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Methane in maritime Antarctic freshwater lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Methane was found to occur in all freshwater lakes, irrespective of trophic status, sampled during this preliminary investigation at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. Methane accumulated in the water column of these lakes during the winter period when ice cover prevented wind-induced mixing. Maritime Antarctic lakes are usually subject to wind-induced complete mixing during the summer open-water period but two major exceptions to the rule were found during this study. Methanogenesis occurred in both littoral and profundal regions of oligotrophic Sombre Lake. The presence of a substantial algal mat stabilized the Eh status of underlying sediments at the littoral site. Methane production was confined to the sediments in both littoral and profundal sediments during the study period (December–March) but in winter probably migrated to the sediment surface at the profundal site. All Signy Island lakes sampled were sulphate-poor and addition of sulphate markedly inhibited methanogenesis. Radio-isotope studies indicated that the H2/CO2 pathway was probably the predominant route for methanogenesis in these sediments through the acetate pathway appeared equally important at the sediment surface. In the absence of sulphate, sulphate reducers probably acted as net hydrogen donors to the methanogens. The process rate was permanently limited by the consistent low temperature (annual range 1–3°C). Rates increased with increasing temperature over the range 4–32°C, but no evidence was found to suggest cold sensitivity or psychrophily. The optimum temperature for methanogenesis was in excess of 30°C, temperatures never experienced at Signy Island. Rates of methanogenesis during the study period (Dec–Mar) ranged from 0.29 to 0.45 mg of carbon m-2 and on an annual basis methanogenesis was calculated equivalent to 13% of the organic carbon deposition rate.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton production in freshwater Antarctic lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Bacterioplankton production was measured in the water columns of two ultra‐oligotrophic, freshwater Antarctic lakes (Crooked Lake and Lake Druzhby) during an annual cycle. In both lakes bacterial production, measured by the incorporation of [3H] thymidine, continued in winter and showed a cycle over the year. The range of production was between 0 and 479 ng C L?1 h?1 in Crooked Lake and 0–354 ng L?1 h?1 in Lake Druzhby. 2. Abundance and mean cell volume both varied, producing marked changes in biomass during the year, with highest biomass occurring in the winter and early spring. Biomass showed similar seasonal trends in both lakes. 3. For most of the year inorganic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus were detectable in the water columns of the lakes and were unlikely to have limited bacterial production. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was below 3000 μg L?1. Dissolved amino acids and carbohydrates contributed 5–25% of the DOC pool in Crooked Lake and 5–64% in Lake Druzhby. Dissolved carbohydrates were consistently low, suggesting that this may have been the preferred carbon substrate for bacterioplankton. 4. Aggregate associated bacteria had higher mean cell volume, abundances and production than freely suspended bacteria in Lake Druzhby, while in Crooked Lake aggregate associated bacteria consistently had higher mean cell volumes than free bacteria, but abundance and production were on occasion higher in free bacteria compared with aggregate associated communities. 5. The data indicated that production is limited by continuous low temperatures and the limited availability of suitable DOC substrate. However, the bacterioplankton functions year round, responding to factors other than temperature.  相似文献   

