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Overexpression and activation of the c-Src protein have been linked to the development of a wide variety of cancers. The molecular mechanism(s) of c-Src overexpression in cancer cells is not clear. We report here an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in the c-Src mRNA that is constituted by both 5′-noncoding and -coding regions. The inhibition of cap-dependent translation by m7GDP in the cell-free translation system or induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress in hepatoma-derived cells resulted in stimulation of the c-Src IRES activities. Sucrose density gradient analyses revealed formation of a stable binary complex between the c-Src IRES and purified HeLa 40 S ribosomal subunit in the absence of initiation factors. We further demonstrate eIF2-independent assembly of 80 S initiation complex on the c-Src IRES. These features of the c-Src IRES appear to be reminiscent of that of hepatitis C virus-like IRESs and translation initiation in prokaryotes. Transfection studies and genetic analysis revealed that the c-Src IRES permitted initiation at the authentic AUG351, which is also used for conventional translation initiation of the c-Src mRNA. Our studies unveiled a novel regulatory mechanism of c-Src synthesis mediated by an IRES element, which exhibits enhanced activity during cellular stress and is likely to cause c-Src overexpression during oncogenesis and metastasis.  相似文献   

The properties of the abnormal ribonucleoprotein particles produced by Escherichia coli Q-13 starved for glucose were studied. Smaller species of these partially deproteinized particles separable to six distinct sizes contained partially degraded ribonucleic acids. The mode of ribosome degradation under this condition is discussed in terms of differential appearance of these intermediate particles.  相似文献   

Ribosomes have long been thought of as homogeneous macromolecular machines, but recent evidence suggests they are heterogeneous and could be specialised to regulate translation. Here, we have characterised ribosomal protein heterogeneity across 4 tissues of Drosophila melanogaster. We find that testes and ovaries contain the most heterogeneous ribosome populations, which occurs through a combination of paralog-enrichment and paralog-switching. We have solved structures of ribosomes purified from in vivo tissues by cryo-EM, revealing differences in precise ribosomal arrangement for testis and ovary 80S ribosomes. Differences in the amino acid composition of paralog pairs and their localisation on the ribosome exterior indicate paralog-switching could alter the ribosome surface, enabling different proteins to regulate translation. One testis-specific paralog-switching pair is also found in humans, suggesting this is a conserved site of ribosome heterogeneity. Overall, this work allows us to propose that mRNA translation might be regulated in the gonads through ribosome heterogeneity, providing a potential means of ribosome specialisation.  相似文献   

Translocation of the mRNA-tRNA complex in the ribosome, which is catalyzed by elongation factor EF-G, is one of critical steps in the elongation cycle of protein synthesis. Besides this conventional forward translocation, the backward translocation can also occur, which can be catalyzed by elongation factor LepA. However, the molecular mechanism of the translocation remains elusive. To understand the mechanism, here we study theoretically the dynamics of the forward translocation under various nucleotide states of EF-G and the backward translocation in the absence of and in the presence of LepA. We present a consistent explanation of spontaneous forward translocations in the absence of EF-G, the EF-G-catalyzed forward translocations in the presence of a non-hydrolysable GTP analogue and in the presence of GTP, and the spontaneous and LepA-catalyzed backward translocation. The theoretical results provide quantitative explanations of a lot of different, independent experimental data, and also provide testable predictions.  相似文献   

Li Chen  Kiran Madura 《Genetics》2014,197(1):193-197
The ubiquitin/proteasome system has been characterized extensively, although the site of nuclear substrate turnover has not been established definitively. We report here that two well-characterized nuclear proteins are stabilized in nuclear export mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The requirement for nuclear export defines a new regulatory step in intracellular proteolysis.  相似文献   

Thermally shocked cells of Staphylococcus aureus rapidly synthesized ribonucleic acid (RNA) during the early stages of recovery. During this period, protein synthesis was not observed and occurred only after RNA had reached a maximum level. Even in the absence of coordinated protein synthesis, a large portion of the RNA appeared in newly synthesized ribosomes. Although the 30S subunit was specifically destroyed by the heating process, both ribosomal particles were reassembled during recovery. The addition of chloramphenicol did not inhibit the formation of the ribosomal subunits, nor was the presence of immature chloramphenicol particles detected. Extended recovery with highly prelabeled cells showed that the original ribosomal proteins present before heating are conserved and recycled. Furthermore, the data indicate that the 50S subunit is turned over and used as a source of protein for new ribosome assembly. Kinetic studies of the assembly process by pulse labeling have not revealed the presence of the normally reported precursor particles. Rather, the data suggest that assembly may occur, in this system, in a manner similar to that reported for in vitro assembly of Escherichia coli subunits.  相似文献   

