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Bacterial community structures in two physicochemically different soils from the coastal region of Gujarat, India were investigated using PCR, 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and sequencing methods. The aim of the study was to determine the diversity of bacterial communities inhabiting haloalkaline soil from a semi-arid coastal region. The phylogenetic diversity of bacteria in a haloalkaline soil (EC 20 dS/m; pH 9.5) was compared with a normal soil (EC 0.93 dS/m; pH 7.2). Clones representing phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were found in both soils. Cyanobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, OP10 and Bacteria incertae sedis were detected in normal soil whereas Nitrospira was found only in haloalkaline soil. The dominant phylum in the haloalkaline soil was Bacteroidetes followed by Proteobacteria whereas normal soil was dominated by Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. About 82% of the sequences from the haloalkaline library were related to those previously retrieved from various saline, alkaline and oil-natural gas field ecosystems whereas 50% of the sequences from normal soil resembled sequences of bacteria retrieved from agriculture-related habitats viz. agriculture fields, rhizosphere and grasslands. One third of the total sequences from both soil samples showed low BLAST identities (<95%) suggesting that these soils may harbor unique, novel taxa. Further, the correlation analysis revealed negative correlations of Shannon diversity indices and species evenness with salinity (EC) and pH but positive correlations with total carbon and total nitrogen contents of the soil samples. The haloalkaline soil exhibited less bacterial diversity and communities were significantly different from those of normal soil. In this study, the haloalkaline soil from a semi-arid region supports oligotrophic microbes.

Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the supplemental file.  相似文献   

The bacterial diversity and community structure of high arsenic (As) aquifers was investigated using an integrated approach adopting both geochemistry and molecular biology (polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and 16S rRNA gene clone library analyses). Nine borehole sediments and one groundwater sample from the living place of a villager (affected by arseniasis) and 12 sediments from a control borehole in Hetao Plain were investigated. The As concentrations ranged from 33.6 to 77.6 mg/kg in high As borehole sediments and 1.5 to 5.8 mg/kg in those samples from the control. The As concentration in the groundwater was 744.8 μg/L. Ratios between As(III) and total As in high As sediments increased gradually with depth and ranged from 0.02 to 0.34. Similarly, the Fe(II)/total Fe presented the same increasing trend with depth. The correlation between TOC contents and total As was positive. High concentrations of total As, S, Fe and TOC were found in clay and low in sand samples. Phylogenetic analysis showed significantly different bacterial communities among high As sediments, control sediments and the high As groundwater. Both DGGE and 16S rRNA gene clone library results showed that the high As sediments were dominated by Thiobacillus, Pseudomonas, Brevundimonas, and Hydrogenophaga, with Thiobacillus being distinctly dominant (63.5%). Whereas the low As sediments were dominated by some other genera including Psychrobacter, Massilia and Desulfotalea. The bacterial populations in the high As groundwater mainly included Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Aquabacterium. These results improve our understanding of the bacterial diversity in high As aquifers in Hetao Plain and suggest how specific bacterial populations help mediate the mobilization of As into high As groundwaters.  相似文献   

At the Diavik Waste Rock Project's mine-research site, the microbial colonization and oxidation of waste rock sulfide minerals are attenuated by the extreme freeze-thaw cycle of a permafrost environment. The closure design for the waste rock stockpile consists of a low-sulfide waste rock and low-permeability till, covering a relatively higher sulfide waste rock. This design was examined at the mine site through construction of experimental waste rock piles and active zone lysimeters with and without the till cover. Leachate from these experiments indicates variable pH and SO4 concentrations that correlate with sulfide content and the thermal moderating influence of the till cover. The till initially provided a moderated environment for the production of acid, growth of acidophilic Fe- and S-oxidizing bacteria, and enhanced weathering until wet up and freezing of the till and underlying waste rock as a permafrost. Greater sulfide oxidation was observed above the till cover because of greater exposure to the annual freeze-thaw cycle. An examination of the bacterial communities at the genus level indicates the prevalence of Pseudomonas, Rhodanobacter, Sideroxydans, and Thiobacillus in the waste rock. Pseudomonas spp. were dominant in the drier and more extreme temperature environment above the till cover, while Thiobacillus spp. were dominant in the more sulfide-rich, wetter/frozen environment below the till. A decreasing trend in Thiobacillus spp. from the exterior to the interior and an opposing trend in Acidithiobacillus spp. suggest greater acid generation deeper in the waste rock further from the extreme temperature variation of the tundra climate. The presence of the till cover moderated temperature variations, enhanced the initial rate of sulfide oxidation, and allowed for greater microbial diversity, but the freezing of the till cover and underlying waste rock drastically reduced sulfide oxidation and the generation of acid rock drainage. These results highlight the importance of temperature on microbially catalyzed acid production and our ability to use the extreme temperatures of the tundra climate to minimize potential environmental effects from mining through formation of waste rock permafrost.  相似文献   

