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The genus Acricotopus Kieffer including three species from China is reviewed.Acricotopus lucens (Zetterstedt) is reexamined. Two species A. simplex sp. nov. and A.zhalingensis sp. nov. are described as male imagines. Acricotopus simplex sp. nov. was collected from Xizang, Sichuan and Qinghai Provinces; the species differs from others of the genus by the absence of hind tibial comb, temporal and clypeal seta. Acricotopus zhalingensis sp. nov. was collected from Qinghai Province; the species is recognized by a combination of characters: the larger body size; the clypeus without setae; anal lobe strongly produced, nearly hemispherical shape; inferior volsella triangular, strongly sclerotized; gonostylus with 13 very long setae. A key to the world males of the genus is presented. The generic diagnosis is emended.All the types described in this paper are deposited in Department of Biology, Nankai University,China (BDN).  相似文献   

This paper deals with two new species of the genus Scolytoplatypus Schaufuss 1891.These species represent two groups of the genus,one with and the other lacking thedorsal pore in the pronotum.The types are deposited in the museum of the Instituteof Zoology,Academia Sinica. Scolytoplatypus sinensis,sp.nov. Body length ?3.0 mm,? 3.1mm,dark-brown,elytral declivity red-brown,an-tennae and tarsi yellowish-brown.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Spilogona Schnabl, namely S. carbiarenosa sp. nov., S.dasyoomma sp. nov. and S. kunjirapensis sp. nov. are described from China. The type specimens of S. kun-firapensis sp. nov. are kept in the Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and those of S. carbi-arenosa sp. nov. and S. dasyoomma sp. nov. are deposited in Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

The genus Shelfordia is discovered in China for the first time, and one new species of this genus ( S. chinensis sp. nov. ) is fully described and illustrated in the present paper. The type specimen is deposited in the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.  相似文献   

A new genus Amblomma gen. nov. of fossil beetles is erected and can be assignedto the family Ommatidae because its two procoxal cavities are contiguous and the articulations of the abdominal ventrites are abutting. The new genus is similar to Zygadenia Handlirsch, 1906 (=Notocupes Ponomarenko, 1964), Tetraphalerus Waterhouse, 1901,Rhobdocupes Ponomarenko, 1966 and Sinocupes Lin, 1976, but can be distinguished from other genera according to the following characters: the second segment of antennae is shorterthan the third one in length; the posterior tarsi with the basal segment is obviously shorter than the three following taken together in length; the antennae reach the posterior ridge of prothroax in length, and the sides of the prothroax with serrulate margin. Four new species of the new genus are described and figured: Amblomma psilata gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma rudis gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma epicharis gen. et sp. nov., and Amblomma stabilis gen. etsp. nov. A key to species within this new genus is provided. All the specimens are collected from the Late Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning and are now housed in the College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

Thirty species belonging to 13 genera of three families in the Hippolytidae Bate, 1888(sensu lato) are reported in the present paper, including two new species and two newly recorded ones from the China seas. The two new species are named as Thinora leptochelus sp. nov. and Thor singularis sp. nov. Thinora leptochelus sp. nov. differs from the only knwon species of the genus, Thinora maldivensis(Borradaile, 1915), by the developed supraorbital tooth and the slender and cone-shaped chelae of the first 2 pereopods. Thor singularis sp. nov. can be dinstingershed from the other members of the genus Thor by the first 2 pereopods with epipods. The two newly recorded species from China seas are Eualus kikuchii Miyake & Hayashi, 1967 and Heptacarpus commensalis Hayashi, 1979.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two species of the genus Antichlidas Meyrick. Antichlidas trigonia sp. nov. is described as new to science. The adult photograph and the genital structures of the new species are provided. A key to the described species is given.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species, Micropeplus dentatus, sp. nov., of the rove beetle subfamily Micropeplinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Zhejiang Province, China. The new species belongs to tesserula group of the genus Micropeplus and is characterized mainly by two discal costae on elytron and no punctures on dorsal surface, strong carina on vertex, strong pseudepipleura and its special genitalia. It is similar to Micropeplus sharpi Sawada from Japan. The type specimens are deposited at the Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The present paper reports fourteen species of the genus Cryptolechia from Guizhou Province, China. Eleven species are described as new: C. proximideflecta sp. nov., C. muscosa sp.nov., C. solifasciaria sp. nov., C. spinifera sp. nov., C. denticulata sp. nov., C. furcellata sp. nov.,C. latifascia sp. nov., C. acutiuscula sp. nov., C. fasciculifera sp. nov., C. hamatilis sp. nov. and C.concaviuscula sp. nov. The female of C. gei Wang is reported for the first time, and the genital structures of the new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

