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Guard cell and mesophyll cell protoplasts of Commelina communisL., were isolated and used to investigate their various biochemicalcharacteristics. Contamination of the samples by other celltypes was very low and viability of the protoplasts, assessedby the use of neutral red, Evans blue and fluorescein diacetate,was high (89–98%). Mesophyll cell protoplasts containedmore chlorophyll (x 47), more soluble protein (x 10), more totalN (x 36) and more DNA (x 9) than guard cell protoplasts. Theabsorption spectra of protoplast extracts were similar for bothcell types except that below 400 nm there was a large increasein absorption by the guard cell protoplast extract. In guardcell protoplast extracts, high levels of activity of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase (E.C. [EC] ), NAD malate dehydrogenase (E.C.1.1,1.37), NADP malic enzyme (E.C. [EC] ) and carbonic anhydrase(E.C. [EC] ) were detected while only low levels of pyruvate-orthophosphatedikinase (E.C. [EC] ) activity were detected. Glycollate oxidase(E.C. [EC] ), ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (E.C [EC] ),NADP malate dehydrogenase (E.C. [EC] ) and NAD malic enzyme(E.C. [EC] ) were not detected in guard cell protoplast extracts.High levels of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase, glycollateoxidase, NAD malate dehydrogenase and carbonic anhydrase weredetected in mesophyll cell protoplast extracts which is typicalof C3 plants. A pathway of carbon flow during stomatal openingand closing is proposed. Key words: Carbon metabolism, Commelina communis, guard cell protoplasts, mesophyll cell protoplasts, stomata  相似文献   

A mass spectrometric method combining 16O/18O and 12C/13C isotopes was used to quantify the unidirectional fluxes of O2 and CO2 during a dark to light transition for guard cell protoplasts and mesophyll cell protoplasts of Commelina communis L. In darkness, O2 uptake and CO2 evolution were similar on a protein basis. Under light, guard cell protoplasts evolved O2 (61 micromoles of O2 per milligram of chlorophyll per hour) almost at the same rate as mesophyll cell protoplasts (73 micromoles of O2 per milligram of chlorophyll per hour). However, carbon assimilation was totally different. In contrast with mesophyll cell protoplasts, guard cell protoplasts were able to fix CO2 in darkness at a rate of 27 micromoles of CO2 per milligram of chlorophyll per hour, which was increased by 50% in light. At the onset of light, a delay observed for guard cell protoplasts between O2 evolution and CO2 fixation and a time lag before the rate of saturation suggested a carbon metabolism based on phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity. Under light, CO2 evolution by guard cell protoplasts was sharply decreased (37%), while O2 uptake was slowly inhibited (14%). A control of mitochondrial activity by guard cell chloroplasts under light via redox equivalents and ATP transfer in the cytosol is discussed. From this study on protoplasts, we conclude that the energy produced at the chloroplast level under light is not totally used for CO2 assimilation and may be dissipated for other purposes such as ion uptake.  相似文献   

Responses of Commelina communis L. Guard Cell Protoplasts to Abscisic Acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fitzsimons, P. J. and Weyers, J. D. B. 1987. Responses of Commelinacommunis L. guard cell protoplasts to abscisic acid.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 992–1001. Guard cell protoplasts (GCPs) isolated from the leaf epidermisof Commelina communis L. responded to abscisic acid (ABA) ina manner which was qualitatively and quantitatively similarto that of intact stomata. ABA inhibited swelling of GCPs underlow-CO2 conditions and swollen GCPs responded to the hormoneby shrinking. Both the absolute volume decrease and the initialrate of shrinking were commensurate with the extent and ratesof solute loss computed for ABA-treated intact, open stomata.This indicates that GCPs represent a suitable experimental systemfor studies of ABA-mediated solute fluxes. A radiotracer equilibrationmethod was developed for the rapid estimation of GCP osmoticvolume changes. Using this technique it was found that, on average,82% of the reduction in solute content caused by ABA treatmentwas due to the loss of K+. It is envisaged that electroneutralitymight be maintained during ABA-induced shrinkage of GCPs bynet inward proton movement leading to acidification of the vacuole. Key words: Abscisic acid, Commelina communis L., guard cells, protoplasts  相似文献   

