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Fungal and bacterial substrate-induced respiration have been distinguished in gray forest and chestnut soils in various ecosystems (forest, grassland, arable soil, fallow land, and shelterbelt) using the antibiotics cycloheximide and streptomycin. The optimal inhibitory concentrations of the antibiotics, added separately and in combination; the preincubation time of the antibiotics with the soil before glucose addition; and the mass of added inert material (talc) have been determined. The inhibitor additivity ratio (IAR) has been calculated for the antibiotics. With the IAR differing from 1.0 by a value of more than 5%, the fungal and bacterial substrate-induced respiration cannot be distinguished reliably. Respiration measurements show that the microbial communities of natural ecosystems are dominated by fungi (81–95% on average). The smallest amount of fungi (54–59%) is found in the arable soil ecosystem.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2005, pp. 394–400.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Susyan, Ananyeva, Blagodatskaya.  相似文献   

Both composting and earthworm treatment can degrade potassium rock powders and bacteria play a key role during the bio-processings. To understand the dominant bacteria and bacterial profile in biological conversion of the ore including compost and earthworm treatment, the bacterial communities in the compost were studied by using the method of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) after ore powder was co-composted with organic wastes and then treated with earthworms. Results showed bacterial community structure changed very quickly during the early stages of solid-state fermentation, but relatively stable in the later stages of fermentation and during earthworm treatment. The dominant species of bacteria largely varied in the earlier stage of composting, but they were stable in the latter stage and during earthworm treatment. Two classes of bacteria, represented by band 12 (likely Alteromonas) and band 14 (likely Firmicutes) in DGGE profile, were found to be dominant species over the entire solid-state fermentation period. No special dominant bacterial species appeared during earthworm treatment. Phylogenetic studies of the bacteria based on 16S rRNA sequences indicate that major 13 bands came from phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, suggesting that bacteria in these phyla played an important role during the compost treatment.  相似文献   

This study assesses the potential of fungal bioaugmentation and the effect of maltosyl-cyclodextrin amendment, as an approach to accelerate fluorene biodegradation in soil slurries. 47 fungal strains isolated from a contaminated site were tested in the biodegradation of fluorene. Results showed the greater efficiency of "adaptated" fungi isolated from contaminated soil vs. reference strains belonging to the collection of the laboratory. These assays allowed us to select the most efficient strain, Absidia cylindrospora, which was used in a bioaugmentation process. In the presence of Absidia cylindrospora, more than 90% of the fluorene was removed in 288 h while 576 h were necessary in the absence of fungal bioaugmentation. Maltosyl-cyclodextrin, a branched-cyclodextrin was chosen in order to optimize fluorene bioavailability and biodegradation in soil slurries. The results of this study indicate that Absidia cylindrospora and maltosyl-cyclodextrin could be used successfully in bioremediation systems.  相似文献   

The bacterial and fungal assemblages of clastic sediments collected from two caves located in north-western Romania were investigated by assessing ITS and 16S rRNA gene diversity. Bacterial members belonging to Chloroflexi, Nitrospirae, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, and fungal members of Ascomycota were identified. Except for Bacillus sp., all bacteria were related to uncultured or unknown species and the majority (86%) of the bacterial sequences from one of the caves had no close GenBank relatives. The bacterial sequences obtained clustered with species found in extreme environments. Half of the bacterial operational taxonomic units were clustered with clones isolated from deep subsurface sediments of a radioactively contaminated site in the USA. The present study represents the first attempt to identify microorganisms in Quaternary cave sediments.

Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the supplemental file.  相似文献   

In this study, we used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and culture-dependent methodology to characterize bacterial populations and mineral-dissolving bacteria in a mineral-rich soil profile. DGGE and sequencing revealed 13 known bacterial families and 7 unknown populations for the soil profile. Seventy-one isolates could solubilize feldspar. Weathering effectiveness and pattern of the isolates differed among the horizons. The 71 mineral-dissolving isolates were affiliated with 32 bacterial species within 14 genera, among which Bacillus, Burkholderia, and Arthrobacter were dominant. Distinct mineral-dissolving populations were observed between the surface and subsurface horizons. Notably, the deepest horizon showed maximum diversity of the mineral-dissolving bacteria. Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of the high efficiency mineral-dissolving bacteria was observed in the deeper horizons than in the upper horizons. The results suggested that the soil profile harboured diverse mineral-dissolving populations and the dissolving potential and pattern and the community of the mineral-dissolving bacteria changed with depth.  相似文献   

高通量测序技术分析猪粪堆肥过程中微生物群落结构变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解猪粪堆肥过程中微生物群落结构组成及多样性的变化,采集猪粪堆肥过程的三个代表性样品—新鲜猪粪、高温堆肥、腐熟堆肥,利用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术对16S rRNA V4~V5可变区序列进行测序,分别获得37 009、42 470、36 713条有效序列及328、280、160个操作分类单元(OTU)。Alpha多样性分析表明,在堆肥过程中微生物群落丰富度呈现降低趋势,而多样性呈现先上升后下降趋势。随着堆肥的进行,在门水平上,厚壁菌门、拟杆菌门和软壁菌门相对丰度降低,而变形菌门和放线菌门相对丰度升高;在属水平上,Turicibacter、Terrisporobacter、Parabacteroides、Clostridium sensu stricto、Corynebacterium等来自动物肠道的微生物相对丰度明显下降,Thermopolyspora、Thermomonospora、Thermobifida、Halocella等耐热耐盐微生物成为最主要优势菌。堆肥过程不同菌群优势度的变化是微生物与堆肥中各理化因子相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic changes are altering the environmental conditions and the biota of ecosystems worldwide. In many temperate grasslands, such as North American tallgrass prairie, these changes include alteration in historically important disturbance regimes (e.g., frequency of fires) and enhanced availability of potentially limiting nutrients, particularly nitrogen. Such anthropogenically-driven changes in the environment are known to elicit substantial changes in plant and consumer communities aboveground, but much less is known about their effects on soil microbial communities. Due to the high diversity of soil microbes and methodological challenges associated with assessing microbial community composition, relatively few studies have addressed specific taxonomic changes underlying microbial community-level responses to different fire regimes or nutrient amendments in tallgrass prairie. We used deep sequencing of the V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene to explore the effects of contrasting fire regimes and nutrient enrichment on soil bacterial communities in a long-term (20 yrs) experiment in native tallgrass prairie in the eastern Central Plains. We focused on responses to nutrient amendments coupled with two extreme fire regimes (annual prescribed spring burning and complete fire exclusion). The dominant bacterial phyla identified were Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Bacteriodetes, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria and made up 80% of all taxa quantified. Chronic nitrogen enrichment significantly impacted bacterial community diversity and community structure varied according to nitrogen treatment, but not phosphorus enrichment or fire regime. We also found significant responses of individual bacterial groups including Nitrospira and Gammaproteobacteria to long-term nitrogen enrichment. Our results show that soil nitrogen enrichment can significantly alter bacterial community diversity, structure, and individual taxa abundance, which have important implications for both managed and natural grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

