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The health status of rudd ( Scardinius erythrophthalmus hesperidicus H.) in Lake Vrana, the largest Croatian karstic lake, was evaluated. Studies comprising parasitological, haematological and bacteriological surveys were conducted over a 2-year period. Parasitological examination revealed a light infestation of 27% of the examined fish, mostly Dactylogyrus and Ichthyophthirius species. Haematological studies showed that haematocrit values were lower than the physiological limit. A haematocrit coefficient of correlation in all research periods was higher than 15%, indicating that the majority of fish in the study were susceptible to the development of bacterial and other diseases. Indeed, a diverse array of bacteria were isolated from rudd, mainly Flavobacterium spp. and Aeromonas spp., but also some specific fish pathogens, notably Pasteurella piscicida, Yersinia ruckeri , and Edwardsiella ictaluri , were identified. Under stress conditions, detected bacterial species can give rise to disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

The shallow Lake Vrana was studied over a 1-year period, special attention being paid to the phytoplankton. Phytoplankton was investigated monthly with respect to temporal variability of selected environmental factors. The regular annual development observed was in species contribution to total biomass rather than in seasonal changes in species composition. The assemblage was dominated by Cosmarium tenue Arch. and Synedra sp. In winter and in spring the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by Cosmarium tenue and high contribution of Synedra sp. was observed during the summer and autumn. Results suggest that concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus were critical in regulating phytoplankton biomass and species dominance.  相似文献   

Cerbin  S.  Balayla  D. J.  Van de Bund  W. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):111-117
Groundwater is a major influence on the hydrological, chemical and thermal regime of chalk streams in the southern U.K. However, little is currently known about the nature of the sediment delivery system within these chalk stream systems, even though sediment-related problems have been increasingly cited as a cause of habitat degradation and of declining salmonid stocks. To address this knowledge gap, suspended sediment fluxes were monitored at 4 sites within the Hampshire Avon catchment between February 1999 and August 2000. Maximum suspended sediment concentrations ranged from nearly 45 mg l–1 to 260 mg l–1. Over the study period, annual suspended sediment loads ranged from 644 to 6215 t yr–1 and annual specific sediment yields ranged from 1.4 to 12.5 t km–2 yr–1. The results show that, relative to other U.K. rivers, the study chalk streams are characterised by low suspended sediment concentrations and loads and less episodic behaviour.  相似文献   

Quantitative zooplankton sampling was carried out biweekly during 16 months in Lake Nyahirya, a Western Uganda crater lake. Six out of 24 rotifer species recorded from the lake were quantitatively important (Horaella brehmi, Brachionus angularis, B. caudatus, Keratella tropica, Filinia longiseta and F. opoliensis, and three others were common (Brachionus falcatus, Asplanchna sieboldi and Conochiloides natans). Rotifer peaks were correlated with rainy periods and relatively clear water, which coincide with the European spring and autumn. All species were able to deal with hypoxic conditions. A clear niche separation can be observed between different genera and between species of the same genus. The population dynamics of the rotifers seem to be ruled by repeated irregular environmental fluctuations. Rainfall appears to be a primary steering factor.  相似文献   

上海崇明岛明珠湖轮虫群落结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2008年1-12月上海市崇明岛明珠湖的综合调查资料,分析了明珠湖轮虫的数量分布、群落特征、种类组成、优势种及物种多样性.结果表明:本次调查共鉴定出轮虫27种,隶属于8科11属,优势种包括刺簇多肢轮虫、暗小异尾轮虫、萼花臂尾轮虫、未定名的旋轮属1种和剪形臂尾轮虫;轮虫生物密度的年均值为(1505.42±1304.63) ind·L-1,生物量年均值为(2.012±2.146) mg·L-1;明珠湖轮虫的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、丰富度指数和均匀度指数均较低,优势种的优势度指数较大,反映出明珠湖轮虫群落结构不稳定;其富营养种数/贫营养种数(E/O)的比值为1.61±1.46,臂尾轮虫属(B)种数和异尾轮虫属(T)种数的比值(QB/T)为1.23±0.84.影响明珠湖轮虫生态特征分布的主要因子是水温;目前明珠湖水质呈轻度富营养化.  相似文献   

