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Adaptation to temporal variation in environmental conditions is widespread. Whether evolution in a constant environment alters adaptation to temporal variation is relatively unexplored. We examine how constant and diurnally fluctuating temperature conditions affect life-history traits in two populations of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta : a field population that routinely experiences fluctuating temperatures; and a laboratory population (derived from this field population in the 1960s) maintained at a constant temperature for more than 250 generations. Our experiments demonstrate that diurnal fluctuations significantly alter body size and development time in both populations, and confirm that these populations differ in their responses to a mean temperature. However, we found no evidence for population divergence in responses to diurnal temperature fluctuations. We suggest that mean and extreme temperatures may act as more potent selective forces on thermal reaction norms than temperature variation per se.  相似文献   

Groups of replicated lines of the bacterium Escherichia coli were propagated for 2,000 generations at constant 32, 37, or 42°C, or in an environment that alternated between 32 and 42°C. Here, we examine the performance of each group across a temperature range of 12-44°C measuring the temperatures over which each line can maintain itself in serial dilution culture (the thermal niche). Thermal niche was not affected by selection history: average lower and upper limits remained about 19 and 42°C for all groups. In addition, no significant differences among groups were observed in rate of extinction at more extreme temperatures. Within the thermal niche, we measured the mean fitness of the evolved groups relative to their common ancestor. Increases in mean fitness were temperature specific, with the largest increase for each group occurring near its selected temperature. Thus, the temperature at which mean fitness relative to the ancestor was greatest (the thermal optimum) diverged by about 10°C for the groups selected at constant 32°C versus constant 42°C. Tradeoffs in relative fitness (decrements relative to the ancestor elsewhere within the thermal niche) did not necessarily accompany fitness improvements, although tradeoffs were observed for a few of the lines. We conclude that adaptation in this system was quite temperature specific, but substantial divergence among groups in thermal optima had little effect on the limits of their thermal niches and did not necessarily involve tradeoffs in fitness at other temperatures.  相似文献   

What factors influence the ability of populations to adapt to extreme environments that lie outside their current tolerance limits? We investigated this question by exposing experimental populations of the bacterium Escherichia coli to lethally high temperatures. We asked: (1) whether we could obtain thermotolerant mutants with an extended upper thermal limit by this selective screen; (2) whether the propensity to obtain thermotolerant mutants depended on the prior selective history of the progenitor genotypes; and (3) how the fitness properties of these mutants compared to those of their progenitors within the ancestral thermal niche. Specifically, we subjected 15 independent populations founded from each of six progenitors to 44°C; all of the progenitors had upper thermal limits between about 40°C and 42°C. Two of the progenitors were from populations that had previously adapted to 32°C, two were from populations adapted to 37°C, and two were from populations adapted to 41–42°C. All 90 populations were screened for mutants that could survive and grow at 44°C. We obtained three thermotolerant mutants, all derived from progenitors previously adapted to 41–42°C. In an earlier study, we serendipitously found one other thermotolerant mutant derived from a population that had previously adapted to 32°C. Thus, prior selection at an elevated but nonlethal temperature may predispose organisms to evolve more extreme thermotolerance, but this is not an absolute requirement. It is evidently possible to obtain mutants that tolerate more extreme temperatures, so why did they not become prevalent during prior selection at 41–42°C, near the upper limit of the thermal niche? To address this question, we measured the fitness of the thermotolerant mutants at high temperatures just within the ancestral niche. None of the four thermotolerant mutants had an advantage relative to their progenitor even very near the upper limit of the thermal niche; in fact, all of the mutants showed a noticeable loss of fitness around 41°C. Thus, the genetic adaptations that improve competitive fitness at high but nonlethal temperatures are distinct from those that permit tolerance of otherwise lethal temperatures.  相似文献   

