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瘤胃微生物与宿主间存在互作关系,宿主动物遗传信息影响瘤胃微生物,而瘤胃微生物变化也同样受到日粮原料、营养水平以及外源添加物质的调控。近年来,通过多组学技术分析瘤胃微生物与宿主关系及其内在机制已成为研究热点。综述了瘤胃微生物与宿主关系及受日粮调控作用研究进展,具体介绍了瘤胃微生物与宿主基因组关系,瘤胃微生物与动物生产性能关系,以及在日粮配置、益生菌益生元和植物次生代谢物添加等条件下对瘤胃微生物的影响;并对瘤胃微生物研究的发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

近年来在奶牛试验中,对瘤胃微生物的研究引起了人们越来越多的兴趣。这些研究的目的多是将微生物组成变化与日粮组成、宿主生产性能(如饲料效率,产奶量,乳脂等)、健康(如瘤胃酸中毒和亚急性酸中毒)以及环境(如甲烷排放)联系起来,另外还有一些研究则强调了微生物在多种反刍动物瘤胃发育中的作用。关于奶牛瘤胃微生物的大部分发现都是基于扩增子测序,可以揭示瘤胃微生物的分类组成,以及在不同处理条件下瘤胃菌群的变化。尽管新兴的宏基因组学和宏转录组学能够深入探索瘤胃微生物的功能,但在数据分析和解释方面也带来了更多的挑战,如目前大多数论文都严重依赖于相关性和推测分析。综述了奶牛瘤胃微生物研究的进展和局限,包括瘤胃微生物与产奶效率、甲烷排放以及瘤胃发育的关系,以及奶牛瘤胃微生物未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

微生物在自然界中广泛存在,除土壤和水中的微生物最多外,其次在农业畜牧业中反刍动物的瘤胃微生态系统中的微生物中所占比例最多。反刍动物瘤胃微生物由于种类繁多,数量巨大,微生物区系之间关系非常复杂,它们之间寄生共生,共同影响宿主的生长发育和机体代谢,所以是反刍动物营养学研究的热点之一。随着分子生物学技术的发展,宏基因组学技术帮助我们揭开了瘤胃微生物群落的真实面貌,有助于挖掘瘤胃微生物基因库并筛选其中的功能基因,使人们对反刍动物瘤胃微生物群落的研究更加方便、透彻。本文综述了近些年应用宏基因组学技术在反刍动物瘤胃微生态群落系统的应用,旨在对瘤胃微生物功能特征进行更深入的研究,为畜牧科学生产及微生物发酵等相关领域的研究提供科学指导。  相似文献   

现代分子生物学技术在瘤胃微生态系统研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
瘤胃中栖息着大量的微生物,由于这些微生物组成复杂且有些细菌在体外无法培养,目前对这些微生物的了解仍然很少。现代分子生物学技术的发展为研究瘤胃微生物提供了有效的方法,利用核酸探针、基因序列分析、遗传指纹技术、全细胞杂交和实时定量PCR等技术可以对瘤胃微生物的分类及进化关系、区系结构图、重要酶的表达以及目的微生物的准确定量进行更为深入和透彻的研究。发展和利用这些技术不仅可以研究微生物之间的关系以及微生物与饲料颗粒之间时间与空间的关系,还能直接在细菌自然生长的环境中对其各种特征进行研究。  相似文献   

分子生物学技术在瘤胃原虫研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瘤胃原虫是瘤胃微生物的重要组成部分,它们直接影响饲料中碳水化合物、含氮物质、矿物质和维生素的消化和利用。分子标记和基于小亚基核糖雄RNA的分子生物学技术可以在基因和分子水平上为研究瘤胃原虫提供可靠而丰富的依据。有必要应用此技术,深入研究瘤胃原虫功能,及其与其他瘤胃微生物的互作。  相似文献   

瘤胃微生物群落是一个复杂、庞大的生物体系,其生物多样性极为丰富,蕴藏着巨大的基因和生态资源,是酶制剂开发的重要宝库。元基因组学方法避免了微生物培养条件的限制,通过直接对未培养微生物进行DNA提取、基因筛选与表达,从而不断扩大自然界中的基因数据库,为新型生物催化剂的开发及筛选提供了可能。对元基因组学技术及利用此技术从瘤胃中筛选的功能酶类及酶基因的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

反刍动物瘤胃中栖息着丰富多样的微生物,其在瘤胃内氨生成过程中发挥了重要的作用。微生物介导的氨基酸脱氨基作用和非蛋白氮水解作用是瘤胃内氨生成的主要途径。微生物介导了瘤胃内氨的生成,同时瘤胃内产生的氨也会反馈影响微生物菌群结构及瘤胃上皮功能,进而影响瘤胃发酵及宿主健康。本文主要综述了瘤胃微生物在介导氨生成中的作用和氨对瘤胃消化及瘤胃上皮功能的影响,以期对后续研究有所启发。  相似文献   