Biochemical studies of epidermal tissue may not reflect metabolismof the guard cells which represent less than 5% of the tissuevolume. Pure samples of guard cell protoplasts of Commelinacommunis were therefore used to investigate CO2 fixation ratesand 14C-labelling patterns of metabolites in the light and thedark. Qualitatively, results were similar in most respects tothose obtained in a previous study (Schnabl, 1980) for guardcell protoplasts of Vicia faba. CO2 fixation rates by guardcell protoplasts of C. communis were the same in the light andthe dark but about 50 times lower than the values Schnabl obtainedfor V.faba. The 14C-labelling pattern of metabolites in C. communiswas also similar in the light and the dark: over 60% of thetotal fixed was in malate with only 1% in sugar phosphates.Label was also detected in starch, aspartate, glutamate andcitrate but not in glycollate as previously recorded in V. fabaguard cell protoplasts. The results confirm the view that the reductive pentose phosphatepathway does not occur in guard cells of C. communis. Key words: CO2 fixation, Guard cell protoplasts, Stomata  相似文献   

Guard cell protoplasts from Commelina communis L. illuminated with red light responded to a blue light pulse by an H+ extrusion which lasted for about 10 minutes. This proton extrusion was accompanied by an O2 uptake with a 4H+ to O2 ratio. The response to blue light was nil in darkness without a preillumination period of red light and increased with the duration of the red light illumination until about 40 minutes. However, acidification in response to a pulse of blue light was obtained in darkness when external NADH (1 millimolar) was added to the incubation medium, suggesting that redox equivalents necessary for the expression of the response to blue light in darkness may be supplied via red light. In accordance with this hypothesis, the photosystem II inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea (10 micromolar) decreased the acidification in response to blue light more efficiently when it was added before red light illumination than before the blue light pulse. In the presence of hexacyanoferrate, the acidification in response to a blue light pulse was partly inhibited (53% of control), suggesting a competition for reducing power between ferricyanide reduction and the response to blue light.  相似文献   

Guard cell protoplasts (GCP) were prepared from leaves of Commelinacommunis L. and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) activityrecorded after injection of the protoplasts directly into theassay medium. The GCP were lysed immediately by the presenceof Triton X-100 and a lowered osmotic concentration in the assaycuvette enabling PEPc activity to be measured with ‘nascent’enzyme. There was no light activation of the enzyme with KmPEP (about 3.7 mol m–3) and Vmax being similar in light-ordark-treated protoplasts. Illumination of the GCP in the presenceof CO2-free air and KCI, a treatment which is known to swellGCP, did not change the kinetics. PEPc activity at saturating PEP was very sensitive to malateinhibition, 20 mmol m–3 (the I50 value) inhibiting activityby about 50%. Inhibition was similar in light- or dark-treatedprotoplasts. Malate inhibition was, however, much less (I50= 500 mmol m–3) if the enzyme source was a protoplastextract kept in the absence of glycerol. Inclusion of 20% glycerolin the extraction medium maintained the enzyme in the malate-sensitiveform as occurred in the in vivo assays. The high apparent KmPEP and the high sensitivity to malate inhibition of GCP PEPcare features unlike those observed with PEPc from leaf tissuesof C4 and CAM plants and from GCP extracts. PEPc activity increased slightly in the presence of KCI in theassay medium up to about 10 mol m–3 and thereafter activityslowly declined as KCI concentrations increased further. Key words: Guard cell protoplasts, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase  相似文献   