Twelve populations of Escherichia coli were founded from a single clone and propagated for 2000 generations in identical glucose-limited environments. During this time, the mean fitnesses of the evolving populations relative to their common ancestor improved greatly, but their fitnesses relative to one another diverged only slightly. Although the populations showed similar fitness increases, they may have done so by different underlying adaptations, or they may have diverged in other respects by random genetic drift. Therefore, we examined the relative fitnesses of independently derived genotypes in two other sugars, maltose and lactose, to determine whether they were homogeneous or heterogeneous in these environments. The genetic variation among the derived lines in fitness on maltose and lactose was more than 100-times greater than their variation in fitness on glucose. Moreover, the glucose-adapted genotypes, on average, showed significant adaptation to lactose, but not to maltose. That pathways for use of maltose and glucose are virtually identical in E. coli, except for their distinct mechanisms of uptake, suggests that the derived genotypes have adapted primarily by improved glucose transport. From consideration of the number of generations of divergence, the mutation rate in E. coli, and the proportion of its genome required for growth on maltose (but not glucose), we hypothesize that pleiotropy involving the selected alleles, rather than random genetic drift of alleles at other loci, was the major cause of the variation among the derived genotypes in fitness on these other sugars.  相似文献   

We used bacteria to study experimentally the process of genetic adaptation to environmental temperature. Replicate lines of Escherichia coli, founded from a common ancestor, were propagated for 2,000 generations in 4 different thermal regimes as 4 experimental groups: constant 32, 37, or 42°C (thermal specialists), or a daily alternation between 32 and 42°C (32/42°C: thermal generalists). The ancestor had previously been propagated at 37°C for 2,000 generations. Adaptation of the groups to temperature was measured by improvement in fitness relative to the ancestor, as estimated by competition experiments. All four experimental groups showed improved relative fitness in their own thermal environment (direct response of fitness). However, rates of fitness improvement varied greatly among temperature groups. The 42°C group responded most rapidly and extensively, followed by the 32 and 32/42°C groups, whose fitness improvements were indistinguishable. The 37°C group, which experienced the ancestral temperature, had the slowest and least extensive fitness improvement. The correlated fitness responses of each group, again relative to the common ancestor, were measured over the entire experimental range of temperatures. No necessary tradeoff between direct and correlated responses of fitness was apparent: for example, the improved fitness of the 42°C group at 42°C was not accompanied by a loss of fitness at 37°C or 32°C. However, the direct fitness responses were usually greater than the correlated responses, judged both by comparing direct and correlated responses of a single group at different temperatures and by comparing direct and correlated responses of different groups at a single temperature. These comparisons indicate that the observed adaptation was, in fact, largely temperature specific. Also, the fitness responses of the generalist group across a range of temperatures were less variable than those of the thermal specialist groups considered as whole.  相似文献   

Six lines of the bacterium Escherichia coli were propagated for 2,000 generations in a temporally varying environment. The imposed environmental regime consisted of alternating days at 32°C and 42°C, with rapid transitions between them. These derived lines are competitively superior to their ancestor in this variable temperature regime. We also measured changes in the fitness of these lines, relative to their common ancestor, in both the constant (32°C and 42°C) and transition (from 32°C to 42°C and from 42°C to 32°C) components of this temporally varying environment, to determine whether the bacteria had adapted to the particular constant temperatures or the transitions between them, or both. The experimentally evolved lines had significantly improved fitness in each of the constant environmental components (32°C and 42°C). However, the experimental lines had not improved in making the sudden temperature transitions that were a potentially important aspect of the temporally variable environment. In fact, fitness in making at least one of the transitions (between 32°C and 42°C) unexpectedly decreased. This reduced adaptation to the abrupt transitions between these temperatures is probably a pleiotropic effect of mutations that were responsible for the increased fitness at the component temperatures. Among the six experimental lines, significant heterogeneity occurred in their adaptation to the constant and transition components of the variable environment.  相似文献   