为了解大伙房水库生态功能特性和有效改善其水环境质量,2015年5月至2016年4月,在大伙房水库布点采集水样,应用高通量测序技术结合典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)方法,在为期1年的时间内,研究了该水库4个季节细菌的群落结构及其多样性差异与水体环境因子之间的变化...  相似文献   

盐胁迫影响种子萌发和植株形态建成,提高盐胁迫下花生种子萌发速率和成苗健苗率是盐碱地花生高产高效栽培的重要环节之一,花生种子际土壤细菌菌群结构与种子萌发关系密切。为揭示盐胁迫对花生种子际微生物菌群结构的影响,以耐盐花生品种(花育25号,HY25)和盐敏感花生品种(花育20号,HY20)为试验材料,采用盆栽实验和高通量测序技术,研究不同耐盐性品种种子萌发吸胀吸水阶段种子际细菌菌群结构的变化。结果表明,种子际土壤细菌群落以变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)及芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)等为优势菌门,盐胁迫处理可以不同程度的提高厚壁菌门和放线菌门的相对丰度。在属水平上,盐胁迫可以增加有益菌芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)的相对丰度,增强盐胁迫下种子存活能力,提高萌发率。细菌功能预测结果显示,信号转导机制、免疫系统和防御机制等相关功能在盐胁迫处理后明显增强,可能是促进花生萌发并增强花生胁迫应答的重要原因之一。种子际优势菌群的鉴定及机理分析可为通过改良种子际土壤微生物环境,提高花生耐盐性和出苗健苗率提供重要的借鉴意义,同时为开发利用盐碱地提供参考。  相似文献   

Root-knot nematode disease is a widespread and catastrophic disease of tobacco. However, little is known about the relationship between rhizosphere bacterial community and root-knot nematode disease. This study used 16S rRNA gene sequencing and PICRUSt to assess bacterial community structure and function changes in rhizosphere soil from Meloidogyne incognita-infected tobacco plants. We studied the rhizosphere bacterial community structure of M. incognita-infected and uninfected tobacco plants through a paired comparison design in two regions of tobacco planting area, Yuxi and Jiuxiang of Yunnan Province, southwest China. According to the findings, M. incognita infection can alter the bacterial population in the soil. Uninfested soil has more operational taxonomic unit numbers and richness than infested soil. Principal Coordinate Analysis revealed clear separations between bacterial communities from infested and uninfested soil, indicating that different infection conditions resulted in significantly different bacterial community structures in soils. Firmicutes was prevalent in infested soil, but Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria were prevalent in uninfested soil. Sphingomonas, Streptomyces, and Bradyrhizobium were the dominant bacteria genera, and their abundance were higher in infested soil. By PICRUSt analysis, some metabolism-related functions and signal transduction functions of the rhizosphere bacterial community in the M. incognita infection-tobacco plants had a higher relative abundance than those uninfected. As a result, rhizosphere soils from tobacco plants infected with M. incognita showed considerable bacterial community structure and function alterations.  相似文献   

