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Hormonally stimulated lipolysis occurs by activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) which phosphorylates hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and increases adipocyte lipolysis. Evidence suggests that catecholamines not only can activate PKA, but also the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). We now demonstrate that two different inhibitors of MEK, the upstream activator of ERK, block catecholamine- and beta(3)-stimulated lipolysis by approximately 30%. Furthermore, treatment of adipocytes with dioctanoylglycerol, which activates ERK, increases lipolysis, although MEK inhibitors decrease dioctanoylglycerol-stimulated activation of lipolysis. Using a tamoxifen regulatable Raf system expressed in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, exposure to tamoxifen causes a 14-fold activation of ERK within 15-30 min and results in approximately 2-fold increase in HSL activity. In addition, when differentiated 3T3-L1 cells expressing the regulatable Raf were exposed to tamoxifen, a 2-fold increase in lipolysis is observed. HSL is a substrate of activated ERK and site-directed mutagenesis of putative ERK consensus phosphorylation sites in HSL identified Ser(600) as the site phosphorylated by active ERK. When S600A HSL was expressed in 3T3-L1 cells expressing the regulatable Raf, tamoxifen treatment fails to increase its activity. Thus, activation of the ERK pathway appears to be able to regulate adipocyte lipolysis by phosphorylating HSL on Ser(600) and increasing the activity of HSL.  相似文献   

Mesothelin (MSLN) is a glycoprotein that is overexpressed in various tumors. MSLN is present on the cell surface and is also released into body fluids or culture supernatants from MSLN-positive tumor cells. Despite intensive study of MSLN as a diagnostic marker or target for immunotherapy, its biological function is largely unknown. In the present study, we examined the effects of ectopic expression of MSLN in human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T47D, and MDA-MB-231). We found that overexpression of MSLN promoted anchorage-independent growth in soft agar. In addition, MDA-MB-231 cells expressing high levels of MSLN exhibited resistance to anoikis (a type of apoptosis induced by detachment from substratum), as indicated by decreased DNA fragmentation and down-regulation of the proapoptotic protein Bim. Incubating MSLN-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells in the presence of U0126, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein/extracellular-signal-regulated kinase kinase, induced accumulation of Bim and restored susceptibility to anoikis. Western blot analysis also revealed that overexpression of MSLN resulted in sustained activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and suppression of Bim. The present results constitute novel evidence that MSLN enables cells to survive under anchorage-independent conditions by suppressing Bim induction via the extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase MKP3 has been shown to down-regulate mitogenic signaling through dephosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Camps et al. (Camps, M., Nichols, A., Gillieron, C., Antonsson, B., Muda, M., Chabert, C., Boschert, U., and Arkinstall, S. (1998) Science 280, 1262-1265) had demonstrated that ERK binding to the noncatalytic amino-terminal domain of MKP3 can dramatically activate the phosphatase catalytic domain. The physical basis for this activation has not been established. Here, we provide detailed biochemical evidence that ERK activates MKP3 through the stabilization of the active phosphatase conformation, inducing closure of the catalytic "general acid" loop. In the closed conformation, this loop structure can participate efficiently in general acid/base catalysis, substrate binding, and transition-state stabilization. The pH activity profiles of ERK-activated MKP3 clearly indicated the involvement of general acid catalysis, a hallmark of protein-tyrosine phosphatase catalysis. In contrast, unactivated MKP3 did not display this enzymatic group as critical for the low activity form of the enzyme. Using a combination of Br?nsted analyses, pre-steady-state and steady-state kinetics, we have isolated all catalytic steps in the reaction and have quantified the specific rate enhancement. Through protonation of the leaving group and transition-state stabilization, activated MKP3 catalyzes formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate approximately 100-fold faster than unactivated enzyme. In addition, ERK-activated MKP3 catalyzes intermediate hydrolysis 5-6-fold more efficiently and binds ligands up to 19-fold more tightly. Consistent with ERK stabilizing the active conformation of MKP3, the chemical chaperone dimethyl sulfoxide was able to mimic this activation. A general protein-tyrosine phosphatase regulatory mechanism involving the flexible general acid loop is discussed.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatase-3 (MKP3) is a dual specificity phosphatase that specifically inactivates one subfamily of MAP kinases, the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs). Inactivation of MAP kinases occurs by dephosphorylation of Thr(P) and Tyr(P) in the TXY kinase activation motif. To gain insight into the mechanism of ERK2 inactivation by MKP3, we have carried out an analysis of the MKP3-catalyzed dephosphorylation of the phosphorylated ERK2. We find that ERK2/pTpY dephosphorylation by MKP3 involves an ordered, distributive mechanism in which MKP3 binds the bisphosphorylated ERK2/pTpY, dephosphorylates Tyr(P) first, dissociates and releases the monophosphorylated ERK2/pT, which is then subjected to dephosphorylation by a second MKP3, yielding the fully dephosphorylated ERK2. The bisphosphorylated ERK2 is a highly specific substrate for MKP3 with a k(cat)/K(m) of 3.8 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1), which is more than 6 orders of magnitude higher than that for small molecule aryl phosphates and an ERK2-derived phosphopeptide encompassing the pTEpY motif. This strikingly high substrate specificity displayed by MKP3 may result from a combination of high affinity binding interactions between the N-terminal domain of MKP3 and ERK2 and specific ERK2-induced allosteric activation of the MKP3 C-terminal phosphatase domain.  相似文献   

Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) is the most common human pathogen for viral myocarditis. We have previously shown that the signaling protein p21(ras) GTPase-activating protein (RasGAP) is cleaved and that mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) ERK1/2 are activated in the late phase of CVB3 infection. However, the role of intracellular signaling pathways in CVB3-mediated myocarditis and the relative advantages of such pathways to host or virus remain largely unclear. In this study we extended our prior studies by examining the interaction between CVB3 replication and intracellular signaling pathways in HeLa cells. We observed that CVB3 infection induced a biphasic activation of ERK1/2, early transient activation versus late sustained activation, which were regulated by different mechanisms. Infection by UV-irradiated, inactivated virus capable of receptor binding and endocytosis triggered early ERK1/2 activation, but was insufficient to trigger late ERK1/2 activation. By using a general caspase inhibitor (zVAD.fmk) we further demonstrated that late ERK1/2 activation was not a result of CVB3-mediated caspase cleavage. Treatment of cells with U0126, a selective inhibitor of MAPK kinase (MEK), significantly inhibited CVB3 progeny release and decreased virus protein production. Furthermore, inhibition of ERK1/2 activation circumvented CVB3-induced apoptosis and viral protease-mediated RasGAP cleavage. Taken together, these data suggest that ERK1/2 activation is important for CVB3 replication and contributes to virus-mediated changes in host cells. Our findings demonstrate coxsackievirus takeover of a particular host signaling mechanism and uncover a prospective approach to stymie virus spread and preserve myocardial integrity.  相似文献   

Peripheral amylin inhibits eating via the area postrema (AP). Because amylin activates the extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK) pathway in some tissues, and because ERK1/2 phosphorylation (pERK) leads to acute neuronal responses, we postulated that it may be involved in amylin's eating inhibitory effect. Amylin-induced ERK phosphorylation (pERK) was investigated by immunohistochemistry in brain sections containing the AP. pERK-positive AP neurons were double-stained for the calcitonin 1a/b receptor, which is part of the functional amylin-receptor. AP sections were also phenotyped using dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) as a marker of noradrenergic neurons. The effect of fourth ventricular administration of the ERK cascade blocker U0126 on amylin's eating inhibitory action was tested in feeding trials. The number of pERK-positive neurons in the AP was highest ~10-15 min after amylin treatment; the effect appeared to be dose-dependent (5-20 μg/kg amylin). A portion of pERK-positive neurons in the AP carried the amylin-receptor and 22% of the pERK-positive neurons were noradrenergic. Pretreatment of rats with U0126 decreased the number of pERK-positive neurons in the AP after amylin injection. U0126 also attenuated the ability of amylin to reduce eating, at least when the animals had been fasted 24 h prior to the feeding trial. Overall, our results suggest that amylin directly stimulates pERK in AP neurons in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Part of the AP neurons displaying pERK were noradrenergic. At least under fasting conditions, pERK was shown to be a necessary part in the signaling cascade mediating amylin's anorectic effect.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/proteasome system (UPS), a major intracellular protein degradation pathway, plays a critical role in coxsackieviral replication. To elucidate the mechanisms by which the UPS regulates viral replication, we studied the influence of proteasome inhibition on signaling through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway, a pathway which has been previously demonstrated to be necessary for coxsackieviral replication and contribute to virus-mediated pathogenesis. We found that proteasome inhibition reduced coxsackievirus-induced ERK phosphorylation in a dose-dependent manner, which is correlated with an induction of the mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1). Blockade of MKP induction by short-interfering RNA attenuated the loss of ERK phosphorylation, and subsequently restored viral replication. Our results suggest that inhibition of the ERK signaling pathway contributes, as least in part, to proteasome inhibitor-mediated reduction of coxsackievirus replication, demonstrating a converging function of major intracellular signaling and protein degradation pathways in the regulation of viral replication.  相似文献   

