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Ovarian cysts in high-yielding dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the hormonal and morphologic changes associated with ovarian cyst formation in high-yielding dairy cows. Follicle fluid was aspirated from 90 cysts and 15 preovulatory and 18 subordinate follicles and used for hormonal determination. Pieces of cystic wall were subjected to morphologic and immunohistochemical evaluation. Cysts were characterized by low concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), and glucose and high activity of IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Insulin and IGF-I levels were (mean ± SEM) 205 ± 22 pg/mL and 146 ± 42 ng/mL in preovulatory follicles and 3 ± 1 pg/mL and 61 ± 6 ng/mL in cysts, respectively (P < 0.001). Insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins activity was about 10 times higher in cysts than in preovulatory follicles. Cysts were classified into three types according to their estradiol-to-progesterone (E/P) ratio. Type 1 cysts (n = 23) exhibited the highest E/P ratio (10.8 ± 2.3), partial loss of granulosa cells, and severe morphologic changes in the theca interna. Expression of P450 side-chain cleavage and P450 17α-hydroxylase was noted in theca cells and expression of inhibin-α in granulosa cells. Type 2 cysts (n = 35) had a low E/P ratio (0.07 ± 0.02), and patches of luteal-like tissue in the cystic wall. Type 3 cysts (n = 32) had an E/P ratio of 0.91 ± 0.17, and no recognizable granulosa or theca cells. In summary, intrafollicular steroid levels as expressed by E/P ratio, together with IGF-I and insulin levels and morphologic changes in the follicular wall, may serve as accurate cyst-classification parameters. Because IGF-I and/or insulin play an essential role in the final stage of follicle development, it can be speculated that abnormal levels of these metabolic hormones might lead to follicle dysfunction, resulting in follicular regression or cyst formation.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the intrafollicular environment to which the preovulatory oocyte is exposed may be one of the major factors determining subsequent fertility. The aim of our study was to examine to what extent metabolic changes that occur in early post partum high-yielding dairy cows are reflected in the follicular fluid (FF) of the dominant follicle (>8 mm). Nine blood samples were taken per cow from nine high-yielding dairy cows between 7 days before and 46 days after parturition. From Day 14 post partum on and together with blood sampling, FF samples of the largest follicle were collected from the same cows by means of transvaginal follicle aspiration. Serum and FF samples were analyzed using commercial clinical and photometric chemistry assays for glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-OHB), urea, total protein (TP), triglycerides (TG), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total cholesterol (TC). All cows lost body condition during the experimental period (0.94+/-0.09 points) illustrating a negative energy balance during the experimental period. In FF, glucose concentrations were significantly higher and the TP, TG, NEFA and TC concentrations were significantly lower than in serum (P<0.05). The concentrations of glucose, beta-OHB, urea and TC in serum and in FF changed significantly over time (P<0.05). Throughout the study, changes of all metabolites in serum were reflected by similar changes in FF. Especially for glucose, beta-OHB and urea the correlations were remarkably high. The results from the present study confirm that the typical metabolic adaptations which can be found in serum of high-yielding dairy cows shortly post partum, are reflected in follicular fluid and, therefore, may affect the quality of both the oocyte and the granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare embryo quality of lactating Holstein Friesian cows (LHFC), non-lactating Holstein Friesian heifers (NLHFH) and Belgian Blue beef cows (BB) and to identify factors that are associated with embryo quality in LHFC and NLHFH. After superovulation and embryo recovery at Day 7, embryos (n=727 from 47 LHFC, 27 NLHFH and 50 BB) were scored morphologically for quality, colour and developmental stage. Blood samples and data concerning parity, age, milk production and management were collected. Data were compared univariably between the three groups. A multivariable regression model was built with quality and colour of the LHFC and NLHFH embryos as dependent variables. Only 13.1% of