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Organic farming is seen as a prototype of ecological intensification potentially able to conciliate crop productivity and biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes. However, how natural enemies, an important functional group supporting pest control services, respond to organic farming at different scales and in different landscape contexts remain unclear. Using a hierarchical design within a vineyard‐dominated region located in southwestern France, we examine the independent effects of organic farming and semi‐natural habitats at the local and landscape scales on natural enemies. We show that the proportion of organic farming is a stronger driver of species abundance than the proportion of semi‐natural habitats and is an important facet of landscape heterogeneity shaping natural enemy assemblages. Although our study highlights a strong taxonomic group‐dependency about the effect of organic farming, organic farming benefits to dominant species while rare species occur at the same frequency in the two farming systems. Independently of farming systems, enhancing field age, reducing crop productivity, soil tillage intensity, and pesticide use are key management options to increase natural enemy biodiversity. Our study indicates that policies promoting the expansion of organic farming will benefit more to ecological intensification strategies seeking to enhance ecosystem services than to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss—one of the most prominent forms of modern environmental change—has been heavily driven by terrestrial habitat loss and, in particular, the spread and intensification of agriculture. Expanding agricultural land-use has led to the search for strong conservation strategies, with some suggesting that biodiversity conservation in agriculture is best maximized by reducing local management intensity, such as fertilizer and pesticide application. Others highlight the importance of landscape-level approaches that incorporate natural or semi-natural areas in landscapes surrounding farms. Here, we show that both of these practices are valuable to the conservation of biodiversity, and that either local or landscape factors can be most crucial to conservation planning depending on which types of organisms one wishes to save. We performed a quantitative review of 266 observations taken from 31 studies that compared the impacts of localized (within farm) management strategies and landscape complexity (around farms) on the richness and abundance of plant, invertebrate and vertebrate species in agro-ecosystems. While both factors significantly impacted species richness, the richness of sessile plants increased with less-intensive local management, but did not significantly respond to landscape complexity. By contrast, the richness of mobile vertebrates increased with landscape complexity, but did not significantly increase with less-intensive local management. Invertebrate richness and abundance responded to both factors. Our analyses point to clear differences in how various groups of organisms respond to differing scales of management, and suggest that preservation of multiple taxonomic groups will require multiple scales of conservation.  相似文献   

农业景观非农生境植物多样性及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢训令  梁国付  汤茜  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2018,38(5):1799-1809
农业景观是人类生活所需资料的最主要来源地和生物多样性保护的重要区域之一。黄河中下游地区是我国最重要的农业区之一,在区域农业景观中,非农生境中各群落植物物种多样性组成特征有何差异?在不同尺度上,景观异质性特征与生境特征对植物物种多样性特征有何影响?在黄河中下游典型区域布点,对区内主要非农生境(次生林、次生灌丛、人工林和农田边缘等)中的植物群落物种多样性进行调查。结果显示:(1)次生灌丛中的物种丰富度和多样性显著高于其他生境,而农田边缘也保育有较多的物种;(2)从物种组成来看,景观尺度上样点间物种多样性差异(β_2)是所有生境中物种丰富度的最主要组成部分,而次生灌丛与次生林两类自然生境中小尺度(α和β1)物种丰富度的贡献相对较高。(3)景观异质性特征指标对物种多样性的影响主要体现在样方尺度上(α_(样方)),而β和γ多样性与之的关系并不甚密切。表征生境特征的群落高度和盖度指标能更好的预测物种多样性的特征。研究发现,常用的表征景观异质性的指数在各尺度上对植物群落物种多样性特征的影响也并不显著,局地群落特征的影响更为直接和重要。在探讨景观异质性特征与生物多样性关系时,常用的多样性指数(Shannon多样性指数、均匀度指数和Simpson指数等)并不合适,而拆分后的物种丰富度会更有效。但景观异质性对生物多样性的影响也不容忽视,它的改变会是影响群落物种多样性及其组成结构的重要潜在因素,在更大尺度上景观异质性会通过对景观组成要素特征(生境组成和构型)的影响进而影响到区域植物物种丰富度的变化。  相似文献   

