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Having mixed extremely various patterns of achenes for a long time in the genus Lactuca L., especially showed in the classification of it on the mainland of Asia, Lactuca L., the primary unnatural genus, becomes more nuclear in its limit. The present paper makes a revision to attempt providing a clear cline between Lactuca L. and its relative genera. On my opinion, only plants, represented by Lactuca sativa L., which have ovoid capitulum during its fruiting, numerous (7-25), yellow ligular florets and longitudinal 1-10 ribs or striae on each side of achenes, acute into filiform beak at its apex, should be defined as Lactuca L. In view of the present concept of Lactuca L., another group of plants, embodied by Lactuca indica L., having its broadening, thin winged-margin of, 1-3 striae on each side of achenes, black, dorsi-ventral compressed, acute into thick and short beak at its apex, evidently, should not be placed into Lactuca L., but be regarded as genus, i.e. Pterocypsela Shih, gen. nov. Pterocypsela Shih distributes in Eastern and southern Asia, where Lactuca L. does not occur. In China there is all of species, seven species, of Pterocypsela Shih. They are P. raddeana (Maxim.) Shih, P. indica (L.) Shih, P. elata (Hemsl.) Shih P. lacciniata (Houtt.) Shih, P. triangulata (Maxim.) Shih, P. sonchus (Lévl.) Shih and P. formosana (Maxim.) Shih, But in Mediterranean regions and Middle and Western Asia mainly distributes Lactu ca L., in which there are only seven species from western China, Xijiang autonomic district. They are L. dolichophylla Kitam., L. sativa L., L. altaica Fisch. et Mey., L. serriola Torner, L. dissecta Don, L. auriculata DC. and L. undulata Ledb. With the combination of violet-purple ligular florets non-ovoid capitulum during its fruiting, a little thick achenes, acuminate into longer. or short beak at its apex and 4-6 ribs on each side of it, Mulgedium tataricum (L.) DC. is evidently different from Lactuca sativa L. with combination of ovoid capitulum during its fruiting, yellow ligular florets and compres sed achenes, acute into filiform beak at its apex. There seems to be no point in refusing Mu lgedium Cass. as a genus. Strictly speak, Mulgedium Cass. seems to be reminiscent of Para prenanthes Chang (see bellow) without beak at the apex of its achenes. In Hengduan moun tains and mountain range of Himalayas M. tataricum (L.) DC. discoveries its relative par tners. They are M. bracteatum (Mook. f. ex. C. B. Clarke) Shih, M. lessertianum (Wall. ex C. B. Clarke) DC., M. monocephalum (Chang) Shih, M. umbrosum (Dunn) Shih, M. meridionale Shih and M. polypodifolium (Franch.) Shih. Having broadering and thickening margin and 4-7 striae on each side of achenes, grey, dorsi-ventral compressed, truncate and beakless at its apex, Lactuca sibirica (L.) Benth. ex Maxim. (Sonchus sibiricus L.) is not only different from Lactuca sativa L. with the combination of yellow ligular florets and filiform beak at apex of its achenes, but also from the genus Mulgedium Cass. with beak at apex of its achenes. Therefore, Lagedium Sojak, established by J. Sojak (1961), should be restored. It should be point out that Lagedium Sojak is monotypic genus excluding Mulgedium tataricum (L.) DC. with beak at the apex of its achenes, non-marginated. Lagedium Sojak widely distributes in temperate and frigid zone ofvnorthern hemisphere. In our country, Lagedium sibiricum (L.) Sojak, sole species of the genus, restricts its northeast region. Paraprenanthes Chang, the new genus, established by Ch. Ch. Chang (1950) based on Lactuca sororia Miq. and Lactuca yunnanensis Franch. seems to be a distinct genus. This genus is characterized by 4-6 ribs on each side of achenes, black, fusiform, a little thick and beakless at its apex. Besides above-mentioned two species, assigned by Chang, in forest of tropic and subtropic zones on the mainland of Asia there are many species with same structure in achenes like L. sororia Miq. and L. yunnanensis Franch. The genus Paraprenanthes Chang seems to be reminiscants of Mulgedium Cass. and Lagedium Sojak, but differs from the former in its beakless achenes, from the later in its non-marginated achenes and 4-6 ribs on each side of it. In our country, there are all species of the genus known in the tropic and subtropic zones on the mainland of Asia. They are P. sororia (Miq.) Shih, P. yunnanensis (Franch.) Shih, P. longiloba Ling et Shih, sp. nov., P. heptontha Shih et D. J. Liou, sp. nov., P. prenanthoides (Hemsl.) Shih, P. pilipes (Migo) Shih, P. thirionii (Lévl.) Shih, P. sylvicola Shih., sp. nov., P. multiformis Shih, sp. nov., P. auriculiformis Shih, sp. nov. and P. sagittiformis Shih, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Rib numbers have traditionally been used in identification keys of Eupatorieae. Some species, however, demonstrate variations in this character much greater than those registered in the literature, making the use of this trait controversial. The large variations seen among some species of Eupatorieae examined in this work were found to be related to the fact that rib number is more closely associated with the pressure exerted by neighboring flowers on the capitulum than with genetic factors. According to our results, ribs are not a reliable taxonomic character for broad use in Eupatorieae, being especially inappropriate for Chromolaena stachyophylla, Praxelis pauciflora, and Vittetia orbiculata. The association between the occurrence of vascular bundles and ribs is also discussed, and the variability seen in some Eupatorieae is analyzed. Our data indicate that the formation of the ribs on the cypselae is determined more by the position occupied by the flower on the inflorescence than by the occurrence of vascular bundles.  相似文献   

Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) utilises multiple mechanisms to facilitate its dispersal. It has been speculated that the cypsela, the propagule of this species, can be dispersed by water under varying environmental conditions. Four experiments were conducted to test this hypothesis, using simulated shaking and immersion to test floating ability and viability of the propagule in water. The influence of the acidity of the immersion medium on cypsela viability was also examined. Our results revealed that the freshly harvested cypselae could float on river water for at least 20 days, although around 80% sank within a week if moderate or severe turbulence was applied. Sinkage was observed to be more rapid in naked seeds (within a day) than in cypsela (within a week). On still water surfaces, germination occurred within a week but extended to 1.5 weeks under turbulent conditions due to sinkage. In river water, initial germination of floating cypselae was greater (70%) under illuminated conditions as compared to dark conditions (20%). The viability of immersed cypselae was found to remain high in distilled water for 45 days, when immersion was in cool conditions (10 or 15°C). However, in moderate (20 and 24°C) or warm (25 and 30°C) conditions, the rate of viability loss increased, and at 34°C, around 50% of the cypselae died after 20 days of immersion. Similar trends for cypselae longevity were observed in studies using river and pond water; viability loss was faster, especially in pond water. In summary, a proportion of cypselae will float in turbulent water and could be carried significant distances in river systems. Immersed cypselae can remain viable for weeks and can germinate on contact with soil. Water bodies or floods are therefore considered as important pathways in parthenium weed dispersal; hence, post‐flood monitoring is strongly recommended to minimise its spread.  相似文献   

中国伞形科5个引种栽培的模式种果实比较解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
对中国伞形科中长期引种栽培的旱芹(Apium graveolens L.)、茴香(Foeniculum vulgare Miller)、欧当归(Levisticum of ficinale Koch)、欧防风(Pastinaca sativa L.)和莳萝(Anethum graveolens L.)5个模式种的果实进行了比较解剖学研究,详细描述了各种类分生果的解剖结构及主要特征,并从分生果横切面的轮廓形状、果棱、维管束、油管和合生面等解剖学性状系统分析了各种类的异同,提出果体腹面及合生面的长度及其比值、果棱间距离及其比值、果体侧面与腹面间的角度、侧棱与腹面间的角度、果体长宽比等新的数量化的伞形科解剖性状特征,并按果体压扁程度将5个种类分成几不压扁(旱芹)、轻度压扁(茴香)、中度压扁(莳萝和欧当归)和高度压扁(欧防风)4大类,同时探讨了果实解剖特征与它们的演化程度的关系。  相似文献   

