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在贵州省施秉县云台山国家级自然保护区采集并鉴定了大型真菌55科,132属,261种。其中腐生菌195种,菌根菌59种,虫生菌7种。包括贵州省新记录种22种,食用菌85种,药用菌74种,有毒种类21种。  相似文献   

贵州梵净山大型真菌生态分布及其资源评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文报道了梵净山的大型真菌365种,分属于124属,41科。其中食用菌105种,药用菌87种,毒菌33种,木腐菌131种及菌114种。梵净山的大型真菌分属于下列林型和植被型:阔叶林型;针阔混交林型,针叶林型;灌丛型和荒地型。营养方式主要分为寄生,腐和筮生碱大类群。  相似文献   

庐山大型真菌的生态分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈晔  许祖国  张康华  付标 《生态学报》2000,20(4):702-706
报道了庐山的大型真菌202种,分属于81属,属41科,其中食用菌104种,药用菌71种,毒菌26种,菌根菌33训及木腐菌89种。庐山的大型真菌分属于下列植类型中、阔叶林型、针阔混交林型、针叶林型、竹林、灌丛型和茺地型。并对庐山的大型真菌生趣分布进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

本文报道了梵净山的大型真菌365种,分属于124属、41科。其中食用菌105种,药用菌87种,毒菌33种,木腐菌131种及菌根菌114种。梵净山的大型真菌分属于下列林型和植被型:阔叶林型;针阔混交林型;针叶林型;灌丛型和荒地型。营养方式主要分为寄生、腐生和共生三大类群。  相似文献   

广西花坪国家级自然保护区大型真菌资源及生态分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道了广西国家级花坪自然保护区的大型真菌201种,隶属105属45科;其中食用菌50种,药用菌38种,毒菌13种,菌根菌59种和木腐菌48种.保护区的大型真菌按植被类型分为5种群落类型:常绿阔叶林型、亚热带落叶阔叶林型、亚热带中山落叶常绿阔叶混交林型、灌丛型和竹林型;按垂直分布带分为3种林带型:低山林带型、中山林带型和山顶林带型.  相似文献   

宽阔水自然保护区大型真菌分布特征   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
研究了贵州宽阔水自然保护区大型真菌及其生态特征。林区的大型真菌基本特点是:(1)在不同的森林类型中,大型真菌的组成不同;(2)在不同的森林类型中,大型真菌的种类随海拔上升而减少;(3)土生真菌和菌根真菌多,木生真菌次之,寄生真菌和粪生直菌少。  相似文献   

为了解及合理开发大型真菌资源,调查了安徽省鹞落坪国家级自然保护区大型真菌的种类组成及生态分布。结果表明:该区大型真菌资源丰富,在食用、药用和营林等方面具有很好的开发前景。  相似文献   

大型真菌主要是指子囊菌纲(Ascomycetes)和担子菌纲(Basidiomycetes)中的一些体型较大的真菌种类。大型真菌具有各种各样的外部形态,一般常见的有头状、笔状、树枝状、花朵状、舌状、球状和伞状等。通过这些众多的形态特征,我们可以大致了解一些有关高等真菌的演化、孢子释放形式、对生态环境的适应等情况。  相似文献   

列表简要说明了广东省大型真菌各科属的已知物种数量、区系组成、生态学特性以及经济意义等主要特征,并论述了其区系特点、物种多样性与其它生物之间的相互关系 .  相似文献   

金强河高寒地区大型真菌的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了金强河地区的大型真菌52种,分属于18科,32属。其中食用菌29种,药用菌20种,毒菌14种。该区大型真菌的分布与地形密切相关,有3种生态类型:河漫滩的大型真菌、阶地的大型真菌、亚高山坡地的大型真菌,其中阶地的大型真菌在种类和数量上都比其他两种生态类型丰富。  相似文献   