Following an environmental change, the course of a population's adaptive evolution may be influenced by environmental factors, such as the degree of marginality of the new environment relative to the organism's potential range, and by genetic factors, including constraints that may have arisen during its past history. Experimental populations of bacteria were used to address these issues in the context of evolutionary adaptation to the thermal environment. Six replicate lines of Escherichia coli (20°C group), founded from a common ancestor, were propagated for 2000 generations at 20°C, a novel temperature that is very near the lower thermal limit at which it can maintain a stable population size in a daily serial transfer (100-fold dilution) regime. Four additional groups (32/20, 37/20, 42/20, and 32–42/20°C groups) of six lines, each with 2000 generation selection histories at different temperatures (32, 37, 42, and daily alternation of 32 and 42°C), were moved to the same 20°C environment and propagated in parallel to ascertain whether selection histories influence the adaptive response in this novel environment. Adaptation was measured by improvement in fitness relative to the common ancestor in direct competition experiments conducted at 20°C. All five groups showed improvement in relative fitness in this environment; the mean fitness of the 20°C group after 2000 generations increased by about 8%. Selection history had no discernible effect on the rate or final magnitude of the fitness responses of the four groups with different histories after 2000 generations. The correlated fitness responses of the 20°C group were measured across the entire thermal niche. There were significant tradeoffs in fitness at higher temperatures; for example, at 40°C the average fitness of the 20°C group was reduced by almost 20% relative to the common ancestor. We also observed a downward shift of 1–2°C in both the upper and lower thermal niche limits for the 20°C selected group. These observations are contrasted with previous observations of a markedly greater rate of adaptation to growth near the upper thermal limit (42°C) and a lack of trade-off in fitness at lower temperatures for lines adapted to that high temperature. The evolutionary implications of this asymmetry are discussed.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated temperature-specific genetic adaptation in experimental lines of Escherichia coli. Six initially identical populations were propagated for 2000 generations under each of five regimes: constant 20°C, 32°C, 37°C, and 42°C, and a daily switch between 32°C and 42°C. Glucose was the sole carbon source in all cases. Here, we examine the physiological bases of adaptation to determine whether the same mechanisms evolved among the replicate lines within each thermal regime and across different regimes. Specifically, we investigate whether changes in glucose transport may account for the temperature-specific adaptation. We compared each line's direct response of fitness to glucose with its correlated response to maltose; glucose and maltose enter the cell by different pathways, but their catabolism is identical. Except for lines maintained at the ancestral temperature (37°C), almost all derived lines had significantly different fitnesses (relative to their common ancestor) in glucose and maltose, supporting the hypothesis that adaptation involved changes in glucose transport. An alternative explanation, that maltose transport decayed by genetic drift, appears unlikely for reasons that are discussed. Although most lines showed evidence of temperature-specific adaptation in glucose transport, several different mechanisms may underlie these improvements, as indicated by heterogeneity in correlated responses (across temperatures and substrates) among replicate lines adapted to the same regime. This heterogeneity provides a latent pool of genetic variation for responding to environmental change.  相似文献   

Experiments in laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster have shown a negative genetic correlation between early-life fecundity on the one hand and starvation resistance and longevity on the other. Selection for late-life reproductive success resulted in long-lived populations that had increased starvation resistance but diminished early-life fecundity relative to short-lived controls. This pattern of differentiation proved, however, to be unstable. When assayed in a standard high-fecundity environment, the relative early fecundity of the long- and short-lived stocks reversed over a decade. That is, the long-lived populations came to have greater relative early-life fecundity, late-life fecundity, longevity and starvation resistance. Nevertheless, when these populations were assayed in other assay environments, the original trade-off was still present. We investigated the genetic structure of the short- and long-lived populations, to ask whether the inconstancy of the trade-off, as inferred from among population comparisons, is reflected in the pattern of genetic correlations within populations. For this purpose, lines from each of the short- and long-lived populations that had been selected for starvation resistance were compared with unselected controls. The direct and correlated responses of these starvation selected populations suggest that (1) the original genetic trade-off was still present in the ancestral short- and long-lived populations, even when it was no longer apparent from their comparison; (2) the trade-off was present in both assay environments; and (3) selectable genotype × environment variation exists for early fecundity. We suggest that a failure of the pattern of differentiation among populations to reflect the pattern of genetic correlations, if common in natural populations, will prevent the reliable inference of genetic trade-offs from comparisons of most natural populations.  相似文献   