G. G. Ganf 《Oecologia》1974,16(1):9-29
Summary Lake George, a shallow lake in western Uganda, supports a permanent and dense crop of phytoplankton, and may be regarded as eutrophic although the ambient concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus are low. The figures for the annual nutrient loadings (Viner and Smith, 1973) would suggest, however, a eutrophic lake when analysed on the scheme of eutrophication proposed by Vollenweider (1968).The horizontal distribution of chlorophyll a shows a concentric pattern, with the maximum values occurring towards the center. This horizontal variation is thought to reflect water movements, and a general pattern of water flow is proposed.The majority of the species show no seasonal variation but populations of both Anabaena and Melosira show annual variations. These two species also have a horizontal distribution pattern which is the reverse of other species. This pattern is used to support the proposed movements of water.Phytoplankton generation times are discussed in relation to the diurnal cycle occurring in Lake George.  相似文献   

Acoustic survey of a jellyfish-dominated ecosystem (Mljet Island,Croatia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acoustic techniques have been proposed as a new tool to assess jellyfish populations. However, the presence of mixed echoes from jellyfish and other organisms that share their distribution often prevent accurate estimates of their abundance and distribution being obtained. The isolated population of Aurelia inhabiting the Veliko Jezero (Big Lake-BL) of Mljet Island, in the South Adriatic Sea, offered a good opportunity to employ acoustic techniques to assess an entire jellyfish population. During October 2–5, 2006, combined video and acoustic methods were used in BL to determine the vertical distribution of medusae. Two synoptic acoustic surveys were performed during the day and night. In the daylight echograms, medusae were clearly discernible from the acoustic data, and their presence verified by video camera images, as forming a layer of varying density at and below the thermocline (15–30 m). The depth of the jellyfish layer also coincided with the depth of maximum dissolved oxygen concentration. The echointegration of these daylight data enabled quantification the Aurelia population, at a frequency of 120 kHz. In the night echograms, the acoustic signals of Aurelia were at least partially masked by pelagic and demersal fish, which disaggregated from schools and formed a layer associated with a strong thermocline at 15 m. An average target strength (TS) of −76.4 dB was obtained in situ corresponding to a mean length of 10.8 cm and a mean wet weight of 134 g measured from sampled medusae. These results were combined with echo-integration values to provide an estimate of 4,238,602 individuals and a biomass of 568 tons of Aurelia in BL. This study provided a synoptic view of Mljet Lake and illustrated the potential of acoustic surveys of jellyfish populations to contribute to ecosystems studies. Guest editors: K. A. Pitt & J. E. Purcell Jellyfish Blooms: Causes, Consequences, and Recent Advances  相似文献   

The species composition of the rotifer fauna of Lake Kud-Thing, Nong Khai Province, northeast Thailand was investigated in a monthly sampling program from January to December 1998. A remarkably rich rotifer community consisting of 183 taxa was recorded, including 32 new records to the Thai fauna. The most diverse genera were Lecane (23.5%), followed by Trichocerca (16.9%) and Lepadella (11.5%). Lecane isanensis n. sp. is described and figured. Thirteen species (Aspelta circinator, Collotheca tenuilobata, Lecane nelsoni, Lepadella benjamini, Lepadella eurysterna, Sinantherina ariprepes, Testudinella cf. insinuata, Trichocerca abilioi, Trichocerca inermis, Trichocerca montana, Trichocerca orca, Trichocerca rosea and Trichocerca simonei) are new to the Oriental region. Notably, the record of Trichocerca orca is the first since its discovery in New Zealand in 1913. The rotifers can be classified into three groups based on duration of appearance; (1) common, perennial; (2) uncommon, perennial; and (3) uncommon, sporadic species. The high species richness of rotifers, particularly members of the genera Lecane and Trichocerca, but low diversity of Brachionus together suggest that the lake is probably not eutrophicated.  相似文献   

In an earlier study we found that the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in Soda Lake, Nevada (USA) maintains extensive genetic variation for three isozymes. This variation was present both within and between different collections. No evidence was found that there was a seasonal succession of distinct electromorphs. In this paper we ask: is the genetic variation maintained by selective neutrality among electromorphs? Parthenogenetic females from ten clones representing seven different composite electromorphs were selected for life table analysis. Substantial main effects of genotype or interactions of genotype with experimental food quantities and temperatures, were found for the intrinsic rates of increase, net reproductive rates, and mean life spans of these clones. We conclude that these fitness differences permit us to reject the hypothesis that genetic variation is maintained because of selective neutrality among clones. Instead, it seems likely that directional selectional may be either too weak or of too brief a duration in Soda Lake for clonal exclusion to occur.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) and koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis) larvae in the limnetic zone of Lake Coleridge were determined using a high-frequency (200 KHz) echosounder. Planktonic bully larvae first appeared in appreciable numbers in January. By February, they formed a scattering layer between depths of 12 to 24 m during the day, where they achieved a maximum density of 0.59 fish m-3. Larger (> 18mm) fish migrated to the littoral zone and densities declined to < 0.01 fish m-3 by July, when remaining larval fish occupied greater daytime depths. Their vertical distribution during the day appeared to be influenced mainly by light levels and water temperatures. Larvae grew more slowly (0.12 mm d-1) than in more productive North Island lakes, and were also present in lower densities for a more restricted period of time. Koaro larvae first appeared in November and December and were found in low numbers (< 0.01 fish m-3) in summer at depths of 10 to 26 m. Salmonid production in the limnetic zone is probably limited by the small size and relative scarcity of forage fish present.  相似文献   