Engagement of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) results in the proximal activation of the Src family tyrosine kinase Lck. The activation of Lck leads to the downstream activation of the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway (where ERK is extracellular signal-related kinase). Under conditions of weak, but not strong, stimulation through the TCR, a version of Lck that contains a single point mutation in the SH3 (Src homology 3) domain (W97ALck) fails to support the activation of ERK, despite initiating signaling through the TCR, as demonstrated by the robust activation of ZAP-70, PLC-γ, and Ras. We determined that the signaling lesion in W97ALck-expressing cells lies at the level of Raf-1 activation and is dependent on the presence of tyrosines 340/341 in the Raf-1 sequence. These data demonstrate a second function for Lck in TCR-mediated signaling to ERK. Additionally, we found that a significant fraction of Lck is localized to the Golgi apparatus and that, compared with wild-type Lck, W97ALck displays aberrant Golgi membrane localization. Our results support a model where under conditions of weak stimulation through the TCR, in addition to activated Ras, Golgi apparatus-localized Lck is needed for the full activation of Raf-1.  相似文献   

During acute pancreatitis, protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) can be activated by interstitially released trypsin. In the mild form of pancreatitis, PAR2 activation exerts local protection against intrapancreatic damage, whereas, in the severe form of pancreatitis, PAR2 activation mediates some systemic complications. This study aimed to identify the molecular mechanisms of PAR2-mediated protective effects against intrapancreatic damage. A mild form of acute pancreatitis was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of caerulein (40 microg/kg) in rats. Effects of PAR2 activation on intrapancreatic damage and on mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling were assessed. Caerulein treatment activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) within 15 min and maintained phosphorylation of ERK and JNK for 2 h in the rat pancreas. Although PAR2 activation by the pretreatment with PAR2-activating peptide (AP) itself increased ERK phosphorylation in rat pancreas, the same treatment remarkably decreased caerulein-induced activation of ERK and JNK principally by accelerating their dephosphorylation. Inhibition of ERK and JNK phosphorylation by the pretreatment with MAP/ERK kinase (MEK) or JNK inhibitors decreased caerulein-induced pancreatic damage that was similar to the effect induced by PAR2-AP. Notably, in caerulein-treated rats, PAR2-AP cotreatment highly increased the expression of a group of MAP kinase phosphatases (MKPs) that deactivate ERK and JNK. The above results imply that downregulation of MAP kinase signaling by MKP induction is a key mechanism involved in the protective effects of PAR2 activation on caerulein-induced intrapancreatic damage.  相似文献   