LHFC embryos were categorized as excellent compared to 62.5% and 55.0% of the embryos in NLHFH and BB, respectively. Almost none of the NLHFH or BB embryos displayed a dark appearance of the cytoplasm compared to 24.1% of the LHFC embryos. Only 4% of all LHFC embryos reached blastocyst stage compared to 23.2% and 17.3% in NLHFH and BB. Based on the multivariable regression analysis, "physiological status" (lactating or not) together with the serum total protein concentration of LHFC and NLHFH, was significantly associated with embryo quality and colour. Thus, LHFC display an inferior embryo quality compared to NLHFH and BB. Producing milk or not seems to be significantly associated with embryo quality. Therefore, reduced embryo quality on Day 7 following AI, could be an important factor in the subfertility problem in modern high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

Increasing the provision of non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) during the prepartum period is a feeding strategy that has been recommended to facilitate the transition to the onset of lactation and improve dairy cow performance, but results are contradictory, probably because most studies have confounded the effects of level and source of energy. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of the source of carbohydrate offered in the prepartum diet on postpartum cow performance. Holstein dairy cows (n=24) were assigned to receive diets with either low (LNFC), or high (HNFC) levels of NFC during the last 3 weeks before expected calving date according to a randomized complete block design. Soybean hulls and corn grain were the main energy ingredients in the LNFC and HNFC total mixed rations (TMR), respectively, and diets were designed to be isocaloric and isoproteic. After calving, all cows were managed as a single group until day 56 postpartum and grazed on improved pastures and were supplemented with a TMR. Body condition score evaluation and blood sampling were performed weekly throughout the experimental period to monitor the metabolic status of the animals. Prepartum glucose concentrations tended to be greater in HNFC than LNFC, but there was no effect on prepartum or postpartum insulin concentrations. Although nutrient intake was greater in the immediate week after calving in HNFC than LNFC, treatment did not affect milk yield and composition. In conclusion, increasing the NFC intake during the prepartum period, at a similar level of energy and protein intake, had a marginal residual effect on postpartum intake, and did not affect metabolic status or milk production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the quality of successive dominant follicles (DFs) after induced heat stress. Non-lactating dairy cows expressing estrus at normal intervals were allocated randomly to heat stress (HS; n=8) and control (C; n=8) groups. Cows received GnRH (100 microg, i.m.) on Day 0, a progesterone CIDR-B device on Day 4 and prostaglandin (PGF(2alpha); 25mg, i.m.) on Day 7 upon removal of the CIDR device. The DF and follicles >5mm were aspirated on Day 8, and GnRH (100 microg) injected following aspiration, to initiate a new follicular wave. In this manner, a DF was aspirated every 8 days (one "follicular cycle") for 10 cycles. After the first follicular cycle, HS cows were placed in environmental chambers for 7 days during the second follicular cycle (8h per day at 43.3 degrees C set point and 16h per day at 24 degrees C for 4 days, and 8h per day at 43.3 degrees C set point and 16h per day at 32.2 degrees C set point for 3 days; relative humidity, 40%) and thereafter maintained outdoors with control cows at a mean ambient temperature (18.5 degrees C; range 12.7-26 degrees C). Rectal temperature increased (P<0.001) in HS as compared with C cows (39.28+/-0.01 degrees C versus 38.78+/-0.01 degrees C). Concentrations of estradiol (E(2); 1662+/-189 versus 1493+/-188ng/ml) and progesterone (P(4); 44.7+/-5 versus 54.1+/-5.1ng/ml) in follicular fluid (FF) of DF did not differ between C and HS treatments, respectively. Total FF protein concentration was greater (P<0.05) in HS (99.7+/-2.3mg/ml) than in C (92.7+/-2.3mg/ml). Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp 90) in FF was not altered by heat stress. IGF-II ligand blots were conducted with FF samples (n=79) from four HS and four C cows. There was a predominance of IGFBP-3 in 76 of 79 FF samples, indicating healthy follicular status, and only three FF samples had the lower molecular weight IGFBP-2 indicative of a poor quality follicle. Plasma P(4) and E(2) concentrations did not differ between C and HS groups. The number of class 1 and 3 follicles increased during and just after heat stress, but the number of class 2 follicles did not differ between C and HS cows. Heat stress appeared to induce a decrease in follicular dominance, but GnRH-induced follicular cycles resulted in development of healthy preovulatory follicles in both groups.  相似文献   

