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In this review I briefly describe the technique of protein engineering and indicate how the present state of knowledge allows proteins to be mutated to increase or decrease stability. I discuss experiments on both model proteins and those of relevance to the food industry and show how hydrophobic forces are a major driving force for folding as well as having a major role in thermostability, I also indicate the large contribution that hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions and, in a less well predicted way, disulfide bridges make to thermostability.  相似文献   

The accumulation of Cd in the kidneys is enhanced markedly if chelating agents that contain SH-groups like 2,3 dimercaptopropanol (BAL) are injected immediately after the metal. This is not a transient effect but persists for more than 3 d. It is less pronounced at higher chelate doses or when the pH of urine is increased. Our experiments indicate that chelating agents, which form unstable complexes at acid pH and are able to pass through the cell membrane, will cause metal accumulation in the kidneys.  相似文献   

Cells like fibroblasts and osteoblasts are oriented by different extracellular guiding signals like an electric field, a bent surface, and a periodically stretched surface. An automatic controller is responsible for the cell alignment. The controller contains both a deterministic and a stochastic signal. The following machine properties were determined: (1) The angle dependence of the cellular signal transformer is cos 2(psi 0 - psi). (2) The set point of the automatic controller is psi 0 = +/- 90 degrees. The cells like to orient their long axis perpendicular to the direction of the applied guiding signal. (3) The signal transformer measures the extracellular signal in a quadratic fashion. The cells cannot register the sign of the guiding field. (4) The stochastic signal in the automatic controller can be quantified by a characteristic time (approximately 130 min for fibroblasts). (5) The extracellular signal is registered in cell-made standards (ratio of the deterministic and stochastic signal equals one): 0.3 +/- 0.05 V/mm for human fibroblasts (electric field) and 85 +/- 3 microns for human fibroblasts and osteoblasts (cyclindrically bent surface). (6) The lag-time in the signal transduction system of fibroblasts is approximately 4 min.  相似文献   

A double label procedure with57Co and58Co has been developed for detailed in vivo studies of erythrocyte survival. A well-type Ge detector is used in the measurements. The activities necessary for these experiments are very low, and the associated dose received by the test persons can be neglected.  相似文献   

A rapid cyclic instrumental neutron activation analysis (CINAA) method has been used to determine the selenium content of 27 duplicate diet samples from each of the 27 districts surrounding Pinhel, Portugal. The accuracy and precision of the CINAA method have been evaluated by analyzing certified reference materials and observed to be within ±5–10% for samples containing at least 40 ppb of selenium. The detection limit has been found to vary between 26–42 ppb selenium depending on the sample composition. The average daily dietary intake has been calculated as 37 μg of selenium per day.  相似文献   

The mode of action of nerve growth factor in PC12 cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This review deals with the mechanism of nerve growth factor action. In view of the many and diversified effects of this growth factor, and since it could utilize different mechanism(s) in distinct types of cells, we have confined our analysis to the best characterized and more extensively studied target, the clonal cell line PC12. When exposed to NGF in vitro, these neoplastic cells recapitulate the last major steps of neuronal differentiation, i.e., the commitment to become a neuron and the acquisition of the neuronal phenotype. This is characterized by electrically excitable neurites, a display of a highly organized cytoskeleton, and the specific chemical and molecular neuronal properties. These effects are elicited upon the interaction of NGF with a receptor whose gene has been cloned and whose kinetic properties are now relatively well characterized. It is not yet clear, on the contrary, if and which of the several potential second messengers (cAMP, Ca, or phosphoinositides) that undergo marked fluctuations following NGF binding, transduce and amplify the NGF message. Among both the early and late effects of NGF is the modulation of expression of several genes. Some of the products of these genes are mainly restricted to nerve cells and others appear to play a crucial role in regulating the proper assembly of cytoskeletal elements. It is hypothesized that this complex array of chemical, molecular, and ultrastructural changes is triggered by NGF, not through activation of a single pathway, but more likely via combinatorial processes whereby several intracellular signals interplay before the irreversible commitment of becoming a neuron is undertaken.  相似文献   

