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五氯苯酚厌氧生物降解及降解体系中细菌种群结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同外加碳源作为共代谢基质及氢气作为电子供体条件下PCP的厌氧生物降解特性,并借助末端限制性片段长度多态性技术(T-RFLP)分析了PCP降解菌群的微生物群落结构.结果表明,添加外加碳源及以氢气作为电子供体均对PCP降解有显著促进作用.添加葡萄糖、丙酮酸、酵母膏和氢气时的降解率分别为71%、56%、51%和74%.微生物群落结构分析表明,不同处理条件下PCP降解菌群微生物群落结构不同.PCP降解菌群中可能存在Clostridium.Frankia和Desulfitobacterium等属的微生物.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the long‐term fermentation of an extremely sour substrate without any addition of manure. In the future, the limitation of manure and therefore the anaerobic digestion of silage with a very low buffering capacity will be an increasing general bottleneck for energy production from renewable biomass. During the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of sugar beet silage (without top and leaves) as the sole substrate (without any addition of manure), which had an extreme low pH of around 3.3, the highest specific gas production rate (spec. GPR) of 0.72 L/g volatile solids (VS) d was achieved at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 25 days compared to an organic loading rate (OLR) of 3.97 g VS/L d at a pH of around 6.80. The methane (CH4) content of the digester ranged between 58 and 67 %, with an average of 63 %. The use of a new charge of substrate (a new harvest of the same substrate) with higher phosphate content improved the performance of the biogas digester significantly. The change of the substrate charge also seemed to affect the methanogenic population dynamics positively, thus improving the reactor performance. Using a new substrate charge, a further decrease in the HRT from 25 to 15 days did not influence the digester performance and did not seem to affect the structure of the methanogenic population significantly. However, a decrease in the HRT affected the size of the methanogenic population adversely. The lower spec. GPR of 0.54 L/g VS d attained on day 15 of the HRT could be attributed to a lower size of methanogenic population present in the anaerobic digester during this stage of the process. Furthermore, since sugar beet silage is a relatively poor substrate, in terms of the buffering capacity and the availability of nutrients, an external supply of buffering agents and nutrients is a prerequisite for a safe and stable digester operation.  相似文献   

厌氧生物处理技术因其具有有机负荷高、污泥产量低、能耗低等优点被广泛应用于各种废水处理中。厌氧颗粒污泥具有沉降性能好、微生物浓度高、有机负荷高等优点,极大地提高了废水处理效率。尤其在处理含高氨氮废水中,厌氧颗粒污泥的形成对反应器的高效生物脱氮至关重要。但到目前为止,厌氧反应器中的颗粒污泥形成及废水处理效果还缺乏系统的认识。鉴于此,总结了厌氧反应器中颗粒污泥的形成机制,分析了影响厌氧反应器中颗粒污泥形成的因素,论述了厌氧反应器中厌氧颗粒污泥生长的模拟,最后介绍了厌氧颗粒污泥在国内外的主流应用。厌氧反应器中颗粒污泥的形成是综合因素影响的结果,对影响厌氧颗粒污泥形成的每个因素都需要认真对待,可为在厌氧反应器中颗粒污泥的培育和应用提供理论指导和技术支撑。  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous Phaeodarea (Radiolaria) were recovered from the Shoya Formation, which crops out 100 km northwest of Tokyo, central Japan. The Shoya Formation consists of about 600 m-thick marine sedimentary rocks, represented by alternating beds of sandstone and mudstone, which are overlain by about 10 m of Phaeodarian-bearing siliceous mudstone. The latter is assigned to the Upper Cretaceous (late Campanian to early Maastrichtian) based on the associated Polycystine Radiolarian fossils. In spite of the poor general preservation of nearly all Phaeodarian specimens as recrystallized quartz infillings, three new Phaeodarian species, Challengeranium cretaceum, Challengeron paleotriangulum, and Medusetta fossilis, were identified on the basis of their shape and ornamentation. Our finding, together with two other very recent reports of fossil Phaeodarians clearly document that the origin of Phaeodarian Radiolarians can be extended back to at least the Upper Cretaceous.  相似文献   

大型奶牛场粪便厌氧消化工程的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文报导了大型牛场粪便厌氧消化工程研究的概况。该工程针对牛粪草多、浮渣多的特点设计了除长草、除浮渣装置。以保证了厌氧消化的稳定运行。工程每天可处理奶牛粪便80余吨、鸡粪及工业发酵废渣20余吨,生产沼气供应2868户职工家庭作燃气使用,平均沼气率为1.2m^3/m^3.d。经后处理的发酵残留物被充分利用,制成肥料、绿色营养土和鱼饵,这样既免除了二次污染,又提高了工程的经济效益。该工程为我国大中型沼气  相似文献   