Microbial communities play a vital role in maintaining soil health. A multiphasic approach to assess the effect of pulp and paper mill effluent on both the structure and function of microbial soil communities is taken. Bacterial communities from agricultural soils irrigated with pulp and paper mill effluent were compared to communities form soils irrigated with well water. Samples were taken from fields in the state of Uttarakhand, India, where pulp and paper mill effluent has been used for irrigation for over 25 years. Comparisons of bacterial community structure were conducted using sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from both isolates and clone libraries attained from the soil. Community-level physiological profiling was used to characterize the functional diversity and catabolic profile of the bacterial communities. The multiphasic approach using both physiological and molecular techniques proved to be a powerful tool in evaluating the soil bacterial community population and population differences therein. A significant and consistent difference in the population structure and function was found for the bacterial communities from soil irrigated with effluent in comparison to fields irrigated with well water. The diversity index parameters indicated that the microbial community in pulp and paper mill effluent irrigated fields were more diverse in both structure and function. This suggests that the pulp and paper mill effluent is not having a negative effect on the soil microbial community, but in fact may have a positive influence. In terms of soil health, this finding supports the continued use of pulp and paper mill effluent for irrigation. This is however only one aspect of soil health which was evaluated. Further studies on soil resistance and robustness could be undertaken to holistically evaluate soil health in this situation.  相似文献   

油藏水样细菌群落16S rRNA基因的RFLP分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过16S rRNA基因的限制性酶切片段长度多态性分析(RFLP)方法,考察了油藏水样中细菌群落及多样性。从水样中分离纯化微生物总DNA,选择性扩增细菌16S rRNA基因,并构建16S rDNA克隆文库。337个16S rDNA克隆片段分别用限制性内切酶HinfⅠ和HaeⅢ酶切分析,得到74个操作分类单元(OTUs),其中数量最多的4个OTUs共占克隆子总数的73.6%,另外70个OTUs的丰度均处于较低水平,有57个OTUs仅含有1个克隆子。结果表明,运用RFLP方法分析16S rDNA克隆片段能够有效评估油藏水样中的细菌群落和多样性。  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported wide distribution of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) bacteria in various ecosystems. However, little is known about the distribution of anammox bacteria under varying environmental conditions in intensive aquaculture systems. In Yangcheng Lake, a famous crab farm situated in the Yangtze River Delta, sediment samples were collected in October (feeding period) and January (nonfeeding period) to analyze the distribution and diversity of anammox bacteria and their relationships with environmental factors. Based on the functional biomarker of Anammox bacteria, hzo gene, anammox bacterial clone libraries were constructed and their abundances were determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR). The Anammox bacteria were detected in the lake with the abundances ranging from 0.70 × 105 to 6.05 × 105 copies per gram of sediment. Sequences from eight clone libraries yielded seven unique operational taxonomic units (OTUs), distantly related to the Candidatus Jettenia genera with a similarity of about 91%. The Anammox bacterial community structures, diversities and abundances varied spatiotemporally with environmental conditions. In October, the level of the nitrogen compounds, the diversity, evenness and abundance of Anammox bacteria were higher than in January. The predominant OTU of samples changed from HZO-OTU-1 (34.25%) in January to HZO-OTU-2 (28.90%) in October. Moreover, the site (SW) nearing to sewage inlet was lack of HZO-OTU-7 in January. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the pore water NO2? concentration, ammonium to nitrogen oxides ratio (NH4+/NOx?) and total organic carbon to total nitrogen ratio (TOC/TN) contributed most to Anammox bacterial community structures variances. Pearson correlations analysis revealed that the Anammox bacteria abundance had positive co-relationships with TN, NH4+, NO3? concentrations, and negative correlation with TOC/TN in porewater.  相似文献   