Physical stimuli play critical roles in the development, regeneration, and pathology of many mesenchymal tissues, most notably bone. While mature bone cells, such as osteoblasts and osteocytes, are clearly involved in these processes, the role of their progenitors in mechanically mediated tissue responses is unknown. In this study, we investigated the effect of cyclic substrate deformation on the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Application of equibiaxial cyclic strain (3%, 0.25Hz) to hMSCs cultured in osteogenic media inhibited proliferation and stimulated a 2.3-fold increase in matrix mineralization over unstrained cells. The strain stimulus activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, but had no effect on c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation or activity. Strain-induced mineralization was largely mediated by ERK1/2 signaling, as inhibition of ERK1/2 attenuated calcium deposition by 55%. Inhibition of the p38 pathway resulted in a more mature osteogenic phenotype, suggesting an inhibitory role for p38 signaling in the modulation of strain-induced osteogenic differentiation. These results demonstrate that mechanical signals regulate hMSC function, suggesting a critical role for physical stimulation of this specific cell population in mesenchymal tissue formation.  相似文献   

Mucus hypersecretion is a prominent feature of respiratory diseases, and MUC5B is a major airway mucin. Mucin gene expression can be affected by inflammatory mediators, including prostaglandin (PG) D(2,) an inflammatory mediator synthesized by hematopoietic PGD synthase (H-PGDS). PGD(2) binds to either D-prostanoid receptor (DP1) or chemoattractant receptor homologous molecule expressed on T-helper type 2 cells (CRTH2). We investigated the mechanisms by which PGD(2) induces MUC5B gene expression in airway epithelial cells. Western blot analysis showed that H-PGDS was highly expressed in nasal polyps. Similar results were obtained for PGD(2) expression. In addition, we could clearly detect the expressions of both H-PGDS and DP1 in nasal epithelial cells but not CRTH2. We demonstrated that PGD(2) increased MUC5B gene expression in normal human nasal epithelial cells as well as in NCI-H292 cells in vitro. S5751, a DP1 antagonist, inhibited PGD(2)-induced MUC5B expression, whereas a CRTH2 antagonist (OC0459) did not. These data suggest that PGD(2) induced MUC5B expression via DP1. Pretreatment with extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibitor (PD98059) blocked both PGD(2)-induced ERK mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation and MUC5B expression. Proximity ligation assays showed direct interaction between RSK1 and cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB). Stimulation with PGD(2) caused an increase in intracellular cAMP levels, whereas intracellular Ca(2+) did not have such an effect. PGD(2)-induced MUC5B mRNA levels were regulated by CREB via direct interaction with two cAMP-response element sites (-921/-914 and -900/-893). Finally, we demonstrated that PGD(2) can induce MUC5B overproduction via ERK MAPK/RSK1/CREB signaling and that DP1 receptor may have suppressive effects in controlling MUC5B overproduction in the airway.  相似文献   

Our previous works demonstrated that ligands of macrophage scavenger receptor (MSR) induce protein kinases (PKs) including protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) and up-regulate urokinase-type plasminogen activator expression (Hsu, H. Y., Hajjar, D. P., Khan, K. M., and Falcone, D. J. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 1240--1246). To continue to investigate MSR ligand-mediated signal transductions, we focus on ligands, oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL), and fucoidan induction of the cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1). In brief, in murine macrophages J774A.1, OxLDL and fucoidan up-regulate TNF production; additionally, fucoidan but not OxLDL induces IL-1 secretion, prointerleukin 1 (proIL-1, precursor of IL-1) protein, and proIL-1 message. Simultaneously, fucoidan stimulates activity of interleukin 1-converting enzyme. We further investigate the molecular mechanism by which ligand binding-induced PK-mediated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in regulation of expression of proIL-1 and IL-1. Specifically, fucoidan stimulates activity of p21-activated kinase (PAK) and of the MAPKs extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38. Combined with PK inhibitors and genetic mutants of Rac1 and JNK in PK activity assays, Western blotting analyses, and IL-1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the role of individual PKs in the regulation of proIL-1/IL-1 was extensively dissected. Moreover, tyrosine phosphorylation of pp60Src as well as association between pp60Src and Hsp90 play important roles in fucoidan-induced proIL-1 expression. We are the first to establish two fucoidan-mediated signaling pathways: PTK(Src)/Rac1/PAK/JNK and PTK(Src)/Rac1/PAK/p38, but not PTK/phospholipase C-gamma 1/PKC/MEK1/ERK, playing critical roles in proIL-1/IL-1 regulation. Our current results indicate and suggest a model for MSR ligands differentially modulating specific PK signal transduction pathways, which regulate atherogenesis-related inflammatory cytokines TNF and IL-1.  相似文献   