利用我们研制的厌氧培养皿及管,共检验了39份牙髓炎及牙周炎标本,分离出厌氧菌59株,标本中厌氧菌分离的阳性率为100%。其中类杆菌28株,消化链球菌9株,消化球菌7株,韦荣氏球菌5株,真杆菌2株,梭形杆菌8株。在类杆菌中产黑素类杆菌21株,占类杆菌总数的75%。结果表明使用厌氧培养皿及管研究厌氧菌简便、有效、经济,适于基层单位应用。  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度氯仿对厌氧污泥产氢及其微生物多样性的影响。在氯仿浓度为0.050%时,累积氢、氢气产率、VFA和总糖降解率均达到最大,分别为639mL、1.71molH2/mol消耗葡萄糖、2880mg/L和85%。利用PCR-DGGE技术对不同浓度氯仿处理的污泥样品中微生物多样性和种群结构进行分析显示,4个细菌克隆属于Clostridia,2个细菌克隆分别属于Acidobacteria和δ-proteobacteria,其他4个均属于不可培养细菌。Clostridia中的4个菌群均属产氢菌群,条带7中含有的细菌可能属于HPB。发酵产氢后的污泥样品C3(氯仿浓度=0.05%)中细菌类型主要有:Megasphaera sueciensis、Megasphaera paucivorans、Clostridium cellulosi、Clostridium sp.和不可培养细菌,为最适产氢群落结构。  相似文献   

The anaerobic digestion of glycerol derived from biodiesel manufacturing, in which COD was found to be 1010 g/kg, was studied in batch laboratory-scale reactors at mesophilic temperature using granular and non-granular sludge. Due to the high KOH concentration of this by-product, H3PO4 was added to recover this alkaline catalyst as agricultural fertilizer (potassium phosphates). Although it would not be economically viable, a volume of glycerol was distilled and utilised as reference substrate. The anaerobic revalorisation of glycerol using granular sludge achieved a biodegradability of around 100%, while the methane yield coefficient was 0.306 m3 CH4/kg acidified glycerol. Anaerobic digestion could be a good option for revalorising this available, impure and low priced by-product derived from the surplus of biodiesel companies. The organic loading rate studied was 0.21–0.38 g COD/g VSS d, although an inhibition phenomenon was observed at the highest load.  相似文献   

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the use of renewable biomass for energy production. Anaerobic biotechnological approaches for production of liquid energy carriers (ethanol and a mixture of acetone, butanol and ethanol) from biomass can be employed to decrease environmental pollution and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. There are two major biological processes that can convert biomass to liquid energy carriers via anaerobic biological breakdown of organic matter: ethanol fermentation and mixed acetone, butanol, ethanol (ABE) fermentation. The specific product formation is determined by substrates and microbial communities available as well as the operating conditions applied. In this review, we evaluate the recent biotechnological approaches employed in ethanol and ABE fermentation. Practical applicability of different technologies is discussed taking into account the microbiology and biochemistry of the processes.  相似文献   

A new ichthyosaur, Platypterygius ochevi sp. nov., from the Albian-Cenomanian of the Voronezh Region is described based on a partial forefin. It differs from congeners in the very large facet for the lageniformis on the humerus.  相似文献   

Two fossil reproductive organs of early angiosperms were collected from the Yanji Basin, Jilin Province of China. The assemblage of fossil plants consist mainly of pteridophytes, gymnosperms and a few angiospoermms. The present paper only reports the two reproductive organs of angiosperms. They are Archimagnolia rostrato-stylosa gen.et sp. nov., Eucommioites orientalis sp.nov. The first is a slightly elongated floral axis(receptacle), with about 20 carpels helically arranged. The carpels are free from each other and attenuated into a beak-like structure at the apex, with the base inserted into the receptacle. A comparison with living plants indicated its close relationship with some members of the Magnoliaceae. The second is a samara, similar to a fruit of the genus Eucommia, narrow-oblong, 2-lobed at the apex with the lobes stigmatic on theinner side. The seed is situated at the middle of fruit, oblong in shape.  相似文献   