锦鸡儿植物对盐碱地土壤理化性质和细菌群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
锦鸡儿属的多种植物在干旱/半干旱区域水土保持等方面具有显著的作用效果,该研究以柠条锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和小叶锦鸡儿为材料,选择宁夏银北西大滩核心试验站的盐渍化荒地为研究对象,分析了3种锦鸡儿建植1年对盐碱地土壤理化性质及土壤细菌群落的影响,以了解该类植物在盐碱地改良中的作用及生态效应。结果显示:(1)种植锦鸡儿1年能够显著降低盐碱地土壤全盐含量和pH,提高土壤全氮和全磷含量。(2)种植锦鸡儿不影响其非根际土壤细菌群落的α多样性,但小叶锦鸡儿非根际土壤细菌群落的香浓指数最低。(3)不同种锦鸡儿对盐碱地细菌群落结构的影响有所不同,小叶锦鸡儿根际/非根际细菌群落的结构分别与对照土壤以及柠条、中间锦鸡儿根际土壤存在明显差异;在属水平,包括假黄色单胞菌属、新鞘氨醇菌属及根瘤菌属在内的12个优势细菌属的相对丰度在小叶锦鸡儿非根际土壤中显著增加。(4)db-RDA分析表明,盐碱地土壤全盐、全氮及全磷含量分别解释了锦鸡儿非根际细菌群落结构变异信息的23.5%、25.4%和22.2%,3种因子累计共解释48.5%的细菌群落变异(P0.05),但这些因子对锦鸡儿根际细菌群落的变化无显著影响。研究表明,短期种植锦鸡儿属植物对盐碱地土壤理化性质具有一定改良效果,且不影响非根际土壤细菌群落的α多样性,但不同种锦鸡儿对土壤细菌群落结构的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

The influence of carbon sources on bacterial community structure in the gut of the wood-feeding higher termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis was investigated. 16S rRNA gene sequencing and terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analyses revealed that the bacterial community structure changed markedly depending on feed components at the phylum level. Spirochaetes was predominant in the clone libraries from wood- and wood powder-fed termites, whereas Bacteroidetes was the largest group in the libraries from xylan-, cellobiose-, and glucose-fed termites, and Firmicutes was predominant in the library from xylose-fed termites. In addition, clones belonging to the phylum Termite Group I (TG1) were found in the library from xylose-fed termites. Our results indicate that the symbiotic relationship between termite and gut microorganisms is not very strong or stable over a short time, and that termite gut microbial community structures vary depending on components of the feeds.  相似文献   

纳米Fe3O4的广泛应用增加了其暴露到农田环境的可能性,因此亟待研究纳米Fe3O4对农业生态环境的影响.本研究采用盆栽试验方式,研究不同浓度纳米Fe3O4颗粒(1、10、100 mg·kg-1)对生菜生长及土壤细菌群落的影响,并与相应浓度的普通Fe3O4处理进行对比.通过测定植物光合速率常数、植株Fe含量来评价植物生长;采用高通量测序技术研究土壤细菌群落结构及组成.结果表明: 不同浓度纳米Fe3O4的影响不同.低浓度纳米Fe3O4能提高植物生物量,增强植物叶片光合速率,增加土壤中黄单胞菌目的相对丰度,降低蓝细菌、鞘脂杆菌纲的相对丰度,但对群落多样性指数影响不显著.高浓度纳米Fe3O4抑制作物生长,提高植株中Fe积累及土壤电导率,降低细菌群落系统发育多样性,降低黄单胞菌目、鞘脂杆菌纲相对丰度,增加蓝细菌相对丰度.此外,一些土壤功能微生物对纳米Fe3O4及普通Fe3O4处理的响应也存在差异,说明不同粒径及浓度的Fe3O4均会对土壤微生物群落产生影响,并可能影响地上部分植物性状.因此,在评估纳米颗粒的生物学效应时需较多关注土壤微生物.  相似文献   

【目的】探究酸性矿山废水(acid mine drainage,AMD)坑湖中细菌群落沿垂向不同水深的分布规律及与环境因子之间的相互作用。【方法】采用16SrRNA基因高通量测序技术,对安徽省某AMD坑湖中6条采样垂线不同水深深度的细菌群落进行调查,同时测定水质理化指标,使用统计学软件分析细菌和地化参数间的联系。【结果】AMD坑湖中水质特征及细菌群落结构出现明显分层现象,自上而下溶解氧降低而pH和多种金属离子浓度增加,微生物群落结构发生变化,多样性和部分物种的丰度增大。细菌群落组成上,表层水域以Proteobacteria (Alpha、Gammaproteobacteria)和Acidobacteria占据主导地位;中下层水域则由Firmicutes、Acidobacteria、Actinobacteria、Gammaproteobacteria和Patescibacteria等共同主导。统计分析结果表明,TN、DO、ORP、pH、Fe、Mn、Al和Zn与嗜酸细菌丰度显著相关,是细菌空间分布的主要限制因素。【结论】AMD坑湖中水质理化特征和细菌群落分布在垂向空间上存在显著差异,群落的...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the influence of carbon source and inoculum origin on the dynamics of biomass adhesion to an inert support in anaerobic reactors fed with acid mine drainage. Formic acid, lactic acid and ethanol were used as carbon sources. Two different inocula were evaluated: one taken from an UASB reactor and other from the sediment of a uranium mine. The values of average colonization rates and the maximum biomass concentration (Cmax) were inversely proportional to the number of carbon atoms in each substrate. The highest Cmax value (0.35 g TVS g−1 foam) was observed with formic acid and anaerobic sludge as inoculum. Maximum colonization rates (vmax) were strongly influenced by the type of inoculum when ethanol and lactic acid were used. For both carbon sources, the use of mine sediment as inoculum resulted in a vmax of 0.013 g TVS g−1 foam day−1, whereas 0.024 g TVS g−1 foam day−1 was achieved with anaerobic sludge.  相似文献   