不同农业景观结构对麦蚜种群动态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵紫华  石云  贺达汉  杭佳  赵映书  王颖 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6380-6388
研究表明农业景观结构的复杂性与害虫种群发生强度关系密切,然而在不同农业景观结构下研究麦蚜的发生、种群及寄生蜂的变化还不多。设计了不同的麦田景观结构,调查研究了不同麦田景观结构对麦蚜种群的影响。在简单与复杂两种农业景观结构下,分析了不同种类麦蚜的入田时间、入田量、种群增长率、种群密度及寄生性天敌的多样性与寄生率。结果表明:景观结构对不同种类麦蚜影响不同,但复杂农业景观下麦蚜迁飞入田时间都要晚于简单农业景观(连片种植)下的入田时间,复杂农业景观下有翅蚜的迁入量显著低于简单景观下有翅蚜的迁入量,并且复杂农业景观下麦蚜种群增长速率高于简单农业景观下的增长速率。不同种类麦蚜对景观结构的不同反应可能与形态学与生活史特征有关,两种不同农业景观结构下寄生性天敌的多样性与寄生率无显著差异。复杂景观结构下的麦蚜有翅蚜低的迁入量、高的增长速率可能与生境高度破碎化有关,其中与温室大棚塑料白色反光有的很大的影响。生境破碎化影响了麦蚜对寄主植物寻找以及天敌对猎物的寻找效应。  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification and the associated factors, including land transformation, are among the major global threats affecting biodiversity especially herpetofauna. However, little information is available about how different factors shape herpetofauna species assemblages in agricultural landscape at different spatial scales from patch (125 – 250m) to the landscape (500 – 1000m). We assessed the diversity of amphibians and reptiles in areas under low and high degrees of agricultural intensification and explored different factors regulating diversity at different spatial scales using four sampling methods. Diversity and abundance of amphibians varied significantly between the two zones, but not for reptiles. Agricultural intensification index (AII), calculated based on agrochemical use and area under agriculture at 250m scale, seemed to affect amphibians both at patch as well as at 500m and 1000m landscape scales. The AII influenced reptilian diversity only at patch and 500m scales. Vicinity of natural forest had a stronger influence on reptilian abundance. Seminatural vegetation impacted herpetofauna diversities at larger spatial scales. The extent of water bodies influenced the reptilian abundance at 250m patch scale and amphibian abundance both at 250m and 1000m scale. Fallow lands affected only reptilian diversity at all spatial scales. Plantation affected amphibian at all scales but reptiles only at the landscape scale. Habitat heterogeneity regulated only amphibian diversity. These results highlight the fact that different patch and landscape-scale factors regulate the diversity of reptiles and amphibians differentially. Such scale-specific information will crucially inform future conservation action for the herpetofauna in the agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2017,23(11):4946-4957
Agricultural intensification is a leading cause of global biodiversity loss, which can reduce the provisioning of ecosystem services in managed ecosystems. Organic farming and plant diversification are farm management schemes that may mitigate potential ecological harm by increasing species richness and boosting related ecosystem services to agroecosystems. What remains unclear is the extent to which farm management schemes affect biodiversity components other than species richness, and whether impacts differ across spatial scales and landscape contexts. Using a global metadataset, we quantified the effects of organic farming and plant diversification on abundance, local diversity (communities within fields), and regional diversity (communities across fields) of arthropod pollinators, predators, herbivores, and detritivores. Both organic farming and higher in‐field plant diversity enhanced arthropod abundance, particularly for rare taxa. This resulted in increased richness but decreased evenness. While these responses were stronger at local relative to regional scales, richness and abundance increased at both scales, and richness on farms embedded in complex relative to simple landscapes. Overall, both organic farming and in‐field plant diversification exerted the strongest effects on pollinators and predators, suggesting these management schemes can facilitate ecosystem service providers without augmenting herbivore (pest) populations. Our results suggest that organic farming and plant diversification promote diverse arthropod metacommunities that may provide temporal and spatial stability of ecosystem service provisioning. Conserving diverse plant and arthropod communities in farming systems therefore requires sustainable practices that operate both within fields and across landscapes.  相似文献   

An important problem in spatial ecology is to understand how population-scale patterns emerge from individual-level birth, death, and movement processes. These processes, which depend on local landscape characteristics, vary spatially and may exhibit sharp transitions through behavioural responses to habitat edges, leading to discontinuous population densities. Such systems can be modelled using reaction–diffusion equations with interface conditions that capture local behaviour at patch boundaries. In this work we develop a novel homogenization technique to approximate the large-scale dynamics of the system. We illustrate our approach, which also generalizes to multiple species, with an example of logistic growth within a periodic environment. We find that population persistence and the large-scale population carrying capacity is influenced by patch residence times that depend on patch preference, as well as movement rates in adjacent patches. The forms of the homogenized coefficients yield key theoretical insights into how large-scale dynamics arise from the small-scale features.  相似文献   

