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Shigella flexneri is the major cause of bacterial shigellosis in developing countries. S. flexneri is divided into at least 19 serotypes, the majority of which are modifications of the same basic O-antigen by glucosylation and/or O-acetylation of its sugar residues by phage encoded serotype-converting genes. Recently, a plasmid encoded phosphoethanolamine (PEtN) modification of the O-antigen has been reported, which is responsible for the presence of the MASF IV-1 determinant and results in conversion of traditional serotypes X, 4a and Y to novel serotypes Xv, 4av and Yv, respectively. In this study, we characterized 19 serotype Yv strains isolated in China. A variant of the O-antigen phosphoethanolamine transferase gene opt (formerly called lpt-O) carried by a pSFxv_2-like plasmid was found in serotype Yv strains, which specifies the phosphorylation pattern on the O-antigen of this serotype. For the majority of the O-antigen units, the PEtN modification occurs on RhaIII, while for a minority, modifications occur on both RhaII and RhaIII. Serotype-specific gene detection and PFGE analysis suggested that these serotype Yv isolates were originated from serotypes Y, Xv and 2a by acquisition of an opt-carrying plasmid and/or inactivation of serotype-specific gene gtrII or gtrX. These data, combined with those of serotypes Xv and 4av reported earlier, demonstrate that the plasmid-encoded PEtN modification is an important serotype conversion mechanism in S. flexneri, in addition to glucosylation and O-acetylation.  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri is one of the major etiologic causes of shigellosis in Guizhou Province, China. However, the genetic characteristics of circulating isolates are unknown. Phenotypic and molecular profiles of 60 S. flexneri isolates recovered in Guizhou between 1972 to 1982 and 2008 to 2010 were determined. Nine serotypes (1a, 2a, 3a, 1b, 2b, X, Y, 4av and Yv) were identified. Multi-locus sequence typing differentiated the isolates into 20 sequence types (STs); 18 were novel. Four STs, ST 129, ST 100, ST 126 and ST 18, were most abundant, accounting for 65% of the isolates. Thirty-nine NotI-pulsed field gel electrophoresis patterns (pulsotypes, PTs) were observed; eight PTs were represented by more than one isolate with six isolates sharing the PT 13 profile. Multi-locus variable-nucleotide tandem-repeat analysis recognized 44 different types (MTs); seven MTs were represented by more than one isolate and MT 1 was most commonly encountered. Correlation between genetic relationships and serotypes was observed among the isolates studied; the majority of isolates belonging to the same serotype from different years clustered together based on the molecular data. These clustered isolates were also from similar geographical origins. These results enhance our understanding of genetic relationships between S. flexneri in Guizhou Province and can be used to help understand the changing etiology of shigellosis in China.  相似文献   

