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This work studies the mechanisms of dysdifferentiation at cell neoplastic transformation based on the example of heterogeneity of the cell populations that form malignant tumors. Two natural fractions of Zajdela rat hepatoma cells are revealed that differ in the type of growth in the primary culture. Cells of one fraction are attached to substrate and are growing in monolayer (S-fraction), whereas cells of the other fraction are floating in the culture medium (F-fraction). Using the method of supravital observation of the primary culture cells (of 1–2 passages) at the limit of resolution of DIC microscopy, it has been established that both fractions contain cells of several types. Some of these cells are specific to one of the fractions and others are present in both fractions, but with different frequencies. Using the same method, it has been shown that, at the long-term separate cultivation of the fractions in vitro (more than 50 passages), both the cell composition and the initial ratio of cells of different types are changed in both of them. According to the data of flow DNA cytometry, cells of both fractions are hypotetraploid and have insignificant differences in the amount of DNA. After adaptation to conditions of cultivation in vitro, S-fraction cells have been found to have elevated proliferative activity compared to the cells of F-fractions; after long cultivation, the fractions already differ significantly (2.3 times) by this criterion. The content of the cell surface laminin, a marker of hepatocellular carcinomas, is higher on cells of the F-fraction than on those of the S-fraction. The interfraction differences are confirmed by immunologic estimations of the resistance of hepatoma cells to lyses of natural killer cells; cells of the S-fraction of the primary culture are 2.4 times more sensitive than cells of the F-fraction, while, after long-term cultivation, cells of the F-fraction become almost resistant to the cytotoxic action of natural killer cells. Based on the obtained data, the most probable pathways of the dysdifferentiation of rat hepatocytes upon the establishment of Zajdela hepatoma and at the long-term cultivation of cells of this tumor in vitro are discussed.  相似文献   

Glycopeptides obtained after pronase digestion of normal rat hepatocytes and Zajdela hepatoma cells after 3H-mannose or 3H-glucosamine incorporation were compared. In both cell types, the glycopeptides were resolved in four peaks after gel filtration on Biogel P6 with a different distribution of radioactivity in normal and tumoral cells. The first peak (I) contained high molecular weight glycopeptides, and particularly a megaloglycopeptide (MW 70,000) exclusively present in malignant cells. Peaks II and III contained only N-linked glycopeptides but the ratio bi-antennary/tri-tetra-antennary glycopeptides was very different in normal and malignant cells. Only polymannosidic oligosaccharides were detected in peak IV and their amount was more important in normal than in malignant cells. These results are discussed in relation with the differentiation state of hepatic cells.  相似文献   

A new form of high molecular weight DNA polymerase [EC] (polymerase N) was isolated from the nuclei of rat ascites hepatoma cells. Polymerase C, which was isolated previously from whole cell extract, was also isolated from the nuclei (Tsuruo, T. and Ukita, T. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 353, 146-159). Polymerase N was not found in the cytoplasmic fraction of the cell, while polymerase C existed in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. The molecular weight of polymerase N (8.7 S) was larger than that of polymerase C (7.4 S). On freezing and thawing, polymerase N was converted to polymerase C. In the nucleus the amount of polymerase N was larger than that of polymerase C. These data suggest that polymerase N, which was specifically present in the nucleus, was a complex form of polymerase C. In in vitro assay, polymerase N showed properties similar to those of polymerase C. Oligoribonucleotide was an effective initiator for the polymerization reaction by polymerase N. The DNA synthesis on single stranded fd phage DNA was greatly stimulated by the concomitant synthesis of RNA.  相似文献   

Long-term incubation of rat liver nuclei (particularly in 2M NaCl) led to a decrease in the yield of the nuclear matrix. However, the electrophoretic pattern of nuclear matrix proteins remained essentially unchanged. In Zajdela's ascites hepatoma, long-term incubation of the nuclei resulted in lamina proteolysis. The proteolysis was partly inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride in high concentrations.  相似文献   

