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The abundance and diversity of cyanobacteria living in sediments collected from six vents (temperature range 37–130°C) close to the Panarea Island (Italy) were studied. The diversity of cyanobacteria was analyzed by using a PCR-DGGE approach with group-specific primers. The greatest number and diversity of cyanobacteria were registered at the coldest vent. Sequencing of DGGE fragments revealed that most sequences matched with uncultured cyanobacteria deposited in databases and some were distantly affiliated with different species of Synechococcus. New, genetically distant ribotypes of cyanobacteria are the dominant oxygenic phototrophs in shallow hydrothermal system of Panarea Island.  相似文献   

Fe oxide deposits are commonly found at hydrothermal vent sites at mid-ocean ridge and back-arc sea floor spreading centers, seamounts associated with these spreading centers, and intra-plate seamounts, and can cover extensive areas of the seafloor. These deposits can be attributed to several abiogenic processes and commonly contain micron-scale filamentous textures. Some filaments are cylindrical casts of Fe oxyhydroxides formed around bacterial cells and are thus unquestionably biogenic. The filaments have distinctive morphologies very like structures formed by neutrophilic Fe oxidizing bacteria. It is becoming increasingly apparent that Fe oxidizing bacteria have a significant role in the formation of Fe oxide deposits at marine hydrothermal vents. The presence of Fe oxide filaments in Fe oxides is thus of great potential as a biomarker for Fe oxidizing bacteria in modern and ancient marine hydrothermal vent deposits. The ancient analogues of modern deep-sea hydrothermal Fe oxide deposits are jaspers. A number of jaspers, ranging in age from the early Ordovician to late Eocene, contain abundant Fe oxide filamentous textures with a wide variety of morphologies. Some of these filaments are like structures formed by modern Fe oxidizing bacteria. Together with new data from the modern TAG site, we show that there is direct evidence for bacteriogenic Fe oxide precipitation at marine hydrothermal vent sites for at least the last 490 Ma of the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

采用PCR-RFLP技术调查了劳盆地深海热液喷口两位点沉积物中的细菌多样性。结果表明, 在劳盆地深海热液喷口沉积物环境中细菌多样性十分丰富, 样品DY1中发现6个细菌类群, DY2中则存在4个细菌类群, 其中Gammaproteobacteria细菌亚群和Epsilonproteobacteria细菌亚群在两文库中均占据最大比例, 为沉积物样品中的优势菌群。另外, 在克隆文库中还发现了一些与数据库中的已知序列同源性较低的类群, 从而说明劳盆地深海热液喷口沉积物中存在特有的微生物种属。  相似文献   

In a recent publication (S. M. Sievert, T. Brinkhoff, G. Muyzer, W. Ziebis, and J. Kuever, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:3834–3842, 1999) we described spatiotemporal changes in the bacterial community structure at a shallow-water hydrothermal vent in the Aegean Sea near the isle of Milos (Greece). Here we describe identification and phylogenetic analysis of the predominant bacterial populations at the vent site and their distribution at the vent site as determined by sequencing of DNA molecules (bands) excised from denaturing gradient gels. A total of 36 bands could be sequenced, and there were representatives of eight major lineages of the domain Bacteria. Cytophaga-Flavobacterium and Acidobacterium were the most frequently retrieved bacterial groups. Less than 33% of the sequences exhibited 90% or more identity with cultivated organisms. The predominance of putative heterotrophic populations in the sequences retrieved is explained by the input of allochthonous organic matter at the vent site.  相似文献   

Despite their ubiquitous distribution in tectonically active coastal zones, shallow water hydrothermal vents have been less investigated than deep-sea vents. In the present study, we investigated the role of viral control and fluid emissions on prokaryote abundance, diversity, and community structure (total Archaea, total Bacteria, and sulphate-reducing bacteria) in waters and sediments surrounding the caldera of four different shallow-water hydrothermal vents (three located in the Mediterranean Sea and one in the Pacific Ocean). All vents, independent of their location, generally displayed a significant decrease of benthic prokaryote abundance, as well as its viable fraction, with increasing distance from the vent. Prokaryote assemblages were always dominated by Bacteria. Benthic Archaea accounted for 23–33% of total prokaryote abundance in the Mediterranean Sea and from 13 to 29% in the Pacific Ocean, whereas in the water column they accounted for 25–38%. The highest benthic bacterial ribotype richness was observed in close proximity of the vents (i.e., at 10-cm distance from the emissions), indicating that vent fluids might influence bacterial diversity in surrounding sediments. Virioplankton and viriobenthos abundances were low compared to other marine systems, suggesting that temperature and physical-chemical conditions might influence viral survival in these vent systems. We thus hypothesize that the high bacterial diversity observed in close proximity of the vents is related with the highly variable vent emissions, which could favor the coexistence of several prokaryotic species.  相似文献   