Trade-offs among life-history traits are often thought to constrain the evolution of populations. Here we report the disappearance of a trade-off between early fecundity on the one hand, and late-life fecundity, starvation resistance, and longevity on the other, over 10 yr of laboratory selection for late-life reproduction. Whereas the selected populations showed an initial depression in early-life fecundity, they later converged upon the controls and then surpassed them. The evolutionary loss of the trade-off among life-history traits is considered attributable to the following factors: (1) the existence of differences in the culture regimes of the short- and long-generation populations other than the demographic differences deliberately imposed; (2) adaptation of one or both of these sets of populations to the unique aspects of their culture regimes; (3) the existence of an among-environment trade-off in the expression of early fecundity in the two culture regimes, as reflected in assays that mimic those regimes. The trade-off between early and late-life reproductive success, as manifest among divergently selected populations, is apparent or not depending on the assay environment. This demonstration that strong genotype-by-environment interactions can obscure a fundamental trade-off points to the importance of controlling all aspects of the culture regime of experimental populations and the difficulty of doing so even in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Despite the directional selection acting on life‐history traits, substantial amounts of standing variation for these traits have frequently been found. This variation may result from balancing selection (e.g., through genetic trade‐offs) or from mutation‐selection balance. These mechanisms affect allele frequencies in different ways: Under balancing selection alleles are maintained at intermediate frequencies, whereas under mutation‐selection balance variation is generated by deleterious mutations and removed by directional selection, which leads to asymmetry in the distribution of allele frequencies. To investigate the importance of these two mechanisms in maintaining heritable variation in oviposition rate of the two‐spotted spider mite, we analyzed the response to artificial selection. In three replicate experiments, we selected for higher and lower oviposition rate, compared to control lines. A response to selection only occurred in the downward direction. Selection for lower oviposition rate did not lead to an increase in any other component of fitness, but led to a decline in female juvenile survival. The results suggest standing variation for oviposition rate in this population consists largely of deleterious alleles, as in a mutation‐selection balance. Consequently, the standing variation for this trait does not appear to be indicative of its adaptive potential.  相似文献   

Symbiodinium californium (#383, Banaszak et al. 1993 ) is one of two known dinoflagellate symbionts of the intertidal sea anemones Anthopleura elegantissima, A. xanthogrammica, and A. sola and occurs only in hosts at southern latitudes of the North Pacific. To investigate if temperature restricts the latitudinal distribution of S. californium, growth and photosynthesis at a range of temperatures (5°C–30°C) were determined for cultured symbionts. Mean specific growth rates were the highest between 15°C and 28°C (μ 0.21–0.26 · d?1) and extremely low at 5, 10, and 30°C (0.02–0.03 · d?1). Average doubling times ranged from 2.7 d (20°C) to 33 d (5, 10, and 30°C). Cells cultured at 10°C had the greatest cell volume (821 μm3) and the highest percentage of motile cells (64.5%). Growth and photosynthesis were uncoupled; light‐saturated maximum photosynthesis (Pmax) increased from 2.9 pg C · cell?1 · h?1 at 20°C to 13.2 pg C · cell?1 · h?1 at 30°C, a 4.5‐fold increase. Less than 11% of daily photosynthetically fixed carbon was utilized for growth at 5, 10, and 30°C, indicating the potential for high carbon translocation at these temperatures. Low temperature effects on growth rate, and not on photosynthesis and cell morphology, may restrict the distribution of S. californium to southern populations of its host anemones.  相似文献   

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