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Amphisbaenians are highly specialized limbless burrowing lizards of controversial relationships. Among fossil lizards, the Eocene (47 Ma) Cryptolacerta is allegedly closest to the amphisbaenian ancestor, but this is put in doubt in this study. Similarities between Cryptolacerta and amphisbaenians, such as limb reduction and expansion of the skull roof, may be a result of parallel evolution. Instead, the Late Cretaceous lizard Slavoia with well‐developed limbs and several plesiomorphic skull characters is proposed to be the oldest known stem amphisbaenian. This is supported by two different phylogenetic analyses and observations on numerous specimens together representing almost the whole skeleton. Among the unique features, that Slavoia shares with amphisbaenians, the most significant are vomers strongly underlapping palatines and pterygoid quadrate ramus tightly wrapping around posteromedial surface of quadrate. The anatomy of Slavoia suggests that the reinforcement of the snout in amphisbaenian evolution preceded the elongation of the postorbital part of the skull, and that of the body, as well as modification of the limbs. Reduction of its hindlimbs was more advanced than that of the forelimbs. The ancient geological age of the central Asiatic Slavoia suggests that diversification of the main North American amphisbaenian groups may have resulted from a faunal dispersals from Asia after the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The island of Madagascar harbors a highly endemic vertebrate fauna including a high diversity of lizards of the subfamily "Scincinae," with about 57 species in eight genera. Since limb reduction seems to have been a common phenomenon during the evolution of Malagasy "scincines," diagnosing evolutionary relationships based on morphology has been difficult. Phylogenetic analyses of multiple mitochondrial DNA sequences including the entire ND1, tRNA(LEU), tRNA(ILE), tRNA(GLN) genes, and fragments of the 12S and 16S rRNA and tRNA(MET) genes were conducted to test the monophyly of the largest genus Amphiglossus, and to evaluate the various formal and informal species groupings previously proposed for this species-rich group. A further objective was to determine the phylogenetic placements of the several greatly limb-reduced and limbless Malagasy "scincines" and ascertain whether any of these are derived from within the morphologically plesiomorphic Amphiglossus. As limb reduction in skinks is mostly associated with body elongation via an increase in the number of presacral vertebrae, we evaluate the pattern of evolution of the numbers of presacral vertebrae in the context of our phylogeny. We demonstrate that Amphiglossus as currently diagnosed is non-monophyletic, and the species fall into two major groups. One of these groups is a clade that contains the included species of the subgenus Amphiglossus (Madascincus) among other species and is a member of a larger clade containing Paracontias and Pseudoacontias. In the second group, the nominate subgenus Amphiglossus (Amphiglossus) forms several subclades within a larger clade that also contains Androngo crenni and Pygomeles braconnieri, and is sister to Voeltzkowia. All analyses provide strong support for the monophyly of Paracontias and Voeltzkowia. Based on the preferred phylogenetic hypothesis and weighted squared-change parsimony we show that the ancestor of the Malagasy clade was already elongated and had a moderately high number of presacral vertebrae (46-48), which is hypothesized to be the ancestral condition for the whole Malagasy "scincine" clade. We further demonstrate that both multiple increases and reductions of presacral vertebrae evolved in many clades of Malagasy "scincines" and that the use of presacral vertebrae as a major character to diagnose supraspecific units is dubious. Based on our results and published morphological evidence we consider Scelotes waterloti Angel, 1930 to be a junior synonym of Amphiglossus reticulatus (Kaudern, 1922).  相似文献   

A phylogeny for 29 species of scincine lizards from Madagascar, based on 3693 bp of six mitochondrial and five nuclear genes, revealed multiple parallel evolution of adaptations for a burrowing life, and unexpected relationships of the monotypic genera Androngo and Cryptoscincus. Androngo trivittatus was sister to Pygomeles braconnieri, and Cryptoscincus minimus was deeply nested within the genus Paracontias, all of these being fossorial taxa of elongated bodies and partly or fully reduced limbs. To account for these results, we place Cryptoscincus as a junior synonym of Paracontias, and discuss possible taxonomic consequences that may affect the status of Androngo, once additional data become available.  相似文献   

