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Specific recognition of Hyaloperonospora parasitica isolate Cala2 by Arabidopsis thaliana Ws-0 is mediated by the resistance gene RPP1A. Transient expression of different truncations of RPP1A in tobacco leaves revealed that its TIR-NB-ARC portion is sufficient to induce an elicitor-independent cell death. In stable transgenic lines of Arabidopsis, overexpression of the RPP1A TIR-NB-ARC domains (E12) using the 35S promoter leads to broad-spectrum resistance to virulent strains of H. parasitica and Pseudomonas syringae DC3000. The TIR-NB-ARC-mediated constitutive immunity is due to activation of the salicylic acid-dependent resistance pathway and is relieved by either a mutation in EDS1 or the presence of the salicylate hydroxylase gene, NahG. Growth of 35S::E12 plants is reduced, a phenotype observed in many constitutively resistant mutants. RPP1A carries a hydrophobic peptide at its N-terminus that directs the RPP1A protein into membranes, though it may not be the sole determinant mediating membrane association of RPP1A. Two-phase partitioning and sucrose density gradient sedimentation established that RPP1A resides in the endoplasmic reticulum and/or Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

We isolated a lesion mimic mutant, n ecrotic s potted l esions 1 (nsl1), from Ds-tagged Arabidopsis thaliana accession No-0. The nsl1 mutant exhibits a growth retardation phenotype and develops spotted necrotic lesions on its rosette and cauline leaves. These phenotypes occur in the absence of pathogens indicating that nsl1 mutants may constitutively express defense responses. Consistent with this idea, nsl1 accumulates high levels of callose and autofluorescent phenolic compounds localized to the necrotic lesions. Furthermore RNA gel blot analysis revealed that genes associated with disease resistance activation are upregulated in the nsl1 mutants and these plants contain elevated levels of salicylic acid (SA). Crossing nsl1 with an SA deficient mutant, eds16-1, revealed that the nsl1 lesions and growth retardation are dependent upon SA. The nsl1 phenotypes are not suppressed under either the rar1-10 or sgt1b-1 genetic background. NSL1 encodes a novel 612aa protein which contains a membrane-attack complex/perforin (MACPF) domain, which is conserved in bacteria, fungi, mammals and plants. The possible modes of action of NSL1 protein in negative regulation of cell death programs and defense responses are discussed.  相似文献   

We cloned a salicylic acid/benzoic acid carboxyl methyltransferase gene, OsBSMT1, from Oryza sativa. A recombinant OsBSMT1 protein obtained by expressing the gene in Escherichia coli exhibited carboxyl methyltransferase activity in reactions with salicylic acid (SA), benzoic acid (BA), and de-S-methyl benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid (dSM-BTH), producing methyl salicylate (MeSA), methyl benzoate (MeBA), and methyl dSM-BTH (MeBTH), respectively. Compared to wild-type plants, transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing OsBSMT1 accumulated considerably higher levels of MeSA and MeBA, some of which were vaporized into the environment. Upon infection with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae or the fungal pathogen Golovinomyces orontii, transgenic plants failed to accumulate SA and its glucoside (SAG), becoming more susceptible to disease than wild-type plants. OsBSMT1-overexpressing Arabidopsis showed little induction of PR-1 when treated with SA or G. orontii. Notably, incubation with the transgenic plant was sufficient to trigger PR-1 induction in neighboring wild-type plants. Together, our results indicate that in the absence of SA, MeSA alone cannot induce a defense response, yet it serves as an airborne signal for plant-to-plant communication. We also found that jasmonic acid (JA) induced AtBSMT1, which may contribute to an antagonistic effect on SA signaling pathways by depleting the SA pool in plants. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Numerous Arabidopsis genes have been cloned that correspond to putative pathogen defense-related genes identified in parsley (Petroselinum crispum). Treatment of Arabidopsis cells with fungal elicitor leads to rapid accumulation of the respective mRNAs with time courses comparable to those observed for their counterparts in parsley. Evolutionary sequence conservation of many of these genes in several plant species suggests they code for important plant functions.  相似文献   