The bacterioplankton assemblages of eight maritime Antarctic lakes with a wide range of trophic status and geographic span (six lakes from Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula and two from Potter Peninsula, King George Island) were described using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and band sequencing during two consecutive austral summers (2003–2004). Analyses of the gels identified a total of 230 bands spread across 57 different positions. Among those bands, 14 were shared between lakes from Hope Bay and Potter Peninsula, 17 were observed only in particular lakes, and 17 were registered both years in the same lake. We successfully reamplified and sequenced 43 bands located in 36 different positions belonging to Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Cyanobacteria. The closest matches for 63% of the sequenced bands were from Antarctic or from other cold environment clones and sequences already in the databases, suggesting the widespread dominance of microbial communities adapted to cold habitats. The results of the multivariate analyses (Cluster Analysis and CCA) indicated that the nutrient status of the lake influences the bacterioplankton assemblages. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ian Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(1):69-79
The responses of phytoplankton populations to seasonal changes in radiation flux in two Antarctic lakes with extensive winter ice-cover are described. A phytoplankton capable of photosynthesis was found throughout the year in both systems. During winter, low incident radiation combined with thick layers of snow and ice prevented in situ photosynthesis becoming detectable. The beginning of spring was marked by a reduction in snow cover which resulted in a considerable increase in surface penetrating radiation. Planktonic algae rapidly adapted to utilise these increased levels efficiently, though they still showed characteristics of strong shade adaptation.Loss of ice cover at the start of the short open water period further increased the radiation levels and a summer population developed which was much less shade adapted. Saturation and photoinhibition effects were widespread during this period as the algae proved unable to utilise high radiation levels efficiently. They were however effective at the radiation fluxes prevalent in the lower part of the rapidly circulating water columns.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton productivity and biomass of two large, freshwater Antarctic lakes (Vestfold Hills, eastern Antarctica) were investigated over a 12-month period. Crooked Lake was sampled at one site, while Lake Druzhby, a complex lake with two shallow and one deep basin, was subject to a more detailed investigation. Concentrations of chlorophyll a were usually below 1 µg l-1, indicating ultra-oligotrophic conditions. Despite periodic low nutrient levels, low temperatures (range 0.4-2.8°C) and periodic poor light climate, some degree of photosynthesis was measurable throughout the year, including the dark winter phase. Snow cover had a pronounced impact on the light climate of the water column and inhibited photosynthesis. Mean rates of carbon fixation in the 0- to 15-m water column varied between 0 and 38.47 µg C l-1 day-1 in Crooked Lake and 0.24 and 37.68 µg C l-1 day-1 in Lake Druzhby. There were significant differences in the seasonal patterns of primary production between the basins of Lake Druzhby. The shallow basins had highest productivity in August, whereas the deep basin had highest rates in summer. Chlorophyll specific rates of photosynthesis or assimilation numbers [µg C (chl. a)-1 h-1] varied between 0.05 and 44.9, and photosynthetic efficiency [µg C (chl. a)-1 h-1 µmol m-2 s-1] between 0.02 and 5.19. The data suggest that the phytoplankton of these lakes is adapted to low irradiance levels, low temperatures and nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

The dynamics of bacterioplankton and protozooplankton in twomaritime Antarctic lakes (Heywood Lake and Sombre Lake, SignyIsland, South Orkneys) were studied during the phase of icebreak-out (December and early January 1994/95). The lakes aresuffering animal-induced (fur seal) eutrophication, though HeywoodLake is most severely affected. Both lakes had morphologicallydiverse bacterial communities which increased during the studyperiod, reaching maxima of 80 x 108 l–1 in Heywood Lakeand 31.8 x 108 l–1 in Sombre Lake. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates(HNAN) reached a peak in late December with maxima of 40.6 x108 l–1 in Sombre Lake and 174 x 105 l–1 in HeywoodLake. Phototrophic nanoflagellates (PNAN) peaked in late Decemberafter ice loss in Heywood Lake (63 x 105 l–1), which coincidedwith a peak in a bloom of Chroomonas acuta which reached abundancesof 1.0 x 108 l–1. In Sombre Lake, ice persisted for alonger period and here PNAN reached their highest density atthe end of the study period (around 70.0 x 105 l–1). Ciliateabundance reached high levels in Heywood Lake (>60001–1),while in Sombre Lake maximum abundance was 568l–1. Protozooplanktondiversity was greater in the less-enriched Sombre Lake. Grazingrates of ciliates averaged 70.6 bacteria indiv.–1 h–1in Heywood Lake and 119.3 bacteria indiv.–1 h–1in Sombre Lake. The difference was a reflection of the differenttaxonomic make-up of the community in the lakes. HNAN grazingrates varied between 0.51 and 0.83 bacteria indiv.–1 h–1in Sombre and Heywood Lakes, respectively. Specific growth rates(r) h–1 in Sombre Lake were 0.028 for ciliates and 0.013for HNAN, and in Heywood Lake 0.010 for ciliates and HNAN 0.012.These growth rates result in doubling times ranging between38 and 69 h for ciliates and around 55 h for HNAN.HNAN grazingon bacteria was curtailed in Heywood Lake in early January asa result of predation by microcrustacean larvae feeding on theplankton. Thus, for a short phase top-down control was apparentin the dynamics of Heywood Lake, a feature uncommon in Antarcticlake ecosystems. The impact of natural eutrophication on thesesystems is discussed in relation to other unaffected Antarcticlakes.  相似文献   