The acquisition of an invasive phenotype is a critical turning point for malignant tumor cells. CMTM8, a potential tumor suppressor, is frequently down-regulated in solid tumors, and its overexpression induces tumor cell apoptosis. Here, we identify a new role for CMTM8 in regulating tumor cell migration. Reducing CMTM8 expression in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells results in the acquisition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) features, including a morphological change from organized epithelial sheets to scattered fibroblast-like shapes, reduction of the epithelial marker E-cadherin, and an increased invasive and migratory ability. These phenotypic changes are mediated in large part by the ERK-MAPK pathway, as the MEK inhibitor U0126 and shRNA-mediated knockdown of ERK2 significantly reversed these phenotypes. Hepatocyte growth factor binding to the c-MET receptor is known to induce EMT in HepG2 cells. We found that CMTM8 knockdown in HepG2 cells induced c-MET signaling and ERK activation. Inhibition of c-MET signaling with the small molecule inhibitor SU11274 or c-MET RNAi blocked the EMT-like changes following CMTM8 knockdown. CMTM8 overexpression in HepG2 cells inhibited hepatocyte growth factor-induced EMT-like morphological changes and cell motility. Down-regulation of CMTM8 also promoted an EMT-like change in MCF-10A cells, indicating a broader role for CMTM8 in regulating cellular transformation.  相似文献   

Esophageal cancer is the sixth leading causes of cancer-related death in the world. It is suggested that beta-adrenoceptor is involved in the control of cell proliferation, but its role in the pathogenesis of esophageal cancer remains unknown. We therefore studied the role of beta-adrenergic signaling in the regulation of growth of an esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma cell line HKESC-1. Results showed that both beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors were expressed in HKESC-1 cells. Stimulation of beta-adrenoceptors with epinephrine significantly increased HKESC-1 cell proliferation accompanied by elevation of intracellular cyclic AMP levels, which were abolished by beta(1)- or beta(2)-selective antagonists. Epinephrine also increased extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation as well as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and cytosolic phospholipase A(2) expression, which were blocked by beta(1)- or beta(2)-selective antagonists. Moreover, epinephrine increased cyclin D(1), cyclin E(2), cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-4, CDK-6, and E(2)F-1 expression and retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation at Ser807/811, all of which were abrogated by beta(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist. Furthermore, epinephrine increased the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-1 and -2 in a beta(2)-adrenoceptor-, mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK kinase (MEK)-, and COX-2-dependent manner. MEK or COX-2 inhibitor also significantly inhibited HKESC-1 cell proliferation induced by epinephrine. Collectively, we demonstrate that epinephrine stimulates esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma cell proliferation via beta-adrenoceptor-dependent transactivation of ERK/COX-2 pathway. Stimulation of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors also elicits a differential response on the expression of cell cycle regulators. These novel findings may shed new light on the understanding of beta-adrenergic signaling in the control of esophageal cancer cell growth.  相似文献   

Yu S  Hu J  Yang X  Wang K  Qian ZM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(37):11217-11225
The effects of La(3+) on the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling were investigated to explore the mechanism by which La(3+) results in cell proliferation associated with apoptosis in mouse embryo fibroblast NIH 3T3 cells. Our data showed that La(3+) ions could induce a pulse of phosphorylation of ERK mainly through an unknown metal-sensing mechanism, which is different from the Ca(2+)-sensing receptor . The putative sensor protein showed one binding site for La(3+) with a dissociation constant of approximately 8 nM. Inductions of c-fos, c-myc, and cyclin D1 and phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (pRb) were observed after activation of ERK. These results are consistent with our previous observation that La(3+) promotes proliferation by helping the cells pass through the G1/S restriction point and enter S phase. This La(3+)-induced signaling cascade exhibited abnormally sustained c-myc induction and pRb phosphorylation. Furthermore, a continual increase of the p53 level was observed along with the signal transduction, and a significant decrease of B-cell lymphoma/leukemia-2 gene was observed after approximately 18 h of incubation. All of the results were highly correlated with the increase of S-phase population and apoptotic cells. Therefore, the experimental results suggested that La(3+) induced cell proliferation and apoptosis compatible to a p53-related mechanism in NIH 3T3 cells via an ERK-signaling cascade induced by a metal-sensing mechanism.  相似文献   