通过施用微生物菌肥研究寒地大豆根围土壤细菌多样性和群落组成,缓解因长期施用化肥和农药带来的土壤问题。以大豆合农69为研究对象,设置6个处理:施用大豆专用肥、颗粒肥、复合菌肥、减施15%化肥配施颗粒肥、减施15%化肥配施微生物复合颗粒肥和空白对照,采用高通量测序技术分析大豆荚期根围土壤细菌多样性和群落组成;采用传统统计学方法对株高、荚数、粒数和产量进行统计。门水平放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、Patescibacteria和WPS-2为优势菌门。其中减施15%化肥配施颗粒肥处理的优势菌门为变形菌门,其他几个处理的优势菌门为放线菌门;目、科和属水平Gaiellales/Other、酸杆菌目(Acidobacteriales/Other)、Frankiales/Other、鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、嗜酸栖热菌属(Acidothermus)、芽单胞菌属(Gemma...  相似文献   

不同植茶年限茶树根际土壤细菌多样性及群落结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用传统培养法和高通量测序技术研究不同植茶年限(5年、10年、20年)茶树根际土壤细菌的多样性、结构和组成,并分析茶树土壤理化性质与细菌群落的相关性,为改善茶树的土壤和提高茶树产量提供参考。结果表明:两种方法均指出不同植茶年限下的根际细菌群落结构存在显著性差异,5年和10年茶树细菌多样性显著高于20年茶树细菌;培养法得出厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)为优势门属,高通量测序技术得出酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和CandidatusUdaeobacter属为优势门属;总氮(TN)、总钾(TK)、总磷(TP)、pH是影响茶树细菌群落的关键理化因子;随着植茶年限增加,要采取措施防止土壤酸化,适当增施氮肥和磷肥。  相似文献   

旨在研究乙醇对山羊瘤胃液与水稻秸秆厌氧共培养的影响。利用频繁传代的体外发酵技术和高通量测序方法,分析了短链脂肪酸(SCFA)产量和细菌群落的变化。结果表明,经体外培养传代8次的稻秸发酵液的总短链脂肪酸产量显著高于瘤胃液(P<0.01);与未添加乙醇的稻秸发酵液相比,添加乙醇显著提高了乙酸、戊酸和己酸的比例,降低了丙酸和丁酸的比例(P<0.01),总SCFA产量及异丁酸和异戊酸比例无显著差异。与瘤胃液相比,稻秸发酵液的拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)相对丰度下降,厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)相对丰度升高(P<0.05),且添加乙醇显著提高了厚壁菌门和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)的相对丰度(P<0.05);添加乙醇使双歧杆菌属(Bifidobacterium)、未定性的毛螺菌属(unidentified Lachnospiraceae)、产琥珀酸菌属(Succiniclasticum)、脱硫弧菌属(Desulfovibrio)和未定性的梭菌属(unidentified Clostridiales)的相对丰度显著升高(P<0.05)。乙醇使稻秸发酵液的显著性差异物种(Biomarker)增加;稻秸发酵液与瘤胃液亲缘关系较近,而添加乙醇显著改变了细菌区系;短链脂肪酸比例在稻秸发酵液细菌群落多样性中具有重要作用。研究表明,体外频繁传代和添加乙醇可以提高稻秸发酵液的乙酸、戊酸和己酸产量,乙醇改变了稻秸发酵液的细菌群落结构。  相似文献   