Viruses in the plankton of freshwater and saline Antarctic lakes   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
1. Virus‐like particle (VLP) abundances in nine freshwater to saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills, Eastern Antarctica (68° S) were determined in December 1999. In the ultra‐oligotrophic to oligotrophic freshwater lakes, VLP abundances ranged from 1.01 to 3.28 × 106 mL–1 in the top 6 m of the water column. In the saline lakes the range was between 6.76 and 36.5 × 106 mL–1. The lowest value was found in meromictic Ace Lake and the highest value in hypersaline Lake Williams. Virus to bacteria ratios (VBR) were lowest in the freshwater lakes and highest in the saline lakes, with a maximum of 23.4 in the former and 50.3 in the latter. 2. A range of morphologies among VLP was observed, including phages with short (Podoviridae) and long tails, icosahedric viruses of up to 300 nm and star‐like particles of about 80 nm diameter. 3. In these microbially dominated ecosystems there was no correlation between VLP and either bacterial numbers or chlorophyll a. There was a significant correlation between VLP abundances and dissolved organic carbon concentration (r=0.845, P < 0.01). 4. The data suggested that viruses probably attack a spectrum of bacteria and protozoan species. Virus‐like particle numbers in the freshwater lakes were lower than values reported for lower latitude systems. Those in the saline lakes were comparable with abundances reported from other Antarctic lakes, and were higher than most values published for lower latitude lakes and many marine systems. Across the salinity spectrum from freshwater through brackish to hypersaline, VLP concentrations increased roughly in relation to increasing trophy. 5. Given that Antarctic lakes have a plankton almost entirely made up of bacteria and protists, and that VLP abundances are high, it is likely that viruses play a pivotal role in carbon cycling in these extreme ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study describes the 1987–1992 time variationof the bulk chemical composition, levels of heavymetals, arsenic, nitrogen and phosporous insuspended and settling solids in Lake Volkerak andLake Zoom (The Netherlands). Suspended and setlingsolids were collected with continuous flowcentrifuges and sediment traps, respectively. Therelations between solids characteristics and metalconcentrations in the particles were investigatedusing correlation and factor-analysis. Heavy metals,except manganese, were associated with clay contentof the particles and with organic carbon which wasmainly determined by phytoplankton growth. Manganesewas correlated with Org-C only. Clay and organicmatter with associated heavy metals showed negativetrends on all locations, and a seasonality due toalgal biomass dilution. It is concluded that thetrophic state significantly affects trace metalcycling. Sediment traps collect different types ofparticles than continuous flow centrifuges. Thetraps collect particles with higher clay content,lower Org-C concentrations and higher Org-C/Nelemental ratios than the centrifuges. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Plants and their heterotrophic bacterial biofilm communities possibly strongly interact, especially in aquatic systems. We aimed to ascertain whether different macrophytes or their habitats determine bacterial community composition. We compared the composition of epiphytic bacteria on two common aquatic macrophytes, the macroalga Chara aspera Willd. and the angiosperm Myriophyllum spicatum L., in two habitats, freshwater (Lake Constance) and brackish water (Schaproder Bodden), using fluorescence in situ hybridization. The bacterial community composition was analysed based on habitat, plant species, and plant part.  相似文献   