Metabolic changes in blood serum may be reflected in the biochemical composition of follicular fluid and could indirectly influence oocyte quality. The purpose of this study was to examine the biochemical composition of follicular fluid harvested from different-sized follicles and its relationship with that of blood serum in dairy cattle. Following slaughter, blood samples were collected from dairy cows (n=30) and follicular fluid aspirated from three size classes of non-atretic follicles (<4 mm, 6–8 mm and >10 mm diameter). Samples remained independent between cows and between size classes within cows. Serum and follicular fluid samples were assayed using commercial clinical and photometric chemistry assays for ions (sodium, potassium and chloride) and metabolites (glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB), lactate, urea, total protein, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total cholesterol). Results showed that follicular fluid concentrations of glucose, β-OHB and total cholesterol increased from small to large follicles and decreased for potassium, chloride, lactate, urea and triglycerides. There was a significant concentration gradient for all variables between their levels in serum and follicular fluid (P<0.05). Significant correlations were observed for chloride (r=0.40), glucose (r=0.56), β-OHB (r=0.85), urea (r=0.95) and total protein (r=0.60) for all three follicle size classes and for triglycerides (r=0.43), NEFA (r=0.50) and total cholesterol (r=0.42) for large follicles (P<0.05). The results from the present study suggest that the oocyte and the granulosa cells of dairy cows grow and mature in a biochemical environment that changes from small to large follicles. Furthermore, the significant correlation between the composition of serum and follicular fluid for the above-mentioned metabolites suggests that metabolic changes in serum levels will be reflected in the follicular fluid and, therefore, may affect the quality of both the oocyte and the granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Anestrus is common during the postpartum period in high-producing dairy cows. In a previous investigation, we were able to diagnose persistent follicles of 8 to 12 mm in anestrous cows. This report describes 2 consecutive studies. The objectives of the first were to 1) assess the association of persistent follicles with anestrus; and 2) evaluate 2 therapeutic treatments. In the second study, we compared the effectiveness of the best treatment established in Study 1 with the Ovsynch protocol. For Study 1, anestrous cows were considered to have a persistent follicle if it was possible to observe a single follicular structure > 8 mm in the absence of a corpus luteum or a cyst in 2 ultrasonographic examinations performed at an interval of 7 d. At diagnosis (Day 0), cows were assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups. Cows in Group GnRH/PGF (n=17) were treated with 100 microg GnRH i.m., and 25 mg PGF2alpha i.m. on Day 14. Cows in Group PRID (n=18) were fitted with a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID, containing 1.55 g of progesterone) for 9 d and were given 100 microg GnRH i.m. at the time of PRID insertion, and 25 mg PGF2alpha i.m. on Day 7. Cows in Group Control (n=18) received no treatment. The animals were inseminated at observed estrus and were monitored weekly by ultrasonography until AI or 5 weeks from diagnosis. Blood samples were also collected on a weekly basis for progesterone determination. The mean size of persistent follicles on Day 0 was 9.4 +/- 0.04 mm. Progesterone levels were < 0.2 ng/mL during the first 35 d in 16 of 18 Control cows. Cows in the PRID group showed a lower persistent follicle rate (16.7% < 70.6% < 88.9%; P < 0.0001; PRID vs GnRH/PGF vs Control, respectively); a higher estrus detection rate (83.3% > 29.4% > 11.1%; P < 0.0001) and a higher pregnancy rate (27.8% > 5.9% > 0%; P = 0.02). For the second study, 145 cows with persistent follicles were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups: cows in Group Ovsynch (n=73) were treated with 100 microg GnRH i.m. on Day 0, 25 mg PGF2alpha i.m. on