安徽清凉峰自然保护区大型真菌的生态分布   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
柯丽霞  杨超 《应用生态学报》2003,14(10):1739-1742
清凉峰北坡的大型真菌十分丰富,经初步调查,发现清凉峰北坡共有大型真菌2纲10目38科72属160种,它们广泛分布于常绿阔叶林、马尾松林、常绿-落叶混交林、落叶阔叶林和黄山松林等林带中。按经济价值分有食用菌72种,药用菌55种,毒菌19种;依生态习性分有木生菌68种,土生菌84种,菌根真菌21种。本文论述了该地区大型真菌自然发生的常见种类和分布,并对该区大型真菌资源进行了评价,大型真菌在各林带下的分布有一定规律性,种群的组成和分布与植被类型、林中小生境、土壤类型、海拔高度等相关。该区有多种具有经济价值的大型真菌,是主要的自然资源之一,它们在食用、药用、营林等方面有着较大的利用潜力。  相似文献   

机械作业下土壤理化性质和生态因子的变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
夏萍  任丽 《应用生态学报》2002,13(3):319-322
通过 3年对黄淮海农业机械化推广的研究 ,探讨了机械综合作业对旱作农业的影响 .结果表明 ,机械化秸秆还田、化肥深施、土壤深松和免耕覆盖等综合技术的合理配套实施 ,可以改善土壤理化性状 ,具有明显的生物学效应 .与传统作业相比 ,机械综合作业使土壤容重减少 0 .0 8g·cm-3 ,有机质含量增加12 % ,水分利用率提高 10 .1%~ 13.6 % ,小麦玉米产量增加 12 18kg·hm-2 .  相似文献   


The pattern of change in the Holocene forests of Europe is outlined and discussed in the light of external and internal forcing factors. Forests are seen as non-linear, dynamic systems, that are, at any point in time, unique and changing. In the absence of human activity, potential forcing factors during the Holocene include (i) climate, (ii) soil development, and (iii) internal forest dynamics. Climate is influential through exerting control on the floristic pool from which forests developed. Current results indicate that the role of soil development is likely to have been minor, but may have slowed rate of invasion and increase of some mid- and late-Holocene forest dominants. Forest change following spread and increase then forces soil change. Internal processes of forest dynamics include competition among existing species, and interactions between existing species and potential invading species. The patterns of interaction may be detectable through rates of change and patterns of increase seen in pollen records. Such processes are seen as being the dominant influence on the pattern of change and the development of forest. Forested systems, such as those in Europe, are strongly influenced by historical events, such as the mid-Holocene decline of elm. Forest composition is likely to be similar, in the broadest terms, from one interglacial to another, but always to vary in detail. The interaction of individuals, populations and environmental variables ensures that, although deterministic, prediction of change will always be difficult.  相似文献   

生态因子对柑桔果实品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
综述了柑桔果实主要品质因素(色泽、有机酸和糖)的生理基础,以及温度、光照、水分、土壤和地形地貌等主要生态因子对柑桔果实品质影响的研究概况,阐述了柑桔生态学研究存在的问题和今后的研究方向,并对我国柑桔品质区划方法提出了建议.  相似文献   

Nematodes are the most diverse and highly significant group of soil-inhabiting microorganisms that play a vital role in organic material decomposition and nutrient recycling.Diverse geographical locations and environmental gradients show a significant impact on the diversity of nematodes. Present study aims to assess the effects of ecological (altitude, temperature, moisture) and edaphic (soil pH, nutrients, soil patches) factors on the soil nematode diversity and structure at five different landscape patches (forests, apple orchards, rice fields, pastures, and alpine zone) from ten different sites of Kashmir valley (India). Differences in the altitudinal gradients results in the shift of generic nematode population. Among the soil patches, highest nematode diversity was observed in forest soil and least in alpine soil; however, bacteriovorous nematodes dominated all the soil patches. The temperature and moisture have a significant effect on nematode diversity, the highest nematode trophic levels were observed above 21°C temperature, and 30% moisture. Nematode abundance decreased from alkaline to acidic pH of the soil. Soil nutrients such as, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) have shown a detrimental effect in nematode richness at each site, where nematode diversity and richness of genera were higher at abundant soil N and P but decreased at low soil nutrients. Ecological indices like diversity index (DI), Shannon-Wiener Index (H'), enrichment index (EI), and maturity Index (MI) values demonstrated forest soil more favourable for nematodes and high soil health status than other soil patches. This study suggested that these indices may be helpful as soil monitoring tools and assessing ecosystem sustainability and biodiversity.  相似文献   