Chou T 《Biophysical journal》2003,85(2):755-773
We explore and quantify the physical and biochemical mechanisms that may be relevant in the regulation of translation. After elongation and detachment from the 3' termination site of mRNA, parts of the ribosome machinery can diffuse back to the initiation site, especially if it is held nearby, enhancing overall translation rates. The elongation steps of the mRNA-bound ribosomes are modeled using exact and asymptotic results of the totally asymmetric exclusion process. Since the ribosome injection rates of the totally asymmetric exclusion process depend on the local concentrations at the initiation site, a source of ribosomes emanating from the termination end can feed back to the initiation site, leading to a self-consistent set of equations for the steady-state ribosome throughput. Additional mRNA binding factors can also promote loop formation, or cyclization, bringing the initiation and termination sites into close proximity. The probability distribution of the distance between the initiation and termination sites is described using simple noninteracting polymer models. We find that the initiation, or initial ribosome adsorption binding required for maximal throughput, can vary dramatically depending on certain values of the bulk ribosome concentration and diffusion constant. If cooperative interactions among the loop-promoting proteins and the initiation/termination sites are considered, the throughput can be further regulated in a nonmonotonic manner. Experiments that can potentially test the hypothesized physical mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Ribosome pausing and stacking during translation of a eukaryotic mRNA.   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56       下载免费PDF全文
S L Wolin  P Walter 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(11):3559-3569
We have devised a sensitive assay to determine the distribution of translating ribosomes on a mRNA. Using this assay to monitor ribosome transit on bovine preprolactin mRNA, we have detected four major positions of ribosome pausing in both wheat-germ and rabbit reticulocyte extracts. Two of these rate-limiting steps represent initiation and termination. One pause occurs after approximately 75 amino acids have been polymerized; signal recognition particle arrests preprolactin synthesis at this position. The other internal pause occurs at 160 amino acids. In these latter two cases ribosomes stop at a GGC glycine codon; however, two other GGC codons are translated without apparent pausing. Surprisingly, we find that up to nine ribosomes are tightly stacked behind each pausing ribosome, such that the ribosome centers are only 27-29 nucleotides apart. The assay should prove useful for probing mechanisms of translational regulation.  相似文献   

Incubating ribosomes and eukaryotic initiation factor eIF3 with an inosine-substituted mRNA (where the mRNA secondary structure is strongly reduced) in the absence of ATP and other protein synthesis factors produces a 40 S ribosome.mRNA complex. When Met-tRNAMeti and eIF2 are added, a 60 S ribosome subunit attaches forming an 80 S ribosome.mRNA complex. ATP and the three mRNA factors, eIF4B, cap-site factor, and eIF4A, strongly stimulate the attachment of the 60 S subunit. In the absence of Met-tRNAMeti, the 60-S subunit does not attach, and adding ATP and the mRNA factors inhibits the accumulation of 40 S ribosome.inosine mRNA complexes. These results indicate that a 40 S ribosome, probably in a complex with eIF3, has an intrinsic capacity to attach to mRNA. Further, they suggest that Met-tRNAMeti may interact in a subsequent step to stabilize the 40 S ribosome.mRNA complex and allow the attachment of a 60 S ribosome subunit. Although seen most clearly with the inosine-substituted mRNAs, the 40 S ribosome reaction is also obtained with "guanosine" mRNA. A 40 S ribosome attaches to guanosine mRNA without ATP and mRNA factors when an incubation mixture containing ribosomes, eIF3, and mRNA is fixed with glutaraldehyde. In addition, a 40 S ribosome.guanosine mRNA complex can be obtained without glutaraldehyde in incubations containing ATP and the three mRNA factors in the absence of Met-tRNAMeti. The latter reaction is limited because of the instability of the 40 S ribosome.mRNA complex in the absence of Met-tRNA. Nevertheless, its authenticity is indicated by its full dependence upon ATP and the three mRNA factors. The lack of factor requirement for the formation of 40 S ribosome complexes with inosine-substituted mRNAs indicates that ATP and the three mRNA factors function primarily to unwind the secondary structure of a guanosine mRNA. Data relevant to a role for ATP in facilitating ribosome migration on an mRNA are also discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs), eithersingle-chain or toxins, was studied on plant ribosomes. RIPsdid not affect ribosomes from their own plants, while inhibitingto a variable extent protein synthesis by heterologous plantribosomes. Ricin stimulated and PAP—S inhibited the growthof carrot cells in culture. Key words: Plant ribosomes, Ribosome-inactivating proteins, Protein synthesis, Ribosome specificity, Plant cell cultures  相似文献   

The ribosome content was markedly reduced when illumination (at 28 C) was repeatedly interrupted; an opposite trend was observed with continuous light as the temperature was decreased.  相似文献   

在细菌中,mRNA降解具有重要的意义,它不仅可以再循环核苷酸,而且还可以根据生长条件的变化调控基因表达.细菌mRNA的降解机制可以分为3种:① mRNA的一般降解途径|② mRNA的质量控制途径|③ 小RNA介导的降解途径. 这些途径有些与真核生物的mRNA降解途径存在很大差异,有些在真核生物中消失了. 另外,mRNA降解途径还可以直接调控细菌致病因子的表达,这使得细菌mRNA的降解途径很有希望成为药物研发的新靶标,或疫苗制备的新平台,以应对越来越严重的细菌耐药性问题.本文综述了细菌mRNA的降解机制,并对其应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Jain C 《IUBMB life》2002,54(6):315-321
Degradation of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) is a universal process that occurs in every cell and has important implications for nucleotide metabolism and gene expression. One organism in which mRNA degradation has been thoroughly studied is the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli). In this review I describe what is presently known about the different processes involved in the conversion of mRNAs from high molecular weight species to mononucleotides in E. coli. The ribonucleases and accessory factors involved in mRNA degradation, and features on mRNAs that make them resistant or sensitive to degradation will also be described. At the conclusion of this review, some of the anticipated directions of future research on this topic will be discussed.  相似文献   

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