Cluster analysis and principal coordinates analysis were used to investigate phenetic variation in Cineraria deltoidea , a species that ranges from near sea level in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to 4300 m a.s.l. on the mountains of East Africa and Ethiopia. Earlier taxonomic revisions reduced nine previously recognized species to synonyms of C. deltoidea . Two closely related species, C. decipiens and C. atriplicifolia , were also included in the analyses. Thirty-six morphological characters were examined on 111 specimens. Phenograms and scattergrams show partial clusters of specimens of C. deltoidea from individual mountains or geographical regions, but no groups are sufficiently distinct to warrant formal recognition at any rank. The East African specimens from 3000 m a.s.l. and higher tend to cluster together. Growth at high altitude in East Africa is correlated with fewer, larger capitula on longer peduncles, and an absence of a cobwebby indumentum comprising long, narrow-based trichomes. Cineraria deltoidea is thus a highly variable species with geographical and clinal variation evident throughout its range. Cineraria atriplicifolia and C. decipiens are maintained as distinct species, distinguished from C. deltoidea by their growth form, life span and auricle shape.  © 2007 University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Journal compilation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 497–521.  相似文献   

Lepidaploa belongs to tribe Vernonieae, one of the most complex tribes of Asteraceae, and the relationships within Lepidaploa and among related genera are poorly understood. Microcharacters may be of taxonomic value and may be used in the identification of taxa at different ranks. To evaluate the reliability of microcharacters as taxonomic markers in this group, we analysed the micromorphology of phyllaries, florets and cypselae in detail in 23 species of Lepidaploa .The species were studied using stereo, light, and scanning electron microscopy. Eight trichome types (eglandular and glandular) were observed on phyllaries, florets and cypselae, in addition to crystals, idioblasts and other microstructures. The results demonstrates that the ocurrence of different combinations of trichome types and crystals, presence of a stylar basal node, idioblasts and glandular apical anther appendages are highly useful to differentiate between related species of Lepidaploa and a diagnostic key using these characters is presented. However, these characters are not of much use to distinguish between closely related genera of Vernonieae since most characters appear homeoplasic and are found in representatives of different genera.  相似文献   

DAVIES, K. L., 1991. A brief comparative survey of aerophore structure within the Filicopsida. A comparative account of the structure of petiolar aerophores and aerating systems within certain fern families is presented. Approximately 100 species were examined and the results suggest that the petiolar aerophore structure and its relationship to internal petiolar anatomy could prove a useful taxonomic character at the generic level.  相似文献   

Ontogeny in Cotula australis, Leptinella dioica and L.pyrethrifolia confirms the presence of layers derived from the endosperm, testa and pericarp surrounding the embryo in mature cypselae in Asteraceae. The structure of mature cypselae of 24 species, representing all 12 genera that have been assigned to the 'Cotuleae', is reported. Several characters that appear to be relatively constant within genera or groups of genera are identified as providing information on affinities above the generic level. The data support the conclusion that the 'Cotuleae' is an unnatural assemblage: Cotula, Leptinella, Nananthea and Soliva appear to form one close-knit group, and Dimorphocoma, Elachanthus and Isoetopsis another, while the remaining genera are highly diverse. The first group appear to be good members of the Anthemideae. Evidence is provided to support the placement of the second group in the Astereae near Minuria. Cypsela characters support the placement of Plagiocheilus near Solenogyne.  相似文献   

The Graveldiver, Scytalina cerdale, is a small, poorly known burrowing fish from the intertidal and subtidal zones of the west coast of North America, ranging from south‐central California to Alaska. This is the sole member of the family Scytalinidae, which is included in the Zoarcoidei. Although it was described over 120 years ago, it is rare in natural history collections and its anatomy is only imperfectly known. This article describes and illustrates the skeletal anatomy of S. cerdale based on newly prepared cleared and stained specimens. Many points of its anatomy are clarified or corrected (e.g., presence of the intercalars and ribs, in contrast to their reported absence) or described for the first time (e.g., structure of its gill‐arches). Previous hypotheses of its systematic placement within the Zoarcoidei are discussed. On the basis of preliminary comparisons, S. cerdale may have phylogenetic affinity with at least some members of the family Stichaeidae (e.g., Xiphister). However, further study is needed on the anatomy and inter‐relationships of the families of the Zoarcoidei before any conclusions can be made. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