对4 种移栽到温室中的蕨类植物根际土壤中的VA 菌根真菌孢子种群组成和季相变化进行了研究, 结果发现, VA菌根真菌孢子的产生具有明显的宿主依赖性和季相变化。在相同气候条件下, 不同植物根际土壤中的VA菌根真菌种群组成不同; 同种VA 菌根真菌在不同宿主植物根际土壤中, 孢子的丰富度有很大的差异。本文对影响VA菌根真菌孢子种群组成和季相变化的因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Xiaomei Zhang  Junliang Li  Bin Liang 《Phyton》2021,90(4):1233-1246
Greenhouse vegetable cultivation (GVC) is an example of intensive agriculture aiming to increase crop yields by extending cultivation seasons and intensifying agricultural input. Compared with cropland, studies on the effects of farming management regimes on soil microorganisms of the GVC system are rare, and our knowledge is limited. In the present study, we assessed the impacts of different long-term fertilization regimes on soil fungal community structure changes in a greenhouse that has been applied in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivation for 11 consecutive years. Results showed that, when taking the non-fertilizer treatment of CK as a benchmark, both treatments of Conventional chemical N (CN) and Organic amendment only (MNS) significantly decreased the fungal richness by 16%–17%, while the Conventional chemical N and straw management (CNS) restored soil biodiversity at the same level. Saprotroph and pathotroph were the major trophic modes, and the abundance of the pathotroph fungi in treatment of CNS was significantly lower than those in CK and CN soils. The CNS treatment has significantly altered the fungal composition of the consecutive cropping soils by reducing the pathogens, e.g., Trichothecium and Lecanicillium, and enriching the plant-beneficial, e.g., Schizothecium. The CNS treatment is of crucial importance for sustainable development of the GVC system.  相似文献   

Azobenzene exerted no significant effect on the dynamics and the species composition of the saprophytic soil bacterial complex, which remained almost the same as in the control and was characterized by the predominance of Curtobacteriumsp., Arthrobacter globiformis, and Bacillus megateriumin all stages of succession. Some heterotrophic bacteria were found to be able to accumulate azobenzene. Bacillus cereusand Bac. polymyxadegraded azobenzene during their cultivation in nutrient media.  相似文献   

大青沟自然保护区主要森林群落优势种的种群结构与动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择大青沟国家级自然保护区的水曲柳群落、蒙古栎群落和大果榆群落进行野外群落学调查,采用空间代替时间的方法,以种群径级结构代替年龄结构编制了优势种水曲柳种群、蒙古栎种群和大果榆种群的静态生命表,绘制其存活曲线、死亡率曲线、消失率曲线和危险率函数曲线,分析种群数量动态变化。结果表明:(1)水曲柳和蒙古栎的存活曲线为DeeveyⅡ型,表明其种群目前总体上正处于一种动态稳定状态;大果榆的存活曲线为DeeveyⅢ型,表明大果榆幼体死亡率高,以后的死亡率低而稳定。(2)水曲柳种群死亡高峰除了在第Ⅰ龄级较高外,基本呈随龄级增加死亡率增大的趋势;蒙古栎种群的死亡高峰出现在幼年阶段和老年阶段;大果榆种群有两个死亡高峰,一个出现在第Ⅰ龄级,一个出现在第Ⅵ龄级。(3)种群生存分析表明,3个种群的生存率单调下降,累计死亡率单调上升,水曲柳和蒙古栎种群危险率函数随着龄级的增加而不断增大,大果榆种群具有前期锐减、中期稳定和后期衰退的特点。  相似文献   

