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海南与西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以海南龙脑香热带雨林和西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林为研究对象,比较分析了这两种森林类型在树种多样性与组成、群落外貌及群落动态等方面的特征.结果表明:(1)在树种多样性和物种组成上,西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林的树种多样性高于海南龙脑香热带雨林;西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林的优势种为假海桐和望天树,与海南龙脑香热带雨林的优势种截然不同.(2)在群落外貌上,西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林的全缘叶和常绿植物的比例较低,而纸质叶植物和小型叶植物的比例较高,反映出西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林具有旱生的特点.(3)在群落动态上,树种频率分布和直径分布表明西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林是较为稳定的森林群落,而海南龙脑香热带雨林建群种单一,物种分布很不均匀,群落处于演替的初期阶段.  相似文献   

引种的龙脑香科植物对低温适应性的探讨   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
龙脑香科(Dipterocarpaceae)是东南亚热带植物区系中的一个优势科,属古热带的成分,有15个属580多种。由于这个科植物的热带性较强,有的学者往往把东南亚的一些地区是否有较多的龙脑香科植物的分布作为衡量是否为热带的标志之一,有的把这个科植物的分布在海拔上的上限作为平地热带雨林和山地雨林之间的近似分界线,有的则以我国龙脑香科植物十分贫乏为由而怀疑中国是否存在着真正的热带雨林。可  相似文献   

分别以白云山、帽峰山、莲塘风水林作为广州市区、城郊和郊区常绿阔叶林群落代表,分析其植物区系组成和多样性特征。结果显示,广州帽峰山常绿阔叶林群落种类最丰富,维管束植物有87科155属212种,优势科为茜草科、大戟科、樟科、禾亚科、芸香科、紫金牛科、壳斗科;白云山维管束植物有72科121属168种,优势科为茜草科、樟科、桑科、禾亚科、大戟科、冬青科;而莲塘风水林森林群落有55科88属102种,优势科为茜草科、樟科、大戟科。从属的地理分布区类型来看,三个群落皆以泛热带分布属的比例最高,其次为旧世界热带分布属和热带亚洲分布属,群落缺乏典型的热带成分,但具有南亚热带植物区系的基本特征。其中白云山的东亚分布类型有3属;帽峰山的东亚分布类型有4属,中国特有分布类型有1属;而莲塘风水林则没有东亚分布和中国特有分布类型。  相似文献   

江西九连山常绿阔叶林群落区系特征分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用群落生态学的方法对九连山常绿阔叶林的区系组成进行了分析。样地调查结果表明,群落内种类丰富,种子植物共有144科379属647种,其中裸子植物有6科8属9种,单子叶植物21科77属116种,双子叶植物117科294属522种。九连山常绿阔叶林群落的主要表征科为壳斗科、樟科、冬青科、蔷薇科、厚皮香科、山茶科、茜草科、桑科、大戟科等,且多为热带或亚热带科。从样地科的分布型统计看,热带、亚热带与温带成分属的比例为100∶62.8。从属的分布型统计看,有205属热带、亚热带地理分布类型;131属温带地理分布类型,35属世界广布类型和8属中国特有分布类型;热带、亚热带与温带成分的属比例为100∶63.9。九连山常绿阔叶林群落的标志种及其区系组成均较好地反映了本地区热带、亚热带区系成分的组合特征,对于九连山自然保护区天然常绿阔叶林的保护与发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

福建茫荡山黄枝润楠群落植物区系特点研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用典型调查与线路调查相结合的方法,对茫荡山自然保护区黄枝润楠群落的植物区系进行调查分析。结果表明,该群落植物种类丰富,区域性单种科和少种科、单种属和少种属、少属科和寡属科占优势;以樟科、山茶科、茜草科、蔷薇科、紫金牛科、桑科等为优势科;以润楠属、山茶属、冬青属、榕属等为优势属,以樟科、山茶科、桑科、紫金牛科、五加科、冬青科等为表征科。体现了该区系组成分散,优势科属明显,区系起源古老,具有华南植物区系的特征。  相似文献   

热带雨林这是分布在我国热带地区的一种森林类型,主要见于台湾、广东的海南岛东南部、广西南部、云南东南部海拔500—700米以下的山坡或沟谷。由于这类森林处于气温高(年均温22—26℃左右)、雨量充沛(年降雨量2000毫米以上)的生境条件下,树木生长高大、茂密,四季常绿。乔木层种类复杂,主要由桑科、大戟科、木兰科、龙脑香科等的热带植物区系组成。一般树高30—40米,树干挺直,树皮  相似文献   