东亚和北美当归属(广义)的果实解剖和演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用比较解剖研究了广义当归属在世界主要分布区-东亚和北美种类的果实结构的特征。根据分生果背腹压扁的程度、棱翅与槽的形状、果皮层次和结构、油管数目、大小和位置等稳定性状,可将果实分为5个类型,与《中国植物志》将其分为5个属,即古当归属,当归属,高山芹属,柳叶芹属和山芹属的意见相一致。古当归属为原始的类型,山芹属具有高度演化的特征。且对一些种类有分类位置提出了调整的意见和各属的演化趋势。  相似文献   

KHATIJAH, H. H., CUTLER, D. F. & MOORE, D. M., 1992. Leaf anatomical studies of Eugenia L. species from the Malay Peninsula. The leaf and petiole anatomy of 25 Malaysian species of Eugenia L. sensu lato was investigated to determine the value of vegetative anatomy for the identification of non-flowering material. Twelve characters proved useful for the identification of species: type of stomata; shape of leaves in T.S.; shape of midrib bundle; sclerenchyma sheath; cutinization of outer epidermal wall; presence or absence of sclereids, idioblasts, hypodermis, columnar epidermal cells, solitary crystals; number of palisade layers and the shape of vascular strand, sclerenchyma sheath and sclereids in the parenchyma of the petiole. Using these characters an anatomical key was constructed to assist identification of the species. Only the closely related species E. stapfiana and E. nilidula could not be separated on anatomical characters.
The anatomical data support the treatment of Henderson (1949) of section Acmena but not of sections Cleistocalyx and Fissicalyx , which fit better in section Syzygium.  相似文献   

The morphology and anatomy of the Cephalocereus columna-trajani flowering region was described and compared with data on other species. The vegetative and reproductive regions were described in detail. The results showed that after the flowering region is differentiated, morphological changes take place which are correlated with anatomical changes. The flowering region in this species is termed a lateral cephalium because of its reduced interareolar space, increased areole size and abundant long bristles and trichomes in the areoles. Periderm development near the apical meristem, lack of chlorenchyma and a delay in xylem fiber differentiation are also traits characteristic of a lateral cephalium. The lateral cephalium of C. columna-trajani shared the same combination of morpho-anatomical characters with its sister taxon, C. senilis, except for the number of ribs in the cephalium. Both species survive in high temperature environments and their cephalium faces north; however, only C. columna-trajani tilts, thus we hypothesize that incorporation of fewer ribs associated with periderm development in the cephalium contributes to stem tilting.  相似文献   