Day 7, and 100 microm GnRH i.m. 32 h later. Cows in this group were inseminated 16 to 20 h after the second GnRH dose (Ovsynch protocol). Cows in Group PRID (n=72) were treated as those in the PRID group of Study 1, and were inseminated 56 h after PRID removal. Cows in the PRID group showed a higher ovulation rate (84.8% > 8.2%: P < 0.0001); a higher pregnancy rate (34.2% > 4.1%; P < 0.0001) and lower follicular persistence rate (22.2% < 63%; P < 0.0001) than those in Ovsynch. Our results indicate that persistent follicles affect cyclic ovarian function in lactating dairy cows. Cows with persistent follicles can be successfully synchronized and time inseminated using progesterone, GnRH and PGF2alpha but show a limited response to treatment with GnRH plus PGF2alpha.  相似文献   

It was the aim of this investigation to study the combined effect of superovulation and non-surgical recovery on the fertility of the donor animals. Injection of a prostaglandin analogue at the day of collection (days 6–8 after standing heat), significantly shortened the super-ovulatory estrus cycle (21.3 ± 10.0 days), when compared with untreated donor animals (38.7 ± 15.1 days). The prostaglandin treatment, however, also led to more irregular estrous cycles, resulting in a lower pregnancy rate after first insemination (47%) and a need for more inseminations per conception (2.00 ± 1.00), than in animals not treated with prostaglandin analogue (92.3% and 1.06 ± 0.29 AI/conception). For all animals these parameters were 66.6% and 1.60 ± 0.99 AI/conception). The average time from calving to pregnancy was 143.1 ± 34.3 days, slightly longer for prostaglandin treated (148.2 ± 39.4 days) than for untreated animals (137.3 ± 22.8 days). One animal developed endometritis and one had adhesions in the bursa ovarii. It was found that most donors attained normal fertility, and that superovulation was more likely to affect the fertility (abnormal cyclicity, early embryonic mortality e.g.) than the flushing of the uterus. Treatment with a prostaglandin analogue at the day of collection did not improve the subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

Thirty dairy cows exhibiting both nymphomania and cystic ovaries - 15 unilateral and 15 bilateral - were injected intravenously with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) over a twentyfold dose range, varying from 1.1 to 22.0 IU/kg (0.5 to 10.0 IU/1b) body weight to determine its efficacy of inducing ovulation and subsequent fertilization. Ovulation of cystic and/or noncystic follicles was induced in 28 cows (93.3%), with a higher rate among those with unilateral than bilateral cysts whether based on total (32 vs 22) or mean (2.1 vs 1.5) number of ovulations. While ovulations per cow varied from zero to three, no correlation between dose level of hCG and number of ovulations was evident. Time of ovulation following hCG injection did not differ significantly between unilaterally and bilaterally cystic cows nor between cystic and noncystic follicles, ranging from 23 to 31 +/- 1 hr and averaging 27.3 +/- 1 hr postinjection. A significant difference was found between unilaterally and bilaterally cystic cows in the occurrence of fertilized (11:1), unfertilized (11:6), degenerate (2:2), and unrecovered (8:11) ova.  相似文献   

The effects of intra-abomasal infusion of a mixture of -casomorphins on circulating concentrations of insulin and glucose prestimulated by either abomasal (experiment 1) or intravenous (experiment 2) glucose were studied using non-lactating dairy cows. In both experiments, bolus infusion of 240 mg of a mixture of three beta-casomorphins (beta-casomorphin-4-amide, -5 and -7) was given via an abomasal infusion line. The beta-casomorphins significantly lowered the responses of serum insulin to both abomasal and intravenous glucose infusions (P<0.05). However, the beta-casomorphins did not significantly affect circulating glucose concentrations. The insulinopenic action of the beta-casomorphins is consistent with the action of somatostatin-28 (SS-28) as judged from the effects of SS-28 on the insulin secretion when administered intravenously in experiment 1.  相似文献   