Dicotyledonous woods from the Upper Cretaceous of Southern IllinoiS. Five species of fossil dicotyledonous wood are described from an Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian; locality in Alexander County, IllinoiS. U.S. A. Paraquercimum cretaceum has structure similar to the Fagaceae (evergreen Oak- Lithocarpus ) and Casuarinaceae and represents the earliest known occurrence of this structural type (large solitary pores and uniseriate and large multiseriale rays). Paraphyltanthoxyhin illirioisense and Icacinoxylon alternipunctata are species of genera represented at other Cretaceous and Early Tertiary localities In large diameter trees. Parabombacaceoxylon magniporosum has large diameter pores and scalariform perforation plates, a combination of characters that is extremely rare in the extant flora. Paraapocynaceoxylon barghoorni has a combination of characters represented in extant Apocynaceae. These five species lack growth rings, have high vulnerability indices (mean vessel diameter divided by mean number of vessels per square millimeter, and a relatively high proportion of ray parenchyma. They lack specialized wood anatomical characters, and a compilation of vessel element lengths in these and other Cretaceous woods indicates that short vessel elements (a derived character) were less frequent in the Cretaceous than in extant dicotyledonous trees.  相似文献   

The isolated adult teeth of titanosaurian sauropods from the Upper Cretaceous Bissekty Formation at Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, differ little in overall structure but show considerable variation in enamel sculpturing and wear patterns. The crown shape of unworn juvenile teeth ranges from lanceolate to conical. Most specimens have enamel texture resembling crumpled paper or completely smooth enamel. Longitudinal grooves along the mesial and distal edges are present on only a few tooth crowns and might be developed on both the labial and lingual sides. Among 252 worn tooth crowns there are eight variants of wear patterns, all possible combinations of 0–2 apical and 0–2 lateral wear facets. The most common is wear pattern A1L0 (one apical facet, no lateral facets; 62.7%). The next most common variant has two apical and no lateral facets (A2L0, 12.3%). These apical wear facets include the primary wear facets, which are produced by an opposing functional tooth, and secondary wear facets, which are produced by a replacing upper tooth coming into contact with the functional lower tooth at a late wear stage. The relative abundance of tooth crowns with two apical wear facets possibly suggests incipient development of a tooth battery in the Bissekty titanosaur.  相似文献   

A partial right humerus has been recovered from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Eumeralla Formation at Dinosaur Cove in south-eastern Australia. General morphology, size and the presence of a single epicondylar foramen (the entepicondylar) suggest that the bone is from a mammal or an advanced therapsid reptile. The humerus is similar in size, shape and torsion to the equivalent bone of extant and late Neogene echidnas (Tachyglossidae) but, contrary to the situation in extant monotremes, in which the ulna and radius articulate with a single, largely bulbous condyle, it bears a shallow, pulley-shaped (i.e. trochlear-form) ulnar articulation that is confluent ventro-laterally with the bulbous radial condyle. This form of ulnar articulation distinguishes this bone from the humeri of most advanced therapsids and members of several major groups of Mesozoic mammals, which have a condylar ulnar articulation, but parallels the situation found in therian mammals and in some other lineages of Mesozoic mammals. As in extant monotremes the distal humerus is greatly expanded transversely and humeral torsion is strong. Transverse expansion of the distal humerus is evident in the humeri of the fossorial docodont Haldanodon, highly-fossorial talpids and some clearly fossorial dicynodont therapsids, but the fossil shows greatest overall similarity to extant monotremes and it is possible that the peculiar elbow joint of extant monotremes evolved from a condition approximating that of the fossil. On the basis of comparisons with Mesozoic and Cainozoic mammalian taxa in which humeral morphology is known, the Dinosaur Cove humerus is tentatively attributed to a monotreme. However, several apparently primitive features of the bone exclude the animal concerned from the extant families Tachyglossidae and Ornithorhynchidae and suggest that, if it is a monotreme, it is a stem-group monotreme. Whatever, the animal's true affinity, the gross morphology of its humerus indicates considerable capacity for rotation-thrust digging.  相似文献   

Martin Lockley  John Foster 《Ichnos》2013,20(2-4):269-276
Mammal tracks from the latest Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) of Colorado are described as Schadipes crypticus ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., on the basis of material from the Laramie Formation in Golden, eastern Colorado. This ichnospecies, and a closely related form (Schadipes sp.) from the Mesaverde Group of western Colorado, represent the only mammal tracks so far identified from the Upper Cretaceous. A possible mammal track from North Africa (Agadirichnus elegans) was originally attributed to a lizard/lacertilian. Other purported Lower Cretaceous mammal tracks are based on isolated specimens of materials that are dubious or as yet undescribed in detail. Morphologically, Late Cretaceous mammal tracks resemble those of some modern rodents. However, based on the dominant mammalian elements of faunas at that time they are probably of marsupial or multituberculate affinity.  相似文献   

A malformed embryonic or neonate choristoderan reptile from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of northeastern China is described. The tiny skeleton exhibits two heads and two necks, with bifurcation at the level of the pectoral girdle. In a fossil, this is the first occurrence of the malformation known as axial bifurcation, which is well known in living reptiles.  相似文献   

