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The segregation of genes that enhance the induction of ecotropic murine leukemia viruses (In loci) has been compared with the segregation of ecotropic-specific nucleotide sequences in 12 low-leukemic mouse strains and 18 recombinant inbred strains. Endogenous ecotropic viruses of these strains are of genome length and structurally similar to AKR ecotropic proviruses. Low-leukemic strains of related pedigree contain ecotropic proviruses at common integration sites. Loci previously identified which enhance induction of ecotropic viruses (In genes) were correlated with the inheritance of ecotropic viral sequences in inbred low-leukemic mouse strains and in CXB recombinant inbred mouse strains. However, four BXH recombinant inbred strains were observed to possess an In gene(s) yet lack the probed envelope gene region for the corresponding endogenous ecotropic virus. These observations indicate that at least one gene that enhances ecotropic virus expression in vitro is encoded by DNA sequences outside ecotropic proviruses or by subgenomic viral sequences.  相似文献   

Two types of endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs), termed AKV- and Cas-E-type MuLVs, differ in nucleotide sequence and distribution in wild mouse subspecies. In contrast to AKV-type MuLV, Cas-E-type MuLV is not carried by common laboratory mice. Wild mice of Mus musculus (M. m.) castaneus carry multiple copies of Cas-E-type endogenous MuLV, including the Fv-4(r) gene that is a truncated form of integrated MuLV and functions as a host's resistance gene against ecotropic MuLV infection. Our genetic cross experiments showed that only the Fv-4(r) gene was associated with resistance to ecotropic F-MuLV infection. Because the spontaneous expression of infectious virus was not detected in M. m. castaneus, we generated mice that did not carry the Fv-4(r) gene but did carry a single or a few endogenous MuLV loci. In mice not carrying the Fv-4(r) gene, infectious MuLVs were isolated in association with three of six Cas-E-type endogenous MuLV loci. The isolated viruses showed a weak syncytium-forming activity for XC cells, an interfering property of ecotropic MuLV, and a slight antigenic variation. Two genomic DNAs containing endogenous Cas-E-type MuLV were cloned and partially sequenced. All of the Cas-E-type endogenous MuLVs were closely related, hybrid-type viruses with an ecotropic env gene and a xenotropic long terminal repeat. Duplications and a deletion were found in a restricted region of the hypervariable proline-rich region of Env glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The AKR/J mouse strain is genetically fixed for three different ecotropic murine leukemia virus genomes, designated Akv-1, Akv-3, and Akv-4 (Emv-11, Emv-13, and Emv-14). With recombinant inbred strains and crosses with linkage-testing stocks, Akv-3 and Akv-4 were placed on the mouse chromosome map. Akv-3, which encodes a replication-defective provirus, maps near the agouti coat color locus, a, on chromosome 2. Akv-4, which is replication competent, maps near the neurological mutant gene locus trembler, Tr, on chromosome 11. Akv-1 and Akv-2 (Emv-12), an ecotropic provirus carried by AKR/N but not AKR/J, have previously been mapped to chromosome 7 and 16, respectively. Thus, the four Akv proviruses mapped to date are on four different chromosomes. Akv-3 is the second ecotropic murine leukemia virus provirus to be mapped near the agouti locus. The results are discussed in relation to possible nonrandomness of viral integration.  相似文献   

