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The properties of Slr1944 protein encoded by the slr1944 gene and participating in the metabolism of lipophilic compounds in a cyanobacterium Synechocystis were under study. Located in the periplasm, this protein comprises a conserved pentapeptide G-X-S-X-G characteristic of lipases, acetylcholinesterases, and thioesterases. An attempt to delete the gene from the cyanobacterial genome failed; this fact presumes an essential function of Slr1944 protein under the optimum growth conditions. Expression of the slr1944 gene in Escherichia coli cells demonstrated a high affinity of the product for lipophilic compounds. An enhanced slr1944 expression deprived Synechocystis cells of the ability to restore the activity of the photosynthetic electron-transport chain following photoinactivation. The authors believe that Slr1944 participates in the biogenesis of the lipophilic components of photosynthetic complexes.  相似文献   

The gene encoding a putative nitrilase was identified in the genome sequence of the photosynthetic cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. The gene was amplified by PCR and cloned into an expression vector. The encoded protein was heterologously expressed in the native form and as a His-tagged protein in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant strains were shown to convert benzonitrile to benzoate. The active enzyme was purified to homogeneity and shown by gel filtration to consist probably of 10 subunits. The purified nitrilase converted various aromatic and aliphatic nitriles. The highest enzyme activity was observed with fumarodinitrile, but also some rather hydrophobic aromatic (e.g., naphthalenecarbonitrile), heterocyclic (e.g., indole-3-acetonitrile), or long-chain aliphatic (di-)nitriles (e.g., octanoic acid dinitrile) were converted with higher specific activities than benzonitrile. From aliphatic dinitriles with less than six carbon atoms only 1 mol of ammonia was released per mol of dinitrile, and thus presumably the corresponding cyanocarboxylic acids formed. The purified enzyme was active in the presence of a wide range of organic solvents and the turnover rates of dodecanoic acid nitrile and naphthalenecarbonitrile were increased in the presence of water-soluble and water-immiscible organic solvents.  相似文献   

PCR扩增了集胞藻PCC6803的slr1761基因,进一步以PGEM-T为载体将其克隆到大肠杆菌中,构建了P1761质粒。通过DNA体外重组,以卡那霉素抗性基因插入目的基因片段,构建了既含目的基因上游及下游序列、又携带选择性标记卡那霉素抗性的PK1761质粒。该质粒转化野生型集胞藻PCC6803细胞,利用同源重组原理获得了能在含卡那霉素的培养基上正常生长的基因敲除突变株。对该突变株基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,验证了其基因结构的正确性。  相似文献   

Protein lysine methylation is a prevalent post-translational modification (PTM) and plays critical roles in all domains of life. However, its extent and function in photosynthetic organisms are still largely unknown. Cyanobacteria are a large group of prokaryotes that carry out oxygenic photosynthesis and are applied extensively in studies of photosynthetic mechanisms and environmental adaptation. Here we integrated propionylation of monomethylated proteins, enrichment of the modified peptides, and mass spectrometry (MS) analysis to identify monomethylated proteins in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (Synechocystis). Overall, we identified 376 monomethylation sites in 270 proteins, with numerous monomethylated proteins participating in photosynthesis and carbon metabolism. We subsequently demonstrated that CpcM, a previously identified asparagine methyltransferase in Synechocystis, could catalyze lysine monomethylation of the potential aspartate aminotransferase Sll0480 both in vivo and in vitro and regulate the enzyme activity of Sll0480. The loss of CpcM led to decreases in the maximum quantum yield in primary photosystem II (PSII) and the efficiency of energy transfer during the photosynthetic reaction in Synechocystis. We report the first lysine monomethylome in a photosynthetic organism and present a critical database for functional analyses of monomethylation in cyanobacteria. The large number of monomethylated proteins and the identification of CpcM as the lysine methyltransferase in cyanobacteria suggest that reversible methylation may influence the metabolic process and photosynthesis in both cyanobacteria and plants.  相似文献   

