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This study assesses effects of airgun sounds on bowhead calling behavior during the autumn migration. In August–October 2007, 35 directional acoustic recorders (DASARs) were deployed at five sites in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Location estimates were obtained for >137,500 individual calls; a subsample of locations with high detection probability was used in the analyses. Call localization rates (CLRs) were compared before, during, and after periods of airgun use between sites near seismic activities (median distance 41–45 km) and sites relatively distant from seismic activities (median distance >104 km). At the onset of airgun use, CLRs dropped significantly at sites near the airguns, where median received levels from airgun pulses (SPL) were 116–129 dB re 1 μPa (10–450 Hz). CLRs remained unchanged at sites distant from the airguns, where median received levels were 99–108 dB re 1 μPa. This drop could result from a cessation of calling, deflection of whales around seismic activities, or both combined, but call locations alone were insufficient to differentiate between these possibilities. Reverberation from airgun pulses could have masked a small number of calls near the airguns, but even if masking did take place, the analysis results remain unchanged.  相似文献   

The Western Arctic bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) is highly adapted to sea ice and annually migrates through the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. While the overall distribution and seasonal movements of bowhead whales are mostly understood, information about their distribution in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in early to mid-summer has not been well documented. In July 2011, we conducted an exploratory flight in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea, north of Camden Bay (71°N 144°W), near the location of a single satellite-tagged bowhead whale. Eighteen bowhead whales were observed, and behavior consistent with feeding was documented. To our knowledge, this is the first documentation of behavior consistent with feeding north of Camden Bay in mid-July. Few studies have focused on bowhead whale distribution in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in early to mid-summer, and no long-term, region-wide surveys have been conducted during summer. Bowhead whales are already exposed to anthropogenic disturbance in the Canadian Beaufort Sea in summer, the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in fall, and the Chukchi and Bering seas from fall through spring. The presence of bowhead whale aggregations in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in summer should be considered when assessing the cumulative effects of human-related activities.  相似文献   

Shore-based theodolite tracking of eastern gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) movements was conducted to test for potential whale responses to a high-frequency sonar system. Southbound migrating whales were observed from two California shore observation stations as the whales swam past the source vessel that was moored in their migration path. The sonar transducer was deployed from the vessel during all observations, broadcasting 21–25 kHz sweeps for half of each day, the other half remaining silent. The order of control and experimental periods was randomized. No readily apparent response to sonar transmissions was observed in the field or in the visual data. Statistical analysis of tracking data indicates that, compared to control data, gray whales deflected inshore at ranges of 1–2 km from the vessel during sonar transmissions at a received sound pressure level of approximately 148 dB re 1 μPa2 (134 dB re 1 μPa2s). These data suggest that the functional hearing sensitivity of gray whales extends to at least 21 kHz.  相似文献   

Toothed whales (Cetacea, odontoceti) use biosonar to navigate their environment and to find and catch prey. All studied toothed whale species have evolved highly directional, high-amplitude ultrasonic clicks suited for long-range echolocation of prey in open water. Little is known about the biosonar signals of toothed whale species inhabiting freshwater habitats such as endangered river dolphins. To address the evolutionary pressures shaping the echolocation signal parameters of non-marine toothed whales, we investigated the biosonar source parameters of Ganges river dolphins (Platanista gangetica gangetica) and Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) within the river systems of the Sundarban mangrove forest. Both Ganges and Irrawaddy dolphins produced echolocation clicks with a high repetition rate and low source level compared to marine species. Irrawaddy dolphins, inhabiting coastal and riverine habitats, produced a mean source level of 195 dB (max 203 dB) re 1 µPapp whereas Ganges river dolphins, living exclusively upriver, produced a mean source level of 184 dB (max 191) re 1 µPapp. These source levels are 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than those of similar sized marine delphinids and may reflect an adaptation to a shallow, acoustically complex freshwater habitat with high reverberation and acoustic clutter. The centroid frequency of Ganges river dolphin clicks are an octave lower than predicted from scaling, but with an estimated beamwidth comparable to that of porpoises. The unique bony maxillary crests found in the Platanista forehead may help achieve a higher directionality than expected using clicks nearly an octave lower than similar sized odontocetes.  相似文献   

