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To help characterize the Na,K-ATPase active site with enzyme incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, the activities with alternative substrates were compared, 22Na/Na-transport was equivalent with ATP, CTP, carbamylphosphate and acetylphosphate, but slower with CTP, 3-O-methylfluoresceinphosphate (3-O-MFP), nitrophenylphosphate and umbelliferonephosphate. It indicates a slower rate of formation of phosphorylating enzyme complex in conformation position of E1 (E1P) when the second group of substrates is bound with enzyme active center. 22Na/K-transport was half as effective with CTP as with ATP and was far slower with the other substrates. It indicates a more stringent selectivity at the low-affinity site of enzyme in conformation E2 that accelerates the slow step of this transport mode. Although enzyme modification with fluoresceinisothiocyanate blocks the high-affinity site to ATP, the K-phosphatase reaction catalyzed by E2 is retained, even with a substrate, 3-O-MFP, that binds to the adenine pocket. Dimethylsulfoxide inhibits hydrolysis of the nucleotides and of the carboxylic phosphate substrates of the K-phosphatase reaction, but stimulates hydrolysis of the phenolic phosphate substrates (nitrophenylphosphate and umbelliferone phosphate) which normally are hydrolyzed more slowly than the other substrates. On the basis of these data the authors propose the model of Na,K-ATPase active center.  相似文献   

Some new properties of Na,K-ATPase system have been revealed using the kinetic analysis of the complex enzymic systems. The fundamental mechanism of Na,K-ATPase functioning has been interpreted and the minimum model including all known working modes of the enzyme under different conditions has been built. The existence of new unknown modes and properties of Na,K-ATPase is predicted and confirmed by different authors.  相似文献   

The mechanism of light-induced changes in the activity of Na,K-ATPase from plasma membranes (PM) of photoreceptor cells was studied in vitro. Illumination resulted in inhibition of the ATPase activity and an increase of 18O exchange between water and Pi. The maximum light effect was revealed when the PM contained both the inner segments of the rods (RIS) and rod outer segments (ROS) of the photoreceptor cells. Lipid peroxidation stimulated by the FeSO4+ascorbate system induced a decrease of the ATPase activity. Antioxidants (ionol, Na2SeO3, vitamin E) prevented the effect of the lipid peroxidation products on NA,K-ATPase and the photoinduced changes of the enzyme activity. It is supposed that the photoinduced changes of the Na,K-ATPase activity in vitro are due to lipid peroxidation of photoreceptor PM.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is a widely used, reversible means of regulating enzymatic activity. Among the important phosphorylation targets are the Na+,K+- and H+,K+-ATPases that pump ions against their chemical gradients to uphold ionic concentration differences over the plasma membrane. The two pumps are very homologous, and at least one of the phosphorylation sites is conserved, namely a cAMP activated protein kinase (PKA) site, which is important for regulating pumping activity, either by changing the cellular distribution of the ATPases or by directly altering the kinetic properties as supported by electrophysiological results presented here. We further review the other proposed pump phosphorylations.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The energy dependent exchange of cytoplasmic Na+ for extracellular K+ in mammalian cells is due to a membrane bound enzyme system, the Na,K-ATPase. The exchange sustains a gradient for Na+ into and for K+ out of the cell, and this is used as an energy source for creation of the membrane potential, for its de- and repolarisation, for regulation of cytoplasmic ionic composition and for transepithelial transport. The Na,K-ATPase consists of two membrane spanning polypeptides, an -subunit of 112-kD and a -subunit, which is a glycoprotein of 35-kD. The catalytic properties are associated with the -subunit, which has the binding domain for ATP and the cations. In the review, attention will be given to the biochemical characterization of the reaction mechanism underlying the coupling between hydrolysis of the substate ATP and transport of Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

Studies of lipid interactions with membranous Na,K-ATPase by using electron spin resonance spectroscopy in conjunction with spin-labelled lipids are reviewed. The lipid stoichiometry, selectivity and exchange dynamics at the lipid-protein interface can be determined, in addition to information on the configuration and rotational dynamics of the protein-associated lipid chains. These parameters, particularly the stoichiometry and selectivity, are related directly to the intramembranous structure of the Na,K-ATPase, and can be used to check the integrity of extensively trypsinised preparations.  相似文献   

The velocity of Na, K-ATPase is studied as a function of MgATP, ATP and MG2+ concentrations. The kinetic analysis is used to substantiate the inclusion of certain intermediates and steps of their interconversion into the minimal model for Na, K-ATPase.  相似文献   