After having examined all specimens of the genus Prenanthes L. of Compositae in the Herbarium of Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, I find that the classic concept on the genus Prenanthes established by G. Bentham in 1873 has not been held exactly by some of European, American, Japanese and Chinese botanists. For example, W. B. Hemsley, S. T. Dunn, A. Franchet, S. Kitamura and C. C. Chang placed plants from China which belong to other groups into the genus; I also find that the classic concept of the genus is not clear. The present paper makes a revision not only on the classic concept of the genus, but also on its concept assumed by the above-mentionded botanists. With the combination of numerous (25-35), white or yellow ligular florets, numerous ribs of achenes, Prenanthes alba L. (Nabalus albus (L.) Shih, comb. nov.) is distinctly different from Prenanthes purpurea L., which has the combination of purple, few (5-15) ligular florests and few ribs of achenes. Nabalus Cass., as a genus established early (1825) by H. Cassini, should be restored. It is not reasonable to treat Nabalus as a subgenus (E. B. Babcock et al. 1947) or a section (S. Kitamura, 1956) or as a synonym (G. Bentham, 1983) of the genus Preanathes L. The present author recognizes seven species in the new revised genus Prenanthes L. in China, 4 of which are described as new. In the genus Nabalus Cass. only one species, N. ochroleuca Maxim., is distributed in Northeast China. As Lactuca melanantha Franch. (1895), Prenanthes henryi Dunn (1903), P. glandulosa Dunn (1903), Lactuca triflora Hemsl. (1888) (it was transferred to Prenanthes L. by C. C. Chang in 1934), Prenanthes formosana Kitam. (1934) and P. wilsoni Chang (1934) all have campanulate involucres, purple phyllaries, purple dorsi-ventrally compressed achenes, longitudinal rids 6-9 on each side of achene truncate and beakless at its apex and pilose tubes of corollae, they should be placed neither into the genus Prenanthes with obtusely tri-or pentagonous, subterete achenes and glabrous tubes of corollae, nor into the genus Lactuca with beak achenes. Besides the above-mentioned species misnamed by some of foreign and Chinese botanists, 6 other species also have the same structure in achenes and corollae. Evidently, they fall into a new genus with the name Notoseris Shih. The new genus Notoseris Shih of the tribe Lactuceae of Compositae seems to be more reminiscent of Lactuca L. than of Prenanthes L. emend. All the 12 species of the genus Notoseris Shih are endemic to China and distributed in the area of south of Yantze River. Of them 6 are new combinations and 6 are described as new.  相似文献   

The genus Ferula L., with 180–185 species, is one of the largest genera of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae). It is distributed in the ancient Mediterranean florogenetic area extending from Macaronesia, northeast Africa and the Iberian Peninsula to middle Asia, China and western Himalaya. One hundred and seventy‐five species occur in Asia; the biodiversity centers being in central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan. The presently adopted classification of Ferula by E. P. Korovin is based on leaf, synflorescence, flower and fruit morphology, as well as some ecological considerations. Among fruit anatomical characters only the number of vittae (secretory ducts) was used to divide Ferula into six subgenera, one of which is Merwia. Fruit anatomy and morphology will be useful for a taxonomic revision of Ferula. In the present study, free‐hand and microtome sections of mericarps were studied with light microscopy, and fruit surfaces with SEM. Twenty‐two species, attributed to the subgenus Merwia as well as Ferula ghorana, were studied for the first time. The species differ from one another in the presence/absence of an indumentum, hair morphology and surface structure, position and number of vittae and vascular bundles, degree of development of marginal ribs, the presence or absence in the mesocarp of an outer collenchymatous layer and an inner mechanical layer. The studied species were divided into six carpological groups. The results suggest that the subgenus is not a natural monophyletic taxon. It is suggested that the name Merwia should be reserved for a small section which includes Ferula litwinowiana and the closest desert species, while other species of Merwia may be classified in several oligotypic sections. Ferula decurrens and F. mogoltavica have erroneously been regarded as having an affinity with F. litwinowiana.  相似文献   

Cycas swamyi Singh & Radha, sp. nov. (Cycadaceae) is described and illustrated from Karnataka, India. This new species has been confused with Cycas circinalis L., which is found in the Western Ghats. However, on the basis of its habit, characteristic isotomous‐type dichotomous branching, pinnae anatomy, mega‐ and microsporophyll morphology and seed anatomy, it has been segregated from C. circinalis and is described here as a new species. The distribution and conservation status are also discussed. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 430–435  相似文献   

Structural and developmental data indicate that Lophophora (Cactaceae) should be retained as a genus, which appears to be most closely related to Thelocactus (sensu lato). Within Lophophora morphological differences suggest that two species should be recognized. In the extensive northern population (Texas along the Río Grande to San Luis Potosí in Mexico) the tubercles are usually arranged as distinct ribs or elevated podaria, whereas in the restricted southern population (limited to the Mexican State of Querétaro) podaria and ribs are poorly developed or lacking and there are also differences in pollen structure. We believe that these two populations should be recognized as distinct species, L. williamsii and L. diffusa, respectively. We further believe that the latter represents the ancestral type.  相似文献   