Ergosterol and ATP concentrations, microbial respiration and sporulation rates of aquatic hyphomycetes associated with leaves of Castanea sativa decomposing in a 5th order stream were determined periodically over a period of 102 days in order to compare ergosterol and ATP as indicators of fungal biomass. ATP and ergosterol concentrations exhibited a significant positive correlation (F = 4.459, DF = 28, P < 0.001) during the first stages of leaf breakdown (until day 39), i.e., during periods of increasing fungal biomass. No correlation was found between ATP and ergosterol concentrations during later stages of decomposition (days 39 to 102). Respiration rates increased rapidly up to 0.525 mg O2 h1 g1 AFDM during the first month and remained high until the end of the experiment. Sporulation rates peaked at day 9 (1069 conidia day1 mg1 AFDM) and decreased during later stages of decomposition. ATP‐to‐biomass conversion factors were determined for both fungi (0.59 μmol ATP g1 dry mass) and bacteria (1.30 μmol ATP g1 dry mass) collected from the stream and grown in the laboratory. Estimates of fungal biomass based on ATP concentrations were similar to those calculated from ergosterol concentrations during the first 39 days of breakdown. The results here presented suggest that ATP is a reliable method to quantify microbial biomass in streams and that the relative importance of bacteria increases at later stages of decomposition. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to determine the effects of mine tailings alone mixed with compost or with compost plus crude biosurfactant on the accumulation of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd, and Ni) in Acacia retinodes, Nicotiana glauca, and Echinochloa polystachya. The plants were grown in soil, mine tailings, and mine tailings containing compost over a period of seven and five months for shrubs or grass, respectively. The plants Acacia retinodes and Nicotiana glauca grown in mine tailings containing compost showed increases in dry biomass (from 62 to 79%) compared with plants in only tailings. Heavy metals accumulated in the roots and leaves showed high translocation rates of Cr in N. glauca, Cd in A. retinodes, and Ni in E. polystachya. Concentrations of heavy metals in the three plants irrigated with crude biosurfactant were not significantly different from those irrigated with water. Zn and Cd fractions within mine tailings containing compost were bound to carbonate, Pb was bound to residues, and Cu was bound to Fe-oxides. Cd had the highest mobility factor followed in order by Zn, Pb, and Cu. The elevated concentrations of Pb in roots and the low translocation rate for N. glauca and A. retinodes indicate that they are suitable for phytostabilizing Pb and Zn.  相似文献   

A semi-field experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of mixed municipal solid waste compost (MMSWC) and green waste-derived compost (GWC) as immobilizing agents in aided-phytostabilization of a highly acidic soil contaminated with trace elements, with and without a plant cover of Agrostis tenuis. The compost application ratio was 50 Mg ha–1, and GWC amended soil was additionally limed and supplemented with mineral fertilizers.Both treatments had an equivalent capacity to raise soil organic matter and pH, without a significant increase in soil salinity and in pseudo-total As, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations, allowing the establishment of a plant cover. Effective bioavailable Cu and Zn decreased as a consequence of both compost treatments, while effective bioavailable As increased by more than twice but remained as a small fraction of its pseudo-total content. Amended soil had higher soil enzymatic activities, especially in the presence of plants.Accumulation factors for As, Cu, Pb, and Zn by A. tenuis were low, and their concentrations in the plant were lower than the maximum tolerable levels for cattle. As a consequence, the use of A. tenuis can be recommended for assisted phytostabilization of this type of mine soil, in combination with one of the compost treatments evaluated.  相似文献   

温带草原退化后土壤微生物群落结构和功能的变化 草原退化是草原生产力维持面临的一个重大挑战,这一过程显著影响着草原生态系统的能量流动和土壤养分变化过程,进而直接或间接地影响着土壤微生物。我们的研究目的首先是调查不同草原退化程度(即未退化、中度退化和严重退化)如何影响着内蒙古温带草原的土壤微生物组成、多样性和功能,其次是阐明哪些生物和非生物因素导致了这些变化。我们的研究主要通过高通量测序技术分析土壤微生物的群落组成,并且采用FAPROTAX工具和FUNGuild工具分别预测细菌群落和真菌群落的功能。研究发现:草原退化显著降低了土壤细菌的多样性,但对真菌多样性影响不大。地下生物量、土壤有机碳和总氮与细菌的多样性变化呈显著正相关关系。草原退化显著增加了绿弯菌门的相对丰度(由2.48%提高到8.40%),降低了厚壁菌门的相对丰度(由3.62%降低到1.08%)。其次,草原退化也显著增加了球囊菌门的相对丰度(从0.17%提高到1.53%),降低了担子菌门的相对丰度(从19.30%降低到4.83%)。致病菌的相对丰度在草原退化过程中显著下降。此外,草原退化对土壤细菌群落的功能有显著的影响,尤其是与土壤碳氮循环相关的土壤细菌群落。我们的结果表明,土壤细菌群落对草原退化的响应比真菌群落更敏感。  相似文献   

