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Although GR2(SO4 2-) can be easily formed by abiotic synthesis, the biotic formation of hydroxysulphate as a single iron(II-III) mineral in microbial culture and its characterization was not achieved. This study was carried out to investigate the sole formation of GR2(SO4 2-) during the reduction of γ-FeOOH by a dissimilatory iron-respiring bacterium, Shewanella putrefaciens CIP 8040T. Reduction experiments were performed in a non-buffered medium devoid of organic compounds, with 25 mM of sulphate and with a range of lepidocrocite concentrations with H2 as the electron donor under nongrowth conditions. The resulting biogenic solids, after iron-respiring activity, were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission Mössbauer spectroscopy (TMS) and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). The sulphate has been identified as the intercalated anion by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). In addition, the structure of this sulphate anion was discussed. Our experimental study demonstrated that, under H2 atmosphere, the biogenic solid was a GR2(SO4 2-), as the sole iron(II-III) bearing mineral, whatever the initial lepidocrocite concentration. The crystals of the biotically formed GR2(SO4 2-) are significantly larger than those observed for GR2(SO4 2-) obtained through abiotic preparation, < 15 μ m diameter as against 0.5–4 μm, respectively.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of polymeric substances on the biomineralization and stabilization of green rust (GR), the effect of two organic polymers on the transformation of lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) to GR vs. magnetite in presence of Shewanella putrefaciens was investigated. These two polymers, generally used as flocculants, are polyacrylic acid (PAA), which bears negatively charged carboxylic groups at neutral pH and is expected to react with cationic hydrolyzed iron species, and polyacrylamide (PAM), which is a neutral polymer that may develop hydrogen bonds with iron nanocolloids. The bioreduction of lepidocrocite by S. putrefaciens was performed under conditions known to yield either magnetite or GR. Each operational condition of interest was investigated with various polymer concentrations from 0.6 to 60 mg g?1 Fe (10 to 1000 mg l?1). The final product was characterized using X-ray diffraction and electronic microscopy. The results showed that the formation of GR is favored, with respect to magnetite, to a lesser extent with PAM than with PAA. These results indicated that polymers influence the chemical stability of GR and/or guide the route of biomineralization. Polymer properties, in addition to silica and phosphate concentrations, are then critical parameters that control the secondary iron mineral biomineralization from iron-reducing bacteria.

Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the supplemental file.  相似文献   

Time-resolved (P700+A1? – P700A1) FTIR difference spectra have been obtained using photosystem I (PSI) particles with several different quinones incorporated into the A1 protein binding site. Difference spectra were obtained for PSI with unlabeled and 18O labeled phylloquinone (2-methyl-3-phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) and 2-methyl-1,4-naphthaquinone (2MNQ) incorporated, and for PSI with unlabeled 2,3-dimethyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (DMNQ) incorporated. (18O – 16O), (2MNQ – PhQ) and (DMNQ – PhQ) FTIR double difference spectra were constructed from the difference spectra. These double difference spectra allow one to more easily distinguish protein and pigment bands in convoluted difference spectra. To further aid in the interpretation of the difference spectra, particularly the spectra associated with the semiquinones, we have used two-layer ONIOM methods to calculate corresponding difference and double difference spectra. In all cases, the experimental and calculated double difference spectra are in excellent agreement. In previous two and three-layer ONIOM calculations it was not possible to adequately simulate multiple difference and double difference spectra. So, the computational approach outlined here is an improvement over previous calculations. It is shown that the calculated spectra can vary depending on the details of the molecular model that is used. Specifically, a molecular model that includes several water molecules that are near the incorporated semiquinones is required.  相似文献   

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