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EVANS  L. T. 《Annals of botany》1959,23(4):521-546
There is a heteroblastic change in leaflet number in many stocksof Vicia faba, the rate of change being affected by the temperatureand photoperiod under which the plants are grown. In all exceptthe earliest flowering stocks of broad beans, and particularlyat high temperatures, flower initiation shows a quantita-tivelong-day response. For full development of the initiated inflorescenceslong days are required. Flower initiation may be accelerated in all except the earliestflowering stocks of V.faba by brief exposures to low temperatures,particularly when the plants are grown in short days at hightemperatures. The response to low temperatures is more rapidat I0° C. than at 4° C. but eventually approaches saturationat both temperatures. More prolonged exposure to low temperaturesdelays flower initia-tion. The response to low temperaturesincreases with increasing plant age but can occur during embryodevelopment on the mother plant. At temperatures above 14° C, and particularly above 23°C, a reaction inhibitory to flower initiation occurs. This reactionis probably restricted to the diurnal dark periods but is operativeat all stages of the life cycle, including embryo development.Its inhibitory effects may be overcome by subsequent cold treatment,and when the low temperature processes have reached saturationsubsequent high temperatures are no longer inhibitory. Although nucleosides could accelerate flower initiation, purineand pyrimidene analogues did not, with one exception, reducethe response to low temperature treatment.  相似文献   

SMITH  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1967,31(1):19-30
In an attempt to elucidate the factors controlling the developmentof the inflorescence of Carex various substances were appliedto plants of several species during and after the transitionto the flowering phase. The main effects of the treatments onthe inflorescence were that indole-3–acetic acid and i-naphtha-leneaceticacid caused the induction of female spikelets on the sites ofpotential male flowers, 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid caused suppressionof branching and kinetin an increase in branching. All threesubstances resulted in a decrease in the flowering response,as expressed by the number of inflorescences produced. On thebasis of these results it is suggested that normal developmentof the inflorescence can be explained on a hypothesis involvingtwo substances, one probably an auxin and the other replaceablein experiments by kinetin. The possibility is considered thatthis second substance may be a kinetin-like factor producedby the roots.  相似文献   

The environmental control of flowering and sex expression has been studied under controlled environment conditions in three populations of the sedge Carex flava L. A dual floral induction requirement was demonstrated in all populations. Low temperature (< 12°C) was obligatory for, and short photoperiods strongly enhanced, primary induction and inflorescence initiation. Stem elongation and inflorescence development were promoted by long photoperiods, although most plants developed stunted flower stems also under short day (SD) conditions. Growth vigour, abundance of flowering and primary induction requirements varied widely among the populations, with critical exposure times for full flowering varying from less than 9 to about 12 weeks in SD at 9°C, and from about 9 to more than 15 weeks in long days (LD). Sex expression in the normally male terminal spike was shifted towards femaleness by marginal or incomplete primary induction. Primary induction in LD resulted in a complete change to entirely female inflorescences, whereas marginal induction in SD resulted in a similar sex reversal in some plants. The results are discussed in relation to environmental and hormonal factors known to modify sex expression in flowering plants and the significance of the results to Carex systematics and classification.  相似文献   

Among the subgenera of the genus Carex, the subgenus Indocarex has been seldom studied in any respects, Its systematic position and its subdivision are still disputable. Leaf anatomy of 14 species in the subgenus lndocarex from China was studied. The anatomical characters are proved to be systematically valuable. (1) Characters of lamina transverse section: All leaves of these 14 species are dorsiventral. The outline mostly V-shaped, occasionally flat or nearly flat, with adaxial lateral rib in each half of lamina and some of them flanged. The cells of adaxial surface larger than those of abaxial surface, and the epidermal cells over veins usually smaller than others. Air-cavities between vascular bundles are well developed, and bulliform cells also well developed in most taxa. The vascular bundles are collaterai, bundle sheaths double-layered, and the outer sheath parenchymatous and the inner sheath fibrous. (2) Characters of lamina epidermis: The shape of the cell on both surfaces is generally rectangular, and the anticlinal wall of epidermal cell sinuous; stomata is paracytic, elliptic to oblong, rarely sub-circular; prickles occur on adaxial surfaces of certain species; papillae are only obvious on abaxial surface of C. moupinensis Franch. The characters of transverse section and epidermis of leaf blades of these 14 species differ from each other to certain degree, and closely related species are similar in anatomical characters. The anatomical characters of lamina are of value for classification at specific and sectional level of the subgenus Indocarex. Despite of the variation of these characters among species, a certain num ber of characters appears to be shared by the members of the subgenus, and some of the common characters are primitive. In addition, some gross morphological characters are common and primitive also. Therefore, the subgenus Indocarex may be primitive in the genus Carex. The anatomical and morphological characters of C. scaposa C. B. Clakre and C. densifimbriata Tang et Wang ex S. Y. Liang are distinct. The two species and their allies should be treated as section instead of subsection. The three species in the sectionPolystachyae share some anatomical characters and comprise a coherent group.  相似文献   

为了解樟科植物雌雄异熟的繁育系统特点,对3种樟科植物阴香(Cinnamomum burmannii)、紫楠(Phoebe sheareri)和浙江楠(Phoebe chekiangensis)雌雄异熟花的开花动态进行了比较研究.结果表明,3种植物雌性功能期的开始时间、雌性功能期和雄性功能期的时间分配有差异.3种植物的主...  相似文献   