目的建立提取高质量的瘤胃微生物DNA的方法,为采用免培养技术研究山羊瘤胃微生物奠定基础。方法采集山羊瘤胃内容物,用SDS高盐法提取微生物总DNA,以通用引物扩增细菌和古细菌的16SrDNA。结果提取到的瘤胃微生物总DNA片段大于23kb,PCR能够扩增出细菌和古细菌的16SrDNA片段。结论用该提取方法得到的山羊瘤胃微生物总DNA能够满足后续实验的需要。  相似文献   

利用甲烷细菌处理废物日本贺岛公司最近研制成功了一种可有效地处理办公楼、餐旅馆和商业大厦等处的有机废物的处理系统。这种新的废物处理系统利用了可降解有机废物且耐高温的甲烷细菌。处理后产生的甲烷气体则可用作燃料,就地提供热水。汪开治编译(根据:(JapaH...  相似文献   

近年来,微生物燃料电池已引起了广泛关注,它将低能量废水和木质纤维素生物质等有机废物转化为电能。在将来,微生物电能将成为一种重要的生物能源,因为微生物燃料电池提供了一种复合有机物和可再生生物能源中提取电能的可行性。人们研究了许多物质,以考察其是否能作为微生物电能转化的底物。这些物质包括人工的和天然废物,以及木质纤维素生物质。尽管现在微生物燃料电池提供的电流和功率较低,但是随着技术的发展和对微生物燃料电池系统的深入了解,微生物燃料电池转化的电流和电力将极大增加,从而向世人提供了一种可以将纤维素生物质和废水直接转化为有用能源的有效方法。本文介绍了迄今为止在微生物燃料电池中用到的各种反应底物,并对它们的应用效率和存在的不足进行了分析。  相似文献   

瘤胃微生物对纤维素降解机理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市有机垃圾中木质纤维素难以被降解的根本原因 ,在于其木质素的物理屏障作用及纤维素本身的结晶结构 ,瘤胃微生物能够高效降解木质纤维素 ,是因为瘤胃菌群中存在各种可以分别降解木素和结晶纤维素微生物 ,它们分泌的各种酶类是降解的关键所在。  相似文献   

The effects of essential oils isolated from Douglas fir needles on sheep and deer rumen microbial activity were tested by use of an anaerobic manometric technique. Rumen microorganisms were obtained from a sheep which had been fed mainly on alfalfa hay and dried range grass. One deer used in this study had access to Douglas fir trees the year around, whereas the other deer had no access to Douglas fir. All of the monoterpene hydrocarbons isolated from Douglas fir needles—α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, myrcene, camphene, Δ3-carene, and terpinolene—promoted only slightly or had no effect on deer rumen microbial activity, whereas all of them promoted activity in sheep rumen microbes, except Δ3-carene and terpinolene, which inhibited activity. Of the oxygenated monoterpenes, all monoterpene alcohols—α-terpineol, terpinen-4-ol, linalool, citronellol, and fenchyl alcohol—strongly inhibited the rumen microbial activity of both sheep and deer. Monoterpene esters (bornyl acetate) produced mild inhibition for both sheep and deer microbes, and citronellyl acetate inhibited rumen microbial activity in sheep, whereas it promoted activity in both deer. Monoterpene aldehyde (citronellal) inhibited the activity of rumen microbes from both sheep and deer having no access to Douglas fir from the Hopland Field Station, whereas they produced no effect upon the deer having access to Douglas fir from the Masonite forest. Rumen microbial activity for sheep and deer was promoted slightly with aliphatic ester (ethyl-n-caproate). There was a marked difference between sheep and deer rumen microbes as affected by addition of the various essential oils. The monoterpene hydrocarbons promoted activity more on sheep rumen microbes than on deer, and the monoterpene alcohols inhibited sheep rumen microbial activity more than that of deer. Furthermore, the deer rumen microbes from Hopland Field Station were affected more than the deer from Masonite forest.  相似文献   

瘤胃微生物甲烷生成的机理与调控   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
反刍动物瘤胃微生物产生的甲烷不但造成自身能量的大量损失,而且在地球温室效应中起着不可忽视的作用。在阐述了瘤胃中甲烷产生机理的基础上,详细论述了甲烷生成调控的各种途径、特点及其应用现状。  相似文献   

瘤胃微生物对纤维素的降解及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
瘤胃微生物主要包括细菌、真菌和原生动物。其中,瘤胃细菌和瘤胃真菌能分泌纤维素酶,对纤维素有较强的降解能力,主要介绍了瘤胃微生物对纤维素的降解作用及其广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

瘤胃中木质纤维素降解菌及降解酶基因的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:反刍动物瘤胃是公认的木质纤维素高效降解的天然反应器,对瘤胃微生物的研究成为开发生物能源的热点领域之一。其研究手段已经从传统的依赖分离培养从瘤胃中获得木质纤维素降解菌,并对降解菌中的木质纤维素降解酶逐一分析,发展到通过基因组/元基因组技术,直接从瘤胃中发现获得大量新的木质纤维素降解酶基因/基因簇,进而探讨其降解的分子机理。已有的研究结果表明,瘤胃微生物降解木质纤维素的过程非常复杂,其中涉及到大量不同种类的微生物、酶及基因/基因簇,随着新分析技术的建立和完善,对这些微生物、酶和基因的研究已取得了诸多进展。本论文综述报道了近期有关该方向的研究进展。  相似文献   