The O antigen of serotype 1c differs from the unmodified O antigen of serotype Y by the addition of a disaccharide (two glucosyl groups) to the tetrasaccharide repeating unit. It was shown here that addition of the first glucosyl group is mediated by the previously characterized gtrI cluster, which is found within a cryptic prophage at the proA locus in the bacterial chromosome. Transposon mutagenesis was performed to disrupt the gene responsible for addition of the second glucosyl group, causing reversion to serotype 1a. Colony immunoblotting was used to identify the desired revertants, and subsequent sequencing, cloning, and functional expression successfully identified the gene encoding serotype 1c-specific O-antigen modification. This gene (designated gtrIC) was present as part of a three-gene cluster, similar to other S. flexneri glucosyltransferase genes. Relative to the other S. flexneri gtr clusters, the gtrIC cluster is more distantly related and appears to have arrived in S. flexneri from outside the species. Analysis of surrounding sequence suggests that the gtrIC cluster arrived via a novel bacteriophage that was subsequently rendered nonfunctional by a series of insertion events.Shigella flexneri is a pathovar of Escherichia coli that is the main causative agent of endemic bacillary dysentery (shigellosis). It is estimated that S. flexneri is responsible for approximately 100 million shigellosis cases annually, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths, predominantly in young children (11). Currently no vaccine is available, although there is evidence to suggest that serotype-specific immunity occurs following infection and that induction of immunity can be replicated with vaccines (9). Shigella serotype diversity arises due to differences in the chemical structure of the O-antigen repeating unit in the lipopolysaccharide, which is the main target of the adaptive host immune response following infection.Because immunity to S. flexneri can be conferred by the induction of antibodies directed against the O antigen, an understanding of the prevalence of different serotypes and the underlying basis of serotype diversity can inform appropriate vaccine design. All S. flexneri serotypes (with the exception of serotype 6) share a common O-antigen backbone, consisting of a repeating tetrasaccharide unit that is comprised of one N-acetylglucosamine residue (GlcNAc) and three rhamnose residues (RhaI, RhaII, and RhaIII) (14). The 12 traditionally recognized S. flexneri serotypes differ by the presence or absence of just six different chemical modifications (glucosylations or O acetylations) of the O antigen. The genes responsible for these O-antigen modifications are introduced into the bacterial genome via bacteriophages (3). Glucosylation of the S. flexneri O antigen is mediated by three genes [gtrA, gtrB, and gtr(type)] that are arranged in a single operon known as a gtr cluster. gtrA and gtrB are highly conserved between different gtr clusters and encode proteins involved in transferring the glucosyl group from the cytoplasm into the periplasm, where O-antigen modification is thought to take place. gtr(type) is unique to each gtr cluster and encodes a glucosyltransferase that is responsible for attaching the glucosyl group to a specific sugar unit of the O antigen via a specific linkage (3).Investigations of S. flexneri have typically focused on serotypes for which commercially available typing sera are available. More recently, it has become clear that other serotypes are also epidemiologically important. In Bangladesh in the late 1980s, two novel S. flexneri strains that did not agglutinate with antibodies specific for the traditionally recognized serotypes were isolated (4). Chemical analysis of the O antigen revealed that these strains belonged to a new serotype, which was named serotype 1c due to the similarity its O antigen shares with the O antigens of serotype 1a and 1b strains (19). Serotype 1c has since been isolated in Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Vietnam (6, 15, 18). Serotype 1c was shown to be the most prevalent S. flexneri serotype in a northern province of Vietnam, accounting for more than a third of all S. flexneri strains isolated from 1998 to 1999 (15). Identification of serotype 1c currently relies on agglutination testing using monoclonal antibody MASF Ic (19).The O antigen of serotype 1c is distinguished by the presence of a disaccharide (two glucosyl groups) linked to the GlcNAc in the tetrasaccharide repeating unit of the O antigen. The first glucosyl group is joined to GlcNAc via an α1→4 linkage, as occurs in the O antigen of serotype 1a and serotype 1b strains (type I modification). The O antigen of serotype 1c is distinguished by the presence of a second glucosyl group that is linked to the first via an α1→2 linkage (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Type Ia modification is prerequisite to type Ic modification.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Chemical structure of the tetrasaccharide repeat units in the O antigens of S. flexneri serotypes 1a and 1c. Note that the O antigen of serotype 1b (not shown) differs from that of serotype 1a by the O acetylation of l-RhaIII.In this study, the genetic basis of O-antigen modification in serotype 1c was elucidated. Serotype 1c strains isolated from different locations and times were compared to gain insight into the evolution of this serotype. This is the first report of the identification of a glucosyltransferase gene that is responsible for addition of the second glucosyl group, causing serotype conversion from serotype 1a to serotype 1c.  相似文献   



On most common microarray platforms many genes are represented by multiple probes. Although this is quite common no one has systematically explored the concordance between probes mapped to the same gene.


Here we present an analysis of all the cases of multiple probe sets measuring the same gene on the Affymetrix U133a GeneChip and found that although in the majority of cases both measurements tend to agree there are a significant number of cases in which the two measurements differ from each other. In these cases the measurements can not be simply averaged but rather should be handled individually.