Caesium-affected gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

By systematic sequencing of a flower bud cDNA library from Arabidopsis thaliana, we have identified four cDNAs encoding polygalacturonase. The corresponding genes, together with seven other A. thaliana genes present in the databases, form a small gene family. Sequence comparisons of the deduced polypeptides within the gene family or with other plant polygalacturonases allow classification of the genes into different clades. Five polygalacturonases, including all those isolated from the flower buds, are closely related to the enzyme in pollen. Of the six remaining polygalacturonases, three are more closely related to the abscission-specific type of enzyme and two others to the fruit polygalacturonase. The last one is more distantly related to the others and might correspond to a new type of polygalacturonase. Expression of the different genes was analysed on Northern blots and by a PCR-based strategy. Results indicate that if, as expected, the cDNAs isolated from the flower bud library are strongly expressed in pollen, other genes are expressed at a low level in young developing tissues, such as in seedlings and roots, suggesting that they could be implicated in the cell wall modifications observed during cell elongation and/or expansion which occur in these tissues.  相似文献   

A survey of the Arabidopsis thaliana databases revealed that single C2H2 zinc finger protein genes comprise a large gene family (approximately 30 genes). No known phenotype has been associated with any of these genes except SUPERMAN. One of these genes, designated AtZFP10 (A. thaliana single zinc finger protein), was isolated by RT-PCR in the present study. The AtZFP10 gene was expressed at low levels in the flowers, axillary meristems and siliques, and at very low levels in the stems in Arabidopsis. Overexpression of the AtZFP10 gene driven by a constitutive promoter resulted in abnormal Arabidopsis plants and only one plant was recovered. Tobacco plants overexpressing the AtZFP10 gene displayed dwarfing, abnormal leaf phenotypes and early flowering that correlated with the level of expression of the AtZFP10 gene. No differences were observed in cell size between the AtZFP10 transgenic plants and the wild-type plants. Application of exogenous GA3 did not restore the wild-type phenotype, but it did reduce the dwarfing phenotype. Deletion of the leucine-rich region at the carboxyl terminus of the AtZFP10 gene resulted in transgenic plants that were not phenotypically different from wild-type plants suggesting a role for the leucine-rich region as essential for normal function.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is involved together with reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the activation of various stress responses in plants. We have used ozone (O3) as a tool to elicit ROS-activated stress responses, and to activate cell death in plant leaves. Here, we have investigated the roles and interactions of ROS and NO in the induction and regulation of O3-induced cell death. Treatment with O3 induced a rapid accumulation of NO, which started from guard cells, spread to adjacent epidermal cells and eventually moved to mesophyll cells. During the later time points, NO production coincided with the formation of hypersensitive response (HR)-like lesions. The NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and O3 individually induced a large set of defence-related genes; however, in a combined treatment SNP attenuated the O3 induction of salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis and other defence-related genes. Consistent with this, SNP treatment also decreased O3-induced SA accumulation. The O3-sensitive mutant rcd1 was found to be an NO overproducer; in contrast, Atnoa1/rif1 ( Arabidopsis nitric oxide associated 1/resistant to inhibition by FSM1 ), a mutant with decreased production of NO, was also O3 sensitive. This, together with experiments combining O3 and the NO donor SNP suggested that NO can modify signalling, hormone biosynthesis and gene expression in plants during O3 exposure, and that a functional NO production is needed for a proper O3 response. In summary, NO is an important signalling molecule in the response to O3.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone corresponding to a novel low-temperature-induced Arabidopsis thaliana gene, named lti140, was employed for studies of the environmental signals and the signal pathways involved in cold-induced gene expression. The single-copy lti140 gene encodes a 140 kDa cold acclimation-related polypeptide. The lti140 mRNA accumulates rapidly in both leaves and roots when plants are subject to low temperature or water stress or are treated with the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA), but not by heat-shock treatment. The low-temperature induction of lti140 is not mediated by ABA, as shown by normal induction of the lti140 mRNA in both ABA-deficient and ABA-insensitive mutants and after treatment with the ABA biosynthesis inhibitor fluridone. The effects of low temperature and exogenously added ABA are not cumulative suggesting that these two pathways converge. The induction by ABA is abolished in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi-1 indicating that the abi-1 mutation defines a component in the ABA response pathway. Accumulation of the lti140 mRNA in plants exposed to water stress was somewhat reduced by treatment with fluridone and in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi-1 suggesting that the water stress induction of lti140 could be partly mediated by ABA. It is concluded that three separate but converging signal pathways regulate the expression of the lti140 gene.  相似文献   