The spatial heterogeneity of bacterial populations at a shallow-water hydrothermal vent in the Aegean Sea close to the island of Milos (Greece) was examined at two different times by using acridine orange staining for total cell counts, cultivation-based techniques, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments. Concurrent with measurements of geochemical parameters, samples were taken along a transect from the center of the vent to the surrounding area. Most-probable-number (MPN) counts of metabolically defined subpopulations generally constituted a minor fraction of the total cell counts; both counting procedures revealed the highest cell numbers in a transition zone from the strongly hydrothermally influenced sediments to normal sedimentary conditions. Total cell counts ranged from 3.2 × 105 cells ml−1 in the water overlying the sediments to 6.4 × 108 cells g (wet weight) of sediment−1. MPN counts of chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria varied between undetectable and 1.4 × 106 cells g−1. MPN counts for sulfate-reducing bacteria and dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria ranged from 8 to 1.4 × 105 cells g−1 and from undetectable to 1.4 × 106 cells g−1, respectively. DGGE revealed a trend from a diverse range of bacterial populations which were present in approximately equal abundance in the transition zone to a community dominated by few populations close to the center of the vent. Temperature was found to be an important parameter in determining this trend. However, at one sampling time this trend was not discernible, possibly due to storm-induced disturbance of the upper sediment layers.  相似文献   

Microbial community thriving at shallow hydrothermal vent named Black Point, close to the Island of Panarea in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), was studied by microscopic, cultural and molecular methods. New strains of Bacillus and Geobacillus were isolated. Members of sulphur-oxidizing bacteria, belonging to the genera Halothiobacillus and Thiomicrospira were demonstrated by both culture-dependent and -independent methods. Genetic diversity of Bacteria was higher than that of Archaea. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences from Black Point showed low levels of similarity with other yet deposited sequences, suggesting that new bacterial phylotypes are present in this site. Dominant populations of Bacteria belonged to uncultured members of Proteobacteria (mainly of the class Gammaproteobacteria), Firmicutes and Acidobacteriaceae. Primary production appeared to be supported by chemosynthetic and photosynthetic bacteria affiliated with members of Gammaproteobacteria. Most of the archaeal sequences matched those of yet-uncultivated Archaea, thus their role at this vent is not well understood.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected from 49 small reservoirs of northern Ivory Coast in April 1997. Thirty taxa were identified, including 20 rotifers, 3 copepods and 6 cladocerans. The number of taxa per lake ranged between 12 to 22 and decreased with the total abundance of zooplankton. Copepods dominated standing biomass. Coinertia analysis suggested the role of seston food abundance, oxygen depletion and turbidity for zooplankton abundance and community structure. Rotifers, and particularly Brachionus angularis, Polyarthra and Filinia, were more abundant than copepods in the most eutrophic, turbid and deoxygenated reservoirs. The role of oxygen as a determinant of community structure is probably linked to the specific tolerance of taxa, but turbidity role could not be evaluated with certainty in the absence of information on visual predators.  相似文献   

Few studies have directly measured sulfate reduction at hydrothermal vents, and relatively little is known about how environmental or ecological factors influence rates of sulfate reduction in vent environments. A better understanding of microbially mediated sulfate reduction in hydrothermal vent ecosystems may be achieved by integrating ecological and geochemical data with metabolic rate measurements. Here we present rates of microbially mediated sulfate reduction from three distinct hydrothermal vents in the Middle Valley vent field along the Juan de Fuca Ridge, as well as assessments of bacterial and archaeal diversity, estimates of total biomass and the abundance of functional genes related to sulfate reduction, and in situ geochemistry. Maximum rates of sulfate reduction occurred at 90 °C in all three deposits. Pyrosequencing and functional gene abundance data revealed differences in both biomass and community composition among sites, including differences in the abundance of known sulfate-reducing bacteria. The abundance of sequences for Thermodesulfovibro-like organisms and higher sulfate reduction rates at elevated temperatures suggests that Thermodesulfovibro-like organisms may have a role in sulfate reduction in warmer environments. The rates of sulfate reduction presented here suggest that—within anaerobic niches of hydrothermal deposits—heterotrophic sulfate reduction may be quite common and might contribute substantially to secondary productivity, underscoring the potential role of this process in both sulfur and carbon cycling at vents.  相似文献   