Chimeras of the catalytic subunits of the gastric H,K-ATPase and Na, K-ATPase were constructed and expressed in LLC-PK1 cells. The chimeras included the following: (i) a control, H85N (the first 85 residues comprising the cytoplasmic N terminus of Na,K-ATPase replaced by the analogous region of H,K-ATPase); (ii) H85N/H356-519N (the N-terminal half of the cytoplasmic M4-M5 loop also replaced); and (iii) H519N (the entire front half replaced). The latter two replacements confer a decrease in apparent affinity for extracellular K+. The 356-519 domain and, to a greater extent, the H519N replacement confer increased apparent selectivity for protons relative to Na+ at cytoplasmic sites as shown by the persistence of K+ influx when the proton concentration is increased and the Na+ concentration decreased. The pH and K+ dependence of ouabain-inhibitable ATPase of membranes derived from the transfected cells indicate that the H519N and, to a lesser extent, the H356-519N substitution decrease the effectiveness of K+ to compete for protons at putative cytoplasmic H+ activation sites. Notable pH-independent behavior of H85N/H356-519N at low Na+ suggests that as pH is decreased, Na+/K+ exchange is replaced largely by (Na+ + H+)/K+ exchange. With H519N, the pH and Na+ dependence of pump and ATPase activities suggest relatively active H+/K+ exchange even at neutral pH. Overall, this study provides evidence for important roles in cation selectivity for both the N-terminal half of the M4-M5 loop and the adjacent transmembrane helice(s).  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase from duck salt gland and ox brain in the membrane-bound or solubilized form was studied by the radiation inactivation technique using ATP, CTP, GTP or p-NPP as substrates. The values of radiation inactivation size (RIS) were compared with the target size (TS) for the alpha-subunit of the enzyme obtained by an independent method as well as with analytical centrifugation data obtained for C12E8-solubilized enzyme. It was concluded that during ATP (CTP) hydrolysis the enzyme operates as an oligomeric structure; the complex formation requires the presence of K+ and adenosine triphosphate binding to the sites with a low affinity for the nucleotide. Specially designed experiments revealed that the degree of enzyme oligomerization increases with an increase in the microviscosity of the membrane lipid environment.  相似文献   

The protein and lipid composition of Na,K-ATPase from duck salt glands were characterized. A kinetic analysis of hydrolysis of two substrates, one of which (ATP) provides and the other (ITP) does not provide for cation active transport was carried out. In both cases two Km values were obtained and were found equal to 10 and 330 microM for ATP and 35 and 710 microM for ITP, respectively. This suggests the existence of substrate sites with high and low affinities. The Hill coefficient for the ATP hydrolysis was equal to 1.4-1.6; the ITP hydrolysis was non-cooperative. It was assumed that positive cooperative interactions between Na,K-ATPase protomers are necessary for active translocation of Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

The indanedione series of vinyl ketone spin-labelling reagents has been extended in two ways: by increasing the length of the rigid spacer between the reactive centre and the nitroxide ring, or by introducing an electrophilic substituent (that could also hinder its rotation) at the bridge head position of the nitroxide ring. Three reagents of this new series have been used to spin label the Class II thiol groups of membranous Na,K-ATPase from Squalus acanthias. With a conjugated diene spacer, the majority of spin labels are strongly held but a minor population is relatively mobile at 37 degrees C. With a conjugated triene spacer, the nitroxide is still strongly held but a portion of the label is non-covalently bound. The 4-bromo-pyrroline derivative (with short vinyl spacer) is tightly held at the attachment site, and the conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra distinguish between the two enantiomeric structures which differ in their mobility at 37 degrees C. Saturation transfer EPR (ST-EPR) spectra of this label at 4 degrees C have been used to determine the dependence of the protein rotational mobility on ionic strength. Electrostatic repulsion contributes to the lateral interactions between Na,K-ATPase molecules.  相似文献   

Stimulation of dopaminergic type 1 (D(1)) receptors increases lung edema clearance by regulating Na,K-ATPase function in the alveolar epithelium. We studied the role of serine/threonine protein phosphatases in the Na,K-ATPase regulation by D(1) agonists in A549 cells. We found that low doses of the type 1/2A protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid as well as SV40 small t antigen transiently transfected into A549 cells prevented the D(1) agonist-induced increase in Na,K-ATPase activity and translocation from intracellular pools to the plasma membrane. This was associated with a rapid and transient increase in protein phosphatase 2A activity. We conclude that D(1) stimulation regulates Na,K-ATPase activity by promoting recruitment of Na,K-ATPases from intracellular pools into the basolateral membranes of A549 cells via a type 2A protein phosphatase.  相似文献   