Ecotropic and xenotropic murine leukemia viruses (MuLV's) constitute separate interference groups; within each group there is cross-interference, but between the groups there is no detectable interference. Interference is manifest against pseudotypes in which the vesicular stomatitis virus genome is contained within the coat of one of the murine leukemia viruses. The pseudotypes display the cell specificity of the leukemia viruses: pseudotypes with an ecotropic MuLV coat infect mouse cells but not rabbit or mink cells; pseudotypes with a xenotropic MuLV coat infect rabbit or mink cells well but mouse cells very poorly. Efficient pseudotype formation also occurs between the two MuLV classes, and both the interference patterns and the cell specificity of these pseudotypes are entirely determined by their envelope. Using these pseudotypes, ecotropic MuLV infection could be established in xenogeneic cells, and the resulting progeny could be scored by using a conventional XC cell assay. Also, xenotropic MuLV infection could be established in a mouse cell, showing that no absolute intracellular barrier against xenotropic virus growth exists in murine cells. The major barriers against both xenotropic and ecotropic MuLV therefore are cell surface barriers. Xenogeneic cells probably lack receptors for ecotropic MuLV, but murine cells may either lack receptors for xenotropic MuLV or have receptors that are blocked by endogenous expression of the glycoprotein of endogenous xenotropic MuLV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Mouse strains carrying endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia viruses (MuLV) are capable of expressing infective virus throughout life. Risk of transplacental transmission of MuLV raises concerns of embryo infection and induction of pathogenic effects, and postnatal MuLV infection may lead to tumorigenesis. METHODS: Endogenous ecotropic MuLV-negative SWR/J embryos were implanted into Akv-infected viremic SWR/J mice, into spontaneously provirus-expressing AKR/J mice, and into noninfected SWR/J control mice; virus integration and virus expression were investigated at 14 days' gestation. Tumor development was monitored over 18 months. RESULTS: Of 111 embryos, 20 (18%) recovered from Akv-infected SWR/J mice, which had developed normally, were infected. New proviruses were detected in 10 of 111 (9%) embryos from Akv-infected SWR/J mice, and in 2 of 60 (3%) embryos from AKR/J mice; none expressed viral protein. Of 127 embryos recovered from Akv-infected SWR/J mice, 16 (13%) were dead; 4 of 5 (80%) were infected and expressed viral protein. Of 71 embryos from AKR/J mice, 11 (15%) were dead, and 2 of 2 had virus integration; virus expression was not detected. Numbers of dead embryos recovered from experimentally infected, viremic SWR/J mice and from spontaneously endogenous MuLV-expressing AKR/J mice were significantly higher, compared with numbers from nonviremic SWR/J control mice, and embryo lethality was significantly associated with prenatal provirus expression. Postnatal inoculation of Akv induced lymphoblastic lymphomas in 15 of 24 (61%) SWR/J mice within mean +/- SD latency of 14 +/- 2.4 months. Only 3 of 39 (8%) control mice developed lymphomas (P < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Embryos in MuLV-viremic dams are readily infected, and inappropriate prenatal expression of leukemogenic endogenous retroviruses may play a critical role in embryo lethality and decreased breeding performance in ecotropic provirus-positive mouse strains.  相似文献   

B A Taylor  L Rowe 《Genomics》1989,5(2):221-232
A new linkage testing stock of the laboratory mouse has been constructed. The stock, designated MEV (multiple ecotropic provirus), was developed by inbreeding and selection beginning with the cross of strains C58/J and AKXD-14. Eleven different murine leukemia virus (MuLV) proviruses have been fixed in the MEV/1Ty strain. Nine of these can be uniquely identified by Southern blotting of PvuII-digested DNA and probing with a cloned fragment of the ecotropic viral genome. Two proviruses had been mapped previously to chromosome 7, while single proviruses had been mapped to chromosomes 2, 9, and 11. The mapping of six additional proviruses, derived from C58/J, to chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 10, 18, and 19 is described. Another C58/J provirus was mapped to chromosome 8 and proved to be identical to the previously mapped C58v-1 virus inducibility gene of strain C58/Lw. Three dominant visible markers, hammer-toe (Hm), steel (Sl), and caracul-J (CaJ), located on chromosomes 5, 10, and 15, respectively, have been introduced onto the MEV genetic background by repeated backcrosses to provide additional linkage markers. It is estimated that approximately 50% of the genome can be screened by scoring 50 fully informative gametes from a linkage cross of the MEV-Hm, -Sl, -CaJ stock for the combination of viral and visible markers. A strategy for efficiently mapping new recessive visible mutations by pooling tissues for DNA extraction from mutant homozygotes among F2 progeny is described. Ways of further improving the MEV stock are discussed. The location of the Myb proto-oncogene is defined relative to Sl and one of the C58/J proviruses on chromosome 10.  相似文献   

Genomes of murine leukemia viruses isolated from wild mice.   总被引:12,自引:29,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The genomes of murine leukemia viruses (MuLV) isolated from wild mice have been studied. Detailed restriction endonuclease maps of the 8.8-kilobase (kb) unintegrated linear viral DNAs were derived for five ecotropic and five amphotropic MuLV's from California field mice, for Friend MuLV, and for one ecotropic and one xenotropic MuLV from Mus musculus castaneus. In general, the California MuLV's were similar in their leftward 6 kb (corresponding to the leftward long terminal repeat [LTR], gag, and pol) and rightward 1 kb (7.8 to 8.8 kb, corresponding to p15E and the rightward LTR). For the region spanning 6.0 to 7.7 kb (which includes the sequences that encode gp70) the amphotropic MuLV's shared few enzyme sites with the ecotropic MuLV's, although the California ecotropic MuLV's were highly related to each other in this region, as were the amphotropic MuLV's. Cross-hybridization studies between amphotropic and California ecotropic MuLV DNAs indicated that they were not homologous in the region 6.3 to 7.6 kb; the California ecotropic viral DNAs cross-hybridized in this region to AKR ecotropic MuLV. When the California viral DNAs were compared with AKR ecotropic viral DNA, many differences in enzyme sites were noted throughout the genome. The U3 regions of the wild mouse LTRs showed partial homology to this region in AKR MuLV. The LTR of Moloney MuLV was highly related to that of the California MuLV's, whereas the LTR of Friend MuLV appeared to be a recombinant between the two types of LTRs. The M. musculus castaneus isolates were most closely related to ecotropic and xenotropic MuLV's isolated from inbred mice. One amphotropic MuLV DNA was cloned from supercoiled viral DNA at its unique EcoRI site in pBR322. Viral DNAs with one and two LTRs were isolated. After digestion with EcoRI, DNAs of both types were infectious. It is concluded that ecotropic and amphotropic MuLV's differ primarily in the region which encodes gp70.  相似文献   