We address the developmental and evolutionary mechanisms underlying fore- and hindlimb development and progressive hindlimb reduction and skeletal loss in whales and evaluate whether the genetic, developmental, and evolutionary mechanisms thought to be responsible for limb loss in snakes "explain" loss of the hindlimbs in whales. Limb loss and concurrent morphological and physiological changes associated with the transition from land to water are discussed within the context of the current whale phylogeny. Emphasis is placed on fore- and hindlimb development, how the forelimbs transformed into flippers, and how the hindlimbs regressed, leaving either no elements or vestigial skeletal elements. Hindlimbs likely began to regress only after the ancestors of whales entered the aquatic environment: Hindlimb function was co-opted by the undulatory vertical axial locomotion made possible by the newly evolved caudal flukes. Loss of the hindlimbs was associated with elongation of the body during the transition from land to water. Limblessness in most snakes is also associated with adoption of a new (burrowing) lifestyle and was driven by developmental changes associated with elongation of the body. Parallels between adaptation to burrowing or to the aquatic environment reflect structural and functional changes associated with the switch to axial locomotion. Because they are more fully studied and to determine whether hindlimb loss in lineages that are not closely related could result from similar genetically controlled developmental pathways, we discuss developmental (cellular and genetic) processes that may have driven limb loss in snakes and leg-less lizards and compare these processes to the loss of hindlimbs in whales. In neither group does ontogenetic or phylogenetic limb reduction result from failure to initiate limb development. In both groups limb loss results from arrested development at the limb bud stage, as a result of inability to maintain necessary inductive tissue interactions and enhanced cell death over that seen in limbed tetrapods. An evolutionary change in Hox gene expression--as occurs in snakes--or in Hox gene regulation--as occurs in some limbless mutants--is unlikely to have initiated loss of the hindlimbs in cetaceans. Selective pressures acting on a wide range of developmental processes and adult traits other than the limbs are likely to have driven the loss of hindlimbs in whales.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that fluctuating asymmetry (FA) may provide an indication of the functional importance of structures within an organism, with structures that more strongly impact fitness being more symmetric. Based on this idea, we predicted that for tetrapods in which the forelimbs and hindlimbs play an unequal role in locomotion, the less functionally important limb set should display higher levels of FA. We conducted a multispecies test of this hypothesis in anurans (frogs and toads), whose saltatory locomotor mode is powered by the hindlimbs. We also tested whether FA in the forelimbs, which play a more important role during landing, differed between families that differ in the degree of forelimb use in locomotion (Bufonidae vs. Ranidae). We calculated FA from the lengths of humeri and femora measured from disarticulated skeletal specimens of four anuran taxa (Bufonidae: Anaxyrus americanus, Rhinella marina; Ranidae: Lithobates catesbeianus, Lithobates clamitans). Our findings were consistent with the hypothesis that natural selection for increased locomotor performance may influence patterns of FA seen in vertebrate limbs, with all species displaying lower mean FA in the hindlimbs. More subtle functional roles between the forelimbs of bufonids and ranids, however, did not elicit different levels of FA.  相似文献   