The low-frequency, powerful vocalizations of blue and fin whales may potentially be detected by conspecifics across entire ocean basins. In contrast, humpback and bowhead whales produce equally powerful, but more complex broadband vocalizations composed of higher frequencies that suffer from higher attenuation. Here we evaluate the active space of high frequency song notes of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in Western Greenland using measurements of song source levels and ambient noise. Four independent, GPS-synchronized hydrophones were deployed through holes in the ice to localize vocalizing bowhead whales, estimate source levels and measure ambient noise. The song had a mean apparent source level of 185±2 dB rms re 1 µPa @ 1 m and a high mean centroid frequency of 444±48 Hz. Using measured ambient noise levels in the area and Arctic sound spreading models, the estimated active space of these song notes is between 40 and 130 km, an order of magnitude smaller than the estimated active space of low frequency blue and fin whale songs produced at similar source levels and for similar noise conditions. We propose that bowhead whales spatially compensate for their smaller communication range through mating aggregations that co-evolved with broadband song to form a complex and dynamic acoustically mediated sexual display.  相似文献   

The clicks of Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) from 7 individuals in the tank of Baiji aquarium, 2 individuals in a netted pen at Shishou Tian-e-zhou Reserve and 4 free-ranging individuals at Tianxingzhou were recorded using a broadband digital recording system with four element hydrophones. The peak-to-peak apparent source level (ASL_pp) of clicks from individuals at the Baiji aquarium was 167 dB re 1 μPa with mean center frequency of 133 kHz, -3dB bandwidth of 18 kHz and -10 dB duration of 58 μs. The ASL_pp of clicks from individuals at the Shishou Tian-e-zhou Reserve was 180 dB re 1 μPa with mean center frequency of 128 kHz, -3dB bandwidth of 20 kHz and -10 dB duration of 39 μs. The ASL_pp of clicks from individuals at Tianxingzhou was 176 dB re 1 μPa with mean center frequency of 129 kHz, -3dB bandwidth of 15 kHz and -10 dB duration of 48 μs. Differences between the source parameters of clicks among the three groups of finless porpoises suggest these animals adapt to their echolocation signals depending on their surroundings.  相似文献   

The modern pattern of distribution and feeding habits of the bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, in the Sea of Okhotsk are studied. The existence of a feeding aggregation of this whale species in the southwesternmost portion (apex) of Ulban Bay has been confirmed. There, the animals feed in shallow waters with depths of 3–5 m, which are only slightly larger than their body height. The quantitative composition and species structure of zooplankton at the stations that were set near feeding whales have been analyzed. In the samples taken in the immediate proximity to the feeding whales, the abundance of zooplankton reached 31409 ind./m3, with the average value of 17565 ind./m3. The lowest abundance, from 56 to 1879 ind./m3 (mean 927 ind./m3), was in the samples from western Konstantin Bay, where bowhead whales were not observed. In 16 samples collected in the immediate proximity to the feeding whales in the shallow waters of Ulban Bay, the average zooplankton biomass was 547.9 mg/m3, which is 3.9 times higher than that in the samples from waters where the whales were absent. Copepods dominated quantitatively at all the stations in Akademiya Bay. The proportion of euphausiids in the zooplankton biomass was lower than 1%, both near the feeding whales and in the absence of whales.  相似文献   