Effect of the Mesophyll on Stomatal Opening in Commelina communis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of a number of factors on the opening of stomatain the intact leaf and in the isolated leaf epidermis of Commelinacommunishas been investigated. Stomata in the intact leaf opened widein the light and closed rapidly on transfer to the dark. Theywere also sensitive to CO2. In contrast, stomata in isolatedepidermis floated on an incubation solution containing 100 molm–3KCl responded neither to light nor CO2. They opened as widelyas those in the intact leaf when treated with fusicoccin. Stomata in isolated epidermis opened almost as wide as thosein the intact leaf when they were incubated with isolatedmesophyllcells in the light. The solution in which the mesophyll cellswere incubated was separated by centrifugation. Themedium fromcells previously incubated in the light caused the stomata inisolated epidermis to open but that from cells kept inthe darkhad no effect. A similar effect was observed when isolated chloroplastswere incubated with the isolated epidermis.However, the supernatantfrom the chloroplast suspension had no significant effect onstomatal opening. These results indicate that the mesophyll plays an importantrole in stomatal opening in the light. The mesophyll appearstoproduce in the light, but not in the dark, a soluble compoundwhich moves to the guard cells to bring about stomatal opening.Theexperiments with isolated chloroplasts suggest that this substanceis a product of photosynthesis. Key words: Commelina communis, stomata, light, mesophyll  相似文献   

Inoue, H. and Katoh, Y. 1987. Calcium inhibitsion-stimulatedstomatal opening in epidermal strips of Commelina communis L.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 142–149. Ca2+ suppressed both the ion-stimulated stomatal opening andH+ extrusion of pre-illuminated epidermal strips isolated fromCommelina communis L. In the absence of Ca2+, the rate of H+release was 18 nmol H+ cm–2 h–1 per epidermal stripunit area in 150 mol m–3 KCL at pH 7?4. Half-maximum inhibitionof stomatal opening was observed with 220 mmol m–3 ofCa2+. The hexavalent dye, ruthenium red, showed concentration-dependentprevention of the inhibition by Ca2+ of the ion-stimulated stomatalopening. The effect of ruthenium red was non-competitive, andthe K1 for the calcium inhibition was found to be 3?6 mmol m–3.The calcium inhibition of H+ extrusion was also prevented byruthenium red. These results suggest that Ca2+ inhibits theactivity of electrogenic H+ translocating ATPase of the guardcell plasma membrane and leads to the suppression of stomatalopening. Key words: Calcium, Commelina communis, ruthenium red, stomata  相似文献   

Cell membrane potentials have been measured both in epidermalstrips and intact leaf sections of Tradescantia virginiana andCommelina communis, and in epidermal cells over green and overalbino mesophyll cells of T. albiflora var. albovittata. Membranepotentials (cell) in strips were considerably lower than thosein intact sections and were insensitive to light and to theabsence or presence of calcium. Their response to external cationlevels was indifferent to ionic species. However, in intactleaf sections incubated with calcium present, membrane potentialsresponded to K+ levels but not to Na+. were more negative thancells in epidermal strips, and responded to changes in illumination. Long-term recordings of cell and vacuolar K+ levels in T. virginianaduring stomatal closure suggest that the fluctuations of cellwere unrelated to K+ movement (which we could not detect) andthus probably to stomatal movement as well. Turgor pressures measured in epidermal cells of intact leafsections of T. virginiana were found to be of the same magnitudeas those previously reported for epidermal strips. It is concludedthat epidermal cells maintain their solute contents during strippingwithout the involvement of an electrophysiological transportsystem. With the possible exception of lateral subsidiary cells,there was no evidence suggesting that ordinary epidermal cellsare capable of osmotic adjustment even when additional KCI wassupplied in the osmoticum. Absolute turgor levels in intactleaf sections kept at constant external KCI were unrelated tosteady state cell.  相似文献   

Sucrose concentration in guard cells of epidermal strips ofCommelina benghalensis increased with stomatal opening. Sucroseuptake patterns were investigated using guard cell protoplastsof C. benghalensis. Sucrose (0.5 mM) uptake into these protoplastswas sensitive to pH, with an optimum at pH 6. Uptake of sucroseinto guard cell protoplasts was inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol(DNP), diethylstilbestrol (DES) and (ptrifluoromethoxy)carbonylcyanide phenylhydrozone (FCCP), while DCMU and o-phenanthrolinehad no effect on the uptake of sucrose. Fusicoccin (FC) stimulatedsucrose influx. The influence of pH and the effect of the metabolicinhibitors on the sucrose uptake into the guard cell protoplastsare consistent with an energy dependent membrane-function. (Received July 7, 1986; Accepted September 26, 1986)  相似文献   