Ixeris Cass., strinctly speaking, is confined to plants which have achenes with sharply winged ribs. Ixeridium (A. Gray ) Tzvel. contains plants which have persistent radical leaves at anthesis and achenes with obtuse ribs and a fine rostrum at its apex. Paraixeris Nakai is restricted to plants which are of the same achenes as in the genus Ixeridium (A. Gray) Tzvel., but rostra of achenes are robust and radical leaves deciduous in flowering in the former. The Chorisis DC., a monotypic genus, is characterized by ternate palatisect leaves. In the light of the above mentioned understanding of these genera, the author thinks that the division of Chinese Ixeris group, a comparatively complex one, into four genera would be more reasonable than merging them into one genus, namely, Ixeris Cass. Based on the examination of specimens in the Herbarium of the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica (PE), the author found that there are four species in the genus Ixeris Cass., including one new combination in China. They are I. polycephala Cass., I. dissecta (Makino) Shih, I. japonica (Burm. f. ) Nakai and I. stolonifera A. Gray. The genus Ixeridium (A. Gray ) Tzvel. has 13 species, including five new combinations and three new species in China, namely, I. sagittaroides (C. B. Clarke) Shih, I. gramineum (Ledb.) Tzvel., I. yunnarense Shih,I. graminifolium(Ledb.)Tzvel.,I, biparum Shih,I.aculeolatum Shih,I. chinense( Thunb. ) Tzvel., I. strigosum( Fisch. ) Tzvel., I. elegans( Franeh. ) Shih, I. sonchifolium (Maxim.)Shih,I. laevigatum (BI.)Shih,I. dentatum(Thunb. )Nakai and I. gracile(DC.)Shih, in China. There are six species in the genus Paraixeris Nakai, including One new combination, namely, P. denticulata(Houtt.) Nakai, P. humifusa(Dunn) Shih, P. cheldonifolia( Makino) Nakai, P. saxatilis( Baran. ) Tzvel., P.pinnatipartita (Makino)Tzvel. and P.serotina(Maxim.)Tzvel.in China.  相似文献   

Polyclithrum ponticum sp. n. is described and P. mugilini Rogers, 1967 is redescribed. Both monogenean species are parasites of Mugil cephalus in the Black Sea. The new species differs from P. mugilini, P. alberti and P. boegeri by the lesser size of anchors, while it is distinguished from P. corallense by the larger size of these structures. P. ponticum sp. n. differs from all formerly described species by the greater length of dorsal connective bar. In both species from the Black Sea, "ear-like" structures situated near the external roots of anchors are described for the first time. It is suggested, that these structures take part in longitudinal, two-lobe folding of the haptor. The process of opening the haptor is probably performed by the additional bars of the haptor (bars 2 and 3 after: Rogers, 1967), joined to each other and with the anchors. The fifth pair of additional bars (Ernst e. a., 2000) derives from the "beard" of ventral connective bar and is united with its basal part. The sixth pair of additional bars (Ernst e. a., 2000) is considered as a typical "ribs" of the haptor, and therefore the "ribs" are represented by three pairs. Differences between marginal hooks of P. ponticum sp. n. and P. mugilini are insignificant, that probably depends on the presence of "ribs" of the haptor. Based on the subdivision of marginal hooks into two groups, the presence of additional supporting structure in the haptor, and the presence of the seminal receptacle, it is suggested that the subfamily Polyclithrinae Rogers, 1967 should include the genera Polyclithrum Rogers, 1967, Swingleus Rogers, 1969, Macrogyrodactylus Mamlberg, 1959, and probably Fundulotrema Hargis, 1955. Based on such characters as the lack of the anchors, the presence of suckers in the haptor, and ovipositing of eggs, it seems to be expedient to use the following taxa in systematics of gyrodactylids: Isancistrinae Fuhrmann, 1928 (genera Isancistrum, Anacanthocotyle); Gyrdicotylinae Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960 (Gyrdicotyle) and Ooegyrodactylinae Harris, 1983 (genera Phanerothecium, Ooegyrodactylus, Nothogyrodactylus, Hyperopletes).  相似文献   

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