During the International Polar Year (IPY), acoustic recorders were deployed on oceanographic moorings in Fram Strait and on the Chukchi Plateau, representing the first coordinated year-round sampling of underwater acoustic habitats at two sites in the High Arctic. Examination of species-specific marine mammal calls recorded from autumn 2008–2009 revealed distinctly different acoustic habitats at each site. Overall, the Fram Strait site was acoustically complex compared with the Chukchi Plateau site. In Fram Strait, calls from bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) and a variety of toothed whales (odontocetes) were recorded year-round, as were airgun pulses from seismic surveys. In addition, calls from blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin whales (B. physalus) were recorded from June to October and August to March, respectively. Conversely, at the Chukchi Plateau site, beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) and bowhead whale calls were recorded primarily from May to August, with airgun signals detected only in September–October. Ribbon seal (Phoca fasciata) calls were detected in October–November, with no marine mammals calls at all recorded from December to February. Of note, ice-adapted bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) were recorded at both sites, primarily in spring and summer, corresponding with the mating season for that species. Differences in acoustic habitats between the two sites were related to contrasts in sea ice cover, temperature, patterns of ocean circulation and contributions from anthropogenic noise sources. These data provide a provisional baseline for the comparison of underwater acoustic habitats between Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the High Arctic.  相似文献   

Although the distribution and relative abundance of bowhead whales varied annually within the fall whaling area near Barrow, Alaska, the distance of whales from shore was not significantly different among years 1982-1989 (ANOVA, F = 0.5, P > 0.5). The minimum detectable distance for the ANOVA was 12 km (α= 0.05, β= 0.1). Annual median distance of random bowhead sightings from shore ranged from 23 to 39 km, with an eight-year median of 32 km. Highest annual bowhead sighting rates were positively associated with the proportion of feeding whales, indicating that whale feeding opportunities may affect the availability of whales within hunting range each fall.  相似文献   

The age of bowhead whales captured by Native Alaskan hunters in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas has been estimated via chemical analyses of the eye lenses, and other techniques. The racemization-age estimates indicate that bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) have a lifespan of more than a century. Stone and ivory weapon fragments recovered from bowhead whales hunted in Wainwright and Barrow (Alaska) in 1981, 1992, 1993 and 1997, provided rough but independent assessments of the whales’ longevity; however, their date of manufacture was unknown. Adding further confirmation of these age estimates, this note describes bomb lance fragments recovered recently (2007) and about 30 years ago (1980) from bowhead whales harvested by Eskimo hunters that were “dateable” and likely manufactured between 1879 and 1885.  相似文献   

Tension and curvature of the sarcolemmal tube of the frog muscle fiber were measured at different extensions and were used to calculate the anisotropic elastic properties of the sarcolemma. A model was derived to obtain the four parameters of the elasticity matrix of the sarcolemma. Sarcolemmal thickness was taken as 0.1 μm. Over the range of reversible sarcolemmal tube extension, the longitudinal elastic modulus EL = 6.3 × 107 dyn/cm2, the circumferential modulus Ec = 0.88 × 107 dyn/cm2, the longitudinal Poisson's ratio σL = 1.2, and the circumferential Poisson's ratio σc = 0.18. At tubular rest length EL = 1.2 × 107 dyn/cm2. The sarcolemma is less extensible in the longitudinal direction along the fiber axis than in the circumferential direction. It can be extended reversibly to 48% of its rest length, equivalent to extending the intact fiber from a sarcomere length of 3 μm to about 4.5 μm. The sarcolemma does not contribute to intact fiber tension at fiber sarcomere lengths <3 μm, and between 3 and 4 μm its contribution is about 20%. It also exerts a pressure on the myoplasm, which can be calculated by means of the model. The longitudinal elastic modulus of the whole fiber is 1 × 105 dyn/cm2 at a sarcomere length of 2.33 μm.  相似文献   

Bowhead whales occur in the Arctic year‐round. Their movements are largely correlated with seasonal expansions and reductions of sea ice, but a few recent extralimital sightings have occurred in the eastern and western North Atlantic and one was also documented in the western North Pacific over 50 years ago. Here we present details of a juvenile bowhead whale that was photographed and filmed from above and below the water while it was skim‐feeding in Caamaño Sound, BC, Canada on May 31, 2016. This sighting occurred over 2000 km southeast from the nearest known range for this species in the Bering Sea at a time that most bowhead whales in that region would have been migrating northeast. This sighting represents the first and only documentation of a bowhead whale in the eastern North Pacific to date.  相似文献   