Our analysis allows us to provide a comprehensive list of the correlation between all pairs of probe sets that are mapped to the same gene and thus allows microarray users to sort out the cases that deserve further analysis. Comparison between the set of highly correlated pairs and the set of pairs that tend to differ from each other reveals potential factors that may affect it.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial resistance and the character of integrons were determined in 58 Shigella flexneri strains isolated from China. All isolates were multi-drug resistant and found to carry integrons of class 1 (94.8%), class 2 (100%), or both (94.8%). No intI3 was detected. The typical class 1 integrons were found in conjugative plasmids and could be transferred to the recipient E. coli DH5α. The gene cassettes of typical class 1 integrons dfrA17-aadA5 and dfrA12-orfF-aadA2 were detected in 54 strains (93.1%) and 1 strain, respectively. Atypical class 1 integrons located on the chromosome with gene cassettes bla (oxa-30)-aadA1 were detected in 55 isolates (94.8%). All the intI2 positive isolates carried gene cassettes dfrA1-sat1-aadA1. To our knowledge, this is the first report that atypical and typical class 1 integrons coexisted with class 2 integron in multi-drug resistant S. flexneri strains.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against the surface antigens of Shigella flexneri 1b and S. dysenteriae 1 were prepared. The specificities of the antibodies were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and quantitative agglutination using microtiter plate. Monoclonal antibodies against S. flexneri 1b, designated Sf2B2 and Sf2G4, belonged to IgG2a and IgG1 subclass, respectively. The former was specific for S. flexneri 1b, whereas the latter was reactive not only to S. flexneri 1b, but also weakly to 3a and 4b. Monoclonal antibody against S. dysenteriae 1, Sd5E1 (IgM), reacted with S. dysenteriae 1, 3, 6, 7, and S. boydii 2.  相似文献   



To investigate the prevalence and mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance in Shigella species isolated in Bangladesh and to compare with similar strains isolated in China.


A total of 3789 Shigella isolates collected from Clinical Microbiology Laboratory of icddr,b, during 2004–2010 were analyzed for antibiotic susceptibility. Analysis of plasmids, plasmid-mediated quinolone-resistance genes, PFGE, and sequencing of genes of the quinolone-resistance-determining regions (QRDR) were conducted in representative strains isolated in Bangladesh and compared with strains isolated in Zhengding, China. In addition, the role of efflux-pump was studied by using the efflux-pump inhibitor carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP).


Resistance to ciprofloxacin in Shigella species increased from 0% in 2004 to 44% in 2010 and S. flexneri was the predominant species. Of Shigella spp, ciprofloxacin resistant (CipR) strains were mostly found among S. flexneri (8.3%), followed by S. sonnei (1.5%). Within S. flexneri (n = 2181), 14.5% were resistance to ciprofloxacin of which serotype 2a was predominant (96%). MIC of ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin were 6–32 mg/L, 8–32 mg/L, and 8–24 mg/L, respectively in S. flexneri 2a isolates. Sequencing of QRDR genes of resistant isolates showed double mutations in gyrA gene (Ser83Leu, Asp87Asn/Gly) and single mutation in parC gene (Ser80Ile). A difference in amino acid substitution at position 87 was found between strains isolated in Bangladesh (Asp87Asn) and China (Asp87Gly) except for one. A novel mutation at position 211 (His→Tyr) in gyrA gene was detected only in the Bangladeshi strains. Susceptibility to ciprofloxacin was increased by the presence of CCCP indicating the involvement of energy dependent active efflux pumps. A single PFGE type was found in isolates from Bangladesh and China suggesting their genetic relatedness.


Emergence of fluoroquinolone resistance in Shigella undermines a major challenge in current treatment strategies which needs to be followed up by using empirical therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

痢疾杆菌酸抗性系统相关基因缺失突变体的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
依赖于谷氨酸脱羧酶的酸抗性系统对痢疾杆菌在宿主细胞内的生存和繁殖至关重要,hdeA、hdeB、yhiE和yhiF是其中几个重要的酸抗性基因。借助Red系统的重组功能,PCR扩增两翼与目的基因上下游同源的抗性基因片段,电击转化痢疾杆菌2457T,对筛选到的阳性转化子再导入编码FLP位点特异性重组酶的质粒pCP20以去除抗性基因。结果成功的敲除了hdeA、hdeB、yhiE和yhiF等4个酸抗性系统相关基因,为深入研究痢疾杆菌酸抗性基因的调控网络奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for serotype 1a O-antigen modification in Shigella flexneri were localized to a 5.8-kb chromosomal HindIII fragment of serotype 1a strain Y53. The entire 5.8-kb fragment and regions up- and downstream of it (10.6-kb total) were sequenced. A putative three-gene operon, which showed homology with other serotype conversion genes, was identified and shown to confer serotype 1a O-antigen modification. The serotype conversion genes were flanked on either side by phage DNA. Multiple insertion sequence (IS) elements were located within and upstream of the phage DNA in a composite transposon-like structure. Host DNA homologous to the dsdC and the thrW proA genes was located upstream of the IS elements and downstream of the phage DNA, respectively. The sequence analysis indicates that the organization of the 10.6-kb region of the Y53 chromosome is unique and suggests that the serotype conversion genes were originally brought into the host by a bacteriophage. Several features of this region are also characteristic of pathogenicity islands.  相似文献   