蓝细菌ORF469的分子克隆和缺失突变工程株的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PCR扩增了蓝细菌Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803的ORF469(编码469个氨基酸的开放阅读框),进一步以pUC118为载体将其克隆到E.Coli中,构建了pOQ2质粒。通过DNA体外重组,以红霉素抗性基因取代部分克隆化ORF469片段,又构建丁缺失ORF469片段(保留部分上游和下游序列)的pOQ22质粒。用pOQ22质粒转化Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803野生株细胞,获ORF489缺失突变工程株,它在红霉素抗性培养基上生长正常。对缺失突变工程株DNA的PCR和Southern blot分析证明,Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803的ORF469已被删除。色素测定结果揭示Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803中ORF469表达产物控制细胞内不依赖光的叶绿素生物合成。  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophic organisms capable of oxygen-producingphotosynthesis similar to that in eukaryotic algae and plants,and because of this, they have been used as model organismsfor the study of the mechanism and regulation of oxygen-producingphotosynthesis. To understand the entire genetic system in cyanobacteria,the nucleotide sequence of the entire genome of the unicellularcyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 has been determined.The total length of the circular genome is 3,573,470 bp, witha GC content of 47.7%. A total of 3,168 potential protein codinggenes were assigned. Of these, 145 (4.6%) were identical toreported genes, and 1,259 (39.6%) and 342 (10.8%) showed similarityto reported and hypothetical genes, respectively. The remaining1,422 (45.0%) showed no apparent similarity to any genes registeredin the databases. Classification of the genes by their biologicalfunction and comparison of the gene complement with those ofother organisms have revealed a variety of features of the geneticinformation characteristic of a photoautotrophic organism. Thesequence data, as well as other information on the Synechocystisgenome, is presented in CyanoBase on WWW [http://www.kazusa.or.jp/cyano/]. (Received July 24, 1997; Accepted September 17, 1997)  相似文献   

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is the most popular cyanobacterial strain, serving as a standard in the research fields of photosynthesis, stress response, metabolism and so on. A glucose-tolerant (GT) derivative of this strain was used for genome sequencing at Kazusa DNA Research Institute in 1996, which established a hallmark in the study of cyanobacteria. However, apparent differences in sequences deviating from the database have been noticed among different strain stocks. For this reason, we analysed the genomic sequence of another GT strain (GT-S) by 454 and partial Sanger sequencing. We found 22 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in comparison to the published sequence of the Kazusa strain. However, Sanger sequencing of 36 direct PCR products of the Kazusa strains stored in small aliquots resulted in their identity with the GT-S sequence at 21 of the 22 sites, excluding the possibility of their being SNPs. In addition, we were able to combine five split open reading frames present in the database sequence, and to remove the C-terminus of an ORF. Aside from these, two of the Insertion Sequence elements were not present in the GT-S strain. We have thus become able to provide an accurate genomic sequence of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 for future studies on this important cyanobacterial strain.  相似文献   

The impact of hypergravity and simulated weightlessness were studied to check whether cyanobacteria perceive changes of gravity as stress. Hypergravity generated by a low-speed centrifuge increased slightly the overall activity of dehydrogenases, but the increase was the same for 90 g and 180 g. The protein pattern did not show qualitative alterations during hypergravity treatment up to 180 g. Cells of Synechocystis PCC 6803 subjected to common stressors like salt, heat, and light clearly accumulated at least four general stress proteins (25, 31, 34, and 63 kDa, respectively). Three of these proteins could also be detected after hypergravity, but in such small amounts that their occurrence could only be taken as a weak indication of stress. Low-molecular-weight stress metabolites were not synthesized in response to hypergravity, indicating that this gravity change was unable to activate the osmotic signal transduction chain. Gravity-dependent alterations were observed only during simulated weightlessness (generated by a fast-rotating clinostat). The glutamate/glutamine ratio was significantly shifted toward a higher glutamine portion. Altogether, the results may indicate that moderate changes of gravity were hardly, if ever, sensed as stress by cyanobacteria. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Arsenic is a ubiquitous contaminant and a toxic metalloid which presents two main redox states in nature: arsenite [AsIII] and arsenate [AsV]. Arsenic resistance in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is mediated by the arsBHC operon and two additional arsenate reductases encoded by the arsI1 and arsI2 genes. Here we describe the genome-wide responses to the presence of arsenate and arsenite in wild type and mutants in the arsenic resistance system. Both forms of arsenic produced similar responses in the wild type strain, including induction of several stress related genes and repression of energy generation processes. These responses were transient in the wild type strain but maintained in time in an arsB mutant strain, which lacks the arsenite transporter. In contrast, the responses observed in a strain lacking all arsenate reductases were somewhat different and included lower induction of genes involved in metal homeostasis and Fe-S cluster biogenesis, suggesting that these two processes are targeted by arsenite in the wild type strain. Finally, analysis of the arsR mutant strain revealed that ArsR seems to only control 5 genes in the genome. Furthermore, the arsR mutant strain exhibited hypersentivity to nickel, copper and cadmium and this phenotype was suppressed by mutation in arsB but not in arsC gene suggesting that overexpression of arsB is detrimental in the presence of these metals in the media.  相似文献   

Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a crucial role in the growth and development of plants. The ethylene receptors in plants are well studied, and it is generally assumed that they are found only in plants. In a search of sequenced genomes, we found that many bacterial species contain putative ethylene receptors. Plants acquired many proteins from cyanobacteria as a result of the endosymbiotic event that led to chloroplasts. We provide data that the cyanobacterium Synechocystis (Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803) has a functional receptor for ethylene, Synechocystis Ethylene Response1 (SynEtr1). We first show that SynEtr1 directly binds ethylene. Second, we demonstrate that application of ethylene to Synechocystis cells or disruption of the SynEtr1 gene affects several processes, including phototaxis, type IV pilus biosynthesis, photosystem II levels, biofilm formation, and spontaneous cell sedimentation. Our data suggest a model where SynEtr1 inhibits downstream signaling and ethylene inhibits SynEtr1. This is similar to the inverse-agonist model of ethylene receptor signaling proposed for plants and suggests a conservation of structure and function that possibly originated over 1 billion years ago. Prior research showed that SynEtr1 also contains a light-responsive phytochrome-like domain. Thus, SynEtr1 is a bifunctional receptor that mediates responses to both light and ethylene. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a functional ethylene receptor in a nonplant species and suggests that that the perception of ethylene is more widespread than previously thought.Ethylene is a gaseous hormone that influences the growth and development of plants (Abeles et al., 1992). The signal transduction pathway for ethylene has been studied predominantly in the flowering plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), but research on plant species from more ancient lineages suggests that ethylene signaling probably evolved in plants prior to the colonization of land (Rensing et al., 2008; Banks et al., 2011; Gallie, 2015; Ju et al., 2015).In plants, the perception of ethylene is mediated by a family of receptors that contain a conserved N-terminal transmembrane ethylene-binding domain consisting of three transmembrane α-helices with seven conserved amino acids required for the binding of ethylene (Schaller and Bleecker, 1995; Wang et al., 2006). Several of these amino acids are believed to coordinate a copper cofactor required for ethylene binding (Rodríguez et al., 1999). These receptors have homology to bacterial two-component receptors that function via His autophosphorylation, followed by transfer of this phosphate to an Asp residue on a downstream response regulator protein (Chang et al., 1993). Plants acquired many proteins from cyanobacteria as a result of an endosymbiotic event approximately 1.5 billion years ago that led to chloroplasts (Yoon et al., 2004). Because of the endosymbiotic gene transfer that occurred, it has been proposed that components of several two-component-like receptors in plants, such as ethylene receptors and phytochromes, were acquired from the cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of plants (Kehoe and Grossman, 1996; Martin et al., 2002; Mount and Chang, 2002; Timmis et al., 2004; Schaller et al., 2011).Phytochrome-like receptors (Vierstra and Zhang, 2011), but not ethylene receptors, have been characterized in nonplant species. Some cyanobacterial species have saturable ethylene-binding sites and contain genes predicted to encode proteins with ethylene-binding domains (Rodríguez et al., 1999; Wang et al., 2006), but the distribution and function of ethylene receptors in bacteria are unknown. In a search of sequenced genomes, we found that genes encoding putative ethylene receptors are found in diverse bacterial species. One of these genes, slr1212, is in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis (Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803). We previously showed that disruption of this gene eliminates ethylene-binding activity in Synechocystis, leading to the speculation that it encodes an ethylene-binding protein (Rodríguez et al., 1999). This gene, called Synechocystis Ethylene Response1 (SynEtr1), as originally designated by Ulijasz et al. (2009) because of its putative role as an ethylene receptor, also has been called Positive Phototaxis A (Narikawa et al., 2011) and UV Intensity Response Sensor (Song et al., 2011), because of its role in light signaling. Despite these observations, there has been no research published that demonstrates that SynEtr1 directly binds ethylene or functions as an ethylene receptor.We focused on SynEtr1 to determine whether it is a functional ethylene receptor. Expression of the N-terminal portion of SynEtr1 in P. pastoris led to the generation of ethylene-binding sites, demonstrating that this region of the protein directly binds ethylene. Treatment of Synechocystis with ethylene or disruption of SynEtr1 caused measurable changes in physiology, including faster movement toward light, slower cell sedimentation, enhanced biofilm production, a larger number of type IV pili, and higher levels of PSII. Additionally, SynEtr1-deficient Synechocystis cells transformed with a mutant SynEtr1 that cannot bind ethylene do not respond to ethylene. Our research demonstrates that SynEtr1 is an ethylene receptor and, in the context of prior research (Ulijasz et al., 2009; Narikawa et al., 2011; Song et al., 2011), likely functions as a dual input receptor for both light and ethylene. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a functional ethylene receptor in a cyanobacterium, making it the first ethylene receptor characterized in a nonplant species.  相似文献   