Cell surfaces of metastatic 13762 ascites rat mammary adenocarcinoma cells are covered with a sialomucin complex composed of the high Mr sialomucin ASGP-1 (approximately 600,000) and a concanavalin A-binding, integral membrane glycoprotein ASGP-2 (120,000). Antibodies prepared against ASGP-2 and deglycosylated ASGP-1 react on immunoblots of ascites cells or their isolated microvilli with the Mr = 120,000 species and the high Mr sialomucin, respectively. No cross-reactivity was observed. Under complex dissociating conditions, anti-ASGP-2 immunoprecipitated primarily components of Mr = 120,000 and about 400,000 from lysates of cells labeled for 1 h with mannose, glucosamine, and threonine. Under similar conditions, anti-ASGP-1 immunoprecipitated the Mr = 400,000 component and a second major labeled component of about 330,000. Pulse-chase labeling with 35S-labeled amino acids followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-ASGP-2 indicated a precursor-product relationship for the Mr = 400,000 component, designated pSMC-1 (precursor, sialomucin complex), and ASGP-2. Similar pulse-chase analyses of threonine-labeled cells using anti-ASGP-1 showed equivalent amounts of immunoprecipitated pSMC-1 and pSMC-2, both of which disappeared with kinetics similar to those observed for pSMC-1 immunoprecipitated with anti-ASGP-2. A precursor-product relationship of both pSMC-1 and pSMC-2 to ASGP-1 was suggested by combined precipitations with anti-ASGP-1 and peanut agglutinin, which precipitates ASGP-1 specifically. Immunoblot and lectin blot analyses indicated that pSMC-1 and pSMC-2 from the immunoprecipitates bind anti-ASGP-2, anti-ASGP-1, and concanavalin A. Moreover, these three components can also be labeled with mannose; the mannose was removed from 30-min pulse-labeled anti-ASGP-2 immunoprecipitates by incubation with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H, indicating the presence of only high mannose N-linked oligosaccharides in pSMC-1. One-dimensional peptide maps of 35S-labeled pSMC-1 and Mr = 120,000 ASGP-2 showed several corresponding bands. These results indicate that both ASGP-1 and ASGP-2 can be synthesized from a common high Mr precursor. We propose that complex is formed from pSMC-1 by proteolytic cleavage to yield Mr = 120,000 ASGP-2 plus the precursor to ASGP-1 early in the transit pathway from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface.  相似文献   