锦鸡儿植物对盐碱地土壤理化性质和细菌群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
锦鸡儿属的多种植物在干旱/半干旱区域水土保持等方面具有显著的作用效果,该研究以柠条锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和小叶锦鸡儿为材料,选择宁夏银北西大滩核心试验站的盐渍化荒地为研究对象,分析了3种锦鸡儿建植1年对盐碱地土壤理化性质及土壤细菌群落的影响,以了解该类植物在盐碱地改良中的作用及生态效应。结果显示:(1)种植锦鸡儿1年能够显著降低盐碱地土壤全盐含量和pH,提高土壤全氮和全磷含量。(2)种植锦鸡儿不影响其非根际土壤细菌群落的α多样性,但小叶锦鸡儿非根际土壤细菌群落的香浓指数最低。(3)不同种锦鸡儿对盐碱地细菌群落结构的影响有所不同,小叶锦鸡儿根际/非根际细菌群落的结构分别与对照土壤以及柠条、中间锦鸡儿根际土壤存在明显差异;在属水平,包括假黄色单胞菌属、新鞘氨醇菌属及根瘤菌属在内的12个优势细菌属的相对丰度在小叶锦鸡儿非根际土壤中显著增加。(4)db-RDA分析表明,盐碱地土壤全盐、全氮及全磷含量分别解释了锦鸡儿非根际细菌群落结构变异信息的23.5%、25.4%和22.2%,3种因子累计共解释48.5%的细菌群落变异(P0.05),但这些因子对锦鸡儿根际细菌群落的变化无显著影响。研究表明,短期种植锦鸡儿属植物对盐碱地土壤理化性质具有一定改良效果,且不影响非根际土壤细菌群落的α多样性,但不同种锦鸡儿对土壤细菌群落结构的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

An anaerobic phototrophic bacterial community in Lake Mogilnoe, a relict lake on Kil'din Island in the Barents Sea, was studied in June 1999 and September 2001. Irrespective of the season, the upper layer of the anaerobic zone of this lake had a specific species composition of sulfur phototrophic bacteria, which were dominated by the brown-colored green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium phaeovibrioides. The maximum number of sulfur phototrophic bacteria was observed in June 1999 at a depth of 9 m, which corresponded to a concentration of bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) e equal to 4.6 mg/l. In September 2001, the maximum concentration of this pigment (3.4 mg/l) was found at a depth of 10 m. In both seasons, the concentration of Bchl a did not exceed 3 μg/l. Purple sulfur bacteria were low in number, which can be explained by their poor adaptation to the hydrochemical and optical conditions of the Lake Mogilnoe water. In June 1999, the water contained a considerable number of Pelodictyon phaeum microcolonies and Prosthecochloris phaeoasteroides cell chains, which was not the case in September 2001. A 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic analysis of pure cultures of phototrophic bacteria isolated from the lake water confirmed that the bacterial community is dominated by Chl. phaeovibrioides and showed the presence of three minor species, Thiocystis gelatinosa, Thiocapsa sp., and Thiorhodococcus sp., the last of which is specific to Lake Mogilnoe.  相似文献   