The epiphytic diatoms on plant-remnants in 10 samples collected in July 1951–1957 from 0.25 m depth in Grane Langsø, Denmark were studied. Averages of their relative frequencies are compared with the relative frequencies of epiphytic diatoms from 11.25 m depth with the aid of a Rank-Abundance diagram. The two graphs were very similar suggesting identity between the epiphytic communities from 0.25 m depth and 11.25 m depth. This suggestion is supported by a highly significant correlation between the relatively abundances of species in the communities from the two depths. Also the populations of the common diatom species Tabellaria flocculosa had the same dimensions of the cells in the two depths and on different host plants, and none of the numerous epiphytic diatoms were ever observed in the plankton of Grane Langsø during five years of regular examination. Overall, the results imply that the littoral plant communities and the pelagic waters offer widely different conditions for growth and survival of diatoms resulting in the development of strictly different communities. The difference between epiphytic and planktonic diatom communities are also likely to become fully expressed due to physical separation of the communities in Grane Langsø resulting from its small size and wind protected location surrounded by forests.  相似文献   

The growth conditions and development of Asterionella formosa Hass., Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kütz., Fragilaria crotonensis Kitt., and Oscillatoria spp. have been studied in Lake Vansjø and Lake Mjøsa for many years. Some batch culture experiments have been performed with dilute phytoplankton populations in filtered water samples to support the field data. The results indicate that the concentrations of phosphate, nitrate, silicate or chelators/Fe were important factors regulating the spatial and temporal distribution of the populations. Based on the assumption that the growth rates were strongly dependent on the external nutrient concentration, S, the growth conditions were divided into three types. The nutrient concentration may be too low to support growth, i.e. the growth rate k ≤ 0, or the population is nutrient growth limited (0 < k < km) or not growth limited, i.e. the population has maximum growth rate (km). The nutrient concentration may be population density dependent, i.e. resource competition may occur, or density independent separately or in combination. The growth strategies of the populations in the two lakes were partly explained by studying the nutrient growth conditions of the populations.  相似文献   

Epipelic diatoms of a pond undergo a vertical migration rhythm moving to the surface of the sediment in the morning and downwards again in the afternoon.In the laboratory the same rhythmicity was found with a maximum of cells on the surface at noon or in the afternoon. Under the experimental conditions employed there was no evidence of two or more peaks.As in some, but not all, unicellular algae of the tidal zone, this migration shows the characteristics of endogenous circadian rhythms, such as persistance in continous light or dark and reversal of the phase by shift of 12 hours in the Zeitgeber: light.  相似文献   

Loons in freshwater lakes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Loons (Gaviidae) divide their annual cycle between salt and freshwater habitat, the latter being the site of breeding activites. Territorial requirements include sufficient size to permit runs of more than 100 m for take-off and landings; food for chicks and water clarity sufficient to permit foraging for it at depths generally 5 m; protected nest sites, preferably islands; and shallow vegetated nurseries. Gavia stellata, the smallest and most primitive species, is the exception, and breeds on small tarns, requires take-offs of < 50 m, and flies to coastal or riverine waters for all food. Freshwater dependence has increased during loon evolution, shaped their vocalizations, and mandated annual migrations. Hazards include eutrophication, human disturbance, water level fluctuations, toxic pollutants, acid precipation and seasonal unreliability. Loons have long been considered a major indicator of wilderness quality, but their potential as useful monitors of freshwater habitat depends on availability of baseline data, which currently varies among species and geographical regions.  相似文献   

Survival mechanisms in Antarctic lakes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In Antarctic lakes, organisms are confronted by continuous low temperatures as well as a poor light climate and nutrient limitation. Such extreme environments support truncated food webs with no fish, few metazoans and a dominance of microbial plankton. The key to success lies in entering the short Antarctic summer with actively growing populations. In many cases, the most successful organisms continue to function throughout the year. The few crustacean zooplankton remain active in the winter months, surviving on endogenous energy reserves and, in some cases, continuing development. Among the Protozoa, mixotrophy is an important nutritional strategy. In the extreme lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, planktonic cryptophytes are forced to sustain a mixotrophic strategy and cannot survive by photosynthesis alone. The dependence on ingesting bacteria varies seasonally and with depth in the water column. In the Vestfold Hills, Pyramimonas, which dominates the plankton of some of the saline lakes, also resorts to mixotrophy, but does become entirely photosynthetic at mid-summer. Mixotrophic ciliates are also common and the entirely photosynthetic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum has a widespread distribution in the saline lakes of the Vestfold Hills, where it attains high concentrations. Bacteria continue to grow all year, showing cycles that appear to be related to the availability of dissolved organic carbon. In saline lakes, bacteria experience sub-zero temperatures for long periods of the year and have developed biochemical adaptations that include anti-freeze proteins, changes in the concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their membranes and suites of low-temperature enzymes.  相似文献   