生态学系统的空间异质性   总被引:35,自引:8,他引:35  
陈玉福  董鸣 《生态学报》2003,23(2):346-352
空间异质性是生态学系统的一个普遍牧场生,生态学家对它在生态学中的重要性已取得了比以往更深刻的认识。试图从空间异质性的含义,空间异质性与尺度和等级的关系,空间异质性的定量描述,空间异质性对生物和非生物过程的影响,以及空间异质性的动态等5个方面综述了有关空间异质性的生态学研究的新进展。  相似文献   

Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes can be increased with conversion of some production lands into 'more-natural'- unmanaged or extensively managed - lands. However, it remains unknown to what extent biodiversity can be enhanced by altering landscape pattern without reducing agricultural production. We propose a framework for this problem, considering separately compositional heterogeneity (the number and proportions of different cover types) and configurational heterogeneity (the spatial arrangement of cover types). Cover type classification and mapping is based on species requirements, such as feeding and nesting, resulting in measures of 'functional landscape heterogeneity'. We then identify three important questions: does biodiversity increase with (1) increasing heterogeneity of the more-natural areas, (2) increasing compositional heterogeneity of production cover types and (3) increasing configurational heterogeneity of production cover types? We discuss approaches for addressing these questions. Such studies should have high priority because biodiversity protection globally depends increasingly on maintaining biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim Factors acting at various scales may affect biodiversity, demanding analyses at multiple spatial scales in order to understand how community richness is determined. Here, we adopted a hierarchical approach to test the contribution of region, landscape heterogeneity, local management (organic vs. conventional) and location within field (edge vs. centre) to the species richness and abundance of spiders in cereals. Location Three regions of western and central Germany: Leine Bergland, Soester Boerde, and Lahn‐Dill Bergland. Methods Forty‐two paired organic and conventional winter wheat fields were compared. Field pairs were located in areas ranging from structurally simple to structurally complex landscapes. In May and June 2003, spiders were sampled using pitfall traps. Linear mixed models were used to determine the relationship of spider diversity and abundance with regional spatial factors and landscape heterogeneity within a 500‐m radius, as well as with local management and within‐field location. Results Within‐field location of the traps and landscape heterogeneity were the best predictors of species richness: more species were found in field edges and in heterogeneous landscapes. Region and local management had no effect on species richness. Activity density was higher in field edges and differed among regions. Main conclusions The diversity of farmland spiders was influenced by differences at two of the spatial scales (edge vs. centre, simple vs. complex landscapes), but not at the two others (field management, region), emphasizing the importance of analyses at a variety of spatial scales for an adequate explanation of patterns in biodiversity. Our study suggests that promoting heterogeneity in land use at landscape scales is one of the keys to promoting spider diversity in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

李灿  张凤荣  朱泰峰  曲衍波 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5363-5374
探索大城市边缘区景观破碎化格局及其空间异质性特征,有助于把握景观动态的变化机制及其生态问题.以北京市顺义区这一典型大城市边缘区为例,基于土地利用分类数据,采用有效粒度尺寸方法,对1992年、1999年和2009年景观破碎化空间变异进行了地统计学分析,主要包括尺度依赖性、空间异质性、空间格局及其生态过程的分析.研究结果表明:1)景观破碎化空间变异具有明显的尺度依赖性特征,由空间自相关部分引起的空间异质性较高;1992年和1999年景观破碎化空间总变异相对缓和,2009年空间总变异强烈;通过不同尺度上的异质性对比,选取1000m幅度作为研究区景观破碎化的空间异质性分析较为适宜.2)景观破碎化空间异质性表现出明显的上升趋势,土地利用斑块破碎化不断加剧,其中1999-2009年间的表现尤为强烈.3)景观破碎化高值区呈现出由东部向西部转移的态势,并且其空间布局具有集聚性与分散性的显著特征,空间上相似属性聚集与相异属性聚集的空间格局十分突出.4)景观破碎化空间自相关作用主要来自高强度社会经济活动的影响,并表现出明显的区位特征.该研究结果可为土地、城镇规划以及景观生态建设提供参考.  相似文献   