The ORF sll1468 of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 was identifiedas a gene for rß-carotene hydroxylase by functionalcomplementation in a rß-carotene-producing Escherichiacoll. The gene product of ORF sll11468 added hydroxyl groupsto the rß-ionone rings of rß-carotene (rß,rß-carotene)to form zeaxanthin (rß,rß-carotene-3,3'-diol).This newly identified rß-carotene hydroxylase doesnot show overall amino acid sequence similarity to the knownrß-carotene hydroxylases. However, it showed significantsequence similarity to rß-carotene ketolases of marinebacteria and a green alga. (Received November 29, 1997; Accepted March 6, 1998)  相似文献   

The cph1 gene from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechoycstis sp. PCC 6803 encodes a protein with the characteristics of plant phytochromes and histidine kinases of two-component phospho-relay systems. Spectral and biochemical properties of Cph1 have been intensely studied in vitro using protein from recombinant systems, but virtually nothing is known about the situation in the natural host. In the present study, His6-tagged Cph1 was isolated from Synechocystis cells. The cph1-his gene was expressed either under the control of the natural cph1 promoter or over-expressed using the strong promoter of the psbA2 gene. Upon purification with nickel affinity chromatography, the presence of Cph1 in extracts was confirmed by immunoblotting and Zn2+-induced fluorescence. The Cph1 extracts exhibited a red/far-red photoactivity characteristic of phytochromes. Difference spectra were identical with those of the phycocyanobilin adduct of recombinant Cph1, implying that phycocyanobilin is the chromophore of Cph1 in Synechocystis.  相似文献   

[目的]四磷酸或五磷酸鸟苷(Guanosine 3′,5′-bispyrophosphate,(p)ppGpp)是细菌在遭遇环境胁迫时细胞产生应激反应的信号分子,(p)ppGpp由其合成酶RelA或具有合成酶或水解酶双重催化功能的RelA/SpoT合成.本文证明了集胞藻PCC6803(Synechocystis sp.)中唯一编码RelA/SpoT同源蛋白(命名为Syn-RSH)的基因slr1325(syn-rsh)的功能.[方法]通过互补试验证明syn-rsh表达产物的生物学功能;以纤维素薄层层析检测不同条件下Escherichia coli(p)ppGpp合成缺陷突变株及集胞藻PCC6803细胞中的(p)ppGpp.[结果]诱导Syn-RSH表达可使(p)ppGpp合成酶和水解酶基因缺失的E.coli突变株回复野生型表型,并在细胞中积累一定水平的ppGpp;在实验室培养条件下,集胞藻PCC6803细胞中可检测到低水平的ppGpp,氨基酸饥饿可诱导ppGpp水平升高并维持在相应水平.[结论]Syn-RSH具有(p)ppGpp合成酶和水解酶的双重功能,(p)ppGpp是集胞藻PCC6803在实验室生长条件下细胞生长所必需的.  相似文献   

The degree of retention of whole cells of Synechocystis strain PCC 6803 on DEAE-cellulose columns was shown to depend on their content of exopolysaccharides, which are at least in part responsible for the external negative charge of the cells. This feature was used for the isolation of mutants modified in the apparent viscosity caused by these macromolecular constituents. When a wild-type suspension was loaded onto a DE52 column, the cells eluting in the two extreme fractions of a 0 to 5 M NaCl step gradient represented 10−9 to 10−7 of the total eluted population. The accuracy of the procedure was established through the analysis of four clones: Suc(0)32 and Suc(0)65 (0 M) and Suc(5)64A and Suc(5)61 (5 M). The decreased viscosity of the exopolymers of the two 0 M clones, which appeared identical, could be related to the production of molecules less charged in uronic acids and more readily liberated from the cells. The two 5 M clones exhibited a lower sedimentation velocity, correlating with either a 60% increase in uronic acid and a doubling of the specific viscosity of the exopolysaccharides [clone Suc(5)64A] or a doubling of the per-cell production of polymers otherwise identical to those from wild-type cells [clone Suc(5)61].  相似文献   

