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Valeria Beltrame Paolo Ortolan Alessandro Coran Riccardo Zanato Matteo Gazzola Annachiara Frigo Luca Bello Elena Pegoraro Roberto Stramare 《PloS one》2014,9(4)
To evaluate with Magnetic Resonance (MR) the degree of fatty replacement and edematous involvement in skeletal muscles in patients with Tubular Aggregate Myopathy (TAM). To asses the inter-observer agreement in evaluating muscle involvement and the symmetry index of fatty replacement.Materials and Methods
13 patients were evaluated by MR to ascertain the degree of fatty replacement (T1W sequences) according to Mercuri''s scale, and edema score (STIR sequences) according to extent and site.Results
Fatty replacement mainly affects the posterior superficial compartment of the leg; the anterior compartment is generally spared. Edema was generally poor and almost only in the superficial compartment of the leg. The inter-observer agreement is very good with a Krippendorff''s coefficient >0.9. Data show a total symmetry in the muscular replacement (McNemar-Bowker test with p = 1).Conclusions
MR reveals characteristic muscular involvement, and is a reproducible technique for evaluation of TAM. There may also be a characteristic involvement of the long and short heads of the biceps femoris. It is useful for aimed biopsies, diagnostic hypotheses and evaluation of disease progression. 相似文献2.
Gitte Hedermann Christoffer Rasmus Vissing Karen Heje Nicolai Preisler Nanna Witting John Vissing 《PloS one》2016,11(1)
Congenital myopathies (CM) often affect contractile proteins of the sarcomere, which could render patients susceptible to exercise-induced muscle damage. We investigated if exercise is safe and beneficial in patients with CM.Methods
Patients exercised on a stationary bike for 30 minutes, three times weekly, for 10 weeks at 70% of their maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Creatine kinase (CK) was monitored as a marker of muscle damage. VO2max, functional tests, and questionnaires evaluated efficacy.Results
Sixteen patients with CM were included in a controlled study. VO2max increased by 14% (range, 6–25%; 95% CI 7–20; p < 0.001) in the seven patients who completed training, and tended to decrease in a non-intervention group (n = 7; change -3.5%; range, -11–3%, p = 0.083). CK levels were normal and remained stable during training. Baseline Fatigue Severity Scale scores were high, 4.9 (SE 1.9), and tended to decrease (to 4.4 (SE 1.7); p = 0.08) with training. Nine patients dropped out of the training program. Fatigue was the major single reason.Conclusions
Ten weeks of endurance training is safe and improves fitness in patients with congenital myopathies. The training did not cause sarcomeric injury, even though sarcomeric function is affected by the genetic abnormalities in most patients with CM. Severe fatigue, which characterizes patients with CM, is a limiting factor for initiating training in CM, but tends to improve in those who train.Trial Registration
The Regional Committee on Health Research Ethics of the Capital Region of Denmark H-2-2013-066 and ClinicalTrials.gov H2-2013-066 相似文献3.
O. E. Zinovyeva N. D. Samhaeva D. O. Kazakov O. V. Turtikova A. M. Nosovskii B. S. Shenkman T. L. Nemirovskaya 《Human physiology》2018,44(3):356-359
This is the first study to observe a 25% atrophy of m. vastus lateralis and a decrease in the size of type I and II muscle fibers (by 35 and 44%, respectively) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in women after five to seven years of alcohol intoxication. The decrease in muscle volume is due to the predominant destruction of contractile apparatus as compared with other components. 相似文献
Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Skeletal Muscle of Rats with Glucocorticoid-Induced Myopathy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Konno S 《Neurochemical research》2005,30(5):669-675