The endospore-forming bacterium Pasteuria penetrans is an obligate parasite of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). The primary objective of this study was to determine the effect of crop sequence on abundance of P. penetrans. The experiment was conducted from 2000 to 2008 at a field site naturally infested with both the bacterium and its host Meloidogyne arenaria and included the following crop sequences: continuous peanut (Arachis hypogaea) (P-P-P) and peanut rotated with either 2 years of corn (Zea mays) (C-C-P), 1 year each of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and corn (Ct-C-P), or 1 year each of corn and a vegetable (V-C-P). The vegetable was a double crop of sweet corn and eggplant (Solanum melongena). A bioassay with second-stage juveniles (J2) of M. arenaria from a greenhouse (GH) population was used to estimate endospore abundance under the different crop sequences. A greater numerical increase in endospore densities was expected in the P-P-P and V-C-P sequences than in the other sequences because both peanut and eggplant are good hosts for M. arenaria. However, endospore densities, as determined by bioassay, did not substantially increase in any of the sequences during the 9-year experiment. To determine whether the nematode population had developed resistance to the resident P. penetrans, five single egg-mass (SEM) lines from the field population of M. arenaria were tested alongside the GH population for acquisition of endospores from the field soil. Four of the five SEM lines acquired 9 to 14 spores/J2 whereas the GH population and one of the SEM lines acquired 3.5 and 1.8 spores/J2, respectively. Endospore densities estimated with the four receptive SEM lines were highest in the P-P-P plots (14-20 spores/J2), intermediate in the V-C-P plots (6-7 spores/J2), and lowest in the Ct-C-P plots (< 1 spore/J2). These results indicate that the field population of M. arenaria is heterogeneous for attachment of P. penetrans endospores. Moreover, spore densities increased under intensive cropping of hosts for M. arenaria, but the GH population of the nematode was not receptive to spore attachment. However, previously, the GH population was very receptive to spore acquisition from this field site. One explanation for this inconsistency is that the M. arenaria population in the field became resistant to the dominant subpopulation of P. penetrans that had been present, and this led to the selection of a different subpopulation of the bacterium that is incompatible with the GH population.  相似文献   

采用Illumina MiSeq测序技术研究了内蒙古大青山干旱阳坡灌木铁线莲(Clematis fruticosa)根围丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)群落的季节动态,并利用冗余分析(redundancy analysis,RDA)和Mantel test分析了土壤和植被因子与AMF之间的关系,为进一步探索灌木铁线莲-AMF共生体对不同季节环境变化的响应提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)灌木铁线莲根围AMF孢子密度不存在显著的季节性差异,根系侵染率和丛枝丰度从春季至秋季呈下降趋势。(2)3个季节共检测出163个AMF OTUs(operational taxonomic units),春季、夏季、秋季分别为116OTUs、76OTUs和70OTUs。(3)夏季和秋季的AMF丰富度(实测OTUs数和Chao1指数)以及多样性(Shannon-Wiener指数和Invsimpson指数)显著低于春季,但夏、秋季间无显著异。(4)主成分分析和PERMANOVA分析表明,夏季和秋季的AMF群落组成与春季存在显著差异,而AMF群落组成在夏季与秋季间差异不显著。(5)RDA分析表明,采样季节、植被盖度、植物多样性、土壤含水量和土壤有机质对AMF ShannonWiener指数、Invsimpson指数、Chao1指数和实测OTUs数均产生显著影响;Mantel test分析发现,采样季节是影响AMF群落组成和菌根侵染率的主导因子,但对孢子密度无显著影响,而土壤有机质是影响孢子密度的主导因子。  相似文献   

典型高原湖滨带底泥细菌群落结构及多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【背景】高原湖泊的富营养化日趋严重,而湖滨带作为湖泊的保护屏障对外源污染物具有拦截净化等作用,水环境变化则会对底泥细菌产生深刻影响。【目的】探究高原湖滨带底泥细菌群落结构特征及与水体富营养化之间的联系。【方法】基于16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术分析了阳宗海南岸湖滨带8个不同样点的底泥细菌群落结构及多样性,并结合样品水体环境因子,采用主成分分析(PCA)和冗余分析(redundancy analysis,RDA)探讨了水体富营养化对底泥细菌群落结构及丰富度的影响。【结果】湖滨带底泥细菌与水体富营养化程度存在响应关系,在水体富营养化程度高的区域(S3)细菌丰富度较高,操作分类单元(operationaltaxonomicunits,OTU)高达1473。反之,在富营养化程度低的区域(S1)细菌丰富度较低,OTU为730。阳宗海南岸湖滨带底泥中主要优势菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi),含有少量的放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes);绿弯菌门(Chloroflex...  相似文献   

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