Whole-cell patch-clamp measurements of the current, Ip, produced by the Na+,K+-ATPase across the plasma membrane of rabbit cardiac myocytes show an increase in Ip over the extracellular Na+ concentration range 0–50 mM. This is not predicted by the classical Albers-Post scheme of the Na+,K+-ATPase mechanism, where extracellular Na+ should act as a competitive inhibitor of extracellular K+ binding, which is necessary for the stimulation of enzyme dephosphorylation and the pumping of K+ ions into the cytoplasm. The increase in Ip is consistent with Na+ binding to an extracellular allosteric site, independent of the ion transport sites, and an increase in turnover via an acceleration of the rate-determining release of K+ to the cytoplasm, E2(K+)2 → E1 + 2K+. At normal physiological concentrations of extracellular Na+ of 140 mM, it is to be expected that binding of Na+ to the allosteric site would be nearly saturated. Its purpose would seem to be simply to optimize the enzyme’s ion pumping rate under its normal physiological conditions. Based on published crystal structures, a possible location of the allosteric site is within a cleft between the α- and β-subunits of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The redox metabolic paradigm of murburn concept advocates that diffusible reactive species (DRS, particularly oxygen-centric radicals) are mainstays of physiology, and not mere pathological manifestations. The murburn purview of cellular function also integrates the essential principles of bioenergetics, thermogenesis, homeostasis, electrophysiology, and coherence. In this context, any enzyme that generates/modulates/utilizes/sustains DRS functionality is called a murzyme. We have demonstrated that several water-soluble (peroxidases, lactate dehydrogenase, hemogoblin, etc.) and membrane-embedded (Complexes I–V in mitochondria, Photosystems I/II in chloroplasts, rhodopsin/transducin in rod cells, etc.) proteins serve as murzymes. The membrane protein of Na,K-ATPase (NKA, also known as sodium-potassium pump) is the focus of this article, owing to its centrality in neuro-cardio-musculo electrophysiology. Herein, via a series of critical queries starting from the geometric/spatio-temporal considerations of diffusion/mass transfer of solutes in cells to an update on structural/distributional features of NKA in diverse cellular systems, and from various mechanistic aspects of ion-transport (thermodynamics, osmoregulation, evolutionary dictates, etc.) to assays/explanations of inhibitory principles like cardiotonic steroids (CTS), we first highlight some unresolved problems in the field. Thereafter, we propose and apply a minimalist murburn model of trans-membrane ion-differentiation by NKA to address the physiological inhibitory effects of trans-dermal peptide, lithium ion, volatile anesthetics, confirmed interfacial DRS + proton modulators like nitrophenolics and unsaturated fatty acid, and the diverse classes of molecules like CTS, arginine, oximes, etc. These explanations find a pan-systemic connectivity with the inhibitions/uncouplings of other membrane proteins in cells.  相似文献   

This paper extends our recent report on specific iron-catalyzed oxidative cleavages of renal Na,K-ATPase and effects of E1 left arrow over right arrow E2 conformational transitions (Goldshleger, R. , and Karlish, S. J. D. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 94, 9596-9601). The experiments indicate that only peptide bonds close to a bound Fe2+ ion are cleaved, and provide evidence on proximity of the different cleavage positions in the native enzyme. A sequence HFIH near trans-membrane segment M3 appears to be involved in Fe2+ binding. Previously we hypothesized that E2 and E1 conformations are characterized by formation or relaxation of interactions within the alpha subunit at or near highly conserved sequences, TGES in the minor cytoplasmic loop and CSDK, MVTGD, and VNDSPALKK in the major cytoplasmic loop. This concept has been tested by examining iron-catalyzed cleavage in both non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated conformations and effects of phosphate, vanadate, and ouabain. The results imply that both E1 left arrow over right arrow E2 and E1P left arrow over right arrow E2P transitions are indeed associated with formation and relaxation of interactions between cytoplasmic domains, comprising the minor loop plus N-terminal tail leading into M1 and major loop, respectively. Furthermore, it appears that either non-covalently or covalently bound phosphate bind near CSDK and MVTGD, and Mg2+ ions may bind to residues within TGES and VNDSPALKK and to bound phosphate. Thus cytoplasmic domain interactions seem to occur within or near the active site. We discuss the relationship between structural changes in the cytoplasmic domain and movements of trans-membrane segments that lead to cation transport. Presumably conformation-dependent formation and relaxation of domain interactions underlie energy transduction in all P-type pumps.  相似文献   

The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP and UTP to induce ouabain-sensitive accumulation of Na+ by proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na/K-pump was studied. At low Na+/K+ ratio (20 mM/50 mM), a correlation was observed between the proton-accepting capacity of the nucleotide and its efficiency as an active transport substrate. In order to test the hypothesis on the role of the negative charge in position 1 of the purine (3-pyrimidine) base of the nucleotide in the reversible transitions from the Na- to the K-conformations of Na,K-ATPase, two ATP analogs (N1-hydroxy-ATP possessing a proton-accepting ability and N1-methoxy-ATP whose molecule carries a negative charge quenched by a methyl group) were used. The first substrate provides for active accumulation of Na+ by proteoliposomes at a rate similar to that of ATP, whereas the second substrate is fairly ineffective.  相似文献   

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