Steroid myopathy is a well-known adverse effect of glucocorticoids that causes muscle weakness and atrophy; however, its pathogenic mechanism is still unclear. Recently, oxidative stress was reported to contribute to steroid myopathy, but there is no report that actually attempts to measure hydroxyl radical. I developed an animal model of steroid myopathy in rat with dexamethasone (9-Fluoro−11β,17, 21-trihydroxy−16α-methylpregna−1,4-diene−3,20-dione), and measured hydroxyl radical using the salicylate trapping method. There was significant dose-dependent relation between both 2,5- and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acids and dexamethasone in the treated group, compared to the control group. These results suggest that hydroxyl radical plays a role in the pathogenesis of steroid myopathy. 相似文献
高春丽李浩 《现代生物医学进展》2012,12(17):3271-3272
目的:探讨朗格罕细胞组织细胞增生症累及垂体的MR表现及相关临床表现。方法:搜集了6例确诊为朗格罕细胞组织细胞增生症并垂体表现异常的患儿,男5例,女1例,年龄2~11岁,平均(6±3)岁,对其影像及临床表现进行回顾性分析。结果:临床患儿主要以头面部包块,多饮、多尿等就诊。头颅MR平扫(T1WI)表现6例患儿神经垂体高信号全部消失,垂体柄增粗5例,垂体柄著征1例,垂体饱满1例,其中3例治疗后复查垂体及垂体柄均有变化。结论:神经垂体高信号消失,垂体柄增粗或著征为朗格罕细胞组织细胞增生症累及垂体的头颅MR表现。累及垂体者临床几乎都有多饮、多尿表现。目前,MRI是诊断朗格罕细胞组织细胞增生症累及垂体的唯一可靠的影像学检查方法,并对治疗后病情随访有重要作用。 相似文献
J. A. Dormandy E. Hoare J. Colley D. E. Arrowsmith T. L. Dormandy 《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1973,4(5892):576-581
Increased blood viscosity has been shown to be an important factor in reducing blood flow in a review and analysis of the history, clinical findings, and haemodynamic, rheological, radiological, and biochemical measurements in 126 patients with intermittent claudication. In some patients increased viscosity seemed to be the determining cause of claudication. A raised plasma fibrinogen was the most common single biochemical abnormality. The results of conventional serum lipid and lipoprotein estimations were abnormal in the series as a whole but did not correlate with clinical findings or flow measurements at individual patient level. There was, however, a significant correlation between some clinical findings and the susceptibility of the red cells to autoxidation. 相似文献
Robert N. Judson Stuart R. Gray Claire Walker Andrew M. Carroll Cecile Itzstein Arimantas Lionikas Peter S. Zammit Cosimo De Bari Henning Wackerhage 《PloS one》2013,8(3)
The aim of this study was to investigate the function of the Hippo pathway member Yes-associated protein (Yap, gene name Yap1) in skeletal muscle fibres in vivo. Specifically we bred an inducible, skeletal muscle fibre-specific knock-in mouse model (MCK-tTA-hYAP1 S127A) to test whether the over expression of constitutively active Yap (hYAP1 S127A) is sufficient to drive muscle hypertrophy or stimulate changes in fibre type composition. Unexpectedly, after 5–7 weeks of constitutive hYAP1 S127A over expression, mice suddenly and rapidly lost 20–25% body weight and suffered from gait impairments and kyphosis. Skeletal muscles atrophied by 34–40% and the muscle fibre cross sectional area decreased by ≈40% when compared to control mice. Histological analysis revealed evidence of skeletal muscle degeneration and regeneration, necrotic fibres and a NADH-TR staining resembling centronuclear myopathy. In agreement with the histology, mRNA expression of markers of regenerative myogenesis (embryonic myosin heavy chain, Myf5, myogenin, Pax7) and muscle protein degradation (atrogin-1, MuRF1) were significantly elevated in muscles from transgenic mice versus control. No significant changes in fibre type composition were detected using ATPase staining. The phenotype was largely reversible, as a cessation of hYAP1 S127A expression rescued body and muscle weight, restored muscle morphology and prevented further pathological progression. To conclude, high Yap activity in muscle fibres does not induce fibre hypertrophy nor fibre type changes but instead results in a reversible atrophy and deterioration. 相似文献
Hiroyoshi Yamauchi Masashi Bando Tomohisa Baba Kensuke Kataoka Yoshihito Yamada Hiroshi Yamamoto Atsushi Miyamoto Soichiro Ikushima Takeshi Johkoh Fumikazu Sakai Yasuhiro Terasaki Akira Hebisawa Yoshinori Kawabata Yukihiko Sugiyama Takashi Ogura 《PloS one》2016,11(11)