Mutation rates are of key importance for understanding evolutionary processes and predicting their outcomes. Empirical mutation rate estimates are available for a number of RNA viruses, but few are available for DNA viruses, which tend to have larger genomes. Whilst some viruses have very high mutation rates, lower mutation rates are expected for viruses with large genomes to ensure genome integrity. Alphabaculoviruses are insect viruses with large genomes and often have high levels of polymorphism, suggesting high mutation rates despite evidence of proofreading activity by the replication machinery. Here, we report an empirical estimate of the mutation rate per base per strand copying (s/n/r) of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV). To avoid biases due to selection, we analyzed mutations that occurred in a stable, non-functional genomic insert after five serial passages in Spodoptera exigua larvae. Our results highlight that viral demography and the stringency of mutation calling affect mutation rate estimates, and that using a population genetic simulation model to make inferences can mitigate the impact of these processes on estimates of mutation rate. We estimated a mutation rate of μ = 1×10−7 s/n/r when applying the most stringent criteria for mutation calling, and estimates of up to μ = 5×10−7 s/n/r when relaxing these criteria. The rates at which different classes of mutations accumulate provide good evidence for neutrality of mutations occurring within the inserted region. We therefore present a robust approach for mutation rate estimation for viruses with stable genomes, and strong evidence of a much lower alphabaculovirus mutation rate than supposed based on the high levels of polymorphism observed.  相似文献   

Using a combined experimental and theoretical approach named binding-unbinding correlation spectroscopy (BUCS), we describe the two-dimensional kinetics of interactions between fibrinogen and the integrin αIIbβ3, the ligand-receptor pair essential for platelet function during hemostasis and thrombosis. The methodology uses the optical trap to probe force-free association of individual surface-attached fibrinogen and αIIbβ3 molecules and forced dissociation of an αIIbβ3-fibrinogen complex. This novel approach combines force clamp measurements of bond lifetimes with the binding mode to quantify the dependence of the binding probability on the interaction time. We found that fibrinogen-reactive αIIbβ3 pre-exists in at least two states that differ in their zero force on-rates (kon1 = 1.4 × 10−4 and kon2 = 2.3 × 10−4 μm2/s), off-rates (koff1 = 2.42 and koff2 = 0.60 s−1), and dissociation constants (Kd1 = 1.7 × 104 and Kd2 = 2.6 × 103 μm−2). The integrin activator Mn2+ changed the on-rates and affinities (Kd1 = 5 × 104 and Kd2 = 0.3 × 103 μm−2) but did not affect the off-rates. The strength of αIIbβ3-fibrinogen interactions was time-dependent due to a progressive increase in the fraction of the high affinity state of the αIIbβ3-fibrinogen complex characterized by a faster on-rate. Upon Mn2+-induced integrin activation, the force-dependent off-rates decrease while the complex undergoes a conformational transition from a lower to higher affinity state. The results obtained provide quantitative estimates of the two-dimensional kinetic rates for the low and high affinity αIIbβ3 and fibrinogen interactions at the single molecule level and offer direct evidence for the time- and force-dependent changes in αIIbβ3 conformation and ligand binding activity, underlying the dynamics of fibrinogen-mediated platelet adhesion and aggregation.  相似文献   

Predation can regulate prey numbers but predator behaviour in multiple-prey systems can complicate understanding of control mechanisms. We investigate killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation in an ocean system where multiple marine mammal prey coexist. Using stochastic models with Monte-Carlo simulations, we test the most likely outcome of predator selection and compare scenarios where killer whales: (1) focus predation on larger prey which presumably offer more energy per effort, (2) generalize by feeding on prey as encountered during searches, or (3) follow a mixed foraging strategy based on a combination of encounter rate and prey size selection. We test alternative relationships within the Hudson Bay geographic region, where evidence suggests killer whales seasonally concentrate feeding activities on the large-bodied bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus). However, model results indicate that killer whales do not show strong prey specialization and instead alternatively feed on narwhal (Monodon monoceros) and beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) whales early and late in the ice-free season. Evidence does support the conjecture that during the peak of the open water season, killer whale predation can differ regionally and feeding techniques can focus on bowhead whale prey. The mixed foraging strategy used by killer whales includes seasonal predator specialization and has management and conservation significance since killer whale predation may not be constrained by a regulatory functional response.  相似文献   