For better understanding of the links between limb morphology and the metabolic cost of locomotion, we have characterized the relationships between limb length and shape and other functionally important variables in the straightened forelimbs and hindlimbs of a sample of 12 domestic dogs (Canis familiaris). Intra-animal comparisons show that forelimbs and hindlimbs are very similar (not significantly different) in natural pendular period (NPP), center-of-mass, and radius of gyration, even though they differ distinctly in mass, length, moment-of-inertia, and other limb proportions. The conservation of limb NPP, despite pronounced dissimilarity in other limb characteristics, appears to be the result of systematic differences in shape, forelimbs tending to be cylindrical and hindlimbs conical. Estimating limb NPP for other species from data in the literature on segment inertia and total limb length, we present evidence that the similarity between forelimbs and hindlimbs in NPP is generally true for mammals across a large size range. Limbs swinging with or near their natural pendular periods will maximize within-limb pendular exchange of potential and kinetic energy. As all four limbs of moderate- and large-size animals swing with the same period during walking, maximal advantage can be derived from the pendular exchange of energy only if forelimbs and hindlimbs are very similar in NPP. We hypothesize that an important constraint in the evolution of limb length and shape is the locomotor economy derived from forelimbs and hindlimbs of similar natural pendular period. J. Morphol. 234:183–196, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2007,72(5):257-282
Recent studies have improved our knowledge about the evolution and phylogeny of feliform taxa. Detailed study on new fossil remains of extinct feliform nimravides allows a new hypothesis concerning interrelationships within this family. Many factors indicate lack of sister relationships of Nimravinae and Barbourofelinae. However, only further investigations may bring full acceptance of this hypothesis. The paraphyly of Viverridae has been resolved by excluding the taxa Nandinia, Prionodon and Cryptoprocta and Fossa, which today are placed basally to all remaining Feliformia (family Nandiniidae), as sister taxon of Felidae (family Prionodontidae) and as Malagasy Carnivora lineage basal to hyaenid–herpestid clade, respectively. Still, incongruence among results concerning the systematic position of these taxa exhibits the necessity of further investigation. Detailed study revealed inconsistencies within genet and genet-like taxa phylogeny, which have still to be resolved. Malagasy Carnivora belong to a separate lineage, which originated from herpestid–hyaenid ancestors and colonised Madagascar during a single colonisation event. However, interrelationships among Malagasy Carnivora are poorly resolved. The situation of the social mongooses clade was resolved by including ethologic data to phylogenetic analyses; however, there is little information on solitary mongooses, which have a paraphyletic status today. Felid morphology and taxonomic revision attained during recent years show greater evolutionary differentiation. Nevertheless, no clear taxonomy has been achieved. New investigating methods are required. In the hyaenid family, which includes only four living species, some investigations related to the ecomorphological evolutionary path have been performed. The comparisons of fossil and subfossil remains with modern feliforms, combined with recent molecular methods, may improve our knowledge.  相似文献   

The monotypic trilobite generaBlayacina andThoralaspis from the late Early Cambrian of the Montagne Noire, Southern France, are revised. Restudy of the type specimens and of new material from the type locality and stratum as well as morphometric measurements strongly support the assumption that both taxa are identical and that morphologic as well as taxonomic differences resulted from tectonic distortion. Thus,Thoralaspis thorali has to be regarded as a subjective junior synonym ofBlayacina miqueli andThoralaspis as a junior synonym ofBlayacina. Its systematic position as a morphologic group aroundLusatiops within the Ellipsocephalidae-Protoleninae is confirmed.  相似文献   

Madagascar and the Seychelles are Gondwanan remnants currently isolated in the Indian Ocean. In the Late Cretaceous, these islands were joined with India to form the Indigascar landmass, which itself then split into its three component parts around the start of the Tertiary. This history is reflected in the biota of the Seychelles, which appears to contain examples of both vicariance- and dispersal-mediated divergence from Malagasy or Indian sister taxa. One lineage for which this has been assumed but never thoroughly tested is the Seychellean tiger chameleon, a species assigned to the otherwise Madagascar-endemic genus Calumma. We present a multi-locus phylogenetic study of chameleons, and find that the Seychellean species is actually the sister taxon of a southern African clade and requires accomodation in its own genus as Archaius tigris. Divergence dating and biogeographic analyses indicate an origin by transoceanic dispersal from Africa to the Seychelles in the Eocene–Oligocene, providing, to our knowledge, the first such well-documented example and supporting novel palaeocurrent reconstructions.  相似文献   