We have earlier shown that a unique membrane-bound enzyme mediates the transfer of acetyl group(s) from polyphenolic peracetates (PA) to functional proteins, which was termed acetoxy drug: protein transacetylase (TAase) because it acted upon several classes of PA. Here, we report the purification of TAase from human placental microsomes to homogeneity with molecular mass of 60 kDa, exhibiting varying degrees of specificity to several classes of PA confirming the structure-activity relationship for the microsome-bound TAase. The TAase catalyzed protein acetylation by a model acetoxy drug, 7,8-diacetoxy-4-methyl coumarin (DAMC) was established by the demonstration of immunoreactivity of the acetylated target protein with anti-acetyl lysine antibody. TAase activity was severely inhibited in calcium-aggregated microsomes as well as when Ca2+ was added to purified TAase, suggesting that TAase could be a calcium binding protein. Furthermore, the N-terminal sequence analysis of purified TAase (EPAVYFKEQFLD) using Swiss Prot Database perfectly matched with calreticulin (CRT), a major microsomal calcium binding protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The identity of TAase with CRT was substantiated by the observation that the purified TAase avidly reacted with commercially available antibody raised against the C-terminus of human CRT (13 residues peptide, DEEDATGQAKDEL). Purified TAase also showed Ca2+ binding and acted as a substrate for phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinase C (PKC), which are hallmark characteristics of CRT. Further, purified placental CRT as well as the commercially procured pure CRT yielded significant TAase catalytic activity and were also found effective in mediating the acetylation of the target protein NADPH cytochrome P-450 reductase by DAMC as detected by Western blot using anti-acetyl lysine antibody. These observations for the first time convincingly attribute the transacetylase function to CRT. Hence, this transacetylase function of CRT is designated calreticulin transacetylase (CRTAase). We envisage that CRTAase plays an important role in protein modification by way of acetylation independent of Acetyl CoA.  相似文献   

This article describes the technique of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (1MAC). The IMAC stationary phases are designed to chelate certain metal ions that have selectivity for specific groups in peptides and on protein surfaces. The number of stationary phases that can be synthesized for efficient chclation of metal ions is unlimited, but the critical consideration is that there is enough exposure of the metal ion to interact with the proteins, preferably in a biospecific manner. The versatility of IMAC is one of its greatest assets. An important contribution to the correct use of IMAC for protein purification is a simplified presentation of the various sample elution procedures.  相似文献   

INAA has been used for the determination of Na, Mg, Al, Cl, K, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, and W in grains of rice, wheat, and barley, which were collected from different plant fields in Iraq. Samples and standards were irradiated in the IRT-5000 reactor, at neutron fluxes of 2 × 1013 cm−2·s−1 and 3.2 × 1011 cm−2·s−1. Interferences of photopeaks with each other were considered, and reaction interferences were calculated and determined experimentally. Accuracy of our method was assessed by the analysis of IAEA standards Wheat Flour and Bovine liver. A good agreement has been achieved between the present results and recommended values. The precision and detection limit were determined for all elements in all types of grain.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a cupruretic agent, N,N'-bis-(2 amino ethyl)-1,3-propanediamine HCl or 2,3,2-tetramine HCl (TETA), in the induction of copper (Cu) deficiency and the ability of a Cu-deficient diet in the maintenance of the depressed Cu status 10 wk after TETA treatment were examined in this study. In the first experiment, 42 male New Zealand White rabbits, 35 d of age, were randomly divided into three dietary treatments: a copper (Cu)-deficient (2.3 mg Cu/kg diet), a Cu-adequate (13.5 mg Cu/kg diet), and a commercial ration (21.6 mg Cu/kg diet) group. A single oral dose of 100 mg of 2,3,2-tetramine HCl TETA/kg body wt/d were administered to half of the rabbits from each treatment group for 10 d while the remaining rabbits were untreated. In the second experiment, 10 similar rabbits were assigned to three treatments: Cu-deficient plus TETA (n = 4); Cu-adequate plus TETA (n = 3); and Cu-adequate alone (n = 3). The rabbits were fed a TETA dose of 100 mg/d for three 4-d periods over 3 wk, and thereafter maintained on the diets for another 10 wk. Rabbits from the first experiment fed Cu-deficient diet and treated with TETA demonstrated cardiac hypertrophy and markedly reduced plasma and liver Cu concentrations that indicated that the animals were Cu-deficient. Significant elevations (twofold) in low density lipoprotein (LDL) protein, cholesterol, triglyceride, and apolipoprotein B (apo B) concentrations were observed in TETA treated rabbits fed Cu-deficient diet. In the second experiment, the plasma LDL protein level remained elevated, the plasma Cu level was reduced 45%, and the Cu level of the heart when expressed as microgram/g dry tissue was reduced, 10 wk post TETA treatment in rabbits maintained on Cu-deficient diet. Thus, Cu deficiency and hyperlipoproteinemia was rapidly induced by TETA and was still evident 10 wk posttreatment in rabbits maintained on a Cu-deficient diet.  相似文献   