Glutaminase is widely distributed among microorganisms and mammals with important functions. Little is known regarding the biochemical properties and functions of the deamidating enzyme glutaminase in cyanobacteria. In this study a putative glutaminase encoded by gene slr2079 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was investigated. The slr2079 was expressed as histidine-tagged fusion protein in Escherichia coli. The purified protein possessed glutaminase activity, validating the functional assignment of the genomic annotation. The apparent K m value of the recombinant protein for glutamine was 26.6 ± 0.9 mmol/L, which was comparable to that for some of other microbial glutaminases. Analysis of the purified protein revealed a two-fold increase in catalytic activity in the presence of 1 mol/L Na+. Moreover, the K m value was decreased to 12.2 ± 1.9 mmol/L in the presence of Na+. These data demonstrate that the recombinant protein Slr2079 is a glutaminase which is regulated by Na+ through increasing its affinity for substrate glutamine. The slr2079 gene was successfully disrupted in Synechocystis by targeted mutagenesis and the Δslr2079 mutant strain was analyzed. No differences in cell growth and oxygen evolution rate were observed between Δslr2079 and the wild type under standard growth conditions, demonstrating slr2079 is not essential in Synechocystis. Under high salt stress condition, however, Δslr2079 cells grew 1.25-fold faster than wild-type cells. Moreover, the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate of Δslr2079 cells was higher than that of the wild-type. To further characterize this phenotype, a number of salt stress-related genes were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of gdhB and prc was enhanced and expression of desD and guaA was repressed in Δslr2079 compared to the wild type. In addition, expression of two key enzymes of ammonium assimilation in cyanobacteria, glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of GOGAT was enhanced in Δslr2079 compared to the wild type while GS expression was unchanged. The results indicate that slr2079 functions in the salt stress response by regulating the expression of salt stress related genes and might not play a major role in glutamine breakdown in Synechocystis. Supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant No. 30500108) and Hundred Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Glutaminase is widely distributed among microorganisms and mammals with important functions. Lit-tle is known regarding the biochemical properties and functions of the deamidating enzyme glutami-nase in cyanobacteria. In this study a putative glutaminase encoded by gene slr2079 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was investigated. The slr2079 was expressed as histidine-tagged fusion protein in Es-cherichia coli. The purified protein possessed glutaminase activity, validating the functional assign-ment of the genomic annotation. The apparent Km value of the recombinant protein for glutamine was 26.6 ± 0.9 mmol/L, which was comparable to that for some of other microbial glutaminases. Analysis of the purified protein revealed a two-fold increase in catalytic activity in the presence of 1 mol/L Na . Moreover, the Km value was decreased to 12.2 ± 1.9 mmol/L in the presence of Na . These data demon-strate that the recombinant protein Slr2079 is a glutaminase which is regulated by Na through in-creasing its affinity for substrate glutamine. The slr2079 gene was successfully disrupted in Synecho-cystis by targeted mutagenesis and the △slr2079 mutant strain was analyzed. No differences in cell growth and oxygen evolution rate were observed between △slr2079 and the wild type under standard growth conditions, demonstrating slr2079 is not essential in Synechocystis. Under high salt stress condition, however, △slr2079 cells grew 1.25-fold faster than wild-type cells. Moreover, the photosyn-thetic oxygen evolution rate of △slr2079 cells was higher than that of the wild-type. To further charac-terize this phenotype, a number of salt stress-related genes were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of gdhB and prc was enhanced and expression of desD and guaA was repressed in △slr2079 compared to the wild type. In addition, expression of two key enzymes of ammonium assimi-lation in cyanobacteria, glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of GOGAT was enhanced in △slr2079 compared to the wild type while GS expression was unchanged. The results indicate that slr2079 functions in the salt stress re-sponse by regulating the expression of salt stress related genes and might not play a major role in glutamine breakdown in Synechocystis.