Kinetic Parameters of Denitrification in a River Continuum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Kinetic parameters for nitrate reduction in intact sediment cores were investigated by using the acetylene blockage method at five sites along the Swale-Ouse river system in northeastern England, including a highly polluted tributary, R. Wiske. The denitrification rate in sediment containing added nitrate exhibited a Michaelis-Menten-type curve. The concentration of nitrate for half-maximal activity (Kmap) by denitrifying bacteria increased on passing downstream from 13.1 to 90.4 μM in the main river, but it was highest (640 μM) in the Wiske. The apparent maximal rate (Vmaxap) ranged between 35.8 and 324 μmol of N m−2 h−1 in the Swale-Ouse (increasing upstream to downstream), but it was highest in the Wiske (1,194 μmol N m−2 h−1). A study of nitrous oxide (N2O) production at the same time showed that rates ranged from below the detection limit (0.05 μmol of N2O-N m−2 h−1) at the headwater site to 27 μmol of N2O-N m−2 h−1 at the downstream site. In the Wiske the rate was up to 570 μmol of N2O-N m−2 h−1, accounting for up to 80% of total N gas production.  相似文献   

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria (sarcomere length, 3.5–3.9 μm; 14–16°C) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and equilibrated with an external solution that contained tetraethyl ammonium– gluconate and an internal solution that contained Cs as the principal cation, 20 mM EGTA, and 0 Ca. Fibers were stimulated with a voltage-clamp pulse protocol that consisted of pulses to −70, −65, −60, −45, and −20 mV, each separated by 400-ms periods at −90 mV. The change in total Ca that entered into the myoplasm (Δ[CaT]) and the Ca content of the SR ([CaSR]) were estimated with the EGTA/phenol red method (Pape, P.C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. J. Gen. Physiol. 106:259–336). Fibers were stimulated with the pulse protocol, usually every 5 min, so that the resting value of [CaSR] decreased from its initial value of 1,700–2,300 μM to values near or below 100 μM after 18–30 stimulations. Three main findings for the voltage pulses to −70, −65, and −60 mV are: (a) the depletion-corrected rate of Ca release (release permeability) showed little change when [CaSR] decreased from its highest level (>1,700 μM) to ∼1,000 μM; (b) as [CaSR] decreased below 1,000 μM, the release permeability increased to a maximum level when [CaSR] was near 300 μM that was on average about sevenfold larger than the values observed for [CaSR] > 1,000 μM; and (c) as [CaSR] decreased from ∼300 μM to <100 μM, the release permeability decreased, reaching half its maximum value when [CaSR] was ∼110 μM on average. It was concluded that finding b was likely due to a decrease in Ca inactivation, while finding c was likely due to a decrease in Ca-induced Ca release.  相似文献   