Diatom sediment records of large lakes can be used to decipher the history of ancient phytoplankton. The upper layer of the sediment is an important area of remineralization of the sedimenting phytoplankton biomass. It hosts a bacterial community different from those of both the water column and deeper sediment layers. In this work, we analyzed the structure and diversity of the communities of Bacteria and Archaea in the surface sediment core containing valves of diatoms, the major producers in Lake Baikal. Pyrosequencing of the bacterial V3–V4 region of the 16 S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and archaeal V1–V3 16 S rRNA gene regions yielded 29,168 and 36,997 reads, respectively. In total, we have identified 33 bacterial phyla; uncultured Actinobacteria were the most abundant in the upper layers, while lower sediment was dominated by Firmicutes and Alphaproteobacteria. The composition of the archaeal community changed with depth, but was generally dominated by Crenarchaeota from the classes Marine Group I and Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group, as well as Euryarchaeota from the class Thermoplasmata. These dominant bacterial and archaeal taxa are presumed to participate in the destruction of buried organic matter, which eventually leads to degradation of the diatom valves.  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠灌丛群落谱系结构及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫瑞亚  娄安如 《西北植物学报》2019,39(11):2072-2081
为探究阿拉善荒漠灌丛群落的构建机制,该研究选取净亲缘关系指数(NRI)作为谱系结构指数,在对阿拉善荒漠灌丛群落野外调查的基础上,以群落物种组成为基础数据,计算各样地群落的NRI,并分析NRI在经纬度梯度上的变化趋势及其与土壤因子和水热因子的关系。结果表明:(1)阿拉善荒漠灌丛群落谱系结构在阿拉善高原东南部以发散状态为主,在阿拉善高原西部和北部地区以聚集状态为主。(2)阿拉善荒漠灌丛群落的NRI随经度的升高而减小,随纬度的升高而增大。(3)阿拉善荒漠土壤质地、土壤容重、土壤pH值和土壤有机碳含量与其群落谱系结构均无显著相关性;在降水因子和温度因子中,与群落谱系结构相关系数最大的分别为年降水量和年温度变化范围(最暖月最高温与最冷月最低温的差值),其中:年降水量与NRI呈显著负相关关系,年温度变化范围与NRI呈显著正相关关系,且最暖月最高温和最冷月最低温与NRI均有显著相关性,推测年温度变化范围对阿拉善灌丛群落谱系结构的影响是通过最暖月最高温和最冷月最低温起作用的。研究发现,阿拉善高原东南部区域的荒漠灌丛群落构成主要受竞争排斥的作用,其西部和北部地区的群落构成主要受环境过滤的影响;阿拉善荒漠灌丛群落的谱系结构主要受年降水量和极端温度的影响。  相似文献   

为了解生物炭基肥替代化肥减量施用的田间长期效应,利用定位试验研究连续5 a炭基肥替代化肥对蔬菜产量、土壤理化性质和细菌群落结构的影响。结果表明,连续5 a实施炭基有机肥替代化肥,土壤p H提高了0.13~0.25,土壤有机质、碱解氮和有效磷含量也分别提高了2.1%~62.2%、5.8%~86.0%和0.4%~103.1%,炭基肥替代化肥处理的荠菜(Capsella bursapastoris)产量提高了4.0%~14.8%,但75%替代处理较50%替代处理有所降低。炭基肥替代化肥处理的土壤菌群Sobs、Shannon、Ace和Chao指数均高于单施化肥处理,且均以75%替代处理最高。炭基肥替代化肥显著降低了土壤中硝化菌属(Nitrolancea)、拟无枝酸菌属(Amycolatopsis)、芽单胞菌属(Gemmatimonas)等的丰度,增加了纤维素降解菌菌群(Planifilum、Saccharomonospora)的丰度。芽单胞菌属、Ilumatobacteraceae、Methyloligellaceae等的丰度与土壤全氮、全磷、有机质间具有显著的相关性。可见,连续炭基肥替代化肥...  相似文献   

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