The effect of varying hay/barley‐proportions in the feed ration on biotin metabolism of rumen microbes was studied by means of the rumen simulation technique RUSITEC. The stepwise replacement of hay by barley decreased dietary biotin and the net output of biotin by the microbial metabolism. It is concluded that rumen microbes utilise more and/or synthesize less biotin with increasing proportions of dietary barley. These results indicate that a critical reconsideration of current views with regard to the supply and requirement of the high yielding dairy cow for biotin is necessary.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the research progress in the use of molecular techniques based on ribosomal RNA and DNA (rRNA/rDNA) for rumen microbial ecosystem since first literature by Stahl et al. (1988). Because rumen microbial populations could be under-estimated by adopting the traditional techniques such as roll-tube technique or most-probable-number estimates, modern molecular techniques based on 16S/18S rRNA/rDNA can be used to more accurately provide molecular characterization, microbe populations and classification scheme than traditional methods. Phylogenetic-group-specific probes can be used to hybridize samples for detecting and quantifying of rumen microbes. But, competitive-PCR and real-time PCR can more sensitively quantify rumen microbes than hybridization. Molecular fingerprinting techniques including both denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) can used to explore diversity of bacteria, protozoa and fungi in the rumen ecosystem. By constructing clone libraries of 16S/18S rRNA/rDNA of rumen microbes, more new microbes can be discovered and identified. For fungi, internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of fungi are better than 18S rRNA/rDNA for discriminating operational taxonomic units. In conclusion, 16S/18S rRNA/rDNA procedures have been used with success in rumen microbes and are quickly gaining acceptance for studying rumen microbial ecosystem, and will become useful methods for rumen ecology research. However, molecular techniques based on 16S/18S rRNA/rDNA don't preclude classical and traditional microbiological techniques. It should used together to acquire accurate and satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Cultures of Streptococcus bovis and mixed populations of rumen bacteria were used to investigate the concentration of ATP and rumen bacterial numbers at various stages of growth. ATP, extracted with Tris buffer, was analyzed using the firefly luciferin-luciferase bioluminescent reaction. ATP concentrations of S. bovis and mixed cultures of rumen bacteria significantly correlated with live cell counts during the log phase of growth but not during the stationary phase. The average cellular ATP concentration of rumen bacteria was calculated to be 0.3 fg of ATP per cell. Studies done with in vivo artificial rumen apparatus revealed that the protozoal contribution to rumen fluid ATP pool size was much more substantial than was the bacterial contribution. The rumen fluid ATP concentration was greater in cattle with protozoa than in those that were defaunated. Differences in ATP concentration due to size differences of ciliate protozoa were observed. Due to the unbalanced distribution of ATP in rumen microbes, ATP appears to be an unsuitable indicator of rumen microbial biomass.  相似文献   

The feed and feces of a continuously fed sheep were analyzed for carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, with oxygen as the remainder. The daily feed-feces weight difference was used as the reactant in an equation representing the rumen fermentation. The measured products were the daily production of volatile fatty acids (VFA), CH(4), CO(2), and ammonia. The carbon unaccounted for was assumed to be in the microbial cell material produced in the rumen and absorbed before reaching the feces. The ratio of C to H, O, and N in bacteria was used to represent the elemental composition of the microbes formed in the rumen fermentation, completing the following equation:C(20.03)H(36.99)O(17.406)N(1.345) + 5.65 H(2)O --> C(12)H(24)O(10.1) + 0.83 CH(4) VFA + 2.76 CO(2) + 0.50 NH(3) + C(4.44)H(8.88)O(2.35)N(0.785) microbial cells absorbed With C arbitrarily balanced and O balanced by appropriate addition of water, any error is reflected in the H. The H recovery was 98.5%. The turnover rate constant for rumen liquid equilibrating with polyethylene glycol (PEG) was 2.27 per day. Direct counts and volume measurements of the individual types of bacteria and protozoa in the rumen were used to calculate the total microbial cell volume in the rumen, not equilibrating with it. The dry matter in the rumen (582 g) and the nitrogen content (12.05) of the microbes in the rumen were estimated, the latter constituting 85% of the measured N in the rumen. Calculations for rumen dry matter and nitrogen turning over at the PEG rate introduce big discrepancies with other parameters; a rumination pool must be postulated. Its size and composition are estimated. Arguments are presented to support the view that dry matter and some of the microbes, chiefly the protozoa, do not leave the rumen at the PEG rate. One experiment with the same sheep fed twice daily showed significantly less production of microbial cells than did the continuous (each 2 hr) feeding. Analysis of the microbial cell yield suggests that, on the basis of 11 mg of cells per adenosine triphosphate molecule, a maximum of six adenosine triphosphate molecules could have been formed from each molecule of hexose fermented.  相似文献   

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