Effects of ABA in 'Isolated' Guard Cells of Commelina communis L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effects of 2 x 10–3 M ABA on ion fluxes in isolatedguard cells of Commelina communis L. have been studied, using86RbCl and K82Br, in epidermal strips in which all cells otherthan guard cells have been killed by treatment at low pH. Theeffect of ABA on influx is small, if present, and the majoreffect is a marked transient stimulation of the efflux of both86Rb and 82Br at the plasmalemma; there is also an increasein the flux of 82Br from vacuole to cytoplasm. The stimulationis transient, and the cells do not simply become more leaky.The results are not consistent with previous speculations onthe mechanism by which ABA reduces aperture.  相似文献   

The rates of CO2 incorporation into the epidermis of C. communiswere linear and were similar during the completion of opening(2 h) and closing (1 h) movements of stomata. The kinetics of14C turnover between metabolites and the rates of ‘leakage’of metabolites were determined for opening and closing movements.When stomata were opening there was a slow turnover of 14C frommalate chiefly into sugars. Upon stomatal closure 14C was initiallymainly in sugars, malate, and sugar phosphates. Thereafter,there was a slight loss of label from sugar phosphates witha corresponding increase in malate. Starch became labelled duringopening and closing movements. Rates of incorporation of CO2found in the ‘leakage’ fraction were greatest whenstomata were opening. Of the labelled compounds Most‘from the tissue, malate was the most highly labelled whetherstomata were opening or closing. Although interpretation of the turnover patterns is difficultwithout knowledge of pool sizes for the metabolites it is suggestedthat a pool of sugars exists within the guard cells, which havefairly direct and reversible access to carbon from starch andmalate. The implications of loss of malate from guard cellsduring stomatal opening and closing are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of 3 ? 10–2 mol m–3 FC on rubidium fluxesand contents in isolated guard cells of Commelina communis L.have been studied using 86RbCl. Fusicoccin causes a marked stimulationof influx and an immediate, apparently irreversible, decreasein efflux of 86Rb. The effect on influx is usually more importantin determining the new net flux of Rb. Observed fluxes differmarkedly from those predicted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation,suggesting that FC does not act solely via an effect upon theplasmalemma potential. Fusicoccin appears to have a more directeffect upon the ion movements associated with changes in stomatalaperture than either ABA or transfer to the dark. Observed changesin Rb content cannot account fully for the osmotic changes associatedwith aperture increase. Key words: Fusicoccin, Guard cells, Ion fluxes, Commelina communis  相似文献   

The inside-out fraction of plasma membrane-rich vesicles prepared from leaves of Commelina communis L. by aqueous twophase partitioning was loaded with 45Ca2+ through the action of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase. While the Ca2+-loaded vesicles were tightly sealed, trifluoperazine (TFP) (effective concentration giving 50% of maximum effect [EC50] = 70 micromolar) and W-7 (EC50 = 100 micromolar), but to a much lesser extent, W-5 (EC50 = 500 micromolar) led to a rapid efflux of 45Ca2+ from the vesicles. This efflux could be blocked efficiently with low (<1 millimolar) concentrations of La3+, but it remained unaffected by the addition of calmodulin (CM). Further experiments with vesicles incubated in 45Ca2+ in the absence of ATP, as well as experiments performed with control liposomes and nonloaded as well as Ca2+-loaded plasma membrane vesicles using the indicator dye arsenazo III showed, that TFP and W-7 and, again to a lesser extent, W-5 mobilized a pool of membrane-bound Ca2+ from the vesicles. No indications for a detergent effect of TFP and W-7 were obtained. The EC50-values of these compounds for mobilizing membrane-associated Ca2+ (TFP = 100 micromolar, W-7 = 100 micromolar, W-5 = 500 micromolar) or for the triggering of Ca2+ release from Ca2+-loaded vesicles (see above) were very similar, suggesting a common basis of antagonist action on both processes. Our results suggest the presence of a Ca2+ channel in the plasma membrane of C. communis. The channel is obtained in a Ca2+-inactivated state after preparation and Ca2+-loading of the vesicles. The inactivation is removed by TFP or W-7, presumably due to the Ca2+-mobilizing effect of these compounds. The activated Ca2+ channel is La3+ sensitive and, in the cell, would allow for passage of Ca2+ into the cell. The possibility that TFP or W-7 act independent of CM, or through CM tightly associated with the plasma membrane, is discussed. The system described allows a cell free analysis of Ca2+ influx, displaying channel properties, in a higher plant.  相似文献   