The occurrence of benzoic acid, a flower-inducing factor inLemna species, in L. paucicostata strains 151, 381, 321 andL. gibba G3 was established by several purification steps andfinal use of gas liquid chromatography-selected ion monitoring.Quantitative analyses of benzoic acid were made in non-floweringand flowering Lemna to determine differences in levels. Theendogenous level of benzoic acid was shown to vary dependingon culture conditions, but no positive correlation could befound between the endogenous level of benzoic acid and floweringof Lemna. (Received October 6, 1982; Accepted December 23, 1982)  相似文献   

The occurrence and endogenous level of various plant hormoneswere measured for the short-day plants Lemna paucicostata 151and 381 and the long-day plant Lemna gibba G3 to determine whetherany of them are involved in the photoperiodic control of flowering.ABA, IAA, GA1, GA29, GA34, GA53, trans- and cis-zeatin, trans-and cis-ribosyl zeatin, N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenine and N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenosine were definitely detected in each species, while GA4was only detected in L. gibba G3 and GA20 was only detectedin L. paucicostata 151. The endogenous levels of ABA and IAAwere in the range of 1–7 ng/g fr wt and were not significantlydifferent in vegetative and flowering plants. The endogenousgibberellin levels were generally higher in Lemna grown underlong-day rather than short-day conditions. The endogenous cytokininlevels were almost the same in both flowering and vegetativeplants of L. paucicostata 151 and 381. In L. gibba G3, however,the level of cis-ribosyl zeatin, N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenineand N6-(2-sopentenyl) adenosine were higher in vegetative thanin flowering plants. These results indicate that there is not necessarily a directrelation between endogenous plant hormone levels and flowering,and that the chemical basis for the photoperiodic control offlowering cannot be explained solely by changes in hormone levels.The possibility remains, however, that one or more of the planthormones has some influence of secondary importance on the floweringprocess in Lemna. (Received January 29, 1986; Accepted July 12, 1986)  相似文献   

A new species of Carex sect. Rhomboidales, C. jianfengensis, is described and illustrated from Hainan, China. The new species is similar to C. zunyiensis but differs in having involucral bracts sparsely hispid and with ca.1 cm long sheaths; inflorescence with 4 spikes, terminal spike ca. 2.5 cm long, lateral spikes 2–3.5 × 0.7–1 cm; staminate glumes narrowly ovate, ca. 5 mm; pistillate glumes triangular-lanceolate, 5–7 mm; perigynia 6–8 × 3 mm and pubescent on veins; nutlet 4–5 mm long, rhombic-ovoid, trigonous, base with shortly stipitate, apex abruptly contracted into a erect short beak, and not expanding into an annulate orifice.  相似文献   

We conducted an in-depth characterization of the range of micro-environments (1 m) in which four Carex species (C. backii, C. communis, C. plantaginea, and C. platyphylla) grow in the understory of an old-growth, deciduous forest in southern Québec, Canada. All four species occurred in significantly different micro-environments. Carex plantaginea was found at the wet end of a moisture gradient, in soils with high nitrate availability. Carex backii and C. platyphylla were found at the dry end of the moisture gradient, with C. backii occupying soils with higher phosphorus availability than C. platyphylla. Carex communis, the only ant-dispersed species studied, was found in the broadest range of environmental conditions. Our results suggest that environmental heterogeneity and interspecific microhabitat preferences are important for the maintenance of local species diversity in the forest understory, not only for common species as demonstrated in previous studies, but for infrequent species, and those within a functional group (upland Carex species). However, there was some evidence that the distributions of C. backii and C. communis were not in equilibrium with current environmental conditions, indicating that historical factors, such as dispersal and colonization events, may also have important effects on the distributions of these species and the maintenance of species diversity in old-growth forest.  相似文献   

拟南芥开花时间调控的整合途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拟南芥开花时间受光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径和赤霉素途径4条途径调控。开花途径整合因子LEAFY、SDC1和FT等可整合来自不同开花途径的信号,并将信号传递给花分生组织基因,从而实现对拟南芥开花时间的精确调控。文章就整合途径基因调控网络的最新研究进展作简要介绍。  相似文献   

One new section and one new species of the genus Carex (Cyperaceae) are described from Anhui Province, China. i. e. Sect. Cyclostyliferae and Carex shuchengensis S. W. Su et Q. Zhang.  相似文献   

Repetitious DNA in some Anemone Species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The DNA from several Anemone species, which contain different amounts of heterochromatin as revealed by Giemsa staining, was analysed by ultra-centrifugation and renaturation. No satellite band was observed in any of the samples centrifuged in cesium chloride gradients. Renaturation studies showed the presence of repetitive sequences. The proportion of repetitive DNA per genome varied from 53% to 67% and did not correlate with either the DNA content per cell or the relative amount of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

龙眼的成花逆转与“冲梢”调控   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
龙眼的成花逆转以部分开花和/或花序逆转两种类型出现,其逆转是以“冲梢”形成而发生的,“冲梢”导致龙眼“大小年”结果。文章就60年代以来龙其是近10来年龙眼花芽分化和成花逆转,与成花逆转有关的因素,以及成花转调控等方面的研究进展作介绍。  相似文献   

An hypothesis about the control of flowering is advanced. Thehypothesis may provide a unifying explanation of the differentresponses of both short- and long-day plants to changing daylengths. flowering, short-day, long-day, mathematical model  相似文献   

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