E-cadherin, which has a widely acknowledged role in mediating calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion between epithelial cells, also functions as a tumor suppressor. The ectodomain of human E-cadherin contains four potential Nglycosylation sites at Asn residues 554, 566, 618, and 633. We investigated the role of E-cadherin N-glycosylation in cell cycle progression by site-directed mutagenesis. We showed previously that all four potential N-glycosylation sites of E-cadherin w ere N-gly cosylated in human breast carcinoma MDA-MB-435 cells. Removal of N-glycan at Asn633 dramatically affected E-cadherin stability. In this study we showed that E-cadherin mutant missing N-glycans at AsnS54, Asn566 and Asn618 failed to induce cell cycle arrest in Gt phase and to suppress cell proliferation in comparison with wild-type E-cadherin. Moreover, N-glycans at Asn554 and Asn566, but not at Asn618, seemed to be indispensable for E-cadherin-mediated suppression of cell cycle progression. Removal of N-glycans at either Asn554 or Asn566 of E-cadherin was accompanied with the activation of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase signaling pathway. After treatment with PD98059, an inhibitor of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase signaling pathway, wild-type E-cadherin transfected MDA-MB-435 and E-cadherin N-glycosylation-deficient mutant transfected MDA-MB-435 cells had equivalent numbers of cells in G1 phase. These rmdings implied that N-glycosylation might be crucial for E-cadherin-mediated suppression of cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Xie M  Liu XS  Xu YJ  Zhang ZX  Bai J  Ni W  Chen SX 《生理学报》2007,59(1):94-102
本研究旨在探讨细胞外信号调节激酶1/2(extracellular signal-regulated kinase,ERK1/2)信号通路在慢性哮喘模型大鼠支气管平滑肌细胞(bronchial smooth muscle cells,BSMCs)迁移能力改变中的调控作用。应用卵清蛋白致敏和雾化方法制备大鼠慢性哮喘模型,体外培养大鼠BSMCs,采用免疫荧光细胞化学、Western blot和RT-PCR方法检测ERK1/2信号通路的表达,分别用平面迁移实验和跨膜迁移实验来评价BSMCs的活动和趋向迁移能力,并比较用和不用ERK1/2信号通路干预剂的差异。Western blot结果显示慢性哮喘模型大鼠BSMCs中总ERK1/2(9.13±0.87)较对照组(4.68±0.59)明显增加,磷酸化ERK1/2(p-ERK1/2)占总ERK1/2的比值(0.55±0.05)较对照组(0.48±0.04)显著提高(n=10,P<0.01)。慢性哮喘组ERK1和ERK2 mRNA的表达(1.83±0.24和1.07±0.11)较对照组(0.58±0.14和0.51±0.12)明显增高(n=10,P<0.01)。在平面迁移实验中,慢性哮喘大鼠BSMCs的迁移最远距离是对照组的(2.9±0.1)倍,在ERK1/2激动剂表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor, EGF)刺激下增加到(5.0±0.2)倍,而在30μmol/L PD98059的作用后下降到(1.7±0.2)倍。正常对照大鼠BSMCs平面迁移能力对PD98059的反应较慢性哮喘组弱,仅在100μmol/L PD98059的作用下下降到(0.8±0.1)倍。跨膜迁移实验中,慢性哮喘大鼠BSMCs的跨膜迁移细胞是对照组的(1.9±0.1)倍,在EGF刺激下增加到(3.1±0.2)倍,而在30μmol/L PD98059作用后下降到(1.45±0.2)倍。这些结果表明慢性哮喘模型大鼠BSMCs的迁移能力明显增强,ERK1/2信号通路在该功能变化的调控中可能发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

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