Lake kinneret is a subtropical monomictic lake characterized by a Pyrrhophyta-Chlorophyta assemblage, supplemented by Cyanophyta in some years. Concerning their abundance and seasonal occurrence, the phytoplanktonic algae belong to two groups: algae appearing in quantity at a definite annual period and algae present throughout the year. Four stages of algal succession occur in the lake. There is a marked periodicity in the phytoplankton composition with a high standing stock in winter-spring, due to the dinoflagellate water-bloom, and a low one during the summer months, related to the high stability of summer stratification. The annual succession at the species level has been an almost constant event in the lake for many years.The increase in nutrient concentrations in 1973 and 1974 increased the diversity and abundance of algae (except Peridinium) but did not lead to significant changes in algal succession. Conversely, the decrease of the zooplankton grazing pressure in 1975 and 1976 facilitated the development of algal maxima during summer-fall. They were caused by nanoplanktonic forms, and they developed without additional enrichment of nutrients. The algal abundance and diversity decreased. The years 1981 and 1982 were characterized by both an increase in phosphorus and a decrease in zooplankton. These conditions favored the concomitant abundance of many species and an increase of non-Pyrrhophyta biomass.  相似文献   

Coexistence of rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) clones in Soda Lake,Nevada   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Patterns of genetic variation among Brachionus plicatilis clones collected at different times from Soda Lake, Nevada (U.S.A.) were determined using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isozymes. Six of the eleven enzymes assayed were variable. Three of these — malic dehydrogenase (MDH), cholinesterase (CHO), and phosphoglucomutase (PMG) - were selected to screen the 138 clones established from the field collections. Each enzyme revealed variation both within and between field samples. Thirty-eight of the 100 potential composite electromorphs formed by combining isozyme variants were found in the 138 clones. A substantial amount of genetic variation is therefore present. Patterns of electromorph frequency change resembled those reported for cladocerans. No evidence was found for a seasonal succession of distinct electromorphs. We suggest that the B. plicatilis in Soda Lake constitute a single population.  相似文献   

Summary The island of Cres is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea. The island is built up of predominantly Cretaceous carbonates deposited in north-western part of extensive and long-lasting Adriatic Carbonate Platform. Owing to the influence of synsedimentary tectonics supported by eustatic changes during the latest Albian/Early Cenomanian, different sedimentary environments were established: from shallow intraplatform basin and related slope, across basin margin to protected shallow-platform. During the Early to Middle Cenomanian rudist communities (ichthyosarcolitid/caprinid/radiolitid)flourished along a relatively high-energy intraplatform basin margin. Fair amounts of coarse-grained bioclasts, derived almost exclusively from broken rudist shells, were deposited over a marginal depocenter. Contemporaneously, pithonellid wackestone-packstones containing microbioclasts and planktonic foraminifera were deposited basinward while marginal bioclastic sediments and limestone blocks of the basin margin origin were sporadically deposited within the basin. The opening of the Cres intraplatform basin was aborted and the basin was finally filled up during the Late Cenomanian. Since the Cres intraplatform basin was established at the beginning of the Cenomanian it probably represented the initiation phase in the north-western extension of the later Adriatic Trough development.  相似文献   