The invasion of the northwestern Atlantic by the Indo-Pacific lionfish has developed extraordinarily fast, and is expected to cause one of the most negative ecological impacts among all marine invasions. In less than 30 years, lionfish have dramatically expanded their distribution range to an area encompassing the eastern coast of the USA, Bermuda, the entire Caribbean region and the Gulf of Mexico. The rapidity of the lionfish spread has raised concerns in other parts of the Atlantic that may be under the reach of the invasion. Despite the anticipation that lionfish would eventually extend their range throughout most of the eastern coast of South America, it had not been recorded in Brazil until now. Here we report the first lionfish appearance for the Brazilian coast and show that the individual collected by us is genetically linked to the invasive Caribbean population. Since small-range endemics are found in several locations in Brazil and are among the species that are most vulnerable to extinction, we recommend urgent control, management and education measures aimed at minimizing the effects of this impending invasion.  相似文献   


Microbial metabolisms in sediments play a pivotal role in marine element cycling. In hydrothermal sediments chemosynthetic microorganisms likely prevail, while in non-hydrothermally impacted sediment regimes microorganisms associated with organic matter decomposition are primarily recognized. To test how these microorganisms are distributed along the hitherto neglected transition zone influenced to different degrees by hydrothermal input we sampled four sediment sites: these were (i) near an active vent, (ii) the outer rim, and (iii) the inactive area of the Kairei hydrothermal field as well as (iv) sediments roughly 200?km south-east of the Kairei field. Chemistry and microbial community compositions were different at all sampling sites. Against expectations, the sediments near the active vent did not host typical chemosynthetic microorganisms and chemistry did not indicate current, extensive hydrothermal venting. Data from the outer rim area of the active Kairei field suggested microbially mediated saponite production and diffuse hydrothermal flow from below accompanied by increased metal concentrations. A steep redox gradient in the inactive Kairei field points towards significant redox driven processes resulting in dissolution of hydrothermal precipitates and intense metal mobilization. Local microorganisms were primarily Chloroflexi, Bacillales, Thermoplasmata, and Thaumarchaeota.  相似文献   

Both present-day and past processes can shape connectivity of populations. Pleistocene vicariant events and dispersal have shaped the present distribution and connectivity patterns of aquatic species in the Indo-Pacific region. In particular, the processes that have shaped distribution of amphidromous goby species still remain unknown. Previous studies show that phylogeographic breaks are observed between populations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans where the shallow Sunda shelf constituted a geographical barrier to dispersal, or that the large spans of open ocean that isolate the Hawaiian or Polynesian Islands are also barriers for amphidromous species even though they have great dispersal capacity. Here we assess past and present genetic structure of populations of two amphidromous fish (gobies of the Sicydiinae) that are widely distributed in the Central West Pacific and which have similar pelagic larval durations. We analysed sections of mitochondrial COI, Cytb and nuclear Rhodospine genes in individuals sampled from different locations across their entire known range. Similar to other Sicydiinae fish, intraspecific mtDNA genetic diversity was high for all species (haplotype diversity between 0.9–0.96). Spatial analyses of genetic variation in Sicyopus zosterophorum demonstrated strong isolation across the Torres Strait, which was a geologically intermittent land barrier linking Australia to Papua New Guinea. There was a clear genetic break between the northwestern and the southwestern clusters in Si. zosterophorumST = 0.67502 for COI) and coalescent analyses revealed that the two populations split at 306 Kyr BP (95% HPD 79–625 Kyr BP), which is consistent with a Pleistocene separation caused by the Torres Strait barrier. However, this geographical barrier did not seem to affect Sm. fehlmanni. Historical and demographic hypotheses are raised to explain the different patterns of population structure and distribution between these species. Strategies aiming to conserve amphidromous fish should consider the presence of cryptic evolutionary lineages to prevent stock depletion.  相似文献   

The complete genome sequence of the thermophilic sulphur-reducing bacterium, Deferribacter desulfuricans SMM1, isolated from a hydrothermal vent chimney has been determined. The genome comprises a single circular chromosome of 2 234 389 bp and a megaplasmid of 308 544 bp. Many genes encoded in the genome are most similar to the genes of sulphur- or sulphate-reducing bacterial species within Deltaproteobacteria. The reconstructed central metabolisms showed a heterotrophic lifestyle primarily driven by C1 to C3 organics, e.g. formate, acetate, and pyruvate, and also suggested that the inability of autotrophy via a reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle may be due to the lack of ATP-dependent citrate lyase. In addition, the genome encodes numerous genes for chemoreceptors, chemotaxis-like systems, and signal transduction machineries. These signalling networks may be linked to this bacterium''s versatile energy metabolisms and may provide ecophysiological advantages for D. desulfuricans SSM1 thriving in the physically and chemically fluctuating environments near hydrothermal vents. This is the first genome sequence from the phylum Deferribacteres.  相似文献   