A mouse cDNA that confers susceptibility to ecotropic murine leukemia viruses following transfection into human EJ cells has been cloned and sequenced. We show that this sequence is likely to be Rec-1, the chromosome 5 locus originally defined by studies with somatic cell hybrids as responsible for virus susceptibility, and provide a specific chromosomal map position for this locus by analysis of an interspecies backcross. This locus maps in the distal region of chromosome 5 and is thus not within the cluster of retrovirus-related genes near the centromere.  相似文献   

G mouse cells were resistant to N- and NB-tropic Friend leukemia viruses and to B-tropic WN 1802B. Though the cells were resistant to focus formation by the Moloney isolate of murine sarcoma virus, they were relatively sensitive to helper component murine leukemia virus. To amphotropic murine leukemia virus and to focus formation by amphotropic murine sarcoma virus, G mouse cells were fully permissive. When the cell lines were established starting from the individual embryos, most cell lines were not resistant to the murine leukemia viruses. Only one resistant line was established. Cloning of this cell line indicated that the resistant cells constantly segregated sensitive cells during the culture; i.e., the G mouse cell cultures were probably always mixtures of sensitive and resistant cells. Among the sensitive cell clones, some were devoid of Fv-1 restriction. Such dually permissive cells, and also feral mouse-derived SC-1 cells, retained glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-1 and apparently normal number 4 chromosomes. The loss of Fv-1 restriction in these mouse cells was not brought about by any gross structural changes in the vicinity of Fv-1 on number 4 chromosomes.  相似文献   

Cultured cells derived from the wild mouse species Mus castaneus were found to be uniquely resistant to exogenous infection by polytropic mink cell focus-forming (MCF) murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs). This MCF MuLV resistance is inherited as a genetically recessive trait in the progeny of F1 crosses between M. castaneus and MCF MuLV-susceptible laboratory mice. Examination of the progeny of backcrosses demonstrated that susceptibility is inherited as a single gene which maps to chromosome 1. The map location of this gene places it at or near the locus Rmc1, the gene encoding the receptor for MCF/xenotropic MuLVs, suggesting that resistance is mediated by the M. castaneus allele of this receptor.  相似文献   

Jung YT  Wu T  Kozak CA 《Journal of virology》2003,77(23):12773-12781
The wild mouse species most closely related to the common laboratory strains contain proviral env genes of the xenotropic/polytropic subgroup of mouse leukemia viruses (MLVs). To determine if the polytropic proviruses of Mus spretus contain functional genes, we inoculated neonates with Moloney MLV (MoMLV) or amphotropic MLV (A-MLV) and screened for viral recombinants with altered host ranges. Thymus and spleen cells from MoMLV-inoculated mice were plated on Mus dunni cells and mink cells, since these cells do not support the replication of MoMLV, and cells from A-MLV-inoculated mice were plated on ferret cells. All MoMLV-inoculated mice produced ecotropic viruses that resembled their MoMLV progenitor, although some isolates, unlike MoMLV, grew to high titers in M. dunni cells. All of the MoMLV-inoculated mice also produced nonecotropic virus that was infectious for mink cells. Sequencing of three MoMLV- and two A-MLV-derived nonecotropic recombinants confirmed that these viruses contained substantial substitutions that included the regions of env encoding the surface (SU) protein and the 5' end of the transmembrane (TM) protein. The 5' recombination breakpoint for one of the A-MLV recombinants was identified in RNase H. The M. spretus-derived env substitutions were nearly identical to the corresponding regions in prototypical laboratory mouse polytropic proviruses, but the wild mouse infectious viruses had a more restricted host range. The M. spretus proviruses contributing to these recombinants were also sequenced. The seven sequenced proviruses were 99% identical to one another and to the recombinants; only two of the seven had obvious fatal defects. We conclude that the M. spretus proviruses are likely to be recent germ line acquisitions and that they contain functional genes that can contribute to the production of replication-competent virus.  相似文献   