Michelle S.M. Drapeau   《HOMO》2008,59(2):75-109
Entheses (skeletal muscle and tendon attachment sites) have often been used to infer handedness and activity variability among human populations. However, the specific roles that intensity vs. frequency of muscle contractions play in modifying entheses are not well understood and the assumption that entheses reflect muscle activity levels has been challenged. This study explores the effect of habitual muscular activity on enthesis morphology in humans and African apes by investigating bilateral asymmetry in the forelimbs and hindlimbs of these taxa. Humans have generally more developed entheses in the lower limb while African apes have generally more developed entheses in the forelimbs. All species studied have more asymmetric forelimbs than hindlimbs except humans that show more asymmetrical expression of bony spurs in the lower limbs than in the upper limbs. When comparing species, humans are always more asymmetric in ethesis development than apes for both the forelimbs and hindlimbs, which reflects the relatively greater asymmetry in limb use in humans and the more symmetric use in apes. Enthesis development may reflect cross-symmetry patterns in humans and, more subtly, a moderate handedness in apes during manipulative activities. This study suggests that enthesis morphology provides information on muscle activity levels, with greater development of entheses associated with more habitual or powerful muscle use. The general similarity of ape and human responses to muscle activity suggests that muscle activity influenced enthesis development in Plio-Pleistocene hominins and that interpretation of muscle markings in these fossils can provide data for functional inferences in these extinct species.  相似文献   

Of living amphibian groups, the limbless burrowing caecilians are amongst the most highly specialised, but are the least known. Their fossil record is extremely poor, leaving unresolved questions as to their origins, relationships and early distribution. We describe here caecilian remains from a Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) microfossil locality near Anoual, Morocco. This material represents the second oldest record for the group, after the Jurassic Eocaecilia of North America, and the earliest caecilian record for Gondwana. It forms the basis of a new genus, Rubricacaecilia , which appears slightly more derived than Eocaecilia , but lacks major features of crown-group taxa. We support the use of Apoda Oppel, 1811 for the crown-group alone, and Gymnophiona Rafinesque 1814 for the clade comprising stem-group taxa + Apoda.  相似文献   

The affinities of three problematic groups of elongate, burrowing reptiles (amphisbaenians, dibamids and snakes) are reassessed through a phylogenetic analysis of all the major groups of squamates, including the important fossil taxa Sineoamphisbaena, mosasauroids and Pachyrhachis; 230 phylogenetically informative osteological characters were evaluated in 22 taxa. Snakes (including Pachyrhachis) are anguimorphs, being related firstly to large marine mosasauroids, and secondly to monitor lizards (varanids). Scincids and cordylids are not related to lacertiforms as previously thought, but to anguimorphs. Amphisbaenians and dibamids are closely related, and Sineoamphisbaena is the sister group to this clade. The amphisbaenian-dibamid-Sineoamphisbaena clade, in turn, is related to gekkotans and xantusiids. When the fossil taxa are ignored, snakes, amphisbaenians and dibamids form an apparently well-corroborated clade nested within anguimorphs. However, nearly all of the characters supporting this arrangement are correlated with head-first burrowing (miniaturization, cranial consolidation, body elongation, limb reduction), and invariably co-occur in other tetrapods with similar habits. These characters are potentially very misleading because of their sheer number and because they largely represent reductions or losses. It takes very drastic downweighting of these linked characters to alter tree topology: if fossils are excluded from the analysis, a (probably spurious) clade consisting of elongate, fossorial taxa almost always results. These results underscore the importance of including all relevant taxa in phylogenetic analyses. Inferring squamate phylogeny depends critically on the inclusion of certain (fossil) taxa with combinations of character states that demonstrate convergent evolution of the elongate, fossorial ecomorph in amphisbaenians and dibamids, and in snakes. In the all-taxon analysis, the position of snakes within anguimorphs is more strongly-corroborated than the association of amphisbaenians and dibamids with gekkotans. When the critical fossil taxa are deleted, snakes ‘attract’ the amphisbaenian-dibamid clade on the basis of a suite of correlated characters. While snakes remain anchored in anguimorphs, the amphisbaenian-dibamid clade moves away from gekkotans to join them. Regardless of the varying positions of the three elongate burrowing taxa, the interrelationships between the remaining limbed squamates (‘lizards’) are constant; thus, the heterodox affinities of scincids, cordylids, and xantusiids identified in this analysis appear to be robust. Finally, the position of Pachyrhachis as a basal snake rather than (as recently suggested) a derived snake is supported on both phylogenetic and evolutionary grounds.  相似文献   