Pretreatment with pertussis toxin or microinjection of guanosine- 5[prime]-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP-[gamma]-S) into guard cells in peeled epidermis of Commelina communis L. promoted stomatal opening under subsaturating white light. Guanosine-5[prime]-(2-thiodiphosphate) (GDP-[beta]-S) and adenosine-5[prime]-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP-[gamma]-S) did not change stomatal aperture under identical conditions. These results indicate that G proteins may be involved in the regulation of stomatal opening.  相似文献   

Calcium ions contracted guard cell protoplasts (GCP) of Commelinacommunis L., being particularly effective within the concentrationrange of 0 to 0.2 mol m–3. Abscisic acid (ABA) in thepresence of EGTA, which chelates free Ca2+ in the medium, contractedGCP to a similar extent to Ca2+ alone or Ca2+ and ABA together.Similarly, ABA in the absence of free Ca2+ (i.e. an ABA/EGTAtreatment) inhibited K+-induced swelling of contracted GCP,as did Ca2+ alone or ABA and Ca2+ together. Lanthanum, a Ca2+channel blocker, prevented the contraction of GCP by Ca2+ buthad no effect if ABA was also present with Ca2+. The inhibitionof swelling of GCP by Ca2+ was also prevented by the presenceof lanthanum or verapamil (another Ca2+ channel blocker). These results indicate that Ca2+ and ABA can act independentlyof each other in contracting swollen GCP and in preventing K+-inducedswelling of contracted GCP of C. communis. If swelling and contractionof GCP are equivalent to stomatal opening and closure, respectively,the results do not support the hypothesis that ABA opens Ca2+channels in the plasma membrane of guard cells allowing Ca2+to enter the cells and, as a second messenger, to set in motionclosing processes. Key words: Abscisic acid, calcium, guard cell protoplasts, stomata  相似文献   

The effects of light/dark on cation fluxes in isolated guardcells of Commelina communis L. have been studied, using 86RbCland 22NaCl. Transfer to the dark has no effect on 86Rb influx,but produces a marked transient stimulation of 86Rb efflux,similar to that seen previously on adding ABA. The 86Rb effluxfalls on return to light only during the period of stimulatedflux; after the transient, return to light has no effect onefflux. The ability to produce this transient stimulation ontransfer to the dark is recovered in a subsequent light period.In general, in Na-loaded cells, the stimulated efflux is notseen. and the cells do not close in the dark. The results arenot consistent with a simple permeability or potential change,but suggest a specific ion excretion activated by the transferto the dark. Key words: Commelina communis L., Light/dark effects, Cation flux, Guard cells  相似文献   

The blue emission anisotropy, r, of two lipophilic probes, diphenylhexatriene (DPH) and its trimethyl-ammonium derivative (TMA-DPH), has been measured in foliar Lupinus albus L. protoplasts for the first time by flow cytometry. Distinctive values have been obtained for protoplasts of epidermal and mesophyll origin, identified by their intensities of chlorophyll fluorescence. Fluorescence microscopy confirmed that TMA-DPH remained in the plasma membrane while DPH penetrated into intracellular lipid domains. Typical emission anisotropy values at 22°C for mesophyll and epidermal protoplasts, respectively, were 0.225 and 0.312 with TMA-DPH, and 0.083 and 0.104 with DPH. This indicates that epidermal cells—and notably their plasma membranes (TMA-DPH)—have higher lipid microviscosity and/or more ordered lipid structure. Two lupin genotypes characterized as resistant or susceptible to drought were analyzed with or without 9 days of water stress shown to increase ion leakage from foliar discs. Water stress greatly increased the apparent fluidity, and more so in the susceptible genotype; the effect was more pronounced in the chlorophyll-containing mesophyll cells than in the epidermal cells.  相似文献   

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