Chimeras were previously generated between the ecotropic (Moloney-MuLV) and amphotropic (4070A) SU and TM proteins of murine leukemia virus (MuLV). After passage in D17 cells, three chimeras with junctions in the C terminus of SU (AE5, AE6, and AE7), showed improved kinetics of viral spreading, suggesting that they had adapted. Sequencing of the viruses derived from the D17 cell lines revealed second-site changes within the env gene. Changes were detected in the receptor binding domain, the proline-rich region, the C terminus of SU, and the ectodomain of TM. Second-site changes were subcloned into the parental DNA, singly and in combination, and tested for viability. All viruses had maintained their original cloned mutations and junctions. Reconstruction and passage of AE7 or AE6 virus with single point mutations recovered the additional second-site changes identified in the parental population. The AE5 isolate required changes in the VRA, the VRC, the VRB-hinge region, and the C terminus of SU for efficient infection. Passage of virus, including the parental 4070A, in D17 cells resulted in a predominant G100R mutation within the receptor binding domain. Viruses were subjected to titer determination in three cell types, NIH 3T3, canine D17, and 293T. AE6 viruses with changes in the proline-rich region initially adapted for growth on D17 cells could infect all cell types tested. AE6-based chimeras with additional mutations in the C terminus of SU could infect D17 and 293T cells. Infection of NIH 3T3 cells was dependent on the proline-rich mutation. AE7-based chimeras encoding L538Q and G100R were impaired in infecting NIH 3T3 and 293T cells.  相似文献   

Mixed retrovirus infections are the rule rather than the exception in mice and other species, including humans. Interactions of retroviruses in mixed infections and their effects on disease induction are poorly understood. Upon infection of mice, ecotropic retroviruses recombine with endogenous proviruses to generate polytropic viruses that utilize different cellular receptors. Interactions among the retroviruses of this mixed infection facilitate disease induction. Using mice infected with defined mixtures of the ecotropic Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) and different polytropic viruses, we demonstrate several dramatic effects of mixed infections. Remarkably, inoculation of F-MuLV with polytropic MuLVs completely suppressed the generation of new recombinant viruses and dramatically altered disease induction. Co-inoculation of F-MuLV with one polytropic virus significantly lengthened survival times, while inoculation with another polytropic MuLV induced a rapid and severe neurological disease. In both instances, the level of the polytropic MuLV was increased 100- to 1,000-fold, whereas the ecotropic MuLV level remained unchanged. Surprisingly, nearly all of the polytropic MuLV genomes were packaged within F-MuLV virions (pseudotyped) very soon after infection. At this time, only a fractional percentage of cells in the mouse were infected by either virus, indicating that the co-inoculated viruses had infected the same small subpopulation of susceptible cells. The profound amplification of polytropic MuLVs in coinfected mice may be facilitated by pseudotyping or, alternatively, by transactivation of the polytropic virus in the coinfected cells. This study illustrates the complexity of the interactions between components of mixed retrovirus infections and the dramatic effects of these interactions on disease processes.  相似文献   

DBA/2 mice carry a single endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia provirus, Emv-3. This provirus is defective; it is very poorly expressed in young DBA/2 mice. The defect in Emv-3 is caused by a single base substitution in codon 3 of p15gag. The resulting amino acid substitution inhibits myristylation of the gag precursor and subsequent virus assembly. Despite this defect, percutaneous treatment of DBA/2 mice with the carcinogen and mutagen 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) induces ecotropic murine leukemia virus replication in virtually all treated mice. We hypothesized that this induction is the result of a DMBA-induced reverse mutation in codon 3 of p15gag which allows for efficient myristylation. We tested this hypothesis by isolating ecotropic viruses from DMBA-treated mice and determining the DNA sequences of selected regions of p15gag, including codon 3. In support of the above-described model, all of the viruses examined contained single nucleotide substitutions in codon 3. In addition, most of the replication-competent viruses that were sequenced appeared to result from simple mutation of Emv-3 rather than recombination with other endogenous murine leukemia viruses. These studies may provide a basis for development of a sensitive assay for the mutagenic activity of a variety of chemical carcinogens in vivo.  相似文献   