The competition for glucose between Escherichia coli ML30, a typical copiotrophic enterobacterium and Chelatobacter heintzii ATCC29600, an environmentally successful strain, was studied in a carbon-limited culture at low dilution rates. First, as a base for modelling, the kinetic parameters μmax and Ks were determined for growth with glucose. For both strains, μmax was determined in batch culture after different precultivation conditions. In the case of C. heintzii, μmax was virtually independent of precultivation conditions. When inoculated into a glucose-excess batch culture medium from a glucose-limited chemostat run at a dilution rate of 0.075 h−1 C. heintzii grew immediately with a μmax of 0.17±0.03 h−1. After five transfers in batch culture, μmax had increased only slightly to 0.18±0.03 h−1. A different pattern was observed in the case of E. coli. Inoculated from a glucose-limited chemostat at D=0.075 h−1 into glucose-excess batch medium E. coli grew only after an acceleration phase of ∼3.5 h with a μmax of 0.52 h−1. After 120 generations and several transfers into fresh medium, μmax had increased to 0.80±0.03 h−1. For long-term adapted chemostat-cultivated cells, a Ks for glucose of 15 μg l−1 for C. heintzii, and of 35 μg l−1 for E. coli, respectively, was determined in 14C-labelled glucose uptake experiments. In competition experiments, the population dynamics of the mixed culture was determined using specific surface antibodies against C. heintzii and a specific 16S rRNA probe for E. coli. C. heintzii outcompeted E. coli in glucose-limited continuous culture at the low dilution rates of 0.05 and 0.075 h−1. Using the determined pure culture parameter values for Ks and μmax, it was only possible to simulate the population dynamics during competition with an extended form of the Monod model, which includes a finite substrate concentration at zero growth rate (smin). The values estimated for smin were dependent on growth rate; at D=0.05 h−1, it was 12.6 and 0 μg l−1 for E. coli and C. heintzii, respectively. To fit the data at D=0.075 h−1, smin for E. coli had to be raised to 34.9 μg l−1 whereas smin for C. heintzii remained zero. The results of the mathematical simulation suggest that it is not so much the higher Ks value, which is responsible for the unsuccessful competition of E. coli at low residual glucose concentration, but rather the existence of a significant smin.  相似文献   

The diversity of deep-sea high-pressure-adapted (piezophilic) microbes in isolated monoculture remains low. In this study, a novel obligately psychropiezophilic bacterium was isolated from seawater collected from the Puerto Rico Trench at a depth of ∼6,000 m. This isolate, designated YC-1, grew best in a nutrient-rich marine medium, with an optimal growth hydrostatic pressure of 50 MPa (range, 20 to 70 MPa) at 8°C. Under these conditions, the maximum growth rate was extremely slow, 0.017 h−1, and the maximum yield was 3.51 × 107 cells ml−1. Cell size and shape changed with pressure, shifting from 4.0 to 5.0 μm in length and 0.5 to 0.8 μm in width at 60 MPa to 0.8- to 1.0-μm diameter coccoid cells under 20 MPa, the minimal pressure required for growth. YC-1 is a Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic heterotroph. Its predominant cellular fatty acids are the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) C16:1 and C18:1. Unlike many other psychropiezophiles, YC-1 does not synthesize any polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Phylogenetic analysis placed YC-1 within the family of Oceanospirillaceae, closely related to the uncultured symbiont of the deep-sea whale bone-eating worms of the genus Osedax. In common with some other members of the Oceanospirillales, including those enriched during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, YC-1 is capable of hydrocarbon utilization. On the basis of its characteristics, YC-1 appears to represent both a new genus and a new species, which we name Profundimonas piezophila gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton abundance, [3H]thymidine incorporation, 14CO2 uptake in the dark, and fractionated primary production were measured on several occasions between June and August 1982 in eutrophic Lake Norrviken, Sweden. Bacterioplankton abundance and carbon biomass ranged from 0.5 × 109 to 2.4 × 109 cells liter−1 and 7 to 47 μg of C liter−1, respectively. The average bacterial cell volume was 0.185 μm3. [3H]thymidine incorporation into cold-trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material ranged from 12 × 10−12 to 200 × 10−12 mol liter−1 h−1. Bacterial carbon production rates were estimated to be 0.2 to 7.1 μg of C liter−1 h−1. Bacterial production estimates from [3H]thymidine incorporation and 14CO2 uptake in the dark agreed when activity was high but diverged when activity was low and when blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) dominated the phytoplankton. Size fractionation indicated negligible uptake of [3H]thymidine in the >3-μm fraction during a chrysophycean bloom in early June. We found that >50% of the 3H activity was in the >3-μm fraction in late August; this phenomenon was most likely due to Microcystis spp., their associated bacteria, or both. Over 60% of the 14CO2 uptake in the dark was attributed to algae on each sampling occasion. Algal exudate was an important carbon source for planktonic bacteria. Bacterial production was roughly 50% of primary production.  相似文献   

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