云南的龙脑香林   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在云南省东南部、南部及西南部陆续发现了由龙脑香科树种所组成的森林,共分七类,其中三类是以龙脑香科树种为优势的单优林。本文概述了各类龙脑香林的分布、生境、组成、群落结构特征以及立木蓄积量和天然更新调查材料。通过比较,说明在组成成分、山地植被垂直带谱等方面,云南龙脑香林与邻近的亚洲热带雨林都是很接近的;而在云南的热带植被中,它们属于比较湿热的类型。 高大茂密的龙脑香林具有丰富的组成种类和很高的生产力,是我国珍贵的自然资源,应重视保护,并加强研究利用。建议在河口、马关县和绿春县李仙江地区再增设龙脑香林自然保护区。  相似文献   

西双版纳青梅林的群落学研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
朱华   《广西植物》1993,13(1):48-60
本文对分布在西双版纳勐腊县南部以龙脑香科植物版纳青梅为标志树种的热带森林作了群落学分析,认为它具有热带雨林的结构和基本特征,在性质上属于热带季节雨林。由于分布海拔偏高和生境特殊,它的上层乔木几乎常绿,在外貌上与望天树林和本地区典型的季节雨林有一定差异,在区系组成上向山地雨林过渡,它表现为一种季节雨林向山地雨林过渡的类型,同时也是一种热带北缘地区季节雨林的海拔极限类型。  相似文献   

海南铜铁岭热带低地雨林群落特征研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
根据样方调查的结果,分析了海南岛铜铁岭热带低地雨林群落的种类组成、区系成分、外貌特征和年龄结构.结果表明,在2600m2样方中,有维管束植物88科186属258种;优势科为番荔枝科、大戟科、茜草科、樟科、芸香科、桃金娘科等.区系地理成分可分为10种类型,热带分布的属占绝对优势,达94.89%.群落的生活型以高位芽为主,群落外貌主要由革质、单叶和中型叶为主的常绿阔叶林高位芽植物决定.群落成层现象明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层,乔木层可再划分为2~3个亚层.种群频度分布规律为A>B>C>D>E 按Raunkiaer将频度指数划分 ,属于A级的种类占优势,为总种数的70.54%,大部分种类具有10个以下个体.乔木径级分布呈金字塔形,小径级占优势.  相似文献   

肖云学  刘光裕 《广西植物》2021,41(5):843-852
龙脑香科植物广泛分布于热带亚洲,被认为是亚洲热带雨林的标志性物种.中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园从建园开始就注重龙脑香科植物的研究、收集与保护,并建立了龙脑香科植物专类园.经过几十年收集,现已成为我国龙脑香科植物重要的保育基地.该文结合历年的引种保育、物候及生长量观测等资料,系统整理了版纳植物园在龙脑香科植物引种保育和研...  相似文献   

西双版纳龙脑香林植物区系研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
朱华 《云南植物研究》1993,15(3):233-252

论滇南西双版纳的森林植被分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱华 《云南植物研究》2007,29(4):377-387
本文基于多年研究成果的总结,对西双版纳森林植被的分类、主要植被类型及其特征进行了系统归纳,并讨论了它们与世界类似热带森林植被的关系。以群落的生态外貌与结构、种类组成和生境特征相结合作为植被分类的原则和依据,可以将西双版纳的热带森林植被分类为热带雨林、热带季节性湿润林、热带季雨林和热带山地常绿阔叶林四个主要的植被型,包括有至少二十个群系。热带雨林包括热带季节雨林和热带山地(低山)雨林二个植被亚型。热带季节雨林具有与赤道低地热带雨林几乎一样的群落结构和生态外貌特征,是亚洲热带雨林的一个类型,但由于发生在季风热带北缘纬度和海拔的极限条件下,受到季节性干旱和热量不足的影响,在其林冠层中有一定比例的落叶树种存在,大高位芽植物和附生植物较逊色而藤本植物和在叶级谱上的小叶型植物更丰富,这些特征又有别于赤道低地的热带雨林。热带山地雨林是热带雨林的山地亚型,是该地区热带山地较湿润生境的一种森林类型,它在植物区系组成和生态外貌特征上类似于热带亚洲的低山雨林,隶属于广义热带雨林植被型下的低山雨林亚型。热带季节性湿润林分布在石灰岩山坡中、上部,在群落外貌上类似热带山地常绿阔叶林但在植物区系组成上与后者不同,它是石灰岩山地垂直带上的一种植被类型。热带季雨林是分布在该地区开阔河谷盆地及河岸受季风影响强烈的生境的一种热带落叶森林,是介于热带雨林与萨王纳之间的植被类型。热带山地常绿阔叶林(季风常绿阔叶林)是西双版纳的主要山地植被类型,它分布在热带季节雨林带之上偏干的山地生境。它在植物区系组成上不同于该地区的热带季节雨林,在生态外貌特征上亦不同于热带山地雨林,是发育在受地区性季风气候强烈影响的热带山地的一种森林植被类型。  相似文献   