The anatomy of Melanodrymia aurantiaca Hickman, 1984, a coiled archaeogastropod from the East Pacific hydrothermal vents, is described based on reconstructions of paraffin and semi-thin section series. Whereas the large protoconch with net-like sculpture and the lack of a secondary larval shell, the bipectinate gill lacking skeletal rods, the rhipidoglossate rasdula and in particular the hypoathroid nervous system with pedal cords reflect an archaeogastropod level of organization, the single set of pallial organs, the monotocard heart, the single left kidney, the glandular gonoduct and internal fertilization indicated by penis (males) and receptaculum (females) resemble conditions of higher streptoneurans. The latter similarities are regarded as convergences, however. The unique combination of primitive and advanced features as well as specific peculiarities (e.g. neural sexual dimorphism) prevents an inclusion of Melanodrymia aurantiaca in any of the known archaeogastropod groups. Based on similarity of snout formation and similar radula type several other recently described archaeogastropods (Peltospiroidea) are possibly related to M. aurantiaca.  相似文献   

Inselbergs are isolated monolithic outcrops which are characterized by large areas of exposed crystalline rock. Due to harsh edaphic and microclimatic conditions, inselbergs are completely differentiated from their surroundings. Consequently they host a very distinct vegetation which is being investigated on a global scale over a six year period. The seasonal dynamics of Selected plant communities (Afrotrilepis pilosa mat, shallow depression, ephemeral flush vegetation) on granitic inselbergs in the Comoe National Park (NE Ivory Coast) were studied during the rainy period from May to November 1991 by recording all vascular plant species at 12 intervals. For the habitats investigated, the seasonal vegetation dynamics were related to the rainfall pattern. Maximum values both in species diversity and richness were attained in the first third of the rainy period. Drought in August and September caused a decline in species number and diversity in the shallow depression and ephemeral flush vegetation, resulting in mortality of more than 20% of the species. The individual communities studied differed considerably in species diversity and richness. We conclude that ephemeral flush and shallow depression communities are more species rich than the mat community which is dominated by the highly competitive and specialized K-strategist Afrotrilepis pilosa (a poikilohydric Cyperaceae) due to stochastic climatic perturbations which allow the maintenance of species rich non-equilibrium assemblages with r-strategists as major components.  相似文献   

A monospecific assemblage of myodocopid ostracods has been found in the Middle Devonian of a unique hydrothermal vent system of Hamar Laghdad (eastern Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco), which developed over a submarine eruption of basaltic rocks. This fauna has been recovered from a neptunian dyke representing the sediment infill of an Eifelian venting fissure discovered in the central part of Hamar Laghdad. The assemblage consists of thousands of relatively large shells forming a coquina layer in which the valves are disarticulated, perfectly washed, well sorted and stacked into each other. Their orientation points to transport due to fluids migrating in the vent system. The ostracod specimens, on the base of the general outline, the presence of rostrum and rostral incisure is assigned to the order Myodocopida. The new genus and species Hamaroconcha kornickeri is proposed, most likely representing a new family. Its carapace morphology gives no clear clue to its mode of life; however, a relatively long rostral incisure may suggest that frontal appendages of this species were sufficient for active swimming. Therefore, a nectobenthic lifestyle is postulated for H. kornickeri nov. gen., nov. sp. Isotope data from the sediment infill provide evidence for the activity of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study was carried out in 2004-2005 at the anti-tuberculosis centre of Divo (Ivory Coast) to collect sera from patients who consulted for tuberculosis suspicion and to estimate the seroprevalence of human paragonimosis in the context of a systematic screening. No Paragonimus egg was found in the stools and/or sputa of the 167 persons investigated. In contrast, 41 sera were ascertained with antibodies against Paragonimus africanus using ELISA testing. As the optical density (OD) values related to seropositive findings were found under 0.6 (the minimal OD to detect an active paragonimosis), the above antibody titres might originate from patients in chronic or in convalescent stages, or might result of cross reactions with trematodes. Concomitantly, dissection of local crabs (Callinectes marginatus) demonstrated the presence of Paragonimus metacercariae in six out of 34 examined. The parasite burdens in crabs ranged from two to 35 cysts with a mean diameter of 302 microm. In Ivory Coast, the locality of Divo must be considered an at-risk zone in reason of the presence of anti-Paragonimus antibodies in several human sera and the presence of infected crabs at the local market.  相似文献   

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