S. D. Ghate 《Plant biosystems》2016,150(5):977-986
Forty-six species of macrofungi (27 genera) were recorded in 25 quadrats (625 m2) in five mangroves of the southwest India (Paduhithlu, Nadikudru, Sasihithlu, Thokottu and Batapady). A maximum of 20 species occurred in Sasihithlu with a highest diversity value. Four species belong to coregroup ( ≥ 10 sporocarps/quadrat), while 29 species were confined to specific mangrove (exclusive species). Out of 1591 sporocarps, Paduhithlu supported the highest number of sporocarps (564) followed by Nadikudru (502). Rarefaction curves showed a steep increase in the expected number of species against the number of sporocarps in Sasihithlu. Pearson correlation between biotic factors (species richness, sporocarp richness and species diversity) and edaphic factors (air and soil) was not significantly correlated. Woody litter supported the highest number of macrofungi (26 species) followed by soil (22 species) and least in leaf litter (7 species). Up to one-third of macrofungi recovered in mangroves are economically valuable (edible, medicinal and ectomycorrhizal).  相似文献   

生态因子的波动对多刺裸腹溞雄体发生的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用克隆培养法,研究了几种主要生态因子的波动对多刺裸腹氵蚤雄体发生的影响和该氵蚤对上述生态因子波动的敏感程度.结果表明,无论是一次性剧烈刺激,还是持续性渐进刺激,该氵蚤均未能直接产生雄体,即氵蚤的孤雌生殖雌体不能直接转变为混交雌体(两性生殖雌体);在光照、温度、饵料密度、pH值持续性渐进波动时,该氵蚤种群的内禀增长率分别为0.7748、0.7481、0.6539和0.6310d-1ind-1,比对照组降低0.9%、4.0%、16.4%和19.3%,表明该氵蚤对饵料密度和pH值的波动较为敏感,对温度的敏感性次之  相似文献   

不同生态因子对黄鳝受精卵孵化率的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
This paper studied the effects of some ecological factors (temperature, pH, hatching method and ammonia) on the embryonic development of ricefield eel. The results indicated that the optimum hatching temperature of ricefield eel was 25~28℃, and no significant difference was found about the effects of pH within the range of pH 5.5~9.5 on the hatching rate of oosperm. Dripping water incubation had a higher hatching rate of oosperm than staticing water incubation, and the hatching rate of oosperm decreased with increasing ammonia content. The present study provided an available suggestion for the all-artificial and half-artificial breeding of ricefield eel.  相似文献   

黑鲪的生长和生态转换效率及其主要影响因素   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用室内流水模拟实验法测定了黑鲪的生长和生态转换效率,及其温度、摄食水平、体重和饵料生物种类的影响.黑鲪的特定生长率随摄食水平增大而减速增长;而特定生长率随温度升高或生态转换效率随温度和摄食水平增大均呈倒U 型变化趋势; 实验条件下的最大和最佳生长温度分别为16 .3 ℃和15 .8 ℃,维持摄食量和最佳摄食量分别为黑鱼君 体重的0 .79 % 和4 .10 % .黑鱼君的特定生长率和生态转换效率却随体重增长均呈减速降低趋势.摄食小型鱼类饵料,有利于加速黑鱼君生长速度,但对其生态转换效率却无显著性影响  相似文献   

信阳桃花水母对几种生态因子胁迫的耐受反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在不同温度、盐度、pH等因子胁迫条件下,研究观察了信阳桃花水母(Craspedacusta sowerbyi xinyangensis)的生活状态、形态变化及存活等耐受反应,并测定了信阳桃花水母在不同温度下的耗氧率和最低耐氧能力.结果表明,信阳桃花水母的最适生活温度范围为15 ℃~25 ℃,pH为6.0~8.2.信阳桃花水母对盐度耐受力差,盐度为2时,仅能存活96 h;但具有较强的耐低氧能力,20 ℃时窒息点为026 mg·L-1,平均耗氧量和平均耗氧率随温度的升高而升高.  相似文献   

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