ZHU Hua 《Plant Diversity》2007,29(4):377-387
Xishuangbanna of southern Yunnan is a region of extremely interest to biologists and also a hotspot for biodiversity conservation . It is located in a transitional zone from tropical Southeast Asia to temperate East Asia biogeographically. The present paper reviewed vegetation types of Xishuangbanna and suggested a revised classification system based on theupdated study results over the last two decades . By combining physiognomic and floristic characteristics with ecological performances and habitats , the primary forest vegetation in Xishuangbanna can be organized into four main vegetation types: tropical rain forest, tropical seasonal moist forest, tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest and tropical monsoon forest. The tropical rain forest can be classified into two subtypes , i. e. tropical seasonal rain forest in the lowlands and tropical montane rain forest on higher elevations. The tropical seasonal rain forest in this region shows similar forest profile and physiognomic characteristics to those of equatorial lowland rain forests and is a type of world tropical rain forest. Because of conspicuous similarity on floristic composition , the tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna is a type of tropical Asian rain forest . However , since the tropical seasonal rain forest occurs at the northern edge of tropical SE Asia, it differs from typical lowland rain forests in equatorial areas in maintaining some deciduous trees in the canopy layer , fewer megaphanerophytes and epiphytes but more abundant lianas and more plants with microphyll . It is a type of semi-evergreen rain forest at the northern edge of the tropical zone . The tropical montane rain forest occurs in wet montane habitats and is similar to the lower montane rain forests in equatorial Asia in floristic composition and physiognomy . It is a variety of lower montane rain forests at the northern tropical edges of tropical rain forests . The tropical seasonal moist forest occurs on middle and upper limestone mountains and is similar to the tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest of the region in physiognomy, but it differs from the latter in floristic composition. The monsoon forest in Xishuangbanna is a tropical deciduous forest under the influence of a strong monsoon climate and is considered to be a transitional vegetation type between tropical rain forest and savanna in physiognomy and distribution. The tropical montane evergreen broad- leaved forest is the main vegetation type in mountain areas . It is dominated by the tree species of Fagaceae , Euphorbiaceae , Theaceae and Lauraceae in majority. It differs from the tropical montane rain forests in lack of epiphytes and having more abundant lianas and plants with compound leaves . It is considered to be a distinct vegetation type in the northern margin of mainland southeastern Asia controlling by a strong monsoon climate, based on its floristic and physiognomic characteristics.  相似文献   

西双版纳片断热带雨林植物区系成分及变化趋势   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文以西双版纳地区的6个“龙山”片断热带雨林的植物物种多样性编目为基础,通过与同样类型的原始热带雨林的比较,探讨了片断热带雨林植物区系成分的变化。随着热带雨林的片断化,森林边缘效应和人为干扰加剧,阳性先锋植物和藤本植物等的侵入,导致这些先锋植物和藤本植物所属的科属在群落中的种数增多,优势度增大。而一些含喜荫湿的荫生植物、群落顶极树种及附生植物较多的科属则在群落中的种数减小了,优势度下降。在植物属的地理成分构成上,片断热带雨林中全热带分布和热带亚洲—热带非洲分布成分比例相对增高,而热带亚洲成分相对减少。在种的地理成分构成上,片断热带雨林中广域分布种比例相对增高,显示了与属的地理成分类似的变化。这也是森林片断化后,由于边缘效应和林内生境在一定程度上干暖化,喜光的先锋成分增多,而先锋成分大多为一些广域分布属种所致。  相似文献   

Species composition, physiognomy and plant diversity of the less known tropical montane forests in southern Yunnan were studied based on the data from 15 sampling plots in three sites. These forests are mainly dominated by the families Theaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae and Euphorbiaceae in floristic composition, and dominated by evergreen phanerophytes with mesophyllous leaves. These forests are similar to lower montane rain forests in equatorial southeastern Asia in floristic composition and altitudinal distributions, but differ in physiognomy by having few epiphytes, but more lianas and more plants with compound leaves. These differences could be due to strongly seasonal climate and so-called mass elevation effect in southern Yunnan. They also differ from the tropical seasonal rain forests at lower altitudes in southern Yunnan by having conspicuously lower species richness, few epiphytes, fewer mega-mesophanerophytes, more abundant micro-nanophanerophytes and hemicryptophytes and more plants with microphyllous leaves. It is suggested that these forests could be termed tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forests, and be a vegetation type from the northern margin of mainland southeastern Asia controlled by a strongly seasonal climate.  相似文献   