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of thylakoid membranes in both chloroplasts and cyanobacteria is largely not understood today. The vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1) has been suggested to be essential for thylakoid membrane formation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), as well as in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, although its exact physiological function remains elusive so far. Here, we report that, upon depletion of Vipp1 in Synechocystis cells, the number of thylakoid layers in individual Synechocystis cells decreased, and that, in particular, the content of photosystem I (PSI) complexes was highly diminished in thylakoids. Furthermore, separation of native photosynthetic complexes indicated that PSI trimers are destabilized and the monomeric species is enriched. Therefore, depletion of thylakoid membranes specifically affects biogenesis and/or stabilization of PSI in cyanobacteria.In chloroplasts and cyanobacteria the energy transfer between PSI and PSII is regulated in a light-dependent manner (for a recent review, see Kramer et al., 2004). The two photosystems are connected by the cytochrome b6f complex, and electron transfer from PSII via the cytochrome b6f complex to PSI is believed to be regulated by the redox state of the plastoquinol pool potentially also involving the cytochrome b6f complex (Fujita et al., 1987; Murakami and Fujita, 1993; Schneider et al., 2001, 2004; Pfannschmidt, 2003; Volkmer et al., 2007). Transfer of light energy to the two photosystems is mediated by light-harvesting complexes, and in cyanobacteria light is harvested by the soluble extramembranous phycobilisomes. The efficient energy transfer to PSI and PSII has to be balanced to synchronize the function of the two photosystems. In response to changing light intensities and qualities, energy coupling between the phycobilisomes and the photosystems changes, which allows a rapid adjustment of light absorbance by the individual photosystems. Furthermore, besides this short-term adaptation mechanism, it has been shown in many studies that on a longer term in cyanobacteria the ratio of the two photosystems changes depending on the light conditions (Manodori and Melis, 1986; Murakami and Fujita, 1993; Murakami et al., 1997). Upon shifting cyanobacterial cells from low-light to high-light growth conditions, the PSI-to-PSII ratio decreases due to selective suppression of the amount of functional PSI. In recent years, some genes have already been identified that are involved in this regulation of the photosystem stoichiometry (Hihara et al., 1998; Sonoike et al., 2001; Fujimori et al., 2005; Ozaki et al., 2007).Whereas in chloroplasts of higher plants and green algae the amounts of the two photosystems change in response to changing light conditions (Melis, 1984; Chow et al., 1990; Smith et al., 1990; Kim et al., 1993), it has already been noted a long time ago that the chloroplast ultrastructure also adapts to high-light and low-light conditions (Melis, 1984). Chloroplasts of plants grown under low light or far-red light have more thylakoid membranes than chloroplasts of plants grown under high light or blue light (Anderson et al., 1973; Lichtenthaler et al., 1981; Melis and Harvey, 1981). There appears to be a direct correlation between the chlorophyll content and the amount of thylakoids per chloroplast because light harvesting is increased by enhanced chlorophyll and thylakoid membrane content per chloroplast. Thus, chloroplasts adapt to high light both by a reduction of thylakoid membranes and by a decrease in the PSI-to-PSII ratio.Thylakoid membranes are exclusive features of both cyanobacteria and chloroplasts, and it still remains mysterious how formation of thylakoid membranes is organized. Many cellular processes, like lipid biosynthesis, membrane formation, protein synthesis in the cytoplasm and/or at a membrane, protein transport, protein translocation, and protein folding have to be organized and aligned for formation of internal thylakoid membranes. The recent observation that deletion of the vipp1 gene in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) results in complete loss of thylakoid membranes has indicated that Vipp1 is involved in biogenesis of thylakoid membranes. Further analysis has suggested that Vipp1 could be involved in vesicle trafficking between the inner envelope and the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts (Kroll et al., 2001). Because of this, the protein was named Vipp1, for vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1. Depletion of Vipp1 strongly affected the ability of cyanobacterial cells to form proper thylakoid membranes (Westphal et al., 2001) and, consequently, also in cyanobacteria Vipp1 appears to be involved in formation of thylakoid membranes. A Vipp1 depletion strain of Arabidopsis is deficient in photosynthesis, although the defect could not be assigned to a deficiency of a single photosynthetic complex, but appeared to be caused by dysfunction of the entire photosynthetic electron transfer chain (Kroll et al., 2001). Therefore, depletion of Vipp1 in Arabidopsis seems to affect thylakoid membrane formation rather than the assembly of thylakoid membrane protein complexes (Aseeva et al., 2007). However, for cyanobacteria, it is not clear yet how diminishing the amount of thylakoid membrane layers would affect the amount and stoichiometry of the two photosystems.Here, we present the generation and characterization of a Vipp1 depletion strain of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Upon depletion of Vipp1, a decrease in thylakoid membrane pairs in the generated mutant strain and, furthermore, a significant decrease in active PSI centers was observed. Moreover, trimerization of PSI also appeared to be impaired in the mutant strain. These results suggest that thylakoid membrane perturbations caused by the Vipp1 depletion directly affects PSI assembly and stability in cyanobacterial thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

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