Several types of limb deformities were induced by vitamin A in B. melanostictus. These ranged from total suppression of all the limbs (ectromelia) to partial development of either the forelimb or the hindlimb or both (mesomelia) to reduction or absence of digits in either the forelimbs or hindlimbs or both and absence of long bones in either the forelimbs or hindlimbs or both (phocomelia) or duplication of the hindlimbs (polymelia). All the limb abnormalities were induced in the developing limbs of the tail amputated tadpoles of B. melanostictus following vitamin A treatment, which is all the more interesting. The results suggest that vitamin A induces the above mentioned abnormalities by either switching on or over-expressing or disrupting the limb-specific hox genes by yet unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

Chrysolina przewalskii (Jacobson, 1895) and Ch. lucidula Chen, 1934 are redescribed based on the type specimens. Neotype of Ch. przewalskii is designated. Ch. daccordii Lopatin, 2000 is a new junior synonym of Ch. juldusana (Lopatin, 1962); Ch. daosana Lopatin, 2007 is a new junior synonym of Ch. tani Lopatin, 1998; Ch. burchana Lopatin, 1998 is a new junior synonym of Ch. przewalskii (Jacobson, 1895). Ch. lucidula Chen, 1934 described from a mislabeled specimen is a new junior synonym of the South European Ch. lucida (Olivier, 1807). Ch. hyrcana var. cyanescens (Jacobson, 1894) is synonymized with Ch. circumducta (Ménétriés, 1848) and is merely a color form of the latter species.  相似文献   

Chrysolina (Semenowia) chalcea (Weise, 1889), Ch. (Pezocrosita) cyanopurpurea (Ballion, 1878), and Ch. (Chrysocrosita) fuyunica Chen, 1961 are redescribed. A male (topotype) of Ch. cyanopurpurea was examined for the first time. Ch. belousovi Lopatin, 2000 is a new junior synonym of Ch. cyanopurpurea; Ch. bienkowskii Lopatin, 2000 is a new junior synonym of Ch. chalcea. The taxonomic position of all the taxa mentioned is discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Blanus Wagler, 1830 represents limbless, burrowing reptiles of the family Blanidae with disjunct circum-Mediterranean distribution. The recently described species Blanus alexandri Sindaco, Kornilios, Sacchi & Lymberakis, 2014 is known from south-eastern Turkey with a presumed occurrence in the Levant and Iraq. We provide here records from Lebanon and confirm the affiliation of Lebanese populations to this species by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Blanus alexandri comprises at least seven deeply evolved phylogenetic clades with up to 11% of uncorrected p-distances in their mitochondrial DNA. This suggests a probably older than the Miocene origin of some of these clades. Populations from Lebanon form a different clade with a genetic diversity that is close to populations from southern Turkey.  相似文献   

Treefrogs of the family Hyperoliidae are distributed in Africa, Madagascar and the Seychelles. In this study, their phylogeny was studied using sequences of fragments of the mitochondrial 16S and 12S rRNA and cytochrome b genes. The molecular data strongly confirmed monophyly of the subfamily Hyperoliinae but indicated that the genus Leptopelis (subfamily Leptopelinae) is more closely related to species of the African family Astylosternidae. The Seychellean genus Tachycnemis was the sister group of the Malagasy Heterixalus in all molecular analyses; this clade was deeply nested within the Hyperoliinae. A re-evaluation of the morphological data did not contradict the sister group relationships of these two genera. The subfamily Tachycneminae is therefore considered as junior synonym of the Hyperoliinae. In addition, the molecular analysis did not reveal justification for a subfamily Kassininae. Biogeographically, the origin of Malagasy hyperoliids may not be well explained by Mesozoic vicariance in the context of Gondwana breakup, as indicated by the low differentiation of Malagasy hyperoliids to their African and Seychellean relatives and by analysis of current distribution patterns.  相似文献   

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