Devon and Ellef Ringnes islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago contain well-preserved Santonian through early Campanian silicoflagellates. These occur in three unusual assemblages, which comprise three biostratigraphic zones. The oldest, the Vallacerta tumidula Partial Range Zone of Santonian age, contains an extremely variable microflora that includes species of the poorly-known genus Variramus, two new species of Cornua, and a new genus Umpiocha. The Schulzyocha ruppelii Range Zone of early Campanian age includes several species of the new genus Schulzyocha, reflecting quadrate silicoflagellate skeletal morphologies that lack a basal structure. The youngest assemblage includes the poorly-known species Cornua trifurcata, the nominative taxon of the C. trifurcata Partial Range Zone (proposed by McCartney et al., in press c; emended herein), which allows a correlation with a silicoflagellate-bearing sequence from the Horton River area, Northwest Territories of Canada. This report presents information on 24 silicoflagellate taxa, proposes 2 new genera, Schulzyocha and Umpiocha, and describes 13 new species and 1 new combination. All of these new taxa disappear by the top of the Campanian Cornua trifurcata Partial Range Zone. These assemblages reveal a new history of silicoflagellate evolution prior to the late Campanian, the period from which most of our prior knowledge about Cretaceous silicoflagellates was derived. The assemblages show progressive change from skeletons with highly variable morphologies to more stable silicoflagellate skeletal geometry. Two important Corbisema species, C. apiculata and C. archangelskiana, appear to be derived from separate lines within Cornua in the latest Santonian and early Campanian. The important Cretaceous genus Lyramula makes its first appearance at the beginning of the Campanian.  相似文献   

Anaerobic protozoa and their growth in biomethanation systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was to investigate growth of protozoa and its influence on biodegradation in anaerobic treatment systems. It was done by specifically controlling and monitoring growth of protozoa versus degradation in continuous stirred anaerobic reactors and batch anaerobic reactors. Occurrence of a diverse protozoa population such as the ciliates, Prorodon, Vorticella, Cyclidium, Spathidium, Loxodes, Metopus were observed in stable anaerobic systems and the flagellates, Rhynchomonas, Naeglaria, Amoeboflagellates, Tetramitus, Trepomonas and Bodo during increased VFA concentration and affected periods of biomethanation. The abundance of ciliates in the anaerobic system had significant correlation with the reduction of MLSS, increased rate of COD removal and higher methane production. The results of this study thus tend to relate increased anaerobic degradation with the abundance of protozoa, mainly ciliates, which indicate their possible involvement in the process. Present study also reveals that performance of anaerobic process can be assessed by monitoring the protozoa population in the system.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Tepee Buttes represent a series of conical, fossiliferous limestone deposits embedded in marine shales that deposited in the Western Interior Seaway. The previously suggested origin of the Tepee Buttes at methane-seeps was confirmed by this study. δ13C values as low as ?50‰ of early diagenetic carbonate phases of two Tepee Buttes near Pueblo (Colorado) reveal that methane was the major carbon source. Molecular fossils released from a methane-seep limestone contain abundant 13C-depleted archaeal lipids (PMI, biphytane; δ 13C: ?118 and ?102‰), derived from anaerobic methanotrophs. A suite of 13C-depleted bacterial biomarkers (branched fatty acids; ?73 to ?51‰) reflects the former presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria, corroborating that a syntrophic consortium of archaea and bacteria mediating anaerobic oxidation of methane already existed in Cretaceous times. Molecular fossils also suggest that methane was not exclusively oxidized in an anaerobic process. A series of unusual C34/C35-8,14-secohexahydrobenzohopanes with low δ13C values (?110 and ?107‰) points to the presence of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria at the ancient seep site.  相似文献   

A cervical vertebra from the Early Cretaceous of Victoria represents the first Australian spinosaurid theropod dinosaur. This discovery significantly extends the geographical range of spinosaurids, suggesting that the clade obtained a near-global distribution before the onset of Pangaean fragmentation. The combined presence of spinosaurid, neovenatorid, tyrannosauroid and dromaeosaurid theropods in the Australian Cretaceous undermines previous suggestions that the dinosaur fauna of this region was either largely endemic or predominantly 'Gondwanan' in composition. Many lineages are well-represented in both Laurasia and Gondwana, and these observations suggest that Early-'middle' Cretaceous theropod clades possessed more cosmopolitan distributions than assumed previously, and that caution is necessary when attempting to establish palaeobiogeographic patterns on the basis of a patchily distributed fossil record.  相似文献   

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