Photochemical activity of phytobenthic communities in two freshwater lakes in East Antarctica was estimated using a submersible pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometer, to answer the following questions: (1) Are the communities under bright summer photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) photosynthetically active? (2) If active, which community shows the most active signals? (3) Where is the most productive part (or depth) in the lake? Our limnological measurements indicated the two lakes were ultra-oligotrophic. Diving observations revealed that the phytobenthos of the lakes was moss-dominated which had different life-forms (moss shoots in shallow depths of both lakes, moss-pillars in the shallow lake, pinnacle moss-microbial complex community in the deeper lake). In addition, various mat-forming microbial communities inhabited the lake beds. In situ measurements of photochemical parameters indicated that shoots of mosses living just below the littoral slope, and the apical part of the moss pillars, had the highest photosynthetic activity in open water summer conditions, but mat-forming microbial communities and the other moss-microbial complex communities, showed rather lower activity. Most of the mat-forming phytobenthos surface also showed positive photosynthetic activity, but there were some cases of negligible signals in the shallow depth. This suggests that the photosynthetic activities of mat-forming communities in the shallow water were suppressed by strong ambient light in summer.  相似文献   

Microcystin concentrations in two Dutch lakes with an important Planktothrix component were related to the dynamics of cyanobacterial genotypes and biovolumes. Genotype composition was analysed by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling of the intergenic transcribed spacer region of the rrn operon (rRNA-ITS), and biovolumes were measured by using microscopy. In Lake Tjeukemeer, microcystins were present throughout summer (maximum concentration 30 microg l(-1)) while cyanobacterial diversity was low and very constant. The dominant phototroph was Planktothrix agardhii. In contrast, Lake Klinckenberg showed a high microcystin peak (up to 140 microg l(-1)) of short duration. In this lake, cyanobacterial diversity was higher and very dynamic with apparent genotype successions. Several genotypes derived from DGGE field profiles matched with genotypes from cultures isolated from field samples. The microcystin peak measured in Lake Klinckenberg could be confidently linked to a bloom of Planktothrix rubescens, as microscopic and genotypic analysis showed identity of bloom samples and a toxin-producing P. rubescens culture. Toxin-producing genotypes were detected in the microbial community before they reached densities at which they were detected by using microscopy. Cyanobacterial biovolumes provided additional insights in bloom dynamics. In both lakes, the microcystin content per cell was highest at the onset of the blooms. Our results suggest that while genotypic characterization of a lake can be valuable for detection of toxic organisms, for some lakes a monitoring of algal biomass has sufficient predictive value for an assessment of toxin production.  相似文献   

Epiphytic diatoms of the inshore marine area near Davis Station   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
D. P. Thomas  J. Jiang 《Hydrobiologia》1986,140(3):193-198
Collections of macrophytic algae from the subtidal and lower intertidal regions were processed to observe the diatom epiphytes both by light and scanning electron microscopy. For the purpose of comparison some samples of the sub-ice assemblage were also collected and processed similarly. The standing crop of epiphytes was high throughout the winter as well as the summer but the community composition varied depending upon the collection site and the morphology of the host macrophyte. The genus Cocconeis was ubiquitous achieving densities approaching 105 cells cm−2 and surpassed only by Nitzchiawith a density of twice that amount on one sample.  相似文献   

Mao  Guozhu  Chen  Ling  Yang  Yuyin  Wu  Zhen  Tong  Tianli  Liu  Yong  Xie  Shuguang 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2017,101(8):3361-3370