The levels of beta-amylase activity and of the mRNA for beta-amylase in rosette leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. increased significantly, with the concomitant accumulation of starch, when whole plants or excised mature leaves were supplied with sucrose. A supply of glucose or fructose, but not of mannitol or sorbitol, to plants also induced the expression of the gene for beta-amylase, and the induction occurred not only in rosette leaves but also in roots, stems, and bracts. These results suggest that the gene for beta-amylase of Arabidopsis is subject to regulation by a carbohydrate metabolic signal, and expression of the gene in various tissues may be regulated by the carbon partitioning and sink-source interactions in the whole plant. The sugar-inducible expression of the gene in Arabidopsis was severely repressed in the absence of light. The sugar-inducible expression in the light was not inhibited by 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or by chloramphenicol, but it was inhibited by cycloheximide. These results suggest that a light-induced signal and de novo synthesis of proteins in the cytoplasm are involved in the regulation. A fusion gene composed of the 5' upstream region of the gene for beta-amylase from Arabidopsis and the coding sequence of beta-glucuronidase showed the sugar-inducible expression in a light-dependent manner in rosette leaves of transgenic Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Genes involved in the mechanisms of plant responses to salt stress may be used as biotechnological tools for the genetic improvement of salt tolerance in crop plants. This would help alleviate the increasing problem of salinization of lands cultivated under irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions. We have isolated a novel halotolerance gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, A. thaliana Li-tolerant lipase 1 (AtLTL1), on the basis of the phenotype of tolerance to LiCl conferred by its expression in yeast. AtLTL1 encodes a putative lipase of the GDSL-motif family, which includes bacterial and a very large number of plant proteins. In Arabidopsis, AtLTL1 expression is rapidly induced by LiCl or NaCl, but not by other abiotic stresses. Overexpression of AtLTL1 increases salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, compared to non-transformed controls, allowing germination of seeds in the presence of toxic concentrations of LiCl and NaCl, and stimulating vegetative growth, flowering and seed set in the presence of NaCl. These results clearly point to a role of AtLTL1 in the mechanisms of salt tolerance. In addition, we show that AtLTL1 expression is also activated, although only transiently, by salicylic acid (SA), suggesting that the lipase could also be involved in defence reactions against pathogens.  相似文献   

CONSTANS (CO) is an important floral regulator in the photoperiod pathway, integrating the circadian clock and light signal into a control for flowering time. It is known that CO promotes flowering in Arabidopsis under long-day conditions. CONSTANS-LIKE 9 (COL9) is a member of the CONSTANS-LIKE gene family, encoding a nuclear protein. The expression of COL9 is regulated by the circadian clock in the photoperiod pathway and is detected in various organs. Unexpectedly, overexpression of COL9 in transgenic Arabidopsis resulted in delayed flowering, while co-suppression lines and a transferred DNA (T-DNA) knockout line showed earlier flowering under long-day conditions. Overexpression of COL9 did not enhance the late-flowering phenotype in a co mutant background. Double overexpressors produced by overexpression of CO in COL9 transgenic lines showed an early flowering phenotype similar to single CO overexpressors. The pattern of oscillation of a number of circadian-associated genes remained unchanged in the COL9 transgenic lines. Compared with wild-type plants, the abundance of CO and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) mRNA was reduced in the COL9 overexpression lines. Our results indicate that COL9 is involved in regulation of flowering time by repressing the expression of CO, concomitantly reducing the expression of FT and delaying floral transition.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of a variety of parameters was investigated on polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated transient nptII and gus gene expression in mesophyll protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype, Estland, in order to develop a suitable transient gene expression system. The investigation revealed that a combination of 20% PEG, incubation time of 15 min, 20–30 μg plasmid concentration per ml along with 50 μg carrier DNA m/l, and inclusion of calcium and magnesium ions during transfection followed by a culture period of 24 h registered maximum NPTII activity. Of the various promoters used for driving expression of the gus gene, the ubiquitin promoter from A. thaliana was the most efficient followed by 35S promoter of the CaMV and the actin promoter of rice. For comparison, similar studies in protoplasts of rice, wheat, and Brassica also revealed the differences in strength of these promoters. Arabidopsis ubiquitin promoter was the most effective in Brassica, and the rice actin1 promoter was the most effective in rice and wheat.  相似文献   

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