We studied the in vitro interaction between Zajdela ascites hepatoma cells and small unilamellar vesicles, consisting of 14C-labeled phosphatidylacholine, cholesterol, and phosphatidylserine (molar ratio 5 : 4 : 1), containing high intravesicular concentrations of carboxyfluorescein or fluorescein isothiocyanate tagged dextran. The entrapped markers were found to be associated with the cells to a lesser degree than the vesicle membrane marker. This discrepancy, which is slightly less pronounced for fluorescein isothiocyanate tagged dextran than for carboxyfluorescein, increases with incubation time and decreases with increasing vesicle lipid concentration in the incubation mixture. Vesicle-plasma membrane exchange of the vesicle lipid marker could not entirely explain the observed discrepancy. It is tentatively concluded that the gap mainly arises from a selective loss of entrapped dyes from vesicles actually interacting with the cell surface. Both spectrofluorimetry and fluorescence microscopic observations, as well as the relative insensitivity of vesicle uptake towards the presence of metabolic inhibitors, exclude a major contribution of endocytosis as a vesicle uptake route. We therefore conclude that vesicles are primarily internalized by a vesicle-cell fusion-like process. The observed discrepancy in uptake between entrapped materials and vesicle lipid is discussed in terms of a two-site vesicle-cell surface interaction model.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to study cellular mechanisms of tumor progression and metastasizing. As a result of explantation of cells of rat Zajdela ascitic hepatoma, we obtained two transplantable cell cultures—monolayer (ZH-ad) and suspension (ZH-fl)—that differ in levels of cell differentiation and tumorigenicity. By using tumor-specific immune serum, we revealed tumor-associated antigens, synthesis of which is reduced or inhibited in ZH-ad cells, in outer membranes of the ZH-fl cells. Intraperitoneal injection into rat of 0.5–12 × 106 ZH-fl cells leads to development of an ascitic tumor and death of 100% of animals, whereas, in the case of administration of ZH-ad cells, to achieve a tumorigenic effect, the minimal dose needs to be elevated to 20 × 106 cells. Clonogenic analysis of the ZH-fl cells revealed three types of the formed clones—nonadhesive sphere colonies and two types of monolayer clones differing in proliferative potential, shape of colonies, and cell composition. Upon reaching a critical size, the spheres disintegrated, with separation of single cells and islands of different sizes, some of them being attached with monolayer formation. Three clonal cell lines were obtained: 1C as a result of expansion of a spherical clone and 4G and 10E from monolayer clones. We established that there is tumorigenicity of the 1C cell line, which, at a dose of 107 cells, led to the development of ascites and to the death of 50% of animals. The presented results indicate the existence in the ZH-fl cell population of tumor-initiating cells generating spherical clones—floating multicellular islets that, in culturing in the complete growth medium, are partly differentiated and are attached with monolayer formation.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms of disdifferentiation during neoplastic transformation of cells by investigating the malignant tumor cell heterogeneity. We have revealed two cell fractions of hepatoma Zajdela which differ in patterns of growth in primary culture. The cells of one fraction were attached to the culture plastic and grew in a monolayer (S-fraction), whereas cells of another fraction floated in the culture medium (F-fraction). Using method of lifetime supervision of primary culture cells (1-2 passages) at the limit of the resolving power of DIC-microscopy it has been revealed, that both fractions contain cells of several types. Some of them were specific for one of the fractions, and others were found in both fractions, but their frequencies differed. It has been shown by the same method, that long separate cultivation of these fractions in vitro (more than 50 passage) change both cellular structure and the initial ratio of different types of cells in both fractions. According to DNA flow cytometry, the cells of both fractions were hypotetraploid and had insignificant differences in DNA contents. After adaptation to in vitro conditions, S-fraction cells raised their proliferative activity in comparison with the F-fraction cells, and after long cultivation showed 2.3 times higher DNA content. Greater amount of cell surface laminin, a hepatocellular carcinoma marker, was observed on F-fraction cells than on S-fraction cells. Interfractional distinctions were confirmed also by immunologic assessment of hepatoma cells resistance to natural killer lyses: the sensitivity of S-fraction cells in primary culture was 2.4 times higher than F-fraction cells sensitivity, and, after long cultivation, F-fraction cells became practically resistant to cytotoxic action of natural killers. Based on the data obtained, the most probable paths of cell disdifferentiation during hepatoma Zajdela formation and during long cultivation of this tumor cells in vitro are discussed.  相似文献   

Two types of ascites hepatoma cells, AH 66 and AH 130 FN, were treated with trypsin to observe the release of complex carbohydrates constituting the plasma membranes. From AH 66 cells, mucopolysaccharide (heparan sulfate) was preferentially released. From AH 130 FN cells, N-glycosidic glycopeptides were preferentially released whereas no mucopolysaccharide (chondroitin sulfate A) was released.  相似文献   

Summary As previously described, a cell surface-associated adhesive factor (AF) was separated from differentiated rat ascites hepatoma AH136B cells (forming cell islands in vivo) and highly purified by chromatography. AF induces not only aggregation of dissociated AH136B cells or undifferentiated rat ascites hepatoma AH109A cells (present as free cells in vivo), but also adhesiveness characterized by the development of junctional complexes. The localization of AF on the surfaces of AH136B cell islands was investigated using anti-AF IgG (Fab fragment) coupled to peroxidase. AF was detected in the contact region of the lateral surfaces of the AH136B cells and in the intercellular spaces. In contrast, no AF was detectable on the apical non-contacted free cell surfaces of AH136B cells. Fluorescence studies revealed that biotin-labeled AF did not bind to the apical surface of AH136B cell islands. These results indicate a distinct difference between apical and lateral surfaces of AH136B cells; neither AF nor binding site for AF were localized on the apical surface of AH136B cells, whereas both were localized on the lateral surface. On the other hand, AH136B cells detached from the cell islands, or during the process of partial dissociation from them, showed the loss of the AF localization and binding site of AF on the surfaces. The results suggest that AH136B cell surfaces may be polarized in terms of the AF localization, and this polarization may be lost after cell dissociation.  相似文献   