The present study investigated the abundance, richness, diversity, and community composition of denitrifiers (based on nirS and nosZ genes) in the stratified water columns and sediments in eutrophic Dianchi Lake and mesotrophic Erhai Lake using quantitative PCR assay and high-throughput sequencing analysis. Both nirS- and nosZ denitrifiers were detected in waters of these two lakes. Surface water showed higher nosZ gene density than bottom water, and Dianchi Lake waters had larger nirS gene abundance than Erhai Lake waters. The abundance of sediment nirS- and nosZ denitrifiers in Dianchi Lake was larger than that in Erhai Lake. nirS richness and diversity and nosZ richness tended to increase with increasing sediment layer depth in both lakes. The distinct structure difference of sediment nirS- and nosZ denitrifier communities was found between in Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake. These two lakes also differed greatly in water denitrifier community structure. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis indicated the presence of several different groups of nirS- or nosZ denitrifiers in both lakes. The novel nirS denitrifiers were abundant in both Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake, while most of the obtained nosZ sequences could be affiliated with known genera.


SUMMARY. Changes in bacterial populations and certain physical and chemical variables in Esthwaite Water between June and September 1975 were studied and compared with results obtained from 1972 to 1974 in the hypolimnia of Blelham Tarn and the Lund tubes. The counts of total bacteria ranged between 1 and 7 × 106ml−1 and were highest in the anoxic hypolimnion. The bacterial genera examined in more detail constituted only a small percentage of this count and included Ochrobium (104ml−1), Naumanniella (103ml−1), Leptothrix (102ml−1), Planctomyces (103ml−1), and Metallogenium (102ml−1). The iron bacteria appear to grow best in the oxycline where there was not only sufficient oxygen for aerobic growth but also a plentiful supply of reduced iron. Planctomyces numbers increased as the thermocline became depressed in September. The results from Blelham Tarn might be interpreted as further evidence of growth by iron bacteria in the absence of dissolved oxygen, but other explanations are possible. Examination of the results by multiple regression analysis showed that it was possible to explain a significant proportion of the bacterial variation (with the notable exception of the Planctomyces counts) in spite of considerable intercorrelation of the regressor variables.  相似文献   

Protozoan growth rates in Antarctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth rates of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN), mixotrophic cryptophytes, dinoflagellates and ciliates in field assemblages from Ace Lake in the Vestfold Hills (eastern Antarctica) and Lakes Fryxell and Hoare (McMurdo Dry Valleys, western Antarctica), were determined during the austral summers of 1996/1997 and 1997/1998. The response of the nanoflagellates to temperature differed between lakes in eastern and western Antarctica. In Ace Lake the available bacterial food resources had little impact on growth rate, while temperature imposed an impact, whereas in Lake Hoare increased bacterial food resources elicited an increase in growth rate. However, the incorporation of published data from across Antarctica showed that temperature had the greater effect, but that growth is probably controlled by a suite of factors not solely related to bacterial food resources and temperature. Dinoflagellates had relatively high specific growth rates (0.0057–0.384 h−1), which were comparable to Antarctic lake ciliates and to dinoflagellates from warmer, lower latitude locations. Temperature did not appear to impose any significant impact on growth rates. Mixotrophic cryptophytes in Lake Hoare had lower specific growth rates than HNAN (0.0029–0.0059 h−1 and 0.0056–0.0127 h−1, respectively). They showed a marked seasonal variation in growth rate, which was probably related to photosynthetically active radiation under the ice at different depths in the water column. Ciliates' growth rates showed no relationship between food supply and mean cell volume, but did show a response to temperature. Specific growth rates ranged between 0.0033 and 0.150 h−1 for heterotrophic ciliates, 0.0143 h−1 for a mixotrophic Plagiocampa species and 0.0075 h−1 for the entirely autotrophic ciliate, Mesodinium rubrum. The data indicated that the scope for growth among planktonic Protozoa living in oligotrophic, cold extreme lake ecosystems is limited. These organisms are likely to suffer prolonged physiological stress, which may account for the highly variable growth rates seen within and between Antarctic lakes. Accepted: 7 December 1999  相似文献   

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