Precise large deletions by the PCR-based overlap extension method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors describe an efficient method for generating large deletions (>200 nts) of precise length using the PCR-based method of gene splicing by overlap extension (1). This method is technically simple and less time consuming than conventional loop-out mutagenesis techniques requiring preparation of a single-stranded DNA template.  相似文献   

The structure of (Deibler) myelin basic protein in solution and in a lysolecithin lipid complex has been studied by using the emission properties of the single tryptophan residue of the protein (Trp-115). The studies have been carried out using both static and time-resolved fluorescence techniques. Relative to the free protein, the lipid bound myelin basic protein showed a, twofold increase in fluorescence intensity and a marked blue-shift in the emission maximum wavelength. The multiexponential fluorescence decays and the decay associated spectra indicated that the protein exists in at least three different conformations both in buffer and in lipids. Fluorescence polarization and acrylamide quenching experiments showed that the tryptophan containing region of the protein is embedded in the lipid matrix. The binding of the protein to the lipid appears to be comparable with that predicted for the interaction of amphipathic helices with nonpolar lipids.  相似文献   

The effects of Selenium Yeast (SY) given orally to patients with cancer on the oxidative metabolic function and chemotaxis of neutrophils were studied by Lumino-dependent Chemiluminescence (CL) assay and agarose plates assay, respectively. The results showed that the background CL and the peak value CL of neutrophils from patients with cancer 14 d after taking SY were, on the average, 4 and 1.2 times higher than those before taking SY. The chemotactic index (CI) and chemotactic differential (CD) increased in response to SY supplementation; the differences are statistically significant (p less than 0.01), and no corresponding differences could be seen in the control group (taking yeast).  相似文献   

Most of the cancer cells arrested in the microcirculation during hematogenous metastasis are rapidly killed; one major mechanism is surface-membrane rupture, associated with the mechanical deformation of cancer cells in capillaries. The feasibility of increasing the susceptibility of cancer cells to lethal, deformation-associated trauma by doxorubicin, was tested in an in vitro mechanical model system, by filtering suspensions of L1210 leukemia cells through 8-μm pore-size Nuclepore® membranes, with or without prior incubation with 10-7M doxorubicin. The results showed that mechanically-induced loss of cancer cells immediately after filtration was increased from 18 to 55% in cells previously exposed to doxorubicin for 48 h. The results indicate the feasibility of chemotherapeutic enhancement of the mechanical killing-action of the microvasculature as a potential rate-regulator of hematogenous metastasis.  相似文献   

Nickel is a potent carcinogen and, at high concentrations, is toxic to mammalian cells. The effects associated with nickel exposure are well-documented but its mechanism of action in the cell has not yet been fully described. In order to understand the metabolic fate of nickel in mammalian cells, a variant cell population has been selected that continues to grow and divide in the presence of nickel chloride concentrations that are toxic to the parental cell line (Balb/c-3T3 mouse fibroblasts). Nickel resistance is not caused by altered uptake of nickel from the medium or increased clearance from the cells and is not associated with changes in metallothionein expression. Compared to the normal cells, the nickel resistant cells have a decreased number of chromosomes and numerous centromeric fusions. The expression of some proteins and the distribution of nickel bound by various proteins are altered in the nickel resistant cells. Preliminary results indicate that the nickel resistant phenotype may be transferred by genomic DNA-mediated transfection into a recipient NIH-3T3 cell line. Current investigations are directed at identifying a gene responsible for nickel resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of protein kinase C (PKC) on the release of neurotransmitters from a number preparations, including sympathetic nerve endings, brain slices, synaptosomes, and neuronally derived cell lines, is considered. A comparison is drawn between effects of activation of PKC on neurotransmitter release from small synaptic vesicles and large dense-cored vesicles. The enhancement of neurotransmitter release is discussed in relation to the effect of PKC on: 1. Rearrangement of the F-actin-based cytoskeleton, including the possible role of MARCKS in this process, to allow access of large dense-cored vesicles to release sites on the plasma membrane. 2. Phosphorylation of key components in the SNAP/SNARE complex associated with the docking and fusion of vesicles at site of secretion. 3. Ion channel activity, particularly Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Nickel is a toxic metal of environmental concern that has been found to be carcinogenic in man and animals. Primary human kidney (NHKE) cells were immortalized or rescued from senescence after exposure to NiSO4. The cell lines (IHKE) displayed abnormal karyotype and anchorage independent growth was observed. However, none of the IHKE cells produced tumor upon injection into athymic nude mice. Transfer of the v-Ha-ras oncogene into IHKE cells induced conversion of the immortalized cells into cell lines (THKE) that were tumorigenic when transplanted into athymic nude mice. Ha-ras DNA was present in the transformed cell lines and expressed at high level.  相似文献   

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