Hua Zhu  Min Cao  Huabin Hu 《Biotropica》2006,38(3):310-317
Xishuangbanna of southern Yunnan is biogeographically located at a transitional zone from tropical Southeast (SE) Asia to subtropical East Asia, and is at the junction of the Indian and Burmese plates of Gondwana and the Eurasian plate of Laurasia. The flora of the region consists of a recorded 3336 native seed plant species, belonging to 1140 genera in 197 families, among which 83.5 percent are tropical genera and 32.8 percent are endemic to tropical Asia, suggesting a strong affinity to tropical Asian flora. The vegetation of Xishuangbanna is organized into four forest types: tropical rain forest, tropical seasonal moist forest, tropical montane evergreen broad‐leaved forest, and tropical monsoon forest. The tropical rain forest in Xishuangbanna has the same floristic composition of families and genera as some lowland equatorial rain forests in SE Asia, and is dominated (with a few exceptions) by the same families both in species richness and stem dominance. The exceptions include some deciduous trees in the canopy layer, fewer megaphanerophytes and epiphytes, and a higher abundance of lianas and microphyllic plants. We consider the tropical rain forest of Xishuangbanna as a type of tropical Asian rain forest, based on their conspicuous similarities in ecological and floristic characteristics.  相似文献   

西双版纳龙脑香林只有与热带亚洲的龙脑香林完全一致的植物科的组成,绝大多数的属也与后者共有,特别是在乔木层的区系组成和数量特征上,二者很类似,表明西双版纳龙脑香林在植物区系性质上归属于热带亚洲龙脑香林,但为后者的一种北缘类型。与中国热带边缘地区的其它一些森林类型相比,西双版纳龙脑香林亦具有与它们基本一致的科的组成,但无论按在群落中的种数,按占科的世界区系百分比,还是按重要值指数,西双版纳龙脑香林中热带科均占有显著地位,并且包含有较高比例的热带亚洲分布属和种,故可认为它是中国热带北缘地区的森林类型中热带性强,在区系组成上接近热带亚洲龙脑香林而作为后者的一个部分的森林类型。  相似文献   

季节性雨林是广西南部北热带地区的地带性植被类型。本文主要介绍酸性土地区季节性雨林的类型, 记录了下列几个群系:1、以窄叶坡垒为主的季节性雨林;2、以擎天树为主的季节性雨林;3、以小叶红光树为主的季节性雨林;4、以风吹楠为主的季节性雨林;5、以嚜咛为主的季节性雨林;6、以紫荆木为主的季节性雨林;7、以橄榄为主的季节性雨林;8、以米老排为主的季节性雨林;9、以大果马蹄荷为主的季节性雨林;10、以红苞木为主的季节性雨林;11、以仪花为主的季节性雨林;12、以格木为主的季节性雨林;13、以翅子树为主的季节性雨林;14、以红鳞蒲桃为主的季节性雨林;并把已确定的群丛列举出来。  相似文献   

广西酸性土地区季节性雨林的分类研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
季节性雨林是广西南部北热带地区的地带性植被类型。本文主要介绍酸性土地区季节性雨林的类型, 记录了下列几个群系:1、以窄叶坡垒为主的季节性雨林;2、以擎天树为主的季节性雨林;3、以小叶红光树为主的季节性雨林;4、以风吹楠为主的季节性雨林;5、以咛为主的季节性雨林;6、以紫荆木为主的季节性雨林;7、以橄榄为主的季节性雨林;8、以米老排为主的季节性雨林;9、以大果马蹄荷为主的季节性雨林;10、以红苞木为主的季节性雨林;11、以仪花为主的季节性雨林;12、以格木为主的季节性雨林;13、以翅子树为主的季节性雨林;14、以红鳞蒲桃为主的季节性雨林;并把已确定的群丛列举出来。  相似文献   

The Global Legume Diversity Assessment (GLDA) proposes the legume family (Fabaceae or Leguminosae) – one of the largest and economically important plant families – as a target for a global botanical diversity assessment project. Where in the Neotropics and Africa legumes dominate the rain forest in terms of diversity and abundance, the Dipterocarpaceae claim this role in South East Asia and on Sundaland in particular. This raises the question whether legumes are an indicator for overall botanical diversity on Sundaland? To answer this question we use the largest compiled database of collection records of the region and species distribution modelling techniques. As a proxy for total botanical diversity we selected seven plant families; Dipterocarpaceae, Ericaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Myristicaceae, and Sapindaceae. Although the legumes were the most diverse family, the predictive power of legume diversity for overall botanical diversity was poor. This related to the fact that the other seven selected families largely represent trees, whereas legume species more equally represent all different growth forms. After assigning individual legume species to different growth habits (tree, liana, herb, miscellaneous) we were able to predict 78% of the variance in botanical diversity on Sundaland. The lianas represent the single growth habit that best predicted (66%) the variance in botanical diversity. The herb- and miscellaneous growth habits had an inverse relationship to botanical diversity. Legumes can be used as a predictor of overall botanical diversity in tropical and seasonal rain forests, but the relationship should be fitted for different biogeographic regions individually.  相似文献   

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