The fire-bellied newt genus Cynops contains ten known species distributed in China and Japan in East Asia.In this work,two new Cynops species are described,namely Cynops jiaoren sp.nov.distributed in northern Guangdong and Cynops maguae sp.nov.distributed in eastern Jiangxi.The two new species can be distinctly distinguished from their congeners by the independent phylogenetic placements and a combination of morphological characteristics.The discovery of these two new species in the Southeast Ch...  相似文献   


A checklist of 30 species ofEndotricha Zeller in China is presented in this paper. Six species (E. dumalis sp. nov., E. lunulata sp. nov. E. medogana sp. nov., E. nigra sp. nov., E. purpurata sp. nov. and E. simipunicea sp. nov.) are new to science and three (E. admirabilis Kirpichnikova, E. fuscobasalis Ragonot and E. valentis Kirpichnikova) are recorded for the first time in China. The adult features and genital structures of the new species are illustrated and a key to the Chinese species is given.  相似文献   

The species of the genus Chrysotus Meigen from Shanxi, China are reviewed. Two species are described as new to science: C. shanxiensis sp. nov. and C. thornpenis sp. nov. C. biprojicienus Wei & Zhang and C. serratus Wang & Yang are recorded from Shanxi for the first time. A key to the species of Chrysotus from Shanxi is presented.  相似文献   

The genus Helina R.-D., 1830 is the second largest genus in Muscidae. By now,more than 400 species are known in the world and about 200 species have been described in China. This paper outlines earlier studies on the subgenus and species-group of Helina. Helina annosa species-group is erected. A key to the known Chinese subgroups and species is given.The 19 known Chinese species is listed, including one new species, i.e. Helina setipostitibia sp. nov. Type specimen of the holotype of the new species is deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

A new species and two new Chinese records in the genus Ulocladium from soil are reported. New species is Ulocladium leve, and the new records are U. alternariae and U. consortiale. Latin diagnosis of the new species is presented. Holotype specimen (dried culture) of the new species and dried cultures of two new records are deposited in the Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University: Plant Pathology (HSAUP).  相似文献   

The present paper reports thirty-three species of the genus Cryptolechia in China. Fifteen speciesare described as new to science: C. deflecta sp. nov. , C. kangxianensis sp. nov. , C. microbyrsa sp. nov. ,C.falsivespertina sp. nov., C.cornutivalvata sp. nov., C .fasciruptasp. nov., C. neargometra sp. nov., C.paranthaedeaga sp. nov., C.sp. nov., C. stictifascia sp. nov., C.jigongshanica sp. nov., C. mirabilis sp. nov., C. anthaedeaga sp. nov., C. gei sp. nov. and C. varifascirupta sp. nov. The genital structures of the new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

Sinoalaria nom. nov.
= Alaria Zhao & Li, 2012. ZooKeys 255: 7.
Type species. Alaria chengguanensis Zhao & Li, 2012
Etymology. The generic epithet is a combination of Latin Sino (=China) and Latin alaria (=of wings), referring to the distribution of the genus and the shape of projection of the copulatory ducts. Gender is feminine.  相似文献   

The genus Chlorizeina Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 is firstly recorded for China. Two new species, Chlorizeina yunnana sp. nov. and Tagasta nigritibia sp. nov. are reported from China. All specimens are deposited in the Biological Science Museum, Dali University(BMDU).  相似文献   

This paper reports the genus Erotis Meyrick for the first time from China. Two new species Erotis expansa sp. nov. and Erotis punctalosa sp. nov. are described. E. expansa sp. nov. is related to E. phosphora Meyrick both in appearance and in the male genitalia, but can be differentiated from the latter by uncus broader and slightly concave at middle of caudal margin, gnathos nearly as long as uncus and valva with costa almost straight in the male genitalia. E. punctalosa resembles E. expansa sp. nov. externally, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the female genitalia: eighth tergite caudally almost straight; two signa large thorn-like, basal plate irregularly triangular in shape, with fine spines along anterior margin. The photographs of the adults and the genital structures of the new species are provided. A key to all the known species of Erotis is given.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of the genus Phaedon Latreille are revised and illustrated from China, including five new species described herein, namely P. geminatus sp. nov., P. huizuensis sp. nov., P. igori sp. nov., P. insolitus sp. nov., P. prosternalis sp. nov. All species are redescirbed or original described. Figures of important morphological features are provided. The natural history of some species are provided including the host plants records. A key to species of Phaedon from China is presented. The type specimens of the new species described here are deposited in Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IZCAS), Mauro Daccordi collection(MDC), Horst Kippenberg collection(HKC) and Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences(ZIN).  相似文献   

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