Lactating Friesian dairy cows (2nd-4th parity) which calved in spring (N = 7) or autumn (N = 15) were used. Their ovaries were examined by ultrasound scanning and blood samples were obtained daily for progesterone and oestradiol concentrations from the 5th day after calving until the first post-partum ovulation occurred. Five autumn-calving cows selected at random were bled every 15 min over a 6-h period on 1 day each week for 4 weeks after calving to assess the patterns of LH secretion. Follicular development during the post-partum anoestrous period was characterized by the growth and regression of small (less than or equal to 4 mm) and medium-sized (5-9 mm) follicles, until a dominant follicle (greater than 10 mm) was detected. The first detected dominant follicle ovulated in 14 cows, became cystic in 4 cows (all in autumn), and failed to ovulate in 1 cow. It was not possible to detect a dominant follicle in 3 cows due to scanning difficulties. The post-partum interval to detection of the first dominant follicle (mean +/- s.d.) was shorter (P less than 0.05) in autumn (6.8 +/- 1.8 days) than in spring (20 +/- 10.1 days). However, there was no significant difference between the respective intervals to first ovulation (autumn 27.4 +/- 25.9 and spring 27.3 +/- 18.9 days). Autumn-calved cows which had cysts had longer (P less than 0.001) intervals to first ovulation (58.2 +/- 23.5 days) than did normal cows (12.0 +/- 2.5 days). All cows with cysts had twin ovulations at their first post-partum ovulation. A pulsatile pattern of LH secretion was detected in the first week post-partum and LH pulse frequency was 2-3 per 6-h period in Weeks 1 and 2 post partum and increased to 5-7 pulses per 6-h period in the presence of a dominant or cystic follicle. Concentrations of progesterone in plasma during post-partum anoestrus were usually low (less than 0.2 ng/ml); oestradiol concentrations were also low (less than 5 pg/ml), but higher values (5-110 pg/ml) were observed in cows that had a dominant or a cystic follicle.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine circulating concentrations of progesterone (P4) in cows with ovarian follicular cysts (OFCs) and to relate differing levels of P4 to subsequent follicular events. In experiment 1, peripheral concentrations of P4 were determined in cows diagnosed with OFCs. Nonpregnant, lactating Holstein and Jersey cows (n = 32) were diagnosed as having OFCs by rectal palpation. Ovarian follicular cysts were then examined by transrectal ultrasonography to confirm the presence of OFCs (follicle diameter, >/=17 mm; absence of luteal tissue). At confirmation, a blood sample was collected for quantification of P4. The concentration of P4 at confirmation was classified as low (<0.1 ng/ml), intermediate (0.1-1.0 ng/ml), or high (1.0-2.0 ng/ml). More OFCs were associated with intermediate (66%) than with either low (28%) or high (6%) concentrations of P4. In experiment 2, the fate of follicles (diameter, >/=10 mm) that formed in the presence of an OFC was determined and related to circulating concentrations of P4 during follicular development. Follicles (n = 59) that formed in the presence of an OFC ovulated (n = 19), formed a cyst (n = 30), or underwent normal growth and regression (NGR; n = 10). Endogenous P4 in the 7-day period during follicular development was classified as low (if P4 dropped to <0.1 ng/ml for 1 day or longer), intermediate (if P4 averaged between 0.1 and 1.0 ng/ml and never dropped to <0.1 ng/ml), or high (if P4 averaged >1.0 ng/ml and never dropped to <0.1 ng/ml). In the presence of intermediate P4, 75% of observed follicles formed cysts, compared with 10% that ovulated and 15% that experienced NGR. In the presence of low P4, 53%, 41%, and 6% of follicles ovulated, formed a follicular cyst, or experienced NGR, respectively. Thus, an association between intermediate P4 and the formation of OFCs was established.  相似文献   

Unsatisfactory reproductive performance in dairy cows, such as reduced conception rates, in addition to an increased incidence of early embryonic mortality, is reported worldwide and has been associated with a period of negative energy balance (NEB) early post partum. Typically, NEB is associated with biochemical changes such as high non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA), high β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB) and low glucose concentrations. The concentrations of these and other metabolites in the follicular fluid (FF) of high-yielding dairy cows during NEB were determined and extensively analyzed, and then were replicated in in vitro maturation models to investigate their effect on oocyte quality. The results showed that typical metabolic changes during NEB are well reflected in the FF of the dominant follicle. However, the oocyte seems to be relatively isolated from extremely elevated NEFA or very low glucose concentrations in the blood. Nevertheless, the in vitro maturation models revealed