We explore the effect of land‐use change from extensively used grasslands to intensified silvi‐ and agricultural monocultures on metacommunity structure of native forests in Uruguay. We integrated methods from metacommunity studies, remote sensing, and landscape ecology to explore how woody species distribution was influenced by land‐use change from local to regional scale. We recorded richness and composition of adult and juvenile woody species from 32 native forests, created land‐use maps from satellite image to calculate spatial metrics at landscape, class, and patch levels. We also analyzed the influence of land use pattern, climate, topography, and geographic distance between sites (d) on metacommunity, and created maps to visualize species richness and (dis)similarity between communities across the country. Woody species communities were distributed in a discrete pattern across Uruguay. Precipitation and temperature seasonality shaped species distribution pattern. Species richness and community dissimilarity increased from West to East. Latitude did not influence these patterns. Number of patches, landscape complexity, and interspersion and juxtaposition indexes determine woody species distribution at landscape level. Increasing areas covered by crops and timber plantation reduced species richness and increased community dissimilarity. The spatial metrics of native forest fragments at patch level did not influence metacommunity structure, species richness, and community dissimilarity. In conclusion, Uruguayan native forests display a high range of dissimilarity. Pressure of neighborhood land uses was the predominant factor for species assemblages. Conserving landscape structures that assure connectivity within and among native forest patches is crucial. On sites with rare target species, the creation of alliances between governmental institution and landowner complemented by incentives for biodiversity conservation provides opportunities to advance in species protection focused on those less tolerant to land‐use change.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether the effect of habitat fragmentation and habitat heterogeneity on species richness at different spatial scales depends on the dispersal ability of the species assemblages and if this results in nested species assemblages. Location Agricultural landscapes distributed over seven temperate Europe countries covering a range from France to Estonia. Methods We sampled 16 local communities in each of 24 agricultural landscapes (16 km2) that differ in the amount and heterogeneity of semi‐natural habitat patches. Carabid beetles were used as model organisms as dispersal ability can easily be assessed on morphological traits. The proximity and heterogeneity of semi‐natural patches within the landscape were related to average local (alpha), between local (beta) and landscape (gamma) species richness and compared among four guilds that differ in dispersal ability. Results For species assemblages with low dispersal ability, local diversity increased as the proximity of semi‐natural habitat increased, while mobile species showed an opposite trend. Beta diversity decreased equally for all dispersal classes in relation to proximity, suggesting a homogenizing effect of increased patch isolation. In contrast, habitat diversity of the semi‐natural patches affected beta diversity positively only for less mobile species, probably due to the low dispersal ability of specialist species. Species with low mobility that persisted in highly fragmented landscapes were consistently present in less fragmented ones, resulting in nested assemblages for this mobility class only. Main conclusions The incorporation of dispersal ability reveals that only local species assemblages with low dispersal ability show a decrease of richness as a result of fragmentation. This local species loss is compensated at least in part by an increase in species with high dispersal ability, which obscures the effect of fragmentation when investigated across dispersal groups. Conversely, fragmentation homogenizes the landscape fauna for all dispersal groups, which indicates the invasion of non‐crop habitats by similar good dispersers across the whole landscape. Given that recolonization of low dispersers is unlikely, depletion of these species in modern agricultural landscapes appears temporally pervasive.  相似文献   

Scales and costs of habitat selection in heterogeneous landscapes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Two scales of habitat selection are likely to influence patterns of animal density in heterogeneous landscapes. At one scale, habitat selection is determined by the differential use of foraging locations within a home range. At a larger scale, habitat selection is determined by dispersal and the ability to relocate the home range. The limits of both scales must be known for accurate assessments of habitat selection and its role in effecting spatial patterns in abundance. Isodars, which specify the relationships between population density in two habitats such that the expected reproductive success of an individual is the same in both, allow us to distinguish the two scales of habitat selection because each scale has different costs. In a two-habitat environment, the cost of rejecting one of the habitats within a home range can be expressed as a devaluation of the other, because, for example, fine-grained foragers must travel through both. At the dispersal scale, the cost of accepting a new home range in a different habitat has the opposite effect of inflating the value of the original habitat to compensate for lost evolutionary potential associated with relocating the home range. These costs produce isodars at the foraging scale with a lower intercept and slope than those at the dispersal scale.Empirical data on deer mice occupying prairie and badland habitats in southern Alberta confirm the ability of isodar analysis to differentiate between foraging and dispersal scales. The data suggest a foraging range of approximately 60 m, and an effective dispersal distance near 140 m. The relatively short dispersal distance implies that recent theories may have over-emphasized the role of habitat selection on local population dynamics. But the exchange of individuals between habitats sharing irregular borders may be substantial. Dispersal distance may thus give a false impression of the inability of habitat selection to help regulate population density.  相似文献   

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