The species composition of rotifers in Lake Awasa was studied and 40 species recorded. Seven species appeared in large numbers in the plankton seasonally. Brachionus and Keratella species made up more than 50% of the rotifer community by numbers during the observation period (1983–1987). The standing stock numbers of rotifer species are low with a maximum of 50 individuals L–1, and some possible reasons for this observation are discussed. Most rotifer species are distributed randomly in the lake and show 3-fold fluctuations between consecutive days.The seasonal dynamics of most rotifer species are correlated with mixing periods in the lake, and the amplitude of seasonal fluctuation may be as high as 50-fold. Clear-cut seasonal succession of rotifer species was observed during the study period, but no consistent seasonal pattern for individual species was obvious. Also, observations indicate that rotifer biomass is partly sustained by availability of carbon through the bacterial pathway and that competitive exclusion for food by nauplii and ciliates probably keeps rotifer abundance low.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of phytoplankton is highly influenced by physical and chemical factors, but the knowledge about these aspects remain unknown in Colombian Amazon lakes. In this work, the relations between the physico-chemical variables and the vertical distribution of phytoplankton community of a clear water lake (Lake Boa) are analyzed. Samples were taken at every 30 cm from surface to bottom in the center of the lake at different times of the hydrological cycle. Phytoplankton transformed from a diluted community dominated by cyanobacteria in high waters to one with elevated abundance of coccal chlorophytes in low waters. In the low water phase, the vertical distribution of Cryptomonas spp., Peridinium cf. umbonatum and Chlamydomonas spp. had significant statistical associations with the redox potential (RP), reactive phosphorus (PO4), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) (p ≤ 0.05). During the flood stage the conditions were more varied and significant associations were detected between the vertical arrangement of Botryococcus braunii, Oscillatoria splendida, Dinobryon serturlaria, Euglena acus, and Trachelomonas volvocina with conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, temperature, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), PO4, RP, and ammonia (NH4). The vertical structure of the Lake Boa’s phytoplankton responds to annual changes produced by the flood pulse, and to the vertical environmental variations, which are stronger during the high water phase.  相似文献   

The morphological and phylogenetic diversity of the microscopic eukaryotes of the Lake Koronia water column was investigated during a mass kill of birds and fish in August–September 2004. The dominant morphospecies corresponded to the known toxin-producing species Prymnesium parvum , followed by Amoebidium sp., a taxon belonging to the group of parasitic Mesomycetozoea , and the common chlorophyte Pediastrum boryanum. Prymnesium exhibited heteromorphic life-cycle stages (flagellate and nonmotile coccoid cells). Phylogenetic analysis with 18S rRNA gene suggested that these heteromorphic stages belonged to the Platychrysis – Prymnesium monophyletic group. The most abundant phylotype was almost identical to P. boryanum . The fungal phylotypes were related to the Chytridiomycota , and the ciliate-like ones were closely related to Enchelys polynucleata and Pattersoniella vitiphila . Two phylotypes representing novel members belonging to the Jakobida and the Apicomplexa were also found. The microscopic eukaryotes of Lake Koronia include several organisms that are related to parasitic life modes.  相似文献   

P. N. Turner 《Hydrobiologia》1987,153(2):169-174
A new rotifer is described from among samples taken from coastal lakes in southeastern Brazil. Comparisons to related rotifers are made. This new animal belongs to the Hexarthra mira-intermedia species group by way of its general morphological configuration, the number of teeth in the trophi (5), and the two club-shaped caudal appendages (CSCA's). An extremely long dorsal antenna and very long setae extending from the bend in the ventro-lateral arm characterize this animal's speciation.  相似文献   

1. Diel diet and vertical distribution patterns of the larval instars of Chaoborus edulis were studied in deep water near the central part of Lake Malawi, Africa.
2. First instar larvae contained very little food in their crops and probably depended on reserves from the egg. Second, third and fourth instars fed on zooplankton and were size-selective in their feeding. The mean size of prey eaten by the three instars was significantly different from each other, with larger instars feeding on larger prey. Smallest available prey was selected against and the upper size of prey was probably constrained by larval gape. Nauplii were not found in any of several thousand larvae examined. Phytoplankton did not form a significant part of the diet.
3. There was a progressive and related increase in diel periodicity in feeding and vertical migrations of successive instar stages. Fourth instars migrated particularly large distances. Such migrations removed them from their zooplankton food supply but avoided predators. A refuge from predators is probably found in or near the permanent zero oxygen boundary, at depths greater than 200 m.  相似文献   

The day-time vertical distribution of different size classes ofLeptodora kindtii in Tjeukemeer was studied during two contrasting years: 1978 and 1979. During the first year (1978) the predation pressure exerted by the planktivorous fish was rather high, whilst this was ca. 15 times lower during 1979. The diel vertical migration of different size classes ofLeptodora, was studied twice during 1979. Both studies support the predator avoidance hypothesis and also emphasize the idea that diel vertical migration is a dynamic rather than a fixed behaviour trait within a population.  相似文献   

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