Tumour growth was shown to be associated with DNA breakdown in thymocytes of rats bearing Zajdela ascites hepatomas. The tumour action on the thymus is mediated through adrenal glands since bilateral adrenalectomy completely prevents DNA breakdown in thymocytes. Using Southern hybridization of DNA genome with probes for histone, ribosomal and heat shock gene (hsp 70), it was shown that the degradation products of specific DNA sequences are as heterogenous as those of total DNA, although marked differences in appearance of nucleosomal ladder were seen. These data were interpreted to indicate different patterns of DNA breakdown in dying thymocytes. DNA breakdown in thymocytes in vivo and in isolated rat liver nuclei in vitro seems to proceed by similar mechanisms.  相似文献   

The activated dexamethasone--receptor complex from rat liver cell cytoplasm and from Zajdela ascite hepatoma cell cytoplasm is bound to Sepharose-immobilized native DNA containing different numbers of recurrent sequences. The DNA-bound hormonereceptor complex is eluted as three peaks by varying concentrations of NaCl. The binding in independent of the number of DNA recurrent sequences and of the source of the cytoplasmic complex used.  相似文献   

The distribution of hexokinase between bound and soluble forms was studied by digitonin fractionation of Zajdela hepatoma ascites cells maintained under various metabolic conditions. Addition of glucose to Zajdela cells respiring on endogenous substrates induces an immediate inhibition of respiration by 50-60% ( Crabtree effect), and a production of acid due to glycolysis. Acid production decreases abruptly after 60s to 50% of the initial rate. The ATP/ADP ratio is not altered by the addition of glucose or by different rates of glycolysis. The uncoupling agent carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone decreases the ATP/ADP ratio by 10-fold in cells respiring on endogenous substrate, but has little effect on cells oxidizing glucose. Rapid fractionation of the cells under these various metabolic conditions revealed no change in the distribution of hexokinase. Approx. 75% of hexokinase is bound in all cases, in contrast with lactate dehydrogenase, 95% of which was in the soluble form. Longer-term incubations (to 20 min) revealed only slight (10-15%) increases in soluble hexokinase in cells incubated with glucose. Various metabolic inhibitors had little additional affect on the subcellular distribution of hexokinase. Thus a rapid release of hexokinase from mitochondrial membrane is not a mechanism by which glycolysis is regulated in rapidly growing Zajdela hepatoma.  相似文献   

Membrane glycoprotein biosynthesis of ascites hepatoma cells is followed by [14C]glucosamine and [3H]leucine incorporation into cells in culture. The rate of incorporation is strongly increased by the addition of Robinia lectin in culture medium. Labeled glycoproteins are released from lectin stimulated and non-stimulated cells by trypsin digestion. Studies of labeled trypsinates on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and Sephadex G-200 filtration exhibit two fractions both labeled with [14C]glucosamine and [3H]leucine and having different molecular weights, one over 200000 and the other about 2000. Identical results are obtained when external membrane glycoproteins are solubilized by sodium deoxycholate. Comparison of surface glycoproteins isolated by trypsinization from control cells labeled with [3H]-glucosamine and from lectin stimulated cells labeled with [14C]glucosamine displays no significant qualitative differences between glycoprotein fractions released from both cell groups.  相似文献   

Using indirect immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies against prekeratins and vimentin, the contents and intracellular distribution of these proteins have been investigated in Seidel hepatoma cells. In ascitic tumour, cells were organized in multicellular unilayer spheric or ellipsoid complexes with an inner cavity. Such complexes have been found to express intracellular vimentin and chaotically distributed prekeratin filaments. One of the constituents of the normal epithelial basal membrane--laminin was not found on the basal surface of cellular complexes but was localized in their inner lumens only. The expression of vimentin and prekeratin filaments was preserved in metastatic tumour cells found in paratracheal lymph nodes and in the majority of solid tumour cells induced by subcutaneous cell injections. In both cases tumour cells did not form regular morphological structures and laminin was visualized as extracellular granules and short fibrils. In several cases subcutaneous injections of Seidel hepatoma cells gave rise to adenocarcinomas. Prekeratin filaments in these tumours were localized predominantly under cellular membranes. Laminin "membranes" outlined the basal surface of adenomatous structures. Vimentin in these cellular structures was completely absent. It is suggested that vimentin expression in Seidel hepatoma cells was suppressed with morphological normalization of tumour structures manifested in the regular distribution of intercellular contacts and in basal membrane reconstitution.  相似文献   

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