Seven murine leukemia virus field isolates (uncloned) from wild mice (Musmusculus) of four widely separated areas in southern California show an unusually wide in vitro host range. They replicate well in human, feline, canine, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, and mouse cells, whereas bovine, hamster, and avian cells are resistant. Since this host range includes that of both mouse tropic (ecotropic) and xenotropic murine leukemia viruses, they are designated as "amphotropic". No purely xenotropic virus component is detectable in these field isolates. They may represent the "wild" or ancestral viruses from which the ecotropic and xenotrophic murine leukemia virus strains of laboratory mice have been derived.  相似文献   

We have defined 40 endogenous xenotropic virus (Xmv) loci from several common inbred strains of mice by examining provirus-cell DNA junction fragments in recombinant inbred mice. Some inbred strains carried unique proviruses, but most Xmv loci were present in several strains, indicating that many Xmv integration events preexisted modern inbreeding. It was also clear that most Xmv junction fragment variation between inbred strains resulted from independent integration events and not modification or restriction site polymorphism following integration. Chromosomal assignments were determined for 32 Xmv loci by comparing their recombinant inbred strain distribution patterns to those of known genetic markers. The Xmv loci were generally dispersed throughout the genome, but several chromosomal regions contained more than one provirus. Furthermore, several close genetic associations with cellular genes were discovered. Four Xmv loci were closely linked to Fv-1b, a dominant viral resistance gene present in C57BL/6J, BALB/cJ, A/J, and several other strains. Xmv-28 was closely linked to rd (retinal degeneration), and Xmv-10 was closely linked to a (non-agouti), both of which are old mutations as inferred from their broad distribution in mice. We suggest that Xmv integration contributed to genetic diversity in the past and that much of this diversity exists today in common laboratory strains.  相似文献   

Clones 8A and NP-N, which appear to be infected with replication-defective variants of murine leukemia virus, produce particles which do not form plques in the XC test. These particles formed XC plaques when amphotropic murine leukemia virus, which is XC negative, was added to the assay plates. This phenomenon can be used as a quantitiative infectivity assay for these replication-defective murine leukemia viruses.  相似文献   

Jern P  Stoye JP  Coffin JM 《PLoS genetics》2007,3(10):2014-2022
The ability of human and murine APOBECs (specifically, APOBEC3) to inhibit infecting retroviruses and retrotransposition of some mobile elements is becoming established. Less clear is the effect that they have had on the establishment of the endogenous proviruses resident in the human and mouse genomes. We used the mouse genome sequence to study diversity and genetic traits of nonecotropic murine leukemia viruses (polytropic [Pmv], modified polytropic [Mpmv], and xenotropic [Xmv] subgroups), the best-characterized large set of recently integrated proviruses. We identified 49 proviruses. In phylogenetic analyses, Pmvs and Mpmvs were monophyletic, whereas Xmvs were divided into several clades, implying a greater number of replication cycles between the integration events. Four distinct primer binding site types (Pro, Gln1, Gln2 and Thr) were dispersed within the phylogeny, indicating frequent mispriming. We analyzed the frequency and context of G-to-A mutations for the role of mA3 in formation of these proviruses. In the Pmv and Mpmv (but not Xmv) groups, mutations attributable to mA3 constituted a large fraction of the total. A significant number of nonsense mutations suggests the absence of purifying selection following mutation. A strong bias of G-to-A relative to C-to-T changes was seen, implying a strand specificity that can only have occurred prior to integration. The optimal sequence context of G-to-A mutations, TTC, was consistent with mA3. At least in the Pmv group, a significant 5′ to 3′ gradient of G-to-A mutations was consistent with mA3 editing. Altogether, our results for the first time suggest mA3 editing immediately preceding the integration event that led to retroviral endogenization, contributing to inactivation of infectivity.  相似文献   

macroH2A1-dependent silencing of endogenous murine leukemia viruses   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We show that macroH2A1 histone variants are important for repressing the expression of endogenous murine leukemia viruses (MLVs) in mouse liver. Intact MLV proviruses and proviruses with deletions in env were nearly silent in normal mouse liver and showed substantial derepression in macroH2A1 knockout liver. In contrast, MLV proviruses with a deletion in the 5′ end of pro-pol were expressed in normal liver and showed relatively low levels of derepression in knockout liver. macroH2A1 nucleosomes were enriched on endogenous MLVs, with the highest enrichment occurring on the 5′ end of pro-pol. The absence of macroH2A1 also led to a localized loss of DNA methylation on the 5′ ends of MLV proviruses. These results demonstrate that macroH2A1 histones have a significant role in silencing endogenous MLVs in vivo and suggest that specific internal MLV sequences are targeted by a macroH2A1-dependent silencing mechanism.  相似文献   

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