AIMS: Determination of the behaviour of Shigella sonnei and Sh. flexneri under acid conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: The growth and survival of Shigella spp. (9 isolates) in acidified Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) (pH 5.0-3.25 with pH intervals of 0.25) was determined after 6, 24 and 30 h incubation at 37 degrees C. Subsequently, survival of shigellae was studied in apple juice and tomato juice stored at 7 degrees C and 22 degrees C for up to 14 days and in strawberries and a fresh fruit salad, kept at 4 degrees C for 4 and 48 h. CONCLUSIONS: The minimum pH for growth in acidified BHI for Sh. flexneri and Sh. sonnei was, respectively, pH 4.75 and pH 4.50. Survival in fruit juices and fresh fruits depended upon their pH, the type of strain and the incubation temperature. Shigella spp. Survived for up to 14 days in tomato juice and apple juice stored at 7 degrees C. The shortest survival time (2-8 d) was observed in apple juice at 22 degrees C. Sh. sonnei but not Sh. flexneri was recovered after 48 h from strawberries and fruit salad kept at 4 degrees C. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Acid foods, especially if kept at refrigeration temperatures, support survival of Shigella spp. and may cause Shigella food poisoning.  相似文献   

Background:  Helicobacter pylori is a human pathogen responsible for serious diseases including peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. The recommended triple therapy included clarithromycin but increasing resistance has undermined its effectiveness. It is therefore important to be aware of the local prevalence of antimicrobial resistance to adjust treatment strategy.
Materials and Methods:  Overall, 530 biopsies were collected between 2004 and 2007. The antimicrobial susceptibility of H. pylori was determined by E-test and molecular methods.
Results:  Among these, 138/530 (26%) strains were resistant to clarithromycin, 324/530 (61%) to metronidazole and 70/530 (13.2%) to ciprofloxacin. Whereas no resistance against amoxicillin and tetracycline was observed, only one strain was resistant to rifampicin. Compared to the patients never treated for H. pylori infection, the prevalence of resistance was significantly higher in patients previously treated (19.1% vs 68% for clarithromycin; 13.2% vs 53.3% for both clarithromycin and metronidazole). The trend analysis revealed an increase of primary resistance to ciprofloxacin between 2004 and 2005 (7.3%) vs 2006–2007 (14.1%) ( p  = .04) and the secondary resistance reached 22.7% in 2007. Interestingly, 27 biopsies (19.6%) contained a double population of clarithromycin-susceptible and -resistant strains.
Conclusions:  The reported high prevalence of clarithromycin and multiple resistances of H. pylori suggest that the empiric therapy with clarithromycin should be abandoned as no longer pretreatment susceptibility testing has assessed the susceptibility of the strain. As culture and antibiogram are not routinely performable in most clinical laboratories, the use of molecular test should be developed to allow a wide availability of pretreatment susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

Glycerol (30%) inhibited or delayed the adsorption of Shigella bacteriophage on its host organism, S. flexneri II; glycerol also inhibited or delayed the burst of phage, whether or not adsorption was carried out in the presence of glycerol. Studies of the mechanisms of these effects showed that viscosity and osmotic shock probably were not responsible for either phenomenon. The inhibition of adsorption, however, was proportional to the concentration of glycerol, and appeared to be a function of the hydroxyl groups on the glycerol molecule. The inhibition of burst seemed to be related to the osmotic pressure outside the bacterial cells.  相似文献   

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