columns when compared with a control enclosure and with the open lake. Generation of acid neutralizing capacity exceeded the standing stock of sulfide indicating that sulfide was removed either by precipitation of FeS or outgassing of H2S. The pH and acid neutralizing capacity within the enclosures eventually returned to the level of the surrounding lake because of water exchange around the enclosure walls. Our results show that additions of organic matter to acid surface mine lakes result in the generation of acid neutralizing capacity.  相似文献   

The microbial population of a sludge amended leaf compost material utilized for treatment of artificial acid mine drainage was studied by culture-independent molecular methods. Iron-rich and sulfurous wastewater (artificial acid mine drainage) was circulated through a column bioreactor for 16 months. After 12 months the column was inoculated with a mixed culture from an acidic pond receiving acid mine drainage from a tailings impoundment at a decommissioned site in Kristineberg, North Sweden. Hydrogen sulfide odor and the formation of black precipitates indicated that sulfate-reduction occurred in the column. 16S rDNA gene analysis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, cloning, and sequencing as well as fluorescent in situ hybridization confirmed the presence of microorganisms closely related to sulfate-reducing bacteria and microorganisms from the genera Pseudoxanthmonas, Dechlorosoma, Desulfovibrio, Agrobacterium, Methylocapsa, Rhodococcus, Sulfobacillus, and some unidentified bacteria. Sulfate-reducing bacteria were found in the column bioreactor 2 weeks after inoculation, but not thereafter. This suggests they were in low abundance, even though sulfate remediation rates were significant. Instead, the population contained species similar to those previously found to utilize humic substances released from the compost material.  相似文献   

The involvement of prokaryotes in the redox reactions of arsenic occurring between its +5 [arsenate; As(V)] and +3 [arsenite; As(III)] oxidation states has been well established. Most research to date has focused upon circum-neutral pH environments (e.g., freshwater or estuarine sediments) or arsenic-rich “extreme” environments like hot springs and soda lakes. In contrast, relatively little work has been conducted in acidic environments. With this in mind we conducted experiments with sediments taken from the Herman Pit, an acid mine drainage impoundment of a former mercury (cinnabar) mine. Due to the large adsorptive capacity of the abundant Fe(III)-rich minerals, we were unable to initially detect in solution either As(V) or As(III) added to the aqueous phase of live sediment slurries or autoclaved controls, although the former consumed added electron donors (i.e., lactate, acetate, hydrogen), while the latter did not. This prompted us to conduct further experiments with diluted slurries using the live materials from the first incubation as inoculum. In these experiments we observed reduction of As(V) to As(III) under anoxic conditions and reduction rates were enhanced by addition of electron donors. We also observed oxidation of As(III) to As(V) in oxic slurries as well as in anoxic slurries amended with nitrate. We noted an acid-tolerant trend for sediment slurries in the cases of As(III) oxidation (aerobic and anaerobic) as well as for anaerobic As(V) reduction. These observations indicate the presence of a viable microbial arsenic redox cycle in the sediments of this extreme environment, a result reinforced by the successful amplification of arsenic functional genes (aioA, and arrA) from these materials.  相似文献   

A sediment sample (pH 2.5) was collected at an acid mine drainage site in Anhui, China. The present acidophilic microbial community in the sediment was studied with a 16S rRNA gene clone library. Small-subunit rRNA genes were PCR amplified, cloned and screened by amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). Subsequently, 10 different clones were identified and they were affiliated with Acidobacteria, β/γ-Proteobacteria, δ-Proteobacteria, Nitrospira, Candidate division TM7, and Low G + C Gram-positives. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed a diversity of acidophiles in the sediment that were mostly novel. Unexpectedly, 16S rRNA gene sequences affiliated with δ-Proteobacteria were found to constitute more than 60% of clone library. To our knowledge, this is the first occasion that bacteria of δ-Proteobacteria have been found dominant in the acidic habitat. Anaerobic sulfate- or metal reduction is the predominant physiological trait of bacteria of this subdivision. The high sulfate, ferric iron and the presence of bioavailable carbon in the anaerobic microenvironment may result in the dominance of bacteria of δ-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

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