that NEB-associated high NEFA and low glucose levels in the FF are indeed toxic to the oocyte, resulting in deficient oocyte maturation and developmental competence. Induced apoptosis and necrosis in the cumulus cells was particularly obvious. Furthermore, maturation in saturated free fatty acid-rich media had a carry-over effect on embryo quality, leading to reduced cryotolerance of day 7 embryos. Only β-OHB showed an additive toxic effect in moderately hypoglycemic maturation conditions. These in vitro maturation models, based on in vivo observations, suggest that a period of NEB may hamper the fertility of high-yielding dairy cows through increased NEFA and decreased glucose concentrations in the FF directly affecting oocyte quality. In addition to oocyte quality, these results also demonstrate that embryo quality is reduced following an NEB episode. This important observation may be linked to the typical diet provided to stimulate milk yield, or to physiological adaptations sustaining the high milk production. Research into this phenomenon is ongoing.  相似文献   

The resumption of ovarian activity after normal calvings was studied in 18 lactating Friesian cows. Since, in 17 cows, first post-partum ovulation occurred without overt oestrous behaviour being detected, the resultant cycles were called 'ovarian cycles'. The mean (+/- s.d.) length of the ovarian cycles was 21.0 +/- 8.7 days. The duration of cycles tended to be normal (18-24 days) or long (greater than or equal to 25 days) when the ovulatory dominant follicles were identified before Day 10 post partum; they were consistently short (9-13 days) when dominant follicles identified after Day 20 post partum ovulated. When such follicles were detected between Days 10 and 20 post partum, long, normal and short ovarian cycles were detected. The number of waves of follicular growth with associated dominant follicles observed during the ovarian cycles tended to be related to cycle length; short cycles had 1 dominant follicle, normal cycles predominantly 2, and long cycles mostly 3 dominant follicles. The mean (+/- s.d.) duration of 13 oestrous cycles studied was 23.1 +/- 2.1 days. Of these cycles, 7 had 3 and 6 had 2 dominant follicles. The oestrous cycles with 3 dominant follicles had a mean (+/- s.d.) duration of 24.0 +/- 1.2 days and the respective dominant non-ovulatory follicles reached maximum sizes on Days 8 and 18, respectively; oestrous cycles with 2 dominant follicles were 22.2 +/- 2.6 days in duration, and the dominant non-ovulatory follicle reached maximum size by Day 8. Ovarian follicular development during the first 45 days of pregnancy was characterized by the growth and regression of successive dominant follicles, each lasting 10-12 days. These results show that the first ovarian cycle was predominantly short when the ovulatory dominant follicle was first detected after Day 20 post partum.  相似文献   

Impairment of the insulin regulation of energy metabolism is considered to be an etiologic key component for metabolic disturbances. Methods for studies of insulin sensitivity thus are highly topical. There are clear indications that reduced insulin sensitivity contributes to the metabolic disturbances that occurs especially among obese lactating cows. Direct measurements of insulin sensitivity are laborious and not suitable for epidemiological studies. We have therefore adopted an indirect method originally developed for humans to estimate insulin sensitivity in dairy cows. The method, "Revised Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index" (RQUICKI) is based on plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin and free fatty acids (FFA) and it generates good and linear correlations with different estimates of insulin sensitivity in human populations. We hypothesized that the RQUICKI method could be used as an index of insulin function in lactating dairy cows. We calculated RQUICKI in 237 apparently healthy dairy cows from 20 commercial herds. All cows included were in their first 15 weeks of lactation. RQUICKI was not affected by the homeorhetic adaptations in energy metabolism that occurred during the first 15 weeks of lactation. In a cohort of 24 experimental cows fed in order to obtain different body condition at parturition RQUICKI was lower in early lactation in cows with a high body condition score suggesting disturbed insulin function in obese cows. The results indicate that RQUICKI might be used to identify lactating cows with disturbed insulin function.  相似文献   

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