Some patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) do not have honeycombing on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) at their initial evaluation. The clinical course and sequential changes in HRCT findings in these patients are not fully understood. We reviewed the cases of 43 patients with IPF without honeycombing on initial HRCT from institutions throughout Japan. All patients were diagnosed with IPF based on a surgical lung biopsy. Multidisciplinary discussions were held five times between 2011 and 2014, to exclude alternative etiologies. We evaluated the sequential changes in HRCT findings in 30 patients with IPF. We classified these 30 patients into three groups based on their HRCT patterns and clarified the clinical characteristics and prognosis among the groups. The patterns of all 30 patients on initial HRCT corresponded to a possible usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern which was described in the 2011 International Statement. On long-term follow-up (71.0±38.7 standard deviation [SD] months), honeycombing was seen in 16 patients (53%, the HoneyCo group); traction bronchiectasis or cysts without honeycombing was observed in 12 patients (40%, the NoHoneyCo group), and two patients showed no interval change (7%, the NoChange group) on HRCT. The mean survival periods of the HoneyCo and NoHoneyCo groups were 67.1 and 61.2 months, respectively (p = 0.76). There are some patients with IPF whose conditions chronically progress without honeycombing on HRCT. The appearance of honeycombing on HRCT during the follow-up might not be related to prognosis. 相似文献
Javier Villafuerte-Gálvez María Isabel Sotelo-Olivera Jaime Cok Alejandro Piscoya-Rivera Jorge Huerta-Mercado 《PloS one》2012,7(10)
To report the colonoscopic and pathological findings in patients with chronic diarrhea from a gastroenterology unit during approximately 3 years in a general teaching hospital located in Lima-Peru.Materials and Methods
Patients with chronic diarrhea as the motive for colonoscopy from March 2008 to December 2010 were selected from the colonoscopy report computerized database. Colonoscopic findings were registered. Biopsies taken during the procedure were prospectively reviewed.Results
226 patients were included, of which 162 (71.7%) had a colon biopsy available. The average age of the patients was 53.6±16.36. 85.8% of patients were reported to have a normal colon. 14.8% of patients were found to have a normal colonic mucosa or mucosal edema, 35.8% of patients had lymphocytic colitis and 28.4% had paucicelular colitis.Conclusions
The majority of colonoscopies were reported with unremarkable macroscopic findings. Lymphocytic colitis was unusually frequent compared to previous reports. 相似文献11.
Joerg Latus Sayed M. Habib Daniel Kitterer Mario R. Korte Christoph Ulmer Peter Fritz Simon Davies Mark Lambie M. Dominik Alscher Michiel G. H. Betjes Stephan Segerer Niko Braun 《PloS one》2014,9(8)
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) commonly presents after peritoneal dialysis has been stopped, either post-transplantation (PT-EPS) or after switching to hemodialysis (classical EPS, cEPS). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether PT-EPS and cEPS differ in morphology and clinical course.Methods
In this European multicenter study we included fifty-six EPS patients, retrospectively paired-matched for peritoneal dialysis (PD) duration. Twenty-eight patients developed EPS after renal transplantation, whereas the other twenty-eight patients were classical EPS patients. Demographic data, PD details, and course of disease were documented. Peritoneal biopsies of all patients were investigated using histological criteria.Results
Eighteen patients from the Netherlands and thirty-eight patients from Germany were included. Time on PD was 78(64–95) in the PT-EPS and 72(50–89) months in the cEPS group (p>0.05). There were no significant differences between the morphological findings of cEPS and PT-EPS. Podoplanin positive cells were a prominent feature in both groups, but with a similar distribution of the podoplanin patterns. Time between cessation of PD to the clinical diagnosis of EPS was significantly shorter in the PT-EPS group as compared to cEPS (4(2–9) months versus 23(7–24) months, p<0.001). Peritonitis rate was significantly higher in cEPS.Conclusions
In peritoneal biopsies PT-EPS and cEPS are not distinguishable by histomorphology and immunohistochemistry, which argues against different entities. The critical phase for PT-EPS is during the first year after transplantation and therefore earlier after PD cessation then in cEPS. 相似文献13.
Michael Schredl 《Dreaming》1998,8(2):103-107
The present study investigated dream recall and dream content in patients with narcolepsy. Compared to healthy controls, patients with narcolepsy reported higher dream recall frequency and more negatively toned and bizarre dreams, confirming earlier findings. 相似文献
Kyung-Ah Park Injeong Lyu Jungmin Yoon Unchang Jeong Jae-Eung Oh Han Woong Lim Sei Yeul Oh 《PloS one》2015,10(6)
To present the surgical outcomes of a muscle union procedure in patients with paralytic strabismus, this retrospective study included 27 patients with paralytic strabismus who underwent a muscle union procedure. In this procedure, the two vertical rectus muscles are united with the paralytic horizontal muscle without splitting the muscles. Postoperative ocular deviations, complications, surgical success rates, and reoperation rates were obtained by examining the medical records of the patients. Seventeen patients had a sixth cranial nerve palsy, seven patients had a third cranial nerve palsy, and three patients had a medial rectus muscle palsy after endoscopic sinus surgery. The mean preoperative angle of horizontal deviation in the primary position was 56 ± 21 prism diopters. The mean follow-up period was 12 ± 9 months. The mean final postoperative ocular deviation was 8 ± 13 prism diopters. The success rate was 74%, and the reoperation rate was 0%. No significant complications, including anterior ischemia, occurred in any of the patients. One patient exhibited an increase in intraocular pressure in the immediate postoperative period, but this resolved spontaneously within 1 week. Our muscle union procedure was effective in patients with paralytic strabismus, especially in patients with a large angle of deviation. This muscle union procedure is potentially a suitable option for muscle transposition in patients with paralytic strabismus who have large-angle deviation or a significant residual angle after conventional surgery. 相似文献
J. A. Dormandy E. Hoare A. H. Khattab D. E. Arrowsmith T. L. Dormandy 《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1973,4(5892):581-583
To assess the prognostic significance of clinical and laboratory findings in intermittent claudication a group of 62 untreated patients was followed up in detail for periods of from one to three years. There was a significant correlation between progressive deterioration of the peripheral circulatory disturbance and the initial blood viscosity, the plasma fibrinogen level, and the susceptibility of red cell lipids to autoxidation. 相似文献
The authors studied muscle fatigue in patients with parkinsonism receiving pathogenetic therapy and in elderly healthy subjects by means of turn-amplitude analysis of surface electromyography (EMG). The healthy subjects reacted to fatigue with a significant increase in the amplitude and number of EMG turns during static exercise and a decrease in the peak ratio. In patients with parkinsonism, fatigue began after an exercise that was half of that in the healthy subjects with a decrease in the number of turns and mean amplitude and an increase in peak ratio. These data show that dynamics of strength and EMG parameters differs in patients with parkinsonism and healthy subjects. 相似文献
Allan H. Rappaport Paul B. Hoffer Harry K. Genant 《The Western journal of medicine》1978,129(3):188-192
Preliminary findings suggest that in patients with known primary cancer, a large percentage of unifocal lesions seen on radionuclide bone scans are not metastatic. In a survey of radionuclide bone studies done on 861 consecutive patients, 30 patients with known primary cancer had solitary lesions. Adequate follow-up information was available on 21 of these 30 patients. In only four did the lesions prove to be caused by metastatic malignancy. 相似文献
Nan Liu Hui Chen Bing Wu Ying Li Max Wintermark Alan Jackson Jun Hu Yongwei Zhang Zihua Su Guangming Zhu Weiwei Zhang 《Molecular neurobiology》2017,54(4):2539-2546
In this study, we determined whether a prediction of final infarct volume (FIV) and clinical outcomes in patients with an acute stroke is improved by using a contrast transfer coefficient (K trans) as a biomarker for blood–brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction. Here, consecutive patients admitted with signs and symptoms suggesting acute hemispheric stroke were included in this study. Ninety-eight participants with intra-arterial therapy were assessed (46 female). Definition of predicted FIV was performed using conventional perfusion CT (PCT-PIV) parameters alone and in combination with K trans (K trans-PIV). Multiple logistic regression analyses and linear regression modeling were conducted to determine independent predictors of the 90-day modified Rankin score (mRS) and FIV, respectively. We found that patients with favorable outcomes were younger and had lower National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, smaller PCT-PIV, K trans-PIV, and smaller FIV (P?<?0.001). K trans-PIV showed good correlation with FIV (P?<?00.001, R 2?=?0.6997). In the regression analyses, K trans-PIV was the best predictor of clinical outcomes (P?=?0.009, odds ratio (OR)?=?1.960) and also the best predictor for FIV (F?=?75.590, P?<?0.0001). In conclusion, combining PCT and K trans maps derived from first-pass PCT can identify at-risk cerebral ischemic tissue more precisely than perfusion parameters alone. This provides improved accuracy in predicting FIV and clinical outcomes. 相似文献
Wu Ping Yong Pengzheng Zhang Zhanxiong Xu Rui Shang Renjie Shi Jun Zhang Jianshe Bi Pengpeng Chen Elizabeth Du Shaojun 《Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)》2022,24(5):1023-1038
Marine Biotechnology - The development and growth of fish skeletal muscles require myoblast fusion to generate multinucleated myofibers